HomeMy WebLinkAboutEDCmin2003-11-06Last printed 11/6/2003 11:21 PM Approved _____ MINUTES CITY OF ANNA MEETING OF ANNA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION November 6, 2003 6:00 PM, CITY HALL The Economic Development Corporation of the City of Anna held a meeting at 6:00 p.m., Thursday, November 6, 2003, at the Anna City Hall, 101 N. Powell Parkway, to consider the following items: 1. Call to Order Called the meeting to order at 6:06 pm. 2. Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum Members present – Julian Smith, Trey Hughes, & Mark Montgomery Members absent – Sandra Bryant & Darin Hayes Also present – Lee Lawrence 3. Discuss Economic Development Plan Began by brainstorming the process for developing a plan. Various items were mentioned which all contribute to the process, such as setting goals/objectives, studying potential land locations, checking feasibility of land use (price, utility availability, etc), and determining what Anna has to offer. Reviewed an example of a community profile from the city of Brillion, Wisconsin. Decided to develop a brochure containing facts about Anna. This brochure will then be mailed to brokers and businesses to introduce them to Anna. Also, Lee was approached about getting a city website developed. He will present this to the city council. He suggested the EDC would have significant input into the content of the website. With these tools, we will see what types of industry/businesses are interested in making Anna their home. A list of items Anna has to offer was generated: 15 -20 minutes from hospital & restaurants, Hurricane Creek Country Club, McKinney Airport (expanding), proximity to Collin County Courthouse (relocating north of McKinney), major highway access 75 & 121, significant parks and hiking trail plans, Lake Texoma, easy access to DFW airport along 121, exemplary school system Discussed vario us types of industry that might be targeted: medical/pharmaceutical related, warehousing, manufacturing, hospitals, etc. An item to consider in the location of the industrial park is availability of utilities. Decided the industrial area on the land use map located along 121 should have water and sewer available within a reasonable time period (2 -3 years). Also, the other industrial uses in Melissa along 121 should benefit an Anna industrial park in this area. With the landfill coming on line, 121 will begin to see more truck traffic that should expedite highway improvements in the area. Items requiring action: Mark - lookup Anna’s planning area in terms of square miles Lee - get copies of the land use plan map and appropriate sections of the planning document Lee - acquire copies of the McKinney land use plan and provide copies of the Van Alstyne plan Mark - contact GCEC regarding availability of 3-phase power along 121 Julian - investigate a list of brokers to be targeted with the brochure Trey - propose an outline for the brochure Mark - send request to Dr Wardell for input related to brochure All - propose slogans, catch phrases, and logos 4. Budget Workshop Last printed 11/6/2003 11:21 PM Approved _____ A draft budget was presented showing a projected account balanc e of $39,020.56 at the end of fiscal year 2003 -04 based on a 10% increase in sales tax income. Expense items include administrative costs related to printing and copying, a maximum of 10% advertising/promotional, travel, and mandatory training for City Administrator & EDC President. Trey and Julian would also like to attend training. Mark will contact Sandra & Darin to see if they would like to attend. The remainder of the account balance will be held in reserve for future development. Training will be held December 10th in Arlington from 8:00am – 3:00pm 5. Discussion of other issues as desired by members of EDC. Approved Minutes from September 25 and October 2. Trey made the motion for approval and Julian seconded. Motion passed 3:0 6. Adjourn Julian made a motion to adjourn and Trey seconded. Motion passed 3:0. Adjourned 8:28 pm. Minutes Approved: Date ____________________________ Signed __________________________