HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDC-EDCpkt2020-03-05Ariria �ririaC D C MEETING AGENDA ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION AND ANNA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Thursday, March 5, 2020 of 6 00 p.m. INC-CUBE BUILDING, CONFERENCE ROOM 312 N. POWELL PARKWAY, ANNA, TEXAS The Anna Community Development Corporation and the Anna Economic Development Corporation will conduct a meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 5, 2020, at the Inc - Cube Building, Conference Room, 312 N. Powell Parkway, City of Anna to consider the following items: 1. Call to Order, Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum. 2, Invocation and Pledge. 3. Citizen Comments. Persons may address the Board of Directors on items not on the agenda; please observe the time limit of three (3) minutes. Members of the Board cannot comment on or deliberate statements of the public except as authorized by Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code. 4. Consider/Discuss/Act on approving minutes from the February 6, 2020 CDC Meeting. (CDC) 5. Consider/Discuss/Act on approving minutes from the February 6, 2020 EDC Meeting. (EDC) 6. ConsiderlDiscusslAct on a Resolution adopting the Economic Development Strategic Plan. (CDC and EDC) 7. Consider/Discuss/Act on updating the expenditure of funds for maintenance and operation of the Inc -Cube security system. (EDC) 8. Director's Report A. Report on current corporate financial status —Discussion Only B. BISNOW Event on March 26 IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE: The Corporation may vote and/or act upon each of the items listed in this agenda. The Corporation reserves the right to retire into executive session concerning any of the items listed on this agenda, whenever it is considered necessary and legally justified under the Open Meetings Act. Disabled persons who want to attend this meeting and who may need assistance should contact the City Secretary at 972-924-3325 two working days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. C. March 2411 Economic Development update to City Council 9. CLOSED SESSION (exceptions): A. Deliberate regarding the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. (Tex. Gov't Code §551.072) possible property acquisition; possible land sale/purchase-, Anna Business Park. B. Consult with legal counsel on matters in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Government Code (Tex. Gov't Code §551.071); Discuss contract concerning Revolving Loan Fund; incentive and lease agreements. C. Discuss or deliberate Economic Development Negotiations: (1) To discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the Board of Directors has received from a business prospect that the Board of Directors seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the City of Anna and with which the Board is conducting economic development negotiations; or, (2) To deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect described by subdivision (1). (Tex. Gov't Code §551.087) Anna Business Park Property; potential retail and medical projects. 10. Reconvene into open session and take any action on closed session items. 11. Receive reports from staff or Board Members about items of community interest. Items of community interest include. expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; information regarding holiday schedules; an honorary or salutary recognition of a public official, public employee, or other citizen (but not including a change in status of a person's public office or public employment); a reminder about an upcoming event organized or sponsored by the governing body; information regarding a social, ceremonial, or community event organized or sponsored by an entity other than the governing body that was attended or is scheduled to be attended by a member of the governing body or an official or employee of the municipality; and announcements involving an imminent threat to the public health and safety of people in the municipality that has arisen after posting of the agenda. 12, Adjourn. This is to certify that I, Joey Grisham, Economic Development Director, posted this agenda at a place readily accessible to the public at the Anna City Hall d on the City Hall bulletin board at or before &00 p.m. on Feb ruar 28 f320. J e risham, Economic Development Director IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE: The Corporation may vote and/or act upon each of the items listed in this agenda. The Corporation reserves the right to retire into executive session concerning any of the items listed on this agenda, whenever it is considered necessary and legally justified under the Open Meetings Act. Disabled persons who want to attend this meeting and who may need assistance should contact the City Secretary at 972-924-3325 two working days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. A:iILILKIa ATrina �* CDC *EDC Item No. 4 CDC/EDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 3.05.2020 Staff Contact: Joey Grisham AGENDA ITEM: Consider/Discuss/Act on approving minutes from the February 6, 2020 CDC Meeting. SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the minutes from the February 6, 2020 CDC Meeting. ATTACHMENTS: 1. February 6, 2020 CDC Meeting. A:iILILKIa ATrina �* CDC *EDC Item No. 5 CDC/EDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 3.05.2020 Staff Contact: Joey Grisham AGENDA ITEM: Consider/Discuss/Act on approving minutes from the February 6, 2020 EDC Meeting. SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the minutes from the February 6, 2020 EDC Meeting. ATTACHMENTS: 1. February 6, 2020 EDC Meeting. Officers: Staff: Anthony Richardson, President Joey Grisham, Economic Development Director Stan Carver, Vice -President Taylor Lough, Economic Development Manager Rocio Gonzalez, Secretary Ann Anna *C:DC,, *�� Anna Community Development Corporation and Anna Economic Development Corporation Meeting Minutes Thursday, February 6, 2020 at 6:00 pm Inc -Cube Building, Conference Room 312 N. Powell Parkway, Anna, Texas 75409 CDC and EDC Board Members Present: Anthony Richardson, Bruce Norwood, Stan Carver, Rocio Gonzalez, and Doris Pierce. Michelle Hawkins was absent. Others present: Joey Grisham (Economic Development Director), Clark McCoy (CDC/EDC Legal Counsel), and Lee Miller (City Council Member). 1. Call to Order. Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum. The meeting was called to order by Anthony Richardson, Board President, at 6:03 p.m. 2. Invocation and Pledge. Invocation and pledge of allegiance led by Anthony Richardson. 3. Citizen Comments. There were no citizen comments. 4. Consider/Discuss/Act on approving minutes from the January 15, 2020 CDC and EDC Meeting. Bruce Norwood made a motion on behalf of the Community Development Corporation and Economic Development Corporation to approve the minutes from the January 15, 2020 CDC and EDC Meeting. Rocio Gonzalez seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. 5. Hear update from Andrea Henry. Andrea Henry with Simply Floor It provided updates to the Board. She stated that as of Jan. 1 she is no longer in the 6,000 square foot building behind Flying J as her rent was increasing. Andrea is in smaller facility and focusing strictly on commercial projects (mainly tenant finish out). She has been attending events on responding to public RFPs and bidding websites, and remains in contact with the Collin County Small Business Development Center. Lastly, she stated that she has generated $8,144.39 in sales collection to date for the city and is on pace to meet the performance obligations. 6. Director's Report Officers: Staff: Anthony Richardson, President Joey Grisham, Economic Development Director Stan Carver, Vice -President Taylor Lough, Economic Development Manager Rocio Gonzalez, Secretary A. Report on current financial status —Discussion Only Joey updated the Board of financials from December. B. Bisnow 121 Corridor Event on March 26, 2020 Joey Grisham stated that the EDC is a booth sponsor at this event to be held at the Sheraton McKinney, and invited Board members. He expects over 300 to be in attendance. C. Greater Anna Chamber Banquet on Feb. 22, 2020 Joey Grisham reminded the Board about the Chamber Banquet to be held on Saturday, Feb. 22"d at the Anna High School at 6 pm. D. ICSC ReCON Conference Joey Grisham said that he is finalizing travel plans for those who will be attending the event in May. E. Inc -Cube Construction Update Joey Grisham said that the project was nearing completion. 7. Conduct an Economic Development Strategic Plan Workshop Jason Claunch with Catalyst Commercial summarized the planning process and presented a PowerPoint slide deck that outlined the vision statements, mission statements, core values, goals, objectives, tactics, and metrics. He stated that he would send a draft report to Joey Grisham in the next few weeks for review and that it would come back before the Board for approval in March. The Board and staff thanked Jason for his hard work on facilitating the plan and looked forward to implementation. 8. CLOSED SESSION (exceptions): A. Deliberate regarding the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. (Tex. Gov't Code §551.072) possible property acquisition; possible land sale/purchase; B. Consult with legal counsel on matters in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Government Code (Tex. Gov't Code §551.071); Discuss contract concerning Revolving Loan Fund; promotional contract. C. Discuss or deliberate Economic Development Negotiations: (1) To discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the Board of Directors has received from a business prospect that the Board of Directors seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the City of Anna and with which the Board is conducting economic development negotiations; or, (2) To deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect described by subdivision (1). (Tex. Gov't Code §551.087) Anna Business Park Property; potential retail and medical projects. Stan Carver made a motion for the Community Development Corporation at 7.40 pm to enter closed session. Bruce Norwood seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. 9. Reconvene into open session and take any action on closed session items. Officers: Staff: Anthony Richardson, President Joey Grisham, Economic Development Director Stan Carver, Vice -President Taylor Lough, Economic Development Manager Rocio Gonzalez, Secretary Rocio Gonzalez made a motion to reconvene into open session at 8:17 p.m. Doris Pierce seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. No action was taken. 10. Receive reports from staff or Board Members about items of community interest. Items of community interest include: expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; information regarding holiday schedules; an honorary or salutary recognition of a public official, public employee, or other citizen (but not including a change in status of a person's public office or public employment); a reminder about an upcoming event organized or sponsored by the governing body; information regarding a social, ceremonial, or community event organized or sponsored by an entity other than the governing body that was attended or is scheduled to be attended by a member of the governing body or an official or employee of the municipality, and announcements involving an imminent threat to the public health and safety of people in the municipality that has arisen after the posting of the agenda. Greater Anna Chamber Banquet on Feb. 22"d at 6pm at Anna High School State of the City Address on Tuesday, Feb. 111" at Anna High School The North Texas Fusion Center with the Collin County Sheriff's Office will be performing SWAT exercises at local churches to promote better preparedness if a hostile situation arises. 11. Adjourn. Rocio Gonzalez made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:21 pm. Anthony Richardson seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. APPROVED: Anthony Richardson President of CDC/EDC ATTESTED: Rocio Gonzalez Secretary of CDC/EDC A:iILILKIa ATrina �* CDC *EDC Item No. 6 CDC/EDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 3.05.2020 Staff Contact: Joey Grisham AGENDA ITEM: Consider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution approving the Economic Development Strategic Plan. SUMMARY: As you know, the Board and staff have been working with Jason Claunch of Catalyst Commercial to develop an Economic Development Strategic Plan. In your packet is a final draft for review and adoption. Once the Board adopts the plan, it will go before the City Council on March 24t" for their consideration. Moving forward, staff will be discussing elements of the plan at every Board Meeting. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: On behalf of the CDC and EDC Boards, approve a Resolution adopting the Economic Development Strategic Plan. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Economic Development Strategic Plan — Final Draft 2. Resolution of the Community Development Corporation adopting the Economic Development Strategic Plan 3. Resolution of the Economic Development Corporation adopting the Economic Development Strategic Plan ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ADOPTING AN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC PLAN WHEREAS, on May 28, 2019 the City of Anna City Council adopted the City of Anna Strategic Plan identifying economic development as a top priority and its desire for the Anna Community Development Corporation (the "CDC") and the Anna Economic Development Corporation (the "EDC") to develop an economic development strategic plan; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the CDC and the EDC and CDC/EDC Staff worked with Catalyst Commercial to develop a strategic plan with a five-year blueprint that will make Anna successful as it competes for economic development opportunities that diversifies the tax base; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the CDC desires to adopt said strategic plan and begin to implement the blueprint to promote new and expanded business enterprise in the City of Anna; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION THAT: Section 1. Recitals Incorporated The recitals set forth above are incorporated herein for all purposes as if set forth in full. Section 2. Adoption of Strategic Plan The CDC Board of Directors hereby approves and adopts the 2020 Economic Development Strategic Plan attached hereto as EXHIBIT A, incorporated herein for all purposes. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Anna Community Development Corporation on this 5t" day of March 2020. ATTEST: APPROVED: Anthony Richardson Rocio Gonzales CDC President CDC Secretary ANNA CDC RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 1 OF 1 ANNA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE ANNA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ADOPTING AN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC PLAN WHEREAS, on May 28, 2019 the City of Anna City Council adopted the City of Anna Strategic Plan identifying economic development as a top priority and its desire for the Anna Community Development Corporation (the "CDC") and the Anna Economic Development Corporation (the "EDC") to develop an economic development strategic plan; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the CDC and the EDC and CDC/EDC Staff worked with Catalyst Commercial to develop a strategic plan with a five-year blueprint that will make Anna successful as it competes for economic development opportunities that diversifies the tax base; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the EDC desires to adopt said strategic plan and begin to implement the blueprint to promote new and expanded business enterprise in the City of Anna; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ANNA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION THAT: Section 1. Recitals Incorporated The recitals set forth above are incorporated herein for all purposes as if set forth in full. Section 2. Adoption of Strategic Plan The EDC Board of Directors hereby approves and adopts the 2020 Economic Development Strategic Plan attached hereto as EXHIBIT A, incorporated herein for all purposes. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Anna Economic Development Corporation on this 5t" day of March 2020. ATTEST: APPROVED: Anthony Richardson Rocio Gonzales EDC President EDC Secretary ANNA EDC RESOLUTION NO. PAGE 1 OF 1 Ariria *CDC THE �*EDC �riria A special thanks goes to the CDC and EDC Board and staff for contributing ideas and crafting nuanced strategies to advance economic development for the City of Anna. This process culminated over several months, including many meetings, workshops, and input. CDC and EDC Boards: Place I - Anthony Richardson (President) Place 2 - Rocio Gonzalez (Secretary) Place 3 - Doris Pierce Place 4 - Bruce Norwood Place 5 - Stan Carver (Vice -President) Place 6 - Terry Farrell Place 7 - Michelle Hawkins Joey Grisham Economic Development Director Taylor Lough Economic Development Manager Over the last few decades, Anna has experienced explosive growth as it has transitioned from a small, rural community to a fast -growth suburb in the DFW Metroplex. Since 2000, Anna has grown by approximately 1,125% and just ranked as the 6th fastest -growing city in North Texas since 20101. With more affordable housing, a quality school district, and an excellent location on US Highway 75, Anna has become a community of choice for all age groups. With multiple planned developments on the horizon and 65 square miles of planning area, Anna has decided to be proactive by facing challenges head on by crafting a plan to strategically manage growth and help shape the City during unprecedented growth. In 2019, the Anna City Council adopted a new strategic plan that placed economic development as a top priority and tasked the CDC and EDC with developing a bold economic development plan. In response the CDC and EDC embarked on a detailed assessment of the community, participated in multiple workshops with the CDC and EDC Boards, and interviews with city staff. This initiative included a visioning session to identify vision, mission, and core values, a SWOT analysis, and identification of goals, objectives, and tactics. Ultimately, this plan will guide Anna's economic development efforts over the next 3-5 years and serves as a framework to evaluate projects and make decisions that align with the core values of the community. For Anna, with its history as a suburban bedroom community, economic diversity for the future of the city is dependent on a robust economic development program that fosters non-residential growth, supports infrastructure to expand, and guides future housing decisions. With its strategic frontage along the Collin County Outer Loop and Highways 75, 5, and 121, undeveloped land along FM 455, a historic downtown, and acres of prime undeveloped land, the city has unlimited potential. Anna has a Type A EDC and Type B CDC to facilitate the creative public/private partnerships necessary to realize the vision. Furthermore, the Chamber of Commerce is an essential strategic partner in sustaining and expanding the community's economic vitality. The Chamber's focus on business education, maintaining a welcoming business climate, and its promotion of community spirit and quality of life reinforce the city's strategic priorities. This is an evolving plan that should be revisited annually and should adjust with market conditions and vision. Having goals in place, however, is not enough. Anna will need to continue efforts to raise the community's profile and reinforce its brand identity at local, regional, and national levels. Economic Vitality in Anna may be evidenced by: • Higher quality developments • Additional catalyst projects in Downtown • Mixed -use development along FM 455/75 • Strategic public/private partnerships • Increased investment in infrastructure • Stronger regional partnerships Dallas Business Journal VISION Anna has a balanced and sustainable tax base that provides high quality jobs, maintains an excellent quality of life, has a wide range of housing, offers community facilities that create community pride, and has well maintained and first-rate infrastructure. 14 TARGETED OUTCOME Increase Economic Diversity MISSION EDC - To support opportunities to expand the city's business tax base and promote job growth within the community. CDC - To identify and fund community facilities and related projects in order to maintain and enhance the quality of life in Anna, and work with the Economic Development Corporation on efforts to expand the city's business tax base and promote job growth within the community. SUCCESS FACTORS • Number of meetings with retailers,restaurants, or entertainment • Number of meetings with brokers • Number of meetings with developers • number of meetings with prospective/targeted primary employers • Amount of website/social media hits • Number and value of new commercial permits/COs • Net annual change in sales tax collections • Net annual increase in commercial property value • New commercial square footage • Number of events attended/hosted by the EDC • Total number of interactions with partners/allies, businesses, and landowners 1. Build the organizational infrastructure to support a successful economic devel- opment program that achieves local, state and national recognition 2. Strengthen the City's Commercial and Employment Base by focusing on "Cata- lyst" areas and opportunity areas 3. Continue to foster strong relationships with community and regional partners 4. Create and Promote a Positive Identity that differentiates Anna and develop an integrated marketing/communications strategy that includes print, electronic media, web, and social media 5. Transform Downtown Anna into a vibrant district 6. Improve quality of life in Anna 7. Increase variety of housing in Anna 8. Improve the aesthetics and appearance of the community through public and private investment 9. Develop first-class infrastructure in Anna 10.Increase retail, restaurant, and entertainment options in Anna As part of this initiative, the stakeholders outlined key principles that should guide future economic development decisions for the community, as follows: 1. Unique 2. First Rate 3. Community oriented 4. Diversified/Variety 5. Quality of Life 6. Economic Development 7. Well -maintained 5 INCREASE ECONOMIC DIVERSITY Z-7- IF 77 .A �:. ILL, 01 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GOALS: 1. Build the organizational infrastructure to support a successful economic development program that achieves local, state and national recognition 2. Strengthen the City's Commercial and Employment Base by focusing on "Catalyst" areas and opportunity areas 3. Continue to foster relationships with businesses, partners and Allies 4. Create and Promote a Positive Brand Identity that differentiates Anna 5. Transform Downtown Anna into a vibrant district 6. Improve quality of life in Anna 7. Increase variety of housing in Anna 8. Increase aesthetics in Anna 9. Develop first-class infrastructure in Anna 10. Increase retail, restaurant, and entertainment options in Anna Vision: Anna has a balanced and sustainable tax base that provides high quality jobs, maintains an excellent quality of life, has a wide range of housing, offers community facilities that create community pride, and has well maintained and first-rate infrastructure. Goal1) Build first-rate organizational infrastructure to support a successful economic development program that achieves local, state and national recognition. Objective a) Create an incentive policy that maximizes private investment by leveraging economic development funding with other available resources. Action i) Explore best practices and stay up to date on innovative incentive policies and maintain a clear and effective policy applicable for Anna. Action ii) Continue utilizing Impact Data Source software to ensure all incentives meet minimum thresholds and objectives. Action iii) Be transparent by listing incentives out on Economic Development website. Objective b) Maintain organizational excellence. Action i) Complete an audit of FY 2019 performance measures and explore additional standards/metrics to achieve in FY 2020, and include in the annual report. Action ii) Consider adding staff members for expanded administrative support and outreach. Objective c) Maintain positive relationships with key property owners/land representatives in Anna. Action i) Maintain a list of on -market properties, including concepts, site plans, available space/acreage, costs, key contacts, summary of project, and other attributes. Action ii) Create a database of off -market properties and landowners, including size, ownership, point of last contact, current use of property, and willingness to develop/sell. Action iii) Maintain a list of affected property owners due to development of projects, including adjacent development, road/utility expansion, future ROW acquisition, and other activity that may impact property owners or business. Objective d) Aggressively market Anna by maintaining a competitive outreach through strategic industry organizations, real estate brokerage/development firms, and events. Action i) Participate in Annual ICSC ReCON and ICSC Red River Conferences and consider engaging with third parties to assist with market research, setting up meetings, and targets. Action ii) Attend and host booth at NTCAR Annual Expo to promote Anna to local brokers and developers. Action iii) Attend/sponsor BISNOW events and secure articles and ad space to promote Anna. Action iv) Attend Annual Retail Live Austin to interface with national retailers and brokers. Action v) Consider attending select NAIOP conference for industrial targets. • :A Action vi) Host development forums that target specific industries like industrial, medical, etc.. Action vii) Leverage local real estate brokerage partnerships by meeting with key companies monthly. Action viii) Maintain effective communication with Anna "neighbors" and "partners" on the value of EDC/CDC by speaking at HOA meetings/events and providing a monthly newsletter. Resources (1) Create a "one pager" that highlights the Mission, Vision, Values, and Strategic Plan as well as completed projects in prior FY. "Partners" include, The North Texas Commission, Collin County Realtors, Collin County Business Alliance, Collin College, Regional EDC's (Sherman/Denison, McKinney, Melissa, Van Alstyne, Celina). Action ix) Continue utilizing Placer Al data and other resources that provide updated market information and trends on Anna. Objective e) Apply for annual awards from the Texas Economic Development Council (TEDC) and the International Economic Development Council (IEDC). Goal2) Strengthen the City's Commercial and Employment Base by focusing on "Catalyst" areas and opportunity areas. Objective a) Support the activation of Anna Town Center (Chief Partners and Edge Realty). Action i) Continue to partner with landowner and property brokers to identify and procure tenants that can increase tax base and increase retail/commercial in Anna. Action ii) Encourage first class design and merchandising for future projects. Objective b) Support the activation of Standridge tract. DRAFT 9 Action i) Work with landowner to create a merchandising plan for first rate prospects. Action ii) Support developer with future infrastructure needs and opportunities to cooperate with adjacent properties to ensure sustainable infrastructure strategies and coordinate among property owners. Objective c) Support the vision and activation of Downtown. Action i) Work with City on vision, masterplan, policies, and regulation for the activation of Downtown. Objective d) Support the activation of SEC of 455/75. Action i) Develop relationship with landowner and help create strategy for activation. Objective e) Support the activation of SWC 455/75 (Flying J). Action i) Explore opportunities to work with the property owner on gateway elements, landscaping, and other upgrades. Objective f) Activate the Business Park. Action i) Create strategy for the activation of the business park with targeted uses that attract primary jobs to Anna. Action ii) Support broker to promote and market the property. Action iii) Complete a targeted industry analysis to refine target uses, sectors, and messaging. Objective g) Explore the activation strategy for the Outer Loop - "employment corridor." Action i) Support the City in creating a vision for the Outer Loop properties. Action ii) Explore potential land uses for strategic properties within the Outer Loop properties. Objective h) Support the development of commercial and residential space in developments on the western side of US 75 including Mantua (Risland), Villages of Hurricane Creek/Sherley Tract (Centurion American), and Oak Ridge (Tomlin). Action i) Continue to monitor and support the developers in refining the vision, obtaining entitlements that align with targets, and infrastructure strategy for the properties. Objective i) Support the developers in activating class A corporate office and other commercial and residential development. Action i) Develop criteria/standards that justifies city approval of PIDs/TIRZ Districts. Objective j) Support the vision for Hwy 121 frontage. Action i) Explore a merchandising strategy that can activate the 121 frontage and establish service for the eastern portion of Anna. Objective k) Have City Council and CDC/EDC Board members tour benchmark developments that align with the community vision. Goal 3) Continue to foster strong relationships with community and regional partners. Objective a) Work with Collin College and other higher education institutions to locate in Anna. Action i) Identify sites that fit criteria for higher education and supporting uses. Objective b) Create a business retention & expansion (BRE) program to better address the needs of 10 DRAFT local businesses and employers. Action i) Host an annual business appreciation event to engage and promote local businesses. Action ii) Work with the Greater Anna Chamber of Commerce to develop a strategy and policy for local business visits to identify opportunities for retention and expansion and monitor business health. Objective c) Maintain strong partnership with the Greater Anna Chamber of Commerce and annually review CDC Agreement. Objective d) Maintain strong relationship with Anna ISD and host periodic meetings for project updates. Objective e) Meet periodically with other regional EDOs along the 75 corridor to promote regionalism and cooperation. Goal 4) Create and Promote a Positive Identity that differentiates Anna and develop an integrated marketing/communications strategy that includes print, electronic media, web, and social media. Objective a) Support a citywide awareness and marketing initiative of Anna to improve regional and national awareness. Action i) Explore developing a tag -line for the EDC/CDC that underscores the mission of the EDC/CDC that aligns with the citywide branding efforts in partnership with a third -party firm. Objective b) Create award -winning Promotion/Marketing/Advertising materials, electronic media, website, and social media. Action i) Maintain a professional website that includes continuous updates including "why Anna," targets, available properties/buildings, market data and reports, quick facts, current projects, contacts, and other relevant data to advance economic development. Action ii) Explore effective marketing/advertising channels that can extend the brand of Anna to future visitors, employers, residents, prospects, and workers (regional/local). Action iii) Leverage Social media to promote internal and external events Action iv) Continue to work closely with the Chamber on events to support local businesses and increase tourism. Action v) Continue to contribute to Dallas Business Journal digital articles to promote Anna as a choice community in North Texas. Action vi) Speak at local and regional events to market Anna including but not limited to service organizations, Collin County Association of Realtors, NTCAR, North Texas Commission, Collin County Business Alliance, and the DFW Marketing Team. Goal 5) Transform Downtown Anna into a vibrant district Objective a) Work closely with the Downtown Master plan consulting team to incorporate key ideas and components to create a strong downtown district. Action i) Explore opportunities to improve signage, upgrade infrastructure, expand landscaping, increase design standards, update parking, and other infrastructure projects (i.e. redoing water tower, etc.). Objective b) Increase the number of small businesses in Downtown Anna. Objective c) Recruit residential and commercial projects that align with the Downtown vision. Goal 6) Improve the quality of life in Anna. Objective a) Continue to enhance city parks and the parks and trail system in Anna and explore opportunities to connect into regional trail system. (Parks and Trails Master Plan). Objective b) Support the City in identifying recreational facility needs. Action i) Sponsor a tourism study to understand the potential impacts of tourism and opportunities to increase local and regional tourist. Objective c) Encourage developers to incorporate unique amenities into developments. Goal 7) Increase variety of housing in Anna Objective a) Encourage housing diversity in Anna. Action i) Conduct a housing assessment to determine the types of housing Anna can support, policies, and actions that can improve the health and vitality of Anna's housing stock. 12 DRAFT hKili, Fr i4 I � (I `7 PALLADIUM ANNAF Goal 8) Improve the aesthetics and appearance of the community through public and private investment Objective a) Integrate design guidelines with development agreements on projects with incentives. Action i) Define policy on incentives and development agreements. Objective b) Explore other green ribbon project opportunities. Action i) Explore infrastructure improvements planned with TxDot and coordinate upgrades that can enhance the Anna brand. Objective c) Support downtown guidelines and beautification projects. Action i) Participate in the Downtown master plan and creation of the downtown guidelines and beatification plan to enhance Downtown Anna. Objective d) Support the improvement of Anna's gateways and entrances Action i) Explore opportunities to support gateways and entryway features to promote Anna as a choice place. Objective e) Explore opportunities to increase unique signage/wayfinding/branding for Anna. Objective f) Partner with Oncor/GCEC in location of overhead and/or underground utilities. Goal 9) Develop first-class infrastructure in Anna Objective a) Engage with developers and landowners to understand infrastructure needs. Objective b) Invest in infrastructure projects that enhance the tax base of the community. Objective c) Encourage developers to increase fiber infrastructure . Goal 10) Increase retail/restaurant/entertainment options in Anna. Objective a) Explore third parties that can enhance retail exposure for Anna. Action i) Explore developing a study for a citywide merchandising and retail recruitment plan. Objective b) Expand presence at local and national retail conferences. DRAFT 13 Action i) Participate in ICSC events and conferences. Resources (1) Create retail collateral that articulates "why Anna" to retailers, brokers, and property owners. Resources (2) Develop a plan for ICSC including strategic meetings, leveraging existing brokers and developers, and opportunities for engagement and education. Action ii) Participate in Retail Live Austin to advance prospects for Anna. Objective c) Foster relationships with local partners. Action i) Continuously meet with DFW-based brokers and developers to increase awareness of Anna assets and opportunities. 14 DRAFT # of Meetings (retail/rest./ent.) # Meetings brokers # of developer meetings # Meetings with targeted employers # Website visits Value of new commercial CO's Net $ change in sales tax Net increase in property tax New commercial SF # events attended/ hosted DRAFT 15 SCORECARDS Number Retail , Rest. Number Broker/ Number Targeted and Entertainment Developer Visits Prospects Engaged Meetings v •� • 0)\0 Number of Events Number Web Number Hosted Visits Commercial Permits Issued Net Increase in Net New Change in Sales Property Tax Commercial Tax Collection Square Footage A:iILILKIa ATrina �* CDC *EDC Item No. 7 CDC/EDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 3.05.2020 Staff Contact: Joey Grisham AGENDA ITEM: Consider/Discuss/Act on updating the expenditure of funds for maintenance and operation of the Inc -Cube security system. (EDC) SUMMARY: The Economic Development Corporation Board previously authorized staff in Sept. 2016 to enter into a contract, not to exceed $3,000 annually, with Stanley Convergent Security Solutions, Inc. for security of the Inc -Cube Building. With improvements to the building, there is a need to update the annual amount by the EDC Board. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: On behalf of the EDC, approve the updated expenditure of funds with Stanley Convergent Security Solutions, Inc. not to exceed $3,750 annually for maintenance and operation of the security system at the Inc -Cube Building, 312 N. Powell Pkwy. ATTACHMENTS: A:iILILKIa ATrina �* CDC *EDC Item No. 8 CDC/EDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 3.05.2020 Staff Contact: Joey Grisham AGENDA ITEM: Director's Report A. Report on current corporate financial status —Discussion Only B. BISNOW Event on March 26 C. March 24t" Economic Development update to City Council SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: 1. January Financials CDC Balance Sheet For Period Ending 01/31/20" Unaudited - Beginning Balances subject to change Beginning Current Month Ending Balance Activity YTD Activity Balance 10/1/2019 1/31/2020 1/31/2020 Assets 89-000-1010 Bank -Operating Funds 736,827.82 (70,363.41) 125,372.34 862,200.16 89-000-1012 Bank- Restricted Funds 19,118.43 30.91 122.62 1%241.05 89-000-1150 Accounts Receivable - - - - 89-000-1160 Accounts Receivable - Sales Tax 188,459.31 - (188,459.31) - 89-000-1202 Receivables - Due From General Fund - - - - 89-000-1215 Receivables - Local Business Loans 91,310.00 91,310.00 Total Assets 1,035,715.56 (70,332.50) (62,964.35) 972,751.21 Liabilities 89-000-2001 Accounts Payable 13,857.47 114,255.00 100,397.53 1145255.00 89-000-2020 Federal W/H Tax Payable - - - - 89-000-2021 FICA Payable - - - - 89-000-2024 Flexible Spending Payable - - - - 89-000-2025 Deferred Compensation Payable - - - - 89-000-2026 TMRS Payable - (286.19) - - 89-000-2027 Health Insurance Payable - - - - 89-000-2029 Salaries Payable 1,817.28 - (11817.28) - 89-000-2102 Payable - Due To General Fund(10) - - - - 89-000-2115 Deferred Revenue - Local Business Loans 41,310.00 417310.00 Total Liabilities 565984.75 113,968.81 98,580.25 1557565.00 Fund Balance 89-000-3711 Fund Balance 887,420.81 (184,301.31) (161,544.60) 725,876.21 89-000-3711 Fund Balance -Restricted 91,310.00 91,310.00 Total Fund Balance 978,730.81 (1845301.31) (161,544.60) 817,186.21 CDC Income Statement For Period Ending 01/31/20* Unaudited - Beginning Balances subject to change Revenues 89-825-5225 Sales Tax Revenue - General 89-625-5329 Donations 89-825-5499 Miscellaneous Revenue 69-825-5530 Interest Revenue 89-825-5800 Transfers in 89-825-5840 Band Proceeds Current on Activity YTD Activity 1/31/2020 92,705.58 194,091.74 39.00 78.00 1,578.25 5,606.13 Total Revenues 94,322.63 199,775.87 Expenses 89-825-6101 Salaries 22310.38 17,831.38 89-825-6114 Payroll Taxes -City Pad FICA 176.74 1,503.14 89-825-6121 Health Insurance 78.96 315.84 89-825-6125 TMRS Retirement 933.63 2,899.05 89-825-6126 Unemployment _ - 89-825-6127 Workers Compensation - 153.00 89-825-6129 Miscellaneous Payroll _ _ 89-825-6208 Office Supplies - 245.15 89-825-6209 Other Supplies - Mist. 124.40 387.04 89-825-6210 Clothing Supplies - 250.00 89-825-6212 Postage _ _ 89-825-6299 IT Supplies _ _ 89-825-6700 Economic Development Grant Expense 123,467.35 123,467.35 89-825-6703 Contract Services 160200.00 48,478.50 89-825-6710 TraveUTraining Expense 727.29 47918.01 89-825-6722 Insurance - Property&Liability - 3,500.00 89-825-6731 Public Notices - Advertising _ _ 89-825-6735 Promotion Expense 827.50 30326.34 89-825-6753 Legal Expense 422.89 1,363A7 89-825-6755 Audit Expense 1,500.00 1,500.00 89-825-6756 Engineering - _ 89-825-6761 Dues, Publications, Permits & Licenses 100.00 775.00 89-825-6783 Telephones - Pagers 89-825-6789 Debt -Service Principal 90,000.00 90,000.00 89-825-6790 Interest Expense 24,255.00 24,265.00 89-825-6795 Band Fees _ - 89-825-6799 Other Services - Mist. 17,500.00 36,152.50 89-825-6901 Construction in Progress _ _ 89-825-6911 Machinery & Equipment _ _ 89-825-6931 Land & Improvements _ _ 89-825-8900 Other Financing Use - Debt Refundings _ _ 89-825-9800 Transfers Out Total Expenses 278,624.14 367 ,320.47 Net Profit/Loss (184,307.31) (761,544.60) ( ( ) ) ( (((((\ ){( )(( ()( ((( ( 00 (() x\ M\/ \� \ \ } { } 000 {;{/ } \\ 000 \ : ((( --- }\\{§§§ \ If {\{(,,, ])(())())(((Ifw ()5 ■ \}\m Of !43 ! 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Beginning Balances subject to change Beginning Current Month Ending Balance Activity YTD Activity Balance 10/1 /2019 1 /31 /2020 1 /31 /2020 Assets 90-000-1010 Bank -Operating Funds 591,617.47 (90,292.99) (93,009,90) 498,607.57 90-000-1011 Bank - Money Market & Savings Funds - - - - 90-000-1150 Accounts Receivable 449.00 - (449.00) - 90-000-1160 Accounts Receivable - Sales Tax - - - - 90-000-1202 Receivables - Due From General Fund - - - - 90-000-1215 Receivables - Local Business Loans 8%027.00 (500.00) (1,000.00) 882027.00 Total Assets 681,093.47 (90,792.99) (94,458.90) 586,634.57 Liabilities 90-000-2001 Accounts Payable 2,362.21 40.00 (25322.21) 40.00 90-000-2005 Other Accounts Payable 1,008.34 - (808.34) 200.00 90-000-2102 Payable - Due To General Fund(10) - - - - 90-000-2115 Deferred Revenue - Local Business Loans 89,027.00 (500.00) (15000.00) 88,027.00 90-000-2210 Relainage - - - - 90-000-2735 2011 CO's Current - - - - 90-000-2736 2011 CO's Non Current Total Liabilities 92,397.55 (460.00) (41130.55) 887267.00 I�ITI�]1-TibS-a 90-000-3711 Fund Balance 588,695.92 (90,332.99) (90,328.35) 498,367.57 Total Fund Balance 588,695.92 (90,332.99) (90,328.35) 498,367.57 EDC Income Statement For Period Ending 01/31/20* *Unaudited - Beginning Balances subject to change Current Month Activity YTD Activity 113112020 Revenues 90-826-5350 Rental 1,372.00 3,617.00 90-826-5491 Gain on sales of Assets - - 90-826-5499 Miscellaneous Revenue 500.00 1,000.00 90-826-5530 Interest Revenue 943.86 3,768.20 90-826-5800 Transfers in - - 90-826-5853 Other Financial Source from Notes Payable - Total Revenues 2,815.86 8,385.20 Expenses 90-826-6209 Other Supplies - Misc. - 152.95 90-826-6210 Clothing Supplies - - 90-826-6212 Postage - - 90-826-6303 Maint. & Repair- Buildings - - 90-826-6703 Contract Services 90,913.13 93,108.76 90-826-6708 IT Support Services 161.07 566.12 90-826-6722 Insurance - Property & Liability - 1,050.00 90-826-6735 Promotion Expense - - 90-826-6753 Legal Expense 112.39 796.17 90-826-6755 Audit Expense 12500.00 1,500.00 90-826-6780 Electricity 164.75 653.33 90-826-6781 Gas - Natural/Propane 61.54 195.75 90-826-6782 City Utilities Water/SewerlTrash 235.97 690.47 90-826-6783 Telephones - Pagers - - 90-826-6799 Other Services - Misc. - - 90-826-6901 Construction in Progress - - 90-826-6931 Land & Improvements - - 90-826-9800 Transfer Out - - Total Expenses 93,148.85 98,713.55 Net Income/Loss (90,332.99) (90,328,35) (( \ ( \ ) \( (\(\(()( & \\ ---0mmmm {\{(\!!in ! 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