HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDC-EDCpkt2024-02-08 IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE: The Corporation may vote and/or act upon each of the items listed in this agenda. The Corporation reserves the right to retire into executive session concerning any of the items listed on this agenda, whenever it is considered necessary and legally justified under the Open Meetings Act. Disabled persons who want to attend this meeting and who may need assistance should contact the City Secretary at 972-924-3325 two working days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. MEETING AGENDA ANNA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION AND ANNA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Thursday, February 8, 2024 @ 6:00 PM The EDC/CDC of the City of Anna will meet at 6:00 PM, on Thursday, February 8, 2024, at the Anna Municipal Complex--Council Chambers, located at 120 W. 7th Street, to consider the following items below. 1. Call to Order, Roll Call, and Establishment of Quorum. 2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. 3. Neighbor Comments. Persons may address the Board of Directors on items not on the agenda; please observe the time limit of three (3) minutes. Members of the Board cannot comment on or deliberate statements of the public except as authorized by Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code. 4. Consent Agenda. a. Approve minutes from the January 4, 2024, Joint Community Development Corporation and Economic Development Corporation Meeting. (CDC) b. Approve minutes from the January 4, 2024, Joint Community Development Corporation and Economic Development Corporation Meeting. (EDC) 5. Individual Consideration. 6. Director's Report. a. Strategic Plan Update b. Financial Report/Sales Tax Update c. ICSC Red River Update d. 2024 Greater Anna Chamber of Commerce Banquet / Golf Tournament e. 2024 Boards and Commissions Orientation 7. Closed Session. a. Deliberate regarding the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE: The Corporation may vote and/or act upon each of the items listed in this agenda. The Corporation reserves the right to retire into executive session concerning any of the items listed on this agenda, whenever it is considered necessary and legally justified under the Open Meetings Act. Disabled persons who want to attend this meeting and who may need assistance should contact the City Secretary at 972-924-3325 two working days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. (Tex. Gov’t Code §551.072) possible property acquisition; possible land sale/purchase. b. Consult with legal counsel on matters in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Government Code (Tex. Gov’t Code §551.071); Grant program; Lease agreement and professional services contract. Pending Contracts c. Discuss or deliberate Economic Development Negotiations: (1) To discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the Board of Directors has received from a business prospect that the Board of Directors seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the City of Anna and with which the Board is conducting economic development negotiations; or, (2) To deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect described by subdivision (1). (Tex. Gov’t Code §551.087); potential retail and medical projects. 8. Reconvene into open session and take any action on closed session items. 9. Receive reports from staff or Board Members about items of community interest. 10. Adjourn. This is to certify that I, Bernie Parker, Interim Director of Economic Development, posted this agenda at a place readily accessible to the public at the Anna Municipal Complex and on the Municipal Complex bulletin board at or before 5:00 p.m. on February 2, 2024. Bernie Parker, Interim Director of Economic Development Item No. 3. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 2/8/2024 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Neighbor Comments. SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: Item No. 4.a. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 2/8/2024 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Approve minutes from the January 4, 2024, Joint Community Development Corporation and Economic Development Corporation Meeting. (CDC) SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: 1. January 4_2024 CDC EDC Joint Meeting Minutes_Draft Officers: Staff: Bruce Norwood, President Joey Grisham, Director of Economic Development Jody Bills, Vice-President Bernie Parker, Assistant Director of Economic Development Rocio Gonzalez, Secretary Anna Community Development Corporation and Anna Economic Development Corporation Meeting Minutes Thursday, January 4, 2024, at 6:00 pm Anna Municipal Complex, City Council Chambers 120 W. 7th Street, Anna, Texas 75409 The Anna Community Development Corporation and the Anna Economic Development Corporation conducted a meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 4, 2024, at the Anna Municipal Complex City Council City Council Chambers, located at 120 W. 7th Street Anna, Texas 75409. A video recording of the open session portions of the meeting may be viewed online at the City of Anna’s website: https://www.annatexas.gov/962/AgendasMinutes CDC and EDC Board Members Present: Bruce Norwood, Rocio Gonzalez, Jody Bills, Allison Inesta, Michelle Hawkins, and Ronnie Kerr. CDC and EDC Board Members Absent: Kylee Kelley. Others Present: Joey Grisham (Director of Economic Development), Bernie Parker (Assistant Director of Economic Development), Lee Miller (Council Member) and Clark McCoy (Attorney). 1.Call to Order, Roll Call, and Establishment of Quorum. The meeting was called to order by Board President Bruce Norwood at 6:00 p.m. 2.Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance was led by Bruce Norwood. 3.Neighbor Comments. None. 4.Consent Agenda. a.Approve minutes from the December 7, 2023, Joint Community Development Corporation and Economic Development Corporation Meeting. (CDC) b. Approve minutes from the December 7, 2023, Joint Community Development Corporation and Economic Development Corporation Meeting. (EDC) Officers: Staff: Bruce Norwood, President Joey Grisham, Director of Economic Development Jody Bills, Vice-President Bernie Parker, Assistant Director of Economic Development Rocio Gonzalez, Secretary Michelle Hawkins made a motion on behalf of the CDC and EDC to approve the consent agenda. Ronnie Kerr seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. 5.Individual Consideration. a.Consider/Discuss/Action on a Resolution authorizing the Board President to execute an Agreement with Lamar National Bank for financing land acquisitions. (CDC) Jody Bills made a motion on behalf of the CDC to approve the individual consideration item. Michelle Hawkins seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. 6.Director’s Report. a.Sales tax update Joey Grisham presented updated information on increased sales tax with new businesses that have recently opened such as Texas Roadhouse and 3 Nations Brewing. Sales tax revenue is projected to continue to rise. b.ICSC Red River Joey Grisham informed the board that ICSC will be held on February 1st and 2nd at the Dallas Convention Center and advised that Bernie Parker and Bruce Norwood would be in attendance. Joey asked that if anyone else wished to attend, please reach out to Bernie. c.February Meeting Joey Grisham informed the Board that the regularly scheduled meeting for February 1st would have to be moved due to the ICSC Conference conflict and inquired of the Board members availability for holding the February meeting on February 8th. Bruce Norwood made a motion on behalf of CDC and EDC to move the February 1, 2024 CDC/EDC Joint Meeting to February 8, 2024. Jody Bills seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. d.Joey Grisham Departure Joey Grisham expressed his sincere gratitude to the Board and staff for his time here in Anna. He stated that he has thoroughly enjoyed every minute of his five years with Anna and the possibilities that he and his team were able to make reality and placing Anna on the right track. 7.Closed Session. Officers: Staff: Bruce Norwood, President Joey Grisham, Director of Economic Development Jody Bills, Vice-President Bernie Parker, Assistant Director of Economic Development Rocio Gonzalez, Secretary a.Deliberate regarding the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. (Tex. Gov’t Code §551.072) possible property acquisition; possible land sale/purchase. b.Consult with legal counsel on matters in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Government Code (Tex. Gov’t Code §551.071); Grant program; Lease agreement and professional services contract. c.Discuss or deliberate Economic Development Negotiations: (1) To discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the Board of Directors has received from a business prospect that the Board of Directors seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the City of Anna and with which the Board is conducting economic development negotiations; or, (2) To deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect described by subdivision (1). (Tex. Gov’t Code §551.087); potential retail and medical projects. Rocio Gonzalez made a motion to enter closed session. Jody Bills seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. EDC/CDC Board entered closed session at 6:17 p.m. 8.Reconvene into open session and take any action on closed session items. Jody Bills made a motion to reconvene into open session. Ronnie Kerr seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. The EDC/CDC reconvened into open session at 7:47 p.m. 9.Receive reports from staff or Board Members about items of community interest. Michelle Hawkins informed the Board of the upcoming Hurricane Creek Rotary Club Bingo Fundraiser that will take place on January 27, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. 10.Adjourn. Michelle Hawkins a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:48 p.m. Bruce Norwood seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. APPROVED: ATTESTED: ____________________________ ____________________________ Bruce Norwood Rocio Gonzalez President of CDC/EDC Secretary of CDC/EDC Item No. 4.b. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 2/8/2024 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Approve minutes from the January 4, 2024, Joint Community Development Corporation and Economic Development Corporation Meeting. (EDC) SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: 1. January 4_2024 CDC EDC Joint Meeting Minutes_Draft Officers: Staff: Bruce Norwood, President Joey Grisham, Director of Economic Development Jody Bills, Vice-President Bernie Parker, Assistant Director of Economic Development Rocio Gonzalez, Secretary Anna Community Development Corporation and Anna Economic Development Corporation Meeting Minutes Thursday, January 4, 2024, at 6:00 pm Anna Municipal Complex, City Council Chambers 120 W. 7th Street, Anna, Texas 75409 The Anna Community Development Corporation and the Anna Economic Development Corporation conducted a meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 4, 2024, at the Anna Municipal Complex City Council City Council Chambers, located at 120 W. 7th Street Anna, Texas 75409. A video recording of the open session portions of the meeting may be viewed online at the City of Anna’s website: https://www.annatexas.gov/962/AgendasMinutes CDC and EDC Board Members Present: Bruce Norwood, Rocio Gonzalez, Jody Bills, Allison Inesta, Michelle Hawkins, and Ronnie Kerr. CDC and EDC Board Members Absent: Kylee Kelley. Others Present: Joey Grisham (Director of Economic Development), Bernie Parker (Assistant Director of Economic Development), Lee Miller (Council Member) and Clark McCoy (Attorney). 1.Call to Order, Roll Call, and Establishment of Quorum. The meeting was called to order by Board President Bruce Norwood at 6:00 p.m. 2.Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance was led by Bruce Norwood. 3.Neighbor Comments. None. 4.Consent Agenda. a.Approve minutes from the December 7, 2023, Joint Community Development Corporation and Economic Development Corporation Meeting. (CDC) b. Approve minutes from the December 7, 2023, Joint Community Development Corporation and Economic Development Corporation Meeting. (EDC) Officers: Staff: Bruce Norwood, President Joey Grisham, Director of Economic Development Jody Bills, Vice-President Bernie Parker, Assistant Director of Economic Development Rocio Gonzalez, Secretary Michelle Hawkins made a motion on behalf of the CDC and EDC to approve the consent agenda. Ronnie Kerr seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. 5.Individual Consideration. a.Consider/Discuss/Action on a Resolution authorizing the Board President to execute an Agreement with Lamar National Bank for financing land acquisitions. (CDC) Jody Bills made a motion on behalf of the CDC to approve the individual consideration item. Michelle Hawkins seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. 6.Director’s Report. a.Sales tax update Joey Grisham presented updated information on increased sales tax with new businesses that have recently opened such as Texas Roadhouse and 3 Nations Brewing. Sales tax revenue is projected to continue to rise. b.ICSC Red River Joey Grisham informed the board that ICSC will be held on February 1st and 2nd at the Dallas Convention Center and advised that Bernie Parker and Bruce Norwood would be in attendance. Joey asked that if anyone else wished to attend, please reach out to Bernie. c.February Meeting Joey Grisham informed the Board that the regularly scheduled meeting for February 1st would have to be moved due to the ICSC Conference conflict and inquired of the Board members availability for holding the February meeting on February 8th. Bruce Norwood made a motion on behalf of CDC and EDC to move the February 1, 2024 CDC/EDC Joint Meeting to February 8, 2024. Jody Bills seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. d.Joey Grisham Departure Joey Grisham expressed his sincere gratitude to the Board and staff for his time here in Anna. He stated that he has thoroughly enjoyed every minute of his five years with Anna and the possibilities that he and his team were able to make reality and placing Anna on the right track. 7.Closed Session. Officers: Staff: Bruce Norwood, President Joey Grisham, Director of Economic Development Jody Bills, Vice-President Bernie Parker, Assistant Director of Economic Development Rocio Gonzalez, Secretary a.Deliberate regarding the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. (Tex. Gov’t Code §551.072) possible property acquisition; possible land sale/purchase. b.Consult with legal counsel on matters in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Government Code (Tex. Gov’t Code §551.071); Grant program; Lease agreement and professional services contract. c.Discuss or deliberate Economic Development Negotiations: (1) To discuss or deliberate regarding commercial or financial information that the Board of Directors has received from a business prospect that the Board of Directors seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the City of Anna and with which the Board is conducting economic development negotiations; or, (2) To deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect described by subdivision (1). (Tex. Gov’t Code §551.087); potential retail and medical projects. Rocio Gonzalez made a motion to enter closed session. Jody Bills seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. EDC/CDC Board entered closed session at 6:17 p.m. 8.Reconvene into open session and take any action on closed session items. Jody Bills made a motion to reconvene into open session. Ronnie Kerr seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. The EDC/CDC reconvened into open session at 7:47 p.m. 9.Receive reports from staff or Board Members about items of community interest. Michelle Hawkins informed the Board of the upcoming Hurricane Creek Rotary Club Bingo Fundraiser that will take place on January 27, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. 10.Adjourn. Michelle Hawkins a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:48 p.m. Bruce Norwood seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. APPROVED: ATTESTED: ____________________________ ____________________________ Bruce Norwood Rocio Gonzalez President of CDC/EDC Secretary of CDC/EDC Item No. 5. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 2/8/2024 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Individual Consideration. SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: Item No. 6. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 2/8/2024 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Director's Report. SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: Item No. 6.a. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 2/8/2024 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Strategic Plan Update SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: 1. January 2024 Strategic Plan Update (1) Economic Development Strategic Plan Highlights January 2024 Mr. Bernie Parker was named Interim Director of Economic Development. Mrs. Salena Tittle started new position as Economic Development Analyst. Interim Director Bernie Parker spoke to Slayter Creek Middle School 7th graders about Economic Development in Anna. Bernie and Salena shared with Anna High School Seniors at Government Day. Interim Director Bernie Parker and Economic Development Analyst Salena Tittle attended the Anna Community Library Groundbreaking Ceremony. Economic Development Analyst Salena Tittle attended the kickoff meeting for the first ever Hiring Event as a collaborative effort between Anna EDC, Anna ISD, DFW Jobs, and the Texas Workforce Commission. The EDC/CDC held its regular scheduled meeting in January. Measureables January 2024 New Newsle t t er Subscri bers : 2 (2,10 1 t otal) New LinkedI n Fo l lower s : 14 (1,358 tota l ) Busine s s R etention Expa n s io n Co ntac t s: 5 Real Estate Bro ker / Dev elo per Me etings : 8 Co nstr u cti on / Arc h itectura l Meeti ng s: 4 Item No. 6.b. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 2/8/2024 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Financial Report/Sales Tax Update SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: 1. 2024 Monthly Sales Tax Report % Change 2023-24 Collections from 2022-23 Collections Monthly Prior Year Monthly October 655,358$ 25.5% 522,386$ November 695,026 28.0% 542,873 December 622,388 January 454,358 February 463,016 March 605,483 April 551,653 May 591,858 June 634,824 July 600,214 August 656,241 September 707,590 1,350,384$ 6,952,884$ Budget: 6,753,000 20.0% 6,753,100 CITY OF ANNA Schedule of Sales Tax Collections For the month October 31, 2023 $0 $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 $800,000 Monthly Sales Tax Collections: 3 Year Comparison FY2021-22 FY2022-23 FY2023-24 Item No. 6.c. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 2/8/2024 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: ICSC Red River Update SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: Item No. 6.d. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 2/8/2024 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: 2024 Greater Anna Chamber of Commerce Banquet / Golf Tournament SUMMARY: The Annual Chamber Banquet is scheduled for Saturday, February 24, 2024 at the Anna ISD High School. The EDC will have two tables for board members, guests, and staff. Board members are encouraged to notify staff if you and a guest plan to attend this event. Additionally, the Greater Anna Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament is scheduled for Monday, April 15, 2024 at The Bridges Golf Club in Gunter. Staff will be sending out more information on this event as it is updated. Please notify staff if you would like to attend. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: Item No. 6.e. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 2/8/2024 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: 2024 Boards and Commissions Orientation SUMMARY: The 2024 Boards and Commission Orientation is tentatively scheduled for June 1st in Council Chambers from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Please be sure to add this to your calendar. If there are any changes to the date and time, staff will notify the Board. ATTACHMENTS: Item No. 7. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 2/8/2024 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Closed Session. SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: Item No. 8. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 2/8/2024 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Reconvene into open session and take any action on closed session items. SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: Item No. 10. EDC/CDC Agenda Staff Report Meeting Date: 2/8/2024 Staff Contact: AGENDA ITEM: Adjourn. SUMMARY: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: