HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-17-08 Draft EDC Minutes-Special04-17-08 EDC Special Minutes.doc 1 04-17-08 Right Where You Want to Be. MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF ANNA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION APRIL 17, 2008 6:00 P.M. ANNA CITY HALL ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, 111 N. POWELL PKWY., ANNA, TEXAS The Economic Development Corporation of the City of Anna conducted its Special meeting at 6:00 p.m., NOTE THE TIME Thursday, April 17, 2008, at the Anna City Hall Administration Building, 111 N. Powell Parkway, to consider the following items: 1. Call to Order and Establishment of Quorum. President Richard Pennington called the meeting to order at 6:10 pm. Present were Richard Pennington, Dr. Charles Vance and Alexander Hamilton. Lonnie Friesen arrived at 6:45 pm. 2. Invocation given by Dr. Charles Vance, Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church. Dr. Vance gave the invocation. 3. Pledge Allegiance 4. Citizen comment. Rachel Lyon was present and spoke to members about being appointed to the EDC and turned in a board application along with a resume. 5. Consider/Discuss/Action regarding the Business Development of Joe’s Italian Bristol in Anna and how the EDC could work together now and in the future to help with expenses. The owner’s of Joe’s Italian Bristol had not arrived. Members discussed information they had found out about what was required to consider giving incentives to businesses coming to Anna and the types of incentives they can offer. Dr. Vance made the motion to table until the owner’s arrive. Alexander Hamilton seconded the motion. 04-17-08 EDC Special Minutes.doc 2 04-17-08 6. Consider/Discuss/Action regarding Gary Billups and Crippen International with regards to the annexation, zoning (PD discussion), and purchasing of the EDC land (Abstract A0114 Brantley, J.C. Tract 25, acres 48.0000). Dr. Charles Vance led the discussion on this item. Dr. Vance read a list of the types of businesses that Gary Billups would like to attract to the development of the property. Dr. Vance stated that they would need to go to P & Z with a PD zoning on their property. The question arose if EDC could make a profit on the sale of their property or if they could only generate income to sustain. Alexander Hamilton made a motion to have Clark research the profit scenario and allow to pay Clark. Dr. Vance seconded the motion. Richard Pennington made the motion to go to item 5. Alexander Hamilton seconded the motion. Motion passes. The Ulaj’s arrived. Alexander Hamilton suggested that City Secretary, Natha Wilkison e-mail the Ulaj’s and EDC members a list of the Infrastructure items that EDC could help with and that they would not be scheduled back on the agenda until further information is gathered. 7. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Under terms of Chapter 551 of Texas Government Code the board may enter into CLOSED SESSION or Executive Session to deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the governmental body has received from a business prospect that the governmental body seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the governmental body and with which the governmental body is conducting economic development negotiations or to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property because such deliberations in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the board’s position in negotiations with third persons (Government Code, Chapters 551.072, 551.087). Return to open session. 8. Discuss and take action as desired on items discussed in Executive Session. None 9. Consider/Discuss/Action regarding filling Place 2 Vacancy on the Anna EDC and making a recommendation to City Council to fill the vacancy. 04-17-08 EDC Special Minutes.doc 3 04-17-08 Rachel Lyon was present and talked to members about being on the EDC. Members discussed people they have been talking to fill the various boards and commission vacancies. 10. Discussion/Action regarding future agenda items. Dr. Vance would like to see an agenda item that moves the EDC meeting time from the first Thursday of the month to the first Friday of the month at 10:00 am starting in June. 11. Adjourn. Dr. Vance made the motion to adjourn at 7:05 pm. Lonnie Friesen seconded the motion. Motion passes. President Richard Pennington reconvened the meeting at 7:24 pm. Dr. Vance, Alexander Hamilton and Richard Pennington were present. Lonnie Friesen had left, members called him and he did not have a problem with them reconvening and discussing item 9. Alexander Hamilton made the motion to recommend to City Council to appoint Rachel Lyon to fill Place 2 vacancy on EDC. Dr. Charles Vance seconded the motion. Motion passes. Dr. Vance made the motion to adjourn at 7:26 pm. Alexander Hamilton seconded the motion. Motion passes. ATTEST: APPROVED: __________________________ _________________________ Natha Wilkison, City Secretary President Richard Pennington