HomeMy WebLinkAboutEDCmin2005-12-22 (Special Meeting)1. The Corporation reserves the right to retire into executive session concerning any of the items listed on this agenda, whenever it is considered necessary and legally justified under the Open Meeting Act. 2. Persons with a disability who want to attend this meeting who may need assistance should contact the City Secretary at 972 924-3325 two working days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. 12-22-05 Minutes EDC Page 1 of 2 Posted 12-19-05 Right Where You Want to Be. THESE MINUTES MUST BE EDITED PER NOTES MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF ANNA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION DECEMBER 22, 2005 7:00 P.M. ANNA CITY HALL, 101 N. POWELL PARKWAY, ANNA, TEXAS The Economic Development Corporation of the City of Anna met in special meeting at 7:00 p.m., Thursday, December 22, 2005, at the Anna City Hall, 101 N. Powell Parkway, to consider the following items: 1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 7:15 p.m. 2. Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum. All members were present and a quorum was established. 3. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Under terms of Chapter 551 of Texas Government Code the board may enter into CLOSED SESSION or Executive Session to deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the governmental body has received from a business prospect that the governmental body seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the governmental body and with which the governmental body is conducting economic development negotiations or to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property because such deliberations in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the board’s position in negotiations with third persons (Government Code, Chapters 551.072, 551.087). Mr. Cottril moved that the EDC enter into executive session. Mr. Rattan seconded the motion, which passed by a vote of 5-0. The EDC went into executive session at 7:18 p.m. Mr. Cottril moved that the EDC close the executive session. Mr. Rattan seconded the motion, which passed by a vote of 5-0. The EDC closed the executive session at 7:42 p.m. 1. The Corporation reserves the right to retire into executive session concerning any of the items listed on this agenda, whenever it is considered necessary and legally justified under the Open Meeting Act. 2. Persons with a disability who want to attend this meeting who may need assistance should contact the City Secretary at 972 924-3325 two working days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. 12-22-05 Minutes EDC Page 2 of 2 Posted 12-19-05 4. Discuss and consider action on items discussed in Executive Session. No action was taken on this item. 5. Consider granting of utility easement(s) to City of Anna. Ms. Seabolt moved that this item be tabled.. Mr. Rattan seconded the motion, which passed by a vote of 5-0. 6a. Public Hearing: To consider public comment on sale of 48.00 acre tract owned by Anna EDC located in J. C. Brantley Survey, A-0114, Tract 25. No public comment was received. 6b. Discuss and consider action on sale of 48.00 acre tract owned by Anna EDC located in J. C. Brantley Survey, A-0114, Tract 25. No action was taken on this item. 7. Discuss development of Economic Development Plan. No action was taken on this item. 8. Financial report. The financial report was presented. Sales tax revenues for the first two months of the year have exceeded expectations. Motion was made by Mr. Rattan and seconded by Ms. Seabolt that the bills as presented by paid. 9. Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. ____________________________________ Sandra Bryant President, Anna EDC ATTEST: Jason Cottrill Secretary, Anna EDC