HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 978-2022 Zoning Villages of Waters CreekCITY OF ANNA, TEXAS (Villages of Waters Creek; located on the south side of W. White Street, 1,315± feet west of Oak Hollow Lane) ORDINANCE NO. q I %,* Qc� AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS AMENDING THE CITY'S ZONING MAP, AND ZONING ORDINANCE AND CHANGING THE ZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY AS DESCRIBED HEREIN; PROVIDING FOR SAVINGS, REPEALING AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSES; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY CLAUSE NOT TO EXCEED $2,000 OR THE HIGHEST PENALTY AMOUNT ALLOWED BY LAW, WHICHEVER IS LESS; AND, PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF - THE CAPTION HEREOF. WHEREAS, the City of Anna, Texas ("City") has previously adopted ordinances, rules and regulations governing the zoning in the City; and WHEREAS, the City has received a request to amend the zoning and development regulations in Ordinance No. 861-2020 from Anna 51 Joint Venture LP as described in Exhibit A and shown in Exhibit B (the "Property") attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes as if set forth in full; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City and the City Council of the City of Anna ("City Council") have given the requisite notices by publication and otherwise and have held the public hearings as required by law and afforded a full and fair hearing to all property owners and generally to all persons interested in and situated in the affected area and in the vicinity thereof, the City Council has concluded that the Zoning Ordinance of the City should be amended as set forth below. (Deletions of certain Zoning Ordinance provisions that are not applicable are indicated below in strokes, , -thm, 1a a e %-i rrh text). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS THAT: Section 1. Recitals Incorporated The above recitals are incorporated herein by reference for all purposes. Section 2. Zoning Ordinance Amended Restrictions: 1. The location of the planned development zoning district shall be in substantial conformance as delineated on the Tract map (Exhibit B) and with the Concept Plan (Exhibit C). 2. Standards and Area Regulations: Development must comply with the development standards for use density, lot area lot width lot depth, yard depths and widths building height, building elevations, coverage, floor area ratio, parking, access, screening, landscaping, accessory buildings, signs, nd lighting, set forth in the MF-2 Multiple -Family Residential - High Density (MF-2) zoni � g district and the Planning and Development Regulations except as modified per Ord. No. 861-2020 and as otherwise specified herein. Parking: Parking: Detached Single -dwelling and two -dwelling buildings: 2 parking spaces per unit Covered Parking: 50% of the required parking must be covered. Visitor Parking: 0.25 spaces per unit Site Boundary: Refer to Exhibit B and Exhibit C to see new site boundary of Ordinance No. 861-2020 Maximum Height: 4 story buildings shall be located no closer than 250 feet from any lot zoned for a single-family residence ' mlpnnod rloyelemmorif _disfr__i_n, 3. Plats and/or site plans submitted for the development of the PD shall conform to the data presented and approved on the .Conceptual Development plan. Non -substantial changes of detail on the final development plan(s) that differ from the Conceptual Development plan may be authorized by the City Council with the approval of the final development plan(s) and without public hearing. 4. The Conceptual Development Plan will expire after two (2) years of approval. Section 3. Official Zoning Map The official Zoning Map of the City shall be corrected to reflect the change in zoning described herein. Section 4. Savings, Repealing and Severability Clauses It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the words, sentences, paragraphs, subdivisions, clauses, phrases, and provisions of this ordinance are severable and, if any phrase, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, clause, or provision of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional or otherwise invalid or inapplicable by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality, invalidity or inapplicability shall not affect any of the remaining words, sentences, paragraphs, subdivisions, clauses, phrases, or provisions of this ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this ordinance of any such unconstitutional, invalid or inapplicable words, sentences, paragraphs, subdivisions, clauses, phrases, or provisions. Further, all ordinances or parts of ordinances in force when the provisions of this ordinance become effective that are E consistent and do not conflict with the terms and provisions of this ordinance are hereby ratified to the extent of such consistency and lack of conflict, and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in force when the provisions of this ordinance become effective that are inconsistent or in conflict with the terms and provisions contained in this ordinance are hereby repealed only to the extent of any such conflict. Notwithstanding any provision of this ordinance or the Anna Code, it is intended that this ordinance fully comply with Chapter 3000 of the Texas Government Code ("Chapter 3000") and this ordinance shall and the City Code shall be interpreted in a manner to comply with Chapter 3000. For the purposes of this ordinance, any provision of the City Code that does not comply with Chapter 3000 shall be deemed to have been excluded and not a part of this ordinance. Section 5. Penalty Any violation of any of the terms of this ordinance, whether denominated in this ordinance as unlawful or not, shall be deemed a misdemeanor. Any person convicted of any such violation shall be fined in an amount not to exceed $2,000 for each incidence of violation. Each day a violation exists is considered a separate offense and will be punished separately. Section 6. Publication of the Caption and Effective Date This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage by the City Council, approval by the Mayor, and posting and/or publication, if required by law, of its caption. The City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to implement such posting and/or publication. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas this 24th day of May 2022. ATTESTED: ,,,,,,,,,,APPROVED: /j OF � 0 r Carrie L. Land, City Secretary atPike, Mayor /I °�O •0 PDQ ��� llliltlliW 00 EXHIBIT A BEING that certain tract of land situated in the Thomas Rattan Survey, Abstract Number 782, Collin County, Texas and being all of those tracts of land to Anna 51 Joint Venture L.P. (A Limited Partnership) recorded in Instrument Number 20150120000064460 herein after referred to as Tract 1 and 20200909001518080 herein after referred to as Tract 2, of the Official Public Records of Collin County, Texas and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at the southeast corner of said Tract 2, being the southwest corner of a tract of land to Oak Hollow Estates Phase 3 recorded in Volume 5535, Page 4805 and being in the north line of a tract of land to oak Hollow Estates Phase 6 recorded in Instrument Number 20140423010001240 of said County Records; THENCE S 880 38' 11" W, 260.79 feet to the southwest corner of said Tract 2 and being the southeast corner of said Tract 1; THENCE continuing with the south line of said Tract 1 the following bearings and distances: S 880 50' 57" W, 176.39 feet; S 880 36' 07" W, 270.58 feet; S 880 30' 03" W, 442.69 feet to the southwest corner of said Tract 1 and being in the east line of a tract of land to Caalms Group LLC (A Limited Liability Company) recorded in Instrument Number 20180904001111350 known as Tract 6 of said County Records; THENCE N 020 26' 41" W, 1,507.32 feet to the northeast corner of said Caalms Tract and being the southeast corner of a tract of land to Anna Retail Addition Block A recorded in Volume 6024, Page 4397 of said County Records; THENCE N 02° 44' 57" W, 1,023.96 feet to the northwest corner of said Tract 1, being in the south right- of-way line of Farm -to -Market Road 455 (a variable width right-of-way) and being the beginning of a non -tangent curve to the left; THENCE along the common line of said south right-of-way line of said F.M. 455 and the north line of said Tract 1 and said Tract 2 the following bearings and distances: With said non -tangent curve to the left, an arc distance of 212.81 feet, through a central angle of 30° 37' 41", having a radius of 398.10 feet, and a long chord which bears S 63° 28' 02" E, 210.28 feet; S 780 46' 52" E, 171.20 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left; With said curve to the left, an arc distance of 282.66 feet, through a central angle of 210 25' 00", having a radius of 756.20 feet, and a long chord which bears S 89° 29' 22" E, 281.02 feet; N 790 48' 10" E, 321.52 feet; N 780 10' 39" E, 75.59 feet to the beginning of a non -tangent curve to the right; With said non -tangent curve to the right, an arc distance of 183.88 feet, through a central angle of 050 38' 04", having a radius of 1,869.86 feet, and a long chord which bears N 820 39' 48" E, 183.81 feet to the northeast corner of said Tract 2; THENCE S 010 14'51" E, 2,467.52 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 2,850,071 square feet or 65.429 acres more or less. PROJECT NO. CCR20001 FILE PATH J:IUSERSIDKIDCIANNA 651CONCEPT PLAN MRe OWNER PLANNER !ENGINEER THE VILLAGES AT WATERS CREEK DRAWN BY PELOTON LAND ZONING EXHIBIT REVIEWED BY DAKMRB ANNA JOINTVENTURESOLUTIONS, INC DATE MARCH 4. 2020 NORTH 27051 CLU LAKE TRAIL 11000 F SCO STREET BEING A 65.398 ACRE TRACT IN THE IN DATE REVISIONS MCKINNEY, TX 75072 SUITE 400 THE THOMAS RATION SURVEY, A078Z CONTACT: DON COLLINS FRISCO. TEXAS 75034 SITUATED IN CITY OF ANNA. COLLIN PHONE:469-213-1800 COUNTY, TEXAS GRAPHIC SCALE CONTACT: DAVID KALHOEFER 11 ERF ­NP.- -SIR—N N­ ­F T—. TiINa I NT 100- F­ ft gTCK R. ARCHITECTURAL SITE LAYOUT SITE SUMMARY as ZT =1 Z. GENERAL IR.ECT IDENTIFICATION &DATA THE VILLAGE AT WATERS CREEK BLOCK B. LOT 3 IL.T alA I ­jxQTlR­P A­A­N8_ CONCEPT PLAN .­ 3 _T L' BEING A PORTION OF A 65.429 ACRE TRACT IN THE THOMAS RATION SURVEY, AWIFact No. 7112 SITUATED IN CITY OF ANNA, COLLIN COUNTY. TEXAS APRIL 6, 2022 GENERAL NOTES I. REFUSE PICK-UP FOR SINGLE UNITS AND DOUBLE UNITS SITE DATA SUMMARY PARKINGSUMMARY SHALL BE VIA CENTRALIZED DUMPSTER LOCATIONS AS INDICATED ON GRAPHIC. .—I REQUIRED PROIADED !jaoLVk9R__­ ""=E-1'­­E' DESIGNAFION PREPARED BY: OWNER 2. 0 SITE PARKING IS PROVIDED AS FOLLOWS: 10 OMN PLA IN. INC. ANNA51JOINT VE URELP S114GLE UNIT DWaUNGS 2 SPACES PER 1845 WOODALL RODGERS MY. # 160D 2705CLUBILAKERAIL MLjkL. DAUAS, TEXAS 7520I MCKINNEY, TEXAS 75072 DOUBLE UNITS- 2 SPACES PER EACH UNIT (4 TO TAL) M LTI-FAMILY ONE BEDROOM-1 SPACE PER UNIT PHONE (214) 82&708D PHONE: (214) 802-8264 d.) MULTI-fAMILY TWO BEDROOM-2 SPACES PER UNIT CONTACT: CUNT ASHWORTH CONTACT: BRYAN GRANT FEXHIBIT C] 3.ADD ITIONAL CHANGES MAY BE NECESSARY DURING REVIEW OF ME SBE PLAN AND ENGINEERING CIVIL DRAWINGS. LM—_- � ! 9 Irt' t trr W AVERY POINTE Zoning - Villages of Waters Creek do a p DR { q, , it P Y a w, �.� DEERCHASE'DF� W19 W ` � D' F ,z , ' RIVER CROSSIN iIR t if *b EW DR r, . ' W WHITE STLAI ^ --•-r - - f , _ > ,• s - ,__.,, ..—, — .,� , POAK IN _ Y - }:., - FINE ♦ , .., 'O K CT>'L1KNOL r Z WHITEOAK'RD W ,� EDA i U ;� CTRLR z • l y v . O ` • -' RED OAK - —, gV PRESS CY_ , a u . - TR , SP.RUCEV w CRESTWOOD'DR ,.. ST HICKOPyJOP WILLOW WAY wN �.. O t =;� w; --• _ aY . O Ss N CH UT ST Q N z ELM,ST • W 4142.,n�THE CITY OF N , , <� TM I"f, MULBERRY DR Qi0Aifth 4r{ Y �....- . ^��,`�Y^Y y '-�s'{'A'1•i•►', i '^R'Yt ! ... *q SABLE WOOD DR 2 ... ETJ Subject Property yf City Limits ` s+ 200' Notice REDBUD DRY ; y Boundary 1� I 'co . T 300 600 1,200 et Apr > ' 0, • v it 2022 KNotification Maps1 oGfication Maps CITY OF ANNA PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION May 2, 2022 Public Hearing: Modify existing Planned Development zoning Applicant: Anna 51 Joint Venture LP DESCRIPTION: Request to amend the zoning tract map and adopted multiple -family residence development standards on one lot on 65± acres located on the south side of W. White Street, 1,315± feet west of oak Hollow Lane. The property is currently zoned Planned Development-C-1 Restricted Commercial/MF-2 Multiple -Family Residential — High Density/SF-60 Single -Family Residence District (Ord. No. 861-2020). HISTORY: The subject property was rezoned in June 2020 as a Planned Development to allow for commercial uses with modified development standards on Tract A, multiple - family dwellings with modified development standards on Tract B and Detached Single -Family Residential (SF-60) with modified development standards on Tract C (Ord. No. 861-2020). The zoning tract map (right) and the Concept Plan (next page) illustrate the Planned Development zoning. In January 2022, the final plat for Persimmon Drive (below) was approved (Res. No. 2022-01-1087). The purpose of the final plat was to dedicate the right-of-way for Persimmon Drive to extend from Oak Hollow, Phase 4 to W. White Street. This right -of way will be the eastern property boundary of the multiple -family residences lot. VWWA It Pi 1IVFA�• , TWA 7m- ME— Vt ON 1 � AOY t-i6.1s I ; �, p.67fUf3lk Y!1" meµ. � �^, � ` t: •F, � � is .M oe L V 2: q4r mme �S k �"'� � .: .,sa'e�o• i • f.lfp .•... .,,,., s>fxcrr.r. ` �� i A-Rri'4�'Mb K�� w•y� 1:iTYyIY .-uwwi'ae00 �,��� 7�MYK7,/ � Wl.�f d��?s►yCi tilX 1 S ,�••.•.or� mcclsrt 'ter. :�!.t7C �•M _ i i � 0t troll' a. vu'Y Gf-ia3lc! N K n}l�i�~p..anen% u+.W 17 �� ffif7•df i »lit ' ( ,�•O�y. ' r.%w. i�w r'-• -``?T �Y w. -it r, "' r �.yiltflR! f /iOW J war s+l .7 iY rfr•Jh w ' /� • ,.roses- -W �~ I �— —�. .,. .r-. ---� \ T^ �,� '� "cam o� a�i • i4 k %OW*- Mrw'"'Sw WS7R .Of �� � Il, N 1 f ,� I -^•t i � �i ' � - - . •.. Its; - �' - �- ' � 1 t -7 -' , r + •� � � . of — — —,=— ;; — — — •---- _ — fF'. M 4.5 5 *ST.WHR ST r• ''� ' �`\J• v'--• I.b.�.. - 01.7 -1 i _ .M •�>�• •• ..of. 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' ,' ' 1S' '1s• l2 ,1 '17 1:79 4A, i1a M . . - to EET _, E-•-- :• Ix • -I-• ^ I ' ► �,,:w,• (• i0 V: 30 ' 37 34 33' ,� ' /jf3 Rig M. � ' - , - - , • f ;;,; t' - - - VOL . r s ••-� i -- �t •�• r�, •�= �_. __--t 1 ;i I 1 � / t 1 3�. t 1 I. _I•j t_t l •I-' i 1 I ,( /�I✓i� �1 - 1 \ `r � �y. •-_,.: /y :.— ---•�..�.� a ^•-'17- ZONING —VILLAGES OF WATERS CREEK PAGE 2 OF 5 REMARKS: The applicant is requesting to modify the zoning tract map to increase the MF-2 area and reduce the covered parking. A Planned Development (PD) district is intended to provide for combining and mixing of uses allowed in various districts with appropriate regulations and to permit flexibility in the use and design of land and buildings in situations where modification of specific provisions of this article is not contrary to its intent and purpose or significantly inconsistent with the planning on which it is based and will not be harmful to the community. A PD district may be used to permit new and innovative concepts in land utilization. While great flexibility is given to provide special restrictions which will allow development not otherwise permitted, procedures are established herein to insure against misuse of the increased flexibility. Surrounding Land Uses and Zoning North Across West White Street (FM 455), single-family detached subdivision zoned Planned Develo ment-2001-10 PD-2001-10) [Creekside Phase 1 East Single-family, detached subdivision zoned Planned Develop ment-2000-07 (PD-2000-07) [Oak Hollow Estates Phase 4] and tire dealer and self- storage/mini-warehouse uses zoned Planned Development-2008-367 (PD- 2008-367) South Single-family, detached subdivision zoned Planned-Development-2003-50 (PD-2003-50) Hollow Estates Phase 6A West Vacant land zoned General Commercial (C-2), Planned Development-972- 2022 PD-972-2022 , and Planned Develo ment-2003-107 PD-2003-107 Proposed Planned Development Amendment: The current Planned Development zoning and Concept Plan allows for multiple -family dwellings. The applicant's request increases the size of the area for the multiple -family dwellings (Tract B) and reduces the amount of covered parking required. Tract Map — The applicant is requesting to amend/increase the acreage of the multiple - family tract from 18.44± acres to 19.48± acres to allow for additional multi -family dwelling unit types. The area being removed from the single-family tract would have been open space owned and maintained by the single-family property owners. The updated concept plan illustrates a hike and bike trail, which is part of the Parks Master Plan and a requirement of the zoning, while also providing parking outside of the gated area adjacent to the trail head. Parkin -Sec. 9.04.037 (Parking space regulations) of the Zoning Ordinance requires 75% of the required parking is required to be covered. ➢ The applicant is requesting to reduce the required covered parking 75% to 50%. ZONING - VILLAGES OF WATERS CREEK PAGE 3 OF 5 Maximum Height (Scrivener's Error) The current zoning (Ord. No. 861-2020) states that a four-story multiple -family dwelling building shall not be located closer than 300 feet from any single-family residence outside of the planned development. However, as represented by the applicant, identified and labeled on the approved concept plan and written in the previous zoning staff report, four- story building separation was to be 250 feet from any single-family detached property. The ordinance as currently written, would allow a four-story building on the multiple -family tract to be setback only 60 feet from the proposed single-family residence lots (SF-60) within the planned development district. Staff recommends modifying the maximum height to meet the intent of the original zoning as follows: Maximum Height: 4 story buildings shall be located no closer than 250 39� feet from any lot zoned for a single-family residence WW2fhin ♦hoQ nlPnngalrl rlo�iolnr►rr�ori♦ d"Qtrirf SUMMARY: Request to amend the zoning tract map and adopted multiple -family residence development standards on one lot on 65± acres located on the south side of W. White Street, 1,315± feet west of Oak Hollow Lane. The property is currently zoned Planned Development-C-1 Restricted Commercial/MF-2 Multiple -Family Residential — High Density/SF-60 Single -Family Residence District (Ord. No. 861-2020). RECOMMENDATION: Below are recommended restrictions if the Commission votes in favor of the request: Restrictions: 1. The location of the planned development zoning district shall be in substantial conformance as delineated on the Tract map (Exhibit B) and with the Concept Plan (Exhibit C). 2. Standards and Area Regulations: Development must comply with the development standards for use, density, lot area, lot width, lot depth, yard depths and widths, building height, building elevations, coverage, floor area ratio, parking, access, screening, landscaping, accessory buildings, signs, and lighting, set forth in the MF-2 Multiple -Family Residential - High Density (MF-2) zoning district and the Planning and Development Regulations except as modified per Ord. No. 861-2020 and as otherwise specified herein. Parking: Parking: Detached Single -dwelling and two -dwelling buildings: 2 parking spaces per unit ZONING - VILLAGES OF WATERS CREEK PAGE 4 OF 5 Covered Parking: 50% of the required parking must be covered. Visitor Parking: 0.25 spaces per unit Site Boundary: Refer to Exhibit B and Exhibit C to see new site boundary within of Ordinance No. 861-2020 Maximum Height: 4 story buildings shall be located no closer than 250 feet from any lot zoned for a single-family residence ^nina. wnot�nnluled rl �,�thin ♦hi orl r�lo�ioln rat dffi 9Zt rtCa. 3. Plats and/or site plans submitted for the development of the PD shall conform to the data presented and approved on the Conceptual Development plan. Non - substantial changes of detail on the final development plan(s) that differ from the Conceptual Development plan may be authorized by the City Council with the approval of the final development plan(s) and without public hearing. 4. The Conceptual Development Plan will expire after two (2) years of approval. ZONING — VILLAGES OF WATERS CREEK PAGE 5 OF 5 CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS (Property rezoned under this ordinance is generally located on the south side of Vilest White Street [F,M. 455], 1,293± feet west of oak Hollow Lane) ORDINANCE NO. ?Co( -,9090 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS AMENDING THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, ZONING MAP, AND ZONING ORDINANCE AND CHANGING THE ZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY AS DESCRIBED HEREIN; PROVIDING FOR SAVINGS, REPEALING AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSES; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY CLAUSE NOT TO EXCEED $2,000 OR THE HIGHEST PENALTY AMOUNT ALLOWED BY LAW, WHICHEVER IS LESS; AND, PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THE CAPTION HEREOF. WHEREAS, the City of Anna, Texas ("City") has previously adopted ordinances, rules and regulations governing the zoning in the City; and WHEREAS, the City has received a requested rezoning on Property described in Exhibit A ("Property") attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes as if set forth in full; and WHEREAS, said zoning for Property generally located on the south side of West White Street [F.M. 455], 1,293± -feet west of Oak Hollow Lane is being rezoned from Planned Development- 129A-2004 and Planned Development-667-2014 to Planned Development -Restricted Business District/Multiple-family -- High Density/Single-Family Residential District (PD-C-1 IMF--2/SF-60) on 65.0+ acres; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City and the City Council of the City of Anna ("City Council") have given the requisite notices by publication and otherwise and have held the public hearings as required by law and afforded a full and fair hearing to all property owners and generally to all persons interested in and situated in the affected area and in the vicinity thereof, the City Council has concluded that the Zoning Ordinance of the City should be amended as set forth below. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS THAT: Section 1. Recitals Incorporated The above recitals are incorporated herein by reference for all purposes. Section 2. Zoning Change The Anna City Code of Ordinances are hereby amended by changing the zoning of the Planned Development-129A-2004 and Planned Development-667-2014 to create a new concept plan, as depicted in the Concept Plan on the attached Exhibit B and the zoning tract map on the attached Exhibit C. n�k, 1. Purpose. The purpose of this Planned Development District is to facilitate the development of high - quality development along West White Street. Within this District are permitted certain retail, service, office, and residential uses. 2. Definitions. Except as otherwise provided herein, the definitions in Appendix 3 of the City's Zoning Ordinance shall apply. For purposes of this Planned Development District, the following terms shall be defined as follows: a. "Masonry" means brick, tile, manmade or natural stone, cast stone, rock, marble, granite, curtain glass, glass block, exposed aggregate concrete panels, decorative concrete panels, split face concrete block or any construction consisting of concrete panels including, but not limited to "tilt -wall" construction, or any other materials similar to these materials approved by the Director of Development Services. b. Exterior insulation finish system ("EIFS") can only be used as accent and must be at least twelve feet (12) above the finished floor elevation. 3. Development Standards. Standards and Area Regulations: Development must comply with the development standards for use, density, lot area, lot width, lot depth, yard depths and widths, building height, building elevations, coverage, floor area ratio, parking, access, screening, landscaping, accessory buildings, signs, and lighting, set forth in the C-1 Restricted Commercial, MF-2 Multiple -Family Residential - High Density, and SF-60 Single -Family Residence zoning districts except as otherwise specified herein. a. C-1 Restricted Commercial 1. Permitted Uses by -right A. Child-care center B. Nursery school, kindergarten 2. Prohibited Uses in Block A, Lot 2; A. Auto parts sales B. Auto repair, minor C. Automobile service station D. Bakery and confectionery, Commercial E. Bed and Breakfast Facility 2 F. Boarding or rooming house G. Bowling Alley H. Building materials hardware 1. Car wash J. Civic Center K. Cleaning and dyeing, small shop L. Community Center, private M. Community Center, public N. Construction yard O. Convenience store P. Discount, variety or department store Q. Electrical substation R. Feed and farm supply S. Food and beverage store T. Food and beverage store U. Food store, grocery store V. Fraternal Organization W. Furniture and appliance store X. Furniture, appliance store (outside storage) Y. Gas Metering station Z. Hotel AA. Motor, motor hotel, motor lodge BB. Motorcylcle sales and service CC. Park, playground or rec. center (public) DD. Parking Lot or parking garage EE. Pet Shop FF. Private clubs GG. Quick oil change facility HH. Quick tune-up facility II. Registered family home JJ. Residence hotel KK. Rest home or nursing home 3 LL. Restaurant or cafeteria MM. Retail Ice and Dispensed Water sales NN. School, private (primary and/or secondary) 00. School, public (primary and/or secondary) PP. School, trade or commercial QQ. Servant's, caretaker's, or guard's residence RR. Service yard of government agency SS. Shopping center TT. Stadium or playfield UU. Swimming pool W. Taxidermist WW. Telephone exchange XX. Theater (indoor) W. Tire Dealer 3. Front yard setback: 20 feet 4. Maximum height: 35 feet (I story) 5. Maximum lot coverage: 45% 6. Point of access: Two points of vehicular access for Lot 2, Block B shall be allowed through Lot 1, Block B as shown on the approved concept plan. 7. Block A, Lot 2 shall provide a minimum 20-foot landscape buffer along the eastern property boundary shared with the Oak Hollow Estates residential subdivision. b. MF-2 Multiple -Family Residential - High Density 1. Maximum Height: 4 story / 65 feet A. 4 story buildings shall be located no closer than 300 feet from any single- family residence zoning not included within this planned development district. 2. Maximum Number of Units: 325 3. Minimum usable open space: 20% of the MF-2 development area A. The 100-year food plain shall not count towards open space. 4 B. One open space area shall be at least twenty thousand (20,000) square feet in size with a minimum dimension of fifty (50) feet and must have no slope greater than ten (10) percent. C. One amenity center and pool. D. A hike & bike trail along the creek outside of the proposed fence. E. Remaining areas to count towards open space shall be at least 8,000 square feet in size with a minimum dimension of 15 feet. F. Three square feet may be applied for each square foot utilized for swimming pools and adjacent decks, patios, or lounge areas within 10 feet of a pool; developed and equipped children's play areas; and usable portions of recreational buildings. 4. Parking: A. 1 space / Studio & 1 bedroom units B. 2 spaces / 2 & 3 bedroom units 5. Screening: Boarder fencing of masonry construction of not less than eight feet in height shall be installed along the property line on any perimeter not abutting a creek, public street, right-of-way or other various forms of open space. 6. Design Standards (Multiple -Family Residence): A. Masonry (BCick/Rock veneer): Eighty (80) percent for the first three stories, and Seventy (70) percent for the fourth story. B. Screening Requirements: Various forms of border fencing shall be permitted and approved upon submittal of site plan and/or construction plans. Any masonry wall or metal fence may be a minimum of six (6') feet but no higher than eight (8) feet and shall be installed at the time of construction, along the property line of any perimeter not abutting a creek, public street or right-of-way and other various forms of open space. The fence shall be maintained throughout the existence of the multi -family complex by the owner of the complex. The options for such fences are outlined below: i. A solid masonry screen wall with columns every fifty (50') feet. ii. A screen wall consisting of masonry and ornamental metal fencing. A minimum of 50% of the wall shall be masonry. 5 iii. A screen wall consisting of ornamental metal fence and an evergreen living screen. Plant material shall be a minimum of three (T) feet at the time of planting. C. Refuse Facilities: Trash compactors shall be permitted as an alternative to individual refuse facility locations. Trash compactor facilities shall be internal to buildings or screened from view on three sides by a masonry wall not less than seven feet nor more than eight feet in height. Solid metal gates of an equal height to the enclosure height must be provided on the truck collection side of the enclosure. c. SF--60 Single -Family Residence 1. Minimum side yard, interior setback: 5 feet 2. Minimum rear yard setback: 20 feet 3. Minimum lot width: 50 feet; or 45 feet at cul-de-sac or elbow 4. Maximum lot coverage: 50% 5. Lots backing to open space: Fences along the rear lot line shall be ornamental metal and not less than fifty-four (54") inches tall. Section 3. official Zoning Map The official Zoning Map of the City shall be corrected to reflect the change in zoning described herein. Section 4. Savings, Repealing and Severability Clauses It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the words, sentences, paragraphs, subdivisions, clauses, phrases, and provisions of this ordinance are severable and, if any phrase, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, clause, or provision of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional or otherwise invalid or inapplicable by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality, invalidity or inapplicability shall not affect any of the remaining words, sentences, paragraphs, subdivisions, clauses, phrases, or provisions of this ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this ordinance of any such unconstitutional, invalid or inapplicable words, sentences, paragraphs, subdivisions, clauses, phrases, or provisions. Further, all ordinances or parts of ordinances in force when the provisions of this ordinance become effective that are consistent and do not conflict with the terms and provisions of this ordinance are hereby ratified to the extent of such consistency and lack of conflict, and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in force when the provisions of this ordinance become effective that are inconsistent or in conflict with the terms and provisions contained in this ordinance are hereby repealed only to the extent of any such conflict. C Section 5. Penalty Any violation of any of the terms of this ordinance, whether denominated in this ordinance as unlawful or not, shall be deemed a misdemeanor. Any person convicted of any such violation shall be fined in an amount not to exceed $2,000 for each incidence of violation. Each day a violation exists is considered a separate offense and will be punished separately. Section 6. Publication of the Caption and Effective Date This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage by the City Council, approval by the Mayor, and posting and/or publication, if required by law, of its caption. The City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to implement such posting and/or publication. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas this 23rd day of June, 2020. ATTESTED: Land, City Secretary \\\\\',00%tII' fr3 F,;R O V A Ur . I � •.9 %,,TE,X,P °��`. ti Zoning- The Villages at Water Creek t "" JLU- ;,- r LL^IL/t y f _ ... �q L - d . .a 4 WHITE ST 1� n � -•ter i i _ nCn • r W -PIN Ojk AK TRL r � + 6 � i - .� � rY * 3ra�}f � • !• �i 'sa _� 1� 1 .Qf � / r � � Ii� . � t �- 1 � .. - @ "B,r •/� � �n4 n'txt a bra : +. a,� � _ Il.l- 7 ��. W � CED'AR.TRL Q L ,� �._LJ—L1;7it�gs�1'1 •rL�JY. `may �t'3°'�"IrT1' t'elL `- MU-BERRY.DR" ;0 :I r i :SABLE ,WOOD DR "WILL'OW_WAY IT CHESTNUT_ST THE CITY OF N r�lnna Proposed Site - l City Limits 16 Parcels ETJ 0 250 500 1,000 Feet April 2020 CITY OF ANNA CITY COUNCIL June 23, 2019 Applicant: David Kalhoefer, Peloton Land Solutions & Don Collins DESCRIPTION: Request to rezone 65.0± acres located on the south side of Vilest White Street 1,293± feet west of Oak Hollow Lane in order to amend existing planned development standards. Zoned: Planned Development- 1 29A-2004 and Planned Development-667-2014. This item was tabled at the May 4, 2020 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting and recommended for approval at the June 1, 2020 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. REMARKS: The applicant is requesting to amend the existing zoning to modify the locations and development standards associated with the allowed land uses granted under the existing zoning. The subject property is currently undeveloped. A concept plan (Exhibit B) accompanies this request. His The zoning request involves two tracts of land. Planned Development-667-2014 is a 51- acre tract that was a portion of the 117 acres Harlow Trust tract annexation and zoned Single-family residential district (SF-60) in May 2003. The concept plan showed a neighborhood park and 139 residential lots to be called Park Place. The tract was rezoned in August 2014 to the current Planned Development called Villages of Park Place. The planned development allowed for a mixture of commercial, multiple -family residences (up to 250 units), single-family dwellings, attached under the Townhome District (SF-TH) requirements, and/or Single-family Residence District — Zero Lot Line Homes (SF-Z). Planned Development- 1 29A-2004 is a 14-acre tract called the Purser Tract and was annexed into the city in September 2003. The property was zoned in March 2004 to the current Planned Development with General Business District along West White Street. City Council added a stipulation to the request which restricted the commercial section to match the property boundary of the commercial portion within the Oak Hollow planned development (present-day Advantage Storage located at 2211 W White Street) with the remainder to be zoned Agricultural District. Neither tract has been developed. Page 77 of 180 Surrounding Land Uses and Zoning North Across West White Street (FM 455), single-family detached subdivision zoned Planned Develo ment-2001-10 PD-2001-10) [Creekside Phase 1 East Single-family, detached subdivision zoned Planned Develop ment-2000-07 (PD-2000-07) [Oak Hollow Estates Phase 4] and tire dealer and self- storage/mini-warehouse uses zoned Planned Development-2008-367 (PD- 2008-367) South Single-family, detached subdivision zoned Planned-Development-2003-50 (PD-2003-50) Hollow Estates Phase 6A]__ West Vacant land zoned Commercial (C-1) and Planned Development-2003-107 (PD-2003-107) Proposed Planned Development Stipulations The requested zoning is PD-C-1 /MF-2/SF-60. This Planned Development is proposed as a multi -use development that transitions the uses adjacent to the existing residential subdivisions and commercial businesses. There are two primary parts to this request: land use and design standards. Land Use - The applicant is proposing to rezone the subject property to allow for a mix of single-family and multiple -family uses and nonresidential uses. Design Standards - The language in the proposed PD district would allow this site to be developed with a mix of residential and nonresidential uses oriented along a central street with required open space, and modified development standards. Conformance with the City of Anna Strategic Plan and Comprehensive Plan Anna Vision 2034 a. Principle 3: Beautiful Community i. Preserve natural areas/open space b. Principle 5: Great Housing Opportunities i. Diverse housing choices for all family generations: small lots, townhomes, estate homes, "ranchette", apartments, mixed -use development. ii. Safe, well -design, well -maintained multi -family rental housing. a. Principle 6: Dynamic Business Community AGENDA ITEM (0612312020) PAGE 2OF11 Page 78 of 180 i. Attractive commercial centers with well -designed and well - maintained landscaping. ii. Ability of neighbors to work in Anna. City of Anna Goals for 2024 a. Growing Anna Economy i. Expand the commercial tax base ii. More jobs for neighbors iii. Expand retail businesses b. Sustainable Anna Community Through Planned, Managed Growth i. Having new buildings and homes that are attractive and using the appropriate building materials and meeting City's architectural standards. ii. Having a range of housing choice available in Anna. c. Anna — A Great Place to Live i. Increase the number of "family -oriented" restaurants ii. Increase the number of retail businesses Future Land Use Plan — The Future Land Use Plan designates this property as Commercial (red), Single - Family (yellow) and Parks (green). Commercial is land or buildings where merchandise or services are offered for sale. The primary purpose of the land is to provide a location for displaying merchandise or communicating services in a manner that enhances the convenient retail sale of goods and services. The role of commercial activity in the city is to provide convenient and available retail, service, and office opportunities to residents of the Anna market area. Commercial activity provides return on investment for business and property residents (neighbors), and an economic b� AGENDA ITEM (06/23/2020) PAGE 3 OF 11 Page 79 of 180 generally supports community residential activity, but certain aspects of the retail, service, and office uses such as big -box retail, and service and office headquarters may be more regionally oriented and act as basic elements of the economy. Parks are land devoted to active or passive recreation, or preservation of open space, natural beauty, or environmentally sensitive lands. Locally significant park and pedestrian/open space opportunities exist in Anna. Additional recreational development with a better distribution into all areas of the City is needed. Residential. Land on which there exists one or more dwelling units, including accessory buildings; the primary use being for sheltering individuals, families, or groups of persons. Single-family includes those permanent structures, which were originally designed to provide housing for one family unit. ISSUES: Multiple --Family residence height: As part of the zoning modification the applicant is proposing a four (4) story multi -family residence product, not to exceed sixty-five (65 feet). The existing zoning allows for three (3) stories, not to exceed forty-five (45) feet allowing projections not used for human occupancy to extend five (5) feet above the 45-foot limitation. To address massing concerns associated with a four (4) story project the applicant is proposing to restrict the location of these buildings a distance of 250 feet of any single-family, detached property. This distance increases to over 525 feet from any existing single-family residence located within the Oak Hollow subdivisions. Existing zoning for this property would allow three- story multiple -family residences to be closer to the adjacent residential subdivisions. The concept plan depicts building 1 'I as being separated by 394 feet from Oak Hollow Phase 4 properties and building 12 is shown as being over 900 feet away from Oak Hollow Phase 6A properties. The current zoning of this property allows multiple -family residences over one story to be a minimum of 60 feet from single-family, detached properties. Additionally, the natural topography of the site lowers in elevation moving west and will further reduce the impact of the increased height request. The topography and setback distance between the proposed single-family, detached properties and proposed multiple -family residences will significantly reduce the impact of the increased height. Multiple-familv residence unit count: The existing zoning allows for a density of 18 units per acre with a maximum of 250 units. The applicant is requesting to increase the maximum allowance to 325 units. 325 units for the 18.4± acre tract would be 18 units per acre. Additionally, the applicant has replaced the currently permitted Single-family Residence District — Zero Lot Line Homes (SF-Z) and Townhome District (SF-TH) with the lower density Single-family Residence District (SF-60). SF-60 is the base zoning for the Oak Hollow subdivisions. Preservation of green space. Concerns about preserving green space should not overstep the vested rights or regulations in place. Any development of the two tracts will require a tree survey, tree AGENDA ITEM (06123/2020) PAGE 4 OF 11 Page 80 of 180 replacements, and additional tree requirements as part of the Landscape Regulations and Tree Preservation Ordinance. The current agricultural zoning of the 14-,acre tract along Oak Hollow Phase 4 currently permits the development of up to 12 single-family dwelling, detached residences on one -acre lots. Most of the property west of the creek is not developable as the property boundaries currently exists and will require coordination with the adjacent property Owners. If these areas do develop, they will go through the development review process. Furthermore, Persimmon Drive in Oak Hollow Phase 6A was constructed so that it would one day connect to this property. Due to the slope of the property and location of Throckmorton Creek, the site is very suitable for preservation and passive open space. The areas identified as open space east of the creek exceeds the area of the park designation of the Future Land Use Map. The applicant is proposing a linear greenbelt through Hike & Bike Trail easements along Throckmorton Creek connecting the future restaurants along West White Street to the residential lots and create the possibility of future connection to the city -owned, Oak Hollow Estates Phase 6, Block F, Lot IX, open space lot. Commercial zoning and land use - Block A, Lot 2 At the May 4, 2020 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting, Commission members expressed concerns with the proposed limits of the non-residential zoning for Block A, Lot 2 in addition to the land uses that would be allowed. The Commission identified a City Council's stipulation from the 2004 zoning case that restricted the limits of the existing commercial zoning to match the adjacent zoning of the self -storage, mini -warehouse facility. The proposed zoning request is considered as a less intense zoning classification due to the intensity of commercial uses allowed and the Limitation on maximum building height to one story / 25 feet. With input from the Commission, the applicant has modified the request for Block A, Lot 2 to limit the permitted uses: Block A, Lot Prohibited Uses Permitted Uses Auto parts sales Accessory building to main use [Accessory]_ Auto repair, minor Amusement, commercial (indoor) w/SUP Automobile service station Antique shop Bakery and confectionery, Commercial Arcade w/SUP Bed and Breakfast Facility Arts, crafts store (inside sales) Boarding or rooming house Bakery and confectionery, retail sales Bowling Alley Bank, savings and loan, credit union Building materials hardware Barber Shop Car wash wISUP � Beauty culture school; cosmetology spec. shop Civic Center Beauty shop Cleaning and dyeing, small shop w/SUP Child --care center Community Center, private Church, rectory, place of worship AGENDA ITEM (0612312020) PAGE 5 of 11 Page 81 of 180 Block Lot 2 Prohibited Uses Permitted Uses Community Center, public Clinic, medical or dental Construction yard Construction yard (temporary) [Accessory] Convenience store Continuing care facility Discount, variety or department store Custom personal service shop Electrical substation Drapery, needlework, or weaving shop Feed and farm supply Dwelling units, restricted to a total gross floor area of 5,000 square feet above the f a commercial buildings group floor o s g w/SUP Food and beverage store Field or sales office, temporary [Accessory] Food store, grocery store Florist Fraternal Organization Garage, private [Accessory] Furniture and appliance store Garden center (retail sales) Gas Metering station General merchandise store Hotel Gymnastic or dance studio Motor,motor hotel,motor lodge Handcraft shop Motorcylcle sales and service Health club; gymnasium Park, playground or rec. center (public) Household appliance service and repair wISUP Parking Lot or parking garage Laboratory, medical or dental w/SUP Pet Shop Laundry and cleaning, self-service Private clubs Library Quick oil change facility Massage therapy facility Quick tune-up facility Medical supplies, sales and service w/SUP Registered family home w/SUP Metal dealer, crafter precious Residence hotel Museum or art gallery Rest home or nursing home w/SUP Nursery school, kindergarten Restaurant or cafeteria Office center Retail Ice and Dispensed water sales Office, prof. or general administration School, private (primary and/or secondary) Park, playground or rec. center (private) w/SUP School, public (primary and/or personal service shop p School, trade or commercial Pharmacy Servant's, caretaker's, or guard's residence w/SUP Postoffice government and private ,g Service yard of government agency Print shop w/SUP Shopping center p g Racquetball facilities w/SUP Stadium or playfield Retail shops and stores other than listed AGENDA ITEM (0612312020) PAGE 6OF11 Page 82 of 180 Block A, Lot 2 Prohibited Uses Permitted Uses Swimming pool Retirement housing w/SUP Taxidermist Secondhand store, furniture/clothing w/SUP Telephone exchange Service, retail w/SUP Theater (indoor) Studio (photographer, musician, artist) Tire Dealer Studio for radio and television Tanning salon Veterinarian clinic (no outside pens) w/SUP Washeteria w/SUP Wind energy system w/SUP [Accessory] SUMMARY: Request to rezone 65.0± acres located on the south side of West White Street 1,293± feet west of Oak Hollow Lane in order to amend existing planned development standards. Zoned: Planned Development-129A-2004 and Planned Development-667-2014. The request is similar to the existing zoning with additional allowance to the number of multiple -family residence units permitted and building height and is in conformance with the recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan. The. applicant has included stipulations to create a multi -use development which will allow for appropriate transitions to the existing and proposed residential subdivisions. For these reasons, staff is in support of the rezoning request. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning & Zoning Commission, at their June 1, 2020 meeting, recommended approval as follows: Restrictions: Standards and Area Regulations: Development must comply with the development standards for use, density, lot area, lot width, lot depth, yard depths and widths, building height, building elevations, coverage, floor area ratio, parking, access, screening, landscaping, accessory buildings, signs, and lighting, set forth in the C-1 Restricted Commercial, MF-2 Multiple -Family Residential - High Density, and SF-60 Single -Family Residence zoning districts except as otherwise specified herein. a. C-1 Restricted Commercial 1. Permitted Uses by -right A. Child-care center B. Nursery school, kindergarten AGENDA ITEM (06/2312020) PAGE 7OF11 Page 83 of 180 2. Prohibited Uses for Block A, Lot 2; A. Auto parts sales B. Auto repair, minor C. Automobile service station D. Bakery and confectionery, Commercial E. Bed and Breakfast Facility F. Boarding or rooming house G. Bowling Alley H. Building materials hardware I. Car wash J. Civic Center K. Cleaning and dyeing, small shop L. Community Center, private M. Community Center, public N. Construction yard 4. Convenience store P. Discount, variety or department store Q. Electrical substation R. . Feed.and farm supply S. Food and beverage store T. Food store, grocery store U. Fraternal Organization V. Furniture and appliance store W. Furniture, appliance store (outside storage) X. Gas Metering station Y. Hotel Z. Motor,motor hotel,motor lodge AA. Motorcylcle sales and service BB. Park, playground or rec. center (public) CC. Parking Lot or parking garage DD. Pet Shop EE. Private clubs AGENDA ITEM (0612312020) PAGE 8 OF 11 Page 84 of 180 FF. Quick oil change facility GG. Quick tune-up facility HH. Registered family home 11. Residence hotel JJ. Rest home or nursing home KK. Restaurant or cafeteria LL. Retail Ice and Dispensed Water sales M M . School, private (primary and/or secondary) NN. School, public (primary and/or secondary) 00. School, trade or commercial PP. Servant's, caretaker's, or guard's residence QQ. Service yard of government agency RR. Shopping center SS. Stadium or playfield TT. Swimming pool UU. Taxidermist W. Telephone exchange WW. Theater (indoor) XX. Tire Dealer 3. Front yard setback: 20 feet 4. Maximum height: 35 feet (1 story) 5. Maximum lot coverage: 45% 6. Point of access: Two points of vehicular access for Lot 2, Block B shall be allowed through Lot 1, Block B as shown on the approved concept plan. b. MF-2 Multiple -Family Residential - High Density 1. Maximum Height: 4 story / 65 feet A. 4 story buildings shall be located no closer than 300 feet from any single-family residence zoning not included within this planned development district. 2. Maximum Number of Units: 325 AGENDA ITEM (0612312020) PAGE 9 OF 11 Page 85 of 180 3. Minimum usable open space: 20% of the MF-2 development area A. The 100 year flood plain shall not count towards open space. B. One open space area shall be at least twenty thousand (20,000) square feet in size with a minimum dimension of fifty (50) feet and must have no slope greater than ten (10) percent. C. One amenity center and pool. D. A hike & bike trail along the creek outside of the proposed fence. E. Remaining areas to count towards open space shall be at least 8,000 square feet in size with a minimum dimension of 15 feet. F. Three square feet may be applied for each square foot utilized for swimming pools and adjacent decks, patios, or lounge areas within 10 feet of a pool; developed and equipped children's play areas; and usable portions of recreational buildings. 4. Parking: A. 1 space / Studio & 1 bedroom units B. 2 spaces / 2 & 3 bedroom units 5. Screening: Boarder fencing of masonry construction of not less than eight feet in height shall be installed along the property line on any perimeter not abutting a creek, public street, right-of-way or other various forms of open space. 6. Design Standards (Multiple -Family Residence): A. Masonry (Brick/Rock veneer): Eighty (80) percent'for the first three stories, and Seventy (70) percent for the fourth story. B. Screening Requirements: Various forms of border fencing shall be permitted and approved upon submittal of site plan and/or construction plans. Any masonry wall or metal fence may be a minimum of six (6) feet but no higher than eight (8) feet and shall be installed at the time of construction, along the property line of any perimeter not abutting a creek, public street or right-of-way and other various forms of open space. The fence shall be maintained throughout the existence of the multi -family complex by the owner of the complex. The options for such fences are outlined below: i. A solid masonry screen wall with columns every fifty (50') feet. AGENDA ITEM (06/2312020) PAGE 10OF11 Pane 86 of 180 ii. A screen wall consisting of masonry and ornamental metal fencing. A minimum of 50% of the wall shall be masonry. iii. A screen wall consisting of ornamental metal fence and an evergreen living screen. Plant material shall be a minimum of three (3') feet at the time of planting. C. Refuse Facilities: Trash compactors shall be permitted as an alternative to individual refuse facility locations. Trash compactor facilities shall be internal to buildings or screened from view on three sides by a masonry wall not less than seven feet nor more than eight feet in height. Solid metal gates of an equal height to the enclosure height must be provided on the truck collection side of the enclosure. c. SF-60 Single -Family Residence 1. Minimum side yard, interior setback: 5 feet 2. Minimum rear yard setback: 20 feet 3. Minimum lot width: 50 feet; or 45 feet at cul-de-sac or elbow 4. Maximum lot coverage: 50% 5. Lots backing to open space: Fences along the rear lot line shall be ornamental metal and not less than fifty-four (54") inches tall. AGENDA ITEM (0612312020) PAGE 11 OF 11 Page 87 of 180 EXH I BIT A BEING a tract of land situated in the Thomas Rattan Survey, Abstract Number 782 in the City of Anna, Collin County, Texas and being all of that tract of land recorded by deed to Anna 51 Joint Venture recorded in Instrument Number 20150120000064460, County Records of Collin County, Texas, and being particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at an inner el corner of Lot 50, Block F of Oak Hollow Estates Phase 6, an addition to the City of Anna, recorded in Instrument Number 20140423010001240, County Records, Collin County, Texas; THENCE S 89° 34' 50" W, 268.29 feet with the common line of said Anna 51 tract and the north line of said Phase 6; THENCE S 890 37' 50" W, 886.77 feet continuing along said common line and with the north line of Oak Hollow Estates Phase 6A, an addition to the City of Anna, recorded in Instrument Number 20150406010001070, County Records, Collin County, Texas to the northwest corner of Phase 6A and in the east line of that tract of land described by deed to Caalms Group LLC recorded in Instrument Number 20180906001124710) County Records, Collin County, Texas;. THENCE N 010 24' 49" W,1507.33 feet, along the west line of said Anna 51 tract to the northwest corner being in the south right-of-way line of F.M. No. 455; THENCE with said south right--of-way line the following bearings and distances: N 01" 43' 05" W, 1023.96 feet; With said curve to the left, having an arc distance of 212.81 feet, through a central angle of 30° 37' 44", having a radius of 398.10 feet, the long chord which bears S 62° 26' 08" E, 210.29 feet; S 774* 45' 00" E, 171.20 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left; With said curve to the left, having an arc distance of 282.66 feet, through a central angle of 21° 25' 00", having a radius of 756.20 feet, the long chord which bears S 88° 27' 30" E, 281.02 feet; N 80'* 50' 00" E, 321.50 feet; N 000 00' 00" E, 24.57 feet; N 80'0 37` 59" E, 91.40 feet; N 850 48' 20" E,162.79 feet to the northeast corner of said Anna 51 tract and being the northwest corner of the Lot 2, Block A, Advantage Self Storage Addition, an addition to Paqe 88 of 180 EXHIBIT A the City of Anna, recorded in Instrument Number 20091123010002930, County Records, Collin County, Texas; THENCE S 00° 25' 25" E, 2,484.13 feet departing said south right-of-way line and with the east line of said Anna 51 tract to the point of beginning and containing 2,856,025 square feet or 65.565 acres of land more or less. "This document was prepared under-22 TAC 663.21, does not reflect the results of an on the ground survey, and is not to be used to convey or establish interests in real property except those rights and interests implied or established by the creation or reconfiguration of the boundary of the political subdivision for which it was prepared." Page 89 of 180 ......... . . Mi Mul —j .......... §4tilffMiMM HIM u -------- .......... .. -1 r it M"if, I r, I rl t Ell. It-11F.", % Q,�4g Tmij 1 ar fit .......... rk .......... . 0-7 .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . ............ .. . . . ....... a 0 Ft Lu w Mu R Lu o, z 2 . .......... I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — - - - - — - • 0 b 1gk 'go AIt, aI, ilk *I 1a %I • qL C519 te e . . ills n % is f it ir. 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