HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2023-03-1405 Task Order for the Design of a Hike and Bike Trail Adjacent to Pecan GroveCITY OF ANNA, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A TASK ORDER FOR THE DESIGN OF A NEW HIKE AND BIKE TRAIL ADJACENT TO THE PECAN GROVE SUBDIVISION IN THE AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED ONE HUNDRED FOURTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($114,000.00); AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Pecan Grove Trail Project from Luscombe Lane to Leslie Drive is identified as a capital improvement project in the City of Anna, Texas as shown in the City of Anna Parks and Trails Master Plan; and, WHEREAS, the proposed trail will connect the southwest and northwest portions of the subdivision and provide for outdoor activities for Anna families and provide for a connection point to the Park Place Subdivision to the north; and, WHEREAS, Jacobs Solutions, Incorporated was selected by the City as a consultant for the Landscape Architecture and Parks Planning Category in the multidisciplinary request for qualifications process in 2021; and, WHEREAS, the City has received a scope of services from Jacobs Solutions, Incorporated as shown in Exhibit A, attached; and, WHEREAS, the City of Anna 2021 Bond Election included funding for trails as a portion of Proposition C; and, WHEREAS, the project funding will come from 2021 Bond Funds in accordance with the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Budget; and, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS THAT: Section 1. Recitals Incorporated The recitals above are incorporated herein as if set forth in full for all purposes. Section 2. Authorization of Payment and Funding. That the City Council of the City of Anna hereby authorizes the City Manager to execute a Project Specific Purchase Order with Jacobs Solutions, Incorporated, in a form approved by the City Attorney, in an amount not to exceed $114,000.00 for the design of the Pecan Grove Trail Project. That funding for the project shall come from 2021 Bond Funds. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas on this '90,4 day of March 2023. r_IVENWIN City Secretary, Carrie Land EXHIBIT 8 Professional Service Project Order #PARKS8 Pursuant to and subject to the referenced Master Agreement for Professional Services (Master PSA), between the City and Firm, City hereby requests that Firm perform, and Firm agrees to perform, the work described below upon the terms and conditions set forth in said Master PSA, which are incorporated herein by reference for all purposes, and in this Professional Service Project Order (PSPO). MPSA# MASTER PSA CATEGORY: F-Landscape Architecture and 2021-2026 Park Planning ANNA PROJECT CODE: 2021-ENG08 FIRM NAME Jacobs Project Name: Pecan Grove Trail # Of Consecutive Business Days to Complete Project: 120 Original Project Fee: $114,000 OWNER OPTIONAL INFORMATION: 1. Date and Time to Commence: Upon Receipt of Signed Professional Services Project Order, City's Purchase Order and Notice to Proceed 2. Other: Architectural Barrier Requirements: Yes X No _ INVOICE SUBMITTAL Billing Period: Monthly -Through the end of each month, billed by the 10th of the following month. Mail to: Attn: Dalan Walker City of Anna Neighborhood Services 120 W 7th St Anna, TX 75409 Include work order number, PO number, billing period, and project Invoice Mailing Instructions: name. Master PSA# 2021-2026 1 PSPO# PARK8 Documents: The PSPO DOCUMENTS as that term is used herein, shall mean and include the following documents, and expressly incorporates the following by reference for all purposes. A. Master Agreement for Professional Services 2021-2026 effective July 13. 2021; and B. This Professional Services Project Order (PSPO) # PARKS8; and This PSPO shall incorporate the terms of all the documents in their entirety. To the extent that there are any conflicts with provisions of the Master PSA, this PSPO or each other, the provisions of the Master PSA, then the provisions of this PSPO shall prevail in that order. Scope of Services: Provide design services for a 100% plan set for a 10' wide concrete trail from Luscombe Ln to Leslie Dr. Provide 10% plans for a bridge crossing to Parc Place to include a survey and hydraulic study. Schedule of Work and Completion Deadline(s): Work will take approximately 4 months. Acceptance: The individuals executing this Agreement on behalf of the respective parties below represent to each other that all appropriate and necessary action has been taken to authorize the individual who is executing this Agreement to do so for and on behalf of the party for which his or her signature appears, that there are no other parties or entities required to execute this Agreement in order for the same to be an authorized and binding agreement on the other party for whom the individual is signing this Agreement and that each individual affixing his or her signature hereto is authorized to do so, and such authorization is valid and effective on the date hereof. CITY OF INA, TEXAS JACO�BjS AAWv O Slf Signatu Signature Ryan Henderson, Interim City Manaoer Printed Name & Title 3�a��a3 Date Chad St.John, Manager of Projects Printed Name & Title 3.22.203 Date Master PSA# 2021-2026 PSPO#PARK8 Scope of Services — Luscombe Lane to Leslie Dr Jacobs 1.0 Scope of Services Overview Jacobs' scope of services includes design and construction documents for a trail at Luscombe Lane to Leslie Dr within The City of Anna. It is our understanding that these projects will run concurrently, and we will combine meetings to discuss projects simultaneously. The project will include the following meetings: 1. Project kick-off meeting with the client to confirm project goals, objectives, priorities, schedule of work and design considerations. Obtain base information files, background studies and other relevant criteria as provided by the client prior to proceeding with subsequent tasks. 2. Conduct a half -day visual analysis of existing conditions and community characteristics at the project site. Document summary findings in a photographic collage depicting design influences on a summary drawing sheet (documentation will happen after the meeting). 3. Attend a meeting with client and stakeholders to discuss preliminary park/trail design criteria, phasing and related budgets and concepts. 4. Attend bi-weekly virtual meetings with the client for the duration of the project. It is assumed this is a 3 month design process and will include 4 meetings. Overall Assumptions/Clarifications Jacobs' scope is based on the following set of assumptions and clarifications. Additional project specific assumptions are included within each individual project scope. 1. Written approval of design to be provided by client prior to commencement of construction documentation. Changes after approval provided requiring a significant re -design shall be considered additional services and may impact fees and proposed schedule. 2. Additional fees may apply for public meetings and/or presentations. 3. Jacobs assumes The City of Anna will provide existing survey and Geotech files as available. 4. The correction or resolution of erroneous, deficient, or ambiguous easement descriptions is not included within this scope. 5. The resolution of boundary conflicts or gaps discovered during the survey is not included within this scope. 6. This scope of work does not include any form of platting or re -platting exercises. 7. This scope does not include the location or identification of trees. The following sections will break out the scope of services by project 2.0 Luscombe Lane to Leslie Dr The City has provided two options for this section of trail. Option A includes a 0.7 mile section from Luscombe Lane to Leslie or, a 0.5 Trait heads and/or site furniture opportunities will be identified on the plans for future pricing purposes. [Document number] Scope of Services— Luscombe Lane to Leslie Dr Jacobs Fees will be determined for each option and one will be chosen by the City for the 10% design process. Jacobs shall be responsible for undertaking the following the following tasks for the project. Submittals for all tasks shall include electronic pdf copies (unless otherwise noted). Topographic Survey Topographic Survey to include: Being a portion of (1) common area in the form of a Homeowners Association Lot located at north of FM 366 and west of Pecan Grove Dr. (W Foster Crossing Rd) situated in the T Rattan Survey, Abstract #782, the H. Smith Survey, Abstract #823, the R. Johnson Survey, Abstract #479, the J. Slater Survey, Abstract #868, the E. Shelby Survey, Abstract #839, and the W. Kitchings Survey, Abstract #505 City of Anna, Collin County, Texas Exclusions • Boundary Survey and mapping of easements from abstracting and / or existing plats • Topographical Survey not to exceed a limit of 50 foot in width of the proposed trail location. • Hike and Bike / Trail Easements written not to exceed (3) based on deeds from landowner recordation and / or platting information found at the time of abstracting. SCOPE OF SERVICES: TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY Perform a field topographic survey that is in compliant with the standards and specifications of a Category 6, Topographical Survey as defined in the current MANUAL OF PRACTICE for Land Surveying in the State of Texas, published by the Texas Society of Professional Surveyors. Unless otherwise specified, the survey will be established using existing physical monumentation to identify the horizontal and vertical control for the project area. The project will then be adjusted horizontally to client specifications and vertically to the North American Vertical Datum (NAVD) 88 for orthometric heights and GEOID 18 for geoidal separations with references to a published benchmark, if available. Provide topographic mapping with a minimum of one foot contour intervals depicting, but not limited to, the following information not to exceed a 50-foot swath for the proposed trail location as shown in the below Exhibit A's. [Documentnumber] Scope of Services — Luscombe Lane to Leslie Dr ,sacobs Positions and elevations of natural ground features, edge of pavement, curb islands, top back of curb with flow lines, valley gutters, cross sections of roadways, median openings and intersections of adjacent streets and roads, top of block wall footings, flow lines, top of bank and toe of slope of creeks, canals, or ditches; exterior edges of water; sign and fences; and any other above ground visible features. The location, elevation and description of all surface visible utilities (i.e., manholes including inverts, flow Line elevations and pipe sizes to the best of our abilities as viewed in the field, inlets, fire hydrants, water valves, street lights, vaults and meter locations). NOTE: THIS SCOPE DOES NOT INCLUDE THE LOCATION OR IDENTIFICATION OF TREES. STANDARD LAND SURVEY — CATEGORY 1 B Perform a boundary survey that is in compliant with the standards and specifications of a Category 1 B, Condition II, Standard Land Survey as defined in the current MANUAL OF PRACTICE for Land Surveying in the State of Texas, published by the Texas Society of Professional Surveyors. A Standard Land Survey is not for title insuring purposes. Jacobs will make an independent abstract of title / easement estate through a third -party title company of ALL subject properties affected by the design of any additional park features and proposed trail locations. The intent of the abstracting exercise is to map all easements provided from a chain of title to prevent any encroachment from said design. LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND EXHIBIT Perform metes and bounds legal descriptions and graphic exhibits not to exceed (12) legal descriptions for the purpose of describing the proposed trail locations as a form of an easement for the above - described properties as specified by the Client. The task will include a boundary survey to locate and verify the correctness of the physical monumentation in relationship to the deed as indicated in Scope Item B. The legal description will be prepared based on a field survey of the subject tract of land affected. The description will meet the current Texas Board of Professional Engineering and Land Surveying Standards and Procedures of Practice. The description and exhibit will be provided to the Client or Client's agent to be included as part of the transfer documents (prepared by others). EXCLUSIONS: • The preparation of front-end documents to be negotiated between grantor and grantee are not included in this scope of service and are to be negotiated between Grantor and Grantee. • The correction or resolution of erroneous, deficient, or ambiguous easement descriptions is not included within this scope. • The resolution of boundary conflicts or gaps discovered during this survey is not included within this scope. • This scope of work does not include any form of platting or re -platting exercises. 90% and Final Construction Plan Submittal 1. Grading and drainage plans Plan view with Contours 2. Trail Layout plans 3. Trail Details [Document number] Scope of Services — Luscombe Lane to Leslie Dr ,sacobs 4. Final draft construction plans (90%) and Project Manual shall be submitted to CITY per the approved Project Schedule. 5. The ENGINEER will provide a PDF set of plans with the utility conflicts highlighted. 6. Following a 90% construction plan review meeting with the CITY, the ENGINEER shall submit Final Plans (100%) to the CITY per the approved Project Schedule. Each plan sheet shall be stamped, dated, and signed by the ENGINEER registered in State of Texas. 7. A Quantity Summary page will be included in both the 90% and 100% design plans. Each design sheet of the plans shall also include a quantity take off table. 8. The ENGINEER shall submit an estimate of probable construction cost with both the 90% and 100% design packages. This estimate shall use standard CITY or TOOT bid items, as applicable. 10% Plan Submittal for Bridge Crossing Jacobs will provide conceptual layout for a prefabricated bridge crossing across Slater Creek to the north. Jacobs will review the FEMA flood models provided by the city to evaluate any conflicts, mitigation, or impacts to the creek. Jacobs will provide a memo of stating future tasks to be completed in order to construct the trail to the north. 1. Provide preliminary alignment of trail to cross Slater Creek 2. Provide preliminary mass grading to establish bridge elevation for review in the flood modeling 3. Provide Memo of finding for hydraulic analysis of Slater creek. Assumptions/Clarifications Jacobs' scope is based on the following set of assumptions and clarifications: • Survey scope of work assumes tree survey is not included. • Floodplain modeling is not included. • The preferred alignment option will be selected by the City before survey begins. • Alignment changes after the topographical survey is complete are not included in this scope of service. • Meetings and overall assumptions/clarifications are included in section 1.0 of this document. • Jacobs will not provide structural drawings for bridge crossings within the scope of work. • City to provide Flood models of Slater Creek [Document number] Scope of Services — Luscombe Lane to Leslie Dr Jacobs 3.0 Design Fees Based on the detailed project scope listed above, Jacobs will complete this work for a lump sum amount including reimbursable expenses on a per task basis as detailed below, payable in response to monthly invoices during each task of Jacobs' work. Reimbursable Expenses are in addition to the compensation for Professional and Technical services and include the cost incurred by Jacobs on behalf of the project. The breakdown of the proposed fee is as listed: Pecan Grove Trail to Taylor Boulevard $114,000.00 - Survey Cost $33,000.00 - Design & Engineering $70,000.00 - Hydraulic Review of Slater Creek $11,000.00 All expenses are included in overall fee and shall include TDLR submittal, survey equipment, and title extract. [Document number] Exhibit A EXHIBIT 8 Professional Service Project Order #PARKS8 Pursuant to and subject to the referenced Master Agreement for Professional Services (Master PSA), between the City and Firm. City hereby requests that Finn perform, and Firm agrees to perform, the work described below upon the terms and conditions set forth in said Master PSA, which are Incorporated herein by reference for all purposes, and inthis Professional Service Project Order (PSPO). MPSA# MASTER PSA CATEGORY: F-Landscape Architecture and 2021.2026 Park Planning ANNA PROJECT CODE: 2021-ENGOB FIRM NAME Jacobs Project Name: Pecan Grove Trail # Of Consecutive Business Days to Complete Project: 120 Original Project Fee: $114,000 OWNER OPTIONAL INFORMATION: 1. Dato and Time to Commence: Upon Receipt of Signed Professional Services Project Order, City's Purchase Order and Notice to Proceed 2. Other: Architectural Barrier Requirements: Yes X No — INVOICE SUBMITTAL Billin Per(od: Monthly -Through the end of each month, billed by the loth of the following month. Mail to: Ann: Dalan Walker City of Anna Neighborhood Services 120 W 7*- St Anna. TX 75409 Include work order number, PO number, billing period. and project Invoice Mailing Instructions: name. Wester F 20112a25 mpog F"M Documents: The PSPO DOCUMENTS as that term is used herein, shall mean and Include the following documents, and expressly incorporates the following by reference for all purposes. A_ Master Agreement for Professional Services 2021-2026 effective July 13, 2021; and B. This Professional Services Project Order (PSPO) # PARKS6; and This PSPO shall Incorporate the terms of all the documents in their entirety. To the extent that there are any conflicts with provisions of the Master PSA. this PSPO or each other, the provisions of the Master PSA, then the provisions of this PSPO shall prevail In that order. Scope of Services: Provide design services for a 100% plan set for a 10' wide concrete trail from Luscombe Ln to Leslie Dr. Provide 10% plans for a bridge crossing to Parc Place to Include a survey and hydraulic study. Schedule of Work and Completion Deadline(s): Work will lake approximately 4 months. Acceptance: The Individuals executing this Agreement on behalf of the respective parties below represent to each other that all appropriate and necessary action has been taken to authorize the Individual who is executing this Agreement to do so for and on behalf of the party for which his or her signature appears, that there am no other parties or entities required to execute this Agreement In order for the same to be an authorized and binding agreement on the other parry for whom the Individual is signing this Agreement and that each Individual affixing his or her signature hereto is authorized to do so, and such authorization is valid and effective on the date hereof. CITY 07 ANW►, TEXAS JACOBS 6d S41 ;14tufe Signature Ryan Henderson, Interim City Manager Chad SLJohn. Manager of Projects Printed Name & Title Printed Name & Title 3I a9 I a3 3.22.203 Date Date M terP Ae20211026 P Poe P"n Scope of Services—Luscombe Lane to Leslie Dr Jacobs 1.0 Scope of Services Overview Jacobs scope of services Inctu des design and construction documents for a trail at Luscombe Lane to Leslie Or within The City of Anna. It is our understanding that these projects witl run concurrently, and we will combine meetings to discuss projects simuttaneously. The project will Include the following meetings: 1. Project kick-off meeting with the client to confirm project goals, objectives, priorities, schedule of work and design considerations. Obtain base information files, background studies and other relevant criteria as provided by the client prior to proceeding with subsequent tasks- 2. Conduct a half -day visual analysis of existing conditions and community characteristics at the project site. Document summary findings in a photographic collage depicting design influences on a summary drawing sheet (documentation will happen after the meeting). 3. Attend a meeting with client and stakeholders to discuss preliminary park/trail design criteria, phasing and related budgets and concepts. 4. Attend bi-weekly virtual meetings with the client for the duration of the project. It is assumed this is a 3 month design process and will include 4 meetings. Overall Assumptions/Clarifications Jacobs scope is based on the following set of assumptions and clarifications Additional project specific assumptions are Included within each Individual project scope. 1. Written approval of design to be provided by client prior to commencement of construction documentation. Changes after approval provided requiring a significant re -design shalt be considered additional services and may impact fees and proposed schedule. 2. Additional fees may apply for public meetings and/or presentations 3. Jacobs assumes The City of Anna will provide existing survey and Geotach files as available. 4. The correction or resolution of erroneous, deficient or ambiguous easement descriptions is not included within this scope. S. The resolution of boundary conflicts or gaps discovered during the survey is not included within this scope. 6. This scope of work does not Include any form of platting or re -platting exercises. 7. This scope does not Include the location or identification of trees. The following sections will breakout the scope of services by project 2.0 Luscombe Lane to Leslie Dr The City has provided two options for this section of trail - Option A includes a 0-7 mile section from Luscombe Lane to Leslie Or, a 0.5 Trail heads and/or site furniture opportunities wilt be Identified on the plans for future pricing purposes. fnerurwrxrxmtnri Scope of Services — Luscombe Lane to Leslie Dr Jacobs Fees will be determined for each option and one will be chosen by the City for the 10% design process. Jacobs shall be responsible for undertaking the following the following tasks for the project Submittals for all tasks shall Include electronic pdf copies (unless otherwise noted). Topographic Survey Topographic Survey to Include., Being a portion of (1) common area in the form of a Homeowners Association Lot located at north of FMI 366 and west of Pecan Grove Dr. (W Foster Crossing Rd) situated in the T Rattan Survey, Abstract #782, the H_ Smith Survey, Abstract #823, the R. Johnson Survey, Abstract #479, the J. Slater Survey, Abstract #868, the E Shelby Survey, Abstract #839, and the W. IOtchings Survey, Abstract 4505 City of Anna, Collin County, Texas Exclusions • Boundary Survey and mapping of easements from abstracting and / or existing plats • Topographical Survey not to exceed a limit of 50 foot in width of the proposed trap location. • Hike and Bike / Trail Easements written not to exceed (3) based on deeds from landowner recordation and / or platting information found at the time of abstracting. .3i(iII�TX33;�llis- ITIT0Trit'"1171I•41141il1W A Perform a field topographic survey that is in compliant with the standards and specifications of a Category 6, Topographical Survey as defined In the current MANUAL Of PRACTICE for Land Surveying In the State of Texas, published by the Texas Society of Professional Surveyors. Unless otherwise specified, the survey will be established using existing physical monumentation to identify the horizontal and vertical control for the projectarea. The project will then be adjusted horizontally to client specifications and vertically to the North American Vertical Datum (NAVD) 88 for orthometric heights and GEOID 18 for geoidal separations with references to a published benchmark, if available. Provide topographic mapping with a minimum of one foot contour intervals depicting, but not limited to, the following Information not to exceed a SO -foot swath for the proposed trail location as shown in the below Exhibit A's_ Scope of Services- Luscombe Lane to Leslie Dr Jacobs Positions and elevations of natural ground features, edge of pavement, curb istands, top back of curb with Row lines, valley gutters, cross sections of roadways, median openings and intersections of adjacent streets and roads, top of block wall footings, flow tines, top of bank and toe of slope of cteeks, canals, or ditches; exterior edges of water; sign and fences; and any other above ground visible features The location, elevation and description of all surface visible utilities (Le, manholes including inverts, flow line elevations and pipe sizes to the hest of our abilities as viewed In the field, inlets, fire hydrants, water valves, street lights, vaults and meter locations). NOTE: THIS SCOPE DOES NOT INCLUDE THE LOCATION OR IDENTIFICATION Of TREES STANDARD LAND SURVEY -CATEGORY Ili Perform a boundarysutvey that is in compliant with the standards and specifications of a Category 18, Condition II, Standard Land Survey as defined in the current MANUAL Of PRACTICE for Land Surveying In the State of Texas, published by the Texas Society of Professional Surveyors. A Standard Land Survey is not for title Insuring purposes. Jacobs will make an independent abstract of title / easement estate through a third party title company of ALL subject properties affected by the design of any addldonal park features and proposed trail locations The Intent of the abstracting exercise Is to map all easements provided from a chain of title to prevent any encroachment from said design LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND EXHIBIT Perform metes and bounds legal descriptions and graphic exhibits not to exceed (12) Legal descriptions for the purpose of describing the proposed trail Locations as a form of an easement for the above - described properties as specified by the Client The task will include a boundary survey to Locate and verify the correctness of the physical monumentation in relationship to the deed as indicated in Scope Item B. The legal description will be prepared based on a field survey of the subject tract of Land affected. The description will meet the current Texas Board of Professional Engineering and Land Surveying Standards and Procedures of Practice. The description and exhibit will be provided to the Client or Client's agent to be included as part of the transfer documents (prepared by others). EXCLUSIONS • The preparation of front-end documents to be negotiated between grantor and grantee are not Included in this scope of service and are to be negotiated between Grantor and Grantee. • The correction at resolution of erroneous, deficient, or ambiguous easement descriptions Is not Included within this scope. • The resolution of boundary conflicts or gaps discovered during this survey is not included within this scope. . This scope of work does not include any form of platting or re -platting exercises 90% and Final Construction Plan Submittal 1. Grading and drainage plans Plan view with Contours 2. Trail Layout plans 3. Trail Details bol Scope of Services — Luscombe Lane to Leslie Dr Jacobs 4. Final draft construction plans (900A) and Project Manual shall be submitted to CITY per the approved Project Schedule. S. The ENGINEER will provide a PDF set of plans with the utility conflicts highlighted. 6. Following a 90% construction plan review meeting with the CITY, the ENGINEER shall submit Final Plans (100%) to the CITY per the approved Project Schedule. Each plan sheet shall be stamped, dated, and signed by the ENGINEER registered In State of Texas. 7. A Quantity Summary page will be included In both the 90%and 100%design plans. Each design sheet of the plans shall also Include a quantity take off table- S. The ENGINEER shall submit an estimate of probable construction cost with both the 90%and 100% design packages. This estimate shall use standard CITY or TxDOT bid Items, as applicable. 10% Plan Submittal for Bridge Crossing Jacobs will provide conceptual layout for a prefabricated bridge crossing across Slater Creek to the north Jacobs will review the FEMA Rood models provided by the city to evaluate any conflicts, mitigation, or impacts to the creek. Jacobs will provide a memo of stating future tasks to be completed In order to construct the trail to the north. 1. Provide preliminary alignment of trait to cross Slater Creek 2. Provide preliminary mass grading to establish bridge elevation for review in the Rood modeling 3. Provide Memo of finding for hydrautic analysis of Stater creek Assumptions/Clarifications Jacobs scope is based on the following set of assumptions and clarifications: • Survey scope of work assumes tree survey is not included • Floodplain modeling is not included • The preferred alignment option wlR be selected by the City before survey begins. • Alignment changes after the topographical survey is complete are not included in this scope of service. • Meetings and overall assumptions/clarifications are included in section 1 -0 of this document • Jacobs will not provide structural drawings for bridge crossings within the scope of work • City to provide Flood models of Stater Creek foocunerrnunaerJ Scope of Services — Luscombe Lane to Leslie Dr Jacobs 3.0 Design Fees Based on the detailed project scope listed above, Jacobs will complete this work for a lump sum amount including reimbursable expenses on a per task basis as detailed below, payable in response to monthly invoices during each task of Jacobi work Reimbursable Expenses are in addition to the compensation for Professional and Technical services and include the cost incuned by Jacobs on behalf of the project The breakdown of the proposed fee is as Listed: Pecan Grove Trail to Taylor Boulevard $114,000.00 survey cost $33,000.00 Design & Engineering $70,000.00 Hydraulic Review of Slater Creek $11,000-00 All expenses are Included in overall fee and shall Include TDLR submittal, survey equipment, and title extract Ju�mnent mm�bed THE CITY OF Memorandum Memorandum No: 23-123 Date: March 24, 2023 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Ryan Henderson, Interim City Manager Re: Police Department Promotions On March 22, 2023, the police department held a promotional board for the vacant Patrol Sergeant position. As a result of the process, Kent Stoy will be promoted to the rank of Sergeant. There is still an active eligibility list in place for the rank of Corporal. Johnathon McInnis will be promoted to Corporal in order to fill the vacancy being created by this process. With this promotion, the eligibility list for Corporal has now been exhausted. The promotions will become effective on April 3, 2023. A promotional ceremony will be held at the police department at a date to be determined. c: Dean Habel, Police Chief Taylor Lough, Assistant City Manager Greg Peters, Interim Assistant City Manager Management Team