HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-18-07 CDC Minutes.docMINUTES OF ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION September 18, 2007 5:00 PM The Community Development Corporation of the City of Anna met at 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, September 18, 2007, at the Anna City Hall Administration Building, 111 N. Powell Parkway (Hwy 5), Anna, Texas, to consider the following items: 1. Call to Order. President David Crim called the meeting to order. 2. Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum. Present were President David Crim, Members Jessica Perkins, Joe Murphy, J. W. Finley and Duane Hayes. Absent were Joel Foltz and Jon Hendricks. 3. Consider/Discuss/Action regarding adopting the By-Laws of the Anna Community Development Corporation. Members discussed having each director as a resident of the City; meetings being held quarterly, on 3rd Tuesday at 5:00 p.m.; board attendance; general development plan; independent audit of the Corporation; handling of Corporation monies and insurance on the members. Member J. W. Finley made the motion to approve the changes and to approve the by-laws with the changes. Motion passes all. 4. Discussion of the purchase of future Park Land Sites. Member Jessica Perkins to research the Reid Barton property for future park property. David Crim still wanting to find information about property off of CR 2862 and CR 427 for a park 5. Discussion regarding putting an incentive package together for future commercial developers. Members discussed looking at other cities incentive packages. Duane Hayes left the meeting. 6. Consider/Discuss/Action as desired for various funding assistance for Slayter Creek Park. Members discussed having AYSA help fund parks. Member Joe Murphy made the motion to table this item. Members need Jon Hendricks to supply financial information from every board involved and funding information for this item. J. W. Finley seconded the motion. Motion passes all. 7. Consider/Discuss/Action regarding the CDC’s Budget for Fiscal Year 2007-2008. Members discussed the budget, carrying over funds for Salter Creek Park, ATMOS Gas Line, Parkland Purchase, Miscellaneous and adding bleachers in to a total of $170,000.00 in expenses for 2008 Budget. Member Joe Murphy made the motion to approve the 2008 budget. Member J. W. Finley seconded the motion. Motion passes all. 8. Staff report(s) and discussion of other issues, including suggestions for future agenda items. a. Financial report. – Members reviewed the Account Reconciliation Worksheet provided by Treasurer, Duane Hayes b. Future agenda items – Information on Slayter Creek Park; Put item 5, incentive package 9. Consider approval of minutes of meeting of July 17, 2007. Member Joe Murphy made the motion to accept the minutes. Member J. W. Finley seconded the motion. Motion passes all. 10. Adjourn. President, David Crim adjourned the meeting at 6:39 p.m. ATTEST: APPROVED: ________________________ _____________________________ Natha Wilkison, City Secretary President, David Crim