HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2015-08-02 2015 ILA for Environmental Services.pdfCITY OF ANNA, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. ~Ofb"-()g~ O ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES BETWEEN COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, AND THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS WHEREAS, the lnterlocal Cooperation Act (Texas Government Code Chapter 791) authorizes any local government to contract with one or more local governments to perform governmental functions and services under the terms of the Act; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the Agreement with Collin County, Texas (the "County") to provide environmental services inspections will benefit the residents of both the County and the City of Anna, Texas (the "City"); and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it is in the best interest of the City and its citizens to authorize, ratify and approve the City Manager's execution of said Agreement; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. The recitals set forth above are incorporated herein for all purposes as if set forth in full. Section 2. The City of Anna City Council hereby approves the Agreement, attached hereto as EXHIBIT 1, incorporated herein for all purposes and authorizes the City Manager to execute same on its behalf. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas, on this 11th day of August, 2015. ATTEST: g City Secretary CITY COUNCIL OF ANNA, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO dOIS'...-o~-o~ PAGE 1OF1 J INTERLOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THfS AGREEMENT is entered into on the i tfh day of _u~~~ between the City of Anna ("Municipality"), and Collin Co unty governments of th e State of Texas. RECITALS I. The County operated the Collin County Environmental Health Care Services, which is a local health department established pursuant to the local Public Health Reorgani zation Act, Chapter 121, Texas Health and Safety Code ("The Act"). 2. The Collin County Environmental Health Care Services performs public health functions that the County is authorized to perform including, but not limited to, environmental services to protect and promote public health. 3. The Municipality desire to obtain certain environmental services from the County to be performed for Municipality's residents to their health and welfare. Therefore, under the authority of the Interlocal Cooperation Act, chapter 79 1, Texas Government Code, the parties agree as follows: SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS 1.0 I Environmental Services . The tenn "Environmental Services : means Services provided by the Collin County Environmental Health Department. These services shall include, but are not limited to: a. inspections of the day care facilities b. inspections ofrestaurants, schools and other food service fac ilities c. inspections of public swimming pools d. inspections of hotels and motels e. inspections of bed and breakfast establishments f. investigating any other environmental health complaints g. investigating complaints related to the activities listed in a-e above l .02 Inspection . The tenn "Inspection" means an on-site examination to Determine whether the facility being inspected is in compliance with the Municipality's Standards. 1.03 Municipality Standards. The term "Municipality Standards" means state and local ordinances and regulations that have been adopted by the Municipality which are applicable to the facility being inspected. _.... U'1 -- ::::-c ~-: ::.:0 4) .;.~ r,., l..O f} t..J __ ,,., --> ~~< :x :-T'l •..a ;>o -,. c.J1 '\ \.0 SECTION 2. TERM 2.0 l Te rm. T he te rm o f th e Ag r ee m e nt s h a ll c o m m ence o n th e I s t d ay o f Octo be r, 2015 , and shall continue in full fo r ce and e ffec t throu g h September 30, 2016. At the County's o pti o n, and with appro va l by the Municipality, the Agreement may be rene\\'ed for five (5) additional o ne (I) year period s . 2.02 Termination. Eith e r party m ay te rmin ate thi s Ag ree m ent by g iv in g n ine ty (90) days written notice to the other patty. SECTION 3 . SERVICES 3.01 Services to be Provided. The County agre es to provide to the Municipality's residents , on behalf o f the Municipa lity , the Environmental Service or services required for the enforcem ent of state ordinances and regul a tions. 3.02 Time of Performance. The County agrees to perform the services required by the Municipality under this Agreement, w ithi n three (3) working days of receipt of any complaint or request by the Muni c ipality . Provided however, the Municipa lity may request emergency inspections at their sole discretion an d the County agrees to inspect accord ingly. The applicant must request of the M unicipality an inspection as defined in accordance with the C ity of Anna Food Service and/or Retain Food Store Ordinance as it exists or may be amended. 3.03 Notification to Municipality. The County agrees to notify the Municipality in writing on report forms provided by the Municipality of the results of the County's inspection within five (5) working days of the inspection. SECTION 4. NONEXCLUSIVITY OF SERVICE PROVISIONS The parties agree that the County may contract to perform services similar or identical to those specified on this Agreement for such additional governmental or public entities as the County, in its sole discretion sees fit. SECTIONS 5. COMPENSATION 5 .01 Basic Charge. The Municipality shall pay the County a yearly Basic Charge calculated as $.80""per each inhabitant of the Municipality as determined by the most recent North T e xas Council of Government population projections for the service s to be performed under this Agreement. The Basic Charge shall be paid by the Municipality each year in four ( 4) equ a l quarterly installments. The first installment shall be due on October 1, 2015. The remaining installments shal l be due at three (3) month inte rvals from the d ate of exec uti o n o f thi s Agree men t a nd whe n the C ounty s ubmits an i nvo ice to the C ity for th e a m o unt du e . 5.02 [nitial Charge . T h e in iti al c h a rge for ser v ices beginnin g O cto ber l , 2 015 a nd continuing through and includin g Se pte mbe r 30 , 20 l 6 s hall b e SS.457.00 payable t) Co llin County in qua1icrl y in sta llm e nt s. -1 his figure represents a popu la tion number o f 10 ,5 7 l inhabitants x $.80 per inhabitant. 5 .03 Future Charges. Future charges shall be submitted to the Municipality in t h e form of a contract amendme nt and \Viii detail the population number us e d to formul ate the ch a rg e fo r se rvi c e s . 5.04 Inspection Charge. In addition t o the Bas ic Ch a rge set out in S e ction 5.01, an Inspe ction Charge in an amount determined by th e C ollin County C ommissione rs ' Court sha ll be coll ected by th e County from the person rece iv ing the s ervice s for each in sp e ction performed by the County under the terms of this Agreement. The County shall bill the person receiving the service for the [nspection Charge. The Municipality shall be exempt from all charges made pursuant to this section. 5.05 Source of Payment. The Municipality agrees that payments which it is required to make under this Agreement sha ll be made out of the Municipality's current revenues. 5.06 Issuance of Permits. The Municipality and County agree that requests for services under this Agreement shall be made by the business or property owners. Complaints received by the Municipality shall also be referred to the County for service s. The Municipality may further request inspections on its own initiative. SECTION 6. CIVIL LIABILITY The parties agree that the County shall be acting as an inde pendent contractor for the Municipal ity in performing services contemplated by this Agreement. However, Municipality shall cause County to be listed as an additional insured on Municipality's policies of insurance in connection with the County's potential liabil ity for any claims arising from the services provided by County under thi s Agreement, it being understood that while County is acting as an independent contractor in performing such services, it is doing so under the Municipality 's direction and control and for the benefit of the munic ipality. SECTION 7. AMENDMENT This Agreement shall not be amended or modified other than in written agreement signed by the parties. SECTION 8. CONTROLLING LAW Th is Agreem ent shall be d ee med to be mad e und er , go ve rn ed by, and co nstrue d in accordan ce with th e la ws o f th e State o f Te xas . Venu e s ha ll be in Collin Co unt y, T exas. SECTION 9. NOTICES 9.01 Forms of Notice. Unl ess otherwise sp ecified, all communications provided for in this Agreeme nt sh a ll be in w rit ing a nd shall be de emed deliv ered , whether actually rece ived or not, se venty-two (72 ) hours after de posit in the United States mail, first class, registered or certified , return receipt requested, with proper postage prepaid or immediate ly when d e li vered in person. 9.02 Addresses. All communication provided for in this Agreement shall be addressed as follo wed: (a) if to the County, to: Collin County Environmental Health Services 4690 Community, Suite 200 McKinney, Texas 7507 I (b) if to Municipality, to: City of Anna 111 N. Powell Parkway PO Box 776. Anna, TX 75409-0776 Or such person at such address as may from time to time be specified in a notice given as provided in this Section 9. In addition, Notice of Termination of this Agreement by the Municipality shall be provided by the Municipality to the County Judge of Collin County as follows: The Honorable Keith Self Collin County Judge Collin County Administration Building 2300 Bloomdale Rd., Suite 4192 McKinney, Texas 75071 SECTION 10. CAPTIONS The heading to the various sections of the Agreement ha ve been inserted for convenient reference and shall not modify, define, limit, or expand the express provision of this Agreement. SECTION 11. OBLIGATION OF CONDITION All obligations of each party under this Agreement are conditions to further performance of the other party's continued performance of its obligation under th e Agreement. SECTION 12. COUNTERPARTS This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each which, shall be deemed an or iginal for all purposes . SECTION 13. SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY The parties agree that no party has waived its sovereign immunity by entering into and performing their respective obligations under this Agreement. SECTION 14. EXCULSIVE RIGHT TO ENFORCE THIS AGREEMENT The County and the Municipality have the exclusive right to bring suit to enforce this Agreement, and no other party may bring suit, as a third-party beneficiary or otherwise, to enforce this Agreement. SECTION 15. PRIOR AGREEMENTS SUPERSEDED This Agreement constitutes the sole and only agreement of the parties hereto and supersedes any prior understanding of written or oral agreements between the parties requesting the services to be provided under this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. "COUNT~" COLLI BY: ~...,,p£'4ff.-~~1<.-::--f--:,,__~~~~~ TITLE: __,~~~~,}J.A~~--­ DA TE: Attested by:~ Title: Qd ~ . C.. "MUNICIPALITY" BY· ·· CITY!~~ T!TL~ DATE: I 14 •• *: COLLIN COUNTY September 18, 2015 City of Anna Attn: City Secretary P.O. Box 776 111 N. Powell Parkway Anna, TX 75409 Re: lnterlocal Agreement for Environmental Services Office of the Purchasing Agent 2300 Bloomdale Road Suite 3160 McKinney, Texas 75071 www .collincountytx.gov Please find one (1) fully executed copy of the referenced Interlocal Agreement for your files. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (972) 548-4122 or by e-mail at judydavis@co.collin.tx.us. Encl. cc: Contract file .)