HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-16-07 CDC Minutes.docMINUTES OF ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION January 16, 2007 5:00 PM The Community Development Corporation of the City of Anna met at 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, January 16, 2007, at the Community Room of the Texas Star Bank, 402 W. White Street, Anna, Texas, to consider the following items: 1. Call to Order. President David Crim called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. 2. Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum. Present were David Crim, Joe W. Finley, Jr., Jon Hendricks and Joel Foltz. Absent were Joe Murphy, Dwayne Hayes, Susan Barnes. 3. Discussion of the purchase of future Park Land Sites. President Crim has been trying to research the lake behind Frankie Hall as a possible park site on the east side of Anna and asked members if they were okay with him continuing to research the property. Member Jon Hendricks would like to see some area in the middle of town for a park to tie in with the trail system being done and land being bought for parking lots for the down town area. Staff report(s) and discussion of other issues, including suggestions for future agenda items. Development status report. – Hand out provide Park development status report. – Hand out provided Natural gas line. – Tim Morris has issued a notice to proceed and a pre-construction meeting is scheduled for this week and should be in the ground 60 to 90 days after starting. d. Financial report. – Duane Hayes was absent so there was no report. e. Future agenda items – Uptown parking area; generate interest in down town area with a walking district for city functions, etc. 5. Consider approval of minutes of meeting of September 12, 2006. Member Joe Finley made the motion to approve the minutes. Member Joel Foltz seconded the motion. Motion passes. AYE 4 NAY 0 ABSTAIN 0 6. Adjourn. Member Jon Hendricks made the motion to adjourn at 6:00 p.m. Member Joe Finley seconded the motion. Motion passes. AYE 4 NAY 0 ABSTAIN 0 ATTEST: APPROVED: ____________________________ __________________________ Natha Wilkison, City Secretary President, David Crim