HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDC-EDCpkt2020-06-03�Tnna An THE CITY OF jLinna CDC EDC MEETING AGENDA ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION & ANNA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Wednesday, June 3, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. PERSONS CAN VIRTUALLY OBSERVE THE OPEN SESSION PORTIONS OF THIS MEETING ONLINE AT THE DATE AND TIME STATED ON THE CITY OF ANNA'S FACEBOOK PAGE https://www.facebook.com/City-of-Anna-281332118639373/ The Anna Community Development Corporation and the Anna Economic Development Corporation will conduct a special -called online meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 3, 2020, The Anna Community Development Corporation and the Economic Development Corporation will participate in this meeting remotely in compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act as suspended or modified under the pending Declaration of Disaster and associated executive orders and proclamations of the Governor of Texas. 1. Call to Order, Roll Gall and Establishment of Quorum. 2. Invocation and Pledge. 3. Citizen Comments. Persons may address the Board of Directors on items not on the agenda; please observe the time limit of three (3) minutes. Members of the Board cannot comment on or deliberate statements of the public except as authorized by Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code. 4. Consider/Discuss/Act on approving minutes from the May 7, 2020 CDC Special Called Meeting. (CDC) 5. Consider/Discuss/Act on approving minutes from the May 7, 2020 EDC Special Called Meeting. (EDC) 6. Consider/Discuss/Act on applications for the Small Business Recovery Grant program and approve performance agreements. (CDC) 7. Consider/Discuss/Act on appointing two (2) Board Members to the Comprehensive Plan Advisory Council. (CDC) 8. Director's Report A. Report on current corporate financial status —Discussion Only IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE: The Corporation may vote and/or act upon each of the items listed in this agenda. The Corporation reserves the right to retire into executive session concerning any of the items listed on this agenda, whenever it is considered necessary and legally justified under the Open Meetings Act. Disabled persons who want to attend this meeting and who may need assistance should contact the City Secretary at 972-924-3325 two working days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. B. ED Strategic Plan Update 9. CLOSED SESSION (exceptions): A. Deliberate regarding the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. (Tex. Gov't Code §551.072) possible property acquisition; possible land sale/purchase; Anna Business Park. B. Consult with legal counsel on matters in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Government Code (Tex. Gov't Code §551m071); Grant program; Lease agreement. C. Discuss or deliberate Economic Development Negotiations: (1) To discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the Board of Directors has received from a business prospect that the Board of Directors seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the City of Anna and with which the Board is conducting economic development negotiations; or, (2) To deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect described by subdivision (1). (Tex. Gov't Code §551.087) Anna Business Park Property; potential retail and medical projects. 10. Reconvene into open session and take any action on closed session items. 11. Receive reports from staff or Board Members about items of community interest. Items of community interest include: expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; information regarding holiday schedules; an honorary or salutary recognition of a public official, public employee, or other citizen (but not including a change in status of a person's public office or public employment); a reminder about an upcoming event organized or sponsored by the governing body, information regarding a social, ceremonial, or community event organized or sponsored by an entity other than the governing body that was attended or is scheduled to be attended by a member of the governing body or an official or employee of the municipality; and announcements involving an imminent threat to the public health and safety of people in the municipality that has arisen after posting of the agenda. 12. Adjourn. This is to certify that I, Joey Grisham, Economic Development Director, posted this agenda at a place readily accessible to the public online at www.annatexas.gov and at the Anna City Hall and on the City Hall bulletin board a fore 6:00 p.m. o ay 29, 2020, Jo (sham, Economic Development Director IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE: The Corporation may vote and/or act upon each of the items listed in this agenda. The Corporation reserves the right to retire into executive session concerning any of the items listed on this agenda, whenever it is considered necessary and legally justified under the Open Meetings Act. Disabled persons who want to attend this meeting and who may need assistance should contact the City Secretary at 972-924-3325 two working days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. A:iILILKIa ATrina �* CDC *EDC Item No. 4 and 5 CDC/EDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 6.03.2020 Staff Contact: Joey Grisham AGENDA ITEM: Consider/Discuss/Act on approving minutes from the May 7, 2020 CDC Special Called Meeting. (CDC) Consider/Discuss/Act on approving minutes from the May 7, 2020 EDC Special Called Meetina. (EDC) SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the May 7, 2020 meeting minutes on behalf of the CDC and EDC Boards. ATTACHMENTS: 1. May 7, 2020 CDC and EDC Joint Special Called Meeting Minutes Officers: Staff: Anthony Richardson, President Joey Grisham, Economic Development Director Stan Carver, Vice -President Taylor Lough, Economic Development Manager Rocio Gonzalez, Secretary .'�rii« Aumta 7*CDC * Anna Community Development Corporation and Anna Economic Development Corporation Special Called Meeting Minutes Thursday, May 7, 2020 at 6:00 pm The Anna Community Development Corporation and the Anna Economic Development Corporation conducted a special -called online meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 7, 2020. The Anna Community Development Corporation and the Economic Development Corporation participated in this meeting remotely in compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act as suspended or modified under the pending Declaration of Disaster and associated executive orders and proclamations of the Governor of Texas. The public observed the open session portions of the meeting online at the City of Anna's Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/City-of-Anna-281332118639373/ CDC and EDC Board Members Present: Anthony Richardson, Rocio Gonzalez, Michelle Hawkins, Bruce Norwood, Stan Carver and Terry Farrell. Board Members Absent: Doris Pierce Others present: Mayor Nate Pike, Councilmember Lee Miller, Joey Grisham (Economic Development Director), Taylor Lough (Economic Development Manager), Clark McCoy (CDC/EDC Legal Counsel), and Kevin Johnson (IT Manager). 1. Call to Order. Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum. The meeting was called to order by Anthony Richardson, Board President, at 6:05 p.m. 2. Invocation and Pledge. Invocation was given by Anthony Richardson. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Anthony Richardson. 3. Citizen Comments. There were no citizen comments. 4. Consider/Discuss/Act on approving minutes from the April 9, 2020 CDC Special Called Meeting. (CDC) 5. Consider/Discuss/Act on approving minutes from the April 9, 2020 EDC Special Called Meeting. (EDC) Officers: Staff: Anthony Richardson, President Joey Grisham, Economic Development Director Stan Carver, Vice -President Taylor Lough, Economic Development Manager Rocio Gonzalez, Secretary Rocio Gonzalez made a motion to approve the minutes on behalf of the CDC and EDC for both the April Joint Special Called Meeting. Michelle Hawkins seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. 6. Consider/Discuss/Act on approving a resolution expending an amount not to exceed $77,803 for the Downtown Master Plan. Joey Grisham explained the cost for the Downtown Master Plan exceeded the $60,000 budgeted by the Board. Kimley Horn was selected by a committee to lead the Comprehensive Plan, Downtown Master Plan, and Parks, Trails, and Open Space Master Plan. The additional $17,803 may be budgeted for the 2021 Fiscal Year if the Board chose not to approve the resolution. The project kicks off next week and there will be additional opportunities to provide input and be involved moving forward. Citizen participation will be critical. No action was taken. 7. Director's Report A. Report on current corporate financial status —Discussion Only Joey Grisham explained that with new business openings over the past few months, sales tax has increased over last year. B. ED Strategic Plan Update Joey Grisham thanked the Board for their input. The City Council has been working to update the city plan, which is well aligned with the Economic Development Strategic Plan. Staff is finalizing metrics for the Economic Development Strategic Plan. The City Council will review the Economic Development Strategic Plan at their May 12t" meeting. C. International Economic Development Council 2020 National #EconDevWeek Official Celebration Dates: May 4-9, 2020 8. Consider/Discuss/Act on approving a Resolution amending a contract with Carey Cox Real Estate for real estate representation. (EDC) Bruce Norwood made a motion on behalf of the EDC to approve the resolution. Rocio Gonzalez seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. 9. CLOSED SESSION (exceptions): A. Deliberate regarding the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. (Tex. Gov't Code §551.072) possible property acquisition; possible land sale/purchase; B. Consult with legal counsel on matters in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Government Code (Tex. Gov't Code §551.071); Discuss contract concerning Revolving Loan Fund; promotional contract. C. Discuss or deliberate Economic Development Negotiations: (1) To discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the Board of Directors has received from a business prospect that the Board of Directors seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the City of Anna and with which the Board is conducting economic development negotiations; or, Officers: Staff: Anthony Richardson, President Joey Grisham, Economic Development Director Stan Carver, Vice -President Taylor Lough, Economic Development Manager Rocio Gonzalez, Secretary (2) To deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect described by subdivision (1). (Tex. Gov't Code §551.087) Anna Business Park Property; potential retail and medical projects. Bruce Norwood made a motion to enter closed session. Stan Carver seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. The CDC moved into closed session at 6:08 p.m. 10. Reconvene into open session and take any action on closed session items. Rocio Gonzalez made a motion to reconvene into open session. Terry Farrell seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. The CDC reconvened into open session at 8:23 p. M. Anthony Richardson made a motion to approve a phase 2 grant project in the amount of $21,100 for grants to support certain Anna area small businesses and set a public hearing on the project for May 14, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. Stan Carver seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. 11. Receive reports from staff or Board Members about items of community interest. Items of community interest include: expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; information regarding holiday schedules; an honorary or salutary recognition of a public official, public employee, or other citizen (but not including a change in status of a person's public office or public employment); a reminder about an upcoming event organized or sponsored by the governing body; information regarding a social, ceremonial, or community event organized or sponsored by an entity other than the governing body that was attended or is scheduled to be attended by a member of the governing body or an official or employee of the municipality; and announcements involving an imminent threat to the public health and safety of people in the municipality that has arisen after the posting of the agenda. Anthony Richardson thanked Kevin Johnson, IT Manager for his work to support the virtual meetings. Stan Carver commended the City Council, businesses, and churches for their response to current uncertainty. Neighbors have been treating each other with respect. Today is the National Day of Prayer. People around the world are praying for the City of Anna. 12. Adjourn. Rocio Gonzalez made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:47 pm. Anthony Richardson seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. APPROVED: Anthony Richardson President of CDC/EDC ATTESTED: Rocio Gonzalez Secretary of CDC/EDC A:iILILKIa ATrina �* CDC *EDC Item No. 6 CDC/EDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 6.03.2020 Staff Contact: Joey Grisham AGENDA ITEM: Consider/Discuss/Act on applications for the Small Business Recovery Grant program and approve performance agreements. (CDC) SUMMARY: At the May 7t" meeting, the Community Development Corporation Board designated funding to assist local small businesses suffering from financial impacts related to the COVID-19 pandemic. 29 applications were received via e-mail before 5:00 PM on Wednesday, May 27, 2020. After the last CDC/EDC Meeting, Collin County received $171 million from the Federal Government for COVID-19, of which $765,000 was allocated for the City of Anna. One of the allowed uses of the funds is small business grants. Given this development, such funds could be used for the grants and the City Council would approve a Chapter 380 Agreement with each business at the June 9t" City Council Meeting. Essentially, the CDC Board would recommend which businesses receive funding and how much. This would also allow the CDC to retain the $100,000 already approved on May 7t". STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: Grant Applications Spreadsheet ARH Christian Care Frazzy's Gourmet Studio J Your Family Business Name Spurlock's Malt Shop Let's Taco Bout it Academy Inc. Popcorn Hair Salon APPLICATION (date received) 13-May 14-May 14-May 14-May 15-May Business Owner Name(s) Kristi S. Perez Andrea Hines Eva Hernandez Hazel Attaway Richard and Traci Curtis 807 South Central 2010 W. White Street Address 504 N. Powell Parkway 3220 N. Powell Parkway Expressway, Suite 300 #132 2010 W. White Street Business: 972-924-7217 Telephone Cell:806-201-2372 214-831-1383 214-935-7200 833-372-9997 214-831-2222 Confirm Sales Tax Payer No evidence of sales tax No evidence of sales tax No evidence of sales tax No evidence of sales tax January I payment in Jan or Feb. I payment in Jan or Feb. I payment in Jan or Feb. payment in Jan or Feb. Outstanding Payments / Violations DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Confirm Location within city limits Y Y Y Y Y CDC Checklist Meets Eligibility? Not current with Not current with property tax and sales property tax and sales and use tax payments and use tax payments Anytime Fitness / My Estrella Mexican Texas Embroidery Ranch Italian Villa Crossfit TBR LLC Lonestar Fitness Center A N Donuts Cuisine LLC 15-May 15-May 16-May 16-May 17-May 18-May Richard and Melisa Burton Viona Vraiqi Shaun Hiller Erica Santibanez Sanket Desai Sin Park 804 S. Central 810 W. White Street 804 S. Central 104 S. Powell Parway Expressway, Suite #212 801 CR 286 Suite 506 #700 Expressway 603 S. Powell Parkway Business: 972-924-3006 Business: 214-831-1388 469-425-1271 Cell:214-226-2608 650-451-8221 Cell: 972-801-8118 832-477-3596 972-924-3113 No evidence of sales tax No evidence of sales tax No evidence of sales tax No evidence of sales tax payment in Jan or Feb. February payment in Jan or Feb. February payment in Jan or Feb. payment in Jan or Feb. Confirm web vs. Y Y application Y Y Y affiliated or owned by national / regional chains Big Brothers Pest Anna Signs LLC / Got Nature's Purpose Anna Food Mart / Mill Andy Torres State Farm Crow's Country Cafe Control Signs and More Massage and Bill, Inc. 19-May 19-May 19-May 19-May 19-May 19-May Paul Lindsey Joshua and Betty Need Kelly Almand Any Torres Mohammad Awwal Lee Chhoa 3115 N. Powell Parkway, 701 W. White Street, 2513 N. Powell Parkway Suite B 117 S. Powell Parkway 114 S. Riggins Street Suite 2A #500 113 W. 4th Street Business:214-831-3663 Business:972-924-3394 972-924-4870 972-924-2878 972-921-4414 972-924-8220 Cell:214-912-3158 Cell: 972-522-8799 No evidence of sales tax No evidence of sales tax February February payment in Jan or Feb. payment in Jan or Feb. February February Y Y Y- Residential Y Y Y Grocery stores, farmers markets, and food Tobacco, vape, and CBD markets /// Gas stores // Home -based affiliated or owned by stations and businesses national / regional chainsi convenience stores VK Donuts / Cafe Perin's Taekwondo Workout Anytime Anna Joe's Italian Bistro / Essential Nail &Spa Bow Wow Boutique Express Center / M4 Anna LLC Yvonne Inc 19-May 20-May 20-May 20-May 22-May 25-May Vannara Khoy Hai Pham Michael Perin John Waskow Dritow Ulas Heather Cadaret 2513 N. Powell Parkway 2010 W. White Street, 2010 W. White Street 811 S. Interurban St, #200 Suite 150 701 W. White Street #1 #140 403 N. Powell Parkway Suite A 214-831-2101 503-927-3499 469-525-9025 469-992-4634 972-924-8484 903-627-0664 No evidence of sales tax No evidence of sales tax No evidence of sales tax No evidence of sales tax payment in Jan or Feb. payment in Jan or Feb. payment in Jan or Feb. payment in Jan or Feb. February February Y Y Y Y Y affiliated or owned by national / regional chains Jefecito Mexican Zoo Health Club / Eagle's Wings Athletics / Namaste Fit, LLC Salon Zaina Kangaroo Pouch Restaurant Fitness Zoo Inc EWA Anna, Inc. 26-May 26-May 26-May 26-May 26-May 27-May Jessica Price and Rhonda Gloria Vega Ray Shoaf Bret and Rachel Sout Josh Greathouse Saedah Elhodoli Rubio 2513 N. Powell Parkway, 121 West 4th Street Suite 400 801 CR, 286, Sute 502 811 S. Interurban, Unit B 816 S. Powell Parkway 9090 CR 423 214-536-5197; 214-592- 214-935-7040 972-924-2244 972-924-2224 214-336-7706 972-924-2770 6198 No evidence of sales tax No evidence of sales tax No evidence of sales tax No evidence of sales tax No evidence of sales tax No evidence of sales tax payment in Jan or Feb. payment in Jan or Feb. payment in Jan or Feb. payment in Jan or Feb. payment in Jan or Feb. payment in Jan or Feb. Eligible businesses applying for grant funds must: •Be a physical, publicly accessible location existing in the city limits of the City of Anna • Be a sales tax -paying entity to the City of Anna according to the Comptroller of the State of Texas •Have less than 20 employees •Show proof of ownership of the business •Be authorized to do business in Texas and listed as "in existence" with the Secretary of State ofTexas •Be current with property tax and sales and use tax payments •Must at all times be in compliance with all ordinances of the City of Anna unless waived by the Cityor its designee in writing •Sign a performance agreement with the Anna CDC before funds can be remitted (noncom pliancewith terms would require the recipient to repay funds) •Provide proof of the use of grant funds upon request by August 31, 2020 or as extended in writingby the CDC President for a period not to exceed 90 days •Consent to any financial audit of the applicant and physical inspections of the applicant'spremises/operations by CDC designee(s) •Include a completed Form W-9 form for the business with this application Non -Qualified Applicants •Businesses that have not remitted sales tax to the State of Texas to be paid to the City of Annawithin the previous 12 months. •Home -based businesses •Non-profit organizations or associations •Businesses affiliated or owned by national and regional chains •Grocery stores, farmers markets, and food markets •Liquor, wine, and beer stores •Tobacco, vape, and CBD stores • Pawn shops •Gas stations and convenience stores •Medical and health providers and related service companies and vendors •Banks, lending, and financial institutions •Plumbers, HVAC technicians, and electricians •Businesses and/or business owner(s) which have outstanding financial obligations to the City ofAnna unless forgiven or suspended by the City or its designee in writing A:iILILKIa ATrina �* CDC *EDC Item No. 7 CDC/EDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 6.03.2020 Staff Contact: Joey Grisham AGENDA ITEM: Consider/Discuss/Act on appointing two (2) Board Members to the Comprehensive Plan Advisory Council. (CDC) SUMMARY: The City Council approved the contract with Kimley-Horn at their April 14t" Meeting and work has begun on the Comprehensive Plan, Downtown Master Plan, and Parks, Trails, and Open Space Master Plan. As a part of the process, a Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee (CPAC) is being formed that will include between 15-20 people to oversee the project —the CDC/EDC Board gets two appointments. Around five CPAC Meetings are planned over the next twelve months. It should also be noted that the entire CDC/EDC Board will be involved with several joint meetings with other boards and commissions. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: None A:iILILKIa ATrina �* CDC *EDC Item No. 8 CDC/EDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 6.03.2020 Staff Contact: Joey Grisham AGENDA ITEM: Director's Report A. Report on current corporate financial status —Discussion Only B. ED Strategic Plan Update SUMMARY: The Director of Economic Development will provide an update on the financial status of the CDC and EDC. CDC Fund Balance: $894,856.06 CDC Sales Tax Revenue (March) $84,243.27 CDC Sales Tax Revenue (YTD) $488,827.09 EDC Fund Balance: $466,327.21 The Director of Economic Development will also provide an update on the Economic Strategic Plan, which was adopted by the City Council at their May 12t" meeting. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: 1. April CDC and EDC Financial Statements 2. Economic Development Strategic Plan CDC Balance Sheet For Period Ending 04/30/2020 Beginning Current Month Ending Balance Activity YTD Activity Balance 10/1/2019 4/30/2020 4/30/2020 Assets 89-000-1010 Bank -Operating Funds 736,82782 603529,93r 89,380.34 826,208.16 89-000-1012 Bank- Restricted Funds 19,11843 11,87. 194.47 19,312.90 89-000-1150 Accounts Receivable - - - 8M00A160 Accounts Receivable - Sales Tax 188045931 (188,459.31) - 89-000-1202 Receivables - Due From General Fund - - - 89-000-1215 Receivables - Local Business Loans 917310.00 91,310.00 Total Assets 1,035,715.56 50,541.80 (98,884.50) 936,831.06 Liabilities 89-000-2001 Accounts Payable 13,85747 ,' (31258.77) (137192.47) 665.00 89-000-2020 Federal W/H Tax Payable - - (0,00) (0.00) 89-000-2021 FICA Payable 89-000-2024 Flexible Spending Payable 89-000-2025 Deferred Compensation Payable - - - 89-000-2026 TMRS Payable 89-000-2027 Health Insurance Payable 89-000-2029 Salaries Payable 1,817.28 (11817.28) - 89-000-2102 Payable - Due To General Fund(10) - - - - 89-000-2115 Deferred Revenue - Local Business Loans 41,310 00 419310.00 Total Liabilities 56,984.75 (31258.77) (15j009.75) 41,975.00 Fund Balance 89-000-3711 Fund Balance 887,420.81 53,800.57 (83,874.75) 803,546.06 89-000-3711 Fund Balance -Restricted 91,310.00 91,310.00 Total Fund Balance 978,730.81 53,800.57 (83,874.75) 894,856.06 CDC Income Statement For Period Ending 04/30/2020 Current on Activity YTD Activity 4/30/2020 Revenues 89-825-5225 Sales Tax Revenue - General 84,243.27 488,827.09 89-825-5329 Donations 27.00 117.00 89-825-5499 Miscellaneous Revenue I - 89-825-5530 interest Revenue 500,93 8,659.09 89-825-5800 Transfers in - 89-825-5840 Bond Proceeds Total Revenues 84,771.20 497,603.18 Expenses 89-825-6101 Salaries 62814,05. 32,438.99 89-825-6114 Payroll Taxes -City Part FICA 521.28 2,620.63 89-825-6121 Health Insurance 78.90 552.72 89-825-6125 TMRS Retirement 968.96 4,976.26 89-825-6126 Unemployment 144.00-. 144.00 89-825-6127 Workers Compensation 153.00 89-825-6129 Miscellaneous Payroll _ 89-825-6208 Office Supplies 531.01 89-825-6209 Other Supplies -Misc. _: 561.40 89-825-6210 Clothing Supplies 530.00 89-825-6212 Postage _ 89-825-6299 IT Supplies _ 89-625-6700 Economic Development Grant Expense 123,467.35 89-8256703 Contract Services 11200,00 55p816.50 89-825-6710 Travel/Training Expense 1161477 89-825-6722 Insurance - Property & Liability 3,500.00 89-825-6731 Public Notices - Advertising _ 89-825-6735 Promotion Expense 2300.00. 11,516.74 89-825-6753 Legal Expense 395.88 2,482.81 89-825-6755 Audit Expense 1,047.60 3,29T50 89-825-6756 Engineering _ 89-825-6761 Dues, Publications, Permits & Licenses 11613m 89-825-6783 Telephones - Pagers _ 89-825-6789 Debt Service Principal 215,000.00 89-825-6790 Interest Expense 57,008.75 89-825-6795 Bond Fees 89-825-6799 Other Services -Misc. 17600.00 53,652.60 89-825-6901 Construction In Progress _ 89-825-6911 Machinery & Equipment _ 89-825-6931 Land & Improvements _ 89-825-8900 Other Financing Use- Debt Refundings _ 89-825-9800 Transfers Out Total Expenses 30,970.63 5812477.93 Net Profit(Loss 53,800.57 (83,874.75) p fl S 8 s& 8 8& 8 8 8 8 A 8 8 k $m�ffi8��88g88 _ x oo t. 06 m \ , � § § § \ ) r2 r - B - -2 PR \ \ } \ K(\\ \ \\ 0 \E §!§ }))& \cl 000 k}((\ �� a" O o 0 [D O M N _ _ _ M u U c m m 0] W 6 N 6 4 co O O0 0 0 tD m N N V W W N N m W M N %�f NLf V O O O O O M N cO O O O O O N O N O O 0 0 0 0 h� N 0 0 6 60 0 0 o th r O O O O O O co O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 u N O r O O c r N N N NM M V V N M � C V O C M W O O O O O N N O O 0 0 0 0 O N N m 0 4 6 6 6 6 0 G O O N 6 0 W c0 O ❑ N O N h f r 0 0 O O O O O W NM O O (O O Oo Y M O O O O OO OO OO OO OO O M� O O W O O co � w v o G U ma `-0U W 4 O) O W D N G n � 0 0 0 N ^ I�: D ceiO O M tM[l � 0 0� rl(O •� � DO an d r (3i rn N N It co � o n LL m u UL UL F C N d a N C O v N m li m Q m LL m 0 m m m a d m C) C7 rn o N T c o c w .N o N E D o u 'm " c a�i m m o "o ? 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(124,385.26) 467,232.21 90-000-1011 Bank - Money Market & Savings Funds - - - 90-000-1150 Accounts Receivable 449.00 (449.00) - 90-000-1160 Accounts Receivable - Sales Tax - - 90-000-1202 Receivables - Due From General Fund - - - 90-000-1215 Receivables - Local Business Loans 89,027.00 (11500.00) 87,527.00 Total Assets 681,093.47 (91974.80) (126,334.26) 554,759.21 Liabilities 90-000-2001 Accounts Payable 25362.21 (295.08) (11657.21) 705.00 90-000-2005 Other Accounts Payable 1,008.34 - (808.34) 200.00 90-000-2102 Payable - Due To General Fund(10) - - - 90-000-2115 Deferred Revenue - Local Business Loans 89,027 00 - (11500,00) 87,527.00 90-000-2210 Retainage - - - 90-000-2735 2011 CO's Current - - 90-000-2736 2011 CO's Non Current Total Liabilities 92,397.55 (295.08) (3,965.55) 887432,00 Fund Balance 90-000-3711 Fund Balance 5889695.92 (91679.72) (122,368.71) 466,327.21 Total Fund Balance 588,695.92 (91679.72) (122,368.71) 466,327.21 EDC Income Statement For Period Ending 04/30/2020 Current on Activity YTD Activity 4/30/2020 Revenues 90-826-5350 Rental 351.20 : 6,499.69 90-826-5491 Gain on sales of Assets - 90-826-5499 Miscellaneous Revenue 12500.00 90-826-5530 Interest Revenue -293.14.. 5,614.27 90-826-5800 Transfers in - 90-826-5853 Other Financial Source from Notes Payable Total Revenues 644.34 13,613.96 Expenses 90-826-6209 Other Supplies - Misc. 1,153.03 90-826-6210 Clothing Supplies - 90-826-6212 Postage - 90-826-6303 Maint. & Repair - Buildings 33.00 90-826-6703 Contract Services '-81364.50.: 123,590.87 90-826-6708 IT Support Services (776.82). 99.18 90-826-6722 Insurance - Property & Liability 1,050.00 90-826-6735 Promotion Expense 382,37'. 382.37 90-826-6753 Legal Expense 1,047,50. 3,769.41 90-826-6755 Audit Expense 158,26 27408.26 90-826-6780 Electricity 61.82 1,160.35 90-826-6781 Gas - Natural/Propane 433.16 90-826-6782 City Utilities Water/Sewer/Trash 816.61 90-826-6783 Telephones - Pagers 12086.43 . 1,086.43 90-826-6799 Other Services - Misc. - 90-826-6901 Construction in Progress - 90-826-6931 Land & Improvements - 90-826-9800 Transfer Out - Total Expenses 10,324.06 135,982.67 Net Income/Loss (91679.72) (122,368.71) , . ......us us ,'It f III )§)§]§! \ \\\0000 ; ) §)§||)|||| \ \ /,! }ILI CA _!)\ !;\\\( |!!!!,- l;I;§§§(§(§ ! )\\\ ____((\(((\ !)() ) }\}\ \\\\\\\\\\\ \ \\ \ } \\\\\\\ §§ om ]! 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This process culminated over several months, including many meetings and workshops and extensive input. CDC and EDC Board Members: Place I - Anthony Richardson (President) Place 2 - Rocio Gonzalez (Secretary) Place 3 - Doris Pierce Place 4 - Bruce Norwood Place 5 - Stan Carver (Vice -President) Place 6 - Terry Farrell Place 7 - Michelle Hawkins Joey Grisham Economic Development Director Taylor Lough Economic Development Manager Beginning in 1995, Anna has seen explosive growth as it is transitioning from a small, rural community to a fast -growth suburb of the DFW metroplex. Since 2000, Anna's population has increased 1,125%. The City has ranked one of the top 6 fastest -growing cities in North Texas since 2010 (Dallas Business Journal, Nov 29, 2018). Strong residential growth, a stellar school district, a diversity of new projects and prime location on US Highway 75, State Highway 5 and State Highway 121, as well as frontage along the Collin County Outer Loop, make Anna an excellent choice for corporations and residents alike. With ample land options, a historic downtown, and multiple planned developments already in progress, Anna's City Council is strategically and effectively managing this unprecedented growth. In 2019, they tasked the CDC and EDC with developing a bold economic development plan. In response, the CDC and EDC embarked on a detailed assessment of the community, participated in workshops, vision -setting sessions, SWOT analyses, identification of important metrics, and more. This initiative resulted in a strategic plan that identifies the vision, mission, and core values of the City of Anna along with goals, objectives, and tactics. This strategic plan, once approved by the City Council, will shepherd the economic development efforts over the next 3 to 5 years and serve as both conduit and guide in evaluating projects and making decisions that will continue to draw businesses and residents to Anna, foster economic diversity, support the infrastructure to continue sustainable growth, and guide future housing decisions. Having both Type-AEDCand Type-B CDC corporations, Anna can facilitate creative public/ private partnerships that will realize the vision and objectives outlined. Furthermore, the Chamber of Commerce serves as an important and strategic partner in sustaining and expanding the community's economic vitality. The Chamber's focus on business education, fostering a welcoming business climate, and promoting a community spirit that engages neighbors, continues to raise quality of life standards reinforced by the City's strategic priorities. This strategic plan is an evolving plan and should be revisited annually as market conditions evolve. As City Council, the Chamber of Commerce and the EDC and CDC continue to raise the community's profile and reinforce its identity at all levels, Anna will continue to flourish with its business -friendly tax environment, multiple north -south- east -west transportation corridors, and growing neighborhoods and amenities. Economic Vitality in Anna may be evidenced by: • Higher quality developments • Additional catalyst projects in the downtown area • Mixed -use development along FM 455/75 • Strategic public/private partnerships • Increased investment in physical infrastructure • Stronger regional partnerships VISION Anna has created a balanced and sustainable tax base that invites high quality jobs, facilitates excellent quality of life with well -maintained and first-rate infrastructure, and offers a wide range of housing and public facilities that build community identity and pride and engage neighbors in meaningful ways. 14 TARGETED OUTCOME Increase Economic Diversity MISSION EDC - To identify and support opportunities that expand the city's business tax base and promote job growth in Anna. CDC - To identify and fund projects that enhance the quality of life in Anna and support the work of the EDC in the community. CORE VALUES As part of this initiative, the stakeholders outlined key principles that should guide future economic develop- ment decisions for the community, as follows: 1. Unique 2. First -Rate 3. Community Oriented 4. Diversified 5. Exceptional Quality of Life 6. Robust 7. Well -Maintained Ariria *EDC �riria �*CDC • The ratio of businesses open to the total number of EDC meetings with retailers, restaurants, entertainment users, brokers, or developers • Number of meetings with prospective/targeted primary employers, partners, and landowners • Number of website/social media hits/clicks/likes • Number of new commercial permits/COs per year • Net annual change in sales tax collections • Net annual increase in commercial property value • New commercial square footage per year • Number of events attended/hosted by the EDC per year 5 INCREASE ECONOMIC DIVERSITY IF Z_ Wig" ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GOALS: 1. Build the organizational infrastructure to support a successful economic development program that achieves local, state and national recognition 2. Strengthen the City's commercial and employment base by focusing on catalyst areas and other opportunity areas 3. Continue to foster relationships with businesses, partners and allies 4. Create and promote a positive identity that differentiates Anna from surrounding communities using an integrated marketing/communications strategy 5. Transform Downtown Anna into a vibrant district 6. Improve the quality of life in Anna 7. Increase variety of housing in Anna 8. Improve the aesthetics and appearance of the community through public and private investment 9. Develop first-class infrastructure in Anna 10. Increase retail, restaurant, and entertainment options in Anna Goal 1) Build first-rate organizational infrastructure to support a successful economic development program that achieves local, state, and national recognition Objective A) Create an incentive policy that maximizes private investment by leveraging economic development funding with other available resources Action i) Explore best practices and stay up-to-date on innovative incentive policies and maintain a clear and effective policy applicable for Anna Action ii) Continue utilizing Impact Data Source software to ensure all incentives meet minimum thresholds and objectives Action iii) Be transparent by listing incentives out on Economic Development website Objective B) Maintain organizational excellence Action i) Complete an audit of FY 2020 performance measures and explore additional standards/metrics to achieve in FY 2021, and include in the annual report Action ii) Consider adding staff members for expanded administrative support and outreach Objective C) Maintain positive relationships with key property owners/land representatives in Anna Action i) Maintain a list of on -market properties, including concepts, site plans, available space/acreage, costs, key contacts, summary of project, and other attributes Action ii) Create a database of off -market properties and landowners, including size, ownership, point of last contact, current use of property, and willingness to develop/sell Action iii) Maintain a list of affected property owners due to development of projects, including adjacent development, road/utility expansion, future right-of-way acquisition, and other activity that may impact property owners or businesses Objective D) Aggressively market Anna by maintaining a competitive outreach through strategic industry organizations, real estate brokerage/development firms, and events Action i) Participate in Annual ICSC ReCON and ICSC Red River Conferences and consider engaging with third parties to assist with market research, setting up meetings, and targets Action ii) Attend and host booth at NTCAR Annual Expo to promote Anna to local brokers and developers Action iii) Attend/sponsor BISNOW to promote Anna Action iv) Attend Annual Retail Live Austin to interface with national retailers and brokers Action v) Consider attending select NAIOP conference for industrial targets Action vi) Host development forums that target specific industries like industrial, medical, etc. Action vii) Leverage local real estate brokerage partnerships by meeting with key companies monthly Action viii) Maintain effective communication with Anna "neighbors" and "partners" on the value of EDC/CDC by speaking at HOA meetings/events and providing a monthly newsletter Resources Create a "one pager" that highlights the Mission, Vision, Values, and Strategic Plan as well as completed projects in prior FY. "Partners" include The North Texas Commission, Collin County Realtors, Collin County Business Alliance, Collin College, Regional EDC's (Sherman/Denison, McKinney, Melissa, Van Alstyne, Celina) Action ix) Continue utilizing Placer Al data and other resources that provide updated market information and trends on Anna Objective E) Apply for annual awards from the Texas Economic Development Council (TEDC) and the International Economic Development Council (IEDC) Goal 2) Strengthen the City's commercial and employment base by focusing on catalyst and opportunity areas Objective A) Support the activation of Anna Town Center (Chief Partners and Edge Realty) Action i) Continue to partner with landowner and property brokers to identify and procure tenants that can increase tax base and increase retail/commercial in Anna Action ii) Encourage first class design and merchandising for future projects Objective B) Support the activation of the Standridge tract Action i) Work with landowner to create a merchandising plan for first-rate prospects Action ii) Support developer with future infrastructure needs and opportunities to cooperate with adjacent properties to ensure sustainable infrastructure strategies and coordinate among property owners a Objective C) Support the vision and activation of Downtown Action i) Work with City on vision, masterplan, policies, and regulation for the activation of Downtown Objective D) Support the activation of the southeast corner of 455/75 Action i) Develop relationship with landowner and help create strategy for activation Objective E) Support the activation of the southwest corner of 455/75 (Flying J) Action i) Explore opportunities to work with the property owner on gateway elements, landscaping, and other upgrades Objective F) Activate the Business Park Action i) Create strategy for the activation of the Business Park with targeted uses that attract primary jobs to Anna Action ii) Support broker to promote and market the property Action iii) Complete a targeted industry analysis to refine target uses, sectors, and messaging Objective G) Explore the activation strategy for the Outer Loop - "employment corridor" Action i) Support the City in creating a vision for the Outer Loop properties Action ii) Explore potential land uses for strategic properties within the Outer Loop properties Objective H) Support the development of commercial and residential space in developments on the western side of US 75 including Mantua (Risland), Villages of Hurricane Creek/Sherley Tract (Centurion American), and Oak Ridge (Tomlin) Action i) Continue to monitor and support the developers in refining the vision, obtaining entitlements that align with targets and infrastructure strategy for the properties Objective 1) Support the developers in activating class A corporate office and other commercial and residential development Action i) Develop criteria/standards for incentives and special districts (i.e. PIDs/TIRZ Districts) Objective J) Support the vision for Hwy 121 frontage Action i) Explore a merchandising strategy that can activate the 121 frontage and establish service for the eastern portion of Anna Objective K) Have City Council and CDC/EDC Board members tour benchmark developments that align with the community vision Goal 3) Continue to foster strong relationships with community and regiona partners Objective A) Work with Collin College and other higher education institutions to locate in Anna Action i) Identify sites that fit criteria for higher education and supporting uses Objective B) Create a business retention and expansion program to better address the needs of local businesses and employers Action i) Host an annual business appreciation event to engage and promote local businesses 3�- E3 Action ii) Work with the Greater Anna Chamber of Commerce to develop a strategy and policy for local business visits to identify opportunities for retention and expansion and monitor business health Objective C) Maintain strong partnership with the Greater Anna Chamber of Commerce and annually review CDC Agreement Objective D) Maintain strong relationship with Anna ISD and host periodic meetings for project updates Objective E) Meet periodically with other regional EDOs along the 75 corridor to promote regionalism and cooperation Goal 4) Create and promote a positive identity that differentiates Anna from surrounding communities using an integrated marketing/communications strategy Objective A) Support a citywide awareness and marketing initiative of Anna to improve regional and national awareness Action i) Explore developing a tag -line for the EDC/CDC that underscores the mission of the EDC/CDC that aligns with the city-wide branding efforts in partnership with a third - party firm Objective B) Create award -winning promotion/marketing/advertising materials, electronic media, website, and social media Action i) Maintain a professional website that includes continuous updates including "why Anna," that is current on available properties/buildings, market data and reports, quick facts, current projects, contacts, and other relevant data to advance economic development Action ii) Explore effective marketing/advertising channels that can extend the brand of Anna to future visitors, employers, residents, prospects, and workers (regional/local) Action iii) Leverage social media to promote internal and external events Action iv) Continue to work closely with the Chamber on events to support local businesses and increase tourism Action v) Continue to contribute to Dallas Business Journal digital articles to promote Anna as a choice community in North Texas Action vi) Speak at local and regional events to market Anna including but not limited to service organizations, Collin County Association of Realtors, NTCAR, North Texas Commission, Collin County Business Alliance, and the DFW Marketing Team Goal 5) Transform Downtown Anna into a vibrant district Objective A) Work closely with the downtown Master Plan consulting team to incorporate key ideas and components to create a strong downtown district Action i) Explore opportunities to improve signage, upgrade infrastructure, expand landscaping, increase design standards, update parking, and other infrastructure projects (e.g. restore water tower, etc.) Objective B) Increase the number of small businesses in Downtown Anna Objective C) Recruit residential and commercial projects that align with the downtown vision Goal 6) Improve the quality of life in Anna Objective A) Continue to enhance city parks and the parks and trail system in Anna and explore opportunities to connect into regional trail system (Parks and Trails Master Plan) Objective B) Support the City in identifying recreational facility needs Action i) Sponsor a tourism study to understand the potential impacts of tourism and opportunities to increase local and regional tourism Objective C) Encourage developers to incorporate unique amenities into developments Goal 7) Increase variety of housing in Anna Objective a) Encourage housing diversity in Anna 12 hKilill Fr i4 I � (I `7 PALLADIUM ANNAF Action i) Conduct a housing assessment to determine the types of housing Anna can support, policies, and actions that can improve the health and vitality of Anna's housing stock Goal 8) Improve the aesthetics and appearance of the community through public and private investment Objective A) Integrate design guidelines with development agreements on projects with incentives Action i) Define policy on incentives and development agreements Objective B) Explore other green -ribbon project opportunities Action i) Explore infrastructure improvements planned with TxDOT and coordinate upgrades that can enhance the Anna brand Objective C) Support downtown guidelines and beautification projects Action i) Participate in the downtown master plan and creation of the downtown guidelines and beatification plan to enhance Downtown Anna Objective D) Support the improvement of Anna's gateways and entrances Action i) Explore opportunities to support gateways and entryway features to promote Anna as a choice place Objective E) Explore opportunities to increase unique signage/way-finding/branding for Anna Objective F) Partner with Oncor/GCEC in location of overhead and/or underground utilities Goal 9) Develop first-class infrastructure in Anna Objective A) Engage with developers and landowners to understand infrastructure needs Objective B) Invest in infrastructure projects that enhance the tax base of the community Objective C) Encourage developers to increase fiber infrastructure 13 Goal 10) Increase retail/restaurant/entertainment options in Anna Objective a) Explore third parties that can enhance retail exposure for Anna Action i) Explore developing a study for a city-wide merchandising and retail recruitment plan Objective B) Expand presence at local and national retail conferences Action i) Participate in ICSC events and conferences Resources (1) Create retail collateral that articulates "why Anna" to retailers, brokers, and property owners Resources (2) Develop a plan for ICSC including strategic meetings, leveraging existing brokers and developers, and opportunities for engagement and education Action ii) Participate in Retail Live Austin to advance prospects for Anna Objective C) Foster relationships with local partners Action i) Continuously meet with DFW-based brokers and developers to increase awareness of Anna assets and opportunities ICI Business Acquisition Ratio Targeted Prospect Ratio Click Rate 206 299 Sales Tax 26.5% Growth Property Tax Growth Number of new 0 0 commercial COs New Commercial 0 3�3g1 Square Footage Number of Permits 0 2 Issued Number of events 0 0 attended/hosted 15 SCORECARDS Ratio of Broker/ Number of Number of Web Developer Visits Targeted Prospects Visits Engaged 0 0 -- `� Change in Sales Net Annual Increase Net Annual Increase Tax Collection in Commercial in Commercial Property Value Square Footage 1 Number of Number of Events In THE CITY OF Commercial Hostedi-inna Permits Issued CDC i-inna OF