HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-01-08 Draft EDC Minutes05-01-08 EDC Minutes.doc 1 05-01-08 Right Where You Want to Be. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF ANNA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION MAY 1, 2008 6:00 P.M. ANNA CITY HALL ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, 111 N. POWELL PKWY., ANNA, TEXAS The Economic Development Corporation of the City of Anna conducted its Regular meeting at 6:00 p.m., NOTE THE TIME Thursday, May 1, 2008, at the Anna City Hall Administration Building, 111 N. Powell Parkway, to consider the following items: 1. Call to Order and Establishment of Quorum. President, Richard Pennington called the meeting to order at 6:03 pm. Richard Pennington, Alexander Hamilton and Dr. Charles Vance were present. Lonnie Friesen arrived at 6:20 pm. Council Member Billy Deragon was present. 2. Invocation given by Dr. Charles Vance, Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church 3. Pledge Allegiance 4. Citizen comment. Rachel Lyon was present and spoke about her qualifications and wanting to be on the EDC Board. 5. Consider/Discuss/Action regarding being a corporate sponsor to the North Collin County Leadership Program. Members discussed being a corporate sponsor and sending members to the leadership program. Discussion was also held on were this item would come out of their budget and it was finally decided to come from the line item for advertisement and promotions. Dr. Vance made a motion to go to item 6. Alexander Hamilton seconded the motion. Motion passes. 05-01-08 EDC Minutes.doc 2 05-01-08 After further discussion on this item Dr. Vance made the motion to take $1,000.00 from line item 11 of the budget for the sponsorship to North Collin County Leadership Program. 6. Discussion (up date) regarding Ideas on the needs of the Fire Department, Police Department, etc when bringing development (a Hotel, etc.) to the City of Anna. Dr. Vance updated members on his research so far as far as pricing for the fire trucks and spec requirements. 7. Consider/Discuss/Action regarding a report (up date) and an outline from Member Lonnie Friesen regarding the EDC’s contribution to the Development of an Anna Master Plan and Project Plan. No update. Dr. Vance made the motion to take no action. Alexander Hamilton seconded the motion. Motion passes. 8. Consider/Discuss/Action regarding Gary Billups and Crippen International with regards to the annexation, zoning (PD discussion), and purchasing of the EDC land (Abstract A0114 Brantley, J.C. Tract 25, acres 48.0000). Dr. Vance made the motion to table this item till the next meeting. Alexander Hamilton seconded the motion. Motion passes. Alexander Hamilton made the motion to revisit item 5. Dr. Vance seconded the motion. Motion passes. Council Member Deragon asked that members revisit item 8. Dr. Vance made the motion to return to item 8. Alexander Hamilton seconded the motion. Motion passes. Members discussed the reasoning behind going for a PD zoning for their property and what the wishes of council are going to be. City Manager, Philip Sanders suggested that EDC needed to market and present with a visual picture a concept of what the Industrial Park would look like. Mr. Sanders stated he thought it would be worth while to have a joint meeting to discuss just this item with council. Dr. Vance made the motion to table this issue and get with staff to get with council and P & Z and set up a meeting to discuss this item. Dr. Vance withdrew his motion and further discussion took place on this item. Dr. Vance made the motion to take no action regarding Gary Billups and Crippen International and request that the City Manager co-ordinate to bring together a workshop on the issue of the development of this site and the North of town and other possible 05-01-08 EDC Minutes.doc 3 05-01-08 future industrial development. Dr. Vance also added that P & Z be invited to the workshop. Lonnie Friesen seconded the motion. Motion passes. 9. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Under terms of Chapter 551 of Texas Government Code the board may enter into CLOSED SESSION or Executive Session to deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the governmental body has received from a business prospect that the governmental body seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the governmental body and with which the governmental body is conducting economic development negotiations or to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property because such deliberations in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the board’s position in negotiations with third persons (Government Code, Chapters 551.072, 551.087). Return to open session. 10. Discuss and take action as desired on items discussed in Executive Session. No action was taken on this item. 11. Discussion regarding signage. (a) in front of City Hall (b) FM 455 and Hwy 75 Richard Pennington updated members on the non response of the company to his e-mails and that he is searching for another company. Members discussed the signs allowed on Hwy 75 and the changes that need to be made to the sign ordinance. 12. Discussion regarding purchasing property along Hwy 5 for EDC Offices and possibly leasing space to CDC, etc. Richard Pennington brought members up to date on the possible purchase of property on Hwy 5 and the appraisal process and getting appraisal on what is needed on the house to have it remodeled, etc. 13. Discussion/Update regarding members contacts with businesses since the April 17, 2008 meeting. Dr. Vance suggested that this item be tabled. 05-01-08 EDC Minutes.doc 4 05-01-08 14. Consider/Discuss/Action regarding moving EDC monthly meetings to the First Friday of the month beginning June 2008. Members discussed starting the Friday morning meetings in July. Dr. Vance made the motion to start the morning meetings in July. Motion was seconded by Lonnie Friesen. Motion passes. 15. Consider/Discuss/Action regarding approval of Minutes of meeting(s) of March 29, 2008, April 2, 2008 and April 17, 2008. Dr. Vance made the motion to approve the minutes. Alexander Hamilton seconded the motion. Motion passes. 16. Consider approval of financial report and payment of bills. Dr. Vance presented the financial report. Alexander Hamilton made a motion to approve. Lonnie Friesen seconded the motion. Motion passes. 17. Discussion and Presentation by the City of Allen EDC Director on Texas Economic Development Corporations. City Manager, Philip Sanders introduced Robert Winningham, Executive Director of the Allen EDC to members and touched briefly on his credentials. Mr. Winningham touched on state programs available to fund projects; Mr. Winningham answered questions from members along the way; programs that calculate the value of a company locating to your town; agreements that have companies paying back money when they do not perform; what the EDC can help pay for as far as infrastructure (parking lot and landscaping), etc for businesses; having performance standard contracts; discussed EDC’S property and it’s development and making money from it; how to get city council to sign off on projects that EDC takes before it; formal agreement with Clark McCoy, City Attorney to be legal counsel; proper time to hire office personnel; a workforce project with the High School to get the students job training; investing in an aerial map and putting together a packet of information on the City. 18. Discussion/Action regarding future agenda items. Dr. Vance had (1) work with P & Z on the sign ordinance; (2) getting a legal opinion on EDC helping with parking lots and landscape; (3) retainer agreement established with Clark McCoy. Alexander Hamilton wants to see (1) joining the Greater Anna Chamber. 19. Adjourn. Dr. Vance made the motion to adjourn. Lonnie Friesen seconded the motion. Motion passes. 05-01-08 EDC Minutes.doc 5 05-01-08 ATTEST; APPROVED: __________________________ __________________________ Natha Wilkison, City Secretary Richard Pennington, President