HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-15-08 Draft CDC Minutes.docMINUTES OF ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION April 15, 2008 5:00 PM The Community Development Corporation of the City of Anna met at 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, April 15, 2008, at the Anna City Hall Administration Building, 111 N. Powell Parkway (Hwy 5) Anna, Texas to consider the following items: 1. Call to Order. Vice-President J. W. Finley, Jr. called the meeting to order at 5:09 pm. 2. Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum. Vice-President J. W. Finley, Jr. and Members Jon Hendricks, Jessica Perkins, Joe Murphy was present. Members David Crim and Duane Hayes were absent. 3. Citizen Comments None 4. Discussion regarding helping with signage for the City and Leasing Office Space from the Anna EDC (Richard Pennington, President of the EDC will make a presentation to the board). Richard Pennington, President of Anna EDC was present and spoke to members about installing a digital sign to post notices and events for residents to view in front of city hall. An estimated cost for the sign will be roughly around $25,000. Mr. Pennington answered questions from CDC members. The second item on signage that Mr. Pennington spoke to members about was monument signs, Welcome to the City of Anna signs, on Hwy 75 and FM 455 that TXDot would help with the landscaping costs. Member Jon Hendricks brought up having a better logo for the City, it agreed that a better logo was needed and EDC would start to look into it. The third item that Mr. Pennington spoke to members about was renting office space from EDC. Mr. Pennington stated that EDC was looking into purchasing a building on N. Powell Pkwy. that they would office out of and offer CDC space to office out of. Mr. Pennington answered questions from members. 5. Discussion of the purchase of future Park Land Sites. Member Jessica Perkins stated that she had gathered information for David Crim on who the property owner was for property on County Road 427 with a lake on it. Ms. Perkins was not sure if Mr. Crim had contacted the owner or not. Members decided to table this item since Mr. Crim was not present. Member J W Finley made the motion to table this item. Member Joe Murphy seconded the motion. Motion passes. 6. Discussion regarding putting an incentive package together for future commercial developers. City Manager, Philip Sanders and CDC Members discussed putting together an incentive package as far as tax abatements, etc. Mr. Sanders stated that he would put some information together to bring to the members. Richard Pennington stated that they look at businesses on an individual basis and that EDC is working on an application for applicants to fill out that ask for specific information about the businesses applying. Members of CDC and EDC agreed that they need to hold a joint workshop and work on an incentive package. 7. Consider/Discuss/Action regarding funding for seeding of parks. Mr. Sanders stated that the city will be hydro-mulching Bryant and Greer Parks in months to come. Discussion concerning the drainage around the parks occurred. Member Jon Hendricks made the motion to table this item. Member Joe Murphy seconded the motion. Motion passes. 8. Consider/Discuss/Action regarding lighting for girl’s parks, Geer and Bryant. Member Jon Hendricks stated that Geer Park and Bryant does not need lighting at this time. Members discussed the girl’s fields lighting issues and City Manager, Philip Sanders stated that he had given Public Works Director, James Parkman direction to handle this issue. Members and Mr. Sanders stated that if CDC’s help was needed for lighting issues on the girl’s fields that Mr. Sanders would bring to them proposals and they would handle issues should they occur. Member Joe Murphy made the motion to table till info is received from City Manager, Philip Sanders. Member Jessica Perkins seconded the motion. Motion passes. 9. Consider/Discuss/Action regarding accepting Joel Foltz resignation from the Anna CDC. Member Joe Murphy made the motion to accept Joel Foltz letter of resignation. Member Jessica Perkins seconded the motion. Motion passes. 10. Consider/Discussion/Action regarding applicants for the Anna CDC Corporation and making recommendations to City Council for appointment to the Anna CDC corporation. Member Joe Murphy made the motion to recommended Kirk Murska to fill the vacancy. Mr. Murska was present and spoke to the board and answered questions from members. Member Jon Hendricks seconded the motion. Motion passes. 11. Consider/Discuss/Action regarding Approving January 15, 2008; February 8, 2008 and February 25, 2008 meeting minutes. Member Jessica Perkins made the motion to approve. Member Joe Murphy seconded the motion. Motion passes. 12. Staff report(s) and discussion of other issues, including suggestions for future agenda items. a. Financial report. b. Future agenda items Richard Pennington asked to be placed on the agenda again to discuss the signs and building issues. City Manager, Philip Sanders brought up the new logo issue, and brought members up to date on the status of the Texas Leverage Fund application. Member J W Finley brought up the issues of flag poles (U S flag, State flag and City flag). 13. Adjourn. Member Jon Hendricks made the motion to adjourn at 6:09 pm. Member Jessica Perkins seconded the motion. Motion passes. ATTESST: APPROVED: ____________________________ __________________________ Natha Wilkison, City Secretary Vice-President, J. W. Finley, Jr.