HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2023-04-1424 Authorizing City Manager Execute Purchase Orders-Wopac ConstructionCITY OF ANNA, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. �-O ,23 — o q - I q ay A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF EASTON, W. FIFTH STREET, AND E. SIXTH STREET TO WOPAC CONSTRUCTION, INCORPORATED IN THE AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED THREE HUNDRED FOURTY- FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($345,000); AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Easton, W. 5thStreet, and 6thStreet are located within city limits of the City of Anna, Texas; and WHEREAS, Easton, W. 5th Street, and E. 6th Street are in disrepair and require full - depth reconstruction; and WHEREAS, Wopac Construction, Incorporated has a current contract with Collin County for road paving improvements; and, WHEREAS, the City of Anna is utilizing the Collin County contract with Wopac Construction, Incorporated in accordance with the Collin County Purchasing Program and, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS THAT: Section 1. Recitals Incorporated The recitals above are incorporated herein as if set forth in full for all purposes. Section 2. Authorization of Payment and Funding. That the City Council of the City of Anna hereby authorizes the City Manager to execute purchase orders in an amount not to exceed $345,000 to Wopac Construction, Incorporated for the reconstruction of Easton, W. 5th Street, and E. 6th Street. That funding for the project shall come from the Street Maintenance Sales Tax funds. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas on this aS day of April 2023. ATTEST: City Secretary, Carrie Land Street Maintenance Tax Project Location Map L ?;, 14 wFouRTHSTwFHRTHsr OI:wFouRnlsr wFourrrHs z -I = �![ !! z ' . ■ F _ E FOURTH ST,,. F FOURTH ST u Y t IN WFW J� e! FffT/fST THy y f •Ji�� �}WFITST H IM iRj n IYl;S WINpTE ST_ h WIN�u W. _ 1R' c nTEST__.A ' EWHTTEST ! HST N — s ��., •`rl E ,.F a y m s ...� •EEKilITH ST" , E WHITEST T r:•'•� _ E{'3}QTE STEWIYIEST " EN7OTE5T:- Fifth Street Easton Drive Civ+h C+roo+ Exhibit A PURCHASING QUOTE FORM Po d Pubiic Wants Depa"ent THE 3223 N Powell Ptw'y I H F C I T)r OF Anna, Af 75409 manna Reconstruct Easton Submitted By: Hunter Parker Exemption : ILA/Co-op Division to charge: Streets 30-580 "Quote Summary (Attach Supporting Documentation if Required)" Vendor Quaatky Unitprice !tool Pike Wopac L�nstracnon t 5134,040,20 5134,04020 Quotes ore required for o0 purchoses over 5500. Far purchmes from $50051,999 verbal quotes are acceptable. For purchases from $3,000 $49,999 written quotes are required, however, these purchases must be approved in writing in advance by the City Manager, Additionally 2 HUB's must be invited to quote an purchases exceeding $2,999. Evidence of the invitation must accompany the purchase order. Easton St. - Reclaim and remove 2" of material. Cement Stabilize existing subgrade at a depth of B" using 40lbs cement per SY. Prime subgrade and install 3" tY C asphalt compacted in place at to' width. Streets 100-580 NC signature: Date: WOPAC Const. Inc. P.O. W.919 M. T 151TM zdamlxhwvPrirnduxn wepacmrer.cmn Qa0u To: City of Amu I I I N_ Powch Plwv Anm. TX 7W, Estimate Psumam No: Date: CINi7AIrC77WA, /MC. 234G 3r31rnr3 WOPAC Construction Inc. hereinafter alkd the company, olien to furnish all labor, materials and equipment required for the prrfomnncc ofthc following dcwribcd wort. Job and Ltxation: Reconstruct Futon from 6th St. to Bth St. Ilan Demription Quant'q Unit Itue Amount i t EaaOon Sl. - ReGalm end remora 2' d malenad. Cement Smdhze er rip eo6grada al Z1p78 5F 55.80 Si25,54020 a depth or 8' itig 401�a m neM per SY, prime suo0mde and haven r TY C compacted In place at 78'wldlh. 2 Asphalt DdwwaY Cennecdem. _75 19 Ea S500.00 WON 0 BaMadas and Tmfic Cunt! I; LS $2.500 OD $2.500 00 Grind Tod $134,04020 COLLIN COUNTY March 7, 2023 Wopac Construction. Inc. 4007 FM 1461 McKinney, TX 75071 RE: Award of IFB 2023-123 General Road, Reconstruction & Improvements Dear Mr. Leach: Office of the Purchasing Agent 2300 Bloomdale Road Suite 3160 McKinney. Texas 75071 www.collincountytx.gov Collin County has awarded your company pad of the above referenced solicitation (Primary— Categories 1-6) per Court Order No. 2023-170.03-06. It is understood all terms, conditions and prices will be held firm es per your response to the solicitation. This is an annual foxed price contract with optional price re -determination at 6-month intervals. The contract term begins March 6, 2023 and continues through and including March 5, 2024 The County will have the right and option to extend the term of the contract for four (4) additional one (1) year periods upon the same terms and conditions. The County will also have the right and option to terminate the contract upon thirty (30) days written notice. This is a notification only, purchase orders will be issued on an as needed basis. The delivery address for orders will be printed on each purchase order issued Per Article 3.0 of the specifications, please submil your Insurance cedificate Indicating the required coverage with ten (10) days. A purchase order is required for all products or services ordered. Do not deliver any products or perform any services without a purchase order Invoices should be e-[nailed to the Collin County Auditors office at accountspayabie4§collincountytx.gov and to the department contact. Please ensure that the appropriate purchase order number is on all invoices Please acknowledge receipt of this letter, as Indicated below, and e-mail it to G. Zimmel at gzimmelr@co.collin.b( us or fax to 972-548-4694. _Da9� cEtY� _ 3-% ?� _ NAME [NIL Inc[ Thank you for your interest in serving our needs. We look forward to a successful business relationship If you have any further questions, please contact me at 972-548A 119. Sincerely. G. Zimmel Buyer II Copy lo: File Exhibit B PURCHASING QUOTE FORM poll Public Works Deportment 3223N PoweBPkwy THE CITY OF Anna, Tx 75409 In Reconstruct (a l b Sk. Submitted By: Hunter Parker [Exemption: ILA/Co-op Division to charge: Streets 10-580 'Quote Summary (Attach Supporting Documentation if Required)** Vendor Quantity Urdt link, Total price Wopoc t-one;.r urnwi 1 514),SUT.W 5141,50/Au' Quotes are required foroll purchases over$500. For purchases from $500-$2.999 verbal quotes ore acceptable. Fat purchases from $3,000-$49,999 written quotes are required; however, these purchases must be approved in writing in advance by the City Manager. Additionally 2 HUB's must be invited to quote on purchases exceeding $2,999. Evidence of the levitation must accompany the purchase order. E. 6th St. - Reclaim and remove 2" of material. Cement Stabilize existing subgrade at a depth of 8" using 40lbs cement per Sy. Prime subgrade and install 3" Ty C asphalt compacted in place at 18' width Streets IOD-580- W-ZWjy 3 23 Signature: Date: WOPAC Const. Inc. P.O. & 819 Ihaper. TX 75- h V72-W-8316 dnnkuluwwuc(gadann Wis,arraoumm Qu To: cityofAnna I I IN, Ymsell Wwy Anna, TX 75Mw Estimate &rinucc No Unc C/tAQCl2a`/�)7/ W /IIOC 2347 Y3 Vdlr23 WOYAC C:onstruetion Inc. hereinafter called the cornpany, offers to furnish all labor, materials and equipment required for the performance of the following described avrk. Job and Location: Reconstruct E. 6th St. from Shcrlcy St. to Smith St. lean Dfta" n 1 alll SC - Reclaim and rwnOYe T of material. CemeM Stabilue euvaV *Agrade al d i dr LSuV e0t s tamed per W Prime wbgrade aW kelp r TY c aspat aampactod M plc of 1B WON 2 kWolt DOMAW Carvatliona. _ 3 6aniwdas and Traffic cmtml Quantity unit Rate Amount 237X Sp 3590 SMU07.00'. t Ia - i Wood s5oaa.001 t LS 32.500.00 32.500.00 J Grad Tidal S147 507.00 Exhibit C PURCHASING QUOTE FORM Public Works bepartmenf 3223 N. Powell Pkwy THE CITY OF Anna, 7X 75409 4M W. 5th St. Submitted By: Hunter Parker Exemption : ILA/Co-op Division to charge: Streets 10.580 1 "Quote Summary (Attach Supporting Documentation if Required)" Vendor Quantity Unit Price Total Prke Wuprt 538,608X 538.608. CO Quotes are required for as purchases over $500- For purchases from $500-52,999 verbal quotes are acceptable. For purchases from $3,000-549,999 written quotes are required, however, these purchases must be approved in writing in advance by the City Manager. Additionally 2 HU8's must be invited to quote on purchases exceeding $2,999. Evidence of the invitation must accompany the purchose order. W. 5th St. - Reclaim and remove 2" of material. Cement Stabilize existing subgrade at a depth of 8" using 40lbs cement per SY. Prime subgrade and install 3" 7Y C asphalt compacted in place at 18' width. Streets 1DD-580- N`i-3-23 Signature: Date: WOPAC Const. Inc. Y.U. Hns 1119 I .,t. TX 75078 972,561-101n adunkufmopatt§'wl mm wnpucamcnun Quote To: CiryyofAnm I I I N. PoaTll P"y Anna, TX 7541r1 Estimate &tine No: Date: CIaYiJJ►OCT/ON /aYC :348 3+312u 3 WOPAC Constn"on Inc. hercitnfter calltd the company, offers to furnish all labor, materials and equipment requircd for the performance of the follo ing described work Job and Location: Reconstruct W. 5th St. from Hwy 5 to James St. Item Description _Unit _ Race _ Anionic 1 W. 51n Sb - Iedaim and rena9e 2' of material Cem"t Slabllire eatvbrg latttsde of 81 SF $36.108.00 a depth of 8' osvg 40ros menset per SY. Pane wbOrade and install Y TY C esyult compacted In plow at 18' width. 2 Bertlwdes end Traffic Control. _ _ _ - 1, LS f2.500.00 $2.500.00 Grand Total 538,608.00