HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-06-08 Draft CDC Minutes.docMINUTES OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION   August 6, 2008   Call to Order:   Jessica Perkins, President of the CDC, called to order the August 6, 2008, meeting of the Anna Community Development Corporation ("CDC") at 5:37 PM.     Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum:   Committee members in attendance were: Jessica Perkins (President), Connie Stump (Vice President), Duane Hays (Treasure), and Molly Young (board member).  Absent was Sherilyn Godfrey (Secretary), Bill Olsen (board member) and Darren Driskell (Board Member).  In absence of the secretary Molly Young took the minutes of the meeting. A quorum was declared present and the floor was open for business.   Others in attendance were: Philip Sanders, City Manager, Natha Wilkison, City Secretary, Clark McCoy, City Attorney and Richard Pennington, President of the Anna Economic Corporation Committee (EDC).    Citizen Comments:   Jessica Perkins asked if there were any citizen comments.  No comments made.   The floor was then opened for discussion regarding the General Role of the CDC; including definition of 4B Status.   Clark McCoy, City Attorney: A written outline of this presentation was given to each member of the CDC, City Manager and City Secretary by Clark McCoy. And a written copy of the ethics code was also given out to the members of the CDC, City Manager and City Secretary. Clark presented an overview of the CDC's general role and an explanation of 4B status to the CDC Board. He explained that the CDC is a non profit private corporation and not a governmental entity.  He also explained that a 4B can do what a 4A does and more.  He addressed Public records and the ethics code.  Questions and concerns from the CDC board members were also addressed by Mr. McCoy.  Mr. McCoy requested the Board to read and get familiarized with the ethics code and consult with him if there are any questions regarding the ethics code.   Richard Pennington, President of the EDC Committee: Mr. Pennington requested that the CDC and EDC boards consider doing some projects together.   Discussion regarding Identifying Goals in general and for the next fiscal year:   Philip Sanders, City Manager: Mr. Sanders gave an example of budget structure for a starting point.  He requested a more detailed structure regarding expenditures and other budget items.  He also discussed CDC revenues. Mr. Sanders requested that CDC service expenditures be funded by the CDC and that the CDC consider budgeting for a 25% share of expense towards the hiring of an additional staff person that would give 50% of their time towards city business, 25% towards CDC business and 25% towards EDC business.  He noted that the EDC would also be requested to consider budgeting 25% towards this expense.  The city would be responsible for 50% of the expense.  This would be a one year commitment; which at the end of one year could be continued if approved by the CDC board.  Final approval for this shared expenditure would have to come from the council.    Mr. Sanders recommended that the CDC board use the city attorney for legal advise and consultation for CDC business.   Duane Hayes, Treasurer: Mr. Hayes noted that the CDC still owed some payments to the city for park land purchases that needed to be considered in the budget figures.  Mr. Hayes also recommended that any expenditures for the CDC, made by an additional shared staff person, have those expenditures pre-approved by the CDC board.    Regarding closed session of the board:  No closed session took place.   Molly Young made the motion for no action.  Duane Hayes seconded the motion.  Motion was passed by all.    Resolution Designating the Signers for the CDC Accounts:   Duane Hayes made the motion that three signatures, President, Secretary and Treasurer, be approved for the signing.  Only two signatures are required.  Having three available signatures ensures that if someone is out of town business can continue without interruption.  Connie Stump seconded the motion.  Motion was passed by all.      Preparation of the 2008-2009 Annual Budget:   Discussion took place.  Mr. Sanders will meet with a few CDC members to formulate the budget; which will be voted on in September, 2008.  Molly Young made a motion to table this item until the September CDC meeting.  Duane Hayes seconded the motion. Motion was passed by all.    Regarding amending the CDC Bylaws for the frequency, date and Time of meetings:   Discussion took place regarding the Bylaws with Philip Sanders and Clark McCoy.  Jessica Perkins made a motion to draft a resolution for the Bylaws, which is to be on the September meeting Agenda, and for the CDC board to meet monthly on the first Wednesday of each month, at 5:30 p.m.  Motion seconded by Connie Stump.  Motion was passed by all.   Approval of June 17, and July 9, 2008 meeting minutes:   Motion was made by Duane Hayes to approve these minutes as stated.  Motion seconded by Connie Stump.  Motion passed by all.    Financial Report:  Duane Hayes gave the financial report.  He still has some bills to be paid for the Hydro Mulching, Bleachers, and legal fees.  The computer purchased by the CDC, to be used for CDC business, needs to be returned to the CDC by David Crim.  Jessica Perkins will approach David Crim about getting the computer back for CDC business.    New Business - Future items for Agenda:   Need to consider, discuss, take action item for Bylaw amendments Need a consider, discuss, take action items for Richard Pennington's EDC items Need to consider, discuss, take action item for Molly Young's Restoration of the Train Depot Project.    Adjourn:    Motion made by Duane Hayes.  Jessica Perkins seconded the motion.  Motion passed by all. The meeting was adjourned at 7:29 PM.     ATTEST: APPROVED: ________________________________                 ______________________________ Molly Young, Board Member                                     Jessica Perkins, President Acting Secretary