HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-17-08 Draft CDC Minutes.docMINUTES OF AGENDA ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION June 17, 2008 5:00 PM The Community Development Corporation of the City of Anna met at 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, June 17, 2008, at the Anna City Hall Administration Building, 111 N. Powell Parkway (Hwy 5) Anna, Texas to consider the following items: 1. Call to Order. President David Crim called the meeting to order at 5:04 pm. 2. Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum. President David Crim and Members Jessica Perkins, Duane Hayes and J. W. Finley was present. Member Jon Hendricks arrived 5:08 pm. 3. Citizen Comments. None 4. Consider/Discuss/Action regarding a Presentation by Stacy Driskell, President of the Greater Anna Chamber of Commerce to join their organization. Stacy Driskell was present and spoke to members about partnering with the CDC and asked them to join the Greater Anna Chamber of Commerce. Member Duane Hayes made the motion to join. Member Jessica Perkins seconded the motion. Motion passes. 5. Consider/Discuss/Action regarding a presentation by Stacy Driskell, President of the GACC and their Membership Directory. Stacy Driskell made a presentation to members to place an ad in the membership directory. Members discussed their different options. Member J. W. Finley made the motion to have Duane Hayes, Jessica Perkins and Jon Hendricks form a committee to proceed forward with a full page ad for $1,300.00. Member Duane Hayes seconded the motion. Motion passes. 6. Consider/Discuss/Action regarding a presentation by Stacy Driskell, President of the GACC for CDC to help with sponsorship of the Anna Freedom Fest. Stacy Driskell spoke to members about Anna Freedom Fest and asked members to help sponsor the event. Member Jessica Perkins excuse herself from voting because she is on the board for the Freedom Fest. Member Jon Hendricks made the motion to give $5,000.00 to help sponsor Anna Freedom Fest. Member J. W. Finley seconded the motion. Motion passes. 7. Discussion regarding helping with signage for the City of Anna at City Hall and on Hwy 75. Richard Pennington, President of the Anna EDC spoke to members about a sign for Anna City Hall for roughly $30,000.00 to install and get training on. Mr. Pennington would like to have Anna CDC help with the cost of the sign roughly $10,000.00. Mr. Pennington answered questions from members. 8. Discussion regarding Joe’s Bristol. No one from Joe’s Bristol was present and this item was moved to a future meeting to have more information to discuss. Richard Pennington, EDC President spoke to members about assisting with funding for this project. 9. Discussion of the purchase of future Park Land Sites. Members discussed looking at other large tracts of land with a lake on the east side of town for parks. 10. Consider/Discuss/Action regarding funding for Hydro-mulching of parks. City Manager, Philip Sanders led the discussion on this item and asked for help in funding hydro mulching of parks in the amount of $24,999.00. Members discussed funding for the hydro mulching and bleachers for the parks. Member Duane Hayes made the motion to approve spending $35,000.00 in the budget for hydro mulching ($25,000.00) and bleachers ($10,000.00). Member J. W. Finley seconded the motion. Motion passes. 11. Discussion regarding City Logo, City Flag/Flag Poles. Member J. W. Finley led the discussion on this item. President David Crim recommended gathering information for discussion at the next meeting. City Manager, Philip Sanders suggested that this is a City Council item. 12. Consider/Discuss/Action regarding Approving April 15, 2008 meeting minutes. President, David Crim pointed out an error in an address, discussion of property on CR 427 for item 5 on future parks discussion. Member Jessica Perkins made the motion to approve with the recommended changes. J. W. Finley seconded the motion. Motion passes. 13. Staff report(s) and discussion of other issues, including suggestions for future agenda items. a. Financial report. b. Future agenda items City Manager, Philip Sanders explained that a sub committee has been put together to recommend appointments to the boards and commissions. Budget preparation will be a future agenda item. J. W. Finley would like to see discussion on future community buildings such as a library, etc. 14. Adjourn. President David Crim made the motion to adjourn at 6:17 pm. Member Duane Hayes seconded the motion. Motion passes. ATTEST: APPROVED: __________________________ _____________________________ Natha Wilkison, City Secretary President, Jessica Perkins