HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-05-08 Draft EDC Minutes-Workshop01-05-08 EDC Minutes-Workshop.doc 1 01-05-08 Right Where You Want to Be. MINUTES OF SPECIAL WORKSHOP MEETING OF ANNA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION JANUARY 5, 2008 9:00 A.M. ANNA CITY HALL ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, 111 N. POWELL PKWY., ANNA, TEXAS The Economic Development Corporation of the City of Anna conducted its Special Workshop meeting at 9:00 a.m., Saturday, January 5, 2008, at the Anna City Hall Administration Building, 111 N. Powell Parkway, to consider the following items: 1. Call to Order and Establishment of Quorum. President, Richard Pennington called the meeting to order at 9:04 am. Present were Richard Pennington, Lonnie Friesen, Alexander Hamilton and Dr. Charles Vance. Absent were Jeremy Hersom and City Council Liaison Billy Deragon. 2. Citizen comment. None 3. Consider/Discuss/Action regarding amending Anna EDC By- Laws. Members discussed revisions to the bylaws. Suggested revisions are: (1) remove the term limit and add members serve at the pleasure of city council; (2) Anna EDC may make recommendations for the filling of vacancies to City Council; (3) under Article II, Section I add (e) the majority vote of Board of Directors shall have the power to hire and/or appoint officers of the corporation. In the absence of the officers, the chairman of the EDC will act as President of the Corporation, vice- chairman will act as vice-president, the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) will act as the Treasurer and the Secretary will act as the Corporate Secretary; (4) In Article III, Section 6, insert Chief Financial Officer (CFO) after vice-president and after board in the first sentence add hired and/or appointed by the board; (5) Article V, Section 1, (a) add or 01-05-08 EDC Minutes-Workshop.doc 2 01-05-08 until a physical office location is secured for/or by the EDC to the end of the sentence. Members discussed having and item on the agenda to discuss anything that comes up in between posting the agenda and the meeting to be able to discuss at the meeting, exception to the open meetings act; creating an petty cash account to have ATM cards for; President Richard Pennington to talk to Jeremy Hersom about his meeting attendance; having Maurice Schwanke attending the February EDC Meeting and purchase Roberts Rules of Order. Dr. Charles Vance made the motion that the revisions be accepted and approved. Alexander Hamilton seconded the motion. Motion passes. 4. Discussion/Action regarding future agenda items. A resolution for the development of a petty cash account and debit cards for business expenses of the board. Reschedule January’s regular meeting to January 17, 2008. Discuss/Act working with Crippen International/Gary Billups on EDC land for development of his projects. Invitation to Maurice Schwanke to February meeting. Discuss the Master Plan. 5. Adjourn. Lonnie Friesen made the motion to adjourn at 10:40 am. Dr. Charles Vance seconded the motion. Motion passes. ATTEST: APPROVED: ________________________ _________________________ Natha Wilkison, City Secretary Richard Pennington, President