HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDC-EDCpkt2020-12-03Officers: Staff: Anthony Richardson, President Joey Grisham, Economic Development Director Stan Carver, Vice-President Taylor Lough, Economic Development Manager Rocio Gonzalez, Secretary Anna Community Development Corporation and Anna Economic Development Corporation Regular Meeting Minutes Thursday, November 5, 2020 at 6:00 pm Anna City Hall, Council Chambers 111 N. Powell Parkway, Anna, Texas 75409 The Anna Community Development Corporation and the Anna Economic Development Corporation conducted a regular meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 5, 2020. Some members of Anna Community Development Corporation and the Economic Development Corporation participated in this meeting remotely in compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act as suspended or modified under the pending Declaration of Disaster and associated executive orders and proclamations of the Governor of Texas. A video recording of the open session portions of the meeting may be viewed online at the City of Anna’s website: https://www.annatexas.gov/962/AgendasMinutes CDC and EDC Board Members Present: Anthony Richardson, Doris Pierce, Stan Carver, Rocio Gonzalez, Shane Williams, and Michelle Hawkins CDC and EDC Board Members Absent: Bruce Norwood Others Present: Joey Grisham (Economic Development Director), Taylor Lough (Economic Development Manager) Others Participating Remotely: Councilmember Lee Miller, Clark McCoy (CDC/EDC Legal Counsel) and Kevin Johnson (IT Manager) 1.Call to Order. Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum. The meeting was called to order by Anthony Richardson, Board President, at 6:07 p.m. 2.Invocation and Pledge. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance were led by Anthony Richardson. 3.Citizen Comments. There were no citizen comments. 4.Consider/Discuss/Act on approving minutes from the October 1, 2020 CDC Special Called Meeting. (CDC) Officers: Staff: Anthony Richardson, President Joey Grisham, Economic Development Director Stan Carver, Vice-President Taylor Lough, Economic Development Manager Rocio Gonzalez, Secretary 5.Consider/Discuss/Act on approving minutes from the October 1, 2020 EDC Special Called Meeting. (EDC) Stan Carver made a motion to approve the minutes on behalf of the CDC and EDC for the October 1st, 2020 Joint CDC and EDC Meeting. Rocio Gonzalez seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. 6.Consider/Discuss/Act on appointing an ex­officio member to the Greater Anna Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. (CDC). Joey Grisham reminded the Board that the CDC has a professional services agreement with the Greater Anna Chamber of Commerce (GACC) that includes allowing a non-voting member to attend and participate in Board meetings. The GACC meets on the third Tuesday of each month. Rocio Gonzalez nominated Doris Pierce to serve as the CDC’s ex-officio representative on the Greater Anna Chamber of Commerce Board. Michelle Hawkins seconded the nomination. Stan Carver made a motion on behalf of the CDC to appoint Doris Pierce to serve as the CDC’s ex-officio member of the Greater Anna Chamber of Commerce. Anthony Richardson seconded the motion. All were in favor with Doris Pierce abstaining. Motion passed. 7.Director’s Report A.IEDC Award Recognition Anthony Richardson announced that the Anna EDC was awarded the 2020 International Economic Development Council Silver Award in the General-Purpose Website Category for the OpportunityAnnaTX Website as well as a Bronze Award in the Multimedia/Video Promotion Category for the Anna Business Park Video. Joey Grisham thanked the Board for supporting the projects that were recognized. B.Report on current corporate financial status—Discussion Only Joey Grisham explained that the August financial documents were included in the packet and September numbers will be received in a few weeks. We are in a good position and expect to continue growth in 2021. C.ED Strategic Plan Update A document outlining FY2020 accomplishments and FY2021 objectives was included in the packet. Joey Grisham stated monthly updates moving forward will be provided to the Board. Several new retail options are opening soon at US-75 and FM-455. D.Anna Business Park Update Joey Grisham shared that a new master plan has been developed showing a proposed layout of the property. Staff has been working with utility providers and engineers to review easements and detention options. E.Comprehensive Plan, Downtown Master Plan, and Parks/Trails Master Plan Update Specific Downtown input will be gathered through a virtual room later this month and early December. The plan is on schedule to be completed in early April. Information on all the plans is available at anna2050.com F.Marketing Plan The plan was included in the packet. The consultants were asked to audit the CDC’s existing marketing tools and provide recommendations. They met with Board members and Officers: Staff: Anthony Richardson, President Joey Grisham, Economic Development Director Stan Carver, Vice-President Taylor Lough, Economic Development Manager Rocio Gonzalez, Secretary stakeholders to develop key messages and benchmark the organization. Next month Cooksey will return to provide a presentation and gather the Board’s input on the tagline and advertisement lockups. 8. CLOSED SESSION (exceptions): A.Deliberate regarding the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. (Tex. Gov’t Code §551.072) possible property acquisition; possible land sale/purchase; Anna Business Park. B.Consult with legal counsel on matters in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Government Code (Tex. Gov’t Code §551.071); Grant program; Lease Agreement and promotional contract. C.Discuss or deliberate Economic Development Negotiations: (1) To discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the Board of Directors has received from a business prospect that the Board of Directors seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the City of Anna and with which the Board is conducting economic development negotiations; or, (2) To deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect described by subdivision (1). (Tex. Gov’t Code §551.087) Anna Business Park Property; potential retail and medical projects. Shane Williams made a motion to enter closed session. Stan Carver seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. The CDC moved into closed session at 7:06 p.m. 9.Reconvene into open session and take any action on closed session items. Doris Pierce made a motion to reconvene into open session. Michelle Hawkins seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. The CDC reconvened into open session at 7:34 p.m. 10.Receive reports from staff or Board Members about items of community interest. Items of community interest include: expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; information regarding holiday schedules; an honorary or salutary recognition of a public official, public employee, or other citizen (but not including a change in status of a person's public office or public employment); a reminder about an upcoming event organized or sponsored by the governing body; information regarding a social, ceremonial, or community event organized or sponsored by an entity other than the governing body that was attended or is scheduled to be attended by a member of the governing body or an official or employee of the municipality; and announcements involving an imminent threat to the public health and safety of people in the municipality that has arisen after the posting of the agenda. Joey Grisham reminded everyone to go to anna2050.com to view the Comprehensive Plan information. Stan Carver explained the City Council runoff election will be held December 8th. Shane Williams and Lee Miller stated the runoff may be combined with the State runoff, which is currently set for December 18th. Officers: Staff: Anthony Richardson, President Joey Grisham, Economic Development Director Stan Carver, Vice-President Taylor Lough, Economic Development Manager Rocio Gonzalez, Secretary AISD students are attending class in person. Shane Williams complimented the higher fireworks show from last month. 11.Adjourn. Anthony Richardson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 pm. Stan Carver seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. APPROVED:ATTESTED: ________________________________________________________ Anthony Richardson Rocio Gonzalez President of CDC/EDC Secretary of CDC/EDC Item No. 5. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date:12/3/2020 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Consider/Discuss/Act on approving minutes from the November 5, 2020 EDC Meeting. (EDC) SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: 1.November 5 2020 CDC EDC Joint Meeting Minutes2 Officers: Staff: Anthony Richardson, President Joey Grisham, Economic Development Director Stan Carver, Vice-President Taylor Lough, Economic Development Manager Rocio Gonzalez, Secretary Anna Community Development Corporation and Anna Economic Development Corporation Regular Meeting Minutes Thursday, November 5, 2020 at 6:00 pm Anna City Hall, Council Chambers 111 N. Powell Parkway, Anna, Texas 75409 The Anna Community Development Corporation and the Anna Economic Development Corporation conducted a regular meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 5, 2020. Some members of Anna Community Development Corporation and the Economic Development Corporation participated in this meeting remotely in compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act as suspended or modified under the pending Declaration of Disaster and associated executive orders and proclamations of the Governor of Texas. A video recording of the open session portions of the meeting may be viewed online at the City of Anna’s website: https://www.annatexas.gov/962/AgendasMinutes CDC and EDC Board Members Present: Anthony Richardson, Doris Pierce, Stan Carver, Rocio Gonzalez, Shane Williams, and Michelle Hawkins CDC and EDC Board Members Absent: Bruce Norwood Others Present: Joey Grisham (Economic Development Director), Taylor Lough (Economic Development Manager) Others Participating Remotely: Councilmember Lee Miller, Clark McCoy (CDC/EDC Legal Counsel) and Kevin Johnson (IT Manager) 1.Call to Order. Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum. The meeting was called to order by Anthony Richardson, Board President, at 6:07 p.m. 2.Invocation and Pledge. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance were led by Anthony Richardson. 3.Citizen Comments. There were no citizen comments. 4.Consider/Discuss/Act on approving minutes from the October 1, 2020 CDC Special Called Meeting. (CDC) Officers: Staff: Anthony Richardson, President Joey Grisham, Economic Development Director Stan Carver, Vice-President Taylor Lough, Economic Development Manager Rocio Gonzalez, Secretary 5.Consider/Discuss/Act on approving minutes from the October 1, 2020 EDC Special Called Meeting. (EDC) Stan Carver made a motion to approve the minutes on behalf of the CDC and EDC for the October 1st, 2020 Joint CDC and EDC Meeting. Rocio Gonzalez seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. 6.Consider/Discuss/Act on appointing an ex­officio member to the Greater Anna Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. (CDC). Joey Grisham reminded the Board that the CDC has a professional services agreement with the Greater Anna Chamber of Commerce (GACC) that includes allowing a non-voting member to attend and participate in Board meetings. The GACC meets on the third Tuesday of each month. Rocio Gonzalez nominated Doris Pierce to serve as the CDC’s ex-officio representative on the Greater Anna Chamber of Commerce Board. Michelle Hawkins seconded the nomination. Stan Carver made a motion on behalf of the CDC to appoint Doris Pierce to serve as the CDC’s ex-officio member of the Greater Anna Chamber of Commerce. Anthony Richardson seconded the motion. All were in favor with Doris Pierce abstaining. Motion passed. 7.Director’s Report A.IEDC Award Recognition Anthony Richardson announced that the Anna EDC was awarded the 2020 International Economic Development Council Silver Award in the General-Purpose Website Category for the OpportunityAnnaTX Website as well as a Bronze Award in the Multimedia/Video Promotion Category for the Anna Business Park Video. Joey Grisham thanked the Board for supporting the projects that were recognized. B.Report on current corporate financial status—Discussion Only Joey Grisham explained that the August financial documents were included in the packet and September numbers will be received in a few weeks. We are in a good position and expect to continue growth in 2021. C.ED Strategic Plan Update A document outlining FY2020 accomplishments and FY2021 objectives was included in the packet. Joey Grisham stated monthly updates moving forward will be provided to the Board. Several new retail options are opening soon at US-75 and FM-455. D.Anna Business Park Update Joey Grisham shared that a new master plan has been developed showing a proposed layout of the property. Staff has been working with utility providers and engineers to review easements and detention options. E.Comprehensive Plan, Downtown Master Plan, and Parks/Trails Master Plan Update Specific Downtown input will be gathered through a virtual room later this month and early December. The plan is on schedule to be completed in early April. Information on all the plans is available at anna2050.com F.Marketing Plan The plan was included in the packet. The consultants were asked to audit the CDC’s existing marketing tools and provide recommendations. They met with Board members and Officers: Staff: Anthony Richardson, President Joey Grisham, Economic Development Director Stan Carver, Vice-President Taylor Lough, Economic Development Manager Rocio Gonzalez, Secretary stakeholders to develop key messages and benchmark the organization. Next month Cooksey will return to provide a presentation and gather the Board’s input on the tagline and advertisement lockups. 8. CLOSED SESSION (exceptions): A.Deliberate regarding the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. (Tex. Gov’t Code §551.072) possible property acquisition; possible land sale/purchase; Anna Business Park. B.Consult with legal counsel on matters in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Government Code (Tex. Gov’t Code §551.071); Grant program; Lease Agreement and promotional contract. C.Discuss or deliberate Economic Development Negotiations: (1) To discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the Board of Directors has received from a business prospect that the Board of Directors seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the City of Anna and with which the Board is conducting economic development negotiations; or, (2) To deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect described by subdivision (1). (Tex. Gov’t Code §551.087) Anna Business Park Property; potential retail and medical projects. Shane Williams made a motion to enter closed session. Stan Carver seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. The CDC moved into closed session at 7:06 p.m. 9.Reconvene into open session and take any action on closed session items. Doris Pierce made a motion to reconvene into open session. Michelle Hawkins seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. The CDC reconvened into open session at 7:34 p.m. 10.Receive reports from staff or Board Members about items of community interest. Items of community interest include: expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolence; information regarding holiday schedules; an honorary or salutary recognition of a public official, public employee, or other citizen (but not including a change in status of a person's public office or public employment); a reminder about an upcoming event organized or sponsored by the governing body; information regarding a social, ceremonial, or community event organized or sponsored by an entity other than the governing body that was attended or is scheduled to be attended by a member of the governing body or an official or employee of the municipality; and announcements involving an imminent threat to the public health and safety of people in the municipality that has arisen after the posting of the agenda. Joey Grisham reminded everyone to go to anna2050.com to view the Comprehensive Plan information. Stan Carver explained the City Council runoff election will be held December 8th. Shane Williams and Lee Miller stated the runoff may be combined with the State runoff, which is currently set for December 18th. Officers: Staff: Anthony Richardson, President Joey Grisham, Economic Development Director Stan Carver, Vice-President Taylor Lough, Economic Development Manager Rocio Gonzalez, Secretary AISD students are attending class in person. Shane Williams complimented the higher fireworks show from last month. 11.Adjourn. Anthony Richardson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 pm. Stan Carver seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. APPROVED:ATTESTED: ________________________________________________________ Anthony Richardson Rocio Gonzalez President of CDC/EDC Secretary of CDC/EDC Item No. 6. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date:12/3/2020 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Review and Discuss Tagline Ideas and Marketing Plan. SUMMARY: Jason Meyer with Cooksey Communications will provide a presentation. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: 1.Anna Communications Plan v7 Appendix | 1 Anna Community & Economic Development Corporations Marketing Communications Assessment and Plan + Table of Contents 1. Acknowledgments ...........................................3 2. Executive Summary ...........................................3 3. Introduction and Background ..................................3 a. Charge to the Consultant ...................................4 b. Methodology .............................................5 4. Situational Analysis ...........................................6 a. Situational Overview .......................................6 b. CDC/EDC Board Input ......................................7 c. Third-Party Feedback .......................................9 d. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats ..............10 e. Target Audiences ..........................................11 f. Key Messages .............................................11 g. Current Marketing Communications Overview .................11 h. Benchmarking Against Other Cities (Peer & Aspirational) ........12 5. Strategic Plan Recommendations ...............................19 a. Create a Sense of Place ....................................19 b. Focus on Public Relations Outreach ..........................19 c. Invest in Local Placements & Sponsorships .....................20 d. Run a Digital Marketing Campaign ...........................20 e. CDC/EDC Brand Redesign & Positioning .......................21 f. Budget Breakdown & Growth Recommendations ..............21 6. Next Steps: Implementation ....................................26 a. Timeline/Prioritization of Tactics ..............................26 b. Measurement of Results .....................................27 7. Conclusion ..................................................27 8. Appendix ...................................................28 Acknowledgments | 3 1. Acknowledgments Cooksey Communications would like to formally express its appreciation to the Anna Community and Economic Development Corporations for the opportunity to partner on this comprehensive marketing communications assessment and plan. We would like to acknowledge the tremendous investment of time and energy on the part of Economic Development Director Joey Grisham and Economic Development Manager Taylor Lough, Anna’s Economic Development Board, other City staff and elected officials, and the community partners who contributed their valuable input throughout the process. 2. Executive Summary Anna is the last frontier of Collin County, a city poised for growth and ready to be developed with the right direction. Straddling three major highways - U.S. Highway 75, State Highway 121 and State Highway 5 - and proximity to both Dallas and Sherman, the city has an unbeatable location and position for growth. While Anna has been a bedroom community for decades, it has shifted focus toward business recruitment and strategic partnerships. Anna is growing but not defined, so it has the opportunity to develop a high-visibility, creative marketing and communications program. The CDC/EDC is putting resources where they are needed with a reasonable marketing budget for its size, which will position it to grow alongside its tax base. The CDC/EDC has a timely and immediate opportunity to enhance its communications and marketing efforts and raise its visibility among key audiences, particularly regional developers, brokers, companies and prospective businesses looking to expand in strategic locations. By being proactive, the CDC/EDC is creating a framework for effective communications and marketing efforts to attract businesses, form partnerships and take advantage of opportunities to grow and expand. 3. Introduction and Background Anna has been a growing bedroom community in Collin County, offering affordable housing and a great location along major highways. This has made it attractive to home buyers looking to get more bang for their buck while still having easy access to the amenities offered by nearby cities like Frisco, Allen and McKinney, as well as Sherman and Denison to the north. As the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex continues to expand north, Anna has become the last frontier of this Collin County expansion. While there is still land available for development in nearby McKinney and Allen, it’s getting more expensive. This has created an opportunity for Anna to offer an affordable alternative while still providing access to U.S. Highway 75, State Highway 121 and State Highway 5. For many people not living in the immediate area, Anna has been known as the “truck stop city” due to the two truck stops straddling both sides of the U.S. Highway 75 corridor. While the truck stops are a good revenue generator, the city is ready to move beyond its image as a highway truck stop and attract other types of business. With its pro-growth mindset, Anna has shifted gears toward growth and opportunity, wanting to attract developers looking for a good value. This is Anna’s opportunity to brand itself as pro-business with a comprehensive marketing and communications campaign to raise its visibility within the business community. The city can shed its truck stop image and capitalize on its great location and available land. Anna’s pro-business mindset, coupled with competitive real estate prices, make it a prime opportunity for developers looking to grow north. Some developers have already seized the opportunities Anna offers with the arrival of Walmart, several fast-food dining options and a free-standing emergency room. Farmers Branch-based Centurion American broke ground in the fall of 2019 on the first phase of The Villages of Hurricane Creek, a large mixed-use development along the U.S. Highway 75 corridor. The CDC/EDC has invested in Anna Business Park, an 85-acre industrial business park at the corner of the Collin County Outer Loop and State Highway 5/Powell Parkway. Anna is well-positioned for industrial business growth with more affordable land than other Collin County cities, and a great location near major highways, giving it a competitive edge. Additionally, the growth of the industrial tax base will bring more jobs to the community and the critical mass necessary to attract retail developers. Anna is an affordable community in a great location offering affordable housing, excellent schools and a great quality of life for residents. Like several other North Texas cities, it is poised for growth and ready to put resources toward the business types that will expand its tax base and bring in more revenue. By investing resources into a high visibility, creative communications and marketing plan, the CDC/EDC has the opportunity to create a name for itself and the brand. This will raise its profile among key local audiences such as developers, brokers and businesses looking for great value and build a framework for future growth and opportunity. Charge to the Consultant The Anna Community and Economic Development Corporations enlisted Cooksey Communications to audit existing communications materials and processes, assess stakeholder perceptions of the city and its competitors, and develop a strategic communication and marketing campaign to raise its visibility among key audiences. Cooksey’s primary goal for this assignment is to develop a three-year marketing communications program that will attract new business, put the right messaging and strategic components in place, and provide the Anna CDC/EDC with the tools to be successful in its outreach efforts. Specifically, this plan intends to: • Elevate external communications - Anna is positioned to be the region’s next big growth area and should have a branding, advertising and PR program to match. This will effectively elevate its external communications, encouraging potential businesses, brokers, developers and builders to consider Anna a contender for future expansion efforts. • Provide proven strategies for building Anna’s brand among key audiences - Leverage and build relationships/ dialogue with businesses, developers, brokers, builders, and encourage them to make the city a destination. Position Anna as a community that is open for business, supports business efforts, offers favorable business conditions and is focused on economic growth. • Organize and enhance existing resources - Maximize the marketing budget by recommending strategic investments that will put the city in front of the right audiences. Strengthen communications platforms so that Anna puts its best foot forward and looks polished and supportive of business efforts. Develop systems and processes that will enable the city to strengthen the implementation of communications at all levels, building its brand and positioning itself as open for business. • Through brand awareness, help Anna realize a sense of place - Create a city identity that is memorable and reflects its personality. Brand the ity as a perfect location for businesses, developers and brokers looking for a great location, easy access to major highways, affordable land and a growing community. Introduction and Background | 5 Methodology To initiate the communications audit process, Cooksey Communications first held a planning meeting with Economic Development Director Joey Grisham and Economic Development Manager Taylor Lough to discuss current economic development efforts, perceptions of Anna within the business community, and current communications and marketing efforts. With this information in hand, Cooksey Communications developed a list of stakeholders to interview, including CDC/ EDC board members and external stakeholders, a list of questions to guide the process, an audit list of current marketing materials and communications efforts, and peer and aspirational cities for benchmarking purposes. During the past two months, we have performed and completed a broad range of interviews, research and planning activities, including: • Discovery and planning meetings, as well as regular update calls, with Joey Grisham and Taylor Lough • One-on-one interviews with Anna CDC/EDC board members: °Anthony Richardson °Rocio Gonzalez °David Cox °Doris Pierce °Shane Williams °Bruce Norwood °Michelle Hawkins • One-on-one interviews with other city stakeholders: °Ryan Henderson • One-on-one interviews with external stakeholders: °Bill Guthrey, KDC °Suzie Bell, Alliance Architects °Steve Ewing, Edge Realty Partners • Interviews with the Anna CDC/EDC board members, city staff, and external stakeholders • Audit of current Anna CDC/EDC and city marketing materials, news releases and websites • Review of peer and aspirational cities’ EDC budgets, org charts, marketing materials/websites, budgets, etc., including but not limited to: °City of Allen °City of Buda °City of Cedar Park °City of Celina °City of Conroe °City of Frisco °City of Georgetown °City of Hondo °City of Kyle °City of Leander °City of McKinney °City of Midlothian °City of Pearland °City of Princeton °City of Sherman °City of Tomball • Research on local media outlets that covered or could potentially cover Anna, including D Magazine and D CEO, Dallas Business Journal and Dallas Morning News • Review of comparable cities’ EDC departmental structures; comparison with previously written marketing communications plans and best practices 4. Situational Analysis Situated along U.S. Highway 75, State Highway 121 and State Highway 5, Anna is the next natural stop on the northern expansion of the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. As the metroplex has grown, more people have moved north to find affordable housing, good schools and a better quality of life. This northern expansion has moved along major highways such as U.S. Highway 75 and the Dallas North Tollway because they offer easy access to Dallas’ amenities. Cities along the I-75 corridor have seen explosive growth in the last 20 years due to this shift. Since 2000, McKinney grew from around 54,000 to more than 200,000 residents in 2020, while Allen went from 43,000 to over 100,000 residents. Anna is in a growth mode that will change how it approaches the future, both in the short-term and beyond. Implementing the right communications and marketing plan strategically and proactively is important, as the changes Anna is undergoing now, create a great opportunity to boost the City’s positioning and overall brand. The Communications Plan outlines a series of key takeaways and recommendations to ensure that: • The CDC/EDC has a communications and marketing plan in place to support the 2020-2021 budget priorities and beyond, as well as guidelines for future marketing outreach that follow best practices of peer communities, to help achieve efficiencies and drive key objectives • The CDC/EDC is proactive in seeking and capitalizing on media and communications opportunities, increasing the visibility of Anna in the business community and significantly improving the consistent, effective delivery of crucial messages surrounding growth and economic development, in particular • The CDC/EDC broadens and deepens external marketing and communications outreach, creating an effective dialogue with target audiences in the business community • Anna’s overall pro-growth message is promoted and strengthened with a strategic focus on communications and marketing efforts that make the best use of the current budget and guide future budgetary spending to best position Anna for growth Situational Overview As mentioned eariler, Collin County continues to be one of the fastest growing areas in the state of Texas. With the move from residential to industrial trending upwards in a large portion of the county, Anna is positioned as the next stop in DFW’s northern expansion. Anna’s proximity to three major highways gives it connectivity to the amenities throughout not only Collin County and the greater Dallas County but also Grayson County, all situated on State Highway 75. However, Anna’s location is further north than the current nexus of Collin County development. With considerable land still available to develop in McKinney, Frisco, Prosper, as well as Melissa, infill in Anna will take time. In the near term, Anna should focus on its business-friendly environment and its value for businesses looking for competitively-priced land. Business growth in Anna is inevitable, but demographics are key to timing in retail and entertainment development. There is often lag time between population growth and business growth, since many consumer-focused businesses, like restaurants and soft-goods retailers, need the right population numbers to drive traffic to their locations. Anna is currently seeing the first wave of expansion, with fast-food chains, Walmart and essential services developing in the city. Economic development marketing efforts take time to cultivate, so growth at the scale of neighboring cities is still a few years out. Anna has the opportunity to put the right infrastructure in place, along with communications and marketing efforts to get ahead of the curve and be poised for future success. The timing is right to begin an integrated marketing communications effort to build and expand upon this first wave of development. Situational Analysis | 7 CDC Board and Stakeholder Input As part of the stakeholder interviews, interviewees were asked a series of questions that sought to understand their perceptions – the positive and negative attributes of Anna – and how others perceive Anna in both the business community and the general public. Interviewees were also asked about important key messages, the types of businesses they would like to see in Anna, where the CDC/EDC should focus its efforts, the effectiveness of current practices and peer benchmarking. ■ PART 1 When asked questions related to Anna’s brand and key messages, the following themes emerged: The City of Anna is… • Eclectic and diverse • A great place to do business • Mixed - a lot of things going on • A great place to live • Calm, no neighbor issues • In a transitional phase - it was a small town that is becoming diverse • Growing by leaps and bounds • The next great adventure • A community of neighbors, everyone knows everyone • A growing city, pleasant to work with City of Anna business environment • Growing economy • Need to grow tax base responsibly • Where Frisco was • Opportunity rich • Open for business • Very open to new business • Retail-oriented • Pro-business • Supportive • Very caring • Tough lately, but getting traction City’s positive attributes • Greenspace • Lots of space to develop • Healthy housing mix • Good location with access to bigger cities • Anna CDC welcomes developers • Great place to do business • Beautiful location • Natural topography • Small-town feel • Good leadership - mayor • Good people • Public safety • Neighborly • Friendly • City in the country • Good location on U.S. Highway 75 • Clean • Well-maintained City’s negative attributes • Hold on to past • Negative social media environment • Too far out for some businesses • Gas stations are the only thing here • No direction or tagline • Need more businesses such as restaurants, offices, entertainment • More corporations needed • Infrastructure still not there - fire, police, roads • Needs more money • City hasn’t always been business-friendly • Small town Key messages/phrases • Anna offers opportunity and partnership • Anna is waiting on you; see what it has to offer • Anna has a skilled workforce • Become part of the community • Citizens will support you • The City will help you • Anna welcomes businesses • Come grow with us • Built-in customer base • Anna is an open canvas; it’s not hobbled by tradition • Anna is easy to work with Biggest misconceptions about Anna • Anna is rural and country; there’s nothing out there • Can’t handle traffic if it grows • Truck stops • Schools aren’t as good What people should know about Anna • Anna is a blank canvas • Lots of opportunity here • Accessible school board and council • Anna has a lot more space than people know • It’s a diverse community • Anna is business-friendly ■ PART 2 When asked about audiences that the CDC/EDC should be reaching, the following themes emerged: Types of desired businesses in Anna • Entertainment • Restaurants • Businesses that bring daytime jobs - manufacturing, distri- bution, data center • Professional jobs • Big box stores • Larger employers • Amazon/E-commerce • Technology center • Soft goods retailers - Ross, Burlington Who the CDC/EDC is reaching • Good job in reaching retail and in business retention • Large businesses • Medical • Neighbors Where the CDC/EDC should focus efforts • Mass migration from East and West coasts • National outreach and conferences • California prospects • Manufacturing • Technology • Mom and pop businesses • Independent businesses • Industrial ■ PART 3 When asked about current communications practices, the following themes emerged: CDC/EDC recruitment of new business opportunities • Need more established businesses • Need to be aggressive • Need a message Where CDC/EDC should put efforts • Positive news stories • Proactive communications • Need a message • Better communication • Build a database of existing businesses to communicate If the CDC/EDC had an unlimited budget, it should • Invest in classy marketing materials • Billboards • Incentive packets • Heavier marketing • Advertising • Infrastructure • Invest in getting a technical college • Annual special events • Support local sports • Bring in a hotel, become a destination • Baseball team Situational Analysis | 9 ■ PART 4 When asked how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected Anna, the following themes emerged: • Increased tax revenues at essential businesses • Hurt recruiting efforts • Impacted some restaurants and retailers • Still have successful openings - Chick-Fil-A, Whataburger, etc. • Slowed down business efforts • Hasn’t hurt Anna too much ■ PART 5 When asked about Anna’s competition and who’s doing it right, the following themes emerged: Anna’s biggest competition • Melissa - space to grow, very close • Celina • McKinney • Frisco • Princeton • Van Alstyne Who is doing it right • Plano - Legacy West • McKinney • Frisco • The Colony Third-Party Feedback Stakeholder interviews with the Anna EDC/CDC board revealed many common themes, but were only one side of the equation. How Anna is perceived by people in the business community provides an interesting look at how others see it and where it’s headed. The two third-party stakeholders Cooksey Communications interviewed were Bill Guthrey, senior vice president of land development for KDC, and Suzie Bell, marketing coordinator Alliance Architects. The feedback from this third-party perspective shines a spotlight on Anna’s issues and opportunities as it focuses on attracting new businesses and building its infrastructure. • Anna is a big unknown - From a developer standpoint, Anna is still a big unknown. McKinney, Allen and Frisco have traditionally been the limit going north. Anna needs to focus on building awareness with developers and let them know what the city has to offer. • Anna lacks critical mass - When businesses are expanding, they look for rooftops, enough daytime population for solid foot traffic and good schools. McKinney, Allen and Frisco offer the critical mass needed for businesses to build there, especially for offices and call centers. • Focus on incentives and competitively-priced land - Anna needs to promote its value proposition and offer incentives to reel in more businesses. It should run an awareness campaign, along the lines of “Pioneer out to Anna,” focusing on industrial and manufacturing businesses and eventually call centers (once there is higher population density). • Target the right audience - Brokers are a critical piece of getting Anna noticed. Developers often turn to brokers for advice on suitable locations for different types of construction projects. • Zoning/master plan - Having a zoning master plan in place will help Anna develop in the right way, control how it grows, and protect well-situated and high-traffic locations. • Control growth - While growth is good, if it’s not controlled, Anna risks losing its authentic character and creating a desirable sense of place. It needs to balance its small-town charm while enhancing its business community with a quality mix of businesses. The CDC/EDC should focus on both mom and pop shops, family restaurants and big box stores and chains. • Retain charm - Anna has a small-town charm, a family feel, and a history that make it unique. The CDC/EDC should retain this charm, which will help it stand out from its neighbors in Collin County. • Protect highway access - Anna’s most important assets are its location on three major highways, U.S. Highway 75, State Highway 5 and State Highway 121. The CDC/EDC needs to protect highway frontage property and ensure the right types of businesses build on this valuable land. • Be realistic - The CDC/EDC needs to be realistic about the types of businesses it can attract today, and not waste money on advertising in the wrong areas. For example, focus on attracting industrial clients and the 100,000 sq. ft. office space available in Anna. Be targeted and realistic with the available opportunities. • Know the competition - Anna’s biggest competitors are McKinney, Allen and Frisco. McKinney is doing a good job building on it momentum, and they still have available land. Many developers will pay a little more to go to McKinney over Anna since they are closer to rooftops. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats Anna is a growing community that comes with its own set of pains and opportunities. It has shifted focus toward a pro- business mindset, and with that, it faces some challenges and opportunities to move the needle in the right direction. By capitalizing on its strengths and understanding its weaknesses, Anna can focus on strategies that will differentiate it from other cities and help it put the right groundwork in place for future growth. This will allow Anna to figure out who it wants to be when it’s done growing. By taking a cue from other cities with Type A and B tax revenue that does not go toward public transit or a special district, Anna now has funds at its disposal to invest in growth and infrastructure. By following Georgetown, a city 40-miles north of Austin, which has adopted a similar model, Anna can map out its development and follow the path to prosperity and economic growth. Below are strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats/challenges that emerged from our research, stakeholder interviews, third-party feedback and benchmarking: Strengths - Anna has a great location in Collin County along three major highways, U.S. Highway 75, State Highway 121 and State Highway 5. It has lots of room to grow so it can accommodate a company that is looking for large expanses of land. Anna has a pro-business mindset and is willing to work with businesses and help them be successful. Anna’s competitive real estate prices are a real asset for companies looking for affordable land. The CDC/ EDC has already secured interest from several big developers such as Centurion American. It will also go the extra mile to win business, which is a real asset. Weaknesses - One significant weakness that Anna faces is the lack of population density. The city does not yet have the critical mass necessary to line-up big retail. There are many other cities in the same position, so Anna needs to differentiate itself to be competitive. Opportunities - The Anna Business Park offers a great opportunity to add more industrial businesses. Anna has a better disposition for industrial than other cities in the area. Right now, there is a lot of growing development in the city, bringing more people needed to attract retail. Anna needs to ensure it keeps a balance between growth, quality of life and an affordable community in a great location. Threats/Challenges - One of the biggest challenges with a growing city like Anna is making sure the infrastructure keeps up. Anna has a growth plan in place that addresses this, which is a start. However, an additional thing to keep in mind is the fatigue in growing, the middle ground when Anna is not big enough for significant retail, but it has outgrown fast food and gas station businesses. Anna needs to keep the tax rates lower and look at big-ticket items for the long haul by laying out the major infrastructure. Situational Analysis | 11 Target Audiences As a city poised for growth, Anna needs to get in front of the right audiences through effective and consistent communications. It needs to differentiate itself from other cities in Collin County and target the right audience with the right messaging. The Anna CDC/EDC should focus its communications efforts on reaching: • Developers • Brokers • Companies looking to expand in Collin County • Businesses on a growth path with need for additional space • Industrial businesses looking for good value • Companies looking to relocate from California or other markets to North Texas • Anna residents • Anna businesses and their employees • Media (both DFW media and trade publications) Key Messages The following key messages are recommended for using in external communications: • Last frontier of Collin County - The Dallas-Fort Worth Metro area continues growing north into Collin County, and Anna is poised to be the epicenter of this expansion with available land and a business-friendly focus. Investment is ripe for the city, as evidenced by planned developments like The Villages of Hurricane Creek and Anna Business Park, among others. • Key location on major highways - Anna is located on three key highways, U.S. Highway 75, State Highway 5 and State Highway 121, with access to DFW and Sherman/Dennison markets, making it a great fit for both industrial and retail businesses. • Positioned for exponential residential growth - Anna offers affordable housing, good schools, great quality of life and easy access to all the amenities Collin County offers, including an unmatched workforce. • Business-friendly environment - Anna is cooperative and supportive of businesses looking to expand or find a permanent home, offering added value and incentives to support expansion efforts. • Growing, well-educated demographics - Anna’s location gives it access to an educated workforce from UNT/ UNT-Frisco, UT Dallas, Austin College and Collin College, among others. • Clean canvas - Anna provides a clean canvas for developers with a welcoming, business-friendly environment, new and enhanced infrastructure coming online, and unmatched room for large-scale, master-planned developments. Current Marketing Communications Overview The CDC/EDC uses many communications vehicles and materials to communicate information to target audiences. Cooksey Communications reviewed the primary vehicles as part of the communications audit process. Marketing Collateral Collin County is a competitive place when it comes to winning business. For a city to stand out in this environment, it needs to offer a polished image and put its best foot forward. The Anna CDC/EDC marketing materials are in the middle compared to other Collin County cities, putting it in an excellent position to compete. Comparing Anna CDC/EDC materials with other Texas cities of similar size, the materials are better than the competition in many cases. Collaterals such as brochures and newsletters are clean and well presented. However, to stand out in the highly competitive Collin County market, the CDC/EDC should focus on polishing its marketing materials. To differentiate itself from other cities, the CDC/EDC should work on a refined brochure and other marketing materials that showcase the many great assets Anna has to offer developers, brokers and businesses looking to relocate to the area. It should update its photography with more sophisticated and well-positioned images that show off the great facets of the city. In addition, the CDC/EDC should ensure all branding and messaging is clearly weaved in through all communications and marketing materials. Website Overall, the Anna CDC/EDC website is on par with other Collin County economic development corporations. It offers a clean layout and easy-to-find information for visitors interested in learning more about the economic opportunities Anna has to offer. However, the CDC/EDC website has some programming issues that make it difficult to pull up some key information. The layout is not very mobile-friendly, so when you view the website on a phone, it can be challenging to click on elements, read the text and get additional details. With much of the information consumed on the go, it’s crucial to have a website that works just as well on a mobile platform as it does on a desktop computer. Additionally, there is some disconnect between the CDC/EDC and the City of Anna’s communications efforts. The two need to be better aligned, starting with their web presence. Many people looking for economic information about Anna will land on the City’s website, but while there, it’s difficult to locate a link to the CDC/EDC website. To ensure that the CDC/EDC captures all interested parties looking for economic details, the City’s website should feature a link to the CDC/EDC website in an easy-to-locate spot on the main page. Also, messaging should be shared across platforms to better align the interests of the City and the CDC/EDC, putting Anna’s best foot forward. Social Media Presence The City of Anna has a nice social media presence on Facebook. Facebook is a good way to communicate city-wide events and information and Chamber news, events and other relevant communications to residents. It’s on par with other cities of the same size in Collin County and, in many cases, better than comparable cities in other Texas suburbs. However, Collin County is a competitive landscape, and Anna should definitely step up its game if it wants to compare favorably with McKinney, Allen and Frisco. Putting a social media plan in place that includes a regular posting schedule with two-to-three relevant posts per week can help it stay top-of-mind. The Anna EDC LinkedIn page looks professional, featuring recent posts and relevant information targeted toward a more business audience. It compares well with other cities of the same size in Texas and Collin County. Similar to Facebook, aspirational cities like McKinney, Allen and Frisco have EDC pages with a more robust presence that engages their audience and makes them stand out. Since those cities are where Anna wants to be, they offer a blueprint for increasing the EDC’s LinkedIn presence. Creating a posting schedule that offers regular economic development information, leveraging media placements and sharing important announcements can help Anna go the extra mile and look more polished on social media. Benchmarking Against Other Cities (Peer & Aspirational) Comparing Anna with other cities in Collin County and across Texas reveals some interesting patterns and helps position the city for success. When it comes to other cities similar to Anna’s size, many often have just one person dedicated to economic development. Anna has both an economic development director and manager, which means the city has invested resources in growth and economic opportunities. Looking at aspirational cities, many have a staff that not only includes a director and/or a manager focused on economic development, but also has a dedicated staff member managing communications and marketing. This is something that the Anna CDC/EDC should keep in mind as it continues to grow and invest in economic development. Below is a chart that shows population growth in peer and aspirational cities and how they compare with Anna. The chart also offers a look at each city’s economic development budget, which is an illuminating look at how much each one Situational Analysis | 13 spends on growth and business development. City-by-city EDC/CDC budgets City Population (2000)* Population (2010)* Population (2019)*Metro CDC/EDC Total Budget FY19-20 Allen 43,554 84,273 105,623 Dallas/Fort Worth $6,355,378 Anna 1,225 8,232 15,000 Dallas/Fort Worth $1,224,501 Buda 2,404 7,270 16,906 Austin $1,962,921 ($350,000 for incentives) Cedar Park 541 55,117 79,462 Austin $2,562,502 Celina 1,861 6,315 16,299 Dallas/Fort Worth $591,095 Conroe 36,811 65,392 91,079 Houston $14,286,846 ($1,654,604 for incentives) Frisco 33,714 117,174 200,490 Dallas/Fort Worth $77,357,176 ($20,465,645 for incentives) Georgetown 28,339 47,483 79,604 Austin $9,379,305 Hondo 7,897 8,807 9,436 San Antonio $332,414 Kyle 5,314 28,247 48,393 Austin $377,124 Leander 7,596 27,288 62,608 Austin $580,557 McKinney 54,369 131,152 199,177 Dallas/Fort Worth $15,029,119 Midlothian 7,480 22,918 33,532 Dallas/Fort Worth $1,023,694 Pearland 37,640 93,117 122,460 Houston $19,961,786 ($1,220,000 for incentives) Princeton 3,477 6,822 13,894 Dallas/Fort Worth $616,762 Sherman 35,082 38,852 44,002 Dallas/Fort Worth $5,570,000 Tomball 9,089 10,715 11,778 Houston $639,300 *All population numbers come from the U.S. Census Bureau: https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/budacitytexas/PST045219 and https://www.census.gov/prod/cen2000/phc-3-45.pdf Another telling piece of information is how much Texas cities comparable in size and those ahead of Anna spend on marketing efforts. EDC Marketing Budgets (sample) Looking at these charts, several themes emerge. The Anna CDC/EDC has allocated a significant marketing budget for a city its size. However, high-growth cities continue to put more of a focus on marketing: • As expected, Frisco, McKinney and Plano continue to be the biggest Collin County spenders, but other Collin County communities are upping their game • Celina allocated approximately $100,000 per year to discretionary spending during the past several years but has increased that portion of its budget to nearly $300,000 for 2020-2021 • Anna CDC/EDC’s marketing materials fall somewhere in the middle of Collin County-area cities (highly competitive), but are better than many similar Texas cities its size • Connectivity between Anna CDC/EDC and the City of Anna’s communication efforts should be better aligned; messaging should be shared across platforms • Anna CDC/EDC website has some programming issues/could use more interactive content; brochure and other materials should be more refined with sophisticated photography/branding/messaging Type A and Type B Funding Anna’s economic development funding comes from both Type A and Type B tax revenues. Since Anna does not have public transit or a special district that utilizes any part of this funding, it gives the City a good source of money to drive economic initiatives and focus on business growth and recruitment. Cities like Allen, Frisco and McKinney also operate with all of their Type A and Type B funding, which allows them to put the full force of that money toward bringing in new opportunities and increasing the business tax base. Having the pockets to up their game, even allowed Frisco to put in a bid for Amazon. Comparing Anna’s funding with that of similar cities across Texas and aspirational cities shows that it fares well. Situational Analysis | 15 FISCAL YEAR CITY EDC TYPE TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES FUND BALANCES 2019 Allen Type A $13,516,494 $17,235,531 $8,281,748 2019 Allen Type B $11,062,764 $7,434,430 $16,744,822 2019 Anna Type A $428,107 $50,967 $588,696 2019 Anna Type B $1,113,844 $873,962 $887,421 2019 Buda Type B $2,569,635 $2,054,549 $4,279,612 2019 Cedar Park Type A $5,865,360 $4,581,714 $13,745,828 2019 Cedar Park Type B $8,778,351 $5,512,938 $5,983,874 2019 Celina Type A $666,813 $492,311 $0 2019 Celina Type B $651,557 $200,114 $1,482,380 2019 Conroe Type B $47,839,013 $17,640,427 $28,441,790 2019 Frisco Type A $42,990,488 $58,166,696 $34,761,258 2019 Frisco Type B $29,580,135 $36,717,917 $38,210,853 2019 Georgetown Type A $2,116,904 $603,502 $4,655,869 2019 Georgetown Type B $7,850,155 $6,476,465 $0 2019 Hondo Type B $1,644,392 $1,989,483 $0 2019 McKinney Type A $16,725,965 $11,480,351 $11,817,626 2019 McKinney Type B $16,535,961 $5,509,533 $36,957,257 2019 Midlothian Type A $2,619,401 $1,282,948 $4,760,370 2019 Midlothian Type B $2,678,731 $1,515,828 $10,462,092 2019 Pearland Type B $12,804,794 $23,179,428 $16,744,156 2019 Princeton Type A $802,261 $666,733 $1,149,027 2019 Princeton Type B $2,039,522 $1,041,180 $474,606 2019 Sherman Type A $4,489,135 $4,047,033 $11,429,155 2019 Tomball Type B $7,310,991 $2,645,207 $24,905,536 Please note: There was no data available for Kyle or Leander. All data comes from the Office of the Texas Comptroller: https://comptroller. texas.gov/economy/local/type-ab/report.php Benchmarked Logos and Taglines Buda, Texas City-wide: Breathe Easy Here https://budaedc.com/about-us Conroe, Texas EDC: Enhancing the Greater Conroe Economy https://www.conroeedc.org/ Frisco, Texas EDC: See Yourself in Frisco https://friscoedc.com/ Allen, Texas EDC: Allen, Texas The Place to Raise Your Business https://allenedc.com/ Celina, Texas City-wide/EDC: Life Connected https://celinaedc.com/ Cedar Park, Texas EDC: Growth Through Partnership https://cedarparktexasedc.com/ Situational Analysis | 17 Hondo, Texas City-wide/EDC: This is God’s Country https://www.hondo-tx.org/economic_development/ index.php Leander, Texas No tagline https://leanderbusiness.com/ Georgetown, Texas City-wide: Life in Balance: Common Cares in an Uncommon Community EDC: Life in Balance: Innovative Ideas and Traditional Values https://invest.georgetown.org/ Midlothian, Texas City-wide: DFW’s Southern Star EDC: Make Great Things with Us https://midlothian-tx.org/ Kyle, Texas EDC: More Than Home https://kyleed.com/ McKinney, Texas City-wide: Unique by Nature EDC: Unique McKinney https://uniquemckinney.com/ Pearland, Texas EDC: Prepear to love it https://www.pearlandedc.com/ Princeton, Texas City-wide: Progress with Purpose https://princetontx.gov/government/economic- development/ Sherman, Texas City-wide: Classic Town. Broad Horizon. https://sedco.org/ Tomball, Texas No tagline https://tomballtxedc.org/ Strategic Plan Recommendations | 19 5. Strategic Plan Recommendations Anna is focused on growth, and having a strategic marketing and communications plan will help set the city up for success in the coming years. It has set aside a significant marketing budget aligned with its priorities of attracting more business. Anna is in a great position to compete with other cities similar in size. Cooksey Communications’s strategic plan recommendations will help Anna achieve top-line objectives, create a brand and get in front of potential developers, brokers and businesses looking to expand north into Collin County. • Anna CDC/EDC has planned well budget-wise, and with a 10 percent increase per year, it will be able to compete favorably with other area EDCs • During the planning phase (past two months), Anna CDC/EDC did not use all of its 2019/2020 marketing budget ($120,000), and leftover funds ($27,000) should be used to update the CDC/EDC’s branded materials • The CDC/EDC should scale-up budget-wise over the next three fiscal years, putting an early priority on earned media (PR) and digital marketing (Google Ad Words/website tracking, paid social media) and 3D direct mail (to site selectors/brokers), while graduating to more expensive print advertising as its budget increases • There should be better representation of the CDC/EDC on the City of Anna website - a city of the size of Anna needs to make the economic development office easy to located (ex: direct link on homepage) Create a Sense of Place While Anna has a great location along U.S. Highway 75, someone driving will never know when they enter or exit the City. The prominent landmarks that define Anna right now are two truck stop gas stations on both sides of the road as well as the Walmart retail center. Neighboring Melissa has made strides in recent years toward branding its space along U.S. Highway 75 with signage and a more aesthetically pleasing highway presence. If Anna wants to stand out and make an impression, it should focus on creating a sense of place through signage, positioning and branding along its major thoroughfares. This will help it shed the image of a “truck stop city” and instill pride within the city’s residents. It will also help it build its brand with companies, helping them visualize how their business can fit within the Anna city limits. Focus on Public Relations Outreach Anna has many success stories to tell that will showcase the city’s great opportunities and position it for success. Public relations efforts provide excellent ROI, especially when combined with a strategic marketing and advertising campaign. Several new developments such as the Villages at Hurricane Creek and the Anna Business Park have already garnered media interest and coverage. Media coverage helps Anna build its brand and the city in front of key audiences looking to expand in Collin County. Cooksey Communications has many regional, national and industry-specific media and trade group connections that will help the team get coverage for Anna’s economic development efforts. The team will leverage the full force of its knowledge and connections combined with a strategic communications effort on behalf of the Anna CDC/EDC. This will include building an editorial calendar featuring potential inclusion, feature stories and sponsored award programs for the next 12 months; creating a comprehensive media kit including Anna’s newly completed community profile, business opportunities and key demographic data; arranging in-person meetings with reporters to showcase current projects and offering tours of Anna; pitching deal announcements, select topics and thought leadership pieces every month; and offering recommendations on industry groups to join and/or target for information presentations. Cooksey will also develop an extensive media list of local and trade publications to pitch and position Anna in front of to help build its brand. Sample publications and media outlets include: • The Dallas Morning News • The Dallas Business Journal • D Magazine • D CEO • KDFW • WFAA • KXAS • KTVT • REC’s DFW Real Estate Quarterly/Texas Economic Development Guide • Site Selection • Bisnow • Builder • Commercial Real Estate Direct • CoStar • Go Big in Texas • Real Estate Finance Journal • Real Estate Magazine • Texas Wide Open for Business • Texas Contractor Invest in Local Placements & Sponsorships There is definite value in local placement and sponsorships when it comes to getting in front of local businesses, developers and brokers. However, this continues to be one of the most expensive categories in the business media landscape. A few well-placed print and sponsored ad packages will offer a better ROI than a series of smaller advertisements. Anna should look for opportunities with a longer shelf-life and package advertising programs to get the best value. There are several potential options locally that can help the city stand out and offer a good bang for its buck. For example, D CEO/Dallas Business Journal Real Estate Awards sponsorships that include a combination of print and digital advertising packages with speaking opportunities can be a good value. Other options include specific real estate trade publications/organizational newsletters or forums featuring topics related to DFW-area development (REC’s DFW Real Estate Quarterly/Texas Economic Development Guide, Site Selection - Special Issues, etc.). NTCAR, TREC or CREW programs with speaking roles and event signage (CRE Expo/Hall of Fame Banquet/TREC Speaker Series, etc.) can also be a good option. Run a Digital Marketing Campaign Digital marketing is the most cost-effective form of paid marketing today, especially as it relates to targeting specific audiences and tracking their online engagement. These paid digital media costs are based on approximate benchmarks for similar lead-generation clients and are non-negotiated, non-availed, and subject to fluctuations. Some options that will offer a good ROI on money spend include: • SEM (Google Ads), keyword research/development/pixel ID tracking and return displays and integrated with website analytics (cost per lead TBD) • Social display, B2B/job targeting and boosted posts on LinkedIn, key industry research/integrated with pixel ID return displays (cost per lead TBD) • Paid Media - Digital Publications, Google analytic tracking and integration with Google ads program/pixel ID return displays Strategic Plan Recommendations | 21 EDC Brand Redesign & Positioning The Anna CDC/EDC already has several marketing collateral pieces with a clean design that offers information about the economic opportunities provided by the city. In many ways, the materials compare favorably with other cities of similar size in Texas. However, Collin County’s competitive economic landscape means that the CDC/EDC needs to focus on standing out from the competition, not blending in. Cities like McKinney and Frisco have put forth significant investments into their economic development efforts, including well-appointed and sharp marketing collateral. Anna has leftover funds from FY 19/20 that can be used to redesign the materials and create a new look that showcases the great things happening in the city. This is an opportunity to integrate the new tagline and creative look and feel into each part of Anna CDC/EDC’s marketing platforms, creating a cohesive image. The CDC/EDC should also invest in professional photography that features economic development assets and improves visuals for all creative materials. Other activities include creating an overall advertising campaign theme that utilizes the new tagline and the look and feel. Collateral can consist of a new brochure and pocket folder system with a revised design and copywriting, and promotional inserts for primary city business assets and demographics. Cooksey also recommends launching a targeted three- dimensional campaign to audiences. In year two or three, the CDC/EDC should invest in a professional video that showcases several of the economic projects underway. This will allow time for projects currently in the pipeline, such as the Villages of Hurricane Creek and Anna Business Park, to get further along and offer strong video images for marketing purposes. Budget Breakdown & Growth Recommendations Our multi-tiered, integrated marketing communications campaign includes the following strategic components for the 2020-2021 budget year: Component 3 Public/ Media Relations Component 1 Creative Direction and Brand Development Component 2 Paid Social Media/ Digital Marketing Component 5 Print Advertising Component 4 Social Media Content/ Engagement COMPONENT 1: Creative Direction and Brand Development Integrate new tagline and creative look and feel into each component of Anna CDC/EDC’s marketing platform, utilizing leftover $27,000 budget from 2019-2020. Specific activities in this component*: • Professional photography taken of all city and economic development assets to improve visuals for all creative materials ($2,500 - $3,500) • Creation of overall advertising campaign theme, incorporating new tagline and look and feel ($3,500) • Development of new brochure and pocket folder system (design and copywriting), along with promotional inserts for primary city business assets/demographics ($8,500) • Creation of three-dimensional direct mail campaign ($5,000) • Should allocate approximately $7,500 - $12,500 for printing costs ■ Total Component 1 Budget (approximate): $27,500 - $32,500 The above figures are not formal estimates, bit approximate numbers to be used for budgetary purposes. Each project will have a formal estimate presented, with exact production costs included. COMPONENT 2: Paid Social Media/Digital Marketing Digital marketing is the most cost-effective form of paid marketing today, especially as it relates to targeting specific audiences and tracking their online engagement. These paid digital media costs are based on approximate benchmarks for similar lead-generation clients and are non-negotiated, non-availed, and subject to fluctuations. Maximum budget is scaled to assume a 12-month effort*. Goal is to launch a campaign with all components, measure constantly, and adjust channel mix throughout to drive results. • SEM (Google Ads), keyword research/development/pixel ID tracking and return displays and integrated with website analytics (cost per lead TBD): $24,000 ($2,000/mo) • Social display, B2B/job targeting and boosted posts on LinkedIn, key industry research/integrated with pixel ID return displays (cost per lead TBD): $6,000 ($500/mo) • Paid Media - Digital Publications, Google analytic tracking and integration with Google ads program/pixel ID return displays: Included as part of print buy/SEM effort ■ Total Component 2 Budget: $30,000 over 12 months *Cooksey will develop display ads and content as part of Phase 2 agreement for 2020 - 2021 FY; all out of pocket costs will be billed in advance Strategic Plan Recommendations | 23 COMPONENT 3: Public/Media Relations Anna CDC/EDC should budget $4,500 per month, beginning in January 2021* to continue a comprehensive public and media relations effort for the remainder of the 2020-2021 fiscal year. The Cooksey team will leverage its deep regional, national and industry-specific media and trade group connections on behalf of the Anna CDC/EDC through the following activities: • Build a year-long editorial calendar for potential inclusion in feature stories and sponsored award programs • Create a comprehensive media kit, complete with important demographic information, business opportunities and community profile • Set up in-person meetings with members of the media; showcase projects/tour Anna, etc. • Month-to-month pitching of evergreen story topics, deal announcements and thought-leadership pieces (Cooksey will develop content) • Provide recommendations for important industry groups to make informational presentations to and/or join, etc. ■ Total Component 3 Budget: $40,500 over 9 months *Public/media relations activities for Oct. - Dec. 2020 are included in Phase 2 of current Cooksey agreement with the Anna CDC/EDC COMPONENT 4: Social Media Content/Engagement Anna CDC/EDC should budget $600 per month, beginning in January 2021* to continue a social media content effort for the remainder of the 2020-2021 fiscal year. The Cooksey team will work with Anna CDC/EDC staff to manage and integrate social media channels into the digital marketing campaign, as well as create ongoing and relevant content: • Create two-to-three relevant posts per week • Leverage media placements/important announcements and determine appropriate content to boost • Implement strategy to increase followers, both organically and through paid efforts in digital campaign ■ Total Component 4 Budget: $5,400 over 9 months *Social media content activities for Oct. - Dec. 2020 are included in Phase 2 of current Cooksey agreement with the Anna CDC/EDC COMPONENT 5: Print and Sponsored Advertising Print media and event sponsorships continue to be the most expensive advertising category in the business media landscape. Anna CDC/EDC should look for exclusive opportunities (with longer shelf-life), as well as packaged advertising programs in this category. Some suggested options include: • D CEO/DBJ Real Estate Awards sponsorships that include combo print/digital advertising packages with speaking opportunities • Specific real estate trade publications/organizational newsletters or forums featuring topics related to DFW-area development (REC’s DFW Real Estate Quarterly/Texas Economic Development Guide, Site Selection - Special Issues, etc.) • NTCAR, TREC or CREW programs with speaking roles and event signage (CRE Expo/Hall of Fame Banquet/TREC Speaker Series, etc.) ■ Total Component 5 Budget: $40,000 - $45,000 over 12 months Total Marketing Communications Budget for Anna CDC/EDC 2020-2021 Total Marketing Communications Budget for Anna CDC/EDC 2021-2022 (assumes 10% budget growth) Strategic Plan Recommendations | 25 Total Marketing Communications Budget for Anna CDC/EDC 2022-2023 (assumes 10% budget growth) 6. Next Steps: Implementation Recommendations for Immediate Action: A number of steps should be taken in the coming weeks to adopt and prepare the plan for implementation: • Present the final plan to the Anna CDC/EDC board and get their sign off to move forward • Revamp existing marketing materials to better reflect current business opportunities and the pro-growth mindset • Invest in updated photography that can be used to promote Anna at tradeshows, in advertisements and promotional materials Timeline/Prioritization of Tactics Additionally, Cooksey Communications recommends the following communications tactics: In the next 3 to 6 months, the CDC/EDC should: • Invest in key sponsorship opportunities with a local business publication to establish a marquee event and get on the radar for local business growth opportunities • Focus efforts on proactive public relations outreach to insert Anna into the local business community conversation and showcase the excellent growth and incentives opportunities through the Anna CDC/EDC • Launch a digital marketing campaign with strategic focus on LinkedIn and Google AdWords initiatives to reach key audiences • Regularly distribute news releases/advisories to a target audience. Make follow up calls to secure coverage • Track publications’ editorial calendars and pursue relevant opportunities with regional business journals, economic development trades, regional media, etc. • Adopt a new tagline that brands Anna as a pro-business community and supports long-term marketing and business efforts In the next 6 to 12 months, the CDC/EDC should: • Continue implementing strategic communications plan with third-party agency assistance, as well as updated branding and marketing campaign • Continue public relations efforts, reaching out to local, regional and trade publications, working with media outlets to pinpoint the best opportunities to showcase Anna • Reassess current digital marketing campaign efforts and decide if it should continue with current digital mix or shift gears • Launch a 3D direct mail marketing campaign targeting key audiences to raise awareness and build brand position • Track publications’ editorial calendars and pursue relevant opportunities with regional business journals, economic development trades, regional media, etc. • Start working on a video that showcases some of the great economic development projects underway in Anna Next Steps: Implementation | 27 Measurement of Results The CDC/EDC needs to establish and employ benchmarks to measure the success of its marketing, advertising and communications program. While some communications and marketing strategies’ success may be difficult to quantify, other strategies lend themselves to objective measures of success. Some suggested measurements are listed below: • A digital marketing campaign that tracks key measurements, such as number of clicks, and adjusts regularly • A comprehensive media kit measured by number of clicks and downloads • Number of media placements as a result of public relations efforts • Number of inbound calls seeking information about Anna and its business community • A 3D marketing campaign launch to a targeted audience tracked through response rate and digital analytics 7. Conclusion The Anna CDC/EDC has an opportunity to elevate its visibility and image among developers, brokers, companies looking to expand in Collin County and other key audiences. As the fourth -growing city in North Texas, Anna’s growing by leaps and bounds, offering favorable business conditions, great infrastructure, and available land. For the CDC/EDC to increase its visibility in the business community and compete with other comparable peer cities, it needs to invest money into a strategic communication and marketing campaign. Collin County is a competitive business development landscape, so any city that wants to compete needs to put forth a sophisticated and polished image to help attract business interest and put its best foot forward. This starts with updated marketing collateral, new, more sophisticated photography and a tagline that will give the Anna CDC/EDC a unique way to stand out from other cities. The CDC/EDC should focus on a few key sponsorships and ad buys to maximize its budget and get it out in front of the right audience. It should also invest in a digital marketing campaign that can be measured continually and adjusted to drive results. The CDC/EDC should invest in a comprehensive media kit that incorporates the new branding, tagline and look/feel of the city. It should focus on media relations efforts as a great way to get the city’s economic efforts in front of a diverse audience. The CDC/EDC should review and enhance its use of social media to be more strategic in its efforts and ensure uniform messaging across all platforms. It should use social media to enhance current marketing efforts and showcase many of the exciting things Anna has to offer. This is an exciting time for Anna CDC/EDC as it focuses its efforts on strategic marketing and communications efforts to help build a foundation for the future. 8. Appendix Other Cities (Peer & Aspirational) Collateral: Appendix | 29 Buda, Texas Brochure: Celina, Texas Fast Facts Sheet: Kyle, Texas Strategic Plan: Hondo, Texas Newsletter: Georgetown, Texas Infographic: Frisco, Texas “See Yourself in Frisco” Campaign: The “See Yourself in Frisco” campaign features real people doing real things in Frisco. There’s a reason why Frisco is the best place to live in America, the Fastest Growing City in America, the Best Place to Raise an Athlete and home to some of the finest companies in the country. Can you see yourself in Frisco? Come join us. You’ll fit right in. Cedar Park, Texas Interactive Story Map: Item No. 7. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date:12/3/2020 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Director's Report SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: Item No. 7.a. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date:12/3/2020 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Financial Status - Discussion Only SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: Item No. 7.b. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date:12/3/2020 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: ED Strategic Plan Update SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: 1.MONTHLY ED Strategic Plan Update (1) Economic Development Strategic Plan Update: November 2020 (FY 2021) Newsle t t er Subscri bers : 211 We bsi t e User s: 412 (2 .5 % increase) Google Searc hes: 3 55 (40 6 b u siness views) New LinkedI n Follower s: 4 (312 tota l ) Co mmer ci al Buildi ng Pe rmi t (s ): 1 Accomplishments November 2020 (FY 2021) Ne w Co mmunity Photogr aphy Ta k en Attended 2 nd An nual UT Da l l as Econo mic Develo pment Summ it Pa rticip ate d in Downtown M aste r P l an Staf f Wo rkshop 4 M eeti ng s f or Po s sible Indu strial and Multif am ily Develo pments Busi ne s s P ark M as t er P l an U pdate i s i n Fi nal Sta ges L aunc h ed new pro perty dat abase with RealMassi ve . The Da t aQu pla t for m wi l l allo w sta ff to keep an up to date an d co mpre h ensive l ist of on and off marke t p ro perti es and their a t t ribute s. Item No. 7.c. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date:12/3/2020 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Comprehensive Plan, Downtown Master Plan, and Parks/Trails Master Plan Update SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: Item No. 7.d. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date:12/3/2020 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: January Meeting Date SUMMARY: The regularly schedule meeting date is January 7, 2021 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: Item No. 8. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date:12/3/2020 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Closed Session a. Deliberate regarding the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. (Tex. Gov’t Code §551.072) possible property acquisition; possible land sale/purchase; Anna Business Park. b. Consult with legal counsel on matters in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Government Code (Tex. Gov’t Code §551.071); Grant program; Lease agreement. c. Discuss or deliberate Economic Development Negotiations: (1) To discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the Board of Directors has received from a business prospect that the Board of Directors seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the City of Anna and with which the Board is conducting economic development negotiations; or, (2) To deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect described by subdivision (1). (Tex. Gov’t Code §551.087) Anna Business Park Property; potential retail and medical projects. SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: