HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 851 Annexation05/19/2011 14:69 9725475731 STACEY KEMP CO CLERK PAGE 02/07 )': ORDINflr:C}~ NO. _ ft£:i -13 k" : ' 1!147 ': . ',:' . AN ORlJlrl",NCl'; Mi"Nl-;XINQ Cz.ln'AlN 'l'EJml';tORIl!S '1'0 'j'W!: CI'l'Y Ol~ ANNA, l'li:XAS. PltOVlDI::-tG FOi~ TIlE pmLICA1'IO)l; Qt\' THXS 01WINANC~ AND .I'N E}'tEC'l'IVE DATE 'nU:Rr~m~: y,'nXHEAS, th.e growth aIld davclopn1(!nt ot tIle area adjacent to .the Ci t.y of Anna is progresad1li nt .n rap]," rate llnd this dcvCllOp­ . ment is e~'pt~cted to continue in the future; and WHEREAS, too protection of thEl p\lbUC herdth and gcnCl'ra). we 1­ tare of the I)GoplO of the City of Ann~ r~quireS thnt SuCh dovelop­ ment be in nn orderly ~nQQr and controlled bf the City of Anna; nnd WHEREAS, the owners o£ tbe following described ?rop~rty have petitioned the C;ity of Anl19, to aune,x saiQ prorerty to the City of Anna; and WHEREAS, a public hcar1 ng was ha lo bof~rr. the! Ci ty COUllci 1 of the City 0.1': Anna, Texas, On the j> day of AprH, 1971, "'Meh date was not; mOl'Q thn.n twonty (20) days IlOI' loss t!l~" ton (10) days p",lor to, the insHtutiOl1 of nnuexf!.tion proceedings; ilnd Wlih'1U:i:J\S, notice of liHU:;h public he.~r,j,nG· \t1\S publ.i~hl!d in a neWSpaj;'f:?r having a general e1N.!ulatioll in the City 01' Ann", l'ex~~. the ---d,LdilY of -42.1.c'Vt..s:-"I;:~__•• 197J., wh1~h ct1'lt~ wa~ Ilot I:'!C)~·P. than twenty (20) days not' lc!'t$ th"'l~ tel\ (10) d",ys priOl' to t:\O dAy of such pubUc henring; a.ou WH1~1~Ei\':;', the te~l"i tOl'Y lies adja.cent to and adjoins thtl Gi t}· ot Anna., TeXas; NOW', TH;Jti-;r'Ol1i:j BJ.; l'l' OHDJ\INJ~J) BY 'l'lli~ CIT)' G(W:SCI:. O\~ 'jtf£ Clry OF AN~A, T~XAS: 05/19/2011 14:09 9725475731 STACEY KEMP CO CLERK PAGE 03/07 1; :i 'I 'I .'f i :J ! .\ " ! , I' T RAel' O:!t.:. ~iTUAT':n in Collin County, Tcx:\::\. :'Jnd hcinr: :1 pArt 0; t11l! Josiah H'l'antl~y Survey. !\bstract No. 114 and also ,I part of the G. Morrison SlIr\,c.y. MHarAct ND. fi5'..1 Ilnd .,1!;0 R pnrt or th(! lIenry Bttlntley S\lrvoy ;~o. 71. and tho lund heT'lt" in cOn\'tl>'cd bc:lng fotWlorly the ri~ht of 'Ni'lY of tho T(llta~ Hlcctric nailwny Company lyinK in Roj6 surveys, and heing a portion of tho trQct$ Jescribed in ~ deed from th~ Texas EleCtTic Rai!\1:lY CQm!"any to Henry O. Hynds, do.tL?tl t;ov. 22nd 1949. and J'ecQJ"ued in Vol. 40R. pAgO ?itb, rollin Cnunty f1e~(l Records, and the tracts h~rein conveyed having been d~cdQd to the 'L'CX;tS TrRction Company hy the follo....;i ng deeds: GrnntOT Dnte Vol. Pnga Acres Collin CD. Dcc~ Rae. Mrs. E.J. K~11y Oct. 7. 1905 144 S~ 2.2R J. H. ChlJrldlcr .'I,me ll, 1907 14S 446 J,7S The following tra~U hoving been c:onvcycu to the Toxas Electric Railway by the followi.ng deeds: Grantor Date Vo,t.. Pa~e Aeros Co l1i n {;(\, iloed Rcc., W.e:. I\ryant .Jan. :n, 1955 3112 ::is fI.31 J.R. Thornton Feb. 4, uns 30Z 73 0.32 ,j. n. :·fQore MaT. U), 1935 30Z 37 (1,62 Save 'and ex;cept that certain o.n acre tract referred to in deed from Texa~ nlectric Railway hy J~s. p. Griffin, PreSident and by Jas. p, Griffin, Receher to the State of Texas dated April 18~ 1"35 and recorded in Vol. 30n. pages 9-11 of ,the Dee(t Recorlts or Collin County, Texr.t~, which said 0.22 acres of land bein~ a 25 ,foot strip of land off the southwest side of the T~~as HlcctTic Railwav rinht­of~way. and sHuated in th.e J.C. Brantley Survey. AhstTact No. 114, and a paTt of Itom No. 2 in said deed to th~ State of Texas. All that certain 5.70 acre tract conveyed by J.L. Grrcr to ']'o,xas 'rrat:tion Company, hy deed dntad Toeh. 1::;, 1'107 and recorded in VOl. 147, pas~. 23-24 of the Deed Record, of Colli.n. Courtty. Texu. haying 3.:H acros in the r;,l/yn 1·!oTris~n SlITvey and Z. 39 acres in the Henrv Brnntlev S\lr­ voy, save and except that certain 11.7(, aCTe tr:'l(;t j n the ilenry Brantley SUl'vey c(\nvey~<1 hy Teus f:hctric Railwlt? to Mrs. Hannie B. Greer, by deed dated Sopt. 2nd "49. :rItACT TIIRr.m: Bd,n!/. 8. strip of J Ill'ld out of the ,1. IL Thornton t filet situated in the .J. C. nrallUey SU.l:'\'!:>". Au:;lrilct ;~(). 114. in the (:cunty or Collin. ~tat() or 'rClCl1~. lY\IlI~ l'ct\.JeE.'f1 chaIning stations 47~1"'4S nnll ·1RS.7(i on the u\(.'II';Ated center line or St.ab! l!ighw;JY No, fl. lI1lid relor:llt.ion mArie by the Resident ~ngln~~r or tho StAte HiRhw8V n~p8rtment anu mQl'C partlcuhrly descriheu ar-fCllltn.,s= . , aEOINNINO at a pnint in the south line ~f $~id traet, said point. bl.!in~ 53.0 flet C'1I51 or chatning sutton 479+45. and b~ing loc~tcd 16 feot, morc or less, west of the sDuthentt cornor of $ai~ trnct: .i 05/19/2011 14:69 9725475731 STACEY KEMP CO CLERK PAGE 04/07 ..~, .', ..:...' THE:\ir.rlllj~sJ:· 'lil(\og lHdd l'Iotlth line 11 tHsuncc nf 107.2 feet to ~.:potnt 50 :roct.solltl,wcstcrly IIlId at right anglc$ to sflid .reloc:atc-d center l.lne: '1'tJE:-:r.r: i'12.1' • 04' W. a diYhnC~ of !'IH feet tCl a '!loint in the n6rth line of said trH~ti Tms~Cc Bas't ~l'Jonr. ~Ilid north line", ..til; tMCC or 1[17. Z feet, crossing 5Ri~ relocated ~cnter line ~ di~tance or S3.~ fe~t fit chai~i~r. statibn 4BA+76 to A no\nt sn feet fro;fl and :H rinht Itn~lt')s to lln'id cent~:r lill~: TlifiNC6 S Z1" - 0 4' r:. sa feet. frOll1 an ~ rlil nBc l. to 5aid center line n di!it1'tnce of 9:1] feet ·tel tile rHd,,'I'. l)f hegin­;; nin~' and cottta;ninr,. 2.l4 aCl"e~, mote Or It:'~$; of which 1.28 acres of Vtnd )!; in the pre!'lent t;t.:tu 1:.i!\hwflY :";0. 6, and 0.86 acr~s new ar additinnR1 land (or widoninl anid Iii ghwa)' .. ·:1 .' :!:B!~0lJ:.mlli~. Being tl strip 01 l:.~ntl ofr of tl1!1 \orthcFl.~t !'ii\l~' of tho J. B. )\oo't'¢ l3~) ilcrC T.t':tct in the ~T. c. I1rnntl~')· ~llrvcYt Ahstnlct No. 11<1, in the r:ollnt~' or Co11 1. TI. sute of: 'r~XI15, lying hctwc~n Chll.i.ninJ,l Station::; 4r)')... !'13 n:lLl :I:~)+H ·.ion the relocated center linc or Stnte i'i.~!jll,·ny i~(1. 6. ~1J.id. -, relocat!,on made hy the RcsidCltt En~llr\{~(\r of 1'11(0 St;jt~ ,." . ~ Hi,'dwar Ocpat'tlncnt, tll\d mort' 1'••rticlll:1rl}, de~crihcJ ~5 .)fellows' IijmT~l\LfH1 at a point in tht: ~C;)1"th li1\~ ¢f sni.~l trltct, i ~ai~ p01nt beinR t~.) rac~ WesT. of the Xorthc~5t ~orner uf stild tt'!Il:l, and heinr. locAted S3.() rect En!;t of Chainin~ Station 47P+45; Tlln~ct 5. 21"-O~' E. SO feet from anJ parallel to ~~ld c,.nr.~l' 'line n di stance of R6~ fe.e t, more (II' Ie!',;, to n point of Clll"Ve, TII;Z~cn Southe(\ster])' tllon.~: ,q c.lIrw: to th<" ri~ht \;hl')~C l'I;lditl.$ is 3;:;~4.J1 feet y' dhtilnce of fiB fC.·CT;, I;lOt'~' or l~:;a, to a no;i..nt in thE' South linc or :'\nid 't''rI\Ct; Tlli~1~Ct alonr, ~:J.ic.i South line a Ilii't:~I\C'c t'{' l!l!).f. fN"t. c"ro::;!'lil'l~ .:;.,\ill cent(?T line :tt Ch:dlli.n~ Stati.on M.ll ... '1~ t(l A p~')int 50 foct ."\o\lthwc1'to r l;.' :'Uhl ;]t ri;!ht rm,r:l~s tn ~;\i,l center line; Tllr.NCI: Narth'Wcfl'i:CTly nlQn~l n ellrlip. tc the lC'rt \dli..'~1'l' radius .is '!;2H.17 feet a ,ll~ta!'\e" fir ~7!:' rcct tl'l !... "oint of t:f.lllr,Cm;y; 'r;Il:~CJ; Ii. 2t"-1I4' \\f, !,r') ICe"t (I'om IlIlIi !1ar(i11,~1 tn f:.ni.l '-'!I!!:'ltcr Ji.n~ n di~tanco of 9('r, ~('ec. laore 01' 1L'$~. to ;1 point i.n 1;.hc. ~1.'1rth li.nC! of ~I\id tl."nct: TiIE;';Cli tins:: nlanr, said North linc :\ t'istrll1ce of l:'l7.:: teet to the point of 1.1~l!inllin,l! CHHl cClnt..1i71in!~ L 1\1 ilcres~ norf.!' or le~$. nc'ir,)~ n strip of litnd nrf c( th~' 11;'t'lnc·'ilsl <i<i •.~ :~f \(.\' ~L L !;r('lt:'f t.TIlCr., In t.h" ,J. :-:. iW;lnT:lv\' ~;lIr¥('~'. ,\I::'o:!'rIl':~ ;·.0, 11'~. ill !:hfl Cnill1l'.V of C(.Ij tir., :Hi\t;;: r.f h·xn:-:.. h'it,:.: b ..'th'(H~·a Ch"i nil';'. !'1.1tiOll;' il)~:''''!!.:' ,"l~! :',11 tl.11 n:: t:·,~· retl')' !:3tl!d centel' linel t1rlit;Jt'~' l:ir.ItN,l? :-'1''1, tl, ~;)LI "~I{\c!ltiorl tni'ldc h>' the R~!';idl'T)t l'n;~ir\()cr' or 1;\(· ~;Iatl' \iil~hh·n ... n~pa!·t­ /i'I('nt., alHI m()r,~ rlnrti".l!lurl)' dtl~~':'il.c.l a~ 1'(" lf1('~: .;l.f:j:;~;T:.:r: :,.: I::;'~ IIlI:("I'''i'o:t'i n l1 ",1' ~'·I"· <:i'lllll: ; :,"' I',," tll" .;:dd t:rf,,,,t ~md He ~·(')lltl;i:i.'St ri:;!1r r~' h';)\' lir.(" ,"r til!' Toxnl!t r.lectt'11! :)~\~l.r(.\t\d, \I;\jo.1 ""i:1t 1,·i'H· :!r',<; ,:,~ •..'t ':~iHt r>r Chtlinillf Stalit'ln ".:1H7r 1"1:\ ... :lid t·t"10~::lb.·~i t:~':atl'l' Li I\e ; 05/19/2011 14:69 9725475731 STACEV KEMP CO CLERK PAGE 05/07 :,: ' Tllii~CU i~r,rst'EJ d~stl;lnc~ of ~n ... f.eet. ;]1(')111; said south linc, crossin. said fGloCated eanter lin~ at a distance '.'>., ,'.' "of 26. R (cct 1 Itt Ch,nintnj! Station 48St76 to ~ p'otnt SO ""~ feet $Outhw~~torl, and at ri~ht aftRlc5 to said raloe~tQd cen to' 'f 1 inc; TllENCn N 21 ow 04 1 W alOn!! a line 50 ffH!t soutll\~esterly :lf1d parallel to said reloeatod canter liTu.! D distlll"lcc of.::", ~, '" 1184 feet to a point in the north lina or RAid tract; '~ Tl!LiNtE t;ast al()n~ 53j.d north ]inc a ui,5tnncc of 1<17. Z feet, crossing said relocated centor line at a distance of 53.6 reet nt Chainin~ Station 501+60 to a ro!nt S~ feet nOTthcasterly and at right angles to 5<'1: \ Tel ocate!'! centor UnOi TIIRNCn S Zlo-04' C 50 feet (rom al1.~l },)arallel to !'aid c~nter line n distance of ~06 feet to ~ noint in the Tcxaa Bluctric Railroad right of w~y; . 'J'!IT~NC'i '~est alon~ saiu ri~ht of way line a difitancc of 26.9 foet to a. corner or ,aiu right of way, r-aid cor.ner bein~ 25 feet northca:.tQT1y At 1'l$1hl: ann1es to uid . relo~atcd c~nter lins; TIlfWCf( S Zl"·n4 ' r; n ItiStAl'IC(I of 3U, f(!(!t to th(l ~oint of begtnning And cDnt8inin~ Z.73 3~re5. , . TRACT SIX: Raing ~ stTip of l~nd out of the Rutland rT"~t (nmpany 110 acre and n ...ere tracts :in the r,'",'n :·lorrison 5urvc\'. Abstract No. 11 and the Henry RrtlJltley Survey. AhstTltct No. SSg. in the ~D"nty of Collin, State of TexAS. lyin~ hetween Chn:ininli: Station 422'*'Sl nnd 4(1(1+98 .,n the relo­ cated e,",nter of State Highway :-10. 6. saL ... Teloc~Hion m.':luc by the Residont J;nginccr of tIle State Ilighwa? Ut'partll1ent 1 and. more ,,~n·tic.ularly described 85 follo\~5: .. BEG[NNING at a point in the North line of said tract, , . $aid point being Sfl.2 ft. cast of Chlli11inq StlitioTl .HiO+9S; TIII:NCIl Southerly alon,\! 0. curve to till;' :ri~ht ""ho:;o Tadi U!lO i$ 3324.17 ft. ~ di~tanc~ or'o~ ft. more Dr lC5R, to a point of tanlcncy; TlltNCr: S. 10 .20 1 W. sn ft. from litH1 pnrRt1el to ~~id center line a distance of 2Sn4.b Ft. to a paint of curve; l TlIllNCE <'liong Ii curvo to the l(Oft Whose Tlldiu~ is 7Sl<~.4!) '; ft .• a ~i5t~nce of 4]5 Ft. to a polQt in the South line of said tract; TlitiNcr! Wosterly along thf! .south lin~ of. sAhl tra<;t a <!;'s­ tance of lnn.4 ft. mor~ or le~~f rrnlsinA snid center Itna of Chaining Station. 422+!il: TlIllNCI! Northwe,terly 1l1onJ: a curve to the rir.ht whos~ rAdius l~ 76~~.49 Ft. 3 distance of 4sn ft. more or lc5s, to 8 ~oint or tangency; TlII1Nr.H N. lOo~ll)t R. SO ft. from and. p:lft\llcl to said ~entcr lin~ a distance of ZSn4.b rt. to a pOint of curvo; TH~NCn Northerly Along a curvo ta the 1.U whose 1"lldiu~ i, ~ZZd.17 ft. n dl$tAnce of a91 ft, moro or 1055_ to a point !n the North lille of $aid trnct; l~~NCt Eost alon~ said line a distance of 100.5 ft. to tbe point of beginning and containing 8.ft! A~ret. more 01' 105$, i 05/19/2011 14:09 9725475731 STACEY KEMP CO CLERK PAGE 06/07 ,):,~J':h1fo/1~f)~IT~1'j;Sl~fr;;s~~~f7j~!:!jJ+f:~1fiti;t?fi~;:rr~T;'~p,"", • '~H' • H:.w.:.._.• ,;.... , • ..;••,'•.••. ~ '*' ••_ ...~.~.. ,,:.:.:~;:.~:::) •. .', ,:. ,.~........... , ....... _"T"j • tW' 1 14 '" " .' j'b> f*..-,..· ....~...* .•/~: ".:='. .. . n ·17 'j 5);:0'1'101\ 2. The nbOVtl described lnn(i, lI.nd tCl:Titory lYin" acljl.\Cf;mt to fiJld AQjoill:i..l~g the C1t.y of Anr.o., 'te-xns. nnd f';::t.iu tttrrt­ tory above deEicribaQ shall heren1"tor be incJ.uued 'Wi thin the bO~1tldnr7 limJ, ts ot tbe City of Mlna, TeoXI\!I, lHld ti:e prflSfl'n\. bounCltlry J.)..1!ll. 1.'; .....: .d.Qjlcr;ibed , nn! f,ltel'e-.i and amendoQ so ns to include snia nrcfl w:i.thi,:-l the (lorpol'Sl.tc 11111i tt:! of the Ci ty 1)£ AltHO, 'l'(~".ns. SECTION J. That tlt:l,s o:rclinanc$ fl:hnll b(.)(:ame efff,'(aivc immediately upon ihl adoptiQJl tdu'l'l' Oll~ (1) rp.ading ;'1110 UPOIi b!'l!;i.ng DULY' FlJI,SSm AND APpnOV.r::.u by tl~c (;i.ty Coul1(:il uf th40l City oi All IIH. , Texas, on the L2 .day uf April, U)1l.• ~.u· ey t 31'Y ,! l 1 l I 1 1 j 1 ! ~ 1 05/19/2011 14:89 9725475731 STt>CEV KEMP CO CLERK PAGE 07107 ", ,,,;' .', .. \':" , "'of.': It Ja'i\t:t .Shirl:oy. Ci ty Secretary of the Gi ty of Ann<l! TcxlJ~, t:~.I'tify tha.t the ab'ave and 'totcgolng is a ttue and correct cory (I f Ci ty Ordin anee No. ,Z.etJ • r Wi tn ... • y hand and ,ea1 'hio tho r""-~'Y of ~A. 1971. ~ '" -, .. \\ ,I • \ A N Ii '\\""'j . .... ........... ", I", ., " ""I t.· ...... J , ~ /"i' 1'\. \ • \ J i:k~ '1 \ ~ , -I ~\ ;(., '\ .~ .f' } ',4" .' lh;rlf, .' --I, ~'~f~if:~"':'l·..il~tore ne, tile under.signod authorit.y, on thi!; 11ay !"ersonotlly \,~~~~ Jan<lt. Shirley. City Secretary of tho City of Anna. Texas, :'n'o'Hr"'to me to be the person wt\OSC name 15 subscrihed to the fore!­ !:oin~ instrument, and a.ckno'Wled~IiH;i to me tlHlt $ht:: executed the same for the purpo$o~ and considerat10R therein expressed, and in the t:v.paci ty therein !! tated. . .,Oi "on un.dar my ha.nd and sea.l this the 11 day of , ........~ , 1971. ,,-( " 'I'·, ...; .,---'.........­" , .......'. "' " .. '.10 ,. "" it 1 ... \ "" f ",";;;'~,;. " ~.. / j .. .1)\. I ,IIf' ~\, r ,,/~.. .. "',.X "'",~ '... ;.,~. i .i J ·1 i (I _ ,.-lL.&Jt~A4~'fftatr'f~t:con"!"i'::'n-C":'Q':":u:'!'n'rtv~.­ ] ,1 :j I .1 J t I 1 I 1 i j I I ! 1 1 1 1 i J 1 ! I I I I