HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-06-08 Draft EDC Minutes04-02-08 EDC Special Minutes.doc 1 04-02-08 Right Where You Want to Be. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF ANNA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION JUNE 6, 2008 9:00 A.M. ANNA CITY HALL ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, 111 N. POWELL PKWY., ANNA, TEXAS The Economic Development Corporation of the City of Anna conducted its Regular meeting at 9:00 a.m., NOTE THE TIME Friday, June 6, 2008, at the Anna City Hall Administration Building, 111 N. Powell Parkway, to consider the following items: 1. Call to Order and Establishment of Quorum. President, Richard Pennington called the meeting to order at 9:02 am. Present were Richard Pennington, Lonnie Friesen and Dr. Charles Vance. Alexander Hamilton arrived at 9:04 am. 2. Invocation given by Dr. Charles Vance, Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church. Dr. Charles Vance gave the invocation. 3. Pledge Allegiance 4. Citizen comment. None 5. Consider/Discuss/Action regarding a Presentation by the Greater Anna Chamber of Commerce to join their organization. Stacy Driskell asked members (as EDC) to join the GACC. Lonnie Friesen made the motion to join the GACC. Dr. Charles Vance seconded the motion. Motion passes. 04-02-08 EDC Special Minutes.doc 2 04-02-08 6. Consider/Discuss/Action regarding joining KRLD “drive” North Texans to register to vote promotional. City Manager, Philip Sanders explained the promotion to members and the cost. Mr. Sanders also stated that Nancy Underwood would contribute $1,000.00 bringing EDC’s cost to $6,500.00. Alexander Hamilton made the motion to approve up to $6,500.00. Dr. Vance seconded the motion. Motion passes. 7. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Under terms of Chapter 551 of Texas Government Code the board may enter into CLOSED SESSION or Executive Session to deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the governmental body has received from a business prospect that the governmental body seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the governmental body and with which the governmental body is conducting economic development negotiations or to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property because such deliberations in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the board’s position in negotiations with third persons (Government Code, Chapters 551.072, 551.087). Return to open session. 8. Discuss and take action as desired on items discussed in Executive Session. There was no executive session and no action taken. 9. Discussion regarding matters of marketing toward new businesses. Richard Pennington led the discussion regarding bringing every one up to date on his contacts. Dr. Charles Vance gave an update on his contacts. Members discussed the next meeting date. Lonnie Friesen suggested advertising in trade magazines, etc. to bring specific types of companies to Anna. Stacy Driskell, President, Greater Anna Chamber of Commerce presented the idea of purchasing advertising in a business directory done by a company called Professional Approach. Members discussed the price of doing full or inside spreads. This item needs to be on the agenda for July’s meeting as an action item. 04-02-08 EDC Special Minutes.doc 3 04-02-08 10. Discussion regarding meeting with Kim Lacey for a grant writing project. President, Richard Pennington discussed a meeting with Kim Lacey explaining the process for writing grants and if EDC is awarded the grant that they will be hired to manage the grant. City Manager, Philip Sanders further explained the process and that the City Attorney’s office has a person with experience in this area. 11. Discussion regarding signage. (a) in front of City Hall (b) FM 455 and Hwy 75 President, Richard Pennington led the discussion for this item. Mr. Pennington has a written estimate coming for around $30,000.00. Problems with the sign ordinance will need to be addressed and the amount of money EDC can contribute to this project. City Manager, Philip Sanders suggested that this item be placed on the joint meeting with City Council to be discussed. Members discussed doing a joint project with a boy scout working on his eagle project who has approach the city about doing a monument sign along Hwy 75. 12. Discussion/Update regarding members contacts with businesses since the April 17, 2008 meeting. This item was discussed under item 9. No further discussion needed. 13. Discussion regarding working with P & Z on revising the sign ordinance. City Manager, Philip Sanders updated members on the status of amending the sign ordinance to allow business signs on Hwy 75. Molly Young spoke of requiring some kind of aesthetic guide lines for signs. 14. Discussion regarding authority to assist with funding of parking lot and landscaping for potential restaurant site. Members discussed the differences in opinion from Clark McCoy, City Attorney and Pete Smith, City of Allen EDC attorney on the things they can help fund for Joe’s Bristol. This item is being researched further. 04-02-08 EDC Special Minutes.doc 4 04-02-08 15. Discussion regarding the meeting with Robert Willingham, Allen EDC. Members discussed their meeting with Robert Willingham. Mr. Willingham shared information on people and agencies to contact for questions and information on EDC related issues and software. 16. Consider/Discuss/Action regarding approval of Minutes of meeting(s) of April 17, 2008 and May 1, 2008. Alexander Hamilton made the motion to approve. Dr. Charles Vance seconded the motion. Motion passes. 17. Consider approval of financial report and payment of bills. Dr. Charles Vance went over the financial report with members. Dr. Vance explained the two accounts reporting on now. Dr. Vance asked to be able to move money from the disbursable account to the interest bering account when it reaches $50,000.00 (to keep only $25,000.00 in the disbursable account). Alexander Hamilton made the motion to approve. Dr. Vance seconded the motion. Motion passes. 18. Discussion/Action regarding future agenda items. Lonnie Friesen would like to see the discussion of identifying zoning of areas in the city for EDC purposes to determine the hot spots to target for marketing. Alexander Hamilton would like to see the bylaws on the agenda. Members discussed the recommendations they made for filling the vacancy on the board. Alexander Hamilton tendered his resignation effective this date, June 6, 2008. Dr. Vance made the motion to have a future agenda item for a letter of appreciation to Alexander Hamilton. Lonnie Friesen seconded the motion. Motion passes. 19. Adjourn. Lonnie Friesen made the motion to adjourn at 10:30 am. Alexander Hamilton seconded the motion. Motion passes. ATTEST: APPROVED: ________________________ ____________________________ Natha Wilkison, City Secretary Richard Pennington, President