HomeSearchMy WebLinkAboutRes 2021-01-843 Melissa Take or PayRes 2021-01-844 380 Agreement with First Texas Homes, Inc.Res 2021-01-845 380 Agreement with Riverside (East) HomebuildersRes 2021-01-846 Fire Department Dispatch Services AgreementRes 2021-01-847 Initiating a Zoning Amendment to Planned Development 08-2002Res 2021-01-848 Woods at Lindsey Place Preliminary PlatRes 2021-01-849 GCEC Telecom AgreementRes 2021-01-850 Van Alstyne Take or Pay WaterRes 2021-01-851 Foster Crossing Roadway ImprovementRes 2021-01-852 Contract with Homerun Construction Services, LLC, of Midlothian TexasRes 2021-01-852 Homerun Construction Services, LLC, for Johnson ParkRes 2021-01-853 Easement Abandonment Anna Crossing 4BRes 2021-01-854 Roadway and Water Impact Fee Avery Pointe CommercialRes 2021-02-855 Golden Estates Development PlatRes 2021-02-856 Ornelas Place Development PlatRes 2021-02-857 Anna 455 Addition, Final PlatRes 2021-02-858 Anna 455 Addition, Site PlanRes 2021-02-859 Willow Creek Addition, Preliminary ReplatRes 2021-02-860 One Anna Two Addition, Preliminary PlatRes 2021-02-861 Anacapri Preliminary PlatRes 2021-02-862 ILA with County for Ambulance ServiceRes 2021-02-863 Service Agreement with Emergicon, LLCRes 2021-02-864 NTCOG Share ProgramRes 2021-02-865 STBG Anna and TxDOTRes 2021-02-866 Questcare Medical AgreementRes 2021-02-867 One-Year Extension of Primary Depository Bank Services Contract to Independent BankRes 2021-03-868 Preliminary Plat for the Villages of Hurricane Creek -NorthRes 2021-03-869 JP Harris Addition Block A Lot 3 ReplatRes 2021-03-870 NTM Masonry Estates Block A Lot 1 Development PlatRes 2021-03-871 Covarrubias Addition Block A Lots 1-4 Minor PlatRes 2021-03-872 Fairchild Addition Block A Lot 1 Minor PlatRes 2021-03-873 Preliminary Plat for One Anna Two Addition, Block B, Lots 3 and 4Res 2021-03-874 Preliminary Plat for Rosamond Sherley Elementary School Addition, Block A, Lot 1Res 2021-03-875 Purchase Order for the Emergency Rehabilitation of Water Well 4Res 2021-03-876 Purchase Orders for the Purchase of Firefighter EquipmentRes 2021-03-877 Lease Agreement for the Temporary Use of City Facilities with CARDS Dallas, IncorporatedRes 2021-03-878 Economic Development Incentive Policy to Promote Economic DevelopmentRes 2021-03-879 Anna Public Improvement District (PID) PolicyRes 2021-03-880 Revised Preliminary Plat for the Villages of Hurricane Creek Phases 1B, 2, and 3Res 2021-03-881 Agreement for Professional Engineering Servies as Shown in Exhibit ARes 2021-03-882 Extension of the Interlocal Agreement for Facility Construction and Use of an Animal Shelter in Collin CountyRes 2021-03-883 Accepting the Fiscal Year 2020 Financial Audit of the City of AnnaRes 2021-03-884 VOIDEDRes 2021-03-885 Conditional Agreement Regarding Services Related to Annexation of a 27.809 Acre Tract of LandRes 2021-04-886 Final Plat of Buzz Center Addition, Block A, Lots 1 and 2Res 2021-04-887 Site Plan of Buzz Center Addition, Block A, Lots 1 and 2Res 2021-04-888 Anacapri, Phase 1A, Final PlatRes 2021-04-889 Shadowbend, Phase 2, Final PLatRes 2021-04-890 Site Plan of Pecan Grove, Phase 2 Block M, Lot 1Res 2021-04-891 Site Plan of Rosemond Sherley Elementary Addition, Block A, Lot 1Res 2021-04-892 Naming "Henry Clay 'Yank' Washington Park"Res 2021-04-893 Naming "Baldwin Park"Res 2021-04-894 Task Order with Birkhoff, Hendricks, & Carter, LLC, for Engineering Design ServicesRes 2021-04-895 Creation of the Anna Housing Finance CorporationRes 2021-04-896 Design of Utility Relocation on US 75 NorthRes 2021-04-896 Task Order by Birkhoff Hendricks & CarterRes 2021-04-897 East Fork Estates, Lot 24, ReplatRes 2021-04-898 Revised Concept Plan for Waterview, Block A, Lot 1Res 2021-04-899 Agreement for Professional Engineering Services with Kimley HornRes 2021-04-900 Purchase Orders for the Rehabilitation of CR 371 with WOPAC Construction, Inc.Res 2021-04-901 2021-2026-2036 Strategic PlanRes 2021-04-902 Anna Governance Guide 2021Res 2021-04-903 Texas Home Collaborative to Issue Bonds to Finance Facilities in Anna, TexasRes 2021-04-904 Purchase Orders for the Rehabilitation of CR 367 with Wopac Construction, Inc.Res 2021-04-905 Final Plat of Medina's Addition, Block A, Lots 1 & 2Res 2021-05-906 R.D. Brown Addition, Block A, Lot 1, Development PlatRes 2021-05-907 Feagan Estates, Block A, Lot 1, Development PlatRes 2021-05-908 Godinez Estates, Block A, Lot 1, ReplatRes 2021-05-909 Janis Addition, Block A, Lot 1, Development PlatRes 2021-05-910 Final Plat of One Anna Two Addition, Block B, Lots 3 & 4Res 2021-05-911 Site Plan of One Anna Two Addition, Block B, Lots 3 & 4Res 2021-05-912 Site Plan of Shadowbend, Phase 1, Block G, Lot 1XRes 2021-05-913 Preliminary Plat for Sweet Cow AdditionRes 2021-05-914 Preliminary Plat for Waterview, Block A, Lot 1Res 2021-05-915 Anna Crossing, Phase 4B, Block C, Lots 15R, 20R, 21R, ReplatRes 2021-05-916 Solid Waste Pass-Through Grant Program from TCEQRes 2021-05-917 Resolution Determining Costs - McCall Parkhurst & HortonRes 2021-05-918 Resolution for a Creation Hearing - McCall Parkhurst & HortonRes 2021-05-919 Renewal of the Interlocal Dispatch Services Agreement with Collin CountyRes 2021-05-920 Renewing the Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with Collin CountyRes 2021-06-921 Riley Estate Development Plat, Block A, Lot 1Res 2021-06-922 2380 W FM 455 Addition, Block A, Lot 1, Development PlatRes 2021-06-923 Final Plat of West Crossing, Phase 10Res 2021-06-924 Final Plat of Waterview, Block A, Lot 1Res 2021-06-925 Site Plan of Waterview, Block A, Lot 1Res 2021-06-926 Purchase of a Fire Ladder TruckRes 2021-06-927 Replat of Anna High School #1 Addition, Block 1 Lot 1Res 2021-06-928 Revised Site Plan of Anna High School #1 Addition, Block 1, Lot 1Res 2021-06-929 Final Plat of One Anna Two Addition, Block B Lots 1 & 2Res 2021-06-930 Site Plan of One Anna Two Addition, Block B, Lots 1 & 2Res 2021-06-931 2021 TML Annual Conference and ExhibitionRes 2021-06-932 2021 TML Newly Elected Officials OrientationRes 2021-06-933 Agreement with WOPAC Construction, Inc., for Reconstruction of W. 3rd StreetRes 2021-06-934 Extension of Agreements with Collin County for Animal Control ServicesRes 2021-07-935 Amending Authorized Representatives with Texpool to Add Holly Kellen, Accounting ManagerRes 2021-07-936 Luscombe Estates Block A Lot 1 Development PlatRes 2021-07-937 Final Plat of West Crossing, Phase 12Res 2021-07-938 Final Plat of Anna Crossing, Phase 8Res 2021-07-939 Preliminary Plat For Meadow Vista, Phase 1BRes 2021-07-940 Master Agreements for Professional Services Including Architectural Design, Design-Build, etc.Res 2021-07-941 East Fork Estates, Lots 8R1 & 8R2, ReplatRes 2021-07-942 Preliminary Private Placement Memorandum for the Sale of Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2021Res 2021-07-943 Preliminary Limited Offering Memorandum for the Sale of Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2021Res 2021-07-944 Sale of Real Property to the Texas Department of Transportation for the Widening of State Highway 5Res 2021-07-945 Amending the Economic Development Incentive PolicyRes 2021-07-946 Purchase of a Software as a Service (SAAS) for Enterprise Asset Management, Permit, Code Enforcement, etc.Res 2021-07-947 Addendum to Service Agreement for Ambulance Billing Services with Emergicon, LLCRes 2021-07-948 Authorizing Participation in a Texas Municipal League Health BenefitsRes 2021-07-949 Tower Site License Agreement with Skybeam, LLCRes 2021-07-950 Adopting a Conditional Agreement Regarding Services Related to Annexation of a 39.7+ Acre Tract of LandRes 2021-07-951 Master Agreements for Professional Services Including Engineering, Land Surveying, Materials Testing, etc.Res 2021-07-952 Purchase Orders for the Rehabilitation of Taylor Boulevard with WOPAC Construction, Inc.Res 2021-08-954 Interlocal Agreement for Jail Services with Collin CountyRes 2021-08-955 Interlocal Agreement for Emergency Dispatch Services Between Collin CountyRes 2021-08-956 Approving a Revised Preliminary Plat for the Villages of Hurricane Creek -NorthRes 2021-08-957 Approving a Preliminary Replat for One Anna Two Addition, Block A, Lots 3R &4.Res 2021-08-958 Approving a Site Plan of Willow Creek Addition, Phase 1B, Block G, Lot 1RRes 2021-08-959 Approving a Site Plan of Hometown Liquor Addition, Block A, Lot 1Res 2021-08-960 Naming the Date and Place of a Public Hearing on the FY2021-2022 BudgetRes 2021-08-961 Naming the Proposed Tax Rate the Council may Adopt for the 2021 Tax YearRes 2021-08-962 Agreement with City Attorney for Legal ServicesRes 2021-08-963 Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Budget for the Anna Community Development CorporationRes 2021-08-964 Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Budget for the Anna Economic Development Corporation aRes 2021-08-965 Amending the Employee Compensation and Classification Plan and Providing for a Compensation PhilosophyRes 2021-08-966 Texas Opiod Abatement Fund Council & Settlement Allocation Term SheetRes 2021-08-967 Settlement Between Atmos Steering Committee and Atmos EnergyRes 2021-08-968 Development Agreement with LHJH Properties, LYD, Relating to Development & DesignRes 2021-08-969 Authorizing The City Manager To Purchase Cyber SecurityNetwork Upgrades From CDW-GovernmentRes 2021-08-970 Approval of a Special Event Permit To Elden Baker & Anna Area Historical PreservationRes 2021-08-971 Approving Formation of Anna Public Facility Corporation; Authorizing the Form of the Articles of Incorporation and BylawsRes 2021-08-972 Approving a Concept Plan for Anna RanchRes 2021-08-973 Temporary Use of City Facilities by CARDS Dallas, Inc.Res 2021-08-974 Conditional Agreement Regarding Services to Annexation of a 289.751 Acre Tract of LandRes 2021-08-975 Collin County for Animal Sheltering ServicesRes 2021-08-976 Expansion of Collin Water Pump Station ProjectRes 2021-08-977 Contract for Solid Waste and Recycling Services with CARDSRes 2021-08-978 Approving A Concept Plan For Villages of Hurricane Creek NorthRes 2021-09-979 Sherley PID Agreement Improvement Area No. 1Res 2021-09-980 ILA Sherley PID Agreement Major Improvement AreaRes 2021-09-981 Ratifying the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Annual BudgetRes 2021-09-982 CR289 Addition, Block A, Lot 1, Development PlatRes 2021-09-983 Wann Estate Development Plat, Block A, Lot 1Res 2021-09-984 Seekamp Estate, Block A, Lot 1, Development PlatRes 2021-09-985 455-75 Business Addition ReplatRes 2021-09-986 455-75 Business Addition Site PlanRes 2021-09-987 Anacapri Ph1AFinal PlatRes 2021-09-988 Anacapri Ph1B Final PlatRes 2021-09-989 Anna Crossing Ph 1C- Final PlatRes 2021-09-990 Ferguson-White Addition, Block A, Lots 1, 2 & 3 Preliminary PlatRes 2021-09-991 Victoria Falls Center Addition, Block A, Lots 1R & 5R, ReplatRes 2021-09-992 Victoria Falls Center Addition, Block A, Lot 5R Site PlanRes 2021-09-993 Cedar Ridge Estates Preliminary PlatRes 2021-09-994 Sale of Real Property Acquired at a Delinquent Tax Foreclosure SaleRes 2021-09-995 Development Agreement with East Foster, LLCRes 2021-09-996 Development Agreement with Anna Town Center Mixed Use, LLC (NE Corner of Finley Boulevard & Florence Way)Res 2021-09-997 Development Agreement with Anna Town Center Mixed Use, LLC (SE Corner of Finley Boulevard & Florence Way)Res 2021-09-998 Concept Plan for Anna Crossing Phase 1CRes 2021-09-999 Concept Plan for Parmore-AnnaRes 2021-09-X1000 Concept Plan for The Grand at Anna Town SquareRes 2021-09-X1001 Roadway Impact Fee Reimbursement Agreement with Anna Crossing AMC, LimitedRes 2021-10-1003 Multifamily Revenue Bonds or Notes with Respect to Palladium East Foster CrossingRes 2021-10-1004 No Objection to the Palladium East Foster Crossing Multifamily DevelopmentRes 2021-10-1005 Nominating Candidate(s) for the Board of Directors for Election of CCADRes 2021-10-1006 Development Agreement with Anacapri Laguna Azure, LLCRes 2021-10-1007 Mercer Estate Development PlatRes 2021-10-1008 Anna Retail Addition, Blk A Lot 5 Site PlanRes 2021-10-1009 Anna Crossing Municipal, Blk A, Lots 1 & 2, Final PLatRes 2021-10-1010 Cox Addition, Blk A, Lots 1 & 2, ReplatRes 2021-10-1011 Anna Retail Addition, Blk A, Lots, 3, 4 & 5, Preliminary ReplatRes 2021-10-1012 Villages of Hurricane Creek North, Phase 1, Final PlatRes 2021-10-1013 Villages of Hurricane Creek North, Phase 1A, Final PlatRes 2021-10-1014 Villages of Hurricane Creek Ph 1B Final PlatRes 2021-10-1015 One Anna Two Addition, Blk A, Lots 3R & 4, ReplatRes 2021-10-1016 One Anna Two Addition, Blk A, Lot 3RRes 2021-10-1017 Walnofer Addition, Blk A, Lot 2R, ReplatRes 2021-10-1018 Whiterock Subdivision, Blk A, Lots 1-5, Preliminary PlatRes 2021-10-1019 Agreement with Project Advocates for Due Diligence Services on the Anna Public LibraryRes 2021-10-1020 First Amended and Restated Roadway Impact Fee Reimbursement Agreement with LGI Homes-Texas, LLCRes 2021-10-1021 Amended and Restated Incentive Agreement with Anna Village Residential, LTD.Res 2021-10-1022 The Villages of Hurricane Creek, Phase 1, Blk K, Lots 19R, 20-23, 3X, & 24X, ReplatRes 2021-10-1023 Anacapri Phase 1C, ReplatRes 2021-10-1024 Camden Parc, Phase 5, ReplatRes 2021-10-1025 Vaquero DG Westminister Partners, L.P., Incentive AgreementRes 2021-10-1026 Vaquero DG Westminister Addition, Blk A, Lot 1Res 2021-10-1027 Parmore Addition, Blk A, Lot 1, Preliminary PlatRes 2021-10-1028 Approving Amendments to the City of Anna Personnel Policy ManualRes 2021-10-1029 Termination of a Temporary Drainage EasementRes 2021-10-1030 Quail Creek Run Place, Phase 2, Preliminary ReplatRes 2021-10-1031 Notice of Intent to Establish a Program Under the Texas "PACE" Act of 2013Res 2021-10-1032 Agreement Regarding Services Related to Annexation of 24.82+ Acre Tract of LandRes 2021-10-1033 Approving Coyote Meadows Development AgreementRes 2021-10-1034 Chamber of Commerce's Christmas Parade - Agreement with State for Road ClosureRes 2021-11-1035 Lazy S Acres Blk A, Lt 1, Development PlatRes 2021-11-1036 Turner Addition Blk A, Lots 1, 2 & 3, Final PlatRes 2021-11-1037 Villages of Hurricane Creek, Ph 2, Final PlatRes 2021-11-1038 The Vaquero DG Westminster Addition, Blk A, Lot 1, Final PlatRes 2021-11-1039 The Vaquero DG Westminster Addition, Blk A, Lot 1, Site PlanRes 2021-11-1040 Anna/121 Land Holdings Addition, Blk A, Lt 1, Final PlatRes 2021-11-1041 Anna/121 Land Holdings Addition, Blk B, Lt 1, Final PlatRes 2021-11-1042 Rehab CR 419 with Wopac ConstructionRes 2021-11-1043 Agreement with GACC for Christmas ParadeRes 2021-11-1044 Jurado Estates Blk A, Lots 1 & 2, Final PlatRes 2021-11-1045 PACE Program EstablishmentRes 2021-11-1046 PACE Services AgreementRes 2021-11-1047 Setting PH for TIRZRes 2021-11-1048 Setting PH for TIRZRes 2021-11-1049 Setting PH for TIRZRes 2021-11-1050 SIA Anna ISD for Sherley Elementary SchoolRes 2021-11-1051 CAD BOD Votes for Brian MantzeyRes 2021-12-1052 Avery Pointe Blk A Lots 1R, 2R & 3 ReplatRes 2021-12-1053 Buzz Center Addn Blk A, Lt 1 & 2, Update Final PlatRes 2021-12-1054 Buzz Center Addn Blk A, Lt 1 & 2, Update Site PlanRes 2021-12-1055 Meadow Vista, Ph 1, Final PlatRes 2021-12-1056 Senter Est, Blk A, Lt1, Devel PlatRes 2021-12-1057 Advantage Self Storage Addn, Blk A, Lt 3R, Site PlanRes 2021-12-1058 Clementine Addn, Blk A, Lt 1, Final PlatRes 2021-12-1059 Deer Springs Est, Blk A, Lt 1, Devel PlatRes 2021-12-1060 Parmore- Anna Blk A, Lt 1, Site PlanRes 2021-12-1061 Parmore-Anna Blk A, Lt1, Final PlatRes 2021-12-1062 Anna Elementary No 3, Blk 1, Lts 1R& 2, ReplatRes 2021-12-1063 Anna Elementary No 3, Blk 1, Lts 1R & 2, Revised Site PlanRes 2021-12-1064 Anna Retail Addn, Blk A, Lts 3, 4, & 5 ReplatRes 2021-12-1065 Anna Storage Addn, Blk A, Lt 1, Final PlatRes 2021-12-1066 Anna ISD Park Addn, Blk A, Lt1R, ReplatRes 2021-12-1067 Anna ISD Park Addn, Blk A, Lot 1R, Revised Site PlanRes 2021-12-1068 Development Agree with Q Seminole Multi-family RedisenceRes 2021-12-1069 Interlocal Agreement between Anna, Melissa Howe and Van Alstyne water GTUARes 2021-12-1070 Utility Maintenance Equipment $231,675.52Res 2021-12-1071 Reject Bids on Train DisplayRes 2021-12-1072 ROW 2,420 Acres and .213 acresRes 2021-12-1073 Roadway Inpact Fee Reimb Agree with Risland MantuaRes 2021-12-1074 Personnel Policy UpdateRes 2021-12-1075 Ferguson-White Add Blk A, Lot 1 Site PlanRes 2021-12-1076 Approving a Final Plat of Ferguson-White Addition, Block A, Lots 1, 2, & 3Res 2021-12-1077 Crystal Park Development Agreement (Bloomfield Homes)Res 2021-12-1078 Agreement For Professional Services by and between City and 720 Design Inc.Res 2021-12-1079 Executing and Approving Change Order with Lee Lewis ConstructionRes 2021-12-1080 Purchase Orders for Rehab of Sherley Hist. Water Tower To Maguire Iron Incorp