HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDC-EDCpkt2023-04-06 IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE: The Corporation may vote and/or act upon each of the items listed in this agenda. The Corporation reserves the right to retire into executive session concerning any of the items listed on this agenda, whenever it is considered necessary and legally justified under the Open Meetings Act. Disabled persons who want to attend this meeting and who may need assistance should contact the City Secretary at 972-924-3325 two working days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. MEETING AGENDA ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION AND ANNA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Thursday, April 6, 2023 @ 6:00 PM The EDC/CDC of the City of Anna will meet at 6:00 PM, on April 6, 2023, at the Anna Municipal Complex, located at 120 W. Seventh Street, to consider the following items below. 1. Call to Order, Roll Call, and Establishment of Quorum. 2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. 3. Neighbor Comments. Persons may address the Board of Directors on items not on the agenda; please observe the time limit of three (3) minutes. Members of the Board cannot comment on or deliberate statements of the public except as authorized by Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code. 4. Consent Agenda. a. Approve minutes from the March 8, 2023, Special-Called Joint Community Development Corporation and Economic Development Corporation Meeting, (CDC) b. Approve minutes from the March 8, 2023, Special-Called Joint Community Development Corporation and Economic Development Corporation Meeting. (EDC) 5. Individual Consideration. a. Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution authorizing an expenditure in support of the City's application for the Texas Community Development Block Grant - Community Development (CD) Fund Program. (CDC) b. Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution authorizing an expenditure in support of the City's application for the Texas Community Development Block Grant - Downtown Revitalization Program (DRP). (CDC) IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE: The Corporation may vote and/or act upon each of the items listed in this agenda. The Corporation reserves the right to retire into executive session concerning any of the items listed on this agenda, whenever it is considered necessary and legally justified under the Open Meetings Act. Disabled persons who want to attend this meeting and who may need assistance should contact the City Secretary at 972-924-3325 two working days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. 6. Director's Report. a. Strategic Plan Updates b. ICSC c. Greater Anna Chamber Banquet/Golf Tournament d. Wayfinding Project Updates 7. Closed Session. a. Deliberate regarding the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. (Tex. Gov’t Code §551.072) possible property acquisition; possible land sale/purchase; b. Consult with legal counsel on matters in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Government Code (Tex. Gov’t Code §551.071); Grant program; Lease agreement and professional services contract. c. Discuss or deliberate Economic Development Negotiations: (1) To discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the Board of Directors has received from a business prospect that the Board of Directors seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the City of Anna and with which the Board is conducting economic development negotiations; or, (2) To deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect described by subdivision (1). (Tex. Gov’t Code §551.087) Anna Business Park Property; potential retail and medical projects. 8. Reconvene into open session and take any action on closed session items. 9. Receive reports from staff or Board Members about items of community interest. 10. Adjourn. This is to certify that I, Joey Grisham, Director of Economic Development, posted this agenda at a place readily accessible to the public at the Anna Municipal Complex and on the Municipal Complex bulletin board at or before 5:00 p.m. on April 3, 2023. Joey Grisham, Director of Economic Development Item No. 3. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 4/6/2023 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Neighbor Comments. SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: Item No. 4.a. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 4/6/2023 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Approve minutes from the March 8, 2023, Special-Called Joint Community Development Corporation and Economic Development Corporation Meeting, (CDC) SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: 1. March 8 2023 CDC EDC Joint Meeting Minutes_Final Officers: Staff: Bruce Norwood, President Joey Grisham, Director of Economic Development Jody Bills, Vice-President Taylor Lough, Assistant Director of Economic Development Rocio Gonzalez, Secretary Kimberly Garduno, Economic Development Coordinator Anna Community Development Corporation and Anna Economic Development Corporation Special-Called Meeting Minutes Thursday, March 8, 2023, at 6:00 pm Anna Municipal Complex, City Council Conference Room 120 W. 7th Street, Anna, Texas 75409 The Anna Community Development Corporation and the Anna Economic Development Corporation conducted a special-called meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 8, 2023, at the Anna Municipal Complex City Council Conference Room, located at 120 W. 7th Street Anna, Texas 75409. A video recording of the open session portions of the meeting may be viewed online at the City of Anna’s website: https://www.annatexas.gov/962/AgendasMinutes CDC and EDC Board Members Present: Bruce Norwood, Rocio Gonzalez, Kylee Kelley, Jody Bills, and Michelle Hawkins. CDC and EDC Board Members Absent: Ronnie Kerr and Gina Maria Ottavio Others Present: Taylor Lough (Assistant Director of Economic Development/Assistant City Manager), Kimberly Winarski (Assistant to the City Manager), Kimberly Garduno (Economic Development Coordinator), Lee Miller (Mayor Pro Tem), Pete Cain (Council Member) and Clark McCoy (Attorney). 1.Call to Order. Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum. The meeting was called to order by Board President Bruce Norwood at 6:00 p.m. 2.Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance was led by Jody Bills. 3.Neighbor Comments. None. 4.Consent Agenda. a. Consider/Discuss/Act on approving minutes from the December 19, 2022, Joint Community Development Corporation and Economic Development Corporation Special-Called Meeting. (CDC) b. Consider/Discuss/Act on approving minutes from the December 19, 2022, Joint Community Development Corporation and Economic Development Corporation Special-Called Meeting. (EDC) Officers: Staff: Bruce Norwood, President Joey Grisham, Director of Economic Development Jody Bills, Vice-President Taylor Lough, Assistant Director of Economic Development Rocio Gonzalez, Secretary Kimberly Garduno, Economic Development Coordinator Rocio Gonzalez made a motion on behalf of the CDC and EDC to approve the minutes from the December 19, 2022, Joint Community Development Corporation and Economic Development Corporation Special-Called Meeting. Kylee Kelley seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. 5.Individual Consideration a.Consider/Discuss/Action on electing a Vice-President CDC. (CDC) Michelle Hawkins made a motion on behalf of the CDC and EDC Board to elect Jody Bills Vice-President of the EDC and CDC Board of Directors. Kylee Kelley seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. b.Consider/Discuss/Action on electing a Vice-President EDC. (EDC) Michelle Hawkins made a motion on behalf of the CDC and EDC Board to elect Jody Bills Vice-President of the EDC and CDC Board of Directors. Kylee Kelley seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. c.Receive a presentation from Assistant to the City Manager Kimberly Winarski regarding the recent Community Survey. Kimberly Winarski provided a presentation and overview of the National Community Survey Results for the City of Anna. Polco Consultants finalized the survey in December 2022 and presented the survey to City Council in January 2023. The NCS survey allows municipalities and counties to assess resident opinions in 10 focus areas of community livability. Kimberly stated Anna residents identified two areas of high importance in the survey, Public Safety and Economic Health. The Report is available on the website. d.Receive an update on the Municipal Complex Plaza and potential CDC participation. Taylor Lough discussed the previous Plaza presentation by Project Advocates and presented the cost summary plan to the board. Taylor presented several options within the proposed summary that could be eliminated or phased in over time depending on the Board’s funding preference. The Board made the decision to table item and discuss further in closed session. e.Consider/Discuss/Action on selecting finalist and determining next steps for the 4th Street Mural Panel Project. (EDC) Taylor Lough provided a presentation on the 4th street mural project which includes a grant to fund landscaping and mural concept for the 101 S. Powell Parkway building. Two artists responded to the public art Request for Qualifications. After reviewing both concept designs, Taylor requested feedback and recommendations from the Board on the preferred artist and mural concept to proceed with. Jody Bills made a motion on behalf of the Economic Development Corporation to select a finalist and determining next steps for the 4th Street Mural Panel Project and awarding Officers: Staff: Bruce Norwood, President Joey Grisham, Director of Economic Development Jody Bills, Vice-President Taylor Lough, Assistant Director of Economic Development Rocio Gonzalez, Secretary Kimberly Garduno, Economic Development Coordinator Exhibit A (Andrea Holmes). Michelle Hawkins seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. f.Consider/Discuss/Acton on a Resolution amending the FY 2022-2023 Budget by carrying forward unexpended promotional funds in the amount of $39,511. (CDC) Taylor Lough explained the department marketing plan changes last year resulted in unexpended promotional funds. Funds carried forward will be reflected in the Fiscal Year 2023 CDC Budget. Bruce Norwood made a motion on behalf of the CDC to approve a resolution approving an amendment to the FY 23 CDC Budget by carrying forward unexpended promotional funds in the amount of $39,511. Rocio Gonzalez seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. g.Consider/Discuss/Acton on a Resolution amending the FY 2022-2023 Budget by carrying forward unexpended promotional funds in the amount of $21,147. (EDC) Taylor Lough explained the department marketing plan changes last year resulted in unexpended promotional funds. Funds carried forward will be reflected in the Fiscal Year 2023 CDC Budget. Kylee Kelley made a motion on behalf of the EDC to approve a resolution approving an amendment to the FY 23 EDC Budget by carrying forward unexpended promotional funds in the amount of $21,147. Jody Bills seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed 6.Director’s Report a.Strategic Plan Update December 2022, January 2023 and February 2023 updates were included in the packet. City staff kicked off the Wayfinding and Signage Program with consultant and stakeholder meetings. Economic Development staff and board members attended the 2023 ICSC Red River Conference. An RFQ was issued for the downtown mural project. A Groundbreaking Ceremony was held in February for the Arden Park development and the Assistant Director of Economic Development position has been filled. b.2023 Greater Anna Chamber of Commerce Banquet The Annual Chamber Banquet is scheduled for Saturday, April 8, 2023. The EDC will have two tables for board members, guests, and staff. Board members are encouraged to notify staff if you and a guest plan to attend this event. c.Sales Tax Update Sales tax for the month of December was up 12.7%. Last year’s sales tax was 25% higher than the previous year. 7.CLOSED SESSION (exceptions): a.Deliberate regarding the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. (Tex. Gov’t Code §551.072) possible property acquisition; possible land sale/purchase; b.Consult with legal counsel on matters in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Officers: Staff: Bruce Norwood, President Joey Grisham, Director of Economic Development Jody Bills, Vice-President Taylor Lough, Assistant Director of Economic Development Rocio Gonzalez, Secretary Kimberly Garduno, Economic Development Coordinator Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Government Code (Tex. Gov’t Code §551.071); Grant program; Lease agreement and professional services contract. c.Discuss or deliberate Economic Development Negotiations: (1) To discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the Board of Directors has received from a business prospect that the Board of Directors seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the City of Anna and with which the Board is conducting economic development negotiations; or, (2) To deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect described by subdivision (1). (Tex. Gov’t Code §551.087) potential retail and medical projects. Bruce Norwood made a motion to enter closed session. Jody Bills seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. CDC Board entered closed session at 6:53 p.m. 8.Reconvene into open session and take any action on closed session items. Michelle Hawkins made a motion to reconvene into open session. Kylee Kelley seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. The CDC reconvened into open session at 7:20 p.m. 9.Receive reports from staff or Board Members about items of community interest. The Annual Chamber Golf Tournament will take place Monday, May 15, 2023, at the Bridges Golf Club in Gunter, Texas. As a reminder the Chamber Banquet will take place on April 8, 2023. 10.Adjourn. Bruce Norwood made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:23 p.m. Jody Bills seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. APPROVED: ATTESTED: ____________________________ ____________________________ Bruce Norwood Rocio Gonzalez President of CDC/EDC Secretary of CDC/EDC Item No. 4.b. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 4/6/2023 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Approve minutes from the March 8, 2023, Special-Called Joint Community Development Corporation and Economic Development Corporation Meeting. (EDC) SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: 1. March 8 2023 CDC EDC Joint Meeting Minutes_Final Officers: Staff: Bruce Norwood, President Joey Grisham, Director of Economic Development Jody Bills, Vice-President Taylor Lough, Assistant Director of Economic Development Rocio Gonzalez, Secretary Kimberly Garduno, Economic Development Coordinator Anna Community Development Corporation and Anna Economic Development Corporation Special-Called Meeting Minutes Thursday, March 8, 2023, at 6:00 pm Anna Municipal Complex, City Council Conference Room 120 W. 7th Street, Anna, Texas 75409 The Anna Community Development Corporation and the Anna Economic Development Corporation conducted a special-called meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 8, 2023, at the Anna Municipal Complex City Council Conference Room, located at 120 W. 7th Street Anna, Texas 75409. A video recording of the open session portions of the meeting may be viewed online at the City of Anna’s website: https://www.annatexas.gov/962/AgendasMinutes CDC and EDC Board Members Present: Bruce Norwood, Rocio Gonzalez, Kylee Kelley, Jody Bills, and Michelle Hawkins. CDC and EDC Board Members Absent: Ronnie Kerr and Gina Maria Ottavio Others Present: Taylor Lough (Assistant Director of Economic Development/Assistant City Manager), Kimberly Winarski (Assistant to the City Manager), Kimberly Garduno (Economic Development Coordinator), Lee Miller (Mayor Pro Tem), Pete Cain (Council Member) and Clark McCoy (Attorney). 1.Call to Order. Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum. The meeting was called to order by Board President Bruce Norwood at 6:00 p.m. 2.Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance was led by Jody Bills. 3.Neighbor Comments. None. 4.Consent Agenda. a. Consider/Discuss/Act on approving minutes from the December 19, 2022, Joint Community Development Corporation and Economic Development Corporation Special-Called Meeting. (CDC) b. Consider/Discuss/Act on approving minutes from the December 19, 2022, Joint Community Development Corporation and Economic Development Corporation Special-Called Meeting. (EDC) Officers: Staff: Bruce Norwood, President Joey Grisham, Director of Economic Development Jody Bills, Vice-President Taylor Lough, Assistant Director of Economic Development Rocio Gonzalez, Secretary Kimberly Garduno, Economic Development Coordinator Rocio Gonzalez made a motion on behalf of the CDC and EDC to approve the minutes from the December 19, 2022, Joint Community Development Corporation and Economic Development Corporation Special-Called Meeting. Kylee Kelley seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. 5.Individual Consideration a.Consider/Discuss/Action on electing a Vice-President CDC. (CDC) Michelle Hawkins made a motion on behalf of the CDC and EDC Board to elect Jody Bills Vice-President of the EDC and CDC Board of Directors. Kylee Kelley seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. b.Consider/Discuss/Action on electing a Vice-President EDC. (EDC) Michelle Hawkins made a motion on behalf of the CDC and EDC Board to elect Jody Bills Vice-President of the EDC and CDC Board of Directors. Kylee Kelley seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. c.Receive a presentation from Assistant to the City Manager Kimberly Winarski regarding the recent Community Survey. Kimberly Winarski provided a presentation and overview of the National Community Survey Results for the City of Anna. Polco Consultants finalized the survey in December 2022 and presented the survey to City Council in January 2023. The NCS survey allows municipalities and counties to assess resident opinions in 10 focus areas of community livability. Kimberly stated Anna residents identified two areas of high importance in the survey, Public Safety and Economic Health. The Report is available on the website. d.Receive an update on the Municipal Complex Plaza and potential CDC participation. Taylor Lough discussed the previous Plaza presentation by Project Advocates and presented the cost summary plan to the board. Taylor presented several options within the proposed summary that could be eliminated or phased in over time depending on the Board’s funding preference. The Board made the decision to table item and discuss further in closed session. e.Consider/Discuss/Action on selecting finalist and determining next steps for the 4th Street Mural Panel Project. (EDC) Taylor Lough provided a presentation on the 4th street mural project which includes a grant to fund landscaping and mural concept for the 101 S. Powell Parkway building. Two artists responded to the public art Request for Qualifications. After reviewing both concept designs, Taylor requested feedback and recommendations from the Board on the preferred artist and mural concept to proceed with. Jody Bills made a motion on behalf of the Economic Development Corporation to select a finalist and determining next steps for the 4th Street Mural Panel Project and awarding Officers: Staff: Bruce Norwood, President Joey Grisham, Director of Economic Development Jody Bills, Vice-President Taylor Lough, Assistant Director of Economic Development Rocio Gonzalez, Secretary Kimberly Garduno, Economic Development Coordinator Exhibit A (Andrea Holmes). Michelle Hawkins seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. f.Consider/Discuss/Acton on a Resolution amending the FY 2022-2023 Budget by carrying forward unexpended promotional funds in the amount of $39,511. (CDC) Taylor Lough explained the department marketing plan changes last year resulted in unexpended promotional funds. Funds carried forward will be reflected in the Fiscal Year 2023 CDC Budget. Bruce Norwood made a motion on behalf of the CDC to approve a resolution approving an amendment to the FY 23 CDC Budget by carrying forward unexpended promotional funds in the amount of $39,511. Rocio Gonzalez seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. g.Consider/Discuss/Acton on a Resolution amending the FY 2022-2023 Budget by carrying forward unexpended promotional funds in the amount of $21,147. (EDC) Taylor Lough explained the department marketing plan changes last year resulted in unexpended promotional funds. Funds carried forward will be reflected in the Fiscal Year 2023 CDC Budget. Kylee Kelley made a motion on behalf of the EDC to approve a resolution approving an amendment to the FY 23 EDC Budget by carrying forward unexpended promotional funds in the amount of $21,147. Jody Bills seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed 6.Director’s Report a.Strategic Plan Update December 2022, January 2023 and February 2023 updates were included in the packet. City staff kicked off the Wayfinding and Signage Program with consultant and stakeholder meetings. Economic Development staff and board members attended the 2023 ICSC Red River Conference. An RFQ was issued for the downtown mural project. A Groundbreaking Ceremony was held in February for the Arden Park development and the Assistant Director of Economic Development position has been filled. b.2023 Greater Anna Chamber of Commerce Banquet The Annual Chamber Banquet is scheduled for Saturday, April 8, 2023. The EDC will have two tables for board members, guests, and staff. Board members are encouraged to notify staff if you and a guest plan to attend this event. c.Sales Tax Update Sales tax for the month of December was up 12.7%. Last year’s sales tax was 25% higher than the previous year. 7.CLOSED SESSION (exceptions): a.Deliberate regarding the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. (Tex. Gov’t Code §551.072) possible property acquisition; possible land sale/purchase; b.Consult with legal counsel on matters in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Officers: Staff: Bruce Norwood, President Joey Grisham, Director of Economic Development Jody Bills, Vice-President Taylor Lough, Assistant Director of Economic Development Rocio Gonzalez, Secretary Kimberly Garduno, Economic Development Coordinator Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Government Code (Tex. Gov’t Code §551.071); Grant program; Lease agreement and professional services contract. c.Discuss or deliberate Economic Development Negotiations: (1) To discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the Board of Directors has received from a business prospect that the Board of Directors seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the City of Anna and with which the Board is conducting economic development negotiations; or, (2) To deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect described by subdivision (1). (Tex. Gov’t Code §551.087) potential retail and medical projects. Bruce Norwood made a motion to enter closed session. Jody Bills seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. CDC Board entered closed session at 6:53 p.m. 8.Reconvene into open session and take any action on closed session items. Michelle Hawkins made a motion to reconvene into open session. Kylee Kelley seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. The CDC reconvened into open session at 7:20 p.m. 9.Receive reports from staff or Board Members about items of community interest. The Annual Chamber Golf Tournament will take place Monday, May 15, 2023, at the Bridges Golf Club in Gunter, Texas. As a reminder the Chamber Banquet will take place on April 8, 2023. 10.Adjourn. Bruce Norwood made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:23 p.m. Jody Bills seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. APPROVED: ATTESTED: ____________________________ ____________________________ Bruce Norwood Rocio Gonzalez President of CDC/EDC Secretary of CDC/EDC Item No. 5. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 4/6/2023 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Individual Consideration. SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: Item No. 5.a. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 4/6/2023 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution authorizing an expenditure in support of the City's application for the Texas Community Development Block Grant - Community Development (CD) Fund Program. (CDC) SUMMARY: The Revitalization of Downtown Anna is considered a top priority as outlined by City Council. City staff received notification of two (2) grants that provide infrastructure funding from the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA). After a preliminary review, the City of Anna has potential to rank high in the selection process and therefore has a solid chance to receive funding for TDA’s 2023/2024 Texas Community Development Block Grant (TxCDBG) Community Development Fund (CD). • Due Date: May 3, 2023 • Grant Amount: $500,000 • Commit 15% cash match to project ($75,000 on a $500,000 grant) • Eligible Activities: water/wastewater infrastructure, street and drainage improvements • Project must benefit 51% low to moderate-income (LMI) persons • Per HUD, Anna City Low-to-Moderate Income (LMI) is 35.7%, therefore an Income survey will be required in the project area to determine if the beneficiaries are 51% LMI. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends CDC authorize the submission of the City of Anna’s 2023-2024 Texas Community Development Block Grant Community Development (CD) Fund Program Application by Public Management Inc. ATTACHMENTS: 1. CDC CD Grant Fund Application Resolution 2. ANNA-RIGGINS-EXHIBIT ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION AUTHORIZING AN EXPENDITURE IN SUPPORT OF THE CITY OF ANNA’S APPLICATION FOR THE TEXAS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT – COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (CD) FUND PROGRAM TO THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT AGRICULTURE. WHEREAS, the Anna Community Development Corporation (the “CDC”) desires to develop a viable community, including decent housing and a suitable living environment and expanding economic opportunities, principally for persons of low-to- moderate income; WHEREAS, it is necessary and in the best interests of the CDC to support the City of Anna’s application for a grant under the Texas Community Development Block Grant Program (CD) by making an expenditure for matching funds as set forth herein; and WHEREAS, the CDC is committed to compliance with federal, state, and program rules, including the current TxCDBG Project Implementation Manual; and WHEREAS, the CDC Board of Directors finds that such expenditures will promote new or expanded business development; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, THAT: 1. The CDC Board of Directors supports the City of Anna’s application for the Texas Community Development Block Grant Program for the Community Development Fund. 2. That the application is for $500,000 of grant funds for street improvements (the “Project”). 3. That the CDC shall comply with all applicable federal, state, local and programmatic requirements including, but not limited to, environmental review, labor standards, procurement, acquisition of property, civil rights, and administrative requirements. 4. That the CDC hereby authorizes an expenditure of $75,000 to be used as matching funds in support of the Project. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Anna Community Development Corporation this 6th day of April 2023. APPROVED: _____________________________ Bruce Norwood, CDC President ATTEST: ________________________________ Rocio Gonzalez, CDC Secretary RIGGINS STEDWARDS ST RIGGINS ST CITY OF ANNA PROJECT NO:EXHIBIT Huitt-Zollars, Inc. Dallas Phone (214) 871-3311 Fax (214) 871-0757 5430 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1500 Dallas, Texas 75240 APRIL 2023 00 200' Scale: 1" = 200' BENEFIT AREA APPROXIMATE PROJECT LIMITS LEGEND Item No. 5.b. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 4/6/2023 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider/Discuss/Act on a Resolution authorizing an expenditure in support of the City's application for the Texas Community Development Block Grant - Downtown Revitalization Program (DRP). (CDC) SUMMARY: The Revitalization of Downtown Anna is considered a top priority as outlined by City Council. City staff received notification of two (2) grants that provide infrastructure funding from the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA). After a preliminary review, the City of Anna has the potential to rank high in the selection process and therefore has a solid chance to receive funding for the TxCDBG - Downtown Revitalization Program (DRP) Grant. • Due Date: May 3, 2023 • Grant Amount: $500,000 • Requirements to gain maximum application score o Obligate at least 50% of funds to sidewalks and ADA compliance and commit 15% cash match to the project ($75,000 on a $500,000 grant) • Pass Blight Resolution: The City must adopt a resolution declaring the project's area as blighted • Eligible Activities: o Sidewalks and lighting o Activities required to eliminate architectural barriers for the disabled STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: 1. CDC DRP Grant Fund Application Resolution ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION AUTHORIZING AN EXPENDITURE IN SUPPORT OF THE CITY OF ANNA’S APPLICATION FOR THE TEXAS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT – DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION PROGRAM (DRP) TO THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT AGRICULTURE. WHEREAS, the Anna Community Development Corporation (the “CDC”) desires to develop a viable community, including decent housing and a suitable living environment and expanding economic opportunities, principally for persons of low-to- moderate income; and WHEREAS, it is necessary and in the best interests of the CDC to support the City of Anna’s application for a grant under the Texas Community Development Block Grant Program (DRP) by making an expenditure for matching funds as set forth herein; and WHEREAS, the CDC is committed to compliance with federal, state, and program rules, including the current TxCDBG Project Implementation Manual; and WHEREAS, the CDC Board of Directors finds that such expenditures will promote new or expanded business development; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, THAT: 1. The CDC Board of Directors supports the City of Anna’s application for the Texas Community Development Block Grant Program application for the Downtown Revitalization Program Fund. 2. That the application is for $500,000 of grant funds for sidewalks, ADA ramps and accessibility, lighting and electrical improvements in the Downtown District of the City (the “Project”). 3. That the CDC shall comply with all applicable federal, state, local and programmatic requirements including but not limited to environmental review, labor standards, procurement, acquisition of property, civil rights, and administrative requirements. 4. That the CDC hereby authorizes an expenditure of $75,000 to be used as matching funds in support of the Project. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Anna Community Development Corporation this 6th day of April 2023. APPROVED: _____________________________ Bruce Norwood, CDC President ATTEST: ________________________________ Rocio Gonzalez, CDC Secretary Item No. 6. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 4/6/2023 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Director's Report. SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: Item No. 6.a. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 4/6/2023 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Strategic Plan Updates SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: 1. March 2023 Strategic Plan Update_Final Economic Development Strategic Plan Highlights March 2023 EDC sponsored D CEO Commercial Real Estate Awards Ceremony with the Mayor Pro Tem Lee Miller presenting awards—both 3 Nations Brewing Company and Liberty Hills Anna were award finalists 3 Nations Brewing Company finalist for DBJ's Best Real Estate Deals of 2022 in Neighborhood Impact Category Director presented to the Chamber’s Leadership Anna class and discussed Economic Development projects City of Anna's growth profiled in Dallas Morning News’ Boomtown Magazine Director served as a panelist at the Texas City Manager’s Association (TCMA) William “King” Cole Effective Local Government Series Anna Wayfinding and Signage Survey received 122 responses from Anna residents Measureables March 2023 New Newsle t t er Subscri bers : 3 70 (1,720 total) W ebsi t e Use rs: 2,15 6 (Past 30 D ays) W ebsi t e P age vi ew s: 3,169 (Pa s t 30 days ) Ne w Linke dI n Follower s: 58 (1,1 75 total) Busine s s R etention Expa n s io n Co ntac t s: 5 Real Estate Bro ker / Dev elo per Me etings : 1 0 Co nstr u cti on / Arc h itectura l Meeti ng s: 3 Item No. 6.b. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 4/6/2023 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: ICSC SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: Item No. 6.c. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 4/6/2023 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Greater Anna Chamber Banquet/Golf Tournament SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: Item No. 6.d. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 4/6/2023 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Wayfinding Project Updates SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: Item No. 7. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 4/6/2023 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Closed Session. SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: Item No. 8. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 4/6/2023 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Reconvene into open session and take any action on closed session items. SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: Item No. 10. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 4/6/2023 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Adjourn. SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: