HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2015-10-102 Munger Dev Plat.pdfCITY OF ANNA, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. (Munger Development Plat) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS APPROVING THE "MUNGER" DEVELOPMENT PLAT" GENERALLY LOCATED IN ANNA'S EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION LOCATED AT 10236 COUNTY ROAD 289 AND IS SUBJECT TO THE SUBDIVISION RULES AND REGULATIONS AS SET FORTH IN THIS RESOLUTION. WHEREAS, In order to provide for the orderly development of land within the Anna city limits and extraterritorial jurisdiction, the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas (the "City Council") has adopted Part Ill-A of the Anna City Code of Ordinances ("Subdivision Regulations"); and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. Recitals Incorporated. The recitals above are incorporated herein as if set forth in full for all purposes. Section 2. Approval of Development Plat The City Council hereby approves the Munger development plat PASSED by the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas, on this 131h, day of October, 2015. ATTEST: Ii ff ' ' /; ( /'~ /I "~1: ·/ l" . } J,) ~ f • ... /) .;/1/r cf;t(• City Secretary Carrie L Smith GRAPHIC SCALE r r 11( rn:l) --------l'ln<r-.--h = eo IL r w • "N VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCAlE £XiSTIHG AFPROXUlATI'. lOCATION or PWINEO OtTACH£0 SHOP/OARACE ONE STORY MET>.!. BUilOINO \\llll 110 CQNCRtTC fOUNOATIOH {TO BE REllOV£0) MUNGER DEVELOPMENTAL PLAT 54,5(9 sq.fl. (.252 acres ~l~--------·~·LT _____ ~---~'--~-...J ~ d J GENERAL NOTES 1) BASIS or BEA!\iflOS IS THE WEST LINE A TRACT Of Wm COllVEY£D TO CASEY w. MUl!GER BY DEED RECOROEO IN ltlSIRUMEt!T llU~BER 20ID07060006B7400, RECORD[(} Ill orncw. PUBLIC RECORDS, COWN COUNTY, TEXAS. (1102'27'ol "W) p f p .1 J P I' !' I' P COUNTY ROAD 289 VA.~U: VtlOJH >SF'W.J.t ROAD J d d d d J N 02'27'01" E 272.22' (e..l$"$~E:£.l.~,;.'1~) & d & & J J Lrnrno J CM " COUTROWNG MONUMEIH R.O.W. "' RlGflT-or-WAY MGS " l!AG llAIL SET ,, 1/2" !Rf "' 1/2 lllCH IRO!I ROO FOUIW .1 O.R.c.c.r. " DEED RECORDS, COWi! COUIHY, TEXAS .1 .1 O.P.R.C.C.T, "' OfflCIAl PUBLIC RECORDS, COLLll! COUNTY, TCXAS ,I POINT OF EGINNIN .l J .! 0.)' "'' OWNER'S CERTIFICATE STATE Of TEXAS COUNTY Of COLUU WHEREAS, Co••Y \Y, Munger, Is Iha solo owner of o !roe! ol land situaled In tho Joseph Brlllon Survoy, Abolrocl t{umbor 72, Collln County, Texos, belng oil of o lrocl of land conveyed lo Cosey W, Munger, by deed, recorded In lnslwmenl number 20100706000687400, Offlclol Publlo Records, Collln Counly, hxos, ond being moro porllcularly descrlbod by moles and bounds os follows: 9EG!lltllt!G ol o f/2 Inch Iron rod found for cornor oncf being tho Soulhwesl corner of o coiled 5 octe trcol of land cQnVeyed fo Corrof R. Alexortder, by deed tec(lrded fn Jnsfrumont number 94-0045977, Ofllclol Publlo Records, Collin County, Toxos, sold cornor also bolng In lho llorlh line of o lrocl ol lond convoyed lo Barbaro King by deed recorded In 1nslrumonl number 94-01 f0068, OfUclol PoblJc Re\:ords, CoJUn Covnfy, Texas; THENCE North 88 degrees 21 mlnule• f4 second• \Yosl, olong !ho Narlh lino of oald King lrocl, passing " 1/2 Inch Iron rod found ot o distance of 175.30 feel and conllnulng o lolol dl•lonco of 200.30 leet -Jo a mag na11 sot for eorner, sold corner belng lhe Northwest corner of sold K(ng Traci, ·· ·--------------------------·~~;.~;J~~,J~at~~-~~;J~~·:o7Jg;'-~~~1 4~3'.?.~~-.~°-~~i!,~~~ c~1lii.~JuUl~;· r~xIPJn-tll~1~'~!\~'!'c*Zn!Y-· Rood 289 (a vorloble wJdlh ospholl rood); THENCE North 02 dogr••• 27 mlnules 01 seconds East, olong tho £osl lino ol •old ]Cl-LE~ lrocl, o dlslonco of 272.22 feel lo o mag noll ool for corner, sold corner being lho most tlorlhorn Soulhwosl corner line or lhe sold A!oxonder Troot, ond being In sold Counly Rood 289; THENCE Soulh 88 degrees 24 minutes 21 seconds Eosl, along tho Mos! Woslerly Soulhern Une of sold Al•xonder !roof, posolng a 1/2 lnoh Iron rod found of o dlslance of 25,12 fool and continuing for a lotol distance of 200,16 feet fo o t/2 Inch lron rod found for comer, and be1ng an fnlerlor corner Qf $old Alex~mder fr<Jcl; THEllCE Soulh 02 degrees 25 mlnulos j 6 seconds West, olong lh• most IYo•I lino of sold Aloxonder Traci, o dhlonco of 272.40 feet lo tho POINT OF 6£GlllNllW and conlolnlng 54,519 squora fool or 1 .252 acres of land. SURVEYOR'S STATWWT: THAT, I, aryon Connolly, do h•roby corlify tho! I prepared lhls davoloprnonlol plof from ociuol survey on tho lond ond Iha! !ho corner monumonls shown thoroan woro found ond/or properly placed under my personal suporvlolon In Qcoordonco wllh tho PlollTng Rulo and Regulo11ons of lho Planning ond Zoning Commlso!on or lho Clfy ol Anno, Toxoo. OWllERI CASEY \V, MUNGER M>O.~SS: t02JG Cft 269 Cir( 0,-l."''X~-TIXAS-75~09 PHOtlt= 97Z-&l3-0,S6 MUNGER OEVf:LOPMEflTAL PLAT 54,519 SQ.ff, I f ,252 ACRES SITIJA.l£0 rn THE JOSEPH aRJTToH SURVEY, ABSTRACT HO. 12. CITY OF AHHA EXTRATERRITORlAL JUR!SDICTIOll, COWH COUNTY, TEXAS CBG Surveying, Inc. Pl.ANNINO SURVEYIHG 12025 Shiloh Rood Sulro 230 Oollao, Ttx•• 7522-a r 21•.R~.Ug· ·~1 \81~~~9.221e www.cbgdlw.com