HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 285-2006 Armstron Trust PD District.pdfTHE ARMSTRONG TRUST PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 285-2006 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS, PROVIDING FOR ZONING OF PROPERTY BEING ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF ANNA, TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF ANNA TO PROVIDE THE REZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY; PROVIDING A REPEALER CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, the owner of the property described in Exhibit A attached hereto has requested a certain zoning for said property; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Anna has given the requisite notices and afforded a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally and to all persons interested in and situated in the affected area and in the vicinity thereof, the City Council of the City of Anna has concluded that the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Anna should be amended as follows: NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIFF. CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS: The Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Anna, Texas, is amended by zoning the tract described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and made an integral part of this Ordinance. The Planned Development shall include the following elements: Description: a tract comprising approximately 207 acres of land being located south of County Road 371 and nmning south along CR 369. The boundaries of the Planned Development District are defined in the field notes to the survey attached herein as Exhibit "A". Purpose and Intent: The purpose of this Planned Development Zoning District is to provide high quality, single-family detached housing in a medium density neighborhood and allow flexibility to the established minimum requirements of the underlying SF -60 zoning district with approximately 24 acres off neighborhood commercial development along its southern boundary. The intent is to provide a quality development with a variety of lot and house sizes, as well as project amenities for the development. Procedure: The standards contained herein set forth the conceptual requirements for the development of the district Following approval of this ordinance, the developer shall prepare a preliminary plat along with a final plat and detailed site engineering plans for recording a specific tract or area to be developed and conforming to the criteria established herein. A. GENERAL CONDITIONS Conformance to All Applicable Articles of the City of Anna Ordinances, Rules and Regulations: Except as amended herein, this Planned Development shall conform to any and all applicable articles and sections of the City of Anna Zoning Ordinance (as adopted on September 20, 2003), as mended, and Subdivision Ordinance (as amended by Ordinance No. 2001-16, adopted September 11, 2001), as amended. A. DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS: 1. Permitted Uses: a. Residential Uses: 1. Single-family detached units as outlined herein. 2. All uses permitted in the Single Family Residential District (SF -60) in the City's Zoning Ordinance. 3. A recreational park and open space area, with trail and amenities as well as an amenity center. The trail will be compatible with the City of Anna Trail system. b. Commercial Uses: 1. All uses permitted in the Restricted Commercial District (C-1) in the City's Zoning Ordinance. 2. Streets: The project shall contain public residential streets per the City's construction standard. 3. Alleys: Alleys shall not be required within this entire Planned Development District. 4. Additional Permitted Uses: a. Sales and Leasing Offices during the development and marketing of the residential area, which shall be removed when 100% of the homes/lots have been sold. b. Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to the permitted uses in the SF -60 district. c. Temporary buildings and uses incidental to construction work on the premises, which shall be removed upon completion of construction of the development. B. LOT STANDARDS: 1. Lot Area and Dimension Criteria: Three lot sizes are proposed within this development with the following conditions: *Lot Width —the minimum lot widths shall not be less than those shown above measured along the front building line. Minimum lot frontage on a public street shall not be less than thirty feet (30') as measured along the street right-of-way. **Lot Coverage — In no case shall more than forty-five percent (45%) of the total lot area be covered by the combined area of the main building and garage. ***Parking Requirements- A minimum of two (2) off-street parking spaces shall be provided for each dwelling unit. As part of the parking requirements, an enclosed two -car garage shall be provided for each dwelling unit. 2. Lot Setbacks: a. Front Yard — There shall be a minimum front yard setback depth of twenty five feet (25') measured from the street right-of-way, or as noted below. Proposed- SF 60 Minimum lot width* 50' 50' Minimum lot depth 100' 120' Minimum lot area 6,000 SF 6000 SF_ Average Lot Size 6,700 SF Minimum dwelling size 1,600 SF 1600 SF Maximum lot coverage** 55% 45% Minimum off-street parking spaces*** 2 enclosed 2 enclosed *Lot Width —the minimum lot widths shall not be less than those shown above measured along the front building line. Minimum lot frontage on a public street shall not be less than thirty feet (30') as measured along the street right-of-way. **Lot Coverage — In no case shall more than forty-five percent (45%) of the total lot area be covered by the combined area of the main building and garage. ***Parking Requirements- A minimum of two (2) off-street parking spaces shall be provided for each dwelling unit. As part of the parking requirements, an enclosed two -car garage shall be provided for each dwelling unit. 2. Lot Setbacks: a. Front Yard — There shall be a minimum front yard setback depth of twenty five feet (25') measured from the street right-of-way, or as noted below. * Measured at the from yard setback ** Measured from the street right-of-way b. Side Yard -Minimum side yard shall be 7.5 feet, or as noted below. Lots abutting a residential or collector street shall have a minimum side yard of ten (10) feet. Comer lots shall have the same minimum side yard along the sheet side of the lot as the front setback of the adjacent side street. A comer lot is a lot backing to the side of Proposed SF 60 Lot Width+ 511' / 60' S0' Front Yard Setback++ 25' 25' * Measured at the from yard setback ** Measured from the street right-of-way b. Side Yard -Minimum side yard shall be 7.5 feet, or as noted below. Lots abutting a residential or collector street shall have a minimum side yard of ten (10) feet. Comer lots shall have the same minimum side yard along the sheet side of the lot as the front setback of the adjacent side street. A comer lot is a lot backing to the side of an adjacent lot's front yard. * Measured at the front yard setback * * Measured from the street right-of-way c. Rear Yard —There shall be a minimum rear yard having a depth of not less than fifteen (15) feet as measured from the lot line. Proposed SF 60 Lot Width* 50'/60' Rear Yard Setback Side Yard Setback 7.5' 7.5' Corner Lot Side Yard Rear Yard Setback** _ 20' 20' abuttin street** 15' 15' Key Lot Side Yard abutting street** 25' 25' * Measured at the front yard setback * * Measured from the street right-of-way c. Rear Yard —There shall be a minimum rear yard having a depth of not less than fifteen (15) feet as measured from the lot line. * Measured at the front yard setback ** Lots that have frontage on a residential sheet and backyard frontage onto a thoroughfare / collector 3. Housing Standards: a. Building Materials — A minimum of seventy-five (75%) of the total exterior wall surfaces of all main buildings shall have exterior finish of stone, brick or other city -approved construction material, per the City's Zoning Ordinance (the use of stucco, EIFS or other similar applied finish shall not qualify as "standard masonry.") The total of exterior wall surface shall exclude surface area that is devoted to windows, doors, and garage doors. b. Trees — The homebuilder shall plant two (2) three inch (3") caliper trees as measured 12" above grade, on each lot during home construction, measurements as defined by the "Texas Association of Nurserymen, Guidelines and Standards". Tree selection shall be from the City's Approved Trees List Ordinance. Specifications for tree installation shall be American Standard for Nursery Stock, published by the American Association of Nurserymen. c. Fencing: Pro sed I SF 60 Lot Width* 50'/ 60' 50' Rear Yard Setback 25' 25' Double Frontage Lot Rear Yard Setback** _ 20' 20' * Measured at the front yard setback ** Lots that have frontage on a residential sheet and backyard frontage onto a thoroughfare / collector 3. Housing Standards: a. Building Materials — A minimum of seventy-five (75%) of the total exterior wall surfaces of all main buildings shall have exterior finish of stone, brick or other city -approved construction material, per the City's Zoning Ordinance (the use of stucco, EIFS or other similar applied finish shall not qualify as "standard masonry.") The total of exterior wall surface shall exclude surface area that is devoted to windows, doors, and garage doors. b. Trees — The homebuilder shall plant two (2) three inch (3") caliper trees as measured 12" above grade, on each lot during home construction, measurements as defined by the "Texas Association of Nurserymen, Guidelines and Standards". Tree selection shall be from the City's Approved Trees List Ordinance. Specifications for tree installation shall be American Standard for Nursery Stock, published by the American Association of Nurserymen. c. Fencing: 1. Single-family residential fencing, other than developer fences along the County Roads, shall he built in accordance with the City's fence regulations, as amended. Fences shall be a maximum of eight feet (8') in height from grade. Any private fence facing a public sheet shall have the board (i.e., finished) side of the fence located on the street side of the fence support structure and be constructed of cedar or treated lumber. d. Roof Pitch — the roof pitch of single story homes shall be 6:12 minimum. The roof pitch of two-story homes shall be 4:12 minimum. e. Height Requirements —No buildings shall exceed thirty-five feet (35') or 2 % stories in height. 4. Guidelines not listed herein shall be governed by the standard SF -60 Zoning Ordinance and by any other applicable City codes or ordinances. C. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: 1. The development shall consist of a maximum of 828 lots. Overall density of the development shall not exceed 3.75 dwelling units per acre on the gross acreage as resolved by the City of Anna City Council. 2. Overall street and lot layout may be modified to a minor degree at the time of final engineering by the applicant. Modifications may include, but shall not be limited to, reconfiguration of cul-de-sac streets, reducing the number of lots backing onto open space areas, mitigating lengthy streets and cul-de-sacs, reducing the number of four-way residential street intersections, modifying odd -shaped lots such that they will meet lot width and depth minimums, assignment of street names, mitigation of visibility impairments, etc. 3. This Planned Development shall contain one (1) private amenity center along with centralized open space and hike and bike trails to create a pedestrian oriented environment. The Amenity Center, parks, and trails shall be owned and operated by the Home Owners Association. 4. Entry monumentation and screening are proposed at main entrance locations as shown on the Development Site Plan. Project monumentation may also identify secondary entries, with the same or a complementary variation of the primary project entry design. Secondary entries may have proportionately smaller monumentation than the primary entry. Monuments may have a maximum height of eight feet (8'). The monumentation shall be constructed of stone, brick, concrete block, concrete panel, wrought iron, landscaping, or similar materials, or any combination thereof complementing the screening and landscaping, and enhancing the project image. All entryway features shall be located within an easement or HOA lot, and shall be maintained by the HOA. 5. Screening of residential development along County Road No. 371 as well as future roads shall meet the following standards: a. Screening shall be constructed of a combination of masonry fencing, berning, landscaping, "greenscreens" or other alternative screening materials if approved by the City, and will be installed by the developer, and shall be of consistent construction throughout the development phases. Prefabricated screenwall fencing shall not be allowed. b. Screening shall be a minimum of six feet (6') in height c. The location and preliminary design of screening shall be submitted for approval with the preliminary plat. Construction plans for the screening fence/wall are to be included as a part of the public works civil engineering plans prior to final plat approval. 6. The Developer and Contractor shall be allowed to move in a project Trailer prior to and during construction, subject to city approval of location. Such trailer shall comply with all applicable city ordinances and permits. D. DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE It is anticipated that residential portion of this project will be fully developed within to years. +E. HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION: A homeowners association shall be established to maintain private common area improvements, including screening walls, specifically identified within this ordinance and shown on the Concept plan. PASSED on this the 27`" Day of June, 2006, by the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas. ATTEST: APPROVED: Secretary, Natha Wilkisotf'1.,.... pIV ayor, Kenneth Pelham s•. *. TEXPS,Y;