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Res 99-001 Resolving the Amount Due to the General Fund from the Water Fund for Fiscal Year 1997-98
Res 99-002 Water System Improvement Project Greater Texas Utility Authority
Res 99-003 Funding Through the Texas Department of Economic Development Capital Fund Program
Res 99-004 Citizen Participation Plan - Grievance Procedures
Res 99-005 Establishing Rules & Regulations Regarding the Use of Excess force During Nonviolent Civil Rights Demonstrations- TCDP Contract #716029
Res 99-006 Establishing Rules & Regulations Regarding the Use of Excessive Force During Nonviolent Civil Rights Demonstrations- TCDP Contract #717021
Res 99-007 Filing of a Texas Community Development Program Application
Res 99-008 1999 Texas Capital Fund Program Improvements Projects Signatories
Res 99-008 Articles of Incorporation of the Anna Community Development Corporation
Res 99-009 Designating November 1999 as Fair Housing Month
Res 99-010 Application for Funding- Texas Department of Economic Development Texas Capital Fund Program