HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2021-04-904 Purchase Orders for the Rehabilitation of CR 367 with Wopac Construction, Inc.CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. L: OIL try - N A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THE REHABILITATION OF COUNTY ROAD 367 FROM FERGUSON PARKWAY TO WEST OF OLIVE LANE TO WOPAC CONSTRUCTION, INCORPORATED IN THE AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED THIRTY-SEVEN THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED FIFTEEN DOLLARS AND NINETY-SIX CENTS ($37,615.96); AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE, WHEREAS, County Road 367 (Taylor Boulevard) is identified as a capital roadway maintenance project in the City of Anna, Texas; and, WHEREAS, County Road 367 is identified as a mutual boundary road with maintenance responsibilities for both the City of Anna and Collin County; and, WHEREAS, the City of Anna is seeking to partner with Collin County to perform major rehabilitation of the road from Ferguson Parkway to Olive Lane; and, WHEREAS, Wopac Construction, Incorporated has a current contract with Collin County for road paving improvements; and, WHEREAS, the City of Anna is utilizing the Collin County contract with Wopac Construction, Incorporated in accordance with the Collin County Purchasing Program; and, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS THAT: Section 1. Recitals Incorporated The recitals above are incorporated herein as if set forth in full for all purposes. Section 2. Authorization of Payment and Funding. That the City Council of the City of Anna hereby authorizes the City Manager to execute purchase orders in an amount not to exceed $37,615.96 to Wopac Construction, Incorporated for the rehabilitation of County Road 367. That funding for the project shall come from the Street Maintenance Sales Tax fund. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas on this��n day of April 2021. 1, (Z" [tea City Secretary, Carrie L. Smith APPROVED: Mayor) Nate Pike WOPAC ConSL, Inc, P.O. Rox 819 Prospc-, TX. IVii8 9l2 562 8316 O 593-433-2123 F 469-525-0827 M adn rnlearhwolNcC9anl. mm vmvcwopacconst con QuoteTo: City of Anna 111 N. Powell Pkwy Anna, TX. 75409 Limate Estimate No: 1954 Hate: 4/7/2021 lA1QpAC co�vsrRucrro�vivc WOPAC Contstruction, Inc. hereinafter called the company, offers to furnish all labor, materials and equipment required for the performance of tho following described work. Job and Location: Two Course Ctlipseal Paving on CR 367 Item Description Quantity Unit Rate Amount 1 Install Two Course Chipseal Paving using Grade 3 Rock for bottom course and Grade 4 Rock 7182E SF S1.1 $791011.90 for top course at average width of 23It, Oeo CITY PORTION: $37,615.96 COUNTY PORTION: $41,395.94 GRAND TOTAL $79,011.90 By: Wopac Const. Inc. N N 71 007`7 c _ in a „. ga N 5� ■ r o� �■If ��21 F'�' o LNt: UOUIT"Y tNpG.;drtst'riiGtivn, itip,, p0 ttox. 19 E'�Aspei'i "PX;7�Q7� t3�:;Awarc(: of.tF6 2Q1.$�QO�;. Gi�neral ftdad Maintenance Daar.MC; L:e�i;fr: t)ffice of the Pu.rahaslr)g Ageit : 2:3Qo.131oa.mdale Rood SuIt�:3�6.0 MoKinneyi. Texas:75071., WW,.00ilinoqunfytX,Auv tliit: qunty f�as;aw .Qp: t 'truGttpn, inp, ategorl 2,.3 ... W of {... W.. da �v� rafarenceci licitati n'ta your compari per Court Order W 2018.3$3�OS�1.�1. It is un tgrstt�6d: ep terms; cbndittons: and p* tceS` I lae:.l#eid ffrM,.as pdr ynilrresponse tip trio solicitation, :This is eft aht�ual fjxdd..pride. obnttaet,'The:contract term ntlniies fdra arti{ i) yt3rr term cpntfG.t Comm°enclngn ttie, date: of awarcl:.The County wpl have: the right: anrt: fion t :exi-- ... he.tarrrt bf;tli®•coi�tractiortwo°(2) eddltiondi ar)e (1) year periods,upon the sainpterimand nditiortsi. The County wiliaisp trava ttie.r#ght antf:option fa terminate tha contract upon thirty{3t)).tlays written: Thfs;fs a..rioilfic.�ti�n:only;:puC�hase _ordefs'w)il`I;e:issued an an es':naeded.taasis.. The ds�#ivEry a�di�ess'fa� tiftiers wtll b:e printed gn:eaet:purcl5ese;nrddr::issued: i?ef.:AiiiCle'.3:t; of tlie:specitiCatiotjs, piea5e subniit:you►' insiatarice peitificate',tr1dlG@ring.iha rpqulred cgvera�e wiffiin.�eiicli3ys::P r:4 I5 4f fit'e sp,W%O aatians; H e:purchase order;requir�s.=Ej Payment attdlor.Perfarr#iai ee q:and ih acpordance with:Ghapt r 2 3: of: the `texas > oyetnrine►it: Code,:'t# a blind(a):rttust`t e'provjded In the arttounf of 1q0"I¢ Of ttie pUrahase ordsr,.total irvlthtn ten:{10).hays..(f a MO iOtenance:Bond is required, it`must:be p'ro dbd in l%amount of.ten• percent (id /oj cif°the:purctiese erdsr toter wittiin:terr.(1Q) days. A; purchase: jorde at is Cequlted _far. ail piQduoti. ar;a$rvices ordered. tea `ita#deliver any°_products or perfarrii. ally &erviCeS without :a pgrctiesa order, titvaices°.s6riifd:b�shrria#led:to tiia.Gatlln Coun#yAuititor's°.afftco ata0coJ,y,#.gpgyai�)g(a�catlinaountvix.aov; titense, etisure'.4tiai.tfia:'eppr�jirtete purGkiaso.4ira�t number ts,on ail`:invdlges. thta t9tte6 as indicated below, erid e4n6il it is Gina Zimniel at td� t�72�548-+#69� pATE� 81diJRTUii6 ' YIY E "' Tl)enk-,yoga. for �,Qur. Mores# in.$eiying. our ng�Is, INa: took .farvuard to a' successful business reletlbnship. If you itaYe anY.f[irtlter que�tipns, please.coritact iris: 8t 972-64t3.4" 119. iricaraly; Dina �'mr�el' Buyer:il Copyao: Fi'Ifl aum� MaintenanceAuthority �������'C�yLimifs Sireefs Cry ��I�Y��r ETJ Parcels — CouurylShaied Taylor Blvd PttistrAAyi1011 b"rA.YaU�.ire LrP�I�iirdarist�ri�iladreF,kSPu�ilYo-'alk�irRAn�d D EUVERThpv xtisPfrrm.lndpip; 3YJnalr.1b:1et:rn rKrn [.-ratavrt3t'eN*,eVakq,asreApipmkQesrcdrepWartrt arlsmvjrdqwtsrnyft pingerbekettadKcoibv&k s. RoA VarbAekto6h guyMjColdakjRWDbL31%