HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 853 AnnexationORDINANCE . N 0 , 4949 -AN ORLD INN NCE ANNEXING CERTAIN TERRITORIES TORIES TO THE CITY OF ANNA , TEXAS; PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF 'I'1 � I S t�l%D i'ti A iV7 C E AND � D AN EFFECT IVE DATE THEREOF: EAS, the gro%yth and development of . P the area adjacent nt to -the City of Anna i is progressing at a and e tli rate i rapid p t s de e l op _. merit is expected to continue in . the suture, and WHMEA S, the protection of the public heal . health and general � a 1 ��e 1 _ f are of the people of 'the City of Anna requires t- • � s that- such develop_ went b-e in an orderly manner and controllea • by the City of Anna; and WHEREAS, the owners of the following described g property have Petitioned the City of Anna to annex said property to the City ty of Anna.; and ` WHEREAS, a public hearingwas held . before the City Council of .the City of Anna Texas on the day of April, 1971 which date was riot more than twenty (20) days nor less than ten (10) days prior to the institution ution of . annexation aroceedings; and WHEREAS, notice of such ublic he • z P a, ing was published n a newspaper having a general circulation in the City of Anna, .Texas, the r day o , 1071, which date w as not more ;than twenty (20'days nor less than ten n (10) days prior to the day ;of such public hearing; and iidE tEtib, the territory lies adjacent• , , . to and add 01 ns the city of Anna, Texas; NOSY) 'THEREFORE, BE IT ORIDA INED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA; TEXAS: . SECTION 1. The f of lowe. nc• des 1 • . b cr_b..d land and territories lyi na adjacent to. and ad j o�. ni ncr the Ci e tY of Anna, Texas is hereby added and annexed to the City• of Anna, Texas,* exas , to -wit: V IUIZST TRACT: A tra tot 78. 85 acres o: ,land in the.' S. A. Roberts Survey, Abut. No. ! 7860 in Collin County 'I'cxae, and being Lot 3 . + Jucll;mc:nt of the Dist ict Court of Gra „� n a� shown on plat incorporated in the ; Stinne-tt e' t l vs. Y ° C° �Y• =k•�b, in the cause of Sarah ! �� Gu V. Stinnct. rc:curLcd in Vol. 33s, pabc 454, of the Deed Rcco of Collin County, T xas, described fo!A'OWc: rdb EGIN\ING at the Northeast carncr a: the S, .., :oDcris Surve • y THENCE. West 33 .7 varas to the AN :-ieasi; `„rater o: Y . A..4ot N 2, in the estate of W. M. •�(, Stinnett, as parritioncd in the District Court of Grayson,, County, .; : THE, South 1 ? line S Y• Texas, h 3 1 varas to the South o; said Roberts Surve • y , TICENCE A:. st wit the South line of I�,Obcrts Survey 333.7 varas to r r' corner of the: S. A. It bents Survey; o the Sout h ca �; t ; '-THZNCE No: zh 133 varas to the place of beoinnir.^►. and s ' + � ame tract of land dci:c: ibcd � in deed from Albert A Burch and wife, .✓.any �Sti:.nett} Burch, to I. • dated June 1�, :9�9, -a d recorded in Vol. 273, pabc 397, of the Deed Records ;�I County,Texas. Rcca. as o. Collin !: . �.L %Ml� •. 11 E ON TRACT: A tract of 78. 85 acres o: Iand in the S. '• . A. Roberts Survey, r�►bst. �,To. ; Ili i -ollin County, Texas, and described as follows, 1 NG at a stake 333. 7 varas West of the Northeast corner , S. A. Roberts Surve of the 1 9 ` TH NC E Wes366.�3 +�I t 3 varas to the Northeast corner of Lot No. 1 in Judgment of District Court of Grayson County, Texas, in Cause No1717�4, of Sarah Stinnett i . et al vs. Guy Stinnett, recorded in Vol. 7, page 502, of the Civil Minutes of said District Court;8 11 THENCE with Lot No. 1, South 3 deg. East, 806 varas to the Southeast corner of '. Lot No. 1; 5 $ } �' • THENCE South 1 des. East, 525 varas to the Southwest corner of S . A. Roberts + Survey; THENCE East 310.3 vara. to a stake, the Southwest con er of ot I\ro. 3• i T11ENCE North through said S.A.Roberts Survey 1 ' I • y 331 varas to tl-,.,• place of beginning,''• ronta,ining 78.85 acres of land and same tract of land den oc.c.d from Guy V scribed i V.'I i •;. Stinnett .and wife, Winnic Stinnett, to I. L. Wilcnarth, dated June 22 1929, and . recorded in Vol. 273, page 399, Collin (amount Deed ,. Y Records. . TJtACT• 1:3c.in a tract of 50 acres of land a r ---- - ' • k ' , ,part of the Eli Witt Survey, � Ao i':�tc•nt No. L4�, Vol. No. 12, Abstract No. 997, in Collin Count Texas - �I cis follows: Y• and described'* I IIEGINNING at the Northeast e: Witt Survey, same being the hc, Northwc; corner of the Eli Wi` st c•urric:r of Lot No. L of 78. $S ac res set apart to Guy V. Stinnett in Cause No. 17 l 7 , i; titylc•c1 Sarah Stinnett et al vs. Guy Stinnett, recorded in Vol. 7, page 502 of P g t h e Minilles of the -District Court of Grayson County, Texas- THENCE Wcst with the North line, of the Witt Survey 34 varas,#to a stake; ! •' THENCE Sntit1i, 3 deb, . East, 824 varas ix stak �-•�•t7� , 1 11'I ENCE Nt')rth, 87 deg. East, 349 varas- to the East 1' ' ine of the. Watt Survey, and ' West lime tit:. Lo t No. 2, . s.;1bove refer to, lLe 6 I I1E:NCE North, 3 dt.g. West, 80" varas to the place of beginning, containir> > 1, 50 ;ic-rti lands w11ic:I1 -as srt apart to Sarah Stinnett in the suit hereinab . . r. _ ovr refrrrc�d to, .:incl i y:1 nit,1:c nd dt.sri bed and conveyed in deed from Sarah Stinnett , a fcmc,• sole, dated , ,Jllfl�' 2 A, D. 19,)9t to I. L. Wilmarth, recorded in Vol. 273 page 3 8 : P s 9 of the Dc•t•;: Itc��-ords of Collin, County, "rc•xas, SECTION 2 , r1 lle above described land and territory lying i n g a-d j acent to and adjoining the City of A ni,a• Texas and s- • � , �t�d -Lei i i-- tory �Lbove described shall liereafter be included within the • boulad� x y limits o1: the City of Anna; Texas and t11e present . p nt boundary .Lima is of such city, at the va.riot's Points contiguous to the areas above described) are altered -and amended so a s to include said are a. within tlle corporate liras is of the City of Anna) Texas, SECTION :3. That this or* dinance shall become effective immediately upoll its adoption after one (:kj= reading and upon being approved by the Mayor, as the law in such cases provides, DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City . y of Anna., Texas, oil the � , da.y of April., 1971 _-■ _ P o ow . r i :lit`•} •� ast 1t FS,.• Cw� -n ►� 1 - ey, 1 ,y Fr arY APPROVED: i owe I JL, Alay r I Janet .Slliriny, City Secretary of t1�c City of. ••� ccrti 1' that tl� above Y 1'�Tzna, 1 c.�as , y c ill ove ally foi ea•ozng 1.s 2 true and correct cony City ity Ordinance ;qo . 5 . Afi Ines s my h;ina znid seal this the cia of 1971. y y too ,•,....... .yam ,� •. / • 04& 7 • % ' • ' anc - zzr cy, ity ecre dry 6re inc , the �znders igned authorit ••i,or1 this d3. . `" tl Janet .S1 y � -Y personally .r zirley, City, Secretary of the City of Anna, 'Texas known to me to be the person whose riame is subscribed to the fore- going instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same -for the Purposes and consideration therein expressed, ressed and tlic capacity therein stated. � nc In a 19714 Given under my hand and seal this tl1 . da � .� . �1 y - -' Notary" Public, lin County 00. '1'yrtj� • •. 4949 AN 01-WINANCE ANNEXING CERTAIN TERRITORIES TO THE CITY Or ANNA, TEXAS; PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THUS ORDINANCE AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE THZtEOF: WTHE'nrAS, the growth and development of the area adjacent to -the City of Anna is progressing at a rapid rate and this develop - went is expected to continue in the future; and W%IEAS, the protection of the public health and general wel- fare of the people of the City of Anna requires that such develop- ment be in an orderly manner and controlled by the City of Anna; and WHEREAS, the owners of the following described property have petitioned the City of Anna to annex said property to the City of Anna, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held before the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas, on the le day of April, 1971, which date was not more than twenty (20) days nor less than ten (10) days prior to the institution of annexation proceedings; and WHEREAS, notice of such public hearing was published in a newspaper having a general circulation in the City of Anna, Texas, the , day of�,��. , 1971, . which date was not more than twenty (20) days nor less than ten (10) days prior to the day of such public hearing; and WtfrrtExa, the territory lies adjacent to and adjoins the City of Anna, Texas; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY TILE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS: SECTION 1. The following described land and territories lying adjacent to.and aejoininb the City of Anna, Texas is hereby added and annexed to the City of Anna, Texas, to -wit; ,SECTION 2. 11he above described land and territory lying adjacent to and adjoining the City of Aana., Texas, and said terri- tory above described shall hereafter be included within the boundary limits of the City of Anna, Texas, and the present boundary limits of such city, at tine various Points contiguous to the a.reas above described, are a.lte.red and amended so as to include said area, witbin the corporate li€izits of the City of Alma, Texas. SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption after one (I)" reading and upon being approved by the Mayor, as the law in such cases provides. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas, on -tile day of April, 1971. . OF 4�E"E� .,yl� APPROVED: FJRST TRACT: A tract of 78.85 acres of land in the S.A. Roberts Survey, Abrt. No. 786. in Collin County, Texas, and being, Lot 3, as shown on plat incorporated in the Judgment of the District Court of Gray.;on Coun, y, Texas, in the Cause of Sarah I Stinnett ct al vs. Guy V. Stinnett rccort cd in Vo:. 333, page 454, of the Deed Records 1 of Collin County, Texas, described --; : 11ow5: BEGINNING at the Northeast coracr o: t'ae S.Survey; THENCE West 333,7 varas to the NOr'.cast corner of Lot jNo, 2, in the estate of W. M. Stinnett, as partitioned in the District Court of Grayson.gounty, Texan; THENCE South 1331 varas to the South line of said Roberts Survey; J. THENCE ::sat with the South line of Roberts Survey 333.7 varas to the Southeast corner of the S. fa, Roberts Survey; THENCE Nor"'i 1331 varas to the place of bcginair,_-, and same tract of ianc: dcicriSel in deed from Albert A. Burch and wife, Mary (Stir. ae'ct} Burch, to 1. L. Wilmarth, dated June 14, 1929, and recorded in Vol, 273, pave 397, of the Deed Records o Collin County: Texas" i.11 Eq,QN 'I'RAC.T: A tract of 78. 85 acres o; land in the S.A, Roberts Survey, Abst. No. ' 5v78 i Zollin County, Texas, and describe.: as follows; NG at a stake 333.7 varas W-e:t of the Northeast corner of the S.A. Roberts Surve i TIi NCE West 366.3 varas to the Northeast corner of Lot No, i in Judgment of ;lt t1 District Court of Grayson County, Texas, in Cause No. 17174, of SarahStinnett et al vs. Guy Stinnett, recorded in Vol. 7, page 502, of the Civil Minutes of said District r , Court; j�l THENCE with Lot No. 1, South 3 deg. East, 806 varas to the Southeast corner of t� Lot No. 1; � a THENCE South I'deg. East, 525 varas to the Southwest corner of S.A. Roberts '1! Survey; THENCE East 310.3 varas to a stake, the Southwest corner of Lo: No. 3; - 1. ;�I THENCE North through said S.A. Roberta Survey 1331 varas to t: place of beginning, containing 78.85 acres of land and same tract of land deacribed in laced from Guy V. z ;t Stinnett and wife, Winnie Stinnett, to 1. L. Wilmarth, dated June 22, 1929, and F recorded in Vol, 273, page 399, Collin County Deed Records. .:t -1-111RD TRACT: Being a tract of 50 acres of land, a part of the Eli Witt Survey, Yatont No. 244, Vol. Na. 12, Abstract No. 997, in Collin County, Texas, and described: is follows: j. BEGINNING at the Northeast corner of the Ell Witt Survey, same being the Northwest eorncr of Lot No. 2 of 78,85 acres set apart to Guy V. Stinnett in Cause No. 17174, styled Sarah Stinnett et al vs. Guy Stinnett, recorded in Vol. 7, page 502. of the Minutvs,of the.District Court of Grayson County, Texas; THENCE West with the North line of the Witt Survey 349 varas, to a stake; THENCE 5nuth, 3 deg. East, 824 varas, a stake; ',"HENCE North, 87 deg, East, 349 varas to the East line of the Witt Survey, and West linr of Lot No. 2, as above referred to; T11ENCE North; 3-deg. West, 806 varas to the place of beginning, containing 50 of land, which was set .spart to Sarah Stinnett in the suit hereinabove referred to, and tiamr land doscribod and conveyed in deed from Sarah Stinnett, a feme sole, dated ,1unt• 22, A. D. 1929, to 1. L. Wilmarth, recorded in Vol. 273, page 398, of the Dv.,,i 1t<�cords of Collin County,' Texas. T, Janet Shirley, City Secretary of the City of A-Mi a, ;`oxas, certify that tale above and forcooi n`; is a true and correct cony of City Ordinance No. T �r`J3 !fitness any hand and seal this the �(i clay of 1972. ,Nt �. � of 4 1,, y�11 tlr " :Ta`ne hirley, city , eCi'C ary T g Xi orc me,, the undersigned authority. --on this clay personally d Janet Shirley, City Secretary of tho City of Anna, Texas, known to me to be, the person whose name is subscribed to the fore- going instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and in the capacity therein stated. i Given under my hand and seal this thy..,/ day of 1971. ze i4otary Public, ( Iin County n �;t ? r C.J � G , Ct qa" -a"t P(C> a, LAI t Do, VV�•Jj/ :" V��.-�C.�,�I •J4' wYi- V- d> V `-' _�/ - ��V ✓ l w -V �V Y j _', ✓- V . I , n • ,�,,,� &-�C-t.c=-�r, c CL .m C> ArA Lf) ,1, IT, Cam- d"a sip., ti Yam► �- CC> tld^ C- it Z" r� (J v c, rtrv\ &'t� n to DID}'' cz�( 0'1� c>-f, 4>(�� EL I f � �--"�1 ./�Vt 6 .�L C..�' � `-'�'L-�-w'Y� G-�lJl C� ✓t,��GL�A..� z t � ct,..-� m L7 � - z,, r a Pm. l L�c� Ge�/1- ✓j C� . c%! J �Ylr1. G �-, C, /Vn 6 L OI*� }