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Res 2023-05-1431 Approve Arden Park Phase I, Final Plat
CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 2a.a 3 -05 - I113J A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS APPROVING ARDEN PARK PHASE I, FINAL PLAT. WHEREAS, In order to provide for the orderly development of land within the Anna city limits and extraterritorial jurisdiction, the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas (the "City Council") has adopted Article 9.02 ("Subdivision Regulation") and Article 9.04 ("Zoning Ordinance") of the Anna City Code of Ordinances; and WHEREAS, Arden Park Owner TX, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company has submitted an application for the approval of Arden Park Phase I, Final Plat; and WHEREAS, Arden Park Phase I, Final Plat conforms to the existing zoning; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. Recitals Incorporated The recitals above are incorporated herein as if set forth in full for all purposes. Section 2. Approval of Final Plat The City Council hereby approves the Arden Park Phase I, Final Plat attached hereto as Exhibit A subject to additions and/or alterations to the engineering plans as required by the Public Works Department. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas, on this 9th day of May, 2023. ATTEST: APPROVE City Secretary,Carrie L. Land or, Nate Pike l h ,`' v 5 6 / y � 1 e S]AIFA DRUM ROAD 9 .,w..• I 1 t : re :°o`fl3 Irr® rrrrrrrr®rrrrlt--li-1(--era S r-�rrr�r-�r1r�f Ir. I..Ii_I� Ii: I�. I�r I�r. I'_.I•_o I:_I��'w I' I'�I I'I;.Isl II� .• .� 1: �ti la ,',I m II m I, m II m I: m I, o I m II m IE II 'I•£_.li_. 14= led.l� Io I! ° Is li-.I?=• ® r = ILJ._J LJ LJ LJ LJ LJ LJL_JLm m pi p m l L LJ p u �-4 _.rs. .. rcaprr&aaot: W �Fm - vl i' • --1 �'iaxra__'f ! Irv-- _` =' `_ .. �� .. �.. r_ ". '- .... '�• �11 ��� , " L J J. 7 ` m l '! !' I m - ...I !� ! I "I 1!I 2 '-, I -' I w I -• �I "• ! i� I L _...- 17�. e I . I •m IH p L-��J-:I-•.I,,`t' -I / I •- I -•a, ��°I L_,,,,.-J § -• °{!I � ISM m-.o"! ! •m �! � JLJL LJ2+"��LJt_�I 11 fm „• r;+, yJ G�L.-•LL _1' 6 ml! .' - ,;;r �I •. I .. y'I . r,• I�9 , y{ _. w>>I" _ lnG a a I m m I m IIm ° li16T`_ _ ! !LJ 9 ;I-'v•r �+ .� s ILJ LJ LJ LY.J tlJ�l_J+Is ,- e NI ©a - ° ramFi omvE !i rm ! L-•�� w! -- 'D � I var � r 3 x mau • v..r a a 6 + I -• / ^�^`` J/ _ _ _ 1 � Ioz>r :a< bt• i�-.° �w Cam.°• ,e.,wJ y . Lid XO--� _ /A� aw m —� F PNASE _ 2 _ - ______---__ s� A FINAL PLAT ®� rm'ir"~ixor.lmomrvun >w••n-a.a K.>..K •+•^. ARDEN PARK r 00 OF-Z Loq 9 SF-V UM r _ •.--+---•-•. ••r.r 2 F1 WM 6 6 Cwman Mao Lola 20582 Ams _ v� ua r�mwr Ntlle JO6EPH BCNINER SURVEY, P&STRAGT A �rer. o _ c; CRT OF PNNN CIXLN COUNIT, TE%PS M... J MCADAMS .in rt K wr[ NI/mm sui' �'.K a, nu l6]Mxt ]14>EO APPROVED MAV 9, 2023 cm couecL l CT OFAN 666APPROVED MAY 1, MM P6ZC lmm crrvo M. °'�, w renrn'�mu Ai••Wiv u'�w� �u.� wx•°e .F W x r w�.�x«.u'm�mu px.9 u, or•r, M,-"-°•H a,? � wK•u«. �nw�e �aMr'•Ytlx w�°ataW rxw A «w'w•wix ,r it I x•v OK wx AM.xW x� w xr r ww M>fluu•x or X>t�,�wrti� _w � �i°•rir wx°`u uur'ti .m..`.'' �im+ac"uxm...xr®r,a e..wra a.�$.�.s..•.. r. r. K x... .e, xwr..Y r x•x.., w r.• x • •N'un+ter Ku•w•, vuvun'. mn_°^—"°"m^^nn."m•�m a o"ie."s"xx"°ix mnir."i.a u"x ih e w m r w m .N .m+r w.wr.w m: "r,1T14— : �uuM w.r>MruM0 pr.rY snruW �'aT�b•w.ru i,.�rw o-i•x wr npms,�q nme• nn mxiu.•_Fuur u " ww«w•xfF.'. ar"uKrrarKMununy I/ 1 m.� Ww Po`to can xe.wr�iei.•r n•rva n,.r, qe • urx s.// AA .w.am a xx wa., • —. «v F w a, rK w.r xw,e m� 6 � - L—x 61HEEf Ixee 1 p I I LL—_J F N—bun I.. I. wK �s.yaru nuew F,ueu¢srrM SKta .sysx u�prn,rw.`^ x� wl�n,au•w Ypmv. •w wn®xauuc ;rt xu pr�Mry ,iL ws,a•ur�n r �, •V'�i w, w nM «/uu w.0 a aen� w u ti�°irwi uW x u °gym �21 Aasa6wrtua«K,c saamuw•�.n «rKiru Fu. x••. .. uw•x•u•,K ww K•Kxnpe leuuK.rru•rY lxru,✓uwei,ww•W°+•r4+xwutlan r,ww wurq,u•«rn,wp ,mvsmx � I _—_____ wa.ayasyxv!a __-- I wvseao /01/1RYIYID EXHIBIT A FINAL PLAT ARDEN PARK PHASE 1 w wlz inn, a 8Fn ens 2 Gl tnq A 6 C6Imm r4M Lob 20.682 Acm n m. JOSEPN 6CXLNp161➢nET, A961Ar.CT NO. 856 CT OF ARNA COLLN COUMY. TDfAS APPROVED MAY 9, 2023 C"COONCIL CR OFANNA APPROVED MAY 1, 2023 o cnuuvcsln I C OFANNA I