HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2015-02-13 Exhibit H-1 thru KExhibit H-1
Oversized Sanitary Sewer Facilities
i �•
N\\12° EWER.
(SEE H-2)
10.975JOH.N W. EUOTTOR. STE,4001 FRISCO. T 7509314693213.1600
0 800 1600
Exhibit H-2
Offsite Sanitary Sewer Facilities
��� . �.•, o ..alb
SEE EXHIBIT H4 ��+I�i•..�,... �.__m._®__Jte.__I la
`° . 9 • "m i
I ' 1
TO 2.0 MGD.
10375 JOHN W. ELUM
DR STE.400I FRISCO, TX ]5033 14642131300
0 1000 2000
Exhibit H-3
Throckmorton Creek Sanitary Sewer
PER 12/31/13 MEMO
:_1:: N
i= _
ii I 0 800 1600
103]5 JOHN W. ELLIOTT DR STE d001 PRISCO, TX ]5033146421}1800
Exhibit I
Phase 1 Development Plan
U _
OOLIECTOR'O� - a ���
152 LOTS
ioszs.wHNw.Eworrwtsre.noa1Fa�sco,rn�saaaias�ziaieoo GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET
Exhibit J
Pending Zoning Application
August 15, 2014
Maurice Schwanke
Director of Planning and Development
City of Anna
101 N. Powell Pkwy
PO Box 776
Anna, TX 75409
RE. Villages of Hurricane Creek Zoning Submittal - Letter of Intent
Dear Mr. Schwanke,
On behalf of Centurion American Development, we respectfully request your consideration of the
attached Planned Development (PD) zoning application for the above referenced project. This zoning
submittal consists of approximately 368 total acres of land within the City of Anna. The uses proposed
for the Property follow the intent of the City of Anna Comprehensive Plan dated March 2010. It is the
intent of the Planned Development (PD) to offer greater flexibility for residential development. The
purpose of the district is to create a master planned community featuring a mixture of housing types in
a manner that will encourage sustainable neighborhoods and attract investment to the area. _Proposed
in this PD are integrated parks and open space to preserve areas designated within the 100 -year
floodplain. This will protect existing stream corridors and other physical assets as amenities. A fire
station will be incorporated in the development as well as amenity center,
The Villages of Hurricane Creek will include a specific lot type in order to achieve the goals established
for the district. The SF -84 lots will vary from 70'— 100' in width and from 120'— 150' in depth with lot
sizes at a minimum of 8,400 square feet.
We anticipate this PD will bring a vital addition to the City of Anna and we look forward to working with
your staff on this project.
Since l ,
Shea Kirkman, P.E.
....................................... ....................... ................................. .................................................................. .............................. .... ............... ........... I............................
TBPE FIRM NO, 12207 10875 JOHN W. ELLIOTT DR, I SUITE 400 1 FRISCO, TEXAS 75033 1 469.213.1800
To Applicant:
You must -
1. Set an appointment with the Planning and Development's office @ 972-924-3325, to meet
with the Director of Planning & Development to review the zoning process and requirements.
2. Submit application, legal description with surveyor's stamp, map showing location of
property, a list of property owners (name and address) within 200 feet and the application fee.
The application fee is NOT refundable. Receipt of documents does not constitute acceptance
or approval.
3. Application(s) will NOT be accepted unless a meeting has been completed.
4. Initial appointment and application process must be complete by the 1St Wednesday of the
month in order to be placed on the next Planning and Zoning agenda.
5. Following the action of the Planning and Zoning Commission and prior to the scheduling of
consideration the application by the City Council, the applicant may withdraw the request. '
However, the application fee will not be refunded.
6. Following the 'recommendation of the PZC, the application and supporting documents are
transmitted to the City Secretary for scheduling of council consideration
7. At the Council meeting the applicationwill be presented with the Planning and Zoning
Commission's recommendation. New evidence not presented at the Commission hearing will
not be accepted by the Council, since such evidence must be available to the proponents, the
opponents, and the Commission.
8. An application recommended for approval or disapproval by the Commission, and in which
the Council concurs, requires a majority vote of the Council members present.
a. An application recommended for approval by the Commission requires only a
majority vote of the Council present to disapprove such application.
b. If the owner(s) of 20% of all property lying within 200 feet of the tract involved in the
application file a written objection to the application with the City Secretary, a 314's
vote of the entire City Council is required to grant the request.
Application for Zoning Change
M Zoninc Chance ❑ Specific Use Permit ® Planned Development
❑ Zoninc Verification Letter ❑ Zoning Compliance Inspection ❑ Site Plan
NOTE: Failure to obtain final approval on this case within six months may constitute denial or withdrawal of
this case by Council or Staff without refund of fees, Fees required for this application established by the City of
Anna must be submitted simultaneously with this application for acceptance.
Fees: Zoning - $300, plus $10 per acre Planned Development -$.500, plus $30 per acre
Specific Use - $300 plus $10 per acre, Zoning Compliance Inspection - $100
Zoning Verification Letter -5100 Site Plan -S250 one acre or less $300 more than one acre
Request Information
Location: Generally at the Northwest quadrant of FM 455 & IH 75
*Subdivision. Villages of Hurricane Creek Lot No- Block No. Size of Request
Existing Zoning ' PD & AG Requested Zoning/Use PD **see attacht7iE'.Ilt
*A metes and bounds description must be attached if the request is for: (A) a portion of a platted lot or (B) not a
platted lot.
Applicant/Owner Information
Key Contact Centurion American Telephone No. 469-892-7200 FAX No. 469-892-7201
Address 1221 N IH 35E Ste. 200
City. CarrolltonState T_ Zip Code 75006 Email sean(a)centurionamerican.com
Contacts Status: (check one) O Owner O Representative ❑ Tenant ZI Prospective Buyer
The owner's signature is required on this application and must be notarized, whether a single ow or a corporation.
This is to certify that I/We the undersigned, am/are the sole owner(s) of the p!attach
erty cribed above n the date of this
application, and have read and understood the Disclosure of Interest Form d t this a 'plic i and complete
Owner please print Villages of Hurricane Creek LP/Don Collins signature
Address 2705 C lublake Trail Telephone No. 214-802-8264 FAX o.
City McKinney State T— Zip Code 75070 Email don2705Ca aol com
Address Telephone No. FAX No.
CityState Zip Code Email
Notary Statement (All Signatures Must Be Notarized)
Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared bon Cn rLt�
(owner or agent name)
known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the above and foregoing instrument and acknowledged to
me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration expressed and in the capacity therein stated.
Given under my hand and seal of office on this day of v ZC)IL4 SEAL
t �t APY P(�8fi
Notary Public iig. ofTexas. My Commission Expires: t1i�llli- ° THOMAS J. PARKHILL
My Commission Expires
January 18, 2015
Application for Zoning Change Attachment
Ordinance No. 2001-18 & No. 55-2003
Villages of Hurricane Creek, LP support the rezoning application as
requested by Centurion Acquisitions, LP, the Applicant and Purchaser, with
the understanding that any Zoning Change, Development Agreement, PID
and TIRZ finance Plan approved by the Anna City Council shall be placed
into a pending status until Centurion Acquisitions, LP has closed the
acquisition of the Property and fee simple title is in the name of the
Purchaser and until such time, no "Levy on the Property" by the creation of
a PID "Hurricane Public Improvement District Number One" shall be
applied, adopted or enacted upon the subject property.
Don W. Collins
Villages of Hurricane Creek,LP
I the
on is
A. Do you believe that a City official* or City employee** may have a conflict of intere I the
property or application referenced on the reverse side? Yes No
B. If so, state the name of each City official or employee of the City of Anna known by you that may
have a conflict of interest in the property or application referenced on reverse side.
C. State all information upon which you base the belief (use additional paper, if necessary).
I certify that all information provided is true and correct as of the date of this statement, that I have not
knowingly withheld disclosure of any information requested; and that supplemental statements will be
promptly submitted to the City of Anna, Texas, as changes occur.
Name of Certifying Person: Don Collins.
Title of Certifying Person: owner f
Signature of Certifying Person:
*Mayor, City Council members, Planning and Zoning Commission members, and Zoning Board of
Adjustment members.
**City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, and all department heads
n is
ble, answer
A. Do you believe that a City official* or City employee** may have a conflict of intere e
property or application referenced on the reverse side? Yes No
B. If so, state the name of each City official or employee of the City of Anna known by you that may
have aJ conflict of interest in the property or application referenced on reverse side.
C. State all information upon which you base the belief (use additional paper, if necessary).
I certify that all information provided is true and correct as of the date of this statement, that I have not
knowingly withheld disclosure of any information requested; and that supplemental statements will be
promptly submitted to the City of Anna, Texas, as changes occur.
Name of Certifying Person: Shea Kirkman
Title of Certifying Person: PEtProjec nagAr
Signature of Certifying Person:
*Mayor, City Council members, Planning and Zoning Commission members, and Zoning Board of
Adjustment members.
**City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, and all department heads
n is
A. Do you believe that a City official* or City employee** may have a conflict of interest in the
property or application referenced on the reverse side? Yes No
B. If sostate the name of each City official or employee of the City of Anna known by you that may
have' conflict of interest in the property or application referenced on reverse side.
C. State all information upon which you base the belief (use additional paper, if necessary).
I certify that all information provided is true and correct as of the date of this statement, that I have not
knowingly withheld disclosure of any information requested; and that supplemental statements will be
promptly submitted to the City of Anna, Texas, as changes occur.
Name of Certifying Person; 1160'TQ (v
Title of Certifying Person:
Signature of Certifying Person:-
*Mayor, City Council members, Planning and Zoning Commission members, and Zoning Board of
Adjustment members.
**City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, and all department heads
Exhibit K
Previous Facilities Agreement
Hj; r^.46. ,e L'.-,efe
MIS 1;`ACILITIES AGREEMENT (Ns °`.A eemeprt is entered into as of the Effective Late
(hereiriafl(�r def'irred) by and between. the CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS, a municipal corporaeon,
existing trader the laws of the Stats of Texas (tiro ".9V% and VILLAOES OF 14MICANE
CREEK, L,P., a Texas limited partnership, andlor its assigns (collectively, `�}cvslrjer")-
A- Developer des", ter develop twa tracts of land located u2thzn. rile City and comisting of
Itpproximatuly 376 acres conr3nonly 1novm as tate 8radleylWmVer tracts (cr;<.lIectivdy, the
pr , whielh traCAs are illustrated on Exhit}it A. The property's ,eaatarn tract_ commQn, .
Imown the Bradlev tract, consists of 114 acres described by metes aura bt imds o - Exlrihit f3.
The Property's Nestern tract, :0Mmo,,* known as the Weaver trac# ounsists of X62 acFe$
dcs�bed by metes alai bomids on &Ubit . Developer owns the Property.
B. Developer desires to develop the l,rope-'V to include an est.nalated 1,027 singe-fami
lots and. six acres ofretail developrrn4nt {collectively, the `'Do�c2ment'=) ly
C- Can July 8, 2003, the City appToved a pre]izninary plat of the Weaver tract (the "Weaver
P1111"), On Febnjwy 11, 2003, the City approved a prelimio
tract (tire "$raclley I . i'u Plat" slid together with the Wear rer he lat r p� tr�l
ur=W�aion The prelitnittary Plats, as extended by the City {1n January 20, 2t ,
trvrsuarxt to Seotion 4,3 of the C'Iyp,s subdivision{ ardinanca, expire Januwy 20, 2003. The
1 Iizx�uluy Plata incl ude development rlgbts that ate consistetrt with the proposed Nvelopment,
D. Developnjent of the property requires the constmction of water, �r,itar}F 5evrer, and road
irnprovenw,, s shown on RXLWIit 1 and dcscribe4 as f'ollo}vs (collectively, the i` tic
roverncnts"}: (f) a storage tams and as5tzciated Water lines (theyr�vezr��rrts'��;
(ii) lift stations, force mains and gravity line (thG `{Wastewater T�npFavcm" ; rzr a 30 -foot
wide right-of-way far a north east -west cOnnection ;ted a aoutjb east -west cow4eQth`on to be
coTlstmcted as :25-fOOt edge -To -urge s(cti0ns (collectively, the "C`arrnector Roads") snd a
Hurricane C eck connection, extending from nL f 455 itortb 770 linear feet (collectively, the
C`'Orwector Roads and the iiuzricare Creels Connection are The "Road bre rOYcmeiitS" ; and (iv)
off site wastewater treatrne�ri plant coj truction and/or exparlsion req sired to serve the
DoveloTsnient, including, but -not limiters to, a H mm icwe QMk or East Fork pennatnent or
packAge-plant Nvastewat�-r treatment facility (a Wow Waste�vatet 1*aciiity"}. I# is exlnessl
undod aid agr�.d that the regrrirer».e�.t ftzr a 30-fiarrt zillti-ref-rvay for constrttetilaij of ttte
C'�nrrector loads is the width of t�gtrt-ot_way currently regr;iteal >ioz the Development and
platting of the Develo invent, but that should any additional developn}ent of �e lfic�pey
rt crossl
(inclt�dirlg hitt not limited tri commercial d.eveh.%PT rent} — which requires That platting (separate
and apart from the platting f0r the T)evelopment) be submitted for the City's approval — the
tight -Of -way acid cvnstr.tetion. requirements for the Corm-mtor Roads unhy this Agreement shall
yield tO any additional requirements (iucil,>!dirig but not limited to any applicable requirel-tionts,
adds is or - or vrcl montes that arc in effW, at the tirne that a proposed preliminary plat for such
xdditiQnal clevelogrtlent is strlsrr�itted for approval by the City) that may require expansion of the
right -'of tivay, additiay).al construction {including but not limited to Mad-vdidmi11g, surfacing and
edgo requirements) in connection with the Connector Roads, or both.
The City desires to constyuct tate pubho Improvert�ents_ if the City is
design aunable tv �xnplete
and con ction o f the .l'ui�lic ZnVIov�nents en a. schodule c;¢nsi$t(mt with the
Deve opreent sch alive, Developer is \villing t cause such, Public LnProvern� nts to be
con-Structed upon the c.Orldition that all costs in excess of Developer --s pioportianate share Pa gx
incurred bar Devolorper and othus for 3Llch public InTrov"Jmts are .roimltursed from fees (car
credits for fes) end to Cs paid to the City it, eaxinection Nvith the development of property
benefited by such Public Improvements, in accords uce with the teizas of this AgreernecLr,
The Property does trot incIude urLy Major thomughfates or arterials sho{��U on the City,$
Thoroughfare, Platt; therefore, Developer is not r quired to design or construct any thorou fares
or arteriais within the Property.
fir• I)eveloper axxd the City desire to set forth their rc$pcMve obligations with tcsp t to
development. Of the RI-Plrty and deriigu grid construction of the Public h provcrnerlt�, including
the Obligation of l vel pi r to pay certain fees for the Development's prop am lam of tl7e
Public Improvements and the right Of Developer and others t be imrdonabu:rsed for costs )e
providing the public lnpMvemezxts,of
H• Develrtper ackno8vledges that its obligations under this Agrement, including but not
limited to tl).e payment Of fees mid the dedication of prapertyp are not exactions or concessionsdemanded by file City but rather are volunieered bar Developer to adeMisfire coxisisteiricy, quality,
`- arandl�ate infra t7ciYcitlre for the 1evir>opment_ Developer also acknowledges filet its
obligatioias tind,;r this eement, %qth fhe execptiQn of obligations beytr�xd its prc�portionaie
share Of the Public hxpr+ rernerlts, arc far the bc;aef�it of rite property.
irckrtowiedges that all T-leveloptrlOM Fees paid, dedicaious Made. or csts uxxed bar it
r,onnectiott {vitt. this Agreenracnt (vitt the exception of obligations beyond ifs prcrlaoxtio11 .spate
of the Public Fthe evelveu ent-) are I-OUOtly praportional both in n�ure and extent to the projected
irnpaet pf'the Development-
NOW, TIiERFFOP-P, in consideratioIl of the prMises and tl-.e mutual coveMilts rontained in
this Agreement, -tbe pity anti Developeragree as follows:
e Uty agrOes that the following water foes, wastewater fs es, road .fees and pads rems
(calloc tivcl�r, the `pevelogrn4rl e "j represent the I?eveIt► zrtent's
the }public Inlpmventents. I]ewelo z a P 1 rata share of the cost of
that the Public iii 7rbvenients ire c0nstrtrcWd and avOable t oserve t , I?eY the, Dev 4oloprnE t es to insure
(a 4 ate )aces. I'kie �? atcr �'ePs" for the i7evelaptnent shall be fired at $j. t000 tact
re��identisl loo and the per aneter fec described on rile a€let l eel $xkuirit E per non-resideritial lot
AW the full build out of all lots lhithhi the Dcvelopmt-lit. Water pees will f� paid in tbtr ainflrint
of Qfl pi r resiclentisl 10t Y lhm the ftrxa€ plat for the svbdivisir n is rccr rded; 5500 per rcoidential
013669W011:76 6974.fl [5
lot vIhzn each residential hWldinS pescrnit is issued; and the prCscribed per Metes' fie de cribs on
the attached Axlti6it b tivh2n each-nsh
o -residential buAding permit is issued,
(b) Wastewater Fees. The `=Mast v�lME .loess" for the DevejpVment shall be fixed. of
$ i, o Per residential lot and the meter fee desoribc d on the atached k'xhibit E per non-
aresidexstial Iot for the full build out of all lots Wit}lin tie £sevelopmeg4r. Wastewater .Fees wiII be
paid in the arnount of s5oo M residential lot '�'hen The fbial plat for the, subdi�rision is TCC-Orded;
$500 per residenlial lot v+teu each residerktial building permit is isstfed. and the prescribed per
meter fee described OR tii,"- atlached E_xhabzt jE gjou each nor-msidential hui1dii3; perrLdt is
(c) &Q-A �e-e:& The -1.0- d Fees" fair thx ' Devei,e,,t shall be fixed at 625 ger fat
for the #t�1I build out of all jots w'thin tlae.0vclopxnent. Road Fees will be paid in the amuunt of
3625 pct• lot ,,vhen each residential building permit is issued_
(d) .Park- F s, '_•bio park fees shall be due asrt# payable in cotinectic�n with the
bevefoPmentu Irl lieu of park fees, Developer shad dedicatepat'.i =d according ct the tetnzs he
.$ection 5 4f this Ag`rer ml'of
(e} Escrow A0,91Im1. All. beveloprnetit Fees paid pursuant to the terms of this
Agreement shall be deposited into an escrow account(tie "Escrow AccQuczt'°). �scrc�w
Account shall be escahiiskied by tli� pity and 8haIJ be used only to pair Costs as 064ed with
right -of -Way and easement acqut.4ltioris and design, corxstrtictiom, and
inVxon of the public
itriprove'm'mts, inc114119 i iferert and financial admiuisttatiam costs inCu red aas a'resIT11 of loans
- ' required to Rind The Pul l"C Xx1<provenlent.- EJpnti written mquest of Developer, the City sha[1
submit to Developer an accoimi$Ig of alt finds paid burn the Escrow Account, including topics
Of invoices paid and checkz issued irs payment of such invoice&
(tj F L.bl-dfations. The, obligation, of .Developer to .pay the Development lees as
required Tey this Agreement shall constitute the sole and +exe;Iu ive obligatir tl of i'3evt~la +ex «nth
resp�}ct to payment the casts end expenses related to tic design anal const-njc:don 13f the public
huprov=ants. Tile City has the crk�ligatzun to pay the: amoki'm by which the actual Costs and
exlxonses to design and coustruct the pl,blic ImprovemUnts zNC;Mds the Developineat pees. The,
City a,�raes that uptisn pa}lncnt of the Development pees, DffVeloper shall have no fixither
obligations `+crib respccl to the costs or experiscgs of-tbci it unproven,onts and that the, (i?#y
shat) not condition the f uanee of any development permits upon the Payment by Developer of
any additional alslosirtts. The City RWher agrees, that to the extent irripaot fps or any other form
tapi l retovez r fees or c}J.arge5 (apart from the Devetaptnent pees) arc assessed and toilt✓4:ted
against the Development, t)e'MY dull rebate to Devoloper such additio l fees or charges.
(a} geveioer Ohli axions,
l velopt~Y v�iti bo Mspomible far '111 on-site water iriipMvemI-nts rellbired to serve the
i)evelopment Developer will have no additsonal Cbligatic0rts wal`h respect to water improvements
than tht payment of talc Water )Tees described above.
Since Dev40per is O -instructing an on-site water impr()veinents, t}ic t~ify };�ilf riot charge water
tap or impact fess a9soczateil with sucli water flprovement% exc t those Watez lees cicsoriliecl
alt this Agzeement. Dcve op shall pay the City a water ureter in8ta%ation fee of $ZDO per meter
at the time ofissuanco of Building perInit, for the structlxre served b, s1�ch met .The City fall
bo responsible fOr water meter imtahatiatj. If the Ci1y falls to install a water motor withixz 60
days Titan the &to the meter itt:}Cailation fee is paid, Developer shall have the option of installing
such meters and associated appurtenaitr,-es, to be furnished by the City at cost plus 1Q%.
(b) City Obli�atiorts.
'Ilse City agrees to provide hatable "�'atcr 10 serve the Developolent. in an am0t4 quality, and
quantity to meet Texas Corntnission ort p
av-ir,onmenta[ Anality (T EV" and Texas aepahmeht
Of'.#nsumc m standards. T110 City or water supplier to "ich the Oty aSdZUS the right to supply
water will be respol1sible for such water supply to the D&v+eloprnen1 as long aS the property is
within the OhY's certificate of c0nveuience and necessity scrviec area,
In additiO 4 the City v%ql I be responsible for c-onstruofit)n of the dWater Irnprovemeats, `lit City
shalt 1}egat design and eorlsttuciictr! of the 4ia#ex irnp�roWaixiG�tts of or.Develt r y
e Csts #
S4gJ10t th
to issue a building pezmit for the 200th d"'AJ � unit within the Dezrelopaxterrt. IIm s th shall
complete constrrtCtion of the waterProv cnts before I7evcloDer requests the City to issue <j
certifica#e Of Occupaney for (lie 400th dwelling unit -within the Development,
l<}eveloper wi)i be responsible for sIl on. -site wastewa#er IMPrcvernel2ts required to sent the
Developnicnt (other than the Wastewater Improvements)_ I)eveloper uill have no additional
obligations with respect to Wastewater irAProvements other than the payment of the water
Fees dBscribed above
Since Deveioper i5 construct'ng at' o>t-site wastewater Oprovements (other than the Wastewater
IMprorVenierets), the t:,ity tivill not charge sanity r G«rez tap or -wastewate
Wr impact fees, kept the
G&Matcr Fees described in this A teerner4,
b)z_ ky t } h ations_
(i) -Lincs- The City Rhall alIGm, Developer to ufiliye the 'T'broc orlon
se"vcr lige wId. the Cxistitlg coria ion 'Uldcr 'U.S. 75 (a,i�,a, Cexltral E ressway) kom the
Praperty, through bots planned Throckatonon Creek lift stations, m the Slater Czeek Wastowater
Treatment Facility {the "Existin VXa LmyaterF ztv''), In addjti,�tY, the t~ity will he responsible
fo> cot>atruc:tii� the � #c�i ter Itrrprove'rnegts. 'ThE City 9I.111 begin. desigi -Ind construction cf
the Was"a#cr JMPrgvernc tS after D nnoloper zegiiests the city to issue a building permit for t'.ho
450tb d'k'elting urdt within the Devrjoprrmc,nL The C'ty shall comPictc C033struction of the
Wastewater T W11verrtents before Developer rquests the city to issue a Certificate of occupancy
for the 650th dwelling unit withla the Propetty,
01) Kesetvaltiort crf 'bVasteWater Treaml-Ult Ca aei r. The City agrees fo
coiLstntct or cause to be, comtructed additional pemanent wastawater treaiment capacity (the
:`ACiCliti Ca Y3'"] .in the Existing Waste",vater FaciNty, which A Jditivna� Capacity ��11 b�
adet nate to serve is oft ,e propose<j 1,027 single-family lots i=Iuded iu the bevolopimon:.
The City receivc4 a discharge peratit from T02Q dated February 28, 2003, that Woludeas -the
Additional Capacity. The City represents and w,-jxrants that fIrt,:!S fxrr tW', Wnabiuc6oa of the
Additio.-aI Capacity are currently avatilabI4- ind have been dedicated for such purpose. -plc City
bas Marded a contract for Mustruction of the Additional Capacity, and expects constniction of
the Additional C'apacxty to be complete no later than March 51, 2004. 'Ac Additional Capacity
stall be reserved for the Development for a. period. ending. 15 years after: the effective date of this
(iii) Waste v ter Treat eId Ca K �x.�amiou. The C.ty agrees to take
actions necessary to sec: Eire additional cVacity to serve tho remainder of the Development Once
the Existing Wastewater F.'tcility reaches 60% of its pernritted capacity (as identified it its
Februaxy 2$, 2003, discharge permit) or before Developer requests the City to issue a cortificate
Of oeollpallc�, for the 300th dwelling itriit within the Dev( lopment Tho City may use
DevellTmeat Fees deposited into the Escrow Accowit to pad+ all oasts and expenses associated
frith a Nc;v Wftewater Fac"'ty discharge permit arpplicatiOM If the uty faits to apply to TC'.FQ
fir the necess;lry capacity, Do eloper trl:ty, at its aptiana mate application for a. discharge permit_
.It Dteveloper applies fol, a discharge permit, the City shall not oppose Developer's application.
The City Consents (.-ind waives all rights to object) to Developer's discharge permit application,
(a) MLT U13 i woes_
Devejoper rill be responsible for all ou-sate road construction retluired by the Preliminary Plats
to serve the Development (other titan the Road iinprs vements), ineiudiug the 2,7400t edge -to -
edge rolled cu sections required for local residential djects and the 37 -foot back-to-back Tolled
curb sec -tions required for collector strc,-tr7xcel�t as specifically identifitA in this Agr,,:�ernent,
Developer 6hall insure that an an -site r6ads3 are constructed in aecurdance With City slaudards
and regulations.
Developer will have no additional obligations with respect to road iMpTovenments other than
those, obligations referenced in this Section d and the paYmcnt of'the Road Fie s descrlbPd above_
N City t-hli Satioris.
Til{, City shall include the Road improvements ill the City's T'hocouW= 1'Ian artd Capital
I'iupravenlet`ts Plan. The Cityshrtli not condition the issuance of a building permit, certificate of
occupancy or any other development pertnit on Developer's constnletioxt of the Connmtor Ttoads
if Developer has, a€lee using cornmerciall,y reasonable effarks to secure the ncceded right-,of4ay,
re -quested the City to use its Power ofco-ndemnatian to obtain the right-of-way,
4':3664.00{8 1: 7sfi974.0;5
5. 0FEN ACE.
]:Developer will dedicate to the City that pceion of the Property adi abut to and including the lake
maintained by Collin Coutzty Soil and Nater Conservation District #535 and knoum as Site 45,
Fast Fork Above Lavoiz Watarshed, Site 45, EFAL that i9 within the ff rodplAin (the t°Pa�'k�andf5�
rxpon the occurrence of the following Events: (a) the qty a><oves o#3.e or rrlor$ frtlrlc
i1nPravemc"t plans for the Parkland, irralttding a detailed list OF p1pp,.sed improvements, which
slhali include a tnzzthnuna Of three soecea• fields and four baeball fields, and a schedule for 6e
eonstructloll of such improvements, N the City applies for and is Rwarcle4 grant funds for the
Parkland imprcv=ents; and (c) the City retlueStS Developer to donate the ParMand as a
Ountribution tuwards graat matching funds. Developer will Tuve no obligations with respect to
off-site open space and/or parkland improvements other than the parkland dedication(s)
described ft) the ix ediatdIY weGeding sentence. Prior to dedicating the Nikland to the City,
.Dcvel€ per shall, (x) at Developer's ey-pense, complete a dvMiled flODd study; and
City's expvwt; complete!, or pause to be oo>mpleted a 4=ant cin- the-gcotuid survey (the
"_ urve:7) Of the Parkland prepare4 by Doug C`Onnelly & Amoclatea. Llpoa delije off' the
Survey to the City and Developer, the legal descriptio -n set f`o:rtli ir1 the purvey slzali be deemed to
be the lf�gal description of the Varkland and this Agreement shall autoxylatically be deemed
amerhded by sticil substitt bon. Developer reserves for itself and its 25uwessor5 and assigns the
Tight Co use the Parkland for hunting and agricuituH. purpo�s jIntil such time as the pity begins
constructyon '3f the Yazlkland improvements. In addition, Developer mseivea for itself and its
suet ssors and assigns a drainage easernant over and across the Pazkland for the bene fit. of the
Development. Th use reservwtiorts shall be cove mats T93 ming with #hie land and shall be included
in the Pa Mand d Zeatioli instwruehrt.
6. aCQN )RUC 4 EA .
(a) Drsi h and Coh tx`trction. Unless otherwise sPecified i1] this Agreement, rhe Cit
shall design and consttuct alI Public �tproyenxents consistznt y with City's subdivision
regulations and geKierally ace aptecf engineenug practices, If ft City fails to design and wnstmet
the PublicImproVemen#s ort. a sc bedule carxsistent Ifith the Developrx><erht sehexlule, then �i} ugon
eloper's wri#fen n0tic( rhereof to the City, the City's right to obtain draws from the ks
Account sba11 cease and terminate, (1i) the then ruining .fur & in the Escrow Aceonnt shall be
zmmetliately returned to .l)4-,velolaer (cox the owner who paid the farads iu clhlestit�n iz>:to the Escrow
butAccount), cud, (gatj ): vto perfr n, t have the right (in additiiOr- to its Other rights and remedies),
hilt trot the (3bliga#ion, to per#grrh the Uty's obligations tha* it lzas so fader/ to perform on behulf
Of and for the accost of the City. If Developer elects tri pursue its self-help remedy ituder
clalase (iii) of thce inunediately preceding sentence, Viten the City shhtll pay t0 F7e velopor on
dexmmd all amounts expended by Developer in perfonning such ohtigadons on behalf of the
CStY, tngether with intarest thereon at the maximum non-usWiaths rate permitted by applicable
law, from the time such amounts are expended by Developer until (Developer is min3.bursed
thcrefbt by tate City, prarided that {x) the Citi, ha$ approved (which approval shall not be
unreasonably withhold) the contractor for the- preje t along with the plans and specificst. ; and(y) if requimd by state Ia►V, Developer has complied with the compati#ive sealed bidding
prowdure of Texas Local CTOWMment Code Chapter 252.
013669,0 31:366974,015
It is expressly u_taderstood and agreed that the City shall nave no right Ofeontrol, supervision or
(lirection Over the desip or eon4rLiction of arty PubEG Improvement – ons Dovelom
undertakes tO design or constntet a Publie huproveq mt – nor tlxo means, methods, squencer,
procedures and tee izti+cpies iltilized to cOmglete #lie Public Improverent. `here .slxall be no joint
control over any Public hnpro,verxtent design or construction. Developer agues m firl]y defend,
irlde=ify and hold hmmless -Rie City f'r nn aTXy claim, prooeeding, cause of actiori,1udgrrieut,
penalty or any offer
cost or a genre, including, lith not limited to, aftomeys fees, arising or
growing out of or assooiated with all Public Improve
tlzents desig ted or eonsir Gted b}�
(b)ot�donnatlon. Dtvefoper agroes to use reasonable efforts to obtain all 41ird-
p�Y'it-o�--ways if any, required for the Public hnpwvements at no cost to file �`ity nr the
Developer. l f'.beveloper is unable to obtain third -party right-ilf-way required for the Cormeotor
Roads, the Cts agrees to secure such right_0r a ay (subject to city cbrtnoil anthori23tian) through
the use of the My.s Power of corideninatiou. Developer Shall be responsible for all reasonabie
and direct oosts and ex-Mses paid or incutted by the Cite in the exercise of its condertrxaatiton
Power' for the s OM'ectcr Roads and shall esctow with a third party the City's re q,) ble
Cslimated costs and expenses as funds are needed by the City {but in no event later ftn the ate
the Qty files a Petition for mndemnation vjth the approp-461e County Court at .Law) includfag,
but not linuted too. all attorney fce-s incurred by the City in prosej,,Uang, morattoring or Otherwise
participating in the condemnation. Developer shall have. the right, but not the obligation, .0
mAna2e, on behaff Of tlae Pity, the expenditure ofsnc% escrowed f rods incl.ttding, but not Iirnited
tc,, fhc selection. and payment of attorneys and appraiSeM rovided that funds aK*,e not
tuire -tenably W- thheld. Daveloper .may select atromeys fol- condenlatioti if agreed to b�+ the
City Attorney, pro-, died ho` twer that in such event the City Attomey shall r�o agreed
and approve
all activities of Developer's selected Tierney, Tlae City Attomey's authority in this regard shaU
include, but not be limited to: apl"val of lrap= f3W with any court iu advance of fZling;
approval of all strategic or prmedural legal dedsians made during any stage of'the condenmation
proceedings; review of all docuraenfs, papers and infbrination received by Developer's altoniey
relatirtg to fhe conden,nat an proceedings; and attendance at. all hearings, proceedings or trials at
any point m the C-Ondemnatiori prvc gs. T7�c attoxuey fees charged by City Atto may for
performance of work under this authoriq' shall constitute attarney fees incurred by the; City iii
lrrosecutiiig, n witoring or othenu%se participating iri the wudemn.ation as referenced abaW-
The City Attorney shalt M)ear as an attoMey of record on. all papers filed with a court in
conna..don with any condemnation proceedings, The City will use .all reasonable efforts to
expedite sxich eOnde-MnatRin pmccdures so that the Connector R ads can be Ponstructed as soots
a -s possible. If the City's costs and =PerLws exceed the arrow -It of escrowed fivads, I]eveloper
shall deposit additional fluids within 30 days of a Nvritteu notice fmm the City. Any unused
escrow funds �vili be aefzmded to Dovoloper with 3a days after any mndetnn-aticn ai��ard
becomes and r�.onappcalab[e, Nothin.g in this fiction 6th} is intended to c�3istitut$ a
dole tion p# the police powvers or govemmental aEtthority cif the City_
(c) Itei�tntiiuscment .Anxount. The' City ae�'iowledges and fees that Developr, eat
levclopec's option, may design and construct all or aey portion of the public lrnpr€ivexnents
through cast sharing agxeeillentjl with participat ng dew,,Iop3m.ents provided foe City has not
iAtiated construction Of'stich .l 1blic Improvements. The City also acknowledges and agreeg that
.Developer skull be entitio d to 1}e reimbursed in acoordarice With this Agme-ment for oortain, costs
713 df&.W 11''i 6Wj 4. G ] :
expenses paid or incurred by Devc?oper in conrectieij �I�ith the Developer's design and
construraian of gzleh Public Imp7oveme.nts which shall be deemed to include, buw, not bj� lit-,ited
to, costs IVid expenses paid or incurred for or in connection with (i) the txegotiation and exeaution
of thi'q A.gre=ent, (ii) third -party light-Qf-Way ,and right-of-way acquisition, (ail) design, (N)
er�gliieer; {v) constx ctioti, (vi) cortstruction glagelxxcm, (�i�� legal expenses? (viii) all
review and inspection fees paid to the City, (ix) all De�velopTnout. Fees paid to the City (viii)putsand
to this Agreenxent, and (x) all similar costs and expen.5�g paid or incurred by DevtIoper
(collectively, the ` M -L bursement Amount" j. Tlxc Rehbwsement Amount will be adiusted to
reflect actuai casts and expenses when the .Public Improvements have been completed, approved
by the C'fy EuginePT car bis AgeW and accepted by the City and when all eligible costs end
expenses that are deemed by this Agement to be included as part of Vie Reimbursement
Amount have bezn FMally Bete led.
(d) outer cfeve19Dey Reim}�iusement. Developer is tntitled to reijxlb=ement of
the finally adjusted )Reimbursement Amount, 1�ss an ,arnouut equal tO thv .Development Fees,
frt'm tile- folloFvir�g sources, but ozrly to the extent needed for such teimbt;sert3ent: (i) first, in tbie
fQnB of a credit to Developer for the $300 per lot water Fess sti the X500 per lot �Vastswater
Peas dui at file time of fi�xa] plat recordation (ii) sewed, 7n the fomr of a pavxxreut to Developer
£rt�ni funds drtspositeci in the scro�v f1_cc xlr�t; (ill.) third, in the form of a payment to Developer
for the $501 per lot Water Fees, $500 poi l9t Waztewater Fees, and $625 per lot Road Pees
collected (or tO be collected) from builders at the time building permits are issued:, and
(i;') fourth, in the flom of payai.ents to .Developer from amounts collected from other oNvners,
developers, or buUders who, at any time in the Faure, directly or indirectly tap into or use the
4 Public huPrOvenmrits, whether such payments tape the form of pro rata payments, impact fees, or
any rather form of capital recove3y payment. FaYmentg 1}y thce City to Developer slkail be made
within 30 days after the awowM have been collected by the City. NoNvithstauding the
#orCgoing, howvver, Developer is not erititle€l tis be reimbursed in excess of the finally adjusted
Reirnl}wsenzen.t Ammmt, less the Developmept Fees_ To the extent size so-urces of
�B7tI161ICSBztlCl�t Set #orth in Clauses "(07% `"� iY, "(EW artd `4&Ys above exceed the ally
adjusted. Reirnbuirselrxent Amount, less the Dev.0opmrut Fees, such etcess shall be retauiod by
the CitY for construction or pa3mcnt of additional wastewater treat wmt capacity,
If the City de-ires tri employ firs Mgineer and/or other qualified persons) tO Provide itzspection of
flit~ construction of on-site sanitary seiver Jules, %'rater Lines, drainage facilities and public roads
situated within tbo Development (coUeetiveiy, the `P ecf 1tnFmveurents"), the 0q, nmy do so.
Developu shall pay to the City an insi t;tiurr fee of three percent (3%) of total `°hard casts" of
Construction Of the PrOject I.tnprovemeaits (speCifically excluding desip and engineering
"petises and expenses related to obtaining easements or rights of ,Vay).
Upon completion of tb-e PrOOCt Jmprovcments, Developer will certify to the City th. a toW "1rard
costs" of all constrractiatt. >~Ifson re ipt of the aeztification called for herein and acceptance by
the City of the Projcct Improwe=nts, Developer shall pay the inspection and convey tz the
City Developer's right; title. and imerest in all Public PPOjeCt Improvements, free and cigar of
.any and all liens and rnortetary encumbrances, and the City shall take ever {and assume full
reVonsibility for the operation and maintenance of the publk. Pmj ect finp roNFemerIts_ Developer
Q 13564.ana� � :�74.ai�
agreed to -transfar any szxd ail of its right, title, Rnd irlter t irk the Pub lir, PMject I.prollments to
the Cit
y at the tkie the City takes over the operation and maiCrtellance of SlIch public Project
ft is eXpressly =darstood and agreW that the City shall have no riglxt of .control. supervision, of
direction *ver the design ox 01 struction of the project Improvements Clone or Caused to be done
by Dffveloper, nor the mews, methods, sNuences, procedure -5 and teehniquus uolized to
complete, the Project Improve.nlcttts. Veveloper a9recs to MY defend, yudemnify and bold
hurmless the City from any claim, proceeding, cause of action, Judaiar)f, penalty or any ether
cost Or expense, .including, but not liimitcd to, attomeys ice, adsing or groW gout of or
assmiated kvith the pwj ect .T Tiprovenjonts,
& LCLW-_E 1! ATrJls.
Notwithstanding anyxhing too the eontxary contzined herein, this Agreeax at shall be eMctive
only VPOn the Satisfaction of each o,;L"- the foUQNving conditions, (a) the approval of this Agt mcnl
by the City Coulacil of the City such that it is the bba ing and enforceable obligat.jon of the City.
and (b) the acquisition of the , ropeny by Developer- or its amiguft imdm the Contract. The date
on which the last of the fc�regoiut c0nditioFjs is satisfied is called the "Effective Dq55
Developer shall advise the City a$ to the nate of acqui�it%on Of the Property by Developer or its
9. .1�.EL)EA.S1E.
' Upon the full and ftal satisfaction 1?y the City and Developer of all their respective o>�li�,atior�s
�d cgvenan►ts tinder Chi$ }igreettteul the City tuiA Developer shaII execute a releaRc of this
Agreement (in recordable form) terminating this Agrwuent as to the portion of"the Property in
quer4on and fully releasing the City and Developex, their successors and assigns!, from any
further Obligations r>r covenwits hereunderelating to the ppr[ion of the Propotty berg releases_
The iease contemplated by the Section 9 shall., a1 Devckrper's requast, be effective with
respect to a speci:ac phase of the Devefoprneat, as applicable, t1poa final satisfaction by the City
and Developer of their respective obIliptions,6ith respect to such phase of the Development.
The Ptablic ImPrOv-arilonts froth bem fit. and burden. the Property alld all Obligations and covenanfS
Of Developer under this Agreement sWl. cC�nstiti?te covenants running with the land, and shah
bind Developer and each successive owner of all or any portion of the Property, provided,
however, the telt js of'this .flgreemeut sbai] (ij not be !Wndi.ng on the owner of any residence that
is pi—Inhased by such Owner from a homebuilder, and (u) be subordin2te to #lie lien of (and shall
not be l iudirtg on) any m0'tgSae$ wits► finances or refnanres residUncas CC)ns#r-ucts:d on tilt
Property. WithMt hili ting the gencralixy of the zOregoing: (a) Developer may assi this
Agreeweut to the party to whom Developer =jgns its -rights as pUrehaser ander the Couttw;
wid (b) Developer as well as qtly successor o?vner of a.11 or a portion of the Proporty who is
bound by this Agreement (Developer or aay such succ i owner is referred to Herein as the
"Owller") nlay assign this Agremient either ixi its entirety (if the assignee is to 0,m all of the
Pmperfy) ax inpart (if ilte assignee is to own only a Portion of the Property) and in such event
011669.0WT1,76 74.01.5
(i) the Owner crtOnveving six h portion of Ibc Prc perty $hall be autotnat cally released fron] the
olili ationy °`rlcvelol3er" as to all or 21 pQrtiojz of the .property (as appilcahle), and (ii) Ct.
assienQv,, to w.houa this Agreement is so assigned in whole or in part sl�xll k�e deemed to haveass naecl obligations of t`lJevelOper=' as to the portion of the Prcrpetty hieh is owned by sl�ch
assignee, to the ey>er�i of a 7y p: al assignment of this Agreement, {hen :uotwithstanding
auffiing to the contrary c#ntalmd l emrtin, tho obligations of I)eveloper ander 4xis Agreement
shall ire the several (and not the joint and ,several) obligatiorzs of each such Developer. T c teazas
and provisions of this Agreement shall othemise bind ,arid inure to the benefit of the c
eu�loper and thein xespec:tive e, t=a5sor3 and .jssigns. ,Each perwtr Signing this Agreement
represents .and wwmritz tbRI 0) hsfsbp, has the authority to enWr into this Agree�nont on behalf`of
�arld to binds the par#y cert ;tose bebal f such por.son is signing this Ageement, and (ii) no fiu Cher
atrffioxkzation or collseat front a-nyorje else i.s necessary to rnalte this Agreement the binding
obligation of the Ply an whose behalf such person is signing this Agreement,
This Agmelnent embodies the enti rt Agreernerxr between t}�e partxc s hereto and canna# be var�ecl
or tcrtr7inated {mcept by the written. agreement of the fr$rties, Tl1e City ack-wNvledges the term'q
of tl,_i, agreement },cave been adopted }pursuant to Tees laical {,tivenU-n Codeertie n 380,001. If arty grc�vision vfti�is Ager neat is illegal, invalid, ar vrenforceable, then the
rem�a�inder of this Ag�r*ument Shall not be affected, and there shall Ere added as a paft of tfus
Agreement a pro xslon as si�bilar ill terms to such iilegat inw lid, or unenforceable pmvisio-n as
MAY bepossible and be legal, valid, and enforci;able.
This Agreement may b, --executed in any n r b' of c Oluaterparts, each of which shall be an
original, but all of which together shall constitute ozic and the same h15Lnmetat Eacl, exhibit
referenc*l in ibis Agreement is attached haruto and iacorporatW herein by referenee.
Ver TN"ESS WHERMP, the City Rnd l�velop r have execelted this Agreement to be effective
as ofthe �ffectl�ve mate_
a Texas limited partrmllip
]BY: 376
a T cxas Lt liabihBY, corp }
Name- bon W, o11'
Title, Manager
A/ -
Namth Peffiam�
« Mayor
# �m B
- Property JUja, tra#on
Exhibit B
- .8r\y Tom!
- W ea■ITm@
Egli #b
- Public hnPTo¥=en#
Exhibit E
- Na - e d 4£& W«J
ams mdN mta\£ Fees
E a ert i��
EXhlbfE A —Page i
013669.ON L 1:76W4.0J 5
CId ey T=t
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NonYrd2't•ytt,: 2923 fi`A?,�rre
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bac 9lansae W96'ti9Fa Cfact.
THENCFNarllt A9O f ' l r .4 ys )br y96 p
17a Chas `i IM Ofs9066Wan f t.Rrdy0Verall Wht ffie cmlarnf
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flte rr7rr ofa eurva fo tie lrtfmm iS'ft7C1�7 rdlio,4
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a ��frafa7a�loc{��°¢ f"ctr a r�,�rrsafT�G?t17�f,'
M 55foottoo 1121w k'on0satat
ft 'ir 'ofa cvrve to &a Vifrom f/leM*s
MlOr #Os &ulh88 -MV - Wog 69993fee�-
TlrenGe ss O'Satd at -fit ft ,sn 8M Of f180 AWIRMW
rer7lr�fanoO, of 9,3, 1 ma'ra&sof& ggfeef;
Soultt 8° west 993.&)Lwtp s fl.?;rh im'm ssfa
lk$ +.idtlfh 8lIN51404 70,M {ovt•
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SVOM 43131 S'7" Most,, 24f.,,VA etto a V171pcV;ko 1pp set,7f
#hs bo t4mrinj of 0 7ve to ftk' rfght tmm Hoch tine rents
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o Qwft8P6ie 0fL5'3fWYOP 8 MdAfs of 11 0feei
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Exhibit R -Paget
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Them sr�t�lhert�r asfhsaf fCr the eft aptf feet
around a cwksl aayleY24"of "en aroius of 5w l feel with a cmw
of208 07 feel Whktr ,yaw muA f t°3f 2 WoSt to a f,6211 1 X W nil Wt Rf
-50uth 029VE,ast, Mt 36 twtfoo 112r•rrchIloti'pfr -W
Ihv of ANY Y96 -V# acre M9ct db the wr,0 R.0 W be oaf said Parra Road
Nr�. 5•
MENCE wate Y It& mro'M6 low and saki nat R 0 W, lire as fallow
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plat and 1M7/y vb" irrtprcu 6MVnAS ren ffi& gWiIndars as oWn on &V
tmy' fa mykvwloi pe, #we are no aarmwjs, ow#gcping ahwplovemerrts
orMrrllicts MCOOtas slur anthe, U&8Y} � That ft su v y fs gvarantsed
toits camplet&�M.
A=Vitg to Fkad Inscr nfl000 Rate Map . 48685'001755, dated Jan. 19, fZ8r a
penb7 Of ge pMpa4yp1,qW)*,6on Ires WIN7 die fdl0, asr Vdp�pn as
at wl cit the plathaf .,
Wirral 0x7frnlLM.- WeetAbs of39Mam #admmm�v r"rr #dal. ag
446, 0 CL.R
Exlu'bit B — ftgc. 3
OU&S-OWI: _76614 0L$
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Weavor Tract
iMrt' OJ?N
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Bk"Nr rt 7ep 41 acR ktar! gr 4and In ttss > iL Khrmld 5 Alsahltei d�, ihi i°saph B�yis err+at, AW xpt Na- 175,
and b*A Jahn CarfPwn Xgr"gI' - Abctrocl W-1- 1107. OR la Togo 40uair, Tyr and kerne a wd 0 a tanto 302.643 sera track
^? 74 � FCMWs, Ltd, r*Mnkd rh Yafrme 4M FW, p3Wk GRd ksa4rd}r ",In CWnll, 7C4*. i4rd bbg �wara
por'TraJW* atiaem.d as ft{loare
r,', IMIMCift vt a 6/6 J)W4 r>f., M4 asf Isr aherW r4 iM Modh JhA yf F.d. 4m u eonwob WAN Aght_,e -way 4nd 3h trM
appro>,rrrkara r,wMwgrl. wl Q" hood Nk. 3M {ri+ Pbm, iwd). xhr palm h4 ah► aalAhi.tt 0atnsr al sold 30Q�FF3 twn
tesrl mrd be1ag M1a S<AMW t *~ of a 'IML TI aaM Mz1 agnr�v,l la Csrrhd FYpr*"wiq,j lot rodnt Y4dWM1 rsaordsd trs
Valsnw 40-U, PRO* hB57. D"d Rbwr4z- Collin C", , T+rtrph
TH04Cf KW* 00 4W— 35 minrjtp 34 •saotrrrl WW- 1)" fFm Wswt Mhu or sold 19tf,09 Owl fmtt and almri #n
(ok rmv al th# MW OF SEIi, rrr the rrrs� i t ~- rWir Of MAC "M % a s/a irreh ran Mi wt
e dh ao e6grertt 54 er,Truahm 23 "mama W*W d drn►aaan a< MUM fast tar 4 4�'4 k dr gran rfla +4t Petr r.Tlakr
34vqdu r Jig rd (DO • 8e--,) iar aer*w !i a 1W-MbGnr In ft M*W JM* Of o hoot OWMW @ fa afrpht UAW4r rft!*r*d
nip 2da, :34r4 R+vord:. cAM County, 7=rtt
M94 tl +►} MM Wq* 0 nM�M 1)4 mr,,, 2} sKMds WO, al{aa�W MA Falk Mt oY WM eI trio} wsd o j#M POS, a drabaeoa
PWI+ MW fat awM a1 Fhr itgtGreast aarrlir of #41 rtjW trod;
THENU fipM b9 da9rW SO taSftEdW Sa esawrlt IPAaf 0kna ibm llar�F WpIp of m!d P
CrlpW h'iYkF, 4 lit
rldlrkwt al u�ATI! f
p a fiterp. pest fs nd f+rr oarror tri trts 9"d flay of 4 ito,1! aornsysi to J,t„ Rathtd mimeo¢ Ta Yoiuran 5. Payr 127, dtwd
sc+eeb. Ca 4ourdyt T4ras;
yRtW ;brtlr 0j drPWar M Mbwgfa 44 %4mmdllr ico, Wort* its i„a krn+ of raht J.L 1laffvn track a vkhOm at tia gul
nt tV 0 5%d hr`h rrOrk tad seri yryO'FPUQW Jim" nap ikampfd {JCA lac -}tor ammit os ri
f fherhgw c .Yw of Abntrut KT.
THOU ttorlh 00 detrsso 28 mfnuim ss *&Nxr s wi a. abag *4 MXM fee ■r .ala llb.4*0 Xg, ata, o lmh,,, of 35S Itl
'not bi 0 pdrrf far s6H1nr rn q am+f ."km In it jt4r6mArif dWretLyr,
T"V41 t Z# *Fy to aKRitlfi QT es0arspn tiTtrt, akiy fkro e i 4t 4W**g ML
brald0q al -1d drw, a dht4+l�r rK d1,17 riot Ii.
pMrnt far aarrinr Isold arae. ir4hr WA {p kwh ddfl try Ana -`iter ia ane Mr dS7 mr-aw pl ► ,toad•
Por -4 �. OF Go,3 rae� S
YTI rE t4atfar 02 6e0:tsatt 4h 81Jbptnn ih st�3d rad, alae, *w Fant Arw of Wald iredlvt iia aenl ysnstalty pIM0 a %,W% a
1A,4w of 80"1 IWA is Kk F4& for agar % ito elyddki Of Ifsttkvna Cfi- Mmh VftM a .6 WA ,M %M
nhh of tbi b®k t7i,dre Saari 4- dss7'set 42 Mwhu 31 ""* EMS 4 ffiifilwo of d3.9 fmk .Id pare �}a� i6s ttarfrNgtt
aarnv 4f sold 4odieei h -I onto pr♦V The l wibft* Owttkst aF nWd 3WM - traBF gad bPft 1n 1iN ICtrrd4lklo at a BT."
s oft' }Md b ,'Stt A11+tSe'F WMC rsriai'W In VON hj ?160, F:4f 'Mi okd Yaturr4 3K Paw 'Sid, DMI4 R+W4*,, t �An
T-dwxiHk►ICO XQ"h MI am"- R -T-1-P 59 aarmak wo. okm Mrs truth mo of ram 61101 r 31M 0;,mr **0, a iuffh a 01
4hSJ�er, fhF ie . SfQ high ksn rust Act etih k+t6w 914M vap slgr, 161A, Fpe.7 }or mrnw.
TII£W *'4h Ori dk r $5 mrmhm U "O -k& i, tm*" W S&Ab Arm or Turd Mffler Jiro rmv a d imeL pw" cf
742,60 feat To- o 5/9 wan ivn rob sal W* }cion pkn t ,.* iMtmped (%A. Ax-) Tar aO 4w at ttrs ; CM11 or
M" MAN are fto mw isii; Mrr Sahrlbeuf aw1w a4 d 719 4tn draft matorw 15 a7n Smwu9 iAHar YKaraw In NwEmiq
;! 48W Paps 36T and Yb194t/► 4, PAP J= Gess PeWTU C5WO Coma% Ttkg wM pstnt b4ap rt Th* 4"&b of a fwd
TNE}1CL Ed#, QUW tm rp" Thw of sour Mq* 179 mnr *W tact yenrdty ei7n9 t11t I mdk d q 11nkC tWIC d da►fa70i al
17.51S7 font va c 5/6 roar Walk rad sst wnh ,mare PhW% sap ,rtagtpdd {C Ck 15!�)fnr WFA-t- of Ifw 1141.1 to awry+ gr s.16
Mw �R imm "Yo Jany fh4 ITaram"t aarpw at .-M Cnntml WON-A-GY/ t 1i .15" YanfkrrY iwm di/i tt.*
TWU `M 4W40 9H w"t rrn4 4d wCad *,fifty! F Iar� T9G JOH Vehhwe 4ko5 ovi Trod and oronp a hna4 q4 fodwv
6Qottt m dW*m 'JS rrJngtpi 02 anrantls Emt 0 &ftr os ei 404.60 isN to a SSW 4411 r," &r #amnr.
°youth 01 dsprsla 35 rrdmdss #0 4WWWr East a d[fanm of MC -A • I,* Ia o BOd naq tavad rof 4E^4iq
4rim of 44VA*j 17 mldrpot Srr *mascot amt o ilw&i et #pg,j4. fad fou Bpd +ialt taytryd IoW :Print
Sar,ih 00 dw4rvAs 52 MIftAs 44 ++caNn T_ast 4 t'ira now 01 39Y,sa 1W id a WW 210 fatnad TOr C*f
1-j1 PP dam 48 awwrfr 46 - ,- &x Few p*m.,, at 0 djd " 14 ML" I*w r, t12 kFf% frgn rad T..ra 7�r �1i11os
M e YYtso ! med7ts�t6ftdyrkubg M CA 0 dhtanen eT 2A4M fsst is a p9fr} Iar ou.�rw;
'f�tar+ wh wrta �r 35 mrwfas oo #off �r akrF�4 Rt4 W*ri" we aM of Lard talfrd fey/ 646 faGTI
aetr 4 dbianas of r9MA7 Int b a wd An inatnTay far �r h d Yarwt that
'em* -4 TIM" nal+ tt'AN. aS dieo" of JT1.ZG f q1 �E4dt naQ fr.�rd f4F OOIYM of >roW etretrat �xpesr++af/ 196 Jvitl
V*ftry %V0,� , a 4T**drr # aT T� fM# 16 a 1/ 44laiw+ L-40 Md r.4 to�+��WMr Of CW" f a�.�mM F .h 46 Af
ft0M Sbidh 00 4" T 4&n�aaim&fmJ tixpf*JuLw t/ E # oIold wm+rt4L ,blyd YMia..
t 4 & 4th haat. Off SOD.73 t tf ii ihs Pfflrr of JYEt'I mn aedaeenew i11,A36. i/ S96 faff YtnFrtiq
is s 4r WmL Ai sgnorw }art sr 2T�GT
Exbibit C - Page I
0136Cr3.M0111766934-M 5