HomeMy WebLinkAboutEDCRes2014.08.01ANNA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION RESOLUTION NO. �tll -6e-CI Ctb() A RESOLUTION OF THE ANNA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION REGARDING THE APPROVAL OF AND AUTHORITY TO AMEND THE FY 2013-2014 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET WHEREAS, effective October 1, 2013, the Anna Economic Development Corporation (the "EDC") with the approval of the City of Anna City Council executed its current fiscal year budget; and WHEREAS, the EDC seeks to amend its budget due to additional funds needed in the promotional line item and other services line item; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ANNA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, THAT: Section 1. Recitals Incorporated The recitals set forth above are incorporated herein for all purposes as if set forth in full. Section 2. Adoption of Amendment to the Current Fiscal Year Budget The EDC Board of Directors hereby approves amending the Anna Economic Development Corporation current fiscal year budget as set forth in Exhibit A, amended budget, attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes as if set forth in full, subject to approval by the City of Anna City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Anna day of , 2014. PPP 4onst • ' - • -- Xi Economic Development Corporation this EDC OF ANNA, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO.1t1L1-C 1? L1 EDC) PAGE 1 OF 1 Exhibit A Amendment #2 - see orange highlight - transfer $3500 from 6941 to 6735 EDC Budget 2013-2014 Administration and Supplies 6208 Office Supplies Debit Balance 50.00 ck. 1489 COA (reimburse purcase card) Office Depot (34098) $715,02 ck. 1510 COA (reimburse puchase card) Office Depot (29099) $685.03 (64.97) 6209 Other supplies ck. 1464 COA (purchase card reimburse) ck. 1472 COA (reimburse purchase card) lunch ck. 1480 COA (reimburse puchase card) In the News ck. 1480 COA (reimburse puchase card) GACC Lunch ck. 1489 COA (reimburse purchase card) Giftcard for D Magazine Event Daddy Rex ck. 1498 COA (reimburse former EDC member purchase card) Giftcard for 1503 COA (reimburse purchase card) GA CC Monthly 1510 COA (reimburse puchase card) Daddy Rex rking Lunch IV and Guide Alley 1515 Earth Vision (aerial mpas) 1518 COA (reimburse purchase card) CTC Consts ►tact Enews 1518 COA (reimburse purchase card) Mama Mia's CC Lunch 6210 Clothing Supplies 1. 1 1.543. $4, 000.00 $3, 795.74 $3, 757.74 $3, 568.74 r .00 191.60 $250.00 6212 Postage $75.00 ck. 1472 COA (reimburse purchase card) (0.92) $74.08 CK. 1480 COA (reimburse purchase card) (5.80) $68.28 ck. 1489 COA (reimburse purchase card) USPS (9.20) $59.08 ck. 1498 COA (reimburse purchase card) LISPS (2.80) $56.28 ck. 1510 COA (reimburse puchase card) USPS (9.80) $46.48 6761 Dues, Publications, Permits ck. 1498 COA (reimburse purchase card) ICSC ck. 1520 ICSC dues (Jessica Perkins and 52 $1, 200.00 Services c Debit Balance $58.210.00 ck. 1460 Big Brother (312 N Powell) (40,00)1 $58,170.00 ck. 1461 OLD FY 0.00 $58,170,00 ck. 1466 All Stan' Tree and Landscape (312 N Powell) (2300 00) $57,940.00 ck. 1468 Big Brother (40,00) $57,900.00 ck. 1470 All Starr (230, 00) $57,670.00 ck. 1476 All Starr (230.00) $57,440.00 ck. 1478 Big Brother (40,00) $57,400.00 ck. 1479 A.T.S Electrical (184, 80) $57,215,20 ck. 1482 big Brother (40,00) $57,175.20 ck. 1484 Maddox Surveying (21200000) $54,975620 ck. 1487AII Starr (230,00) $54,745.20 ck. 1491 Big Brother (40600) $54,705.20 ck. 1493 All Starr (230.00) $54,475.20 ck. 1496 All Starr (230400) $54,245.20 ck. ck. 1499 1500 Big Brother VOID (40.00) $54,205.20 $54,205.20 ck. 1501 COA (personnel, office space and insurance) (209150400) $34,055.20 ck. 1505 LaFallett and Abbott PLLC (990) (10030400) $33,025.20 ck. 1507 All Starr Tree and Landscape (312 N Powell) (230,00) $32,795.20 ck. 1508 LaFollett and Abbott PLLC (audit) (950,00) $31,845.20 ck. 1511 Big Brother Pest Control (312 N Powell) (40000) $31,805.20 A. 1513 All Starr Tree and Landscape (312 N Powell) (230,00) $31,575.20 ck. 1521 Big Brother Pest Control (40,00) $31,535.20 ck. 1522 COA (cost allocation for personnel, facilities, ac (20,950.00) $10,585.20 ck. 1523 WebQA (shop local, city app) (645000) $9,940.20 ck. 1528 Big Brother (40000) $9,900.20 48, 309.80 6711 Travel ck. 1472 COA (reimburse purchase card) Lunch ck. 1472 COA (reimburse purchase card) Omni Hotel ck. 1503 COA (reimburse purchase card) SPIRIT airlines for ICSC conference to LV ck. 1510 COA (reimburse puchase card) MGM Hotel 100,00) $1,100.00 ck. 1510 COA (reimburse puchase card) MGM Hotel 150,00) $950, 00 ck. 1514 Enterprise Car Rental (ICSC LV 2014) ck. 1519 Jessica Perkins (reimburse parking) ck. 1518 COA (reimburse purchase card) ICSC conf. MGM Grand Front Page Convenience Store - bottled Water ck. 1518 COA (reimburse purchase card) ICSC conf. 250.00) CVS - bottled water $7,100.00 $7, 093.78 $6, 834.89 6789 Debt Service Oct. Loan Payment (Indep. Bank 48 acres) [ Oct. Loan Payment (CK. 1456 Southside bank 312 N.Pow Nov. Loan Payment (Indep. Bank 48 acres) [ Nov. Loan Payment ( CK. 1463 Southside bank 312 N.Pow, Dec. Loan Payment (Indep. Bank 48 acres) [ Dec. Loan Payment ( CK. 1469 Southside bank 312 N.Pov Jan. Loan Payment (Indep. Bank 48 acres) Jan. Loan Payment ( CK. 1477 Southside bank 312 N.Pow( Feb Loan Payment (Indep. Bank 48 acres) Feb. Loan Payment (CK. 1486 Southside bank 312 N.Powe March Loan Payment (Indep. Bank 48 acres) March Loan Payment (CK. 1494 Southside bank 312 N.Pov April Loan Payment (Indep. Bank 48 acres) April Loan Payment (CK. 1494 Southside bank 312 N.Powe May Loan Payment (Indep. Bank 48 acres) May Loan Payment ( ck. 1506 Southside bank 312 N.Powel June Loan Payment (Indep. Bank 48 acres) June Loan Payment (CK.1516 Southside bank 312 N.Pow( July Loan Payment (Indep. Bank 48 acres) July Loan Payment (Ck.1524 Southside bank 312 N. Powell August Loan Payment (Indep. Bank 48 acres) August Loan Payment ( CK Southside bank 312 N. Powell) Sept. Loan Payment (Indep. Bank 48 acres) Sept. Loan Payment (CK Southside bank 312 N. Powell) 6790 Interest Expense Oct. Ind. Bank Loan Payment (total 4034.60) 1 Oct. Loan Payment ( CK. 1456Southside bank 312 N.Powe Nov. Ind. Bank Loan Payment (total 4034.60) Nov. Loan Payment ( CK. 1463 Southside bank 312 N.Pow, Dec. Ind. Loan Payment (total4034,60) Dec. Loan Payment ( CK. 1469 Southside bank 312 N.Pow, Jan. Ind. Bank Loan Payment (total 4034.60) Jan Loan Payment ( CK. 1477 Southside bank 312 N.Powe Feb. Ind. Bank Loan Payment (total 4034.60) Feb. Loan Payment ( CK. 1486 Southside bank 312 N.Powi March. Ind. Bank Loan Payment (total 4034.60) March Loan Payment (CK. 1494 Southside bank 312 N.Pol April Ind. Bank Loan Payment (total 4034.60) Debit lBalance $66,538.00 (310290 71) $63, 508.2f (2.408.75)$61.099.& (37009008) (2y 41 T 71) (31054.53) (2, 426.70) (3,034.83) (2, 435.73) (3, 047.72) (2)444,80) (3)154.91) (21453.89) (3)074.06) (2)463.02) (3,117, 68) (2y472.19) (31100.35) (2, 481.39) (3,143.23) (21490.62) (31126. 86) (21499,89) (3)140.14) (2, 509.19) (1,004089) (11057.49) (1,025052) (1)048,53) (980, 07) (13039.54) (999.77) [ (1, 030.51) (986.88) [ (1, 021.44) (879.69)1 (10012,35) (960.54) 1 $557672.75 $52, 618.22 $50,191.52 $47,156.69 $44, 720.96 $41, 673.24 $39, 228.44 $33, 619.64 $30, 545.58 $28, 082.56 $241964.88 $22, 492.69 $19, 392.34 $16,910,95 $13, 767.72 $11,277010 $8,1500 24 $5, 650, 35 $23, 475M $22, 470.11 $21)412.62 $20, 387.10 $19,338.57 $18, 358.50 $17,318096 $16, 319.19 $15;288968 $14,301,80 $13,280.36 $12,400.67 $11, 388, 32 $10,427078 (483,96) $6,350.93 April. Loan Payment (CK. 1494 Southside bank 312 N.Pow (11003.22) $9,424.56 (165. 76) $6,185.17 May Ind, Bank Loan Payment (total 4034.60) (916, 92) $8, 507. 64 019.41 May. Loan Payment (CK. 1506 Southside bank 312 N.Pow (994.05) $7)513.59 831.15 June Ind. Bank Loan Payment (total 4034,60) (934.25) $6,579.34 801.15 June Loan Payment (CK. 1516 Southside bank 312 N.Powe (984.85)'; $5,594.49 10001 $5, 790.15 July Ind. Bank Loan Payment (total 4034.60) 785.41 July Loan Payment (CK. 1524 Soutside Bank 312 N (891.37) 75. 703.12 727.50 Amendment #2 see orange highlight - transfer $3500 from 6941 to 6735 6721 Education orraining ck. 1503 COA (reimburse purchase card) ICSC registration - Jessica Perkins ck. 1503 COA (reimburse purchase card) ICSC registration - Sara Cox 16722 Insurance ck. 1501 COA 6782 City Utilities Oct. epay irrigation Nov. epay irrigation Dec. epay irrigation Jan a -pay irrigation Feb. a -pay irrigation March a -pay irrigation April a -pay irrigation June office space. insurance to date for FY ck. 1518 COA (reimburse purchase card) ICSC conf. Starbucks DFW airport breakfast (10,97) $5, 774.44 Aug. Ind, Bank Loan Payment (total 4023) (907, 74) $2, 819.76 ck. 1518 COA (reimburse purchase card) ICSC conf. f SPIRIT baggage fee(100000) $5,674.44 Aug. Loan Payment( CK Southside bank 312 N.Powell) (966.35) $1,853,41 c . 15 8 C (reimburse purchase car SC conf. $4,100. 00 MGM Grand Pub - lunch (60.00) $5, 614.44 Sept. Ind. Bank Loan Payment (total 4034.60) (894. 46) ck. 1518 COA (reimburse purchase card) ICSC conf. (570.00) New York Pretzel - dinner (5.35) $5, 609.09 Sept. Loan Payment ( CK Southside bank 312 N.Powell) (957.05 ck. 1518 COA (reimburse purchase card) ICSC conf. (570.00) MGM Avenue Cafd - Breakfast (56.00) $5, 553.09 ck. 1518 COA (reimburse purchase card) ICSC conf. IL Fornaio - breakfast (56,00) $5,497.09 ck. 1518 C (reimburse purchase car SC conf. DFWAirportParking (44,00) $5,453.09 6941 Other Capital Expentures $131,500.00 ck. 1518 COA (reimburse purchase card) ICSC conf. 40,00)1Aramark LV Convention center- drinks (5.68) $5,447,41 ck. 1457 Nimbix (2,300.00) $129,200.00 ck. 1518 COA (reimburse purchase card) ICSC conf. MGM Grand Fiamma-dinner (78410) $5, 369.31 ck. 1462 Nimbix (2)300. 00) $126, 900. 00 1 ck, 15 18 COA (reimburse purr ase ca ICS con . $1,000.00 MGM Grand Starbucks- snack (12097) $5,356.34 ck. 1467 Nimbix (2,300600) $124,600,00 ck. 1518 COA (reimburse purchase card) ICSC conf. 000.00) $0. 00 B2 Great Steak LV airport - lunch (14,04) $5, 342.30 ck. 1473 Empowered Training Centre (100, 000000) $24, 600.00 ck. 1518 COA (reimburse purchase card) ICSC conf. SPIRIT airlines baggage fee (90,00) $5, 252.30 ck. 1474 Empowered Training Centre (1, 8900 00) $22, 710. 00 ck. 1518 COA (reimburse purchase card) ICSC conf. 1,000600 MGM Grand avenue cafe -breakfast (54000) $5,198,30 ck, 1475Nimbix (2,300.00) $20,410,00 ck. 1518 COA (reimburse purchase card) ICSC conf. MGM Grand Hotel- Sara Cox (311,52) $4,886.78 ck. 1483 Empowered Training Centre (11890400) $18,520.00 ck. 1518 COA (reimburse purchase card) ICSC conf. MGM Grand Hotel - Jessica Perkins (303052) $4, 583.26 ck. 1485 Nimbix (last check) 2, 3000 00) $16, 220.00 ck. 1518 COA (reimburse purchase card) ICSC conf. "SPIRIT airlines snacWdrink (7.00) $4,576.26 ck. 1490 Empowered Training Centre (1,890.00) $14,330000 ck. 1518 GOA (reimburse purchase car con . $1,000,00 SPIRIT airlinessnack(drink (7.00) $4,569.26 ck. 1495 Empowered Training Centre (1,890000) $12,440,00 ck. 1518 COA (reimburse purchase car CSC (68442) conf. Gas station - rental car (9. 98) $4, 559.28 ck. 1504 Empowered Training Centre (11 890.00) $10, 550.00 (57.82) ck. 1512 Empowered Training Centre (final) (11890,00) $8,660.00 (61.24) (122, 840.00) (22.88) 540. 6.735 Promotional $22, 000.00 $14,500.00 ', ck. 1458 GACC (Glow Fest) (7,500.00) ck. 6753 Legal ck. 1465 W, T. Mc ck. 1480 W, T, Mc ck. 1488 W, T. Mc ck. 1497 w, T, Mcl ck. 1502 W, T, Mc ck. 1509 W, T, Mc ck. 1517 W, T, Mc ck. 1526 W, T, Mc 641. '187. 019. 3 $13,500.00 $12, 430, 06 $9, 542.77 $8,975.77 $7,333095 $7,146038 $4,1260 81