HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDC-EDCmin2020-07-02 Joint MeetingOfficers: Staff: Anthony Richardson, President Joey Grisham, Economic Development Director Stan Carver, Vice -President Taylor Lough, Economic Development Manager Rocio Gonzalez, Secretary .1rii�a Attlta *CDC * Anna Community Development Corporation and Anna Economic Development Corporation Regular Meeting Minutes Thursday, July 2, 2020 at 6:00 pm The Anna Community Development Corporation and the Anna Economic Development Corporation conducted a regular online meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 2, 2020. The Anna Community Development Corporation and the Economic Development Corporation participated in this meeting remotely in compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act as suspended or modified under the pending Declaration of Disaster and associated executive orders and proclamations of the Governor of Texas. The public observed the open session portions of the meeting online at the City of Anna's Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/City-of-Anna-281332118639373/ A video recording of the open session portions of the meeting may be viewed online at the City of Anna's website: https://www.annatexas.gov/962/AgendasMinutes CDC and EDC Board Members Present: Anthony Richardson, Rocio Gonzalez, Michelle Hawkins, Stan Carver, Shane Williams, Bruce Norwood and Doris Pierce. Others present: Councilmember Lee Miller, Joey Grisham (Economic Development Director), Taylor Lough (Economic Development Manager), Clark McCoy (CDC/EDC Legal Counsel), and Kevin Johnson (IT Manager). 1. Call to Order. Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum. The meeting was called to order by Anthony Richardson, Board President, at 6:03 p.m. Anthony Richardson acknowledged the new CDC and EDC Board Member, Shane Williams. 2. Invocation and Pledge. Invocation was given by Anthony Richardson. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Anthony Richardson. 3. Citizen Comments. There were no citizen comments. 4. Consider/Discuss/Act on approving minutes from the June 3, 2020 CDC Special Called Meeting. (CDC) Officers: Staff: Anthony Richardson, President Joey Grisham, Economic Development Director Stan Carver, Vice -President Taylor Lough, Economic Development Manager Rocio Gonzalez, Secretary 5. Consider/Discuss/Act on approving minutes from the June 3, 2020 EDC Special Called Meeting. (EDC) Shane Williams made a motion to approve the minutes on behalf of the CDC and EDC for the June Joint CDC and EDC Meeting. Michelle Hawkins seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. 6. Consider/Discuss/Act on a recommendation for Phase II of the COVID-19 Recovery Grant program. (CDC) Joey Grisham explained that 18 agreements were approved by the City Council for Phase I. Staff recommends 18 of the 19 applicants in Phase II be awarded a $5,000 grant. Taylor Lough shared that the City Council will review the Board's recommendation at its next meeting on July 14t". If approved, staff will send a Chapter 380 agreement to the applicants for their signature. The agreement will be signed by the City Manager and checks will be cut the following week. There was a lot of positive feedback from awardees last phase. Doris Pierce asked if the feedback could be posted. Staff shared the feedback was mostly in person. Bruce Norwood agreed that testimonials would be nice. Joey Grisham said staff can reach out to applicants for feedback. Anthony Richardson thanked the staff and Council for their work on this funding program. Anthony Richardson made a motion to recommend staff to take 18 of the 19 applications at the $5,000 level to the City Council for their next steps. Bruce Norwood seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. 7. Discuss preliminary FY 2021 CDC and EDC budgets. Joey Grisham provided a presentation outlining revenue and expenditure projections for fiscal year 2020 as well as budget considerations for fiscal year 2021. The Board will need to meet to approve the budget prior to August 1 st per the CDC and EDC bylaws. There has been a steady increase in sales tax revenue for the CDC, which is positive. The Downtown Master Plan will be partially paid for in the current and next fiscal year. Additional funding is being budgeted for grants. The CDC's agreement with the Greater Anna Chamber of Commerce for community events will change with the creation of the City's Neighborhood Services Department. Stan Carver asked if the 26% increase in sales tax during April came from people being home during the pandemic or the new restaurant openings, or both. Joey Grisham explained the increase may have been a mixture as neighbors purchased extra goods at supermarkets, for example, and the opening of Starbucks, Salsa Tex Mex, Chick fila and Whataburger. Joey Grisham explained that the new Neighborhood Services Department is being headed by Marc Marchand and will include Parks and Recreation, Code Compliance, and Lifetime Learning. This department will be involved in future community events. Michelle Hawkins asked if the CDC would now contract with Neighborhood Services for events. Joey Grisham explained the goal has been to move away from funding events and use the CDC funding for economic development. There is an opportunity for the CDC to partner with the Chamber of Commerce for other services such as business retention. Officers: Staff: Anthony Richardson, President Joey Grisham, Economic Development Director Stan Carver, Vice -President Taylor Lough, Economic Development Manager Rocio Gonzalez, Secretary Stan Carver asked if the funding budgeted for the Business Park included the signage. Joey Grisham said yes. Shane William asked about the EDC's rental revenue. Joey Grisham explained that the Inc - Cube Building was originally an incubator space. The Chamber of Commerce and Grace and Peace Presbyterian Church rent cubicle space —the other space is being used for the EDC and other city departments. A future conversation is needed to discuss the future of the Inc -Cube once city staff moves to the City Hall that is currently under construction. Anthony Richardson asked about the budgeted $100,000 for grants. Joey Grisham explained that last year $78,900 was budgeted last year for grant funding. Interest is growing related to downtown with the master plan efforts. These funds could be used for businesses seeking to locate within downtown as well as additional COVID-19 recovery, if so desired. Anthony asked if additional funding could be allocated for COVID-19 recovery. Joey Grisham explained the Board could draw into fund balance for additional initiatives. 8. Consider/Discuss/Act on a resolution expending funds for Business Park engineering and architectural services and authorizing the Economic Development Director to enter into a contract for said services. (EDC) Joey Grisham explained that preliminary renderings were completed about 3 years ago for the Business Park that need updating. There are restrictions due to the utilities on the site so staff would like to master plan the site to include roads, entry signage, and project phasing. The Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions (CCRs) and zoning also need to be reviewed and updated. Anthony Richardson asked which line item this funding would come from. Joey Grisham explained the EDC's marketing and contract services line items would cover this expenditure as well as additional funds set aside under marketing/promotion. Bruce Norwood made a motion on behalf of the EDC to approve a resolution expending funds, not to exceed $45, 000, for Business Park engineering and architectural services and authorizing the Economic Development Director to execute a contract for said services subject to legal approval of final form. Stan Carver seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. 9. Consider/Discuss/Act on a resolution expending funds for marketing services and authorizing the Economic Development Director to enter into a contract for said services. (CDC) Joey Grisham shared that the tagline and comprehensive marketing plan are key items in the Economic Development Strategic Plan. Staff has been speaking to a few firms and conducting research for this work. Many other cities have created a tagline and developed marketing strategies. He explained that digital advertising and social media are more important today with COVID-19. Taylor Lough shared that staff has been in contact with five advertising marketing firms that have experience with economic development organizations. The purpose of the plan would be to ensure that public dollars used for promotion of the City of Anna are used in the most effective ways. As a part of Phase 1, the consulting team will Officers: Staff: Anthony Richardson, President Joey Grisham, Economic Development Director Stan Carver, Vice -President Taylor Lough, Economic Development Manager Rocio Gonzalez, Secretary develop the tagline and create the marketing plan in FY 2020. Phase II will include implementation and begin in FY 2021. Phase 1 is expected to cost around $45,000. Doris Pierce asked what the top priorities will be for the chosen firm and the timeline of the firm's involvement. Joey Grisham stated he expected this to be a lengthy partnership — possibly several years. Tagline, marketing plan, types of marketing, COVID and post-COVID advertising and article positioning, and advertising. Anthony Richardson asked what the Board's involvement will be in this process. Joey Grisham answered that the Board will be very involved as the chosen firm will present to the Board and ask for their input. Special meetings are not expected at this time, rather updates will be conducted during the Board's regular monthly meetings. Doris Pierce made a motion on behalf of the CDC, approve a resolution expending funds for marketing services not to exceed $45,000 and authorizing the Economic Development Director to enter into a contract for said services subject to legal approval of final form. Bruce Norwood seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. 10. Director's Report A. Report on current corporate financial status —Discussion Only Joey Grisham explained that the April sales tax collections were very strong, and staff will provide May numbers when they come out. B. ED Strategic Plan Update Joey Grisham reminded the Board that items on today's agenda items for the Business Park and Marketing Plan are key items within the Strategic Plan. C. Comp Plan, Downtown Master Plan, and Parks/Trails Master Plan Update Joey Grisham shared the City Council had a difficult time only appointing two members of the Board to serve on the advisory committee. A website for all three plans will be up over the next few weeks. A meeting for all boards and commissions is planned for August 11 and staff will send a calendar invitation —Board Members were encouraged to tell their neighbors to participate in the process. The plan is still scheduled to be completed in March 2021 with Council adoption in April 2021. 11. CLOSED SESSION (exceptions): A. Deliberate regarding the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. (Tex. Gov't Code §551.072) possible property acquisition; possible land sale/purchase; Anna Business Park. B. Consult with legal counsel on matters in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Government Code (Tex. Gov't Code §551.071); Grant program; Lease Agreement and promotional contract. C. Discuss or deliberate Economic Development Negotiations: (1) To discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the Board of Directors has received from a business prospect that the Board of Directors seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the City of Anna and with which the Board is conducting economic development negotiations; or, Officers: Staff: Anthony Richardson, President Joey Grisham, Economic Development Director Stan Carver, Vice -President Taylor Lough, Economic Development Manager Rocio Gonzalez, Secretary (2) To deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect described by subdivision (1). (Tex. Gov't Code §551.087) Anna Business Park Property; potential retail and medical projects. Rocio Gonzalez made a motion to enter closed session. Shane Williams seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. The CDC moved into closed session at 7:06 p.m. Anthony Richardson made a motion to enter closed session. Stan Carver seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. The CDC moved into closed session at 8:03 p.m. 12. Reconvene into open session and take any action on closed session items. Rocio Gonzalez made a motion to reconvene into open session. Stan Carver seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. The CDC reconvened into open session at 8:01 p. M. Stan Carver made a motion to reconvene into open session. Rocio Gonzalez seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. The CDC reconvened into open session at 8:09 p. M. 13. Receive reports from staff or Board Members about items of community interest. Items of community interest include: expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; information regarding holiday schedules; an honorary or salutary recognition of a public official, public employee, or other citizen (but not including a change in status of a person's public office or public employment); a reminder about an upcoming event organized or sponsored by the governing body; information regarding a social, ceremonial, or community event organized or sponsored by an entity other than the governing body that was attended or is scheduled to be attended by a member of the governing body or an official or employee of the municipality; and announcements involving an imminent threat to the public health and safety of people in the municipality that has arisen after the posting of the agenda. Anthony Richardson again welcomed Shane Williams to the Board. Stan Carver thanked staff for their work. 14. Adjourn. Anthony Richardson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:16 pm. Rocio Gonzalez seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. APPROVED: ATTESTED: Anthony D Richardson (Jul30, 202018:47 CDT) Anthony Richardson President of CDC/EDC Rocio Gonzalez (Jut 30, 2020 19:30 CDT) Rocio Gonzalez Secretary of CDC/EDC July 2 2020 CDC EDC Joint Meeting Minutes Final Audit Report 2020-07-31 Created: 2020-07-30 By: Taylor Lough (tlough@annatexas.gov) Status: Signed Transaction ID: CBJCHBCAABAAZ8OIFhmN5SXuhzFyH4D8417rkNM8evgD "July 2 2020 CDC EDC Joint Meeting Minutes" History Document created by Taylor Lough (tlough@annatexas.gov) 2020-07-30 - 11:45:25 PM GMT- IP address: Document emailed to Anthony D Richardson (anthony@opportunityannatx.com) for signature 2020-07-30 - 11:45:53 PM GMT Email viewed by Anthony D Richardson (anthony@opportunityannatx.com) 2020-07-30 - 11:46:18 PM GMT- IP address: dp Document e-signed by Anthony D Richardson (anthony@opportunityannatx.com) Signature Date: 2020-07-30 - 11:47:14 PM GMT - Time Source: server- IP address: C'► Document emailed to Rocio Gonzalez (rociocgonzalez@yahoo.com) for signature 2020-07-30 - 11:47:16 PM GMT Email viewed by Rocio Gonzalez (rociocgonzalez@yahoo.com) 2020-07-31 - 0:25:54 AM GMT- IP address: i�p Document e-signed by Rocio Gonzalez (rociocgonzalez@yahoo.com) Signature Date: 2020-07-31 - 0:30:11 AM GMT - Time Source: server- IP address: Q Signed document emailed to Taylor Lough (tlough@annatexas.gov), Rocio Gonzalez (rociocgonzalez@yahoo.com) and Anthony D Richardson (anthony@opportunityannatx.com) 2020-07-31 - 0:30:11 AM GMT E Adobe Sign