HomeMy WebLinkAboutEDCmin2004-03-04Last printed 3/28/2004 8:59 PM Approved _____ MINUTES CITY OF ANNA MEETING OF ANNA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION March 4, 2004 6:00 PM, CITY HALL The Economic Development Corporation of the City of Anna held a meeting at 6:00 p.m., Thursday, March 4, 2004, at the Anna City Hall, 101 N. Powell Parkway, to consider the following items: 1. Call to Order Called the meeting to order at 6:18 pm. 2. Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum Members present – Julian Smith, Sandra Bryant, Trey Hughes & Mark Montgomery Members absent – Darin Hayes Also present – Lee Lawrence, Ken Bernica, & Dr Joe Wardell 3. Consider action regarding resignation of Mr. Darin Hayes Motion: Accept Mr. Hayes’ resignation Made by: Trey Hughes Second: Julian Smith Vote: Passed 4:0 4. Consider action regarding appointment of Secretary/Treasurer Motion: Table until board vacancy is filled rather than appoint an interim secretary/treasurer Made by: Trey Hughes Second: Sandra Bryant Vote: Passed 4:0 5. Consider action regarding recommendations for filling board vacancy Motion: Recommend the city council appoint Ken Bernica to EDC board Made by: Sandra Bryant Second: Julian Smith Vote: Passed 4:0 6. Consider action authorizing President to open checking account Motion: Adopt Resolution 2004-01 authorizing President to open an EDC checking account Made by: Trey Hughes Second: Sandra Bryant Vote: Passed 4:0 7. Consider action related to selecting a banking institution Motion: Establish aforementioned account with the Independent Bank in Anna Made by: Trey Hughes Second: Sandra Bryant Vote: Passed 4:0 8. Consider action related to tag line/slogan/motto Motion: Adopt “Right where you want to be…” as a slogan Made by: Sandra Bryant Second: Trey Hughes Vote: Passed 3:0:1 with Julian Smith abstaining Last printed 3/28/2004 8:59 PM Approved _____ 9. Discussion items: a. involvement with city website: Lee to investigate restrictions on EDC vs City website; Ken has a friend that built the City of Murphy website that would probably help us; might consider UT Grad services; investigate URL for City & EDC and web host for next meeting b. grocery: Brookshires is showing interest; working with planner to identify site; EDC may need to get involved financially; logistical issues include 367 improvements, drainage, and flood plain c. brochure: Trey to consolidate/distribute data and get a quote from the people who did the Kid’s Casa brochure; plan to use the same Circle-A logo as the city uses; schedule a special meeting for March 25th to review quote and authorize sending to layout designer (also get update on grocery) d. Economic Development Plan: Lee to distribute sample plans e. Other issues as desired by members of EDC: Dr Wardell requested we consider adopting a “Freeport Exemption” which gives sales tax exemptions to businesses that turn interstate products within a 175 day period 10. Adjourn Motion: to adjourn Made by: Trey Hughes Second: Sandra Bryant Vote: Passed 4:0; Adjourned 8:00 pm. Minutes Approved: Date ____________________________ Signed __________________________