HomeMy WebLinkAboutEDCmin2003-12-04Last printed 1/7/2004 9:02 PM Approved _____ MINUTES CITY OF ANNA MEETING OF ANNA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION December 4, 2003 6:00 PM, CITY HALL The Economic Development Corporation of the City of Anna held a meeting at 6:00 p.m., Thursday, December 4, 2003, at the Anna City Hall, 101 N. Powell Parkway, to consider the following items: 1. Call to Order Called the meeting to order at 6:18 pm. 2. Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum Members present – Julian Smith, Sandra Bryant, Darin Hayes, Trey Hughes (arrived 6:37), & Mark Montgomery Members absent – None Also present – Lee Lawrence & Kenneth Pelham Kenneth Pelham gave us an update from the Collin-Grayson Municipal Alliance. The next meeting will be held January 14th at 4:00pm at the Van Alstyne Community Center. At 6:00pm following the regular meeting, there will be a joint meeting including the EDCs, CDCs, & Councils from the member cities. All members are encouraged to attend. Each city is being asked to appropriate approximately $3000 for the publishing costs of the Promotional Committee brochures. 3. Discuss Economic Development Plan Began by recapping the discussion from last meeting. Julian has acquired a list of brokers we can contact. Trey has developed an outline for the brochure. Mark reported that he contacted GCEC and 3-phase power is available out to 455 to 121. Discussed contacting groceries to get some early feedback. Julian will contact Brookshires, Albertsons, and Krogers. Mark will contact some developers to see if they have commercially zoned property that might be a site for a grocery store. Lee will provide contact information for the Rudman tract and the Halliday Grossman tract. Information to share with groceries includes: We currently have over 5000 platted lots Current population is probably in excess of 3000 rather than the 1200 in the published census data. Single family building permits – 220 in 2002, 400 in 2003, 500-600 in 2004 An additional 1300 acres are under contract for development purposes (mostly residential) New elementary school to be build this summer New 25 acre community park with lit ball fields, tennis courts, soccer fields, open space, and play areas is currently being funded Melissa currently has a population of about 2500 with similar number of platted lots and NO infrastructure Exemplary high school and middle school and Recognized elementary school Lee said a physician has said there are enough people in Anna that a doctors office would be justified if we had a site. We should begin pushing some of the developers to provide office spaces. Need to add Collin County Youth Camp to our list of attributes for the Anna area. Discussed some slogans but really didn’t get anywhere. All members are to bring ideas to the next meeting. Last printed 1/7/2004 9:02 PM Approved _____ Items requiring action: Lee – provide map which shows the various developments and existing neighborhoods Lee - get copies of the land use plan map and appropriate sections of the planning document Lee - acquire copies of the McKinney land use plan and provide copies of the Van Alstyne plan Lee – provide copies of the Impact Fee study Trey – bring copies of brochure outline and assign sections to each member Mark – bring copies of the school facilities plan Mark – call Dr Wardell for input related to brochure (no response from email) All - propose 10 slogans at the next meeting 4. Consider election of officers. Sandra made a motion to nominate Darin to the position of Secretary/Treasurer and Julian seconded. Motion passed 5:0 Sandra made a motion to nominate Trey to the position of Vice President and Julian seconded. Motion passed 5:0 5. Consider action regarding meeting date and time for January regular meeting. Julian made a motion to hold the January meeting on January 8th at 6:00pm and Sandra seconded. Motion passed 5:0 6. Consider action regarding amendment(s) to EDC Bylaws. Council denied our request for changes to the Bylaws regarding the term of the Council seat. 7. Discussion of other issues as desired by members of EDC. Decided to budget $1k for our city brochure. This leaves $2900 that can be used for the Collin- Grayson Municipal Alliance brochure. Discussed training class that is to be held December 10th in Arlington from 8:00am – 3:00pm. Lee will get us registered. Need to approve the budget at the January meeting and send to the City Council. 8. Adjourn Sandra made a motion to adjourn and Trey seconded. Motion passed 5:0. Adjourned 8:37 pm. Minutes Approved: Date ____________________________ Signed __________________________