HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDC-EDCpkt2019-11-07ATnna CDC MEETING AGENDA ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION AND ANNA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Thursday, November 7, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. INC-CUBE BUILDING, CONFERENCE ROOM 312 N. POWELL PARKWAY, ANNA, TEXAS The Anna Community Development Corporation and the Anna Economic Development Corporation will conduct a meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday,November 7 2019 at the Inc -Cube Building, Conference Room, 312 N. Powell Parkway, to consider the following items: 1. Call to Order, Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum. 2. Invocation and Pledge. 3. Citizen Comments. Persons may address the Board of Directors on items not on the agenda; please observe the time limit of three (3) minutes. Members of the Board cannot comment on or deliberate statements of the public; except as authorized by Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code. 4. Consider/Discuss/Act on approving minutes from the October 3, 2019 CDC and EDC Meeting. 5. Consider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution authorizing an expenditure of funds for marketing the City of Anna through BISNOW. 6. Director's Report A. Bylaws Update B. Newsletter C. Downtown Master Plan D. Business appreciation event update E. December and January Meeting Dates F. ICSC Red River States Conference & Deal Making G. Inc -Cube Update H. Harvest Fest IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE: The Corporation may vote and/or act upon each of the items listed in this agenda. The Corporation reserves the right to retire into executive session concerning any of the items listed on this agenda, whenever it is considered necessary and legally justified under the Open Meetings Act. Disabled persons who want to attend this meeting and who may need assistance should contact the City secretary at 972-924-3325 two working days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. 7. Hold an Economic Development Strategic Plan Workshop. 8. CLOSED SESSION (exceptions): A. Deliberate regarding the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. (Tex. Gov't Code §551.072) possible property acquisition; possible land sale/purchase; B. Consult with legal counsel on matters in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Government Code (Tex. Gov't Code §551.071); C. Discuss or deliberate Economic Development Negotiations.- (1) To discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the Board of Directors has received from a business prospect that the Board of Directors seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the City of Anna and with which the Board is conducting economic development negotiations; or, (2) To deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect described by subdivision (1). (Tex. Gov't Code §551.087) Anna Business Park Property; potential retail and medical projects. 9. Reconvene into open session and take any action on closed session items. 10. Receive reports from staff or Board Members about items of community interest. items of community interest include. expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; information regarding holiday schedules; an honorary or salutary recognition of a public official, public employee, or other citizen (but not including a change in status of a person's public office or public employment); a reminder about an upcoming event organized or sponsored by the governing body; information regarding a social, ceremonial, or community event organized or sponsored by an entity other than the governing body that was attended or is scheduled to be attended by a member of the governing body or an official or employee of the municipality; and announcements involving an imminent threat to the public health and safety of people in the municipality that has arisen after posting of the agenda. 11. Adjourn. This is to certify that 1, Joey Grisham, Economic Development Director, posted this agenda at a place readily accessible to the public at the Anna City Hall and on the City Hall bulletin board at or before 6:00 p.m. on Nove be , 2019. J y r' ham, Economic Development Director IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE: The Corporation may vote andlor act upon each of the items listed in this agenda. The Corporation reserves the right to retire into executive session concerning any of the items listed on this agenda, whenever it is considered necessary and legally justified under the Open Meetings Act. Disabled persons who want to attend this meeting and who may need assistance should contact the City Secretary at 972-924-3325 two working days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. A:ilLna �Tnna CDC *EDC Item No. 4 CDC/EDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 11.7.2019 Staff Contact: Joey Grisham AGENDA ITEM: Consider/Discuss/Act on approving minutes from the October 3, 2019 CDC and EDC Meetings. SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the minutes from the October 3, 2019 CDC and EDC Meetings. ATTACHMENTS: 1. October 3, 2019 CDC and EDC Meeting Minutes Officers: Staff: Anthony Richardson, President Joey Grisham, Economic Development Director Stan Carver, Vice -President Taylor Lough, Economic Development Manager Rocio Gonzalez, Secretary �THE CITY a Anna Anna Community Development Corporation and Anna Economic Development Corporation Meeting Minutes Thursday, October 3, 2019 at 6:00 pm Inc -Cube Building, Conference Room 312 N. Powell Parkway, Anna, Texas 75409 CDC Board Members Present: Anthony Richardson, Stan Carver, Bruce Norwood, Rocio Gonzalez, Raul Hernandez, Michelle Hawkins, Doris Pierce. Others present: Joey Grisham (Economic Development Director), Taylor Lough (Economic Development Manager), Clark McCoy (CDC/EDC Legal Counsel), Lee Miller (City Council Member) 1. Call to Order. Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum. The meeting was called to order by Anthony Richardson, Board President, at 6:09 p.m. 2. Invocation and Pledge. Invocation and pledge of allegiance led by Anthony Richardson. 3. Citizen Comments. There were no citizen comments. 4. Hear a presentation from Simply Floor It! (CDC) Andrea Henry was present to provide a quarterly update to the Board as requested. She stated that she met with the Collin County Small Business Development Center staff who provided her with recommendations and ways to cut costs and will be meeting with them again soon. Andrea also stated that she is attending some training sessions to hear about ways to improve efficiencies and provide faster quotes. Joey Grisham said that he and Taylor Lough were working on a form for Andrea to provide future numbers and updates. Lastly, Board members expressed their thanks for the updates and reiterated their support. 5. Consider/Discuss/Act on approving the annual agreement with the Greater Anna Chamber of Commerce for Fiscal Year 2020. (CDC) Joey Grisham reminded the Board that the Greater Anna Chamber of Commerce provided a presentation to the Board at their July 11'h Special Called Meeting. The changes to the annual agreement included ensuring the CDC has space at events, two teams at the golf tournament, providing an annual report, and the ability for the Executive Director to assist the CDC on an as needed basis. Executive Director Kevin Hall will be assisting Joey Officers: Staff: Anthony Richardson, President Joey Grisham, Economic Development Director Stan Carver, Vice -President Taylor Lough, Economic Development Manager Rocio Gonzalez, Secretary Grisham to staff the CDC's booth at the ICSC event in early January. Two payments will be made to the Chamber this year in order to assist them with planning events throughout the year. The first payment in October will cover Harvest Fest, the Christmas Parade, Annual Banquet, and Golf Tournament. The second payment will occur in January for the July Fireworks. Next year staff will work with the Chamber to further review and update the agreement to reflect more of a service agreement. Kevin Hall explained that the current contract is event - based. It takes many volunteers and at least three months to plan each event. The Chamber holds their strategic planning every three years. The vision for the future is for the City of Anna to plan and host the community events, which would allow the Chamber to focus more on business retention, small business issues, and networking. Michelle Hawkins stated the contract does not currently include social / online media. Kevin explained the event page on the website and event page on Facebook include the CDC as the presenting sponsor. Michelle Hawkins asked for clarification as the contract requires the "adequate insurance." Kevin Hall explained that the Chamber has general liability insurance. Michelle Hawkins asked about changing the inclement weather section, which currently states not rescheduling is a breach of contract. Clark McCoy explained there needed to be a requirement to ensure the organization tries to have the event and/or reschedule. Kevin Hall explained that the Christmas Parade was cancelled last year, but the portions of the event that could continue did. The golf tournament was cancelled due to weather years ago, but food was still provided, and teams were given passes to golf at their leisure later. Stan Carver made a motion on behalf of the Community Development Corporation to approve the annual agreement with the Greater Anna Chamber of Commerce for Fiscal Year 2020. Anthony Richardson seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion passed. 6. Consider/Discuss/Act on approving a resolution amending the CDC Bylaws. Joey Grisham explained that the Board appointed a committee to review the CDC Bylaws. There were changes proposed in early 2019, and it was determined by the Board at that time to wait until new members could provide input. The committee met three times and ultimately was able to reduce several pages by eliminating duplicative and outdated language. Clark McCoy explained a proposed edit that would allow the CDC to not participate in competitive bidding if the project is adopted by the City Council. State law does not require CDCs and EDCs to participate in competitive bidding. Michelle Hawkins made a motion on behalf of the Community Development Corporation to approve a resolution to amend the CDC Bylaws. Bruce Norwood seconded the motion. All were favor. Motion passed. 7. Consider/Discuss/Act on approving a resolution amending the EDC Bylaws. Joey Grisham explained that the EDC bylaws mirror the proposed CDC bylaws, but with references to the Type A Corporation. Bruce Norwood made a motion on behalf of the Economic Development Corporation to approve a resolution amending the EDC Bylaws. Doris Pierce seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. Officers: Staff: Anthony Richardson, President Joey Grisham, Economic Development Director Stan Carver, Vice -President Taylor Lough, Economic Development Manager Rocio Gonzalez, Secretary 8. Consider/Discuss/Act on approving minutes from the September 9, 2019 CDC Special Meeting. Doris Pierce made a motion on behalf of the Community Development Corporation to approve the minutes from the September 9, 2019 CDC Special Meeting. Rocio Gonzalez seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion passed. 9. Consider/Discuss/Act on approving minutes from the September 9, 2019 EDC Special Meeting. Doris Pierce made a motion on behalf of the Economic Development Corporation to approve the minutes from the September 9, 2019 EDC Special Meeting. Rocio Gonzalez seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion passed. 10. Consider/Discuss/Act on resolution authorizing a budget amendment for an expenditure for the Inc -Cube Renovation Project. (EDC) Joey Grisham explained that staff has determined a more approximate cost of the renovation project since the August budget was approved by the Board. A request for proposals is out for competitive bids. The President and Vice President are welcome to sit in on the sealed bids. Stan Carver made a motion on behalf of the Economic Development Corporation to approve a resolution authorizing a budget amendment for an expenditure for the Inc -Cube Renovation Project. Michelle Hawkins seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. 11. Consider/Discuss/Act on a resolution authorizing an expenditure for the design and production of marketing materials and promotional items. (CDC) Joey Grisham explained that several items were competed during the last fiscal year regarding marketing materials in preparation for the NTCAR event. This funding will allow staff to order folders, banners, and a professional PowerPoint template. The next event that staff is preparing for is the ICSC Red River States event. Stan Carver clarified the PowerPoint template will be created by a graphic designer Stan Carver made a motion on behalf of the Community Development Corporation approving a resolution authorizing an expenditure not to exceed $12, 500 for the design and production of marketing materials and promotional items. Bruce Norwood seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. 12. CLOSED SESSION (exceptions): A. Deliberate regarding the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. (Tex. Gov't Code §551.072) possible property acquisition; possible land sale/purchase; B. Consult with legal counsel on matters in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Government Code (Tex. Gov't Code §551.071); Discuss contract concerning Revolving Loan Fund; promotional contract. Officers: Staff: Anthony Richardson, President Joey Grisham, Economic Development Director Stan Carver, Vice -President Taylor Lough, Economic Development Manager Rocio Gonzalez, Secretary C. Discuss or deliberate Economic Development Negotiations: (1) To discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the Board of Directors has received from a business prospect that the Board of Directors seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the City of Anna and with which the Board is conducting economic development negotiations; or, (2) To deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect described by subdivision (1). (Tex. Gov't Code §551.087) Anna Business Park Property; potential retail and medical projects. Bruce Norwood made a motion for the Community Development Corporation at 7:26 pm to enter closed session. Rocio Gonzalez seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. 13. Reconvene into open session and take any action on closed session items. Stan Carver made a motion to reconvene into open session at 8:42 p.m. Anthony Richardson seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. No action was taken. 14. Consider/Discuss/Act on a resolution authorizing an expenditure for a Business Appreciation Lunch. (CDC) Joey Grisham explained that the City Strategic Plan included an item to hold a Business Appreciation Event as part of a developing business retention program. Joey explained there would be a presentation from the city on current economic and infrastructure projects. Taylor Lough explained staff had partnered with the Hurricane Creek Rotary Club. Stan Carver explained the Rotary Club typically had 30 attendees of various industries. Taylor and Joey stated that the intent of the event is to provide updates, provide an overview of the CDC/EDC role in the community, hear feedback, and establish a relationship with existing businesses. Stan noted that there would be a need to post a notice of possible quorum. Bruce Norwood made a motion on behalf of the Community Development to approve a resolution authorizing an expenditure, not to exceed $1,000 for a Business Appreciation Lunch. Rocio Gonzalez seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. 15. Consider/Discuss/Act on a resolution authorizing an expenditure for a Developer Invitation Event. (CDC) Joey Grisham explained that staff is evaluating a developer's forum at Hurricane Creek. This would be an opportunity for interested groups to tour the area and learn more about available land and opportunities in Anna. The goal over time is to offer a few events a year for targeted groups: one for developers, one for realtors, etc. Anna has received good publicity recently and the intent is to keep the city at the forefront. Stan Carver explained he was willing to assist. Anthony Richardson echoed Stan's comments. Doris Pierce made a motion on behalf of the Community Development Corporation approving a resolution authorizing an expenditure not to exceed $2,000 for a developer invitation event. Stan Carver seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. Officers: Staff: Anthony Richardson, President Joey Grisham, Economic Development Director Stan Carver, Vice -President Taylor Lough, Economic Development Manager Rocio Gonzalez, Secretary 16. Director's Report A. Report on current corporate financial status —Discussion Only Joey explained that the report ends August 31, 2019. The city's new fiscal year began October 1st so the next meeting will include a yearend report. 17. Discuss Economic Development Strategic Plan. Joey Grisham explained that Jason Claunch, the consultant hired to assist in the development the Economic Development Strategic Plan, could not attend the meeting but sent documents and a questionnaire in preparation for next month's meeting on November 7th at 6:00 p.m. in the Inc -Cube Building Conference Room. 18. Receive reports from staff or Board Members about items of community interest. Items of community interest include: expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; information regarding holiday schedules; an honorary or salutary recognition of a public official, public employee, or other citizen (but not including a change in status of a person's public office or public employment); a reminder about an upcoming event organized or sponsored by the governing body; information regarding a social, ceremonial, or community event organized or sponsored by an entity other than the governing body that was attended or is scheduled to be attended by a member of the governing body or an official or employee of the municipality; and announcements involving an imminent threat to the public health and safety of people in the municipality that has arisen after the posting of the agenda. Joey Grisham shared that Harvest Fest will be held Saturday, October 2611 from Noon to 6:00 p.m. at Slayter Creek Park. Stan Carver shared that there is a Young Entrepreneurs group meeting at Breaking Free Coffee on the second and fourth Thursdays from 5:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. High school and first year college students as well as business owners are welcome to attend, network, and share ideas. Stan Carver and Bruce Norwood shared the Anna High School Football team is doing well and Michelle Hawkins shared the Anna Middle School football team is also doing well. 19. Adjourn. Anthony Richardson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:17 pm. Stan Carver seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. APPROVED: ATTESTED: Anthony Richardson Rocio Gonzalez President of CDC Secretary of CDC A:ilLna �Tnna CDC *EDC Item No. 5 CDC/EDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 11.7.2019 Staff Contact: Joey Grisham AGENDA ITEM: Consider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution authorizing an expenditure for marketing the City of Anna through BISNOW. SUMMARY: BISNOW is a group that focuses heavily on commercial real estate and provides multiple forums/events, platforms, and other ways to get in front of real estate decision makers. Several EDCs and Cities in the DFW region work with BISNOW including McKinney, Allen, Frisco, The Colony, Sachse, Prosper, Dallas, Burleson, and others. Event sponsorships include being able to have a booth presence, logo placed on all marketing materials, and ability to hand items out. BISNOW also offers a custom content piece that targets certain segments and allows you to track performance and who is reading. This tool would allow for us to continue our goal of marketing Anna on a wider scale. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve a Resolution authorizing the Economic Development Director to execute an agreement with BISNOW for marketing and promotional media for economic development purposes subject to legal approval of final form and to charge the CDC's promotional line item an amount not to exceed $12,000 in the FY 2019- 2020 budget. ATTACHMENTS: 1. BISNOW PowerPoint/Calendar of Events 2. Resolution BISNOW FD: Full -Day HD: Half -Day L: Lunch S: Schmooze (Cocktail) P: Premium BOSTON 2020 Forecast 1. Construction & Development 2. Future of the Seaport (P) 1. Affordable Housing 2. Boston Suburbs & 128 Belt 1. New England Healthcare (FD) 2. Hotel Summit Life Sciences (P) New England Multifamily (FD) Industrial & Logistics 1. Architecture & Design 2. Power Women Series Boston State of the Market Student Housing & Higher Education 1. Office (FD) 2. Future of Cambridge 2021 Forecast & Political Impact on CRE 2020 NORTHEAST REGION NEW JERSEY Office Gold Coast State of the Market Construction & Development Industrial & Logistics DICE New Jersey (Data Centers) Multifamily NEW YORK 1. Future of Construction & Development 2. Hospitality 1. CRE Tech 2. NYC Legislative Forecast: Rent Stabilization & Climate Mobilization Act 1. Industrial & Logistics (L) 2. LIC, Brooklyn & Queens 1. BMAC Tri-State (Multifamily) (FD) (P) 2. How to Make Money in CRE in 2020 1. Workplace of the Future (L) 2. Connecticut State of the Market Architecture & Design 1. Power Women Series (S) 2. Long Island State of the Market 3. DICE Northeast (Data Centers) Affordable Housing 1. Finance Summit (FD) (P) 2. Harlem & Bronx NYC Life Sciences 1. NYC State of the Market (FD) 2. Tri-State Healthcare (L) 2021 Forecast & Political Impact on CRE FD: Full -Day HD: Half -Day L: Lunch S: Schmooze (Cocktail) P: Premium PHILADELPHIA Neighborhood Series: N Delaware Capital Markets & CRE Finance Office 1. Neighborhood Series: Philly Suburbs 2. Neighborhood Update State of the Market BASH East (Student Housing) (FD) Hotels & Restaurants Camden OR Allentown Healthcare (HD) Multifamily Industrial & Logistics 2021 forecast 2020 NORTHEAST REGION PITTSBURGH Pittsburgh State of the Market Pittsburgh Multifamily Office FD: Full -Day HD: Half -Day L: Lunch S: Schmooze (Cocktail) P: Premium BALTIMORE 1. State of the Market 2. Bait -Wash Industrial & Logistics Neighborhood Series: Howard County Neighborhood Series: Bait County Multifamily Affordable Housing 2020 MID -ATLANTIC REGION MARYLAND VIRGINIA WASHINGTON DG Neighborhood Series: Tysons Senior Housing 1. Construction and Development 2. Sports & Entertainment 1. Neighborhood Series: NE DC 1. DC Region Affordable Housing (S) 2. Mid -Atlantic Healthcare 3. Capital Markets & CRE Finance 1. DICE East (Data Centers) (FD) Solar and Sustainability 2. NoVa Office Summit Neighborhood Series: Bethesda Neighborhood Series: Loudoun (S) (S) Neighborhood Series: Downtown Neighborhood Series: Prince George's County (S) 2021 Forecast Future of Montgomery County State of the Market (P) Neighborhood Series: Alexandria Architecture & Design Richmond State of the Market 1. Super Schmooze (S) 2. State of Office (P) Neighborhood Series: Fairfax BLIS East (Hotel Summit) (FD) County 1. BMAC East (Multifamily) (FD) (P) Neighborhood Series: Arlington 2. Downtown DC and The New Urban Core Neighborhood Series: Southeast DC FD: Full -Day HD: Half -Day L: Lunch S: Schmooze (Cocktail) P: Premium 2020 SOUTHEAST REGION ATLANTA CHARLOTTE Construction & Development: Major Projects 1. North Fulton 2. DICE Southeast (Data Centers) (FD) Capital Markets & CRE Finance Multifamily Boom! Office of the Future State of the Market (HD) 1. Central Perimeter 2. Hotel Summit State of the Market Aerotropolis 1. Restaurant Development and Placemaking Healthcare 2. Future of Gwinnett BMAC Southeast (Multifamily) (FD) Construction &Development Industrial & Logistics Industrial Southeast (HD) 2021 forecast Office RALEIGH Office Multifamily Raleigh/Durham State of the Market Construction & Development NASHVILLE Office Hospitality & Tourism State of the Market Multifamily Healthcare FD: Full -Day HD: Half -Day L: Lunch S: Schmooze (Cocktail) P: Premium ORLANDO Orlando Healthcare Orlando Multifamily Orlando State of the Market 2020 FLORIDA REGION JACKSONVILLE SOUTH FLORIDA TAMPA 1. Future of Wynwood and Allapattah 2. Fort Lauderdale State of the Market Architecture and Design Tampa State of the Market Healthcare 1. Capital Markets & CRE Finance 2. Hotel & Tourism 3. Construction & Development Power Women Multifamily Caribbean and Latin American Future of St Petersburg Hospitality & Tourism The Future of NMB & Aventura Jacksonville State of the Market South Florida State of the Market Office 1. Miami's Urban Core Neighborhoods 2. BMAC Florida (Multifamily) Healthcare (FD) 3. Palm Beach County State of the Market 1. Industrial & Logistics 2.2021 Forecast FD: Full -Day HD: Half -Day L: Lunch S: Schmooze (Cocktail) P: Premium DALLAS 1 FORT WORTH HOUSTON 2020 TEXAS REGION AUSTIN Industrial DFW Architecture & Design 1. Neighborhood Series: m Downtown LAJ Healthcare South (FD) (P) Austin State of the Market LL_ 2. Neighborhood Series: 121 Corridor North 1. Senior Housing 4 2. BMAC DFW (Multifamily) (FD) Neighborhood Series: Downtown, 3. DICE South (Data Centers) Midtown & EaDo (FD) rx 2. Dallas State of the Market Neighborhood Series: Beyond the 1. Neighborhood Series: West Houston d CBD - New Development Frontiers y, 1. Neighborhood Series: Deep 1. State of the Market Q Ellum 2. Neighborhood Series: State of Fort 2. Fort Worth State of the Market Bend Z DFW Lodging Industrial & Port of Houston � 9 9 J Neighborhood Series: 380 Boom C3 Healthcare Office Construction & Development 1. Creative Office & Workplace 1. Neighborhood Series: Montgomery w of the Future (FD) County c� 2. Architecture & Design 2. BMAC Houston (Multifamily) (FD) 1. Neighborhood Series: Alliance r Texas Future of The Heights & Montrose Student Housing o Areas 2. Power Women 1. Neighborhood Series: Uptown Boom! Capital Markets & CRE Finance Neighborhood Series: Future of g Z 2. Neighborhood Series: Platinum Downtown Corridor L? w Capital Markets & 2021 Forecast Power Women 0 SAN ANTONIO San Antonio State of the Market FD: Full -Day HD: Half -Day L: Lunch S: Schmooze (Cocktail) P: Premium -Z 1 2020 Forecast 2020 MIDWEST & TORONTO REGION CHICAGO m 1. Cannabis Real Estate u1 LL_ 2. Senior Housing s 1. Creative Office a 2. St. Patty's Day Schmooze x 1. Industrial & Logistics d 2. Future of the Suburbs CINCINNATI ::-IConstruction & Development Cincinnati State of the Market Z Chicago State of the Market (HD) r Chicago Lodging =I x Repositioning & Adaptive Re -Use Q_ 1. Property Management & Amenitization c 2. DICE Midwest (Data Centers) (FD) F-- v cz Healthcare (HD) O 1. Capital Markets & CRE Finance 2. BMAC Midwest (Multifamily) (FD) Ca w O CRE Tech & Blockchain DETROIT Detroit State of the Market Adaptive Re -Use Neighborhood Series: Corktown Hospitality & Entertainment L:Lunch Full -Day HD: 2020 MIDWEST & TORONTO REGION Half -Day L: Lunch S: Schmooze (Cocktail) P: Premium MILWAUKEE MINNEAPOLIS TORONTO Iu.i Construction &Development Multifamily Development & Highrise Condo Living s I4 Industrial & Logistics � Id Twin Cities Healthcare State of the Market z r CS I 1. Power Women (S) Milwaukee State of the Market Twin Cities State of the Market co 2. DICE (Data Centres) I c� State of Office &Workplace of the Future 0 :2.1O Twin Cities Multifamily Boom Ca w Construction & Development O FD: Full -Day HD: Half -Day L: Lunch S: Schmooze (Cocktail) P: Premium m IW s I4 2020 DENVER & PHOENIX REGION DENVER 2020 Kick -Off: Hottest Neighborhoods to Watch =I Creative Office a Denver Hotel Forum 1. Industrial & Logistics 2. State of the Market (HD) 3. Summer Kick -Off Schmooze (S) r Power Women (S) C� 1. DICE (Data Centers) 2. Mixed Use & Future of Denver w Multifamily & Affordable Housing (HD) cry r 1. Construction & Development 2. Healthcare 0 2 L? w 2021 Forecast 0 PHOENIX Office 1. DICE Southwest (Data Centers) (FD) 2. Senior Housing & Assisted Living 1. Industrial & Logistics 2. Healthcare State of the Market Multifamily FD: Full -Day HD: Half -Day L: Lunch S: Schmooze (Cocktail) P: Premium LOS ANGELES -Z I Cannabis CRE 2020 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ORANGE COUNTY m IL" Multifamily (P) Construction and Development Hospitality = I 1. Hospitality (HD) 4 2. Arts District 3. Beverly Hills Triangle tY ii Capital Markets & CRE Finance State of the Market Q SAN DIEGO ::-IState of the Market Future of North County i1. Architecture & Design 2. Healthcare (FD) State of the Market 1. State of Office (HD) (P) 2. South Bay =I cm Industrial & Logistics Power Women Series Q_ 1. Modular Construction Summit (HD) (P) Construction & Development c 2. State of the Valley r 1. BMAC West (Multifamily) (FD) 2. Culver City Healthcare & Life Sciences 1. Downtown LA Multifamily Z 2. Student Housing & Higher Education w Power Women 1. Multifamily 0 2. DICE SoCal (Data Centers) FD: Full -Day HD: Half -Day L: Lunch S: Schmooze (Cocktail) P: Premium SAN FRANCISCO Student Housing m u.J Peninsula Boom Bay Area Architecture & Design Summit d. I Healthcare (HD) 1. Power Women 2. Future of SoMa Z 1. State of the Market 2. Bay Area Life Sciences r Bay Area Modular Summit =I cm Placemaking � wBay Area Office Series (HD) cry I 2020 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA SACRAMENTO Bay Area Hotel Summit State of the Market 0 BMAC NorCal (Multifamily) (FD) 1. NorCal Industrial & Logistics 2. Capital Markets & CRE Finance SAN LOSE OAKLAND Silicon Valley State of the Market Evolution of Downtown Oakland State of Office & The Evolution of State of the Market Office Campus Developments Multifamily The Future of Downtown San Jose 1. Construction & Development 2. DICE West (Data Centers) (FD) East Bay Multifamily & Residential Outlook FD: Full -Day HD: Half -Day L: Lunch S: Schmooze (Cocktail) P: Premium PORTLAND 2020 PACIFIC NORTHWEST Forecast 2020 m Iu.i Architecture & Design SEATTLE s I4 Multifamily Construction & Development =I Building a Better City d Placemaking i.0 Z DICE Northwest (Data Centers) Future of Bellevue r Office C'3 w I State of the Market BMAC Pac NW (Multifamily) (FD) cry c� Healthcare Pac NW (FD) 0 1. State of the Market O 2. Future of Kirkland & Redmond Ca w Construction & Development Future of Tacoma O State of the Market VANCOUVER FD: Full -Day HD: Half -Day L: Lunch S: Schmooze (Cocktail) P: Premium BIRMINGHAM 2020 EUROPE REGION LONDON -Z I Women Leading Real Estate m Iu.i London Investment Agenda State of the Market a State of the Market UK Student Housing Roundup 1. Global Placemaking: How London is Leading the d Way (P) 2. UK Industrial & London Logistics 1. Workplace Demands: What Occupiers Want BTR & Residential 2. Hospitality Z Commonwealth Games: The Real Estate Run -Up Build To Rent Annual Conference (BTRAC) 2020(FD)(P) r The Sustainability Emergency MANCHESTER 1. Emerging Transport Hubs & Neighborhoods W FD w BTR (FD) 2. Creative Office, Leasing &Development c� (COLD) 2020 (FD) c� 1. Building for the Future Placemaking (Public Realm) 2. DICE London (Data Centers) 1. London State of the Market (LSOM) 2020 (FD) (P) MOST: Manchester Office, Sustainability, & Tech 2. UK Senior Living & Healthcare Residential & Affordable Housing FD: Full -Day HD: Half -Day L: Lunch S: Schmooze (Cocktail) P: Premium m W LL_ rx d L3J Z C'3 Lu cry c� 0 O Z Ca w O 2020 EUROPE REGION AMSTERDAM DUBLIN State of the Market Office, Sustainability & Tech BTR (FD) Placemaking: Building For The Future 4001"- 4000 "oojt�-.o ft—oft, 7 16 ---- — - 01 2019 Ak E PLEASE DIRECT ALL INQUIRIES REGARDING THIS PROPOSAL TO: Adam Keith, Dallas Sales Manager I adam.keith(a)bisnow.com 1469.865.9865 SETTING THE STAGE Let's recap the key details you have shared so far about this program. MARKETS Dallas National YOU ARE LOOKING TO TARGET JOB TITLES Owners/Developers CFOP's and HR of corporations ASSET CLASSES Office Space Industrial Multi family YOU WANT TO ACCOMPLISH Utilize Bisnow's on & offline platforms to inform and educate the CRE industry as to how Anna EDC has fantastic affordable housing with great schools to attract workers for relocating companies. Connect Anna executives to such owners via organic introductions at Bisnow events, thus leading to increased business development and measurable return on investment for Anna EDC WE ARE GOING TO KNOCK THIS OUT OF THE PARK. The following presentation outlines the Bisnow capabilities that match your marketing objectives. At the end I'll tie it all together into a proposal with all of our specific recommendations. We are recommending a three pronged approach to this campaign which includes utilizing both Bisnow's Custom Content Team, and Live Event Series to do three things: Use Bisnow's Custom Content Team to increase brand awareness and understanding of Anna EDC core capabilities & competitive advantages within the CRE industry. Use Bisnow's digital platform as a form of radar, identifying potential targets and leads for the cultivation of new relationships. Use Bisnow's live event platform to facilitate introductions to those that match Anna EDC client type, including but not limited to both leads and qualified leads generated via Bisnow's digital offering. Let's dive in. WE HAVE LISTENED. We know what you're going through, and are here to help. The expectations for marketers are changing as often as the media landscape itself, and the days of anecdotal, warm -and -fuzzy ROI measurement are gone forever. We've had the pleasure of working with thousands of CRE marketers over the years and while each company is different, everyone is working to accomplish a combination of the same goals. So, we've evolved as well. Bisnow has become a complete marketing platform comprised of specific event + digital advertising offerings that are geared toward the specific goals that our clients need to accomplish. Brand Awareness Thought Leadership Traffic Generation Lead Generation Lead Activation X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 09 X X V Whatever your goals and whatever the expectations are for your marketing efforts, we've got you covered: • Looking to create increased visibility for your brand? Leverage our Looking to prove to your colleagues that you're reaching the right display advertising capabilities to maximize viewership. people? We'll tell you, down to the individual, who's clicking on • Looking to showcase thought leadership and promote specific personnel everything you do with us. on your team? Get them speaking on our panels and being interviewed by Need all of the above? Let us build a customized plan that checks off all our industry -leading content team. the boxes for you. • Looking to drive traffic to your new -and -improved website? Use our Morning Briefs to generate more clicks than you'll know what to do with. OUR MISSION IS SIMPLE Wr. HLLP LLIN 00 MORE BUSINESS. Bisnow is not just the largest and most effective news + events platform in the industry, we are also the most data -driven and transparent with performance stats. We think globally while effectively connecting the industry hyper -locally. Digital 615,000 Subscribers Number of cities 46 we publish in Average attendance 250+ for Full Day Events Number of events 330 planned for 2019 Tickets Sold 64,500 in 2018 Number of countries we publish in 4 Average attendance for 300+ Morning Day Events Predicted attendee 70,000+ total for 2019 BISNOW NATIONAL AUDIENCE BY INDUSTRY OWNPR / DEVELOPER RIVATE EQUITY 16.80% CRE BROKER 1 5. 7 5 % CONSTRUCTION/ 1 2.90% ENGINEERING BANKING ACCOUNTING 11.40% LAWFIRM/LEGAL ES 9.80% SERVI ARCHITECT 9.60% 8. 0% PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 4• 0% TENAUSERNT / CRE END 3.70% /CRE SERVCONSULTIICES SER 3.00% GOVERNMENT Z•70% ESTATE BROKER RESIDENTIAL AL 1.90% OTHERVICE PROVIDER 1.60% TITLE INSURANCE BISNOW NATIONAL AUDIENCE BY JOB TITLE VP/AVP/EVP/SVP 22.30% DIRECTOR 1 8.40 % ASSOCIATE 17.90% MANAGER / MANAGING DIRECTOR 14.1 0% / EXECUTIVE PRINCIPAL / 11.80% PARTNER/ SHAREHOLDER 7.60% ANALYST 5.20% REAL ESTATE AGENT 3.90% FOUNDER/OWNER BISNOW N w � l i EVENT SPONSORSHIP HOPE 0 p p 0 N SALES SUITE OPENING TIMES Monday to Friday: 10:00 - 18:00 Saturday 10:00 - 17:00 Sunday 10:00 - 16:00 +44 (0)20 7637 0800 sales@goodluckhope-com ballymore. M.< Bisnow produces nearly 350 events each year, attended by 70,000 executives in 46 different markets. Simply .put, ourevents are the most effective venue in CRE to create relationships and generate deals. 6� BOOTH & COMMERCIAL SPONSORSHIPS BOOT4 PACKAGE • 6-foot marketing table in the networking area of the event; you're free to setup signage, marketing materials, giveaways, anything else you'd like! • Your Company logo, linked to your website, on all remaining digital event marketing and promotions. Bisnow sends event announcements 1-3 times per week to all subscribers in a given market • Gracious Thank You from our emcee, recognizing your company's participation on -microphone in front of all of the attendees • Option to distribute marketing materials on every seat in the room prior to the panel portion of the event • Attendee list with Name, Company and Job Title of all attendees • 3 complimentary tickets to the event COMMERCIAL PACKAGE All elements of the Booth Sponsorship PLUS one of these: • The event emcee delivers a 45-60 second on -microphone message in front of the entire audience, promoting your firm, who should do business with you, and what they should know about you; we make this impactful and sincere; these are very popular and always sell out OR • If you have a professional 45-60 second video, we will run it on the event screen via projector, in front of the entire audience at the event, immediately prior to one of the panels BRAND AWARENESS / LEAD GENERATION / LEAD ACTIVATION SPEAKING SPONSORSHIPS All elements of the Booth Sponsorship PLUS one of the below. - MODERATOR PACKAGF An expert from your company Moderating a panel, with significant input into discussion topics, themes, and speaker invites PANELIST PACKAGF Your expert to participate as a Panelist, driving the conversation on peer level with the rest of the Panel REMARKS FROM THE PODIUM PACKAGE Your expert to deliver a 7-10 minute Remarks from the Podium address to the audience, TED Talk style presentation Additional benefits included in the above: • Your speaker's headshot along with your company logo linked to your company website on all pre -event promotion; Bisnow sends event announcements 1-3 times per week to all subscribers in a the market • 5 complimentary tickets to the event • Photo and mention of each participant in Bisnow's Post -Event Coverage, distributed to the entire Bisnow subscriber list of that market BRAND AWARENESS / THOUGHT LEADERSHIP / LEAD GENERATION / LEAD ACTIVATION RAW SPACE SPONSORSHIP WE HOST A BISNOW EVENT IN YOUR RAW, SHELL, or VACANT PROPERTY Excellent Marketing! Build Excitement Around Your Property! Bring Hundreds of Real Estate People into Your Building! TURN KEY Event Execution • We prepare a detailed event execution plan for you and your team, so you know the plan We cover all costs and event logistics including catering, party rentals, chairs, tables, audio, visual, staging, and staffing Bisnow Coordination Team oversees all execution Pre Event Promotion for your Property • We promote the event using all of our arts, sciences, and digital publishing techniques; the goal is to pack the room with the right people • Your property details and company logo get top billing position on the event page • Your speaker's headshot and bio on all event invitations and pre event promotion • We send you customized branded emails you can use to promote the event to your lists and invite your clients an On -Site Promotion for your Executives and Leasing Team • You get 1 Panelist or Moderator position on the event for the property owner, or the broker/leasing team • Someone from leasing can give welcoming remarks, plugging the property and teasing lease opportunities • You can offer tours of the building and its available spaces • Option for Bisnow emcee to host a raffle or give-away — anything creative to collect business cards • Additionally, any signage, collateral may be setup throughout the space and in the networking area • Company logo on mobile agenda day of the event, along with a thank -you from our emcee • 20 complimentary tickets ($2,000 value) Post -Event Promotion • Bisnow to publish post -event coverage of the event with pictures and mention of your property • We publish the coverage to our • Receive attendee list of everyone who registered for the event (name/company/job title) f DIGITAL MARKETING Bisnow engages with millions of industry leaders online. You may think of us as an event business, but your customers are on our website, reading our articles and receiving our emails every -single -day We are the leading digital marketing platform for commercial real estate. BISNOW.COM GROWTH Our website a powerhouse of industry leading content that your customers rely on to do their jobs. 30 25 0 2014 BISNOW WEBSITE TRAFFIC 2015 2016 2017 Thought we were just an events company? Prior to 2014 we kinda were... but not anymore. Bisnow.com generates 25,000,000+ page views in a calendar year, and traffic is consistently growing more than 25% year -over -year. Our digital content and mailings create an unparalleled opportunity for you to engage with your most desired audience throughout the entire year. Whether you are looking to generate more targeted leads or amplify an upcoming announcement, Bisnow has the digital reach to support any 2018 marketing objective. We are a serious, influential journalism outlet with a LOT of website traffic. Turner Construction, Bloomberg Execs Indicted In Construction Bid -Rigging Scheme BISNOW 2 Sink Or Swim: Industry Leaders On Surviving The Grueling Early Days Of Working In CRE BISNOW 3 Meet Nick Weber: From Working Out Of A Starbucks To A $3.313 Portfolio In 2 Years BISNOW 4 Trump Forming Committee To Direct Federal Funding Into Opportunity Zones SPONSORED BY COHNREZNICK 5 CohnReznick Opportunity Zones: Guidance Has Arrived! Important Perspectives To Consider Regarding The New Guidelines. Watch This Webinar On Demand MORNING BRIEF ADVERTISING The Morning Brief is our most popular news offering in each of the markets where it is published. Commercial Real Estate professionals of all types rely upon Bisnow Briefs as both an important part of their morning ritual, and the best way to stay updated on the top industry news. Briefs are published every business day, or once weekly, and offer open rates (and click -through -rates) not available anywhere else in the Commercial Real Estate market. LEAD & FOOTER AD PLACEMENTF 500x400 banner units are prominently displayed at the top and bottom of each brief mailing, book marking the listed content as the user scrolls through each morning. SPONSORED LINKS Sponsored links consistent perform and drive engaged users directly to your website. Your sponsored links are visibly called out with an orange highlight and displayed within the list of top articles that make up the content of each Brief mailing. Additional information on sponsored links is available on the next slide. BRAND AWARENESS / TRAFFIC GENERATION / LEAD GENERATION SPONSORED LINKS IN BRIEFS DELIVERABLES • Client sends Bisnow a URL to digital content they have created. • Bisnow's team provides feedback as needed regarding the Headline • Content could include, but is not limited to: used in the News Brief • Research Reports • The piece of content is published in the designated Morning Brief • Case Studies once. • White Papers • Client Portal accessibility: For the duration of your campaign, you • E-Books will be able to track live performance analytics (impressions, click- • Blog Posts through -rates, open -rates) and download lead lists including the first • Videos name, last name, company, and job title of readers who clicked on • Client sends a preferred Headline for the URL to link to, with your ads. Bisnow's team being on -hand to make recommendations and suggestions as needed. • Bisnow then includes the Headline linked to the designated URL as one of the "Things You Need to Know This Morning" in the chosen Bisnow Morning Brief Email. THOUGHT LEADERSHIP / TRAFFIC GENERATION / LEAD GENERATION A y asmn8 pO�a�en8e�ec ba Ss an in 9 gaKe�\\ry 8\SNOWNENEWS\ �adea stales Nax. ` Neyem CG bake�t�`�y es a ` W \a<d0\dab\e p0ssUsta ec��\ty • • p o9�0 r,' a �etthe V N t wj- CUSTOM CONTENT Our digital capabilities reach beyond traditional advertising and also leverage our editorial engine. We produce top quality custom content for clients and then distribute it to your ideal audience. C- CUSTOM CONTENT OVERVIEW WHAT IS CUSTOM CONTENT? • Custom Content is how we take your expertise and turn it into content that helps our readers do business • We build a Custom Content package for you based on your target geographies, audience segments, and campaign duration • We'll make your content interesting and super helpful to our readers, so they know who you are, and what you do • We make it really easy to get in touch with you • You track the performance of your articles with us, in real time, and get lots of visibility into who is reading your content OUR CUSTOM CONTENT PROCESS 1. We build a Custom Content package for you based on the markets you want to reach, the audiences you want to educate with you content, and the time period of the campaign 2. We hold a planning call to identify the topics where your expertise will be most helpful to our audience 3. We publish each Custom Content piece in 3 places: the agreed on Morning Brief, Newsletter, and on the Bisnow website 4. The pieces live on your blog on our website and will benefit from our tagging and our web traffic EXAMPLE SPONSORED BLOGS • CBRE NYH Tri-State Bloa • Google Fiber Fiber Blog • Baker Tilly Bloa BRAND AWARENESS / THOUGHT LEADERSHIP / LEAD GENERATION H—ca Global Real Estate Firm BISNOW CONTENT PARTNER: http://hamoodinternational.com ,,p ng®n-6-rem (214) 965-1061 How A Garden Conversation With A Renowned Landscape Architect Led To Harwood's New Rolex Building July 10, 2012 I r Global Real Estate Firm � Join Cawley Partners CFO Bill O Wings the biggest Tc:as - BISNOW CONTENT PARTNER: Wfts,.cnv@W ngstelinenes wings hugh-r— WINATE ``` HUG otS (202)629-3138 How A Historic Motor Company Ended �. Up In DC's Market Square Marth2.2012 Wingate Hughes'['.. .i; Gonzalez. Writ, is?Meet the major D.C. players atone of our BEAR Construction twiner.cpmrbeeamcl BISNOW CONTENT PARTNER: BEAR► httpJ/www.bea eoM CONSTRUCTION A47 222 1900 How BEAR Construction Delivered A World -Class HQ On A 14-Week ,rf Deadline t J-21. 2018 1 I Trouts Gonzalez, Wnt,r Want to get a jump-start on upcoming deals?Meet the major Chicago players at one of our upcoming events! last year, when international _ edn: A—e troacnrandeerroacnrander Darr: Rnomgrapny research and advisory film rrtn me 1—cl, mgo, adla A, me wartme— a1, v Gartner Inc. merged with CEB in a $2.6B acquisition, the r its government affairs office. company decided to consolidate its four offices in FMarket Square, a destination for world - the Chicagoland area. Gartner it— DC. Ford occupies 18k SF of prime selected 74K SF at River North ;ned from the bottom up. To acquire the Point, managed by BQ Office. .E's Lou Christopher and Matt Gareall, as Her. To transform it into a modern — and To meet Gartner's 14-week move -in deadline, project Courtesy o/Gartner Inc. management firm Gleeds the Gartnerinc. lobby of its new o)Fce at River North Point engaged BEAR Construction in enicago to manage the construction of Gartner's new Chicago office. JESHOWIVIEW AS CAS C BISNOW CONTENT PROGRAM OPTIONS INDUSTRY CONVERSATION An interview with experts on a particular current event, trend, topic, or industry impacting commercial real estate. The article should be a commentary on recent events in CRE and should touch on topical issues raised by Bisnow's editorial team. See example + EDUCATION An article, with or without an interview component, that provides insight and information on industry best practices, new products on the market, and new incentives for property owners (i.e. filing property taxes, successful mergers and acquisitions, energy efficiency incentives, etc.). One of our most product facing options. See example + SLIDESHOW A series of photos and captions that highlights an idea, trend or product. Great for clients with many photographs. See example + An extended, curated conversation with a company thought leader(s) on CRE current events. Great for Clients with general insights about topics/markets. See example + SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT A mini, five -question interview highlighting a particular speaker or moderator before a Bisnow event. (100-word intro, 5 published questions). See example + LISTICLI An aggregated, Buzzfeed-style list showcasing the best of topics, products, and properties within a particular category. Listicles can also be education pieces, aggregating the top best practices for solving an industry problem. Can be education oriented and good for clients with very focused category of things (more detailed than Q&A. See example + Quiz An interactive page where viewers can test their knowledge on CRE- related current events and well-known information. Very valuable for common knowledge concepts about industry trend or market. See example + REPURPOSED CONTENT An article based on a piece of newsworthy or relevant content that the client previously produced for their own website. The client receives a byline on Bisnow for the article. Content should not be a press release. See example + BRAND AWARENESS / THOUGHT LEADERSHIP / LEAD GENERATION 9\SNOW �� �"`a 'was '.w •wuc acHuec my �t 4 �W UGN 9) • Ir COMPANY\NFO MEWSLET\ERS O�F\ERS�UFF Pb< V oft. MMMW --iHE BISNOW CLIENT PORTAL We provide our clients access to real-time performance analytics on every campaign. Not just how many people are reached, but detailed data and demographics on that exact audience. REACH BY INDUSTRY 11 REACH BY COMPANY June 1, 2016 - June 9, 2018 Impressions Mill Clicksill i18 6.988 Website Yiews Leatlt 1,033,506 8,146 AUDIENCE BREAKDOWN Newsletter 590 Msrnieg6rief 3,657 Wekads 5,775 owner / lue toper 1201 GHHE CRE Bmker1108Cushman &Wakefield00 Banking /Financial996Colliers Intemalional47 Private Equity42942 Law Firm 1 Legal Berkadia41 Servicrs REACH BY TITLE 501 547 482 373 346 Associate VP/AVP/EVP/$VP Principal Director (--/AssodExec/Sr) Manager (any level) CLIENT PORTAL OVERVIEW As utilization of digital products has advanced and evolved, it's not enough anymore to simply point to impression counts and click - through rates to measure ROI from marketing engagements. That's why Bisnow built the first real-time platform in Commercial Real Estate Media for stats and analytics, as well as for lead generation. For any campaign of any size, Bisnow's "Client Portal" is an industry -leading means of measuring impact and ROI. WHAT IS THE CLIENT PORTAL? For the duration of this campaign, Company will be able to track live analytics and performance stats in their Client Portal, and have access to downloadable lead generation reports with the Name, Company, and Job Title of readers who clicked on their links. WHAT DOES THE CLIENT PORTAL STORE? • STATS: open rates, impression counts, views, unique views, clicks within article, average time spent on each article, and more • LEADS: downloadable lead lists including First Name, Last Name, Company, and Job Title of everyone who clicks! CLIENT PORTAL FEATURES 0 mar iz nar zs a,r apr o9 apr ib CONTENT Lists all Custom Content articles and Morning Brief In -Text Links, with performance stats specific to each placement. SETTINGF Includes URL and Access Code to your Client Portal to share internally at your company. April 24, 2015 - April 24, 2018 Impressions Publication Clicks 6,305 website4iews Leads -1429011 6,621 AUDIENCE BREAKDDWN Newsletter 3,907 Morning Brief 3,703 website 4,1B7 Apr 23 EVENTS Lists all event sponsorships. In this section, clients can manage their complimentary tickets, view the event page, and download attendee lists (available starting 48 hours before event date). IMAGE ADS Lists all Image Ads, with performance stats specific to each placement. DASHBOARD Stats summary page. IMPRESSIONS Number of people who viewed your content, but didn't necessarily click on it. PUBLICAI ION CLICKS Number of people who clicked on your content. WEBSITE VIEWS Impressions that we're only viewed from the website. This number does not include impressions from the Morning Brief. LEADS If everyone that clicked the content were subscribers, then the "Publication Clicks" and the "Leads" would be the same, but since everyone that clicks our content is not necessarily a subscriber, the views are higher than the leads. DOWNLOAD LEADS Aggregate list of anyone who clicks your content or links. Lead lists including First Name, Last Name, Company, and Job Title. KIN i/ low i � oMR �. ♦ •f -a.. r I / �r , f �/r ' 4//t' 110,00 AP PROPOSAL FOR ANNA EDC We are obsessed with delivering for our clients and have put together a custom proposal that has one goal: Helping you do more business. CUSTOM PACKAGES & PRICING Program Term: 1/1/20 - 12/31/20 ANNA EDC PRICING EVENT Booth Sponsorship EVENT Commercial Sponsorship EVENT Panel Sponsorship DIGITAL Custom Content Piece DIGITAL Redeployment of Custom Content Piece with Morning Brief In -text link Proposal valid through 12/31/19 Per Unit $3000 $4000 $6100 $5,000 $500 ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS WITH BISNOW FOR MARKETING AND PROMOTIONAL MEDIA FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the Anna Community Development Corporation (the "CDC") wishes to expend funds for marketing and promotional media for economic development purposes to target real estate developers, companies, and brokers. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, THAT: Section 1. Recitals Incorporated The recitals set forth above are incorporated herein for all purposes as if set forth in full. Section 2. Approval of Funding The CDC hereby authorizes the Economic Development Director to charge the CDC's promotion line item in an amount not to exceed $12,000 in the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 budget for marketing and promotional media for economic development purposes and execute an agreement with BISNOW, subject to legal approval of final form. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Anna Community Development Corporation this 7t" day of November 2019. APPROVED: ATTEST: Anthony Richardson, CDC President Rocio Gonzalez, CDC Secretary HE CITY OF :iina �* CDC Item No. 6 CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 11.7.2019 Staff Contact: Joey Grisham AGENDA ITEM: Director's Report A. Bylaws Update B. Newsletter C. Downtown Master Plan D. Business appreciation event update E. December and January Meeting Dates F. ICSC Red River States Conference & Deal Making G. Inc -Cube Update H. Harvest Fest SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: HE CITY OF :iina �* CDC Item No. 7 CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 11.7.2019 Staff Contact: Joey Grisham AGENDA ITEM: Hold an Economic Development Strategic Plan Workshop. SUMMARY: Jason Claunch with Catalyst Commercial will be here this evening to kick-off our economic development strategic planning process. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: 1. Strategic Plan Focus Areas 2. Questions Strategic Plan Focus Areas 1. What is the Mission for the Economic Development Corps? 2. What is the Vision for the EDC? 3. Values/Tenets a. What are three words that you would use to describe Anna in 20 years? b. What is one Outcome that needs to come from this process? c. What is the most recent news about Anna that you remember? 4. Existing conditions a. SWOT i. What is Anna's biggest strengths for economic development? ii. What is Anna's biggest weaknesses in terms of economic development? iii. What is Anna's biggest opportunities to exceed economic development goals? iv. What is Anna's biggest threats in achieving its vision? b. Operational Structure i. What changes would you make to the organizational structure of the economic development corporations to make them more effective/strategic? 1. General Fund 1.25% (.25% is dedicated to streets) 2. EDC Type A None 3. CDC Type B .75 cent 5. Strategic Assets a. What are Anna's greatest assets that need to be leveraged/amplified? 6. Marketing strategy a. What is the best thing Anna could do to market the city/promote the EDC b. What should we Start/Stop/Keep doing? 7. Rank the following Market Factors in terms of current quality (0 is N/A 10 is best) a. Business friendly b. Tax rate c. Operating costsiiiii d. Education (k-12)il e. Transportation and connectivity f. Quality of life (culture, recreation, neighborhood, other amenities) g. Utility costs and availability h. Real estate/construction costs viviiv i i. Skilled workers'xx j. White collar workers k. Incentives I. Labor costs m. Cost of living n. Data o. Access to suppliers and partners p. Training q. Higher education 8. Benchmarks a. Website Review-- www.opportunityannatx.com b. Marketing Material Marketing Factors: 1. Design Relevant, Clean, Progressive 2. Attractive Visuals Graphics, Maps, Photos, Summary 3. Contact Updated contacts team 4. Social Media Links available 5. Design Adapt to multiple devices formats 1 6. Community profile Data, statistics, Summary of SVPOD for each target 7. Target Industries Sheets for each Target 8. Business Resources Programs, Policies, Resources 9. Data and Reports Demos, Dashboards, Documents 10. Site Selection Info Property, site profile, external database Rank Anna's current skills in the following and note additional organization/department who leads/supports the function: 1. Business attraction 2. Marketing 3. Business Retention & Expansion (BRE) 4. Entrepreneurship 5. Small business assistance 6. Incentives - Incentive policy (380 for regulations), TIRZ for Downtown 7. Research & data 8. Advocacy & policy 9. Infrastructure (roads, water, sewer, data) TxDOT 10. Sites 11. Workforce 12. Talent attraction 13. Placemaking 14. Tourism 15. Promotion 16. K-12 17. Education 18. Arts/promotion Other Priorities: Downtown Branding Increasing land use/yield i.e. Mixed -use (including housing options and expansion) Balanced economy (residential: business 90/10 to 70/30) Regionalism Quality developments Activate p3 (city owned property) From the City Budget regarding EDC... Purpose / Description The Anna Economic Development Corporation works to coordinate efforts to expand the city's business tax base with a focus on creating primary jobs within the City of Anna FY 2019 Accomplishments • Attended ICSC and NTCAR to build relationships with developers, brokers, and retailers interested in locating in Anna • Implemented Impact Data Source, a software tool to better formulate and evaluate the economic impacts of a project/business locating in Anna • Implemented Placer Al, a software tool that uses smartphone tracking data to help with business recruitment • Launched new online mapping tool that markets available commercial real estate • Executed agreements for the Medical Campus at 75/455 and the new Holiday Inn Express • Secured press coverage through the Dallas Business Journal and other news outlets • Secured a listing broker for the Anna Business Park and posted the property on major online commercial real estate databases • Developed professional marketing materials such as a trade show booth, website, updated aerial maps, brochures, promotional items, community photos, and a video of the Business Park FY 2020 Objectives Goal: Growing Anna Economy • Continue to market the City to prospective businesses and developers through trade shows and targeted events and materials • Continue to promote development of the Business Park to diversify the tax base and attract jobs to the community • Continue to review options for the Business Park entry sign and road design • Complete Economic Development Strategic Plan • Build and grow name recognition for the City of Anna through targeted marketing and business recruitment • Pursue targeted economic development consistent with the City's Strategic Plan • Host trade show booth at ICSC, NTCAR and other targeted events to promote the Anna brand and build relationships with prospective businesses, developers, and brokers • Identify opportunities to build the professional workforce in Anna through partnerships with businesses and educational institutions • Continue to promote community functions that foster civic pride and promote our community identity through partnerships with GACC, Anna ISD, and other community organizations • Continue to implement targeted marketing efforts 3 Additional Areas to Explore • Use existing City Strategic Plan as guide —Grow Anna Economy, Dynamic Business Community and a Vibrant Downtown sections • Retail/Restaurants/Entertainment targets, especially around the US 75/455 area 1. Explore implications of lack of daytime population and how that affects restaurant/retail success a. Conduct a Market Analysis for hotels, multifamily, retail, targeted industry, quality housing. • Anna Business Park target o Explore if CCRs support/fit this market? • What incentives should be included in the policy manual for retail/restaurant/target areas/corporate? • What is Anna's brand and identity? • What are relevant KPIs that are appropriate for Anna? • What is needed to activate/serve as a catalyst for Downtown? • What is working/mission in the overall marketing strategy? • How does Anna compare in terms of competitiveness with the existing organizational structure/staffing? Other items for discussion: • How best to utilize chamber? • Infrastructure capabilities/deficiencies? • Reputation in the development community • How to replace funding for EDC? SWOT Strengths —young families, ample vacant land, good transportation access, US 75 frontage, strong leadership and City team, explosive growth Weaknesses —Identity and brand, reputation in the development community, lack of entertainment options, lack of retail and restaurant options, bedroom community Opportunities—SH 121, Collin County Outer Loop and SH 5 expansion, marketing campaign, diversification of housing options, employment opportunities Threats —competition, infrastructure to meet demand, new legislation Key Current Projects • Anna Town Center —anchored by Walmart at NEC 75/455(Chief Partners Development and Edge Realty is leasing). Coming soon —Chick fila, Holiday Inn Express, Salsa Tex Mex, Starbucks, Emergency Dept., and Whataburger. • Standridge—NWC of 455/75. Looking to attract medical, retail, restaurants, and hotel. Just broke ground on a 23,000-surgery center with a planned 40,000 sf medical office building and future hospital. • Anna Business Park —owned by EDC at the NEC of SH 5 and the Collin County Outer Loop. Carey Cox is listing broker. • Downtown —we will discuss more but CDC is having a Master Plan done • New housing developments —Centurion American, Risland, and Tomlin Investments have properties on the west side of 75. Centurion has over 300 acres and wants to do a mixed -use development 4 with a crystal lagoon, commercial, single-family, townhomes, and MF. Risland owns 3,000 acres in Anna and Van Alstyne and are planning single-family, commercial, etc. Tomlin has 763 acres and is planning over 2,300 homes, MF, townhomes, and a small amount of commercial. THE CITY OF ANNA CITY STRATEGIC GOALS 1. Growing the Anna Economy 2. Creating a Sustainable Anna Community through Planned, Managed Growth 3. Making Anna a Great Place to Live 4. Having a High Performing, Professional City THE CITY OF ANNA MISSION STATEMENT The Mission of the Anna City Government is to provide exceptional city services and facilities in a financially responsible and neighbor -focused way through a high performing, professional city team that provides results in adding value to neighbors' lives. THE CITY OF ANNA VISION STATEMENT Anna in 2034 is a community of families that is safe and beautiful. Anna in 2034 has a vibrant downtown, great housing opportunities and a dynamic business community. Anna in 2034 is a fun community for all and has convenient mobility options. THE PREMIER COMMUNITY IN COLLIN COUNTY! THE ANNA TEAM C.A.R.E.S. (CORE VALUES) 1. C = CREATIVE 2. A = ACTION 3. R = RESPONSIBILITY 4. E = EXCELLENCE 5. S = SERVE Goal 1: Growing Anna Economy 1. Effective economic development that markets, finds prospects, closes the deal 2. Expand the commercial tax base 3. Increase jobs for neighbors 4. Develop Wal-mart outparcels with viable businesses 5. Have a buildout Business Park 6. Expanded medical and healthcare services (including clinic and outpatient surgical center) 7. Expand retail businesses Value: Jobs for neighbors 1. Ability to work near home (more efficient) 2. Anna reputation as "business friendly" 3. Protection of property values 4. Create a sense of business place 5. Convenience for eating and shopping Opportunities 1. Work with Four Corner Development and US 75 2. Work with Chief Partners 3. Source tenants for the Business Park 4. Closing the "deal" and following through with LOI's 5. Partnering with the business community and community organizations for economic development 6. Tapping the potential for medical and healthcare business development 7. Getting Anna on the radar screens of restaurant and retail. 8. Land available for business development 9. Define role of city government in economic development Challenges 1. Ineffective economic development operations and activities 2. Funding for ED 3. Competition from nearby communities Actions: 1. Start ED Strategic Plan 2. Walmart outparcel development 3. Highway 455/75 Corner 4. Medical Campus 5. Business Park Development b. Project Ranch Retail 7. Holiday Inn Express 8. Chamber of Commerce Performance Agreement 9. First Business Appreciation Event 10. Online real estate inventory 11. EDC Website 12. Development Forum Future Actions: 1. EDC Incentives 2. Weekend destination plan 3. Sports tourism strategy 4. Economic marketing program 5. Movie theater b. Community destination plan/strategy 7. Whse Distribution Center Attraction (Goal, Direction, City Action) 8. Collin County College Campus Development 9. City Brand 10. Project Sports Complex 11. Trade Show Strategy Goal 2: Sustainable Anna community through planned, managed growth 1. Support ROI structure on new development 2. Develop Downtown 3. Support quality development 4. Support infrastructure 5. Support quality neighborhoods Goal 3: Anna is a great place to live 1. Increase # of restaurants 2. Increase sports tourism 3. Increased marketing/programming 4. Increase # of retail 5. Support gateways Goal 4: High performing, professional city 1. Written policies 2. First class tools a. Align with brand b. Website c. Traffic d. Subdivision/Development activity e. Aerial f. Trade Area Tax Foundation, State Corporate Income Tax Rates and Brackets for 2077 ii Moody's Analytics, "U.S. Cost of Doing Business: An Update," Regional Financial Review, June 2077 "' US Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-826, Monthly Electric Sales and Revenue Report with State Distributions Report (Table 5.6.A. Average Price of Electricity to Ultimate Customers by End -Use Sector) '° Schooldigger.com Craftsman 2077 National Construction Cost Estimator. Land use via North Central Texas Council of Governments. °" Costar — office overview Under construction SF Inventory SF Construction Rate Vacancy Rate % Asking Rent $ °iii Costar — industrial overview Under construction SF Inventory SF Construction Rate Vacancy Rate ON Asking Rent $ 'X Percent working from home (ACS, Census Bureau) X Emsi 2077.2; QCEW, non-QCEW, Self -Employed (Resident Worker data) L Anna Strategic Plan Guiding Questions #1 catalyst. 1. Mission What is the Mission for the Economic Development Corps? 2. Vision a. What is the Vision for the EDC? 3. Values/Tenets a. what are three words that you would use to describe Anna in 20 years? b. What is one Outcome that needs to come from this process? c. What is the most recent news about Anna that you remember? A. Existing conditions a. SWOT i. What is Anna's biggest strengths for economic development? ii. What is Anna's biggest weaknesses in terms of economic development? iii. What is Anna's biggest opportunities to exceed economic development goals? iv. What is Anna's biggest threats in achieving its vision? b. Operational Structure i. What changes would you make to the organizational structure of the economic development corporations to make them more effective/strategic? 5. Strategic Assets a. What are Anna's greatest assets that need to be leveraged/amplified? 6. Marketing strategy a. What is the best thing Anna could do to market the city/promote the EDC b. What should we Start/Stop/Keep doing? 7. Rank the following Market Factors in terms of current quality (0 is N/A 10 is best) Factor 0 - 10 (10 is best) a. Business friendly b. Tax rate c. Operating costs (land costs, rent, utilities, ect) d. Education Quality (K-1 2) e. Transportation and connectivity f. Quality of life (culture, recreation, neighborhood, other amenities) g. Utility costs and availability h. Real estate construction costs i. Skilled workers j. White collar workers k. Incentives I. Labor costs m. Cost of living n. Data o. Access to suppliers p. Training q. Access to Higher Education 8. What additional upgrades should the EDC do to create greater awareness of the organization and opportunities? 9. Rank Anna's current skills in the following and note additional organization/department who leads/supports the function: Factor 0 - 10 (10 is best) Lead Org./Dept. a. Business attraction b. Marketing c. Business Retention & Expansion (BRE) d. Entrepreneurship Anna Strategic Plan Guiding Questions #1 catalyst. e. Small business assistance f. Incentives - Incentive policy (380 for regulations), TIRZ for Downtown g. Research & data h. Advocacy & policy i. Infrastructure (roads, water, sewer, data) TxDOT j. Sites k. Workforce I. Talent attraction m. Placemaking n. Tourism o. Promotion p. K-12 q. Education r. Arts promotion 10. What are other priorities/outcomes that this strategic plan should focus on? 11. Other notes/comments?