HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDCRes2018.03.01Exhibit A 43y M1111impli 01:53:46 PA 01 ' 15 GF23650 AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION and CITY OF AMA Po Rex 17-76 iu,ja► TX-154109 "NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY RIGHTS: IF YOU ARE A NATURAL PERSON, YOU MAY REMOVE OR STRIKE ANY OR ALL OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FROM ANY INSTRUMENT THAT TRANSFERS AN INTEREST IN REAL PROPERTY BEFORE IT IS FILED FOR RECORD IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS: YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER OR YOUR DRIVER'S LICENSE NUMBER." rARRANTY DEED STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF CCLLIN : THAT, WINDMILL SELF STORAGE LP JOE MARK ELLIOTT (hereinafter referred to as "Grantor") , for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND N01100 DOLLARS ($10.00), and other good and valuable ccnsideration to it in hand paid by GRANTEE, as hereinafter named, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed. HAS GRANTED, SOLD, AND CONVEYED and by these presents does GRANT, SELL AND CONVEY unto ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CCRPORATION and CITY OF ANNA whose mailing address is: Do BoX '71b ,u N .q Tx. 17540? ( herein called "Grantee", whether one or more), the following described property, to -wit: BEING two tracts of land out of Lot 2 Block A, AUT020NE ADDITION, City of Anna, Collin County, Texas and being more WARRANTY DEED ............ PAGE 1 • Exhibit A fully described in Exhibit "A" hereto attached and made a part hereof. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging unto said Grantee, his heirs, executors, adm=.nistrators and assigns forever, and Grantor does hereby bind itself, its successors and assigns, to WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND all and singular the said premises unto said Grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns against every person whomsoever claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. This conveyance is made subject to any and all valid conditions, restrictions, mineral interests, covenants and easements, if any, affecting the property conveyed hereby, now of record in the County Clerk's office of Collin County, Texas, any lien for current taxes and assessments not in default, any discrepancies, conflicts or shortages in area or boundary lines or any encroachments or any overlapping of improvements and any existing building and zoning ordinances. When this deed is executed by more than one person,, c r Grantee :. s more than one person, the pertinent verbs, nouns and pronouns Were changed correspondingly and when executed by a corporation, the words "heirs, executors and administrator" and "heirs and assigns" shall be construed to mean 'successors and assigns". There applicable herein, the masculine gender shall include the feminine, and vice versa. EXECUTED this 26TH day of MARCH, 2009. WINDMILL SELF STORAGE LP MARK RAGON L General Partner of Windmill Set .o e, BY: Mark Ragon, Mana4ptx o ark Ragon LLC JOY MARK ELLIOTT WARRANTY • DEED . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE 2 • Exhibh A THE STATE OF TEXAS : COU11TY OF COLLIN • ZAtLda of ed before me on theZhis instrument was acknowledgY V1ARCH, 2009, by Mark Ragon, Manager of Mark Ragan LLC MARK RADON LLC, General Partner of Windmill Self Storage. Notary P lic, State of Texas Nly COMMISSION EXPIRES: MARUEIA1M Q�pcLRSQ�V W► vMaTe= 4V C=M Ex�+e� 0a31 2 THE STATE OF TEXAS : COUNTY OF COLLIN .,his instrument was acknowledged before me on the oU day of MARCH, 2009, by JOE MARK ELLIOTT. Notary Pu c, State of Texas MY COMMISSICN EXPIRES: + i It r. l�iii WARRANTY DEED 404406660040 PAGE 3 Exhibit A E X H I B I T " A" TRACT ONE: BEING a tract of land situated in the JOSEPH SCHLUTER SURVEY, Abstract No. 856, in the City of Anna, Collin County, Texas and being a part of Lot 2, Block A of the AUTOZONE ADDITION, as recorded in Volume 2007, page 221, of the Map Records of Collin County, Texas (M.R.C.C.T.), said tract being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 1/2" iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped "RPLS 5686" set thereinafter referred to as 1/2" iron rod set) in the southerly right-of-way line of White Street (F . M . Highway No. 455), said corner being the northeasterly corner of Lot 1 of said addition and also being the most northerly northwest corner of said Lot 2; THENCE SOUM 87 deg 05 min 00 sec East, along the southerly right-of-way line of said White Street, a distance of 144.70' to a 1/2" iron rod set for the northeasterly corner of said Lot 2, same being in the westerly line of a tract of land described by deed to the City of Anna, as recorded under County Clerk's File No. 20060714000982730, of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas (D.R. C. C.T.) ; THENCE SOUTH 00 deg 07 fain 00 sec East, along the common lire between said City of Anna tract and said Lot 2, a distance of 534.661 to a 5/8" iron rod with an orange plastic cap stamped "RPLS 5256" found for the most easterly southeast corner of said Lot 2, same being an "ell" corner of said City of Anna tract; THENCE NORTH 87 deg 20 min 00 sec West, continuing along said common line, a distance of 142.93' to a 5/8" iron rod with an orange plastic cap stamped "RPLS 5256" found at the southwesterly corner of the herein described property, same being an "ell" corner of said City of Anna tract; I over and across said Lot 2, the following courses and distances: - North 02 deg 40 min 00 sec East, a distance of 361.57' to a 1/2" iron rod set for corner; North 87 deg 05 min 01 sec West, a distance of 28.48' to a 1/2" iron rod set at the southeasterly corner of the aforementioned Lot 1, Block A; THENCE NORTH 02 deg 54 min 59 sec East, along the common line between said Lot 1 and Lot 2, a distance of 172.96' to the point of beginning and CONTAINING 1.705 acres of land, more or less. . TRACT TWO: • Being a tract of land situated in the JOSEPH SCHLUTER SURVEY_'', Abstract No. 856, in the City of Anna, Collin County, Texas and being a part of Lot 2, Block A of the AUTOZONE ADDITION, as recorded in Volume 2007, page 221, of the Map Records of Collin County, Texas (M.R..C.C.T.), said tract being more particularly described as follows: « said corner being BEGINNING at a 5/8 iron rod found for corner, g the WARRAN Y DEED PAGE 4 EXhIN A southwesterly corner of said Lot 2, same being in the easterly line of Lot 7, Block A of ANNA MARKET CENTER, as recorded in V91ume 2008, page 361, M.R.C.C.T., said corner also being the most westerly northwest corner of a tract of land described by deed to the City of Anna, recorded under County Clerk's File No. 20060714000982730, of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas (D . R . C . C . T .) ; THENCE NORTH 02 deg 21 min 12 sec East, along the common line between said Lot 7 and Lot 2, a distance of 164.270 to a 1/2" iron rod with a yellos plastic cap stamped "RPLS 5686" set for the northwesterly corner of the herein described property; THENCE SOUTH 87 deg 20 min 000 sec East, over and across said Lot 2, a distance of 265.628 to a 1/2" iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped "RPLS 5686" set for the northeasterly corner of the herein described property, said corner being in a westerly line of said City of Anna tract; THENCE along the common line between said City of Anna tract and Lot 2, the following courses and distances; South 02 deg 40 rein 00 sec West, a distance of 164.271 to a 5/8 " iron rod with an orange plastic cap stamped ''RPLS 5256" found for corner; North 87 deg 20 min 00 sec West, a distance of 264,72' to the POINT OF BEGINNING and CONTAINING 1.000 acre of land, more or less. Filed and Recorded 0(ticial Public Records Stacey Kemp, County Clerk Collin County, TEXAS 03/30/2000 Ct 53:46 F" $32 00 eNOPP 20M33000O360590 WARRANTY DEED ..........