HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2015-10-101 TIRZ Hearing Publication_RepealedCITY OF ANNA, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. }(C/~) -IC-·/ C (TIRZ Hearing Resolution) A RESOLUTION SETIING A PUBLIC HEARING UNDER SECTION 311.003 OF THE TEXAS TAX CODE FOR THE CREATION OF A TAX INCREMENT REINVESTMENT ZONE WITHIN THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS; AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF NOTICE BY THE CITY SECRETARY OF ANNA, TEXAS REGARDING THE PUBLIC HEARING; AND DIRECTING THE CITY TO PREPARE A PRELIMINARY REINVESTMENT ZONE FINANCING PLAN. WHEREAS, the City of Anna, Texas (the "City"), is authorized under Chapter 311 of the Texas Tax Code, as amended (the "Act"), to create a tax increment reinvestment zone within its city limits; WHEREAS, the City Council of the City (the "City Council") wishes to hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 311.003 of the Act regarding the establishment of a tax increment reinvestment zone in the City (the "Zone") with the boundaries being described in the metes and bounds attached as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, in order to hold a public hearing for the creation of the Zone , notice must be given in a newspaper of general circulation in the City no later than the 7th day before the date of the hearing in accordance with Section 311.003 of the Act; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined to hold a public hearing on October 27, 2015 on the creation of the Zone. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: Section 1. That a public hearing is hereby called for October 27, 2015, at 7:30 p.m. at City Council Chambers, 111 N. Powell Parkway (HWY 5), Anna, Texas 75409, for the purpose of hearing any interested person speak for or against the inclusion of property in the proposed Zone, the creation of the Zone, its boundaries, or the concept of tax increment financing with respect to the creation of the Zone. Section 2. At such time and place the City Council will hear testimony regarding the creation of the Zone and will provide a reasonable opportunity for the owner of any property within the proposed Zone to protest the inclusion of their property within the Zone. Upon closing the public hearing , the City Council may consider the adoption of an ordinance authorizing the creation of the Zone . Resolution TIRZ Hearing Section 3. Attached hereto as Exhibit B is a form of the Notice of Public Hearing , the form and substance of which is hereby adopted and approved. Section 4. The City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to cause said notice to be published in substantially the form attached hereto in a newspaper of general circulation in the City no later than the ?lh day before the date of the hearing. Section 5 . Before the October 27, 2015, hearing concerning the Zone , the City shall prepare a preliminary reinvestment zone financing plan. Section 6 . This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and it is accordingly so resolved . PASSED ON THIS /._ 1-i-/.._ DAY OF /)~l 2015 . ....... ATTEST: Carrie L. Smith, City Secretary Resolution Jo/5 ,,10 -{ () f TIRZ Hearing EXHIBIT A Metes and Bounds for the Zone Resolution c;i(i; -/{1 .. /D I TIRZ Hearing EXHIBIT “A” LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEING all that certain tract of land situated in then Joseph Boyle Survey, Abstract Number 105, the John Coffman Survey, Abstract Number 197 the J. M. Kincade Survey, Abstract Number 509 J. W. Mitchel Survey, Abstract Number 565 the W. Rattan Survey, Abstract Number 752 and the T. Rattan Survey, Abstract Number 785, Collin County, Texas and being all of a called 262.41 acre tract as described by deed to Villages of Hurricane Creek, LP recorded in Volume 5430, Page 9864 of County Records, Collin County, Texas and being part of a called 114.252 acre of land described by deed to Don Collins, et al recorded in Volume 5257, Page 4877 of said County Records and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at the southeast corner of said 262.41 acre tract, in the west line of said 114.252 acre tract: THENCE S 89°54’24”W, 2687.84 feet; THENCE N 00°04’27”W, 387.21 feet; THENCE N 89°58’14”W, 849.21 feet; THENCE N 03°33’44”E, 1188.00 feet; THENCE N 88°26’26”W, 365.15 feet; THENCE N 23°08’27”W, 67.47 feet; THENCE N 02°48’15”E, 1930.31 feet; THENCE N 89°52’55”E, 465.63 feet; THENCE N 89°15’32”E, 742.56 feet; THENCE S 90°00’00”E, 1755.97 feet to the northeast corner of said 262.41 acre tract of land and being the northwest corner of said 114.252 acre tract; THENCE N 89°11’00”E, 794.06 feet; THENCE S 00°10’57”W, 232.18 feet; THENCE N 89°56’12”E, 1184.36 feet; THENCE S 01°06’39”E, 55.96 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right; THENCE with said curve to the right, an arc distance of 205.39 feet, through a central angle of 16°48’41”, having a radius of 700.00 feet, the long chord which bears S 07°17’41”W, 204.65 feet; THENCE S 15°42’02”W, 121.60 feet; THENCE with said curve to the left, an arc distance of 205.39 feet, through a central angle of 16°48’41”, having a radius of 700.00 feet, the long chord which bears S 07°17’41”W, 204.65 feet; THENCE S 01°06’39”E, 201.55 feet; THENCE with said curve to the right, an arc distance of 116.43 feet, through a central angle of 09°31’48”, having a radius of 699.99 feet, the long chord which bears S 03°39’15”W, 116.30 feet; THENCE S 08°25’09”W, 393.86 feet; THENCE with said curve to the left, an arc distance of 101.69 feet, through a central angle of 08°19’23”, having a radius of 700.03 feet, the long chord which bears S 04°15’28”W, 101.60 feet; THENCE S 00°05’44”W, 1035.62 feet; THENCE with said curve to the right, an arc distance of 530.61 feet, through a central angle of 43°25’52”, having a radius of 700.00 feet, the long chord which bears S 21°48’40”W, 518.00 feet; THENCE S 43°31’37”W, 241.38 feet; THENCE with said curve to the right, an arc distance of 25.41 feet, through a central angle of 00°02’48”, having a radius of 400.00 feet, the long chord which bears S 43°40’02”W, 25.41 feet; THENCE N 89°44’50”W, 655.06 feet; THENCE S 00°56’11”E, 265.80 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 16,037,378 square feet or 368.2 acres of land more or less. EXHIBIT B City of Anna City Council Notice of Public Hearing On Creation of Reinvestment Zone THE ANNA CITY COUNCIL WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2015 AT 7:30 P.M. IN THE ANNA COUNCIL CHAMBERS LOCATED AT 111 N. POWELL PARKWAY (HWY 5), ANNA, TEXAS 75409, ON THE CREATION OF A REINVESTMENT ZONE AND ITS BENEFITS TO THE CITY OF ANNA AND TO PROVIDE A REASONABLE OPPORTUNITY FOR ANY OWNER OF PROPERTY WITHIN THE PROPOSED REINVESTMENT ZONE TO PROTEST THE INCLUSION OF THEIR PROPERTY WITHIN THE PROPOSED REINVESTMENT ZONE, WHICH PROPOSED ZONE CONSISTS OF APPROX/MA TEL Y 421 ACRES GENERALLY LOCATED 2.25 miles north of the intersection of US 380 and FM 1385 and within THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS AND AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY A METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION AVAILABLE AT ANNA CITY HALL AND AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION . AT THE PUBLIC HEARING, ANY INTERESTED PERSON MAY SPEAK FOR OR AGAINST THE INCLUSION OF PROPERTY WITHIN THE ZONE , THE CREATION OF THE REINVESTMENT ZONE, ITS BOUNDARIES, OR THE CONCEPT OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING. FOLLOWING THE PUBLIC HEARING , ANNA CITY COUNCIL WILL CONSIDER ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE CREA TING THE REINVESTMENT ZONE. .. \ • / -'~~ l ,1~1 ! Resolut ion c<_ U f ~J --r "' --'-··· ' TIRZ Hearing Page 48, The Anna-Melissa Tribune, October 15, 2015 •"•' ...... -.... : ... ~.rm ~ ..... '· .. _ .... :L .. ~ '' .· ' ~~ ' . ! ,· , .. ; ,,' -~· . NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING :.' TO DISCUSS MELISSA. ISD'S State Financial Mana'.geme.ht Report . ' ... :.·· ..... , and Financial Accouri~_?tjilityRating . (F:l:R.S.T. Report).<· ., .. • .; -· Melissa ISD will hold a;public meeting at 6:00p.m : on0ctobe(19, 2015 . · • in the Melissa ISD Board room · · ·at 1904 E. Cooper. · """' ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS ·- NOTICE South Grayson Water Supply will hold their regular monthly meeting on Thursday October 15, 2015 at 2:00 pm at the corporate office . Roy Adams- S ecretary Treasurer . Email your LEGAL ADS or classified ads told ixon@ ·. vanalsty neleader.com · · or give us a call at 903-4 82-5253 · for more information. Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for t he Estate of VA LERI E BEATRICE BOUDREAU, Deceased w ere issued on September 22 , 2 01 5, in C au se No. PB1-1341 "2015, pen ding in the Probate Co~rt No.1'. Collin County, Texas to: KATHERYN ANN BOUDREAU All persons having claims ag ainst this Estate which is currently b ei ng administered are required to present them t o the.undersigned within th.e tim e an d in the manner prescri bed by law. c/o: KATHRYN ANN BOUDREAU 6731 Northcreek Lane Dallas, Texas, 75240 ·~ . I DATED the 29th d ay of September, 201 5 Hy nds & Gordon, PC 500 N. Sam Rayburn Frwy., Ste. 200 Sh erman, Texas 75090 903-89 2-1807 903-893-2 015 fax BY: TOHN IE E. HYNDS Attorney for KATHRYN A NN BOUDREAU State Bar No .. 10381500 City of Anna City·Council ... ·;. NotiCe of Public Hearing O n Creatio n of Reinvest ment Zo ne THE ANNA CITY COUNCIL W ILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON WEDNESDA Y, OCTOBER 2 7, 201 5 AT 7:30 P.M. IN TH EANNA COUNCIL CHA MBER S LOCATE D AT 11 1 N. PO WEL L PARKWAY(HWY 5), A NNA, TEXAS 75409, ON THE CREATI ON OF A REINVESTMENT ZONE AND .ITS B ENEFITS ·TO T HE CITY OF A NNA A ND TO PROVI DE A REASO NABLE OPPORTU NITY FO R A NY OWNER OF PROPERTY WITHIN THE PROPOSED REI NVESTMENT ZONE TO PROTEST THE INCLUSION OF THEIR PROPERTY WITHIN THE PR OPO SE D RE IN VESTMENT ZO NE, WHI CH PROPOSED ZON E CON SIST S OF A PPROXIMATELY 421 ACRES GEN ERA LLY LOCA TED 2.25 m iles north of the intersection of US 380 and FM -1385 and w ithin T HE CITY OF A NN A , TEXAS A ND A S MORE PARTICULARLY D ESCRIBED BY A M ETES AND BO UNDS DESCRIPTION AVA ILABLE AT A NNA CITY HALL AND AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC INSPECTIO N. ATTHEPUBLIC HEARIN G, ANY INT ERESTED PERSON MAY SPEAK FOR OR AGAINSTTH E IN CLUSION OF PROPERTY W ITH IN THE ZO NE, THE CREATION OF TH E REI NVESTM ENT.ZONE, ITS BOUNDAR IES , OR THE CONCEPT OF TAX INCREM ENT FINANCING. FOLLOWING THE PUBLIC HEARIN G, AN NA CITY CO UNCIL W ILL CONSIDER ADOPTION OF AN ORDIN ANC.E CREATING THE REINVESTMENT ZONE. 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