HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2023-02-1380 Impact Fee Reimbursement Agreement- Qualico Developments U.S. Incorporated for the Leonard Trails Dev.CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 2623-0a-138G A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN IMPACT FEE REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT WITH QUALICO DEVELOPMENTS U.S., INCORPORATED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC ROADWAY, WATER, AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS, IN A FORM APPROVED BY THE CITY ATTORNEY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Qualico Developments, Incorporated is seeking to develop property south of Farm to Market Road 455 and east of the DART rail line; and, WHEREAS, Leonard Avenue is shown in the Master Thoroughfare Plan for the City of Anna, Texas as a major arterial; and, WHEREAS, there is proposed Water and Sanitary Sewer Infrastructure shown in the City of Anna Water Master Plan and Wastewater Master Plan which is on, across, and adjacent to the subject property; and, WHEREAS, the City has identified the construction of Leonard Avenue from FM 455 to Finley Boulevard as a critical infrastructure project for the City; and, WHEREAS, Qualico Developments U.S., Incorporated, agrees to provide the design and construction of the identified roadway, water, and sanitary sewer improvements in accordance with the City of Anna design standards and regulations, subject to Impact Fee reimbursement from the City of Anna; and, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS THAT: Recitals Incorporated The recitals above are incorporated herein as if set forth in full for all purposes. Authorization of Payment and Funding. That the City Council of the City of Anna hereby authorizes the City Manager to execute the Impact Fee Reimbursement Agreement in a form approved by the City Attorney. That funding for the project shall come from Roadway, Water, and Wastewater Impact Fees. Impact Fee Reimbursement Agreement — Page 1 PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas on this 140,1 day of February 2023. ATTEST: APPROVElzm4 Mayor, Nate Pike Impact Fee Reimbursement Agreement- Page 2 Exhibit A (see Impact Fee Reimbursement Agreement) Impact Fee Reimbursement Agreement Page 3 IMPACT FEE REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT FOR LEONARD TRAILS DEVELOPMENT This Impact Fee Reimbursement Agreement (this "Agreement") is entered into by and between the City of Anna, Texas (the "City") and Qualico Developments (U.S.), Incorporated, a Delaware Corporation (the "Developer"). WHEREAS, Developer and the City are sometimes collectively referenced in this Agreement as the "Parties," or, each individually, as "Party"; and WHEREAS, it is the Parties' mutual intent that this Agreement shall govern only the subject matter specifically set forth herein and that this Agreement shall supersede any previous agreement between the Parties regarding the subject matter hereof; and WHEREAS, Developer desires to develop certain real property in Collin County, Texas, composed of approximately 97.646 acres of land located entirely within the corporate limits of the City of Anna, more particularly described in the attached Exhibit A (the "Property"); and NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the Parties agree as follows: SECTION 1 RECITALS INCORPORATED The recitals set forth above are incorporated herein as if set forth in full to further describe the Parties' intent under this Agreement and said recitals constitute representations by the Parties. SECTION 2 DEFINITIONS City Approval Date has the meaning ascribed to that term in Section 3(a). City Code means the Anna City Code of Ordinances. City Manager means the current or acting City Manager of the City of Anna or a person designated to act on behalf of the City Manager with respect to this Agreement if the designation is in writing and signed by the current or acting City Manager. City Regulations mean City Code provisions, ordinances, design standards, and uniform codes, duly adopted by the City. Collected Impact Fees shall have the meaning ascribed to that term in Section 4(b)(1). Developer's Design Cost, with respect to the Roadway, Water and Sanitary Sewer Project, means: the dollar amount actually paid by or on behalf of Developer for the engineering, design, and land surveying of the Roadway Project, which shall generally include but not be limited to the items listed in the cost breakdown attached hereto as Exhibit F. City inspection fees shall not be included in Developer's Design Cost. Impact Fee Reimbursement Agreement — Page 1 Final Reimbursement Amount, with respect to the Roadway Project, Sanitary Sewer Project, and Water Project, means a dollar amount equal to the lesser of: 1. The total roadway, water and sanitary sewer impact fees collected from the Impact Fee Reimbursement Area 2. The Developer's final design and construction costs for the Roadway Project, Water Project and the Sanitary Sewer Project. 3. The cost estimate for the City's contribution for each project as shown in Exhibit F, attached as: a. Roadway Impact Fee Reimbursement - $1,942,318 b. Sanitary Sewer Impact Fee Reimbursement - $438,203 c. Water Impact Fee Reimbursement - $152,932 Impact Fee Reimbursement Area means real property as shown in Exhibit B attached. Reimbursement has the meaning ascribed to that term in Section 4(b)(1). Roadway Improvements means right of way preparation, paving excavation, construction of concrete paving, storm drainage, curbs, signage, roadway transitions, turn lanes, pavement markings, sidewalks, irrigation, landscaping, lighting and any other improvements necessary for a complete roadway system for the Roadway Project. Roadway Project means the design of Leonard Avenue Roadway Improvements generally described, without limitation, as the design of a 4-lane divided roadway complete with an underground drainage system and associated public water and sanitary sewer improvements which are located within the road corridor and generally depicted in Exhibit C, attached hereto, and in accordance with construction plan(s) approved by the City. Sanitary Sewer Improvements means easement preparation, paving excavation, construction of sanitary sewer mains, manholes, sewer laterals, installation of new or additional pumps, wet wells, sewer structures, installation of new or additional electronic equipment and SCADA systems, and any other improvements necessary for a complete sanitary sewer system for the Sanitary Sewer Project. Sanitary Sewer Project means the design and construction of an off -site sewer main and lift station upgrades generally described, without limitation, as a 10-inch sanitary sewer main with manholes and associated laterals, and improvements to the existing Anna Crossing Sanitary Sewer Lift Station as required to provide adequate capacity for the development of the subject property, and generally depicted in Exhibit D, attached hereto, and in accordance with construction plan(s) approved by the City. Impact Fee Reimbursement Agreement- Page 2 Water Improvements means easement preparation, paving excavation, construction of water mains, valves, hydrants, and appurtenances, and any other improvements necessary for a complete public Water Project. Water Project means the design and construction of a public water main in the Leonard Avenue Right -of -Way from FM 455 to the south property line of the subject property, generally described, without limitation, as a 12-inch water main with valves, hydrants, and appurtenances, as required to provide adequate capacity for the development of the subject property and in accordance with the City of Anna Water Master Plan, and generally depicted in Exhibit E, attached hereto, and in accordance with construction plan(s) approved by the City. SECTION 3 GENERAL PROVISIONS (a) Documentation of Actual Amount Paid. Once Developer fully completes the Roadway Project, the Water Project and the Sanitary Sewer Project, and before the City has accepted the Roadway Project, Water Project and Sanitary Sewer Project, Developer shall provide the City Manager with documentation reasonably acceptable to the City Manager evidencing Developer's Design and Construction Costs. The City Manager shall review the documentation provided and shall approve or deny Developer's Design and Construction Costs within fifteen (15) business days of receipt thereof (which approvals shall not be unreasonably withheld). If the City Manager takes no action within such fifteen (15) day period, the documentation and Developer's Design and Construction Costs shall be deemed approved. Upon approval (or deemed approval) of Developer's Design and Construction Costs, the City shall issue a written acceptance letter to Developer, which shall signify final acceptance by the City of the Roadway Project, the Water Project and the Sanitary Sewer Project (referred to as the "City Acceptance Date"). (b) Approval of Plats/Plans. Approval by the City, the City's engineer or other City employee or representative, of any plans, designs or specifications submitted by Developer pursuant to this Agreement or pursuant to City Regulations shall not constitute or be deemed to be a release of the responsibility and liability of Developer, its engineer, employees, officers or agents for the accuracy and competency of their design and specifications. Further, any such approvals shall not be deemed to be an assumption of such responsibility and liability by the City for any defect in the design and specifications prepared by Developer's engineer, its officers, agents, servants or employees, it being the intent of the Parties that approval by the City's engineer signifies the City's approval on only the general design concept of the improvements to be constructed and that the design plans and specifications meet the requirements of the City Regulations. (c) Insurance. Developer or its contractor(s) shall acquire and maintain, during the period of time when the Roadway Project is under design: (a) workers compensation insurance in the amount required by law; and (b) commercial general liability insurance including personal injury liability, premises operations liability, and contractual liability, covering, but not limited to, the liability assumed under any indemnification provisions of this Agreement, with limits of liability for bodily injury, death and property damage of not less than $1,000,000.00. Impact Fee Reimbursement Agreement- Page 3 Such insurance shall also cover any and all claims which might arise out of the Roadway Project design contracts, whether by Developer, a contractor, subcontractor, engineer, materialman, or otherwise. Coverage must be on a "per occurrence" basis. All such insurance shall: (i) be issued by a carrier which is rated "A-1 " or better by A.M. Best's Key Rating Guide and licensed to do business in the State of Texas; and (ii) name the City as an additional insured and contain a waiver of subrogation endorsement in favor of the City. Upon the execution of design contracts, Developer shall provide to the City certificates of insurance evidencing such insurance coverage together with the declaration of such policies, along with the endorsement naming the City as an additional insured. Each such policy shall provide that, at least 30 days prior to the cancellation, non -renewal or modification of the same, the City shall receive written notice of such cancellation, non -renewal or modification. (d) Indemnification and Hold Harmless. DEVELOPER COVENANTS AND AGREES TO INDEMNIFY AND DOES HEREBY INDEMNIFY, HOLD HARMLESS AND DEFEND THE CITY, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS AND EMPLOYEES, FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL CLAIMS OR SUITS FOR PROPERTY DAMAGE OR LOSS AND/OR PERSONAL INJURY, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DEATH, TO ANY AND ALL PERSONS, OF WHATSOEVER KIND OR CHARACTER, WHETHER REAL OR ASSERTED (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, REASONABLE ATTORNEYS' FEES AND RELATED EXPENSES, EXPERT WITNESS FEES AND RELATED EXPENSES AND OTHER CONSULTANT FEES AND RELATED EXPENSES) ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, THE NEGLIGENT OR OTHERWISE WRONGFUL ACTS OR OMISSIONS OF DEVELOPER, ITS AGENTS, SERVANTS, CONTRACTORS, SUBCONTRACTORS, MATERIAL MEN OR EMPLOYEES IN CONNECTION WITH THE DESIGN OF THE ROADWAY PROJECT, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO INJURY OR DAMAGE TO CITY PROPERTY. SUCH INDEMNITY SHALL SURVIVE THE TERM OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF THE ROADWAY PROJECT IS CONSTRUCTED BY DEVELOPER AT NO TIME SHALL THE CITY HAVE ANY CONTROL OVER OR CHARGE OF THE DESIGN OF THE ROADWAY PROJECT BY DEVELOPER AND THE SUBJECT OF THIS AGREEMENT, NOR THE MEANS, METHODS, TECHNIQUES, SEQUENCES OR PROCEDURES UTILIZED FOR SAID DESIGN. THIS AGREEMENT DOES NOT CREATE A JOINT ENTERPRISE BETWEEN THE CITY AND DEVELOPER. DEVELOPER FURTHER COVENANTS AND AGREES TO INDEMNIFY, HOLD HARMLESS, AND DEFEND THE CITY AGAINST ANY AND ALL CLAIMS OR SUITS, BY ANY PERSON CLAIMING AN INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY WHO HAS NOT SIGNED THIS AGREEMENT AND WHICH CLAIMS: (1) ARISE IN ANY WAY FROM THE CITY'S RELIANCE UPON DEVELOPER'S REPRESENTATIONS IN THIS AGREEMENT; OR (2) RELATE IN ANY MANNER OR ARISE IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT OR IN CONNECTION WITH DEVELOPER'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. NOTWITHSTANDING THIS PROVISION OR ANY OTHER PROVISION OF THIS AGREEMENT, DEVELOPER SHALL NOT BE OBLIGATED TO INDEMNIFY, DEFEND, OR HOLD THE CITY HARMLESS FOR THE CITY'S OWN NEGLIGENCE, GROSS NEGLIGENCE OR WILLFUL MISCONDUCT. NOTWITHSTANDING ANYTHING TO THE CONTRARY IN THIS AGREEMENT, THIS INDEMNIFICATION AND Impact Fee Reimbursement Agreement- Page 4 HOLD HARMLESS PROVISION SHALL ONLY APPLY TO DEVELOPER IF DEVELOPER CONSTRUCTS THE ROADWAY PROJECT. SECTION 4 ROADWAY PROJECT, WATER PROJECT AND SANITARY SEWER PROJECT (a) Developer Obligations. As a condition to receipt of the impact fee reimbursement set forth herein, Developer agrees to design and construct the Roadway Improvements, Sanitary Sewer Improvements, and Water Improvements. Developer agrees to commence design within 60 days of execution of this agreement and commence construction within 365 days of the execution of this agreement. (b) City Obligations (1) City shall acquire the necessary off -site easements and rights -of -way required for the Roadway Project, Sanitary Sewer Project, and the Water Project within 90 days of the City approval of the Developer's engineering design plans (construction plans). If the City is unable to acquire the necessary easements and rights -of -way within such a period of time, the City hereby agrees to utilize the condemnation authority of the City to acquire the necessary easements and rights -of -way for the projects. (2) In accordance with City Regulations and state law, the City shall provide the Developer with payments equal to the Final Reimbursement Amount. The reimbursement payments shall be made by the City to the Developer on a quarterly basis as impact fees are received from building permits within the Impact Fee Reimbursement Area until the Final Reimbursement Amount for the Design and Construction Cost has been paid in full. (3) Notwithstanding Section 4(b)(1) above, the Reimbursement authorized by this Agreement shall expire on December 31 in the tenth year after the City Approval Date. SECTION 5 EFFECTIVE DATE The "Effective Date" of this Agreement is the date that the last of the Parties' signatures to this Agreement is fully and properly affixed to this Agreement and acknowledged by a public notary. The City's duties and obligations hereunder shall not arise unless and until all Parties have duly executed this Agreement. SECTION 6 TERMINATION This Agreement and all obligations of the Parties hereto, shall terminate upon full performance of the terms of this Agreement. SECTION 7 SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS (a) All obligations and covenants under this Agreement shall bind Developer and its successors and assigns. Impact Fee Reimbursement Agreement- Page 5 (b) Except for future owners of all or a portion of the Property, this Agreement shall not be assignable by Developer without the prior written consent of the City. SECTION 8 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS (a) Authority to execute contract. The undersigned officers and/or agents of the Parties hereto are the properly authorized officials and have the necessary authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Parties hereto, and each Party hereby certifies to the other that any necessary resolutions or other act extending such authority have been duly passed and are now in full force and effect. (b) Notice. All notices, demands or other communications required or provided hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been given on the earlier to occur of actual receipt or three (3) days after the same are given by hand delivery or deposited in the United States mail, certified or registered, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed to the Parties at the addresses set forth below or at such other addresses as such Parties may designate by written notice to the other Parties in accordance with this notice provision. If to the City: City of Anna Attn: City Manager P.O. Box 776 111 N. Powell Parkway Anna, TX 75409 If to Developer: Qualico Developments (U.S.), Inc. Attn: John Vick 6950 TPC Drive, Suite 150 McKinney, TX 75070 (c) Complete Agreement. This Agreement embodies the entire Agreement between the Parties and cannot be varied or terminated except as set forth in this Agreement, or by written agreement of all Parties expressly amending the terms of this Agreement. (d) Applicable Law and Venue. This Agreement shall be performable and all compensation payable in Collin County, Texas. Venue and exclusive jurisdiction under this Agreement lies in a court of competent jurisdiction in Collin County, Texas. (e) Severability. If any clause, paragraph, section or portion of this Agreement shall be found to be illegal, unlawful, unconstitutional or void for any reason, the balance of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and the unlawful provision shall be replaced with a provision as similar in terms and effect to such unlawful provision as may be valid, legal and enforceable. Impact Fee Reimbursement Agreement- Page 6 (f) Representation. Each signatory representing this Agreement has been read by the party for which this Agreement is executed and that such Party has had an opportunity to confer with its counsel. (g) Consideration. This Agreement is executed by the Parties hereto without coercion or duress and for substantial consideration, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged. (h) Waiver. Waiver by any Party or any breach of this Agreement, or the failure of any Party to enforce any of the provisions of this Agreement, at any time shall not in any way affect, limit or waive such Party's right thereafter to enforce and compel strict compliance of the Agreement. (i) Miscellaneous Drafting Provisions. This Agreement was drafted equally by the Parties hereto. The language of all parts of this Agreement shall be construed as a whole according to its fair meaning, and any presumption or principle that the language herein is to be construed against any Party shall not apply. Headings in this Agreement are for the convenience of the Parties and are not intended to be used in construing this document. (j) No Other Beneficiaries. This Agreement is for the sole and exclusive benefit of the Parties hereto and is not intended to and shall not confer any rights or benefits on any third party not a signatory hereto. (k) Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in a number of identical counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original for all purposes. (1) No Waiver of Development Ordinances. No waiver of any provision of this Agreement will be deemed to constitute a waiver of any other provision or any other agreement among the Parties. No waiver of any provision of this Agreement will be deemed to constitute a continuing waiver unless expressly provided for by written amendment to this Agreement; nor will the waiver of any default under this Agreement be deemed a waiver of any subsequent defaults of the same type. Nothing herein shall waive any obligations of Developer under applicable City Regulations. [SIGNATURE PAGES FOLLOW, REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] Impact Fee Reimbursement Agreement- Page 7 Qualico Developments (U.S.), Inc., a Delaware corporation By: Name: John Vick Title: Assistant Secretary IN WITNESS WHEREOF: STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF -t h Before me, the undersigned notary public, on the day of dY 2023, personally appeared John Vick, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity as Assistant Secretary of Qualico Developments (U.S.), a Delaware corporation. MAd4 W1 Notary Public, State of Texas (SEAL) MADISON MCCABE n_Notary Public, State of Texas �V:. -VE Comm. Expires 01-08-2024 Notary ID 130489997 Impact Fee Reimbursement Agreement — Signature Page CITY OF ANNA By: y enderson, Interim City Manager IN WITNESS WHEREOF: STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN Before me, the undersigned notary public, on the 1 day of jEf3o rua42023, personally appeared Ryan Henderson, known to me (or proved to me) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity as Interim City Manager of the City of Anna, Texas. otary Public, State of Texas JEOVANNA RUBIO (SEAL) '.P.... Notary Public, State of Texas Comm. Expires 10-03-2026 Notary ID 133995676 Impact Fee Reimbursement Agreement — Signature Page ATTACHMENTS Exhibit A - The Property (legal description and drawing) Exhibit B — Impact Fee Reimbursement Area Exhibit C — Roadway Project Exhibit D — Sanitary Sewer Project Exhibit E — Water Project Exhibit F — Cost Estimate (including design and construction) Impact Fee Reimbursement Agreement — Signature Page EXHIBIT A I e rroperty fl( W yuY' [S3ffipa3f3®F y U o Zi J 3 Impact Fee Reimbursement Agreement — Exhibit A PROPERTY DESCRIPTION SITUATED in the State of Texas, County of Collin and City of Anna, being part of the Granderson Stark Survey, Abstract No. 798, being all of a Tract 2: 62.485 acre tract as recorded under County Clerk No. 20211215002524980 and all of a Tract 1: 35.161 acre tract as recorded under County Clerk No. 20220106000036410 of the Collin County Land Records with said premises being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a 4"x4" concrete monument found marking the southeast corner of said 62.485 are tract, the southwest corner of said 35.161 acre tract, and being in the north line of a called 103.347 acre tract as recorded under County Clerk No. 20150730000952300 of the Collin County Land Records; THENCE with the south line of said 62.485 acre tract, and the north line of said called 103.347 acre tract, North 89'49'55" W, passing at 662.00 feet a 4"x4" concrete monument found on line for reference, continuing with the south line of said 62.485 acre tract and passing at 1,279.75 feet a Carter & Burgess 5/8" capped iron rod found on line, and continuing for a total distance of 2027.59 feet to a point marking the southwest corner of said 62.485 acre tracts, said corner being 50 feet from the centerline of the D.A.R.T. Railway, from which a railroad spike found in a wooden fence corner post bears for reference North 59"23'41" East, 1.66 feet; THENCE with the west line of said 62.485 acre tract, and being 50 feet east of and parallel to the centerline of said D.A.R.T. Railway, North 00°50'40" East, 1,166.45 feet to a Roome capped iron rod found marking the westerly most northwest corner of said 62.485 acre tract, and the southwest corner of a 15.00 acre tract "save and excepted" tract; THENCE with a north line of said 62.485 acre tract, and the south line of said "save and except" 15.00 acre tract, South 89°09'20" East, 1,121.41 feet to a Roome capped iron rod found for corner in the approximate middle of a Lone Gas pipeline, and marking an interior corner of said 62.485 acre tract, and the southeast corner of said "save and except 15.00 acre tract"; THENCE with a common line between said 62.485 acre tract and said "save and except 15 acre tract, and with the approximate middle of said Lone Star Gas pipeline, North 20'11'43" East, 572.12 feet to a Roome capped iron rod found for corner in a north line of said 62.485 acre tract, said iron marking the northeast corner of said "save and except 15.00 acre tract", and being in the south line of a 2.028 acre right-of-way line for F.M. 455 (White Street), as recorded in Volume 685, Page 331 of the Collin County Land Records; THENCE with the south right-of-way line of F.M. 455 (White Street), a north line of said 62.485 acre tract, North 88`34'45" East, 37.25 feet to a Roome capped iron rod found marking the southeast corner of said 2.028 acre right-of-way tract, and an ell corner of said 62.485 acre tract, and the southwest corner of Collin County called 1.051 acre road easement as recorded in Volume 685, Page 324 of the Collin County Land Records; THENCE with a west line of said 62.485 acre tract, the west line of said called 1.051 acre right-of-way tract, and the east line of said 2.028 acre right-of-way tract, North 00015'32" East, 74.83 feet to a Roome capped iron rod found marking the northwest corner of said 1.051 acre right-of-way tract, and the northerly most northwest corner of said 62.485 acre tract; Impact Fee Reimbursement Agreement — Exhibit A THENCE with the northerly most north line of 62.485 acre tract, and the north line of said 1.051 acre right-of-way tract, South 89°50'28" East, 363.61 feet to a Roome capped iron rod found marking the northerly most northeast corner of said 62.485 acre tract, and the northwest corner of a 0.67 acre tract as recorded under County Clerk No. 20170811001075300 of the Collin County Land Records; THENCE with the east line of 62.485 acre tract, and the west line of said 0.67 acre tract, South 00008'33" West, 310.76 feet to a Roome capped iron rod found marking the southwest corner of said 0.67 acre tract, and an interior ell corner of said 62.485 acre tract; THENCE with a north line of said 62.485 acre tract, the south line of said 0.67 acre tract, the south line of a 0.792 acre tract and 0.59 acre tract as recorded in Volume 1487, Page 677 and Volume 6049, Page 4566 of the Collin County Land Records, North 89'*10'32" East, 292.29 feet to a Roome capped iron rod found marking the southeast corner of said 0.59 acre tract, the easterly most northeast corner of said 62.485 acre tract, and being in the west line of a 1.00 acre tract as recorded in Volume 4790, Page 2324 of the Collin County Land Records; THENCE with the east line of said 62.485 acre tract, and the west line of said 1.00 acre tract, South 00°27'08" East, 79.74 feet to a Carter & Burgess capped iron rod found marking the southwest corner of said 1.00 acre tract, and the northwest corner of the aforementioned 35.161 acre tract; THENCE North 88024'06" East, with the north line of said 35.161 acre tract, passing at 128.73 feet the southeast corner of said 1.00 acre tract, the southwest corner of a 0.780 acre tract as recorded in Volume 1671, Page 563 of the Collin County Land Records, continuing for a total distance of 228.60 feet to a W iron rod found marking the southeast corner of said 0.780 acre tract, and marking an ell corner of said 35.161 acre tract; THENCE North 0003641" East, 145.29 feet with the east line of said 0.780 acre tract, and a west line of said 35.161 to a W iron rod found marking the southwest corner of a called 0.491 acre tract as recorded under County Clerk No. 20200722001149630 of the Collin County Land Records, and marking an ell corner of said 35.161 acre tract; THENCE North 88033'26" East, 109.96 feet with the south line of said 0.491 acre tract, and a north line of said 35.161 acre tract to a %2" iron rod found marking its southwest corner, an ell corner of said 35.161 acre tract, and being in the west line of a called 1.50 acre tract as recorded under County Clerk No. 1997013000007700 of the Collin County Land Records; THENCE South 00018'51" West, 145.18 feet with the west line of said 1.50 acre tract, and a west line of said 35.161 acre tract to a point for corner in a 5" Hackberry Tree marking its southwest corner of said 1.50 acre tract, and an ell corner of said 35.161 acre tract; THENCE North 88016'13" East, 198.34 feet with the south line of said 1.50 acre tract and a north line of said 35.161 acre tract to a %" iron rod found marking the southeast corner of said 1.50 acre tract, and an ell corner of said 35.161 acre tract; THENCE North 00024'04" East, 328.55 feet with the east line of said 1.50 acre tract, and a west line of said 35.161 to a %" iron rod found in the south right-of-way line of F.M. 455 (E. White Street -a variable width right-of-way), said iron marking the northeast corner of said 1.50 acre tract, and the most Impact Fee Reimbursement Agreement — Exhibit A northerly northwest corner of said 35.161 acre tract; THENCE with the south right-of-way line of F. M. 455 (E. White Street) and the most northerly north line of said 35.161 acre tract, North 88°37'54" East, 368.12 feet (Basis of Bearings) to a Roome capped iron rod found marking the northeast corner of said 35.161 acre tract, and the northwest corner of a 70.322 acre tract; THENCE departing said roadway, and with a common line between said 35.161 acre tract and 70.322 acre tract, South 00*03'55" West, 1,737.50 feet to Roome capped iron rod found marking the southeast corner of said 35.161 acre tract, the southwest corner of said 70.322 acre tract, and being in the north line of the aforementioned 103.347 acre tract; THENCE with the general course of a barbed wire fence along the south line of said 35.161 acre tract, and the north line of said 103.347 acre tract as follows: North 89021'55" West, 165.30 feet to a point for corner; North 89051'25" West, 341.36 feet to a point for corner; and South 89055'05" West, 475.71 feet to the place of beginning and containing 97.646 gross acres of land Impact Fee Reimbursement Agreement — Exhibit A EXHIBIT B Impact Fee Reimbursement Area ° 6 a' N Ln Q Q _ w aUa maN Y ro N- �=Q U 02 02 7WWW OWMW E=N M< m—E0<0 GLAWN- OmV �^�If ifk� ten€ RI I f--"UatlN031 N w A S I LYNN I I NW13N -/ \LPG \ \P COCD 3 sc mo� n''R1� I = Q J � 1\I \ L •r n n I $� {b9'iz 1 31 ' •Ntl11B1 � �' I e' SNIOOItl - �° m 'r1YN9N1V.J SrtiS � � •)/byre" � ` 9 < 11uu 3 -� - 1� ~�•37,Se �O `Obi � mC R -C �I �o_ f rnI q x' o m 7 Mm3i11 � i "m �** O u Lsn3a� ml w LWsoa a —3—I a Impact Fee Reimbursement Agreement — Exhibit B EXHIBIT C The Road Project Ta- E -7 - 14''.� 1 i . 9 Impact Fee Reimbursement Agreement — Exhibit C EXHIBIT D The Sanitary Sewer Project Impact Fee Reimbursement Agreement— Exhibit D EXHIBIT E The Water Project Impact Fee Reimbursement Agreement - Exhibit E EXHIBIT F Breakdown of Costs' PRELIMINARY OPINION OF DEVELOPMENT COST -REV RS LEONARD TRAILS THOROUGHFARE Efto ear . m.1 a.lawtlay. AcarK 1 so I-LO- wrAse I rw..ora@ ic�we TYEIFA. 6a: MCir SOFT COST SmTOFAL m..m . DcoSS SUo-rmAL 1rp51lW m9"cebsso-el Na�ewaaN xn MSEO. ..E E11AL NSS.aI mxwe a a[�xm�.,q e.[n�o .o:mwe�. emwx...rvw:a.�+.P.. n. Iola cevaioana.i coara trxcaie bw? NaeMle 6n tl W v.M [a: pa+CN b Nrnnx.bb ms.o^P. m.G, i is reve myn g mp:naq vn w: Y=Y^xn n a wyn pynamui l.mlu'nn mn0ub[. "AN 4: a1 v nme S-1un npIAI w.[enbPen.tlwr lie vnY an neapndn.a SAD. TOTEL MEC FEES I Note, costs are an estimate only and the final construction costs are subject to change. The estimated costs herein shall in no manner limit the eligible reimbursement. Impact Fee Reimbursement Agreement — Exhibit F PRELIMINARY OPINION OF DEVELOPMENT COST -REV R3 LEONARD TRAILS THOROUGHFARE P 01ECi LEONMDTRALG-L.WA. AORFAOE: 50 •ORLOTS Na C111 Anm TmaF PNA9E: 1 I TYP.LOT9 . PLO.: I TYP. FAOSUIE: CONSTRUCTION -HARD COSTS pE3LNIPT1pN UNIT OVR NTRY I uwmne I AMOUNT NOTES CLERXIIGSERUSHF!3 GCRE ]0 2.I500'J $1J )SC 300 sm CO] CY s000l 500 $30000 LF ]700 200 111. $IORU WeIEfl ]AANe :'i'r� LS 1 -1 WS-TOTAL EXCAVATION 65EDIMEN• CONTROL f006W lute..1-1--.3—I.LI lI.'w l:NFFr n­ 11F .-,'rI'o-FL I'- a ruxr[rur.[ w F.-- OESCNFE. UNIT OWNFRY UNLTFAWE 8500 AMOUNT NOTES LF 225 118250J 14 R.:' LF 275 TW 21,175M 3 R C F LF n5 INN 118250.w 5�5'RC6 LF 2W SCOW 10003000 101NLEF EA 5 am W 32TWW 15'INLET EA 2 2AWOO 18.XO.m .AINRION BOX EA 1 2.5WW 2.500.00 TRENCHSAFETY LF 1475 010 1050 TESTING(EXCLUDING GEOTECHI LF 1475 3W 4AS00 S REINF CONCRETE STREET F-1E.e.1 SV 1 10278 TBW 1811W 47 S COMPACTED LIUE SUBGRADE v 1am I 205 3214025 HYDRATED LIME MATERIAL TON 1T4 I 1&W 33.818m CONNECTION TO EXISNNG VMRE STREET LS 1Mw, A SIDEWALK LF 35a Bi9RIER FREERAAflS d STREET SIGNS W1 POV S TRAFFIC CONT ROL WB-TOTAL LEONARD THROUGHFARE I INA63.09.30 E MISCELLANEOUS p6CRpTMN UNTIE OUANTRV UNITFRIOE AMOUNT NOTES UNEXPECTED COSTS HARD COST SI PERCENT .523A 30 5155.231 WS-TOTAL MMCELLANEOUS 5155.mi v 11Nu Impact Fee Reimbursement Agreement — Exhibit F PRELIMINARY OPINION OF DEVELOPMENT COST -REV #3 LEONARD TRAILS OFFSITE SANITARY SEWER CAEaTED: +a']v1x PROJEQ LEONARDTFAILS-OMN<S<n<r ACREAGE Na EOFLOTS: CUr' Anna Tmm I PHASE:l i I TYP.LOTSQ6 P,C_ I I I I TYV.PADSDf: A. MISC FEES PIT IN B. TECH.. TESTING. ENGINEERING B DESIGN {a8.809 C. EXCAVATION B SEDIMENT CONTROL w,5ga M OFFSITE SANITARY SEWER 53g9,908 E MISCELLANEOUS s3?a9t NOTES: SMe Me di professional MS no ocidi Wer Me mad of law.. ma'andis w'MIM <m or wa M<wiMegch meMm of derte—onq on—. er wM CamgGLWe dai d heartr[ W M<gns, his apinwna0l arWa01e 0w<bpmenl road pPa'aed br Mran am to W made on Me ben Of h¢ m0ene endadaehcdT,dns Tnmewmi Tennessee his Met pdgement as a des,, pIXefanneNamie.r NMtr me con she. Pension, Nom+er, he Oesgn aroressnnm canna and does rat 9N.heae Mat pwasols nee. ar Me devebpment cdsu.H, not all Irdm oPlnans at Wadi casts dropnM by Men 11 the 0nner ."a greaVfr assurance as In Me dwabpar msb he shill empby sn independent Feat mnmabr SOFT COST SUBTOTAL 588805 NGRO COST SUBTOTAL s3s..8 MISCO.LANEOUS SUBTOTAL O2991 TOTAL DEVELOPMENT COSTS said W3 OESCRURCN I UNIT JQUANTJ UNITFAICE AMOUNT NOTES PLAN REVIEW FEES LS 1 SW, Sol 55C MUNICIPAL I INSPEC TIOII FEES f'ERCEnIT1 4%1 3 w71h)l 513188 SUBTOTAL MISC FEES III TECHNIC�, TESTING. ENGINEERING 9 DESIGN DESCRIPTION UN? OUANNry UASTFI AMOUNT NOTES CONSTRUCT�JOFw ELIGR SSIR'iEY FER=EHT tY aD 338TnA WEI SOIL SEHJ'RONMEN AL TEST. r.G LS 1 ary', Sa 003 COMPACTICNrCONSTRUCTGFTESTIrI L5 1I 4awWj Sam SUB -TOTAL TECNNCAL,TESTNO.ENGINEERNGSDESpN 14,8E09 Impact Fee Reimbursement Agreement — Exhibit F PRELIMINARY OPINION OF DEVELOPMENT COST - REV #3 LEONARD TRAILS OFFSITE SANITARY SEWER - CREATED: TOZ&f} p1OJECT: LEONARDTRNLS-OHMT9Se l 1 AMaGE-1 1z ROFLOTS: fJry.' IM Tna[ I HASE: I I I T ..LOTSNE: PIA: I I I I TW.. PAOSME. CONSTRUCTION -HARD COSTS DESCRIPRON I UW QUANTITY UMTFWXE AMOUNT NOTES OLT FEPICE MIRE BACK WI STEEL POSTS LF '.N '00 51 ow STCRM WATER MANAGEMENT LS WB-TOTAL EXCAVATION B SEDIMENT CONTROL $8500 OFFSITE SANITARY SEWER DESCRIPTION UNIT DUAN>1TY UNITRRICE I AMOUNT NOTES 10'P V G PIPE LF MOO ffi:3T5.CO DIAMETER MANHOLE E9 .000.W CONNECT TO EXIST MH EA SONM LIFT STAPON UPGRADE EA =2053W OW.u-swc nr 3csE TR ENCH SACETY IF A]50 TEFWG IE%CLUOIIGGEOTECH LF 9.3:500 SUBTOTAL JORFSITESANNARYSEWER S329907W MISCELLANEOUS OESLRIPITON UN? OUANTTIY UNITPRA:E AYOUNT NOTES UNEFPECIED COSTS (HARD COSTSI PERCENT 1.1 v, 031 WB-TOTAL MISLELLANEOVE M2.991 Impact Fee Reimbursement Agreement — Exhibit F PRELIMINARY OPINION OF DEVELOPMENT COST -REV #3 WATER UPSIZE COMPARISON ALONG LEONARD CNEATEO: +oma PFQIKR[ 'LEONAR10TRML9-L.—R TMl Wne[ ACFUI WA NOT LOTS: CT': .-TEF., ROME I 1YV LOTSVE: GJD: I TVP PAD SPE: A ENTITLEMENT IMPACT S MISC FEES ue+s s+x2ee u.9v a TECH. TESTING ENGINEERING S DESIGN I TN NJ] $.x.1 m n c WATER SYSTEM 1 f1m.30 VMU.Uwl VDX2 n M1BSCELLANEOUS I T.L0i I $.2.l SNE3. NOTES: yte 0.a p.—M Fes- E. wn U... MFE, mpmtlf b[ryipMnl b m. n.unabf mtlnw Malmmnnp pn<n a CarggWe d00npO meMer con0iewrs M1s q�nimf dpmede avl[pmmr [a9 paUeU rb.. pEmepEmm. pnif MnN nP_mn wuM[Yime me:<mimm. rop.lm+n¢ Nnll.Gwmm1 of . pniw R—d N avpe N pM•eRm up: bme a.-ammml <osl wR Ea..rynmr mn�a,e orwm.de nw pnx.poybm nm. .w1Mf nrw omnn[. nrom. arelmb owls, . In, snEL.mpoy on maPmam rpY WimMb 90RCOGTSUSTOTAL SL9.651 INIANI 9112w NRRO COSY S.O.TOT,LL &N.. 6 Ti4169 VMW wsCELLANEOUS SUSTOT,4 W.0, SA.PO HLAJ MTµ OEVELOPNENT COSTS 1217,26, T3I01SS rIM932 r WATER Ir WATER T, PRICE a'�l LG TECHNICAL, TESTING ENGINEERING DCSCAPRON & DESIGN UNR OWNINY /' WATM MCIPRICL NR WAFER VINTMCE /'MIOUHI Ix' AMOUM .'A CONSTRUCTIONPN ENGP&SURVEY PERCENT C% 1}OICE Y,j 5..II9 120J656 S]69.15 13 JJJ 19 SOIL& ENVIRONMENTAL TESTING I LE I I 200ow S'No 10W00 'Moo 000 COMPACTION I CONSTRUCTION TESTING I l5 II 2000MI 52W0 2.00 2 . 001 000 SUB. MTN TECRNK L TESTING. ENOMEERING A DEMON MINI T1TJ10 ER.JJ] CONSTRUCTION -HARD COSTS I. M.. ON CONNECT TO EMSTING So WATER EA I I . 4 w 001 aEw 001 0 IfNPRA rov [S I IPRCE Is-AMOfBITI AMOW Impact Fee Reimbursement Agreement — Exhibit F