HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2023-11-1568 Purchase of a Magnegrip Diesel Exhaust Extraction SystemCITY OF ANNA, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 20�3 —I I — ) 5(ag A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THE PURCHASE OF A MAGNEGRIP DIESEL EXHAUST EXTRACTION SYSTEM AS SHOWN IN EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO, IN THE AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED SEVENTY-ONE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-SIX DOLLARS AND SIXTY-TWO CENTS ($71,126.62); AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Anna is responsible for protecting the health, safety, and welfare of the community; and, WHEREAS, in order to provide for the welfare of the community, the City's Fire Department is seeking to purchase equipment required for the safe and efficient operation of firefighter activities and operation at the new Fire Station Two; and, WHEREAS, the specified equipment is a fully automatic MagneGrip Diesel Exhaust Extraction System for removal of apparatus exhaust emissions from start up to door threshold; and, WHEREAS, the specified equipment is a non-standard building construction item which is outside of the scope of the construction of Fire Station Two and not included in the construction budget; and, WHEREAS, the quote of said exhaust extraction system (shown in Exhibit "A") is under HGAC Contract #FL03-21, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS THAT: Section 1. Recitals Incorporated The recitals above are incorporated herein as if set forth in full for all purposes. Section 2. Authorization of Payment and Funding. That the City Manager is hereby authorized to execute a purchase order for an exhaust extraction system equipment, in an amount not to exceed $71,126.62 for City of Anna, Texas. That funding for the purchase orders shall come from the General Fund. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Anna. Texas on this 141h day of November , 2023. ATTEST: dw4ae$ d ' aaic City Secretary, Carrie Land Mayor, Nate Pike MagneGrtp DATE: October 23, 2023 PROPOSAL FOR: Anna Fire Department FS #2 ATTENTION: Justin Clay QUOTE #: 23-2700HGAC HGAC #: Contract #FL03-21 PROJECT SCOPE: Provide and Install a fully automatic MagneGripg Diesel Exhaust Extraction System for removal of apparatus exhaust emissions from start up to door threshold. Per our drawing. EQUIPMENT, MATERIAL AND LABOR PRICE: Three Drop MagneGripg PRO Source Capture System Package Includes: • (3) SSRMPRO-661 Bay #1. #2 & #3 66' Straight Suction Rail MagneGripg PRO with one Hose Drop • (1) CF363-5 MagneGripg Exhaust Fan 5HP-3PH rated at 3300 CFM at 6" SP • (1) 500179-08 Wireless Auto -Start Control Panel 5HP/208-230V/3PH • Each Hose Assembly includes a 5" diameter high -temp upper hose section, an 850-degree extreme high -temp 2' lower hose section with handle, a nozzle that attaches to the tailpipe adapter to contain 100% of exhaust emissions while providing ambient air to reduce exhaust temperatures, a tailpipe adapter assembly that provides easy connection and cool air induction. • UL/CUL Wireless Auto -Start Control Panel with NEMA 4X enclosure to provide auto start/stop operation with adjustable timer, manual override switch, and wireless capability. • Each Hose Assembly is provided with a transmitter and pressure sensor for automatic system. Tailpipe Modifications as required but, limited to vehicle tailpipes from the muffler out. Rusted or Damaged Tailpipes are the responsibility of the Fire Department. • Class 2 Spiral Duct, Fittings, and Hangers • Adjustable Telescopic Support Legs to hang rail or track systems • Shipping to Job Site • Labor & Material to Install Systems Start up and Training • Equipment is 100% American Made by an IS09001-2015 Company Women's Business Enterprise (WBE) Certified • Women's Owned Small Business (WOSB) Certified EQUIPMENT PRICE...................................................................................................$43,979.50 Less 3% HGAC PRICE DISCOUNT 1319.38 TOTAL EQUIPMENT PRICE $421660.12 Installation $26,866.50 Freight $ 1600.00 TOTAL PRICE $71,126.62 EXHAUST REMOVAL SYSTEMS AirmAwK I HazVey AIR PURIFICATION SYSTEMS T'MUWTICEMIEUSYIRMOVXLSVSTEMS 1111 '-1'1 R( If mmnall Of I" I'!-, I magnegrip.com `II ,:,•n' I emaiI:inlo,m)agnegnp.aun WBE/W05B Certified I Made in USA MagneGAP TERMS: • One MagneGripl& Tailpipe Adapter and installation is included with each hose drop assembly. All vehicles that require Tailpipe Adapters must be made available to MagneGrip technicians at the time of system installation. Additional adapters upon request. Call for pricing. • Price does NOT include side wall penetration or louver • Price does NOT include electrical • Pricing includes standard permits and business licensing fees, if required. Price does not include any state, sales, or special taxes, engineered stamped drawings or services, seismic engineering, or electrical/structural load calculations. • Upon approval, please submit a signed copy of this proposal and a tax exemption certificate. Projects are invoiced per station upon shipment of equipment. Payment is due upon completion of the project. • Proposal is valid for 90 days. SUBMITTED BY: Magnefarip Bruce Sears Regional Sales Manager bsea rs(d) magnegrip.com Cell: 214-551-7042 (A ina FD Proposal dated October 23, 2023) ACCEPTED BY: Company: C';4V d- 14wi► Authorized Signature: Print: +J*w• Title: PO#, If Required: G• Date: 1 a ? .4irflA HazVe9� EXHAUST REMOVAL SYSTEMS AIR PURIFICATION SYSTEMS PNIUMAIIC FINAUSI AIMOVAI SYSTEMS magnegrip.com I WBE/W0S8 Certified I Made in USA