HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 2001-23 PD Zoning 38.71 Jones Tract-The Falls.pdfCITY OF ANNA, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO.o1(.T0 1 -�),3 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS, AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF ANNA TO PROVIDE FOR REZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY; PROVIDING A REPEALER CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, the owner of the property described in Exhibit A attached hereto has requested a certain zoning for said property; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Anna has given the requisite notices and afforded a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally and to all persons interested in and situated in the affected area and in the vicinity thereof, the City Council of the City of Anna has concluded that the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Anna should be amended as follows: NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS: Section 1. The Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Anna, Texas, is amended by zoning the tract described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and made an integral part of this Ordinance, as Planned Development (PD). The Planned Development shall include the following elements: Section 2. The following shall pertain to the area(s) identified on Exhibit A as "PD -Residential': Permitted Uses: The permitted uses will be the same as those permitted in the "R-1 — Single Family Residential' zoning district of the City of Anna Zoning Ordinance. Setbacks: Minimum front yard — 20 feet; however, covered porches and bay windows may encroach up to five (5) feet into the required setback. Minimum side yard — five (5) feet; however, ten (10) feet shall be required on a corner lot adjacent to a side street and garages that face a side street must maintain a minimum setback of twenty (20) feet. Minimum rear yard — 15 feet. Lot Dimensions: The minimum dimensions for residential lots will be as follows: Minimum lot area — 6,000 square feet. Minimum lot width — 50 feet. Minimum lot depth — 90 feet. D:lAnnalAnna DevlssuesVoninglJoneslO5-Zon ON.doc Paae 1 of 3 Minimum Dwelling Area: The minimum single-family dwelling unit area shall be 1,200 square feet. Maximum Height: Except as provided below, the maximum building height for any residential structure shall be 2 Yz stories or 35 feet, whichever is greater (excluding chimneys and vent stacks, cupolas, entry features, skylights, and other architectural features not intended for occupancy or storage). Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, all residential structures located on a lot with a rear yard that abuts a street identified on the City of Anna Thoroughfare Plan as a collector or thoroughfare shall be limited to a maximum height of one story. Maximum Lot Coverage: The maximum residential lot coverage shall be fifty percent (50%). "Coverage" means the percentage of lot area covered by a roof or other structure (including accessory structures); however, roof eaves and other ordinary building projections are excluded. Off -Street Parking A minimum of two (2) enclosed off-street parking spaces will be provided for each dwelling unit (which spaces must be located on the same lot as the dwelling unit). Masonry Requirements: Exterior building materials for residential structures shall be at least sixty percent (60%) masonry. "Masonry" means brick, stone, pre -cast stone, stucco, cement fiber siding, and any other similar veneer material attached to an outside wall. Garages: Garages maybe front facing and there is no requirement for "swing" driveways. Sidewalks: Sidewalks will be installed along the street frontage of all residential lots prior to the issuance of a final certificate of occupancy for each house constructed thereon. Perimeter Fencing Fences located along the outside perimeter of the subdivision, if constructed of wood, shall be treated with a preservative to extend the life of and enhance the appearance of the fence. The maintenance of such perimeter fences shall be the responsibility of a private homeowner association. Section 3. The following shall pertain to the area(s) identified on Exhibit A as "PD -Commercial': All regulations in the City of Anna Zoning Ordinance applicable to the "C-1 Restricted Commercial District' shall apply, except as follows: Maximum Height. The maximum building height will be the same as required by the referenced "C-1" zoning district, excluding (a) chimneys and vent stacks, church spires, cupolas, entry features, _- skylights, and other architectural features not intended for occupancy or storage, (b) flag poles and similar devices, and (c) eating and air conditioning equipment, solar collectors, and similar DAAnnat4nna Dev lssuesVoningWonesM-Zon Ord doc Paoe 2 of 3 equipment, fixtures, and devices, provided such equipment, fixtures, and devices are screened from view form any public street. Maximum Lot Coverage: The maximum residential lot coverage shall be fifty percent (50%). "Coverage" means the percentage of lot area covered by a roof or other structure (including accessory structures); however, roof eaves and other ordinary building projections are excluded. Masonry Requirements: Exterior building materials (a) for the front of all structures shall be at least 35% masonry and (b) for the front and both sides of all structures shall (in the aggregate) be at least 50% masonry. "Masonry" means brick, stone, pre -cast stone, stucco, cement fiber siding, and any other similar veneer material attached to an outside wall. Section 4. The official Zoning Map of the City of Anna shall be revised to reflect the change in zoning described herein. Section 5. All ordinances of the City of Anna in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are repealed to the extent of that conflict. Section 6. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and approval, as provided by laws of the State of Texas. PASSED on this the 11th day of December, 2001, by the following vote of the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas, AYES -- NAYS o ABSTAIN D D:lAnnalAnna Dev lssueslZoningWones105-Zon Ord. doc Page 3 of 3 ATTEST: City Secretary DESCRIPTION 38.371 Acres or Land S,''TUATF.D ;r. COl(ln County, Texas, in the F. T. Dc Ffcu Survey, Abstract No. 288, being a resurvey of part of the 33.40 acres or' ichor described in i• From Th-- Fest Natinnol Bank or Van A(styne to Rolond C. ✓or+es, Jr. and M. Lynne JOnes, dated n;O;,emhe.- 17, 1989, recorded in Volume 3170, Poge 187 and the 5.00 ace es Of .anal a.- sCr-!bed deed From A. L. Geer, Trustee to Roiand' C. Jones. Jr. and M. Lynne Jones, dated November 15, 1989, recorded in Voiu,-e 3176, ?age iS9, both d.^ods or the LD";- County Deed Records, being described by netps ord bcunds 05 rOlpc Ws, BEGIIJNING at c,n i.-e^ pin set beside a Bois D' Arc corner post at the northeast corner or said 33.40 acre tract, in the south line of the Guincey Sheriey Rollins 16112 acres, Ref, V. 2460, P. 360, at the northwest corner or tre Kudman Paetriershp 157844 acre- Per i,. 3345, P. 764; Thence soli th I'I-- - west, 7025.27 Feet eocroximotely with a fence and with the east line or said 33.40 acre tract and the west line or Said 157844 acre tract to on iron pan set at the east, southeast corner or sold 33.40 acre tract and the northeast corer or said 500 ^cre teort and in the west line or sold 157,844 acre tracts Thence south 1'19'58'west, 686.86 feet with the east line eF said 5.00 acre tract and the west tine or 5a%,; 7.�-4 erre tract to on iron pin round at the Southeast corner of said SAO acre tract --'' ine southwest corner or said 157.844 acre tract, in the north R.O.W. (:i+a or ray-n Road No. 455i Thence north 87'361191west, 451.93 feet with the south (!ne or said 500" acre tract, the south line OF 5a;d 33.40 aCr£ tract and with said north R.O.W. line to a Brass Cap R.O.W. Mon. Founul Thence north 85'P5'34'west, 19139 feet with the new north R.O.W. line of said Form Road to an Iron pin round in said new north R.O,W. line, in the west line OF said 33.40" ocre tract and in the east line of the A. W. Powell 43.067 acres, Per. V. 1441, 71 J Ihence north 1'44'31'e0st, 2E02.18 Feet Nith the west Nne or said 33.40 acre tract and the post line of sold 43,067 acre -tract to an Iron pin Found at the rortnwest corner of so%d 33.40 ocre tract and the northeast corner or said 43.067 acre troct, in the south ane or said 161.112 acre tract: Thence south 87'5027'east, 6ea,76 Feet with a fence and with the north line of said 3340 acre tract and the south tine or said 14,+.12 acre trod to the PLACE CF BEGINNING and containing 38.371 acres or land. CCR TIr ICATION 1, hereby Certify that i node the survey On the grand on Oct. 15, on the herein. described tract shown hereon and set =urr2r sto.4es as reriected On the plat and Shat Only visible improvements on the ground are as shown On the survey, to my knowledge, there are no e,^G^oach: eats, overl000ina or improvements or' confIicT5 except as shcv r, e^ the survey prat; ±hat trop survev is guaranteed to its Completeness NOTES THE LA;- L_SCPI°EA AN-' PLATTED HEREON LIES IN ZONE X tOUTSIDE 7HE 560 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN) AND IS LOCATED IN THE LF r r y,j FLv,- nANEL 4RO65CO175 6 DATED JAN 19, 1996 i,.NL• Ic T+fER£FORE .NOr Iny TNc 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN G P 6EEP„ tole west U'•cra; .��, £-f'r-yte �° Phone CHAIN LINK FtNC£ 7&L� �(dia_ JJ kl Wim. 5. PpOL,�ai 1 of 2