HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 2001-07 Annex 36.05 Powell-Meadow Ridge.pdfCITY OF ANNA, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. Z d ® 1- 07 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF ANNA, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARY LIMITS OF SAID CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS AND ADOPTING A SERVICE PLAN FOR SAID TERRITORY AND ITS INHABITANTS WHEREAS, certain property owners have petitioned the City of Anna to have their property, described in Exhibit A, annexed to the City of Anna; and WHEREAS, said properties are adjacent to and adjoin the present boundaries of the City of Anna, and WHEREAS, a service plan providing for the extension of municipal services into the proposed annexed area and attached to this ordinance as Exhibit B and hereby made part of this ordinance was prepared prior to publication of notice of hearings and reviewed at said hearings; and WHEREAS, after hearing the arguments for and against the annexation, the City Council has voted to annex said territory to the City of Anna, Texas; now therefore Section I. The land and territory described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and hereby made an integral part of this Ordinance, lying adjacent to and adjoining the present boundaries of the City of Anna, Texas, is hereby added and annexed to the City of Anna, Texas, and said territory hereinafter described shall hereafter be included within the boundary limits of the City of Anna, Texas, and the present boundary limits of such city are altered and amended so as to include said area within the corporate limits of the City of Anna, Texas. Section 2. The above described territory and the area so annexed shall be a part of the City of Anna, Texas, and the inhabitants thereof, if any, shall be entitled to all of the rights and privileges of all citizens and shall be bounded by the acts, ordinances, resolutions, and regulations of the City of Anna, Texas. Section 3. The service plan providing for the extension of municipal services into the annexed area and attached to this ordinance as Exhibit B is hereby adopted. The City Secretary is hereby directed to file with the County Clerk of Collin County, Texas, a certified copy of this ordinance. D_VlnnalAnna Dev IssuesVAnnexations120011Powell - Bently41-Annex Ord.doc Page 1 of 2 PASSED on this the 8th day of May, 2001, by the following vote of all members of the City Council as present: AYES NAYS ABSTAIN APPROVED: Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary DAAnnalAnna DevlssueslAnnexafions12001tPowell- Bentlyll-Annex Ord.doc Paae 2 of 2 EXHIBIT A BENTLY AND PAULA POWELL DESCRIPTION OF 36.05 ACRES OF LAND All that certain tract, or parcel of land situated in the J.C. Brantley Survey, Abstract No. 114, Collin County, Texas, and being all of that called 35.92 acre tract of land as described in a Warranty deed recorded in Clerk's File 92-63885 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 1-112" iron pipe found at the Southwest corner of said tract, and being located on the North boundary line of the Rudman Partnership tract as recorded in Volume 3346, Page 764 of said Deed Records; THENCE, N. 10 deg. 50 min. 51 sec. W, with the Southeast line of said Cunningham and Cox tract, a distance of 816.22 feet to a ''/z" iron rod found for corner. Said point being an inside ell corner of the above mentioned tract; THENCE N. 88 deg. 20 min. 00 sec. E, with the most Northern South boundary line of said Cunningham and Cox tract, distance of 1783.31 feet to a '/2" Iron rod found for corner. Said point being the Southeast corner of said Cunningham and Cox tract and the Northeast corner of said 35.92 acre tract. Said point also being located on the West Right of Way of State Highway Number 5. THENCE S 23 deg. 45 min. 00 sec. E, with said ROW, and being the Basic of Bearing for this Survey, a distance of 928.55 feet to a ''/z" iron rod found at the Southeast corner of said 35.92 acre tract. Said also being the Northeast corner of Rudman Partnership tract; THENCE S 89 deg. 53 min. 50 sec. W, along the North boundary line of said Rudman Partnership tract, a distance of 2002.92 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, and containing 36.05 acres of land. Page 1 of 1 OG0 p( No 5 stPh .� J _Z Q CW No N NU Y �g 2 N >g'u C h' ii a [] 2 �i yy HW~ Z H a �w7Cti C E- N � ha F G, .Zj a \ a « W EF 0 0 U U Z �e t o� �Zay U � 0 W z U z U q R z' Q U Q' R \ « <n ti a ti00 w w� z w N m N in C Oo.e g'� OtV E Nr SJeZ CYu TM1 m m`Y use .4\4 E,.�o�r vi ' E Gl 'oa oa Ag9P v\a. �5 SS E so s3 smb 5g.2 ZN 5. SW ago W~ oyt�9� ;C•. wee .r;a ;8a O 01-O 0° ° O ,a a s C .. o: g S � tl . Eos E°pz5 E°o Eoc °3b0 IgE -S" Ng,g=€ �ggo, nSO 0 s�aaa Opp S: arca e$.c ofiu4 pci gr� n5ea oZSe° F ^ mp °_ N Lp p o. °o oc. zsg Edg z.abs v�,E o v1z p `is N urp ilt W y800 WON Faag Ll $ti 0 «iOp p10S ��� ��1C0 �p]tMY �Km Q 6 Q� �$c ) LO c� V o W UNU Z 0 UZ W N OW Z NO WN h¢ U M J O? a W W N m e 0 U _Z Q CW No N NU Y �g 2 N >g'u C h' ii a [] 2 �i yy HW~ Z H a �w7Cti C E- N � ha F G, .Zj a \ a « W EF 0 0 U U Z �e t o� �Zay U � 0 W z U z U q R z' Q U Q' R \ « <n ti a ti00 w w� z w N m N in C Oo.e g'� OtV E Nr SJeZ CYu TM1 m m`Y use .4\4 E,.�o�r vi ' E Gl 'oa oa Ag9P v\a. �5 SS E so s3 smb 5g.2 ZN 5. SW ago W~ oyt�9� ;C•. wee .r;a ;8a O 01-O 0° ° O ,a a s C .. o: g S � tl . Eos E°pz5 E°o Eoc °3b0 IgE -S" Ng,g=€ �ggo, nSO 0 s�aaa Opp S: arca e$.c ofiu4 pci gr� n5ea oZSe° F ^ mp °_ N Lp p o. °o oc. zsg Edg z.abs v�,E o v1z p `is N urp ilt W y800 WON Faag Ll $ti 0 «iOp p10S ��� ��1C0 �p]tMY �Km 6 Q� c 4 N e EXHIBIT C CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS ANNEXATION SERVICE PLAN MAY , 2001 THE SERVICE PLAN IS ON FILE WITH THE ORIGINAL ORDINANCE AT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY, CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS. CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS ANNEXATION SERVICE PLAN MAY, 2001 Page 1 of 8 pages C:\14-Mgt\ANNA\ANNEX\Powell - Bently\3-Service Plan.doc CODE ENFORCEMENT Code Enforcement includes activities of inspecting properties and buildings and securing compliance with adopted ordinances and codes relative to the following: (1) Tall grass and weeds (except for agricultural and ranch properties) (2) Trash and debris (3) Stagnant water and unsanitary conditions (4) Junked vehicles and parts (5) Junked appliances and materials (6) Enforcement of the Minimum Housing Code pertaining to maintenance and habitability of existing housing City code enforcement activities will be conducted in newly annexed territories under the same terms and on the same schedule and using the same procedures as for other areas inside the corporate limits. Code enforcement services will be implemented immediately upon the effective date of this ordinance. Page 2 of 8 pages C:\14-Mgt\ANNA\ANNEX\Powell - Bently\3-Service Plan.doc SOLID WASTE, BRUSH, AND REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICES Refuse Service Citizens in newly annexed areas will receive solid waste (trash), brush, and refuse service in accordance with existing city ordinances. Generally, the ordinances provide residential pick-up service of plastic bags and metal cans of not larger than 20 gallons in size at curbside or streetside once per week for a fee that is established by the city council. Present solid waste collection service routes will be extended to cover annexed areas. These services will be implemented within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the ordinance of which this service plan is a part. Page 3 of 8 pages CA14-Mgt\ANNA\ANNEX\Powe11 - Bently\3-Service Plan.doc PLANNING, ZONING AND MAPPING The function of planning, zoning, and mapping is to implement ordinances relating to zoning classifications within the City and to provide mapping resources. Zoning functions include the following: (1) Provide proper zoning classification of properties within the City. Zoning is a tool to designate the uses of property, such as residential, business, agricultural, industry, etc. Proper zoning ensures the best use for the property and, at the same time, protects adjacent properties from mixed uses that reduce property value and lower the quality of life for adjacent property owners and residents. It also regulates parking, building heights, lot coverage, noise pollution, set -backs, and regulations relating to the use of property. (2) Enforce zoning ordinances relating to uses permitted, parking, lot coverage, minimum building area, storage, heights, and other items. (3) Implement and enforce subdivision and plat requirements. (4) Provide assistance to citizens building on their property and handle complaints relating to land use and zoning. Mapping and drafting functions include the following: (1) Provide mapping resources of new territories, zoning, streets, water and sewer lines, easements, right-of-ways, subdivisions, lots, and other related matters. (2) Assist citizens in matters related to their properties and maps containing requested information. These services will be provided to residents and property owners in newly annexed territories on the some basis as they are provided to residents and property owners in the existing incorporated area. Planning, zoning, and mapping services will be implemented immediately upon the effective date of this ordinance. Page 4 of 8 pages C:\14-Mgt\ANNA\ANNEX\Powe11 - Bently\3-Service Plan.doc FIRE PROTECTION SERVICES The City is served by the Anna Volunteer Fire Department. Fire protection services provided by the Anna Volunteer Fire Department to the City include response to fire calls and inspection of commercial and industrial structures for code violations. All fire protection services provided by the Anna Volunteer Fire Department within the existing corporate limits will be provided within the newly annexed area upon the effective date of the annexation. Volunteers are available for consultation on fire prevention on request by citizens of the community. Fire protection services will be implemented immediately upon the effective date of this ordinance. Page 5 of 8 pages C:\14-MgtWNNA\ANNEX\Powe11 - Bently\3-Service Plan.doc STREET MAINTENANCE The street maintenance function is primarily supported from ad valorem (property) and sales taxes. Maintenance activities are determined by the level of funding and the need for maintenance as determined by the city council. Once the annexation of property included in this ordinance has been completed, all streets, roads, and bridges included in the annexed area will be added to the City's street maintenance program. Roadways in the newly annexed area will receive equal consideration with regard to maintenance as those within the existing corporate limits. Street maintenance services will be implemented immediately upon the effective date of this ordinance. Page 6 of 8 pages CA14-Mgt\ANNA\ANNEX\Powe1l - Bently\3-Service Plan.doc WASTEWATER SERVICES Citizens in newly annexed areas will be offered sanitary sewer service in accordance with existing City ordinances. Generally these ordinances state that the customer must bear the cost of construction of sewer system facilities to a point where service to the customer can be provided. All sanitary sewer facilities must be constructed in accordance with Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission, Texas Department of Insurance, and City of Anna regulations and specifications. The policy for private service lines will remain the same as exists in the current city limits. That is, the City will maintain main transmission lines only. Only one connection per structure is permitted without specific written approval from an authorized official of the City. It is anticipated that the City of Anna and the owner of the annexed property will enter into a Facilities Development Agreement that will include a detailed listing of the responsibilities of the City and property owner regarding the provision of sanitary sewer facilities to the property. That Agreement, if approved by the City and property owner, will be attached to and become a part of this Annexation Plan. In the absence of such agreement, the property owner will be responsible for providing all sanitary sewer facilities necessary to provide service to the property, including any improvements to the City's sanitary sewer treatment plant as may be necessary to serve the property. Improvements to the City's sanitary sewer system are made on a priority basis in accordance with the Wastewater System element of the Comprehensive Development Plan of the City of Anna. This Plan is evaluated and updated periodically. Upon completion of this annexation, the Plan will be evaluated and updated to include wastewater system improvement needs of the annexed area as part of the overall Anna Wastewater System Plan. Sewer service rates will be assessed at the same rate as established for other city customers in the same use classification. Page 7 of 8 pages CA14-Mgt\ANNA\ANNEX\Powe11 - Bently\3-Service Plan.doc WATER SERVICES Residents and property owners in newly annexed areas will be offered water service in accordance with existing City ordinances. Generally, these ordinances state that the customer must bear the cost of construction of water system facilities to a point where suitable connection to the existing system can be made and service to the customer can be provided. Water service facilities designed to connect an unserved area to the City's existing system must be approved by the City Council and meet all City zoning, subdivision, and other relevant requirements. All water mains must be constructed in accordance with Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission, Texas Department of Insurance, and City of Anna regulations and specifications. The policy for private service lines will remain the same as exists in the current City limits. That is, the City will maintain water lines from the water main to the water meter. All repairs/maintenance from the meter to the point of usage is the property owner's responsibility. It is anticipated that the City of Anna and the owner of the annexed property will enter into a Facilities Development Agreement that will include a detailed listing of the responsibilities of the City and property owner regarding the provision of water facilities to the property. That Agreement, if approved by the City and property owner, will be attached to and become a part of this Annexation Plan. In the absence of such agreement, the property owner will be responsible for providing all water facilities necessary to provide service to the property, including any improvements to the City's water supply, pumping, and storage facilities as may be necessary to serve the property. Water service rates will be assessed at the same rate as established for other city customers in the same use classification. Improvements to the water system are made on a priority basis in accordance with the Water System element of the Comprehensive Development Plan of the City of Anna. This Plan is evaluated and updated periodically. Page 8 of 8 pages CA14-Mgt\ANNA\ANNEX\Powe11 - Bently\3-Service Plan.doc