HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDC-EDCpkt2021-07-01:iiiia OF ,Atk, wCDC G R O U N D B R E A K I N G P O S S I B I L I T I E S ATriria,4k G R O U N D B R E A K I N G P O S S I B I L I T I E S MEETING AGENDA ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION AND ANNA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Thursday, July 1, 2021 @ 6:00 PM The EDC/CDC of the City of Anna will meet at 6:00 PM, on July 1, 2021, at the Anna City Hall, Located at 111 North Powell Parkway (Hwy 5), to consider the following items below. 1. Call to Order, Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum. 2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. 3. Neighbor Comments. Persons may address the Board of Directors on items not on the agenda; please observe the time limit of three (3) minutes. Members of the Board cannot comment on or deliberate statements of the public except as authorized by Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code. 4. Consent Items a. Consider/Discuss/Act on approving minutes from the June 3, 2021 Joint Community Development Corporation and Economic Development Corporation Meeting. (CDC) b. Consider/Discuss/Act on approving minutes from the June 3, 2021 Joint Community Development Corporation and Economic Development Corporation Meeting. (EDC) 5. Individual Consideration a. Consider/Discuss/Act on a resolution approving an amendment to the Economic Development Incentives Policy. (CDC) b. Consider/Discuss/Act on a resolution approving an amendment to the Economic Development Incentives Policy. (EDC) C. Discuss preliminary FY 2022 CDC and EDC budgets. 6. Director's Report IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE: The Corporation may vote and/or act upon each of the items listed in this agenda. The Corporation reserves the right to retire into executive session concerning any of the items listed on this agenda, whenever it is considered necessary and legally justified under the Open Meetings Act. Disabled persons who want to attend this meeting and who may need assistance should contact the City Secretary at 972-924-3325 two working days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. a. April Financials b. April Sales Tax Report C. Strategic Plan Update d. Sales Tax Workshop e. Budget Adoption Meeting - July 28 or 29 Development Forum - July 29 g. ICSC - December 5-7 7. Closed Session a. Deliberate regarding the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. (Tex. Gov't Code §551.072) possible property acquisition; possible land sale/purchase; Anna Business Park. b. Consult with legal counsel on matters in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Government Code (Tex. Gov't Code §551.071); Grant program; Lease agreement and professional services contract. c. Discuss or deliberate Economic Development Negotiations: (1) To discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the Board of Directors has received from a business prospect that the Board of Directors seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the City of Anna and with which the Board is conducting economic development negotiations; or, (2) To deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect described by subdivision (1). (Tex. Gov't Code §551.087) Anna Business Park Property; potential retail and medical projects. 8. Reconvene into open session and take any action on closed session items. 9. Receive reports from staff or Board Members about items of community interest. Items of community interest include: expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; information regarding holiday schedules; an honorary or salutary recognition of a public official, public employee, or other citizen (but not including a change in status of a person's public office or public employment); a reminder about an upcoming event organized or sponsored by the governing body, information regarding a social, ceremonial, or community event organized or sponsored by an entity other than the governing body that was attended or is scheduled to be attended by a member of the governing body or an official or employee of the municipality; and announcements involving an imminent threat to the public health and safety of people in the municipality that has arisen after posting of the agenda. 10. Adjourn. This is to certify that I, Joey Grisham, Director, posted this agenda at a place readily accessible to the public at the Anna City Hall and on the City Hall bulletin board at or before 5:00 p.m. on June 28, 2021. Joey Grisham, Director of Economic Development IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE: The Corporation may vote and/or act upon each of the items listed in this agenda. The Corporation reserves the right to retire into executive session concerning any of the items listed on this agenda, whenever it is considered necessary and legally justified under the Open Meetings Act. Disabled persons who want to attend this meeting and who may need assistance should contact the City Secretary at 972-924-3325 two working days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. A:i HE CITY OF na W,'CDC R 0 U N D B R E A K I N PO S S I BII_ITI E S THE CITY OF Ana ,41,.. FDC P 0 U N D B R E A K I N G P O S S I B I L J T I E S AGENDA ITEM: Consent Items SUMMARY: EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 7/1/2021 Staff Contact: These items consist of non -controversial or "housekeeping" items required by law. Items may be considered individually by any board member making such request prior to a motion and vote on the Consent Items. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: A:i HE CITY OF na W,'CDC R 0 U N D B R E A K I N PO S S I BII_ITI E S THE CITY OF Ana '41,.. FDC I000 • "W11 EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 7/1/2021 Staff Contact: P 0 U N D B R E A K I N G P O S S I B I L J T I E S AGENDA ITEM: Consider/Discuss/Act on approving minutes from the June 3, 2021 Joint Community Development Corporation and Economic Development Corporation Meeting. (CDC) 1+411LT, ILTi1_1Zvi [+3IF_1a00*%1LT, ILTi14z117_11Eel kiI /_,Iir_[91:ILT, 140k&I 1. June 3 2021 CDC EDC Joint Meeting Minutes Officers: Anthony Richardson, President Bruce Norwood, Vice -President Rocio Gonzalez, Secretary ATHE CITY OF nna wCDC G R O U N D B R E A K I N G P O S S I B I L I T I E S Staff: Joey Grisham, Economic Development Director Taylor Lough, Economic Development Manager ATHE CITY OF nna A I— L G R O U N D B R E A K I N G P O S S I B I L I T I E S Anna Community Development Corporation and Anna Economic Development Corporation Regular Meeting Minutes Thursday, June 3, 2021 at 6:00 pm Anna City Hall, Council Chambers 111 N. Powell Parkway, Anna, Texas 75409 The Anna Community Development Corporation and the Anna Economic Development Corporation conducted a regular meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 3, 2021 at the Anna City Hall Council Chambers, 111 N. Powell Pkwy. Anna, Texas 75409. A video recording of the open session portions of the meeting may be viewed online at the City of Anna's website: https://www.annatexas.gov/962/AgendasMinutes CDC and EDC Board Members Present: Anthony Richardson, Bruce Norwood, Rocio Gonzalez, Michelle Hawkins, Matthew Seago and Kylee Kelley. CDC and EDC Board Members Absent: Shane Williams Others Present: Joey Grisham (Economic Development Director), Taylor Lough (Economic Development Manager), Lee Miller (Anna City Council Mayor Pro Tem), and Jesse Villarreal (Greater Anna Chamber of Commerce Board Member) 1. Call to Order. Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum. The meeting was called to order by Anthony Richardson, Board President, at 6:06 p.m. Anthony Richardson welcomed newly appointed board member, Kylee Kelley. 2. Invocation and Pledge. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance were led by Anthony Richardson. 3. Citizen Comments. None. 4. Consider/Discuss/Act on approving minutes from the May 6, 2021 CDC Meeting. (CDC) 5. Consider/Discuss/Act on approving minutes from the May 6, 2021 EDC Meeting. (EDC) Officers: Staff: Anthony Richardson, President Joey Grisham, Economic Development Director Bruce Norwood, Vice -President Taylor Lough, Economic Development Manager Rocio Gonzalez, Secretary Bruce Norwood made a motion on behalf of the CDC and EDC to approve the minutes of the May 6 Joint CDC and EDC Board Meeting. Rocio Gonzalez seconded the motion. All were in favor. Kylee Kelley abstained. Motion passed. 6. Consider/Discuss/Act on electing a President. (EDC & CDC) Anthony Richardson explained that it was time to elect officers per the CDC and EDC bylaws. Bruce Norwood made a motion nominating Anthony Richardson as President of both the EDC and CDC Boards. Michelle Hawkins seconded the motion. All were in favor. Anthony Richardson abstained. Motion passed. 7. Consider/Discuss/Act on electing a Vice President. (EDC & CDC) Anthony Richardson made a motion nominating Bruce Norwood as Vice President of both the EDC and CDC Boards. Michelle Hawkins seconded the motion. All were in favor. Bruce Norwood abstained. Motion passed. 8. Consider/Discuss/Act on electing a Secretary. (EDC & CDC) Anthony Richardson made a motion nominating Rocio Gonzalez as Secretary of both the EDC and CDC Boards. Matthew Seaga seconded the motion. All were in favor. Rocio Gonzalez abstained. Motion passed. 9. Consider/Discuss/Act on recommending the City Council approve the conveyance of real property. (EDC) Joey Grisham explained this item is regarding the current Police and Finance building at 101 S. Powell Parkway. As staff moves into the new City Hall which is currently under construction, there is an opportunity to attract a commercial user. The EDC can lease to a private entity should the City convey the property to the EDC. Anthony Richardson asked if the EDC or CDC should be the owner of the property. Joey Grisham explained that had been discussed with attorney Clark McCoy and the recommendation was that the EDC own the building. One stipulation in the agreement will be that the EDC cannot sell the building without permission from the City. Anthony Richardson made a motion recommending the City Council approve the conveyance of real property at 101 S. Powell Parkway to the EDC. Matthew Seaga seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. 10. Consider/Discuss/Act on a resolution approving an agreement with Swimming Duck, LLC for digital media services. (CDC) Joey Grisham explained that the marketing plan adopted by the board includes a digital marketing component. The partnership with Cooksey has resulted in great coverage recently including the Dallas Business Journal front page story and other publications. Cooksey recommended Swimming Duck and staff met with them several times to discuss the proposal that was included in the packet. Taylor Lough added that the contract is for the remaining of the fiscal year. Officers: Staff: Anthony Richardson, President Joey Grisham, Economic Development Director Bruce Norwood, Vice -President Taylor Lough, Economic Development Manager Rocio Gonzalez, Secretary Michelle Hawkins stated that four months is a good trial period and was in favor. Rocio Gonzalez made a motion authorizing the Economic Development Director to execute a contract for marketing, advertising, and promotional services and to charge the CDC's promotional line item an amount not to exceed $35, 000 in the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 for marketing and promotional services for community and economic development purposes. Bruce Norwood seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. 11. Director's Report) a. Strategic Plan Update Joey Grisham stated that the Economic Development Intern will be starting Monday, June 7. Taylor Lough explained Nathaniel Johnson is a current Master of Public Administration Student at the University of Texas at Arlington. Taylor Lough explained that Cooksey Communications submitted the "Big Dreams are Built Here" magazine ad for a national marketing award. It was selected for Platinum, the highest level. Joey Grisham also explained that staff met with Cook Children's and the Greater Anna Chamber of Commerce in May. Linkedln Followers increased by 46 last month to almost 400 despite website traffic being down. b. March Financial Report Financial Statements were included in the packet. c. March Sales Tax Report Sales tax reports were included in the packet. The March sales tax revenue was over 49 percent more than March 2020. 12. CLOSED SESSION (exceptions): A. Deliberate regarding the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. (Tex. Gov't Code §551.072) possible property acquisition; possible land sale/purchase; Anna Business Park. B. Consult with legal counsel on matters in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Government Code (Tex. Gov't Code §551.071); Grant program; Lease Agreement and promotional contract. C. Discuss or deliberate Economic Development Negotiations: (1) To discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the Board of Directors has received from a business prospect that the Board of Directors seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the City of Anna and with which the Board is conducting economic development negotiations; or, (2) To deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect described by subdivision (1). (Tex. Gov't Code §551.087) Anna Business Park Property; potential retail and medical projects. Officers: Staff: Anthony Richardson, President Joey Grisham, Economic Development Director Bruce Norwood, Vice -President Taylor Lough, Economic Development Manager Rocio Gonzalez, Secretary Anthony Richardson made a motion to enter closed session. Matthew Seago seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. CDC Board entered closed session at 6:47 p.m. 11. Reconvene into open session and take any action on closed session items. Bruce Norwood made a motion to reconvene into open session. Matthew Seago seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. The CDC reconvened into open session at 7:20 p.m. No action was taken. 12. Receive reports from staff or Board Members about items of community interest. Items of community interest include: expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; information regarding holiday schedules; an honorary or salutary recognition of a public official, public employee, or other citizen (but not including a change in status of a person's public office or public employment); a reminder about an upcoming event organized or sponsored by the governing body, information regarding a social, ceremonial, or community event organized or sponsored by an entity other than the governing body that was attended or is scheduled to be attended by a member of the governing body or an official or employee of the municipality; and announcements involving an imminent threat to the public health and safety of people in the municipality that has arisen after the posting of the agenda. The Greater Anna Chamber of Commerce Board met yesterday, and they are accepting resumes for the President/CEO position. Matthew Seago shared that the Greater Anna Chamber of Commerce now has an app that includes membership and events. Michelle Hawkins shared that Lihoudies Authentic Greek Cuisine & Bakery restaurant has opened in downtown. Bruce Norwood shared that Keller Williams will be hosting concerts at Slayter Creek Park in July and August. 13. Adjourn. Rocio Gonzalez made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:22 pm. Anthony Richardson seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. APPROVED: Anthony Richardson President of CDC/EDC ATTESTED: Rocio Gonzalez Secretary of CDC/EDC A:i HE CITY OF na W,'CDC R 0 U N D B R E A K I N PO S S I BII_ITI E S THE CITY OF Ana '41,.. FDC IIMM1 0 • "■:a EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 7/1/2021 Staff Contact: P 0 U N D B R E A K I N G P O S S I B I L J T I E S AGENDA ITEM: Consider/Discuss/Act on approving minutes from the June 3, 2021 Joint Community Development Corporation and Economic Development Corporation Meeting. (EDC) 1+411LT, ILTi1_1Zvi [+3IF_1a00*%1LT, ILTi14z117_11Eel kiI /_,Iir_[91:ILT, 140k&I A:i HE CITY OF na W,'CDC R 0 U N D B R E A K I N PO S S I BII_ITI E S THE CITY OF Ana '41,.. FDC I00015.11111111.' EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 7/1/2021 Staff Contact: R 0 U N D B R E A K I N G P O S S I B I L J T I E S AGENDA ITEM: Consider/Discuss/Act on a resolution approving an amendment to the Economic Development Incentives Policy. (CDC) SUMMARY: A few edits are recommended to the Economic Development Incentives Policy. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Motion on behalf of the CDC to approve a resolution amending the Economic Development Incentives Policy. ATTACHMENTS: 1. CDC Resolution 2. Economic Development Incentives Policy C03029D20210614CR1 redline ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION AMENDING THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INCENTIVE POLICY TO PROMOTE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND STIMULATE BUSINESS AND COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY IN THE CITY OF ANNA WHEREAS, the CDC Board adopted the Economic Development Incentive Policy at a regular meeting on October 1, 2020 that was subsequently amended on March 4, 2021, and WHEREAS, after further review and consideration, the CDC wishes to amend the policy; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, THAT: Section 1. Recitals Incorporated The recitals set forth above are incorporated herein for all purposes as if set forth in full. Section 2. Approval of Amendments The Anna Community Development Corporation hereby approves amendments to the Economic Development Incentive Policy attached hereto as Exhibit A. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Anna Community Development Corporation this 1 st day of July 2021. /_1=10ITL/oll simms Anthony Richardson, CDC President Rocio Gonzalez, CDC Secretary THE CITY OF manna ATHE CITY OFAnna THE CITY OF nna CDC_"� EDC Economic Development Incentives Policy The City of Anna, Texas, (City), in partnership with the Anna Community Development Corporation (CDC) and the Anna Economic Development Corporation (EDC), is committed to the promotion and retention of high quality development that increases economic diversity and sustainability, creates jobs, and provides value to the community. The City considers incentives based on the merit of each project and in accordance with the criteria outlined in this document, the City of Anna Economic Development Strategic Plan, and the City of Anna Strategic Plan. All recipients that are awarded incentives must meet or exceed the criteria and performance standards outlined below and enter into a performance agreement with the City, CDC, and/or EDC. Nothing in this policy shall imply or suggest that the City, CDC, or EDC are under any obligation to provide an incentive to any applicant. All applications are considered on a case -by - case basis. City of Anna Strategic Plan Goal 1: Growing Anna Economy Objectives: 1. Maintain and enhance an effective economic development organization that markets Anna, finds prospects, and closes the deal 2. Expand the commercial tax base 3. Provide more jobs for neighbors 4. Develop parcels along U.S. 75 with viable businesses 5. Have a built -out Business Park 6. Have expanded medical and healthcare services, including Clinic and Outpatient Surgical Center(s) 7. Expand retail, restaurant and entertainment businesses Anna Economic Development Vision Anna has created a balanced and sustainable tax base that invites high qualityjobs and facilitates, excellent quality of life with well -maintained and first-rate infrastructure, and offers a wide range of housing and public facilities that build community identity and pride and engage neighbors in meaningful ways. City of Anna Economic Development Incentive Policy — Updated September 16, 2020 Economic Development Corporation (EDC) & Community Development Corporation (CDC) commented [CM1]: update the date In the header? The City has both a Type A and Type B Economic and Community Development Corporation as set up aycreated under the Texas Development Corporation Act of 1979. The Type A sales tax is primarily intended for manufacturing and industrial development. EDCs may use Type A revenues n4ayto fund land, buildings, equipment, facilities expenditures, targeted infrastructure and improvements for projects and job creation. The Type B sales tax may be used for any project eligible under Type A rules and several other project types, including quality of life improvements. Type B corporations may pay for land, buildings, equipment, facilities, targeted infrastructure and improvements. -Type B corporations created by cities with a population of 20,000 or less may also use sales tax revenue to fund projects that promote new or expanded business development that do not create or retain primary jobs. Project Criteria Eligible projects must provide a return on investment (ROI) and benefit for public funds provided. ROI may be determined through an analysis of: • Total capital investment and resulting taxable value generating annual increases of property tax revenue • The number and type of jobs to be created • Estimated ability to generate direct and/or indirect sales tax revenue • Estimated ability to generate future overnight stays that result in future direct hotel occupancy fund revenue and indirect revenue associated with visitors Recommendations for incentives are based on the evaluation of the following: • Fiscal Impact o What is the estimated total value of capital investment for buildings, other real property improvements and furniture, fixtures, and equipment? o What is the total projected annual operating budget of the facility? o What is the value of real and business personal property that will be added to the tax rolls? o How much direct sales tax will be generated? o How much infrastructure construction be required? o What is the estimated return on public investment? • Employment Impact o How many permanent jobs will be brought to Anna? o How many jobs will be retained? o What types of jobs will be created? o What will the total annual payroll be? o What is the average annual salary of jobs created and/or retained? • Community Impact o How compatible is the project with the City's Comprehensive Plan and Economic Development Strategic Plan goals? o How does the project support quality of life benefits such as preservation of open space and development enhancements? o What effect would the project have on the local housing market? o What environmental impact, if any, will be created by the project? o What effect would the project have on other taxing entities? 2 1 P a g e City of Anna Economic Development Incentive Policy — Updated September 16, 2020 Targeted Priorities The City may consider providing incentives for projects that further the City's strategic plans. • Job Creation — The City may consider an incentive for the creation and maintenance of jobs by offering a grant payment for companies that create or relocate a minimum of 25 full-time jobs within the City. The company must maintain the number of jobs created and/or relocated for at least a 5-year period to receive the total grant payment. Each job eligible for grant payment must pay at least 100% of the average annual wage for Collin County, as determined by the United States Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. • Downtown — The City may consider incentives for projects within or immediately surrounding the City's downtown that advance the goals of the Downtown Master Plan. Incentives may include grants or reimbursement for improvements to new or existing buildings, pedestrian corridors, fagades, murals or public art, iconic signage and/or lighting. • Niche / Specialty Retail, Entertainment, Restaurant — The City may consider providing incentives to "destination" retailers or restaurants that have the capability to attract customers from outside the area, serve as a catalyst for other development in the area, and/or provide new and different shopping, dining, or entertainment experiences. • Office — The City may consider providing incentives for corporate headquarters and/or regional offices as well as multi -tenant offices for professional services (accountants, engineers, architects, medical, information technology, lawyers, advertising and media, management consulting, financial, insurance, wealth management, actuary, etc.). • Distribution and Logistics — The City may consider providing incentives to support the supply chain of existing primary employers and better serve current and future neighbors. • Advanced and Light Manufacturing — The City may consider providing incentives for corporate headquarters and/or regional service locations. • Medical / Healthcare — The City may consider providing incentives to provide additional medical and healthcare related businesses to support the existing and better serve current and future neighbors. • Data Centers — The City may consider providing incentives for projects including data centers to support current and future businesses. List of Available Incentives The following may be offered by the City, CDC, and/or EDC for economic development projects that meet eligibility criteria. Not all tools are available for each project and any incentive is at the discretion of the Anna City Council and/or CDC and EDC Board. Investment from the City does not preclude other state, county or local incentives. • Chapter 380 Agreements — Authorized under Chapter 380 of the Texas Local Government Code, this agreement between the taxpayer and taxing entity offers a variety of fee -based or tax -based incentives, including grants, loans, or rebates to promote local economic development and stimulate business and commercial activity. • Economic Development Grants — The City has both Type A and Type B sales tax corporations. Funds may be available to finance qualified projects as determined by the Boards of the EDC and/or CDC. • Fee Reductions / Waivers — The City may consider decreasing or waiving certain development fees on eligible projects. 31Page City of Anna Economic Development Incentive Policy — Updated September 16, 2020 • Triple Freeport Tax Exemption — The City, Anna Independent School District, and Collin County all allow freeport exemption on certain types of tangible personal property (i.e. inventory, etc.) from ad valorem property taxation provided the property is: o Acquired in or imported into Texas to be forwarded out of the state. o Detained in Texas for assembling, storing, manufacturing, processing, or fabricating purposes by the entity acquiring or importing it. o Transported out of state within 175 days after the date acquired or imported it into Texas. o Applications for freeport exemptions must be filed with the Collin County Appraisal District. • Infrastructure Assistance — The City may facilitate development through enhancement of water, sewer, and/or roadway infrastructure relevant to sites selected for significant projects as needed. • Modification of Development Regulations / Standards — The City may provide provisions for modifying development standards or regulations for unique developments that support major new tax benefits for the City or incorporates construction or design features that far exceed the City's regulations. • Property Tax Rebates / Abatements — Authorized by Chapter 312 of the Texas Property Tax Code, the City may exempt all or a portion of the increase in the value of real and/or business personal property from taxation. A cost benefit analysis will be performed to determine the feasibility of the project as well as the percentage and terms of abatement. All abatements are subject to final approval of the City Council. • Public Improvement Districts (PID) — Authorized by Chapter 372 of the Texas Local Government Code, the City may finance the cost of qualified improvements within a defined area. Applications for a PID must be made separately from other incentives. Please refer to the City of Anna Public Improvement District Policy. • Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) — Authorized by Chapter 311 of the Texas Tax Code, the City may use tax increment financing to enter into economic development and infrastructure reimbursement agreements to pay for improvements. The TIRZ, whether City -initiated or petitioned by the property owners, sets up a geographic boundary that can be used develop raw land and proactively address decline or deterioration. Note: The creation of a TIRZ may specify how tax revenue is allocated or spent but does not in any way impact the tax rate as TIRZs have no taxing or assessment powers. Statement on Tax Abatement The Property Development and Tax Abatement Act, Chapter 312, Texas Tax Code, allows the City to establish its own criteria for tax abatements. Tax abatements may be offered in two categories: 1) real property and/or 2) business personal property. Real property abatements may be offered to applicants that pursue the construction of new or expanded facilities in which to house the applicable project. The abatement will apply to the assessed value of improvements made. Business personal property abatements may be offerred to applications that pursue the purchase or long-term lease of existing facilities. The abatement will apply to the assessed value of new personal property brought into the taxing jurisdiction. Assessed value shall mean the taxable value of real property improvements and business personal property as determined by the county appraisal district in which the property is located. 4 1 P a g e City of Anna Economic Development Incentive Policy — Updated September 16, 2020 Value of Incentives The subject criteria outlined herein will be used in determining whether it is in the best interest of the City, CDC and EDC to provide incentive(s). Specific considerations include how the individual project furthers the goals and objectives of the community and the impact of the project. The public benefit or amount of revenue realized by the City and attributable to the project must equal or exceed the value of any incentives granted under the application. Eligible Activities Incentive funds may be used for one or more of the following to assist development or redevelopment: • Capital investment related to real property construction and acquisition • Improvements to an existing building • Infrastructure • Site enhancements such as upgraded aesthetics or amenities • Other purposes which bring value to the community as determined by the Anna City Council, EDC and CDC Exclusionary Factors While a project may meet all minimum project qualifications, it will not be considered for public investment if any of the following factors apply: • The project would, for any reason, result in a net reduction of the ad valorem tax valuation of facilities in the City owned by the company, or its parent, subsidiary or affiliated companies • The company is not in good legal or financial standing with the State of Texas (or other state if not formed in Texas), Collin County, or City • The company is not registered to do business in Texas as evidenced by the records of the Texas Secretary of State • The financial condition of the company is such that the ability of the company to meet its obligations is uncertain Public Information While Section 522.131 of the Texas Government Code (Public Information Act) makes information related to economic development negotiations between the City and business prospect confidential, any information provided by an applicant may be subject to release to the public pursuant to the Act. It is the responsibility of the applicant to clearly identify proprietary or confidential information it wishes to protect from release. According to Section 312.003 of the Texas Tax Code, part of an application that describes the specific process or business activities to be conducted or equipment or other property is not subject to public disclosure until the incentive agreement is executed. The City will make reasonable attempts to notify the applicant if a request is made for information that is indicated as confidential so that the applicant may assert its rights to be withheld from release to the Texas Attorney General. 5 1 P a g e City of Anna Economic Development Incentive Policy — Updated September 16, 2020 Application The first step for any applicant is to submit an application and include information detailing the criteria outlined above. For the application to be complete, the applicant shall prepare a map or other documents that show the precise location of the property. The map or other documents should show the existing uses and conditions of real property, proposed improvements and uses, and proposed zoning changes if applicable. Additional documentation should also show compatibility with the City of Anna's c rrentComprehensivecurrent Comprehensive Plan and applicable building codes and City ordinances. An application for financial or other incentives shall not be considered an application for a permit under Chapter 245 of the Texas Local Government Code. Applications are submitted through a third -party software program and can be found online at https://opportunityannatx.com/the-edc-cdc/. Application Review Procedural Guidelines • All information in the application package will be reviewed for completeness and accuracy. • The City, EDC and CDC will not enter into an incentive agreement with any business entity unless, in accordance with Section 2252.908 of the Texas Government Code and rules adopted by the Texas Ethics Commission, a disclosure of interested parties is submitted. (Referenced: Form 1295) https://www.ethics.state.tx.us/filinginfo/l295/ • The attached disclosure form is required to be executed before a notary and submitted before any incentives will be considered. • The City's Economic Development Department will review the application with the City Manager and appropriate City departments for internal review and comments. Additional information may be requested as needed. • The Anna Community Development Corporation (CDC) Board and/or Anna Economic Development Corporation (EDC) may serve as an advisory body which makes recommendations to the City Council regarding whether economic development incentives should be offered in each individual case. The CDC and/or EDC Board may also provide incentives using CDC/EDC funds when appropriate. All meetings of the CDC/EDC Board shall be held in compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. Additional information may be requested as needed. • The CDC/EDC Board may consider adoption of a resolution approving the terms and conditions of a contract between the CDC/EDC and the applicant. • If the City Council decides to grant a tax abatement, it shall call a public hearing to consider establishment of a tax reinvestment zone in accordance with Section 312.201 of the Tax Code. This does not preclude the City from entering into a Chapter 380 agreement that may have incentives similar to those derived by tax abatement. • The City Council may consider adoption of an ordinance or resolution approving the terms and conditions of a contract between the City and the applicant governing the provision of the tax abatement or incentive and the commitments of the applicant, including all terms required by Section 312.205 of the Tax Code and other terms and conditions as the City Council may require • The City reserves the authority to enter into tax abatement agreements at differing percentages and/or terms, consistent with the requirements of the Texas Tax Code. The 6 1 P a g e City of Anna Economic Development Incentive Policy — Updated September 16, 2020 City also reserves the authority to enter into incentives agreements under Chapter 380 of the Texas Local Government Code. • Those receiving incentives will be required to enter into a performance agreement. Projects that do not meet performance measures are subject to recapture of all or a portion of the incentive value. 7 1 P a g e A:i HE CITY OF na W,'CDC R 0 U N D B R E A K I N PO S S I BII_ITI E S THE CITY OF Ana '41,.. FDC IIMM1 ►C.M.'11111i7 EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 7/1/2021 Staff Contact: R 0 U N D B R E A K I N G P O S S I B I L J T I E S AGENDA ITEM: Consider/Discuss/Act on a resolution approving an amendment to the Economic Development Incentives Policy. (EDC) SUMMARY: A few edits are being recommended. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Motion on behalf of the EDC to approve a resolution amending the Economic Development Incentives Policy. ATTACHMENTS: 1. EDC Resolution 2. Economic Development Incentives Policy C03029D20210614CR1 redline ANNA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE ANNA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION AMENDING THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INCENTIVE POLICY TO PROMOTE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND STIMULATE BUSINESS AND COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY IN THE CITY OF ANNA WHEREAS, the EDC Board adopted the Economic Development Incentive Policy at a regular meeting on October 1, 2020 that was subsequently amended on March 4, 2021, and WHEREAS, after further review and consideration, the EDC wishes to amend the policy; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ANNA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, THAT: Section 1. Recitals Incorporated The recitals set forth above are incorporated herein for all purposes as if set forth in full. Section 2. Approval of Amendments The Anna Economic Development Corporation hereby approves amendments to the Economic Development Incentive Policy attached hereto as Exhibit A. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Anna Economic Development Corporation this 1 st day of July 2021. Anthony Richardson, EDC President /_11992m 1 Rocio Gonzalez, EDC Secretary THE CITY OF manna ATHE CITY OFAnna THE CITY OF nna CDC_"� EDC Economic Development Incentives Policy The City of Anna, Texas, (City), in partnership with the Anna Community Development Corporation (CDC) and the Anna Economic Development Corporation (EDC), is committed to the promotion and retention of high quality development that increases economic diversity and sustainability, creates jobs, and provides value to the community. The City considers incentives based on the merit of each project and in accordance with the criteria outlined in this document, the City of Anna Economic Development Strategic Plan, and the City of Anna Strategic Plan. All recipients that are awarded incentives must meet or exceed the criteria and performance standards outlined below and enter into a performance agreement with the City, CDC, and/or EDC. Nothing in this policy shall imply or suggest that the City, CDC, or EDC are under any obligation to provide an incentive to any applicant. All applications are considered on a case -by - case basis. City of Anna Strategic Plan Goal 1: Growing Anna Economy Objectives: 1. Maintain and enhance an effective economic development organization that markets Anna, finds prospects, and closes the deal 2. Expand the commercial tax base 3. Provide more jobs for neighbors 4. Develop parcels along U.S. 75 with viable businesses 5. Have a built -out Business Park 6. Have expanded medical and healthcare services, including Clinic and Outpatient Surgical Center(s) 7. Expand retail, restaurant and entertainment businesses Anna Economic Development Vision Anna has created a balanced and sustainable tax base that invites high qualityjobs and facilitates, excellent quality of life with well -maintained and first-rate infrastructure, and offers a wide range of housing and public facilities that build community identity and pride and engage neighbors in meaningful ways. City of Anna Economic Development Incentive Policy — Updated September 16, 2020 Economic Development Corporation (EDC) & Community Development Corporation (CDC) commented [CM1]: update the date In the header? The City has both a Type A and Type B Economic and Community Development Corporation as set up aycreated under the Texas Development Corporation Act of 1979. The Type A sales tax is primarily intended for manufacturing and industrial development. EDCs may use Type A revenues n4ayto fund land, buildings, equipment, facilities expenditures, targeted infrastructure and improvements for projects and job creation. The Type B sales tax may be used for any project eligible under Type A rules and several other project types, including quality of life improvements. Type B corporations may pay for land, buildings, equipment, facilities, targeted infrastructure and improvements. -Type B corporations created by cities with a population of 20,000 or less may also use sales tax revenue to fund projects that promote new or expanded business development that do not create or retain primary jobs. Project Criteria Eligible projects must provide a return on investment (ROI) and benefit for public funds provided. ROI may be determined through an analysis of: • Total capital investment and resulting taxable value generating annual increases of property tax revenue • The number and type of jobs to be created • Estimated ability to generate direct and/or indirect sales tax revenue • Estimated ability to generate future overnight stays that result in future direct hotel occupancy fund revenue and indirect revenue associated with visitors Recommendations for incentives are based on the evaluation of the following: • Fiscal Impact o What is the estimated total value of capital investment for buildings, other real property improvements and furniture, fixtures, and equipment? o What is the total projected annual operating budget of the facility? o What is the value of real and business personal property that will be added to the tax rolls? o How much direct sales tax will be generated? o How much infrastructure construction be required? o What is the estimated return on public investment? • Employment Impact o How many permanent jobs will be brought to Anna? o How many jobs will be retained? o What types of jobs will be created? o What will the total annual payroll be? o What is the average annual salary of jobs created and/or retained? • Community Impact o How compatible is the project with the City's Comprehensive Plan and Economic Development Strategic Plan goals? o How does the project support quality of life benefits such as preservation of open space and development enhancements? o What effect would the project have on the local housing market? o What environmental impact, if any, will be created by the project? o What effect would the project have on other taxing entities? 2 1 P a g e City of Anna Economic Development Incentive Policy — Updated September 16, 2020 Targeted Priorities The City may consider providing incentives for projects that further the City's strategic plans. • Job Creation — The City may consider an incentive for the creation and maintenance of jobs by offering a grant payment for companies that create or relocate a minimum of 25 full-time jobs within the City. The company must maintain the number of jobs created and/or relocated for at least a 5-year period to receive the total grant payment. Each job eligible for grant payment must pay at least 100% of the average annual wage for Collin County, as determined by the United States Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. • Downtown — The City may consider incentives for projects within or immediately surrounding the City's downtown that advance the goals of the Downtown Master Plan. Incentives may include grants or reimbursement for improvements to new or existing buildings, pedestrian corridors, fagades, murals or public art, iconic signage and/or lighting. • Niche / Specialty Retail, Entertainment, Restaurant — The City may consider providing incentives to "destination" retailers or restaurants that have the capability to attract customers from outside the area, serve as a catalyst for other development in the area, and/or provide new and different shopping, dining, or entertainment experiences. • Office — The City may consider providing incentives for corporate headquarters and/or regional offices as well as multi -tenant offices for professional services (accountants, engineers, architects, medical, information technology, lawyers, advertising and media, management consulting, financial, insurance, wealth management, actuary, etc.). • Distribution and Logistics — The City may consider providing incentives to support the supply chain of existing primary employers and better serve current and future neighbors. • Advanced and Light Manufacturing — The City may consider providing incentives for corporate headquarters and/or regional service locations. • Medical / Healthcare — The City may consider providing incentives to provide additional medical and healthcare related businesses to support the existing and better serve current and future neighbors. • Data Centers — The City may consider providing incentives for projects including data centers to support current and future businesses. List of Available Incentives The following may be offered by the City, CDC, and/or EDC for economic development projects that meet eligibility criteria. Not all tools are available for each project and any incentive is at the discretion of the Anna City Council and/or CDC and EDC Board. Investment from the City does not preclude other state, county or local incentives. • Chapter 380 Agreements — Authorized under Chapter 380 of the Texas Local Government Code, this agreement between the taxpayer and taxing entity offers a variety of fee -based or tax -based incentives, including grants, loans, or rebates to promote local economic development and stimulate business and commercial activity. • Economic Development Grants — The City has both Type A and Type B sales tax corporations. Funds may be available to finance qualified projects as determined by the Boards of the EDC and/or CDC. • Fee Reductions / Waivers — The City may consider decreasing or waiving certain development fees on eligible projects. 31Page City of Anna Economic Development Incentive Policy — Updated September 16, 2020 • Triple Freeport Tax Exemption — The City, Anna Independent School District, and Collin County all allow freeport exemption on certain types of tangible personal property (i.e. inventory, etc.) from ad valorem property taxation provided the property is: o Acquired in or imported into Texas to be forwarded out of the state. o Detained in Texas for assembling, storing, manufacturing, processing, or fabricating purposes by the entity acquiring or importing it. o Transported out of state within 175 days after the date acquired or imported it into Texas. o Applications for freeport exemptions must be filed with the Collin County Appraisal District. • Infrastructure Assistance — The City may facilitate development through enhancement of water, sewer, and/or roadway infrastructure relevant to sites selected for significant projects as needed. • Modification of Development Regulations / Standards — The City may provide provisions for modifying development standards or regulations for unique developments that support major new tax benefits for the City or incorporates construction or design features that far exceed the City's regulations. • Property Tax Rebates / Abatements — Authorized by Chapter 312 of the Texas Property Tax Code, the City may exempt all or a portion of the increase in the value of real and/or business personal property from taxation. A cost benefit analysis will be performed to determine the feasibility of the project as well as the percentage and terms of abatement. All abatements are subject to final approval of the City Council. • Public Improvement Districts (PID) — Authorized by Chapter 372 of the Texas Local Government Code, the City may finance the cost of qualified improvements within a defined area. Applications for a PID must be made separately from other incentives. Please refer to the City of Anna Public Improvement District Policy. • Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) — Authorized by Chapter 311 of the Texas Tax Code, the City may use tax increment financing to enter into economic development and infrastructure reimbursement agreements to pay for improvements. The TIRZ, whether City -initiated or petitioned by the property owners, sets up a geographic boundary that can be used develop raw land and proactively address decline or deterioration. Note: The creation of a TIRZ may specify how tax revenue is allocated or spent but does not in any way impact the tax rate as TIRZs have no taxing or assessment powers. Statement on Tax Abatement The Property Development and Tax Abatement Act, Chapter 312, Texas Tax Code, allows the City to establish its own criteria for tax abatements. Tax abatements may be offered in two categories: 1) real property and/or 2) business personal property. Real property abatements may be offered to applicants that pursue the construction of new or expanded facilities in which to house the applicable project. The abatement will apply to the assessed value of improvements made. Business personal property abatements may be offerred to applications that pursue the purchase or long-term lease of existing facilities. The abatement will apply to the assessed value of new personal property brought into the taxing jurisdiction. Assessed value shall mean the taxable value of real property improvements and business personal property as determined by the county appraisal district in which the property is located. 4 1 P a g e City of Anna Economic Development Incentive Policy — Updated September 16, 2020 Value of Incentives The subject criteria outlined herein will be used in determining whether it is in the best interest of the City, CDC and EDC to provide incentive(s). Specific considerations include how the individual project furthers the goals and objectives of the community and the impact of the project. The public benefit or amount of revenue realized by the City and attributable to the project must equal or exceed the value of any incentives granted under the application. Eligible Activities Incentive funds may be used for one or more of the following to assist development or redevelopment: • Capital investment related to real property construction and acquisition • Improvements to an existing building • Infrastructure • Site enhancements such as upgraded aesthetics or amenities • Other purposes which bring value to the community as determined by the Anna City Council, EDC and CDC Exclusionary Factors While a project may meet all minimum project qualifications, it will not be considered for public investment if any of the following factors apply: • The project would, for any reason, result in a net reduction of the ad valorem tax valuation of facilities in the City owned by the company, or its parent, subsidiary or affiliated companies • The company is not in good legal or financial standing with the State of Texas (or other state if not formed in Texas), Collin County, or City • The company is not registered to do business in Texas as evidenced by the records of the Texas Secretary of State • The financial condition of the company is such that the ability of the company to meet its obligations is uncertain Public Information While Section 522.131 of the Texas Government Code (Public Information Act) makes information related to economic development negotiations between the City and business prospect confidential, any information provided by an applicant may be subject to release to the public pursuant to the Act. It is the responsibility of the applicant to clearly identify proprietary or confidential information it wishes to protect from release. According to Section 312.003 of the Texas Tax Code, part of an application that describes the specific process or business activities to be conducted or equipment or other property is not subject to public disclosure until the incentive agreement is executed. The City will make reasonable attempts to notify the applicant if a request is made for information that is indicated as confidential so that the applicant may assert its rights to be withheld from release to the Texas Attorney General. 5 1 P a g e City of Anna Economic Development Incentive Policy — Updated September 16, 2020 Application The first step for any applicant is to submit an application and include information detailing the criteria outlined above. For the application to be complete, the applicant shall prepare a map or other documents that show the precise location of the property. The map or other documents should show the existing uses and conditions of real property, proposed improvements and uses, and proposed zoning changes if applicable. Additional documentation should also show compatibility with the City of Anna's c rrentComprehensivecurrent Comprehensive Plan and applicable building codes and City ordinances. An application for financial or other incentives shall not be considered an application for a permit under Chapter 245 of the Texas Local Government Code. Applications are submitted through a third -party software program and can be found online at https://opportunityannatx.com/the-edc-cdc/. Application Review Procedural Guidelines • All information in the application package will be reviewed for completeness and accuracy. • The City, EDC and CDC will not enter into an incentive agreement with any business entity unless, in accordance with Section 2252.908 of the Texas Government Code and rules adopted by the Texas Ethics Commission, a disclosure of interested parties is submitted. (Referenced: Form 1295) https://www.ethics.state.tx.us/filinginfo/l295/ • The attached disclosure form is required to be executed before a notary and submitted before any incentives will be considered. • The City's Economic Development Department will review the application with the City Manager and appropriate City departments for internal review and comments. Additional information may be requested as needed. • The Anna Community Development Corporation (CDC) Board and/or Anna Economic Development Corporation (EDC) may serve as an advisory body which makes recommendations to the City Council regarding whether economic development incentives should be offered in each individual case. The CDC and/or EDC Board may also provide incentives using CDC/EDC funds when appropriate. All meetings of the CDC/EDC Board shall be held in compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. Additional information may be requested as needed. • The CDC/EDC Board may consider adoption of a resolution approving the terms and conditions of a contract between the CDC/EDC and the applicant. • If the City Council decides to grant a tax abatement, it shall call a public hearing to consider establishment of a tax reinvestment zone in accordance with Section 312.201 of the Tax Code. This does not preclude the City from entering into a Chapter 380 agreement that may have incentives similar to those derived by tax abatement. • The City Council may consider adoption of an ordinance or resolution approving the terms and conditions of a contract between the City and the applicant governing the provision of the tax abatement or incentive and the commitments of the applicant, including all terms required by Section 312.205 of the Tax Code and other terms and conditions as the City Council may require • The City reserves the authority to enter into tax abatement agreements at differing percentages and/or terms, consistent with the requirements of the Texas Tax Code. The 6 1 P a g e City of Anna Economic Development Incentive Policy — Updated September 16, 2020 City also reserves the authority to enter into incentives agreements under Chapter 380 of the Texas Local Government Code. • Those receiving incentives will be required to enter into a performance agreement. Projects that do not meet performance measures are subject to recapture of all or a portion of the incentive value. 7 1 P a g e A:i HE CITY OF na W,'CDC R 0 U N D B R E A K I N PO S S I BII_ITI E S THE CITY OF Ana '41,.. FDC Item No. 5.c. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 7/1/2021 Staff Contact: R 0 U N D B R E A K I N G P O S S I B I L J T I E S AGENDA ITEM: Discuss preliminary FY 2022 CDC and EDC budgets. SUMMARY: Staff will provide a presentation outlining the attached preliminary FY 2022 budget. 1+3r_1a0N*0]LT, ILTi14z117_r1Eel kiF I_'Iif_[91:ILT, 140k&I 1. FY2022 CDC EDC Fund Summaries 2. Draft FY 2022 EDC Budget 3. Drat FY 2022 CDC Budget CITY OF ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 2021-22 BEGINNING BALANCES $ 978,731 $ 1,192,604 $ 1,393,074 $ 1,613,338 REVENUES: Property Taxes $ - $ - $ - $ - Sales Tax 1,362,791 1,300,000 1,600,000 1,630,000 Charges for Services - - - - Licenses and Permits - - Franchise and Local Taxes - - - - Investment Income 11,588 11,140 5,000 5,000 Other Revenues 183 - - - Intergovernmental - - - - Fines - - - - TOTAL OPERATIONAL REVENUE $ 1,374,562 $ 1,311,140 $ 1,605,000 $ 1,635,000 Transfers from other funds - - - - TOTAL REVENUES $ 1,374,562 $ 1,311,140 $ 1,605,000 $ 1,635,000 TOTAL AVAILABLE RESOURCES $ 2,353,293 $ 2,503,744 $ 2,998,074 $ 3,248,338 EXPENDITURES: Payroll $ 90,669 $ 138,985 $ 138,985 $ 379,566 Supplies 3,943 7,100 10,100 10,600 Maintenance - - - - Services 539,706 906,400 906,400 1,070,145 Debt Service 325,901 329,251 329,251 327,463 Capital Outlay - - - - Capital Improvement - - - - TOTAL OPERATIONAL EXPENDITURES $ 960,219 $ 1,381,736 $ 1,384,736 $ 1,787,774 Transfers to other funds - - - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 960,219 $ 1,381,736 $ 1,384,736 $ 1,787,774 ENDING FUND BALANCES $ 1,393,074 $ 1,122,008 $ 1,613,338 $ 1,460,564 Fund Balance Percentage 145.1% 81.2% 116.5% 81.7% ANNUAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2022 CITY OF ANNA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Actual Budget Estimated Budget 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 2021-22 BEGINNING BALANCES $ 588,696 $ 417,877 $ 460,382 $ 351,708 REVENUES: Property Taxes $ - $ - $ - $ - Sales Tax - - - - Charges for Services 10,243 17,476 17,476 10,000 Licenses and Permits - - - - Franchise and Local Taxes - - - - Investment Income 6,922 6,000 2,000 2,000 Other Revenues 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Intergovernmental - - - - Fines - - - - TOTAL OPERATIONAL REVENUE $ 18,665 $ 24,976 $ 20,976 $ 13,500 Transfers from other funds - - - - TOTAL REVENUES $ 18,665 $ 24,976 $ 20,976 $ 13,500 TOTAL AVAILABLE RESOURCES $ 607,361 $ 442,853 $ 481,358 $ 365,208 EXPENDITURES: Payroll $ - $ - $ - $ - Supplies 1,329 - - - Maintenance 33 3,000 3,000 3,000 Services 145,617 126,650 126,650 82,800 Debt Service - - - - Capital Outlay - - - Capital Improvement - - - - TOTAL OPERATIONAL EXPENDITURES $ 146,979 $ 129,650 $ 129,650 $ 85,800 Transfers to other funds - - - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 146,979 $ 129,650 $ 129,650 $ 85,800 ENDING FUND BALANCES $ 460,382 $ 313,203 $ 351,708 $ 279,408 Fund Balance Percentage 313.2% 241.6% 271.3% 325.7% ANNUAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2022 M 90-826-6209 EDC I Description FY2020 ACT Supplies Other Supplies - Misc. 1,329 FY2021 FY2021 RE- FY2022 BASE Dept Change FY2022 Prop COMMENTS / DETAILS REVISED EST - - - 90-826-6303 EDC Maintenance Maint. & Repair - Buildings 33 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Misc building Maintanence and Repairs - 312 N Powell 90-826-6703 EDC Services Contract Services 129,691 75,800 75,800 2,800 (1,900) 900 Janitorial 90-826-6703 EDC Services Contract Services - - 2,700 2,700 Mowing and Landscaping - 312 North Powell Pkwy 90-826-6703 EDC Services Contract Services - - 3,000 (1,500) 1,500 New contract for Ricoh Printer at Inc -Cube 90-826-6703 EDC Services Contract Services - - 600 600 Pest Control 90-826-6703 EDC Services Contract Services - - 60,000 (5,000) 55,000 Professional Services (target industry analysis, bus. park, Architect, entry feature design) 90-826-6703 EDC Services Contract Services - - 6,700 (3,200) 3,500 Security Services 90-826-6708 EDC Services IT Support Services 254 750 750 750 (750) - Change per email JG 7128119 for Isogent Services 90-826-6722 EDC Services Insurance - Property&Liability 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,050 Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool Property and Liability Coverage 90-826-6735 EDC Services Promotion Expense - 30,000 30,000 - - 90-826-6753 EDC Services Legal Expense 4,386 7,500 7,500 7,500 (1,500) 6,000 legal fees 90-826-6755 EDC Services Audit Expense 3,389 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 CPA Services - Audit, 1099 form 990 90-826-6780 EDC Services Electricity 3,567 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 Based on three year history 90-826-6781 EDC Services Gas - Natural/Propane 754 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,050 Based on three year history 90-826-6782 EDC Services City Utilities Water/Sewer/Trash 817 - - - - 90-826-6783 EDC Services Telecom 1,708 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 146,978 129,650 129,650 99,650 85,800 ccount Org Name Group Description 89-825-6101 CDC Payroll Salaries R VI 106,325 EST RE FY2022 BASE Dept Change FY2022 Prop COMMENTS / DETAILS 106,325 284,559 284,559 73,473 89-825-6114 CDC Payroll Payroll Taxes -City Part FICA 5,543 8,286 8,286 21,769 21,769 89-825-6121 CDC Payroll Health Insurance 948 9,927 9,927 31,866 31,866 89-825-6125 CDC Payroll TMRS Retirement 10,408 12,986 12,986 39,241 39,241 89-825-6126 CDC Payroll Unemployment 144 250 250 750 750 89-825-6127 CDC Payroll Workers Compensation 153 1,111 1,111 1,281 1,281 89-825-6129 CDC Payroll Miscellaneous Payroll - 100 100 100 100 89-825-6208 CDC Supplies Office Supplies 1,159 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 basic needs 89-825-6209 CDC Supplies Other Supplies - Misc. 1,330 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 meals, meetings supplies, or other administrative items 89-825-6210 CDC Supplies Clothing Supplies 1,454 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 new logo, new council members, new board members etc. 89-825-6212 CDC Supplies Postage - 100 100 100 100 mailing bills, etc.. 89-825-6299 CDC Supplies IT Supplies - - 3,000 - 3,500 3,500 new laptop for Director in FY21 and new laptop for Manager in FY22 89-825-6700 CDC Services Economic Development Grant Expense 284,433 442,960 442,960 100,000 25,000 125,000 Downtown/Targeted Area Economic Development Grants and Events 89-825-6700 CDC Services Economic Development Grant Expense - - 342,960 107,040 450,000 Sales Tax Reimbursement agreement with Chief Partners Phase I 89-825-6703 CDC Services Contract Services 124,132 170,974 170,974 4,000 4,000 CDC agreement with City Finance and Accounting Services 89-825-6703 CDC Services Contract Services - - 800 (800) - Remove this line item and use IT Supplies for future IT needs per KJ 89-825-6703 CDC Services Contract Services - - 42,000 3,000 45,000 Chamber/Neighborhood Services Contract for BRE & Events 89-825-6703 CDC Services Contract Services - - 1,500 1,500 Continuing Disclosure Report Fees (Revenue Bonds) 89-825-6703 CDC Services Contract Services - - 45,000 41,850 86,850 Downtown Plan Implementation 89-825-6703 CDC Services Contract Services - - 1,750 250 2,000 Housing Study Updates --Residential Strategies .count Org Name 89-825-6703 CDC Description RE11 Services Contract Services - EST RE FY2022 BASE Dept Change FY2022 Prop COMMENTS / DETAILS - 5,724 276 6,000 Impact Data Source (Third Party Economic Incentive Impact Tool) 89-825-6703 CDC Services Contract Services - - 6,000 6,000 Placer Al (provides consumer analytics to help attract retailers, etc.) 89-825-6703 CDC Services Contract Services - - 2,250 2,450 4,700 ReSimplifi 89-825-6703 CDC Services Contract Services - - 35,000 10,000 45,000 Retail attraction plan 89-825-6703 CDC Services Contract Services - - 20,000 40,000 60,000 Tagline/Marketing Plan Agreement 89-825-6703 CDC Services Contract Services - - 6,950 625 7,575 GIS WebTech Recruit mapping, Esd demographic data 89-825-6710 CDC Services Travel/Training Expense 14,142 25,250 25,250 25,250 (25,250) - ED Basic Course for Manager - DELETE 89-825-6710 CDC Services Travel/Training Expense - - - 1,745 1,745 OU EDI in Fort Worth for ED Manager (Early Deadline August 27 for October class) 89-825-6710 CDC Services Travel/Training Expense 1,000 1,000 Bisnow Event Registrations 89-825-6710 CDC Services Travel/Training Expense 9,500 9,500 International Council of Shopping Centers Annual Conference (Four People) 89-825-6710 CDC Services Travel/Training Expense - - - 5,000 5,000 International Council of Shopping Centers Texas Conference 89-825-6710 CDC Services Travel/Training Expense - - - 2,500 2,500 International Economic Development Council Annual Conference 89-825-6710 CDC Services Travel/Training Expense - - - 750 750 Mileage Reimbursement for ED Manager 89-825-6710 CDC Services Travel/Training Expense - - - 3,000 3,000 NAIOP (National Assn. of Industrial and Office Properties) Annual Meeting 89-825-6710 CDC Services Travel/Training Expense - - - 2,000 2,000 Sales Tax Training for Type A and B Corp. - Joey, Taylor, Jim, Clark, and Board Chair 89-825-6710 CDC Services Travel/Training Expense - - - 2,000 2,000 Texas City Managers Assn. Annual Meeting --Taylor 89-825-6710 CDC Services Travel/Training Expense - - - 4,000 4,000 Texas Economic Development Council Annual Conference (2 People) 89-825-6722 CDC Services Insurance - Property & Liability 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 Insurance for the Business park Property - since there is no building on this property it does not need coverage 89-825-6731 CDC Services Public Notices - Advertising 37 250 250 250 250 publish notices, 89-825-6735 CDC Services Promotion Expense 28,501 146,596 146,596 93,000 70,000 163,000 Promotional Materials - Print Ads, other sponsorship opportunities, magazines, displays, billboards, etc. Cooksey Agreement, PR, Marketing ccount Org Name 89-825-6753 CDC Description R VI Services Legal Expense 7,240 14,000 EST RE FY2022 BASE Dept Change FY2022 Prop COMMENTS / DETAILS 14,000 14,000 14,000 Legal services 89-825-6755 CDC Services Audit Expense 3,389 6,000 6,000 6,000 1,500 7,500 CPA services - audit, 990, 1099s 89-825-6756 CDC Services Engineering - 1,500 1,500 1,500 (1,500) - Engineering - DELETE 89-825-6761 CDC Services Dues, Publications & Licenses 3,179 4,670 4,670 4,670 (4,170) 500 ICSC - 50 pp (8) 89-825-6761 CDC Services Dues, Publications & Licenses - - - 1,800 1,800 TEDC - $550 (3) 89-825-6761 CDC Services Dues, Publications & Licenses - - - 450 450 NTCAR 89-825-6761 CDC Services Dues, Publications & Licenses 600 600 NAIOP 89-825-6761 CDC Services Dues, Publications & Licenses 1,300 1,300 TEDC (3) 89-825-6761 CDC Services Dues, Publications & Licenses 900 900 ICMA/TCMA 89-825-6761 CDC Services Dues, Publications & Licenses 175 175 Dallas Morning News 89-825-6761 CDC Services Dues, Publications & Licenses - - - 350 350 DBJ 89-825-6783 CDC Services Telecom - 700 700 700 - 700 Cell phone for Director 89-825-6789 CDC Debt Service Debt -Service Principal 215,000 225,000 225,000 160,000 160,000 2016 Debt service on business park 89-825-6789 CDC Debt Service Debt -Service Principal - - - - Bond Debit Series B - Slayter Creek Park Phase II 89-825-6790 CDC Debt Service Interest Expense 110,901 104,251 104,251 167,463 167,463 2016 Debt service on business park 89-825-6790 CDC Debt Service Interest Expense - - - - Bond Debit Series B - Slayter Creek Park Phase II 89-825-6799 CDC Services Other Services - Misc. 71,153 90,000 90,000 90,000 (90,000) - Cost Allocation to pay half of the personnel cost for the EDC Director 960,219 1,381,736 1,384,736 1,566,933 1,787,774 A:i HE CITY OF na W,'CDC R 0 U N D B R E A K I N PO S S I BII_ITI E S THE CITY OF Ana ,41,.. FDC P 0 U N D B R E A K I N G P O S S I B I L J T I E S AGENDA ITEM: Director's Report SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: IIm"111►159WO EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 7/1/2021 Staff Contact: A:i HE CITY OF na W,'CDC R 0 U N D B R E A K I N PO S S I BII_ITI E S THE CITY OF Ana '41,.. FDC P 0 U N D B R E A K I N G P O S S I B I L J T I E S AGENDA ITEM: April Financials SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: 1. CDC April 2021 Financials 2. EDC April 2021 Financials IIm",,1►[.w:, EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 7/1/2021 Staff Contact: CDC Balance Sheet For Period Ending 4/30/2021 'Unaudited - subject to change Beginning Current on Ending Balance Activity YTD Activity Balance 10/1/2020 4/30/2021 4/30/2021 Assets 89-000-1010 Bank - Operating Funds 11105,666 52 57,537.26 295,915.89 1,401,582.41 89-000-1012 Bank - Restricted Funds 19,367 28 53.10 19,420.38 89-000-1150 Accounts Receivable - - - - 89-000-1160 Accounts Receivable - Sales Tax 2585403 09 - (258,403.09) - 89-000-1202 Receivables - Due From General Fund - - - 89-000-1215 Receivables - Local Business Loans 91,310 00 917310.00 Total Assets 1,474,746.89 57,537.26 37,565.90 17512,312.79 Liabilities 89-000-2001 Accounts Payable 37,526 98 (562.96). (37,526.98) 0.00 89-000-2020 Federal W/H Tax Payable (0.00) - (0.00) 89-000-2021 FICA Payable - - - - 89-000-2024 Flexible Spending Payable - - - 89-000-2025 Deferred Compensation Payable - - - - 89-000-2026 TMRS Payable - - - - 89-000-2027 Health Insurance Payable - - - 89-000-2029 Salaries Payable 2,834.56 - (2)834.56) - 89-000-2102 Payable - Due To General Fund(10) - - - 89-000-2115 Deferred Revenue - Local Business Loans 41,310.00 41,310.00 Total Liabilities 81,671.54 (562.96) (40)361.54) 41,310.00 Fund Balance 89-000-3711 Fund Balance 89-000-3711 Fund Balance -Restricted 1,301,765.35 58,100.22 77,927.44 1,379,692.79 91,310.00 Total Fund Balance 1,393,075.35 56,100.22 77,927.44 1,471,002.79 CDC Income Statement For Period Ending 4/30/2021 Current on Activity YTD Activity 4/3012021 Revenues 89-825-5225 Sales Tax Revenue - General 109,651,71 647,329.58 89-825-5329 Donations 75.00 89-825-5499 Miscellaneous Revenue - 89-825-5530 Interest Revenue 3,469.24 89-825-5800 Transfers in - 89-825-5840 Bond Proceeds Total Revenues 109,651.71 650,873.82 Expenses 89-825-6101 Salaries T086.40 50,398.44 89-825-6114 Payroll Taxes -City Part FICA 542.12 4,072.40 89-825-6121 Health Insurance 97.42., 681.94 89-825-6125 TIMES Retirement 1,004.85 7,556.98 89-825-6126 Unemployment 144.00 144.00 89-825-6127 Workers Compensation 18454 89-825-6129 Miscellaneous Payroll _ 89.825-6208 Office Supplies 202.91 528.92 89.825-6209 Other Supplies -Misc. 325.79. 1,423,02 89-825-6210 Clothing Supplies _ 89-825-6212 Postage 14.20 89-825-6299 IT Supplies - 89-825-6700 Economic Development Grant Expense _ 89-825-6703 Contract Services 1,200.00 95,164.50 89-825-6710 Travel/Training Expense 1, 176.18 89-825-6722 Insurance -Property & Liability 3,500.00 89-825-6731 Public Notices - Advertising - 89-825.6735 Promotion Expense 10,355.00 46,689.50 89-825-6753 Legal Expense 243.00 1,394.50 89.825-6755 Audit Expense 2,482.50 89-825-6756 Engineering 89-825-6761 Dues, Publications, Permits & Licenses 7,850.00 9,76T26 89-825-6783 Telephones - Pagers :..'.. 89-825.6789 Debt -Service Principal 225,000.00 89-825-6790 Interest Expense 53,867.50 89-825-6795 Bond Fees 89-825-6799 Other Services -Misc. -...22,500.00 68,900.00 89-825-6901 Construction in Progress _ 89-825-6911 Machinery & Equipment _ 89-825-6931 Land & Improvements _ 89-825-8900 Other Financing Use - Debt Refundings _ 89-825-9800 Transfers Out Total Expenses 51,551 A9 572,946.38 Net Profit/Loss 58,100.22 77,927.44 .. .« . . !.. { \{\} \2 . \00004 ///) .. . / !: ; z : !,!!!!! !!!, § )mmmmmmm !;!! - ! ) ) (( \ ( )\\\0\w \ww\ (\ ) §\ ); \ ] ! !!!!!!! \[§! 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FDC P 0 U N D B R E A K I N G P O S S I B I L J T I E S AGENDA ITEM: April Sales Tax Report SUMMARY: IIM"0►re=1 a EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 7/1/2021 Staff Contact: For April 2021, sales taxes are 28.8% over April 2020. With 58.3% of the fiscal year completed, City of Anna is at 66.8% of FY2021 budget. The City is currently on track to collect $474,000 over the FY2021 revised budget ($174,000 General Fund; $300,000 CDC). As expected, month over month comparisons have decreased since March and are expected to continue to decrease. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: 1. 2021 Monthly Sales Tax Report 2. CDC SALES TAX COLLECTIONS FY21 October November December January February March April May June July August September R 335,454 340,156 419,319 338,879 292,405 441,021 375,823 $ 2,543,057 24.1 % $ 270,363 37.6% 247,215 30.4% 321,464 41.3% 239,848 30.2% 224,649 49.4% 295,191 28.8% 291,845 340,358 397,630 316,470 310,731 378,344 $ 3,634,108 Budget: 3,805,000 66.8% 3,048,942 Monthly Sales Tax Collections: 3 Year Comparison $500,000 $450,000 $400,000 $350,000 - $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 - $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 $0 z�°`°°��°c 0 FY2020-21 o FY2019-20 0 FY2018-19 October $ 125,795 24.1 % $ 101,386 November 127,559 37.6% $ 92,706 December 157,245 30.4% $ 120,549 January 127,080 41.3% $ 89,943 February 109,652 30.2% $ 84,243 March 165,383 49.4% $ 110,697 April 140,934 28.8% $ 109,442 May - $ 127,634 June - $ 149,111 July - $ 118,676 August - $ 116,524 September - $ 141,879 $ 953,647 $ 1,362,791 ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORP. Monthly Sales Tax Collections: $180,000 3 Year Comparison $160,000 $140,000 $120,000 $100,000 $80,000 $60,000 $40,000 $20,000 $0 ■ FY2020-21 ■ FY2019-20 ■ FY2018-19 A:i HE CITY OF na W,'CDC R 0 U N D B R E A K I N PO S S I BII_ITI E S THE CITY OF Ana '41,.. FDC R 0 U N D B R E A K I N G P O S S I B I L J T I E S AGENDA ITEM: Strategic Plan Update SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: IIm",,1►row= EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 7/1/2021 Staff Contact: A:i HE CITY OF na W"CDC R 0 U N D B R E A K I N PO S S I BII_ITI E S THE CITY OF Ana '41,.. FDC R 0 U N D B R E A K I N G P O S S I B I L J T I E S AGENDA ITEM: Sales Tax Workshop SUMMARY: I00015.=:�'.1 EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 7/1/2021 Staff Contact: Economic Development Sales Tax Workshops are specifically for EDC Board Members and local elected officials and include information about economic and community development in general, and changes to the Economic Development Sales Tax Law. There is a virtual and in -person option to attend this year. The registration fee is $175.00. The virtual workshop will begin August 13th with registrants gaining access to a Dropbox file that will contain reference materials and copies of the presentations. Registrants have two weeks to review the workshop presentations and materials at their own pace. On August 27, 2021, TEDC will have a live Q&A session at 10:30 AM via Zoom with the workshop presenters. Registrants will have the opportunity to ask questions during the live Q&A with the workshop presenters. The live Q&A session is not mandatory, but recommended. The local in -person workshop will take place on September 17th at the Hyatt Place in Garland. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Please inform staff if you would like to attend either the virtual or in -person workshop this year. ATTACHMENTS: A:i HE CITY OF na W,'CDC R 0 U N D B R E A K I N PO S S I BII_ITI E S THE CITY OF Ana '41,.. FDC P 0 U N D B R E A K I N G P O S S I B I L J T I E S AGENDA ITEM: Budget Adoption Meeting - July 28 or 29 SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: IIm",,1►row= EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 7/1/2021 Staff Contact: A:i HE CITY OF na W,'CDC R 0 U N D B R E A K I N PO S S I BII_ITI E S THE CITY OF Ana '41,.. FDC P 0 U N D B R E A K I N G P O S S I B I L J T I E S AGENDA ITEM: Development Forum - July 29 SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: IIff,1►15OW01 EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 7/1/2021 Staff Contact: 1. Anna Economic Development Forum Flyer v1 Big dreams are built here. l-\ I I I I C.A I- k.. V I I V I I I I Development Forum Breakfast and Networking - 8 a.m. Welcome from Mayor Nate Pike - 9 a.m. ATHE CITY OF nna wEDC G R O U N D B R E A K I N G P O S S I B I L I T I E S Anna High School Assembly Hall Sponsored by 1107 W Rosamond Pkwy BOHLERI Anna, TX 75409 Please join us for our first Economic Development Forum to learn more about the City of Anna and the Anna Economic Development Corporation. The event will feature networking, breakfast sponsored by Bohler Engineering, a welcome from Mayor Nate Pike and speakers from Anna ISD, and Anna's planning/development and economic development teams. Following the event, we hope you will visit our local establishments to enjoy lunch. �■ •� �■ Please RSVP: To learn how Anna can help % build a framework for future r https://tinyuri.com/ growth and o ti Anna EconomicDevelopmentForum 9 opportunity, ■� visit opportunityannatx.com or use the OR Code. A:i HE CITY OF na W,'CDC R 0 U N D B R E A K I N PO S S I BII_ITI E S THE CITY OF Ana '41,.. FDC R 0 U N D B R E A K I N G P O S S I B I L J T I E S AGENDA ITEM: ICSC - December 5-7 Item No. 6.g. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 7/1/2021 Staff Contact: SUMMARY: ICSC will be held live at the Las Vegas Convention Center December 5-7. Public Sector registration is $50. Staff had budgeted for 4 people to attend in 2020. Registration opens July 12. Please let staff know if you would like to attend. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: A:i HE CITY OF na *CDC G R 0 U N D B R E A KING P O S S I B I L I T I E S THE CITY OF Ana c FDC .5 G R 0 U N D B R E A K I N G PC S S 1 B 1 L J T I E S AGENDA ITEM: Closed Session 1011111►150VA EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 7/1 /2021 Staff Contact: a. Deliberate regarding the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. (Tex. Gov't Code §551.072) possible property acquisition; possible land sale/purchase; Anna Business Park. b. Consult with legal counsel on matters in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Government Code (Tex. Gov't Code §551.071); Grant program; Lease agreement and professional services contract. c. Discuss or deliberate Economic Development Negotiations: (1) To discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the Board of Directors has received from a business prospect that the Board of Directors seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the City of Anna and with which the Board is conducting economic development negotiations; or, (2) To deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect described by subdivision (1). (Tex. Gov't Code §551.087) Anna Business Park Property; potential retail and medical projects. SUMMARY: a. Deliberate regarding the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. (Tex. Gov't Code §551.072) possible property acquisition; possible land sale/purchase; Anna Business Park. b. Consult with legal counsel on matters in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Government Code (Tex. Gov't Code §551.071); Grant program; Lease agreement and professional services contract. c. Discuss or deliberate Economic Development Negotiations: (1) To discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the Board of Directors has received from a business prospect that the Board of Directors seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the City of Anna and with which the Board is conducting economic development negotiations; or, (2) To deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect described by subdivision (1). (Tex. Gov't Code §551.087) Anna Business Park Property; potential retail and medical projects. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: