HomeSearchMy WebLinkAboutRes 2007-01-01 Establishing Public Hearing Dates-Urban CrossingRes 2007-01-02 Establishing the Population.pdfRes 2007-01-03 Establishing Public Hearing Dates-Autozone-pdf.pdfRes 2007-02-01 Adopting Revisions to the Personnel Policy Manual-Sect. 12.01.pdfRes 2007-02-02 Expressing Official Intent to Reimburse Costs.pdfRes 2007-02-03 Directing Publication of Notice of Intent to Issue CO.pdfRes 2007-02-04 Establishing Public Hearing Dates Annexation of property along 455 West.pdfRes 2007-02-05 Annexation Establishing Public Hearing Dates City Property along 455 West.pdfRes 2007-02-06 Adopting Revisions to Anna Personnel Policy Manual.pdfRes 2007-03-01 Approving Submission of Projects for 2007 CC Bond Program.pdfRes 2007-04-01 Supporting a Pro-Business Environment.pdfRes 2007-04-02 Regarding House Bill 2655.pdfRes 2007-05-01 Authorizing and Creating a PID-Anna Ranch.pdfRes 2007-05-02 Canvassing May 12, 2007 General ElectionRes 2007-07-01 ILA Environmental Health Care Services.pdfRes 2007-07-02 Establishing a Dress Code for City Council Members and the Mayor.pdfRes 2007-07-03 Suspending the July 30, 2007 Effective Date of the Proposal by ATMOS Energy Corp.pdfRes 2007-09-01 Prescribing a Schedule Closed Meetings and Open Mtgs.pdfRes 2007-09-02 Nominating Candidates for the Board of Directors for the Central Appraisal DistrictRes 2007-10-01 Supporting CC Bond Election Nov. 6, 2007.pdfRes 2007-10-02 Supporting CC Transportation Bond Committee.pdfRes 2007-10-03 Setting Public Hearing Dates Tower SGWS.pdfRes 2007-10-04 Suspending Effective Date Rate Schedulaes ATMOS.pdfRes 2007-10-05 Authorizing Joining ATMOS Cities Steering Committee.pdfRes 2007-10-06 Procedure for Request for Legal Services Sought by CC Members.pdfRes 2007-10-07 Dedicating 1.6 Acres of Parkland-Slater Creek Open Space.pdfRes 2007-11-01 Seeking Volunteers for a Grant Proposal Writers.pdfRes 2007-11-02 Casting Ballots for BOA for CCAD.pdfRes 2007-12-01 Approving Articles of Incorp and Bylaws of Cities Aggregation Power Proj.pdfRes 2007-12-02 Authorizing City Manager to Execute Contracts for Electrical Services