HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 301-2006 Amending Ord. No. 2001-01 Sign Regulations.pdfCITY OF ANNA, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 301-2006 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2001-01, AS AMENDED, RELATING TO SIGN REGULATIONS; REPEALING CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000.00) FOR EACH SEPARATE OFFENSE AND A SEPARATE OFFENSE SHALL BE DEEMED COMMITTED UPON EACH DAY DURING OR ON WHICH A VIOLATION OCCURS; AND PROVIDNG AN EFFECTIVE DATE FINDINGS OF THE CITY OF ANNA CITY COUNCIL 1. The City of Anna, Texas ("City") is authorized to regulate the installation, maintenance, placement, and removal of signs within the City and its extraterritorial jurisdiction; and 2. The City deems the regulation of signs as necessary to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public; and 3. The City deems the passage of this Ordinance to be in the best interest of the citizens of Anna; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS SECTION 1. INCORPORATION OF FINDINGS That all matters stated in the Findings of the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas, are found to be true and correct and are incorporated there by reference as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2. SECTION 46 OF ORDINANCE 2001-01 AMENDED Section 46 of the Anna Sign Ordinance, Ordinance No. 2001-01, is amended to read as follows: Class 5, major freestanding signs. Class 5 major freestanding signs are prohibited, except as follows: (a) On -premise detached ground or pole signs. ORD NO. 301-2"Mdng Sign Ord. Re1aingWMsjm Frttscmid'mg Signs PWlof6 I1-28,06 (1) Pole and/or ground signs may be located within a distance of 50 feet from the right -of --way line of the linear segment of street listed in this paragraph and situated so as to be viewed from such streets. In all other locations, on -premise detached advertisement and identification signs shall be restricted to ground signs only. - U.S. 75/Central Expressway - SH 121 The sign board, upon specific application, may recommend an exception to allow a pole sign at a location where prohibited herein if the sign board determines that a general condition of pole signs exists in the immediate vicinity and the proposed pole sign would be consistent with such established conditions. The recommendation shall be submitted to the City Council for final decision. If the stated linear segment does not reference a beginning or ending cross -street, the segment shall mean the entire length of such street within the corporate limits or from the stated cross -street to the corporate limits as the case may be. Pole sign regulations. Where allowed, pole signs shall conform to the following restrictions and limitations (also reference Graphic 1). Table 1 *Setback from street ROW is 3.5 feet. Ground sign regulations. The maximum area of any ground sign, as defined herein, is the area allowed by Table 1 above. The required setback from a street right -of --way line is 3 % feet. Required setbacks from other property lines are as specified by Table 1. ORD NO. 301-2006 Amending Sign Ord. Relining in Migm Flxst"n, Signs PW20f6 11-28-06 0 -Foot to 70 Feet 71 -Feet to 99- 100 — Feet to Freeway '.... ROW of the street Feet ROW of the 250- Feet ROW I street of the street Minimum width of lot 50 100 150 50 80 100 100 200 125 frontage (linear feet)' 1 Maximum square 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 100 150 footage per side Setback from adjacent property line (linear 5 5 10 10 10 15 15 15 15 feet)* _ _ Maximum height 3.5 8 10 20 20 20 24 24 35 *Setback from street ROW is 3.5 feet. Ground sign regulations. The maximum area of any ground sign, as defined herein, is the area allowed by Table 1 above. The required setback from a street right -of --way line is 3 % feet. Required setbacks from other property lines are as specified by Table 1. ORD NO. 301-2006 Amending Sign Ord. Relining in Migm Flxst"n, Signs PW20f6 11-28-06 When the area of a detached sign exceeds 120 square feet but does not exceed ten feet in height, it may be considered a ground sign provided that not less than 120 square feet of its area is below a height of six feet. On SH 121 and US 75/Central Expressway, a property with over 100 feet of frontage is permitted to have a single user ground sign of not more than 75 square feet per side and not more than 8 feet in height. If a business is listed and/or advertised on a pole or pylon sign, a separate monument sign is not permitted. Multi -use signs. A multi -use sign which identifies a coordinated development site of more than one use, such as a shopping center, office center, or industrial park, may have a sign area not larger than 1.5 times the area allowed for a single -use sign on the site, or a maximum of 200 square feet, whichever is less. A multi -use sign may contain a directory or listing of the occupants within a center or multi -use development, provided that the directory portion of the sign shall not exceed 80 percent of the total sign area If a directory is utilized, the remainder of the sign area shall contain only the identification of the entire center or entire development. When determining requirements for allowable detached ground or pole signs under the above table, first determine the right-of-way width adjacent to the subject lot, and then determine the lot frontage. Next, determine the maximum square footage per side, setback from adjacent rights-of-way and the maximum height by reading vertically below the applicable lot frontage. To calculate the height of a sign, measurement shall be made from the top of the curb adjacent of the street upon which a sign faces or from the natural ground level, if above curb level, to the top of the sign. (Construction of a berm or earthen mound for the purpose of increasing height of signage is prohibited.) For the purpose of calculating the distance from a street rightof-way line where the existing street right-of-way width is less than that required in the thoroughfare plan and subdivision ordinance, such distance shall be measured from the line of such right-of-way as required by such plan or ordinance (adding equal amounts to each side of the existing right-of-way) rather than from the existing right-of-way line. Freeways are as proposed by the thoroughfare plan of the City of Anna. (2) No detached sign shall be erected within 20 feet of a street intersection, unless the bottom of the sign exceeds 42 inches in height above ground level, and the sign is set back from the right-of-way as stated in Graphic 2. (3) If the lot on which a building (or buildings) is located has multiple right-of-way frontages and is three acres or greater, two detached ground or pole signs are permitted (one per frontage) based on sign allowances in Table 1. If such a building (or buildings) is located on a lot less than three acres, two detached ground or pole signs are permitted with a maximum of 60 square feet per side per sign and a maximum height of 20 feet. On lots located at the intersection of a major thoroughfare and a freeway, two detached ground or pole signs are permitted, the size to be based on Table 1. All detached signs shall have a minimum of 20 feet of separation from the largest permitted sign. ORD NO. 301-2006 Amending Sign Ord. Relating W Maim riding Signs Pop of6 11-2" (4) If two of the allowable detached signs are combined into one detached sign, then the signage may exceed by 50 percent the total allowable signage of the largest permitted sign up to a maximum of 200 square feet per side. (5) When electrical service is provided to detached signs, all such electrical service shall be underground. (6) There shall be a minimum 500 ft. distance between a pole and/or pylon sign(s) and monument sign(s), allow for single users in a multi use development withmonument sign(s) to be up to 100 sq. ft. at a maximum height of 12 ft. (7) Automobile dealership signs. a. Number per lot. 1. Primary detached signs. There shall not be more than one primary sign for each franchise up to a maximum of three primary signs per dealership. 2. Secondary detached signs. Secondary signs shall be permitted only if used for preowned automobiles and limited to one per dealership. b. Area, location and height requirements. 1. Primary detached signs. All primary detached signs shall conform to provisions within this section. 2. Secondary detached signs. Secondary signs shall be limited to one- half of the area of the primary detached sign and a maximum of 24 feet in height. c. Banners and pennants. Such signage is allowed on light standards and poles, as long as signage does not exceed 20 square feet per pole or sign and is not strung or affixed in any manner other than from brackets on single poles (reference Graphic 2)- (8) Relocation of signs due to right-of-way acquisition a. The chief building official or his designee may approved the relocation of existing signs for properties that have frontage on U.S. Highway 75 in situations where the existing sign is in an area of right-of-way acquisition. b. The chief building official may allow the sign to be relocated on the property, even within the required setback, but in no case shall the sign be located in an area that poses a safety hazard or blocks visibility. ORD NO. 301-2006A ding Sign Ord, Rele[ingb Major Fnsatanding Sign Pap4of6 I1-2" c. Should the chief building official deny the proposed relocation, the applicant may appeal this decision to the City Council. d. Development identification signs. Project information or identification detached ground signs are permitted at the entrances of major offices or industrial park developments located on more than one lot and bisected by one or more publicly dedicated streets. They shall be allowed under the following size restrictions: Table 2 Size Maximum Size (square feet) Maximum Height (feet) Under 10 acres 36 6 10 acres and above 64 8 Signs may be located at each corer of the intersection of an entrance street. e. Real estate signs. (1) Generally. One real estate sign, not exceeding 32 square feet in sign area and 12 feet in height, shall be permitted on tracts of 50 acres or less, and not exceeding 96 square feet in area and 16 feet in height for tracts of land over 50 acres. On tracts of 50 acres or greater with 1,000 feet of frontage adjacent to the public right-of-way, a sign not to exceed 200 square feet per side and 16 feet in height shall be permitted. The sign shall be removed no later than 30 days after the closing of the real estate conveyance. For setback requirements, refer to Table 1. Such signs shall not require a permit if they measure 32 square feet or less. (2) Construction sites. On building construction sites, one sign shall be permitted for all participating building contractors and subcontractors, one for all participating professional firms, one for all participating lending institutions and one for each property owner on the construction site, subject to a maximum of three signs for each constnrction site, each such sign to be 32 square feet in sign area or less, and that such signs must be removed prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for said building. SECTION 3. REPEALER All parts of any ordinance in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are to the extent of such conflict hereby repealed. ORD NO. 301-2006A din, Sign Ord. Mafin wMyr Freestandin,Signs PW5of6 11-28-06 SECTION 4. SEVERANCE If any part of this Ordinance is for any reason found by a court of competent jurisdiction .. 4.- :..--'. A :11e,,.,1 .. m.Fr.mPahta -11 other ,vnrte neveRheless Shall rennin valid - SECTION 5. PENALTIES A person commits an offense if the person violates any part of this Ordinance. An offense of this Ordinance is a Class C misdemeanor. Any person convicted of violating this Ordinance shall be fined in an amount not to exceed $2,000 for each incident of violation. Each day of the continuance of such violation shall be considered a separate offense and shall be punished separately. SECTION 6. EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall be effective upon the posting and/or publication of its caption as required by law and the City Secretary is hereby directed to implement such posting and/or publication. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Anna, "texas, by the following vote on this the 28" day of November, 2006. AYE 5 NAY _ I (CM Crim) ABSTAIN 0 ATTEST: APPROVED: -�. Cil Secretary, Natha Wilkison Mayor, Kenneth Pelham ORD NO. 301-2006 Amending Sign Ord. Relining W Majm Freestanding Signs Page 6 of6 11-2"