HomeMy WebLinkAboutEDCmin2004-03-25Last printed 3/28/2004 8:57 PM Approved _____ MINUTES CITY OF ANNA SPECIAL MEETING OF ANNA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION March 25, 2004 6:00 PM, CITY HALL The Economic Development Corporation of the City of Anna held a special meeting at 6:00 p.m., Thursday, March 25, 2004, at the Anna City Hall, 101 N. Powell Parkway, to consider the following items: 1. Call to Order Called the meeting to order at 6:18 pm. 2. Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum Members present – Ken Bernica, Sandra Bryant (arrived at 6:35), Trey Hughes & Mark Montgomery Members absent – Sandra Bryant Also present – Lee Lawrence, Heather Hughes, & Deloris Womack 3. Consider action regarding recommendations for filling board vacancy. No Action; City Council has filled the vacancy by appointment of Ken Bernica 4. Consider update and action as desired regarding grocery store No Action; Brookshires has asked for information about the Rudman tract at 367 & 455. The Rattan tract may require excessive site work (.25-.50 per foot) which might justify paying more for a flat piece of property. There is also a thoroughfare cost involved that may need to be addressed. Lee is making weekly contact to ensure we do not lose the edge. 5. Consider action as desired regarding brochure and promotional activities Motion: Accept the quote from Silverstone Solutions Ltd. for design layout work for $400 Made by: Trey Hughes Second: Sandra Bryant Vote: Passed 4:0 Followup: Trey to engage with Silverstone Solutions and have invoice sent to the city for payment of $200 as defined in the Cost & Terms of the quote. 6. Discussion items: a. involvement with city website: to be placed on next meeting agenda; select domain, domain host, and authorize establishment of website b. Economic Development Plan: Lee to distribute sample plans; discussed development of a survey as a brainstorming tool; plan to post on website & provide paper copies at City Hall; advertise in paper; looking for ideas of a direction to go with Economic Development c. Other issues as desired by members of EDC: Lee to get with Dr Wardell to provide additional information regarding adopting a “Freeport Exemption” which gives sales tax exemptions to businesses that turn interstate products within a 175 day period 7. Adjourn Motion: to adjourn Made by: Trey Hughes Second: Sandra Bryant Vote: Passed 4:0 Adjourned 8:35 pm Minutes Approved: Date ____________________________ Signed __________________________