HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 247-2006 Adopting 2003 International Mechanical Code with Amendments.pdfClTY OF ANNA, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 247-2006 AN ORDINANCE OF THE ClTY OF ANNA, TEXAS, ADOPTING THE 2003 EDITION OF THE INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE; ADOPTING THE NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS RECOMMENDED AMENDMENTS; ADOPTING A SCHEDULE OF FEES; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OR HIS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE TO ENFORCE THE PROVISIONS OF THE INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE; PROVIDING A REPEALER CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, the City Council has determined the need for revising the City's existing Mechanical Code; and WHEREAS, the state had mandated that the lnternational Codes or comparable regulations are to be used if the City intends to regulate building construction; and WHEREAS, the other cities in the North Central Texas area have adopted or intend to adopt the lnternational Codes and the City Council desires that the City of Anna should have building standards comparable to other cities in the area; now therefore BE IT ORDAINED BY THE ClTY COUNCIL OF THE ClTY OF ANNA, TEXAS: Section 1. lnternational Mechanical Code adopted; amendments; permit fees. The City Council hereby adopts the 2003 Edition of the lnternational Mechanical Code. Copies of the code and the amendments thereto, as referenced herein, are on file in the office of the city secretary for permanent record and inspection. The chief building official or his authorized representative is hereby authorized and directed to enforce all provisions of the lnternational Mechanical Code, as adopted herein and as amended. Section 2. Amendments. The City Council hereby adopts the North Central Texas Council of Governments Recommended Amendments, which are attached to this ordinance as Attachment A. Section 3. Inspection and service fees. The schedule of fees for various inspection and other services performed by the code enforcement official, as detailed in Attachment B, shall be paid to the city before any permit is issued. Section 4 Conflict and Repeal Clause Where, in a specific case, sections of the 2003 Edition of the International Mechanical Code - as adopted and amended by this Ordinance-specify requirements that conflict with requirements under other applicable sections of City of Anna Ordinances or adopted codes, the most restrictive sections shall govern. Otherwise, all parts of any other ordinance in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are to the extent of such conflict hereby repealed. Section 5. Savings Clause If any provision of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional, the remainder of such ordinance shall continue in full force and effect the same as if such invalid or unconstitutional provision had never been a part hereof. Section 6. Effective Date This ordinance shall be effective upon the posting and/or publication of its caption as required by law and the City Secretary is hereby directed to implement such posting and/or publication. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas, this 10th day of January, 2006. AYE 6 NAY 0 ABSTAIN 0 ATTESTED: APPROVED: I City kecretary, Natha Wilkison ATTACHMENT A Recommended Amendments to the 2003 lnternational Mechanical Code North Central Texas Council of Governments region The following sections, paragraphs, and sentences of the 2003 lnternational Mechanical Code are hereby amended as follows: Standard type is text from the IMC. Underlined type is text inserted. hmMwugb t\rnn A double asterisk at the beginning of a section identifies an amendment carried over from the 2000 edition of the code and a triple asterisk identifies a new amendment with the 2003 edition of the code. **Section 102.8; change to read as follows: 102.8 Referenced codes and standards. The codes and standards referenced herein shall be those that are listed in Chapter 15 and such codes, when specificallv adopted, and standards shall be considered part of the requirements of this code to the prescribed extent of each such reference. Where differences occur between provisions of this code and the referenced standards, the provisions of this code shall apply. Whenever amendments have been adopted to the referenced codes and standards, each reference to said code and standard shall be considered to reference the amendments as well. Any reference to NFPA 70 or the ICC Electrical Code shall mean the Electrical Code as adopted. (Reason: Legal wording to recognize locally adopted codes and amendments adopted with referenced codes.) **Section 302.3; change to read as follows: 302.3 Cutting, notching and boring in wood framing. When permitted bv the lnternational Buildinq Code. the The cutting, notching and boring of wood framing members shall comply with Sections 302.3.1 through 302.3.4. (Reason: Reference IBC and its restrictions.) **Section 304.6; delete. (Reason: This provision does not reflect standard practice in this area. Consistent with regional amendment to IFGC 305.5.) **Section 304.9; change to read as follows: 304.9 Clearances from grade. Equipment and appliances installed at grade level shall be supported on a level concrete slab or other approved material extending above adjoining grade a minimum of 3 inches 176 mm) or shall be suspended a minimum of 6 inches (152 mm) above adjoining grade. (Reason: Consistent with current local practice. Consistent with regional amendment to IFGC 305.7.) North Central Texas 1 March 2004 2003 IMC amendments **Section 306.3; change to read as follows: 306.3 Appliances in attics. Attics containing appliances requiring access shall be provided . . . {bulk of paragraph unchanged}. . . from the opening to the appliance. The passageway shall have continuous unobstructed solid flooring not less than 24- 30 inches (640 762 mm) wide. A level service space not less than 30 inches (762 mm) deep and 30 inches (762 mm) wide shall be present at the front or service side of the appliance. The clear access opening dimensions shall be a minimum of 20 inches by 30 inches (508 mm by 762 mm), or larqer where such dimensions are not large enough to allow removal of the largest appliance. As a minimum, access to the attic space shall be provided by one of the followina: 1. A permanent stair. 2. A pull down stair. 3. An access door from an upper floor level. Exception: The passageway and level service space are not required where the appliance is capable of being serviced and removed through the required opening. (Reason: To provide a safe means of accessibility to appliances in attics. Consistent with regional amendment to IFGC 306.3.) **Section 306.5; change to read as follows: 306.5 Equipment and appliances on roofs or elevated structures. Where equipment and appliances requiring access are installed on roofs or elevated structures at a an aqqreqate height exceeding 16 feet (4877 mm), such access shall be provided by a permanent approved means of access:- - Permanent exterior ladders providina roof access need not extend closer than 8 feet /2438 mm) to the finish grade or floor level below and shall extend to the equipment and appliance's level service space. Such access shall . . . {bulk of section to read the same}. . . on roofs having a slope greater than 4 units vertical in 12 units horizontal (33-percent slope). A receptacle outlet shall be provided at or near the equipment and appliance location in accordance with the Electrical Code. (Reason: To assure safe access to roof appliances. To provide access to electricity for maintenance of equipment. Consistent with IFGC amendments.) **Add Section 306.6.1 to read as follows: 306.6.1 Catwalk. On roofs havinq slopes qreater than 4 units vertical in 12 units horizontal, a catwalk at least 16 inches in width with substantial cleats spaced not more than 16 inches apart shall be provided from the roof access to the workina platform at the appliance. (Reason: To assure safe access to roof appliances. Consistent with IFGC amendments.) **Add Section 306.7 to read as follows: 306.7 Water heaters above around or floor. When the mezzanine or platform in which a water heater is installed is more than eiqht (8) feet (2438 mm) above the qround or floor level, it shall be made accessible by a stairway or permanent ladder fastened to the buildinq. North Central Texas 2 March 2004 2003 IMC amendments 306.7.1 Whenever the mezzanine or platform is not adequately liqhted or access to a receptacle outlet is not obtainable from the main level, liqhtinq and a receptacle outlet shall be provided in accordance with Section 306.3.1. (Reason: To provide safe access to water heaters and to provide lighting and receptacle for maintenance of equipment. Consistent with regional amendments to IFGC 306.7 and IPC 502.5.) **Section 307.2.1; modify second sentence to read as follows: 307.2.1 Condensate disposal. Condensate from all cooling coils and evaporators shall be conveyed from the drain pan outlet to an approved place of disposal. Condensate shall not discharge into a street, alley, sidewalk, rooftop, or other areas so as to cause a nuisance. (Reason: Greater specificity in prohibited locations for condensate discharge. Consistent with regional amendment to IPC 314.2.1 .) ***Section 307.2.2; change to read as follows: 307.2.2 Drain pipe materials and sizes. Components of the condensate disposal system shall be cast iron, galvanized steel, copper, cross-linked polyethylene, polybutylene, polyethylene, ABS, CPVC or PVC pipe or tubing. All components shall be selected for the pressure,& temperature, and exposure rating of the installation. {Remainder unchanged} (Reason: To require UV protection.) **Section 307.2.3; add item #4 to read as follows: 4. Discharge, as noted, shall be to a cons~icuous point of disposal to alert occupants in the event of a stoppaqe of the drain. However, the cons~icuous point shall not create a hazard such as drippinq over a walkinq surface or other areas so as to create a nuisance. (Reason: To alert occupants to a condition needing corrective action.) **Section 401.5; add a second exception to read as follows: Exceptions: 1. {existing exception unchanged} - 2. Toilet room exhaust ducts may terminate in a warehouse or shop area when infiltration of outside air is present. (Reason: Provide a more reasonable alternative in areas where a large volume of outside air is present.) **Section 403.2; add an exception to read as follows: Exception: Where the desiqn professional demonstrates that an enqineered ventilation system is desiqned in accordance with ASHRAE 62, the minimum reauired rate of outdoor air shall be North Central Texas 2003 IMC amendments 3 March 2004 permitted to be as specified in such enqineered system desian. (Reason: Recognize the most commonly used standard as an alternate design method.) **Section 403.2. I; add an item #4 to read as follows: 4. Toilet rooms within private dwellinas that contain onlv a water closet, lavatow or combination thereof may be ventilated with an approved mechanical recirculatina fan or similar device desiqned to remove odors from the air. (Reason: Consistent with common local practice. Consistent with regional amendment to IRC R303.3.) **Table 403.3, footnote g: change to read as follows: g. Transfer air permitted in accordance with Section 403.2.2. Toilet rooms within private dwellinqs that contain onlv a water closet, lavatow or combination thereof may be ventilated with an approved mechanical recirculatinq fan or similar device desiqned to remove odors from the air. (Reason: Consistent with common local practice.) **Section 501.2; add a third exception to read as follows: Exceptions: 1. {existing exception unchanged} 2. {existing exception unchanged} 3. Toilet room exhaust ducts may terminate in a warehouse or shop area when infiltration of outside air is present. (Reason: Provide a more reasonable alternative in areas where a large volume of outside air is present.) **Section 504.6; add a sentence to read as follows: The size of duct shall not be reduced alonq its developed length nor at the point of termination. (Reason: To clarify size requirement. Consistent with regional amendment to IFGC 614.6.) **Section 504.6.1; change to read as follows: 504.6.1 Maximum length. The maximum length of a clothes dryer exhaust duct shall not exceed 25 feet (7620 mm) from the dryer location to the outlet terminal with not more than two bends. When extra bends are installed, the maximum length of the duct shall be reduced 2.5 feet (762 mm) for each 45-degree (0.79 rad) bend and 5 feet (1 524 mm) for each 90-degree (1.6 rad) bend that occur after the first two bends, measurina in the direction of airflow. The maximum length of the exhaust duct does not include the transition duct. {Exception is unchanged} (Reason: To make more consistent with regional practice. Dryer technology has improved to the point tral Texas 4 March 7004 amendments where they should be capable of handling this. Consistent with regional amendment to IFGC 614.6.1 .) **Section 506.3.10; change to read as follows: 506.3.10 Grease duct enclosure. A grease duct serving a Type I hood that penetrates a ceiling, wall or floor shall be enclosed ...{b ulk of paragraph unchanged}. . . through the use of weather-protected openings. Clearance from the duct to the interior surface of enclosures of combustible construction shall be not less than 18 inches (457 mm). Clearance from the duct to the interior surface of enclosures of noncombustible construction or gypsum wallboard attached to noncombustible structures shall be not less than 3 inches (76 mm) or more than 12 inches (305 mm). The duct enclosure shall serve a single grease exhaust duct system and shall not contain any other ducts, piping, wiring or systems. Delete second exception. (Reason: Consistent with common local practice.) **Section 607.2.2; change to read as follows: 607.2.2 Hazardous exhaust ducts. Hazardous exhaust duct svstems shall extend directlv to the exterior of the buildina and shall not extend into or throuqh ducts and plenums. Penetration of structural elements shall conform to this section and the lnternational Buildinq Code except that fire Fire dampers are not required at penetration of fire-resistance-rated assemblies- (Reason: To clarify requirements.) **Section 607.5.1; change to read as follows: 607.5.1 Fire Walls. Ducts and air transfer openings permitted in fire walls in accordance with Section 705.1 1 of the lnternational Building Code shall be protected with approved fire dampers installed in accordance with their listing. Hazardous exhaust ducts shall not penetrate fire walls. (Reason: For clarification.) END North Central Texas 5 March 2004 2003 IMC amendments ATTACHMENT B The schedule of fees for the various permits is as follows: FEE SGHEDaES FOR I?JE%a/' COMmRCIAZ These fees may be assessed with the application submittal: BUILDNG .PERMIT FEE. BUILDING AND h/IEP PLAN REVIEW FEE. FIRE.PLAN WVEW FEE. PLUMBING FEE MECWCAL FEE. ELECTRICAL FEE. HEALTH FEE (IF APPLICABLE). METER FEE & SANITARY SEWER FEES. IMPACT FEE. $7.50 per $1000 valuation of work. Minimum $20.00. BBWLDmG AND MEP PLAN REVIEW FEE: $.07 per square foot of building area. $.02 per square foot of building area ranging from 0-100,000 square feet. For buildings over 100,000 square feet, please refer to fee schedules. MECmCAL, ELECTRICAL, AND PLUMBING FEES: These fees are calculated by square footage of floor area. 1-3,000 square feet $60.00 3,002-10,000 square feet $80.00 10,001 -50,000 square feet $100.00 50,001-1 00,000 square feet $125.00 over 100,000 square feet $150.00 Fees are separate (is. $60.00 plumbing, $60.00 electrical, $60.00 mechanical. -EKTH PLAN REVIEW FEE: $258.00 (If applicable to requirements.) METER & SEWR FEES: Please contact the City of Anna Public Works Department for meter and sanitary sewer sizes. Verify that water and sewer taps exist on site. Fees will be paid to the City of ha Building Inspection Department. WACT FEES: Please contact the City of Anna Building Inspection Department for all Impact fees. Fees will be paid to the City of ha Building Inspection Depment. N%en submitting applicztion for Shell only permit, include only shell valuation. When building has more than one floor, separate permits per floor is required. This fee calculation is provided for information only. The City of Anna Building Inspections Department will calculate and assess all fees.