HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes July 2008.docDRAFT MINUTES OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION July 9, 2008 Call to Order Jessica Perkins, the most senior member of the committee called to order the Special Meeting of the Anna Community Development Corporation (“CDC”) at 5:13 pm. Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum Committee members in attendance were: Jessica Perkins, Connie Stump, Duane Hays, Sherilyn Godfrey, Molly Young and Darren Driskell. Absent was Bill Olsen. Due to a family emergency Duane Hays arrived late. A quorum was declared present and the floor was open for business. Others in attendance were: Stacy Driskell, President of the Anna Greater Chambers of Commerce; Richard Pennington, President of the Anna Economic Development Committee; Philip Sanders, City Manager; and Natha Wilkison, City Secretary. Citizen Comments Jessica Perkins asked if there were any citizen comments. Stacy Driskell thanked the committee for their assistance and cooperation during the 4th of July celebration. Richard Pennington thanked the committee for their past support and stated that the Economic Development Committee looked forward to working with CDC on joint projects. He also stated that we were invited to attend their meetings and to join them for breakfast on Saturday morning. The floor was then opened for nomination of officers and the following persons were elected: Jessica Perkins, President A motion was made by Darren Driskell and seconded by Molly Young. Motion carried. Connie Stump, Vice President A motion was made by Darren Driskell and seconded by Molly Young. Motion carried. Duane Hays, Treasurer A motion was made by Darren Driskell and seconded by Molly Young. Motion carried. Sherilyn Godfrey, Secretary A motion was made by Sherilyn Godfrey and seconded by Jessica Perkins. Motion carried. Consider/Discuss/Action regarding a Resolution by the Anna Community Development Corporation Authorizing and Approving a Loan Agreement Between the Anna Community Development Corporation and the Office of the Governor Economic Development and Tourism Division, Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of the Loan Agreement and Related Documents, Authorizing the Pledge of Sales and Use Tax Receipts, and Other Matters in Connection Therewith. The floor was opened for discussion and subsequent approval, execution and delivery of a loan agreement by and between CDC and the Office of the Governor Economic Development and Tourism Division and other related document. The loan is in the amount of $629,000 and will be used for the construction of Slater Park. A motion was made by Darren Driskell and seconded by Molly Young. Motion carried. New Business – Frequency, Date and Time of Future Meetings A discussion was held on the meeting time and frequency of the committee’s meetings. A consensus of the committee members agreed that our meetings should be held once a month on the first Wednesday of the month. A motion was made by Darren Driskell and seconded by Molly Young. Motion carried. Our next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 6th 2008, beginning at 5:30 pm. New Business – Future Items for Agenda Other discussions pertained to the preparation of CDC’s annual budget to be presented to the City Council and the formulation of CDC’s goals and role within the community. Presentation by Philip Sanders Philip Sanders presented a diagram of Slayter Park and explained to the new members of CDC what was going to be built. Slayter Park is to be completed in October. Citizens of Anna will be asked to donate money/trees, etc. for the beautification of the park Bricks will also be available for purchase. Adjourn A motion was made by Sheri Godfrey to adjourn the meeting. Darren Driskell seconded the motion, and the meeting was adjourned at 5:40 pm. _____________________________ _______________________ Sherilyn Godfrey, Secretary Jessica Perkins, President