HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCmin19951995 AGENDA REGISTER OSTING DATE TYPE OF .MEETING MEETING DATE ·------~-----------·-·--·"-------- _:Ja~..!.\ll..1.1U1.J.10w.r.i...IL1-.__ulRr--+-J._J_J._._L_ ______ -I-· !deg (I !.or S-t s 5 t if2 n ' (J } ~'~:k:.L.b~cu~n._n.LLJ.1~1~4.~1~2~9ds ________ .1 -=-q~e...q._,,,_,1~&~La~c_j_e ss1&0. 'fl I J fe hruacu di/. /99.£ l!.!Q l 5e55LQD tfl } . 17 Q re b ~-1.!l.!l_..J.:r _________ -4---a..J::...(.f....U.....!J&J__~_.::i_::i....L-.e.~-------t'-l-l<LL-A.--"-'--'-- I!] a u h I 7., I q 9 :r ce A ;2£ 1 9..: (lp(LL_,,_'7J'1!1S_ ___ ·----l----0e.3uL~-i-·....,_on....__ ____ _ .{lp_,-__L_L a2 I J 1 9 9!J-.________ ~-___f.).S'.J.Jp!Le.J.<t.1:...L a.~· _L __ L.Lr...2,J..LJI.LL.1__ ________ -Jl......Lp.t.~= 1fla,1. :r> 1q95 -=u r\9,5 ·---·--------~LOLI" $e.ss I DQ J ---llu.g--li.~:U..____ ______ .a v ( ).; s S' 1 m a ... Q.P._p .h_m.m.c__ 49; I 9 9.£_·------4-...:..>...&..-,_,,_,_,,_...........,__~~------···----lJ.>WiLJU.L.~~ __ ;f)(!_.f..11.iu__r__..u::1--&95 __ . _____ 1 _ __,_£~j,......uJ.~a.__r _C;=_...s'-=s~' o_n~------·--· /)cl t _!4 >195 ___ &_ill_h.c. .. 2 3 . 19 q. ,--1--1=.1 .J..JJ.,4..LJ..µOd...LL.U~~li'-dLD.____ de I y;'c;_,~ __N_., ,£ m h, c !/, '1.'1.9 .J:. __[), ' od " \o...r (; s si " a du .P& ''i.:f -~-~Jl; ~ ht,( ~ l '9 q ':) .)t s <., \. 1Q d~----------+J~.r..;_.-~..J.-.J-' -------------·--4----------------·---r-~---- ...... ~' ----------------+---!.----------------t-~,1r-. --.. ,. -: ~E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA WILL MEET IN REGULAR SESSION ON TUESDAY '.lNUARY l.0, 1995 (..ff 7:30 P.M. IN :ITY HALL LOCATED AT 120 WEST LtTH STREET ANNA, ::x~1s. SPECIAL EXECUTIVE SESSI01\J WILL BEGIN (.:rr 6:3121 P.M. AGENDA CALL TO OFWER -AT 6:3fll P.M. ~. ROLL CALL 3. CITY COUNCIL. WILL RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER TEXf.)8 GOVERNMENT CODE 3ECTIONS 551.071, 551.072, AND 551.07 Lt OF THE TEXAS OPEN MEETINGS ACT FOR THE FOLLOWING PURPOSE: A: LITIGATION E\: PERSONNEL. 4. CITY COUNCIL WILL RE-CONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION TO ACT ON ITMES DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION-··EXPECTED TO BE ABOUT 7:30 P.M. 5. CITIZEN'S PARTICIPATION 6. LINDA CRUM ~7. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON ADOPTING ORDINANCE NUMBER 95-01, AN OHDil\IANCE ADOPTING THE STATE UNIFORM TRAFFIC CODE. 8. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON ADOPTING ORDINANCE NUMBER 95-02, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING EXISTING CITY OFWINANCES 9. REPORT FROM DUANE HAYES AND LEONARD HARLOW CONCERNING INSURANCE FOR CITY EMPLOYEES, TAKE ACTION AS NEEDED 11z1. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON THE FIRE DEPARTMENT'S AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ~)ND AUTO PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE 11. REPORT FROM RAY RISNER 12. REPOFff FROM CITY SECRETARY 13. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DATED NOVEMBER 8, 1994 AND DECEMBER 13, 1994 T(~KE ACTION AS NEEDED 14. APPROVAL OF BILLS, TAKE ACTION AS NEEDED 15. ADJOURN CERTIFIED TO, THIS THE 6TH DAY OF JANUARY 1995 .-POSTED: 1/6/95 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA WILL MEET IN ·REGULAR SESSION ON TUESDAY FEBRUARY 14, 1995, -AT 7.:30 P,.M ·/· ~~ ~JTY HALL LtiCATED AT 120 WEST 4TH STREET .. . 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. -.. : . AGENDA CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL CITIZEN'S PARTICIPATION DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON ADOPTING ORDINANCE #95-0i, ~N ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS, CALLING A REGULAR MUNICIPAL ELECTION FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING THREE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL, PLACES 1, 5, AND THE MAYOR'S POSITION .FOR MAY 6, 1995, DESIGNATING A POLLING PLACE; APPOINTING AN ELECTION JUDGE; PROVIDING FOR THE FILING OF APPLICATIONS TO BE PLACED ON BALLOT; PROVIDING FOR EARLY VOTING; PROVIDING FOR NOTICE OF SAID ELECTION AND FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT THE MEETING AT WHICH THIS ORDINANCE WAS ADOPTED WAS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AS REQUIRED BY LAW. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON FIDELITY BOND COVERAGE FOR THE CITY OF ANNA. DISCUSS AND TAf<E ACTION ON ADOPTING ORDINANCE #95-02, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS AMENDING CITY ORDINANCE NUMBERS : * 102-85 WATER RATES, FEES DRILLING WELLS, TAMPERING WITH WATER/SEWER (SECTION 11) * 105-85 SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (SECTION 17) * 105-87 UNIFORM FIRE CODE (SECTION 9) * 106-85 REGULATIONS OF MOBILE HOME PARKS (ARTICLE III) * 106-86 ANIMAL CONTROL (SECTION V & XIX) * 109~86 PARKING RESTRICTIONS (SECTION 2) * 109-87 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE (SECTION 5) * 110-86 JUNKED VEHICLES (SECTION IV) . * 110-87 ABATEMENT OF DANGEROUS BUILDINGS (SECTION 4) * 111-86 TALL WEEDS AND GRASS (SECTION 1 F) * 112-86 NUISANCE (SECTION D) 7 . DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON ADOPTING ORDINANCE #95-03, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA; TEXAS ADOPTING THE STATE UNIFORM ACT REGULATING TRAFFIC ON HIGHWAYS. 8. REPORT FROM DUANE HAYES ~ND LEONARD HARLOW CONCERNING INSURANCE FOR CITY EMPLDYEESJ TAKE ACTION AS NEEDED -._ -7 9 . REPORT FROM CITY SECRETARY, TAKE ACTION AS NEEDED 10. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DATED JANUARY 10, · 1995, TAKE ·ACTION AS NEEDED 11. APPROVAL OF BILLS, TAKE ACTION AS NEEDED 12. THE CITY COUNCIL WILL RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE SECTIONS 551.071, 551.072, AND 551.074 OF THE TEXAS OPEN MEETINGS ACT FOR THE FOLLOWING PURPOSE: A. LEGAL: PENDING LITIGATION 8. PERSONNEL . 13. THE CITY COUNCIL WILL RE-CONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION TO ACT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION 14. ADJOURN CERTIFIED TO, THIS THE 10TH DAY OF FEBRUARY 1995 POSTED: 2/10/95 4:00 P.M. ok~c{~:~:= ~J . v ,, ' ..... ··~ '-... ,,,..,,,. . . : .· THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA WILL MEET IN SPECIAL SESSION ON TUESDAY FEBRUARY 28, 1995, At ?=30 P.~'. r~ CITY HALL LOCATED AT 120 WEST 4TH STREET . AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. CITIZEN'S PARTICIPATION 4. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON ADOPTING ORDINANCE #95-02, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS AMENDING CITY ORDINANCE NUMBERS : * 102-85 WATER RATES, FEES DRILLING WELLS, TAMPERING WITH WATER/SEWER (SECTION 11) * 105-85 SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (SECTION 17) * 105-87 UNIFORM FIRE CODE (SECTION 9) * 106-85 REGULATIONS OF MOBILE HOME PARKS (ARTICLE III) * 106-86 ANIMAL CONTROL * 109-86 PARKING RESTRICTIONS (SECTION 2) * 109-87 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE (SECTiON 5) * il0-86 JUNKED VEHICLES (SECTION IV) . * 110-87 ABATEMENT OF DANGEROUS BUILDINGS (SECTION 4) * 111-86 TALL WEEDS AND GRASS (SECTION 1 F) * 112-86 NUISANCE (SECTION D) 5. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON ADOPTING ORDINANCE #95-03, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA t TEXAS ADOPTING THE STATE UNIFORM ACT REGULATING TRAFFIC ON HIGHl>JAYS. 6. THE CITY COUNCIL WILL RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION UNbER TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE SECTIONS 551.071, 551.072, AND 551.074 OF THE · TEXAS OPEN MEETINGS ACT FOR THE FOLLOWING PURPOSE: A. LEGAL: LITIGATION B . PERSONNEL 7, · THE CITY COUNCIL WILL RE-~C ONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION .TO Acr·-0 N, ITEMS DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION 11 :-. ·, \ 8 .. ~~<·AT5"You~~ > '· . ":"'> .•. --~ :-., ...... ,,,,... -'" ... ,,,. C:ERTIFIEVTO .~.·T HIS THE 24TH .DAY OF: FEf3RUARY 1995 . .,~ -. . ·.. .: CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA WILL MEET IN REGULAR SESSION ON TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1995 AT 7:30 P.M. IN CITY HALL LOCATED AT 120 WEST 4TH ST. AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. CITIZEN'S PARTICIPATION 4. MEET WITH MR. BENTLEY POWELL AND HIS ATTORNEY MIKE CERN ~ TO DISCUSS AND CONSIDER ACTION ON THE DEMOLITION OF THE W.B. POWELL ESTATE BUILDINGS. 5. REPORT FROM RICKY DAY 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DATED FEBRUARY 14, 1995 AND FEBRUARY 28, 1995, TAKE ACTION AS NEEDED. 7. APPR07~l OF BILLS, TAKE ACTION AS NEEDED. 8. THE CITY COUNCIL Will RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE SECTIONS 551.071, AND 551.074 OF THE TEXAS OPEN MEETINGS ACT FOR THE FOLLOWING PURPOSES: A. LEGAL: PENDING/CONTEMPLATED LITIGATION B. PERSONNEL 9. THE CITY COUNCIL WILl RE-CONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION TO ACT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION. 10. ADJOURN CERTIFIED TO, THIS THE lOTH DAY OF MARCH 1995 POSTED 3/10/95 5:00 P.M. P. 0. BOX 776 • ANNA, TEXAS 75003 • (214) 924-3325 • EMERGENCY OISPATCti (214) 542-8123 CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS A SPECIAL MEETING of the City Council of the City ~of Anna, Texas, is HEREBY CALLED for Tuesday, March 21, A. D. 1995 at 7:30 P. M. in the City Hall located at 120 West 4th Street in said City. AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. The City Council will recess into EXECUTIVE SESSION under the TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE Sections 551.071 -551.074 of the TEXAS OPEN MEETINGS ACT for the following purposes: A. LEGAL: Pending/Contemplated Litigation B. PERSONNEL 4. Said Council will re-convene into Open Session to act upon items discussed in Executive Session. 5. Adjourn Certified to, this the 17th day ~of March, A. D. 1995. A. L. Geer, Mayor SPECIAL NOTE: A last minute matter has been presented as follows: Council will consider and possibly act on a request by "Sports Association of Anna", to furnish water and sewer to planned bath facilities at both playgrounds. arks) ~ P. 0 . BOX 776 • ANNA, TEXAS 75003 I I ; • CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS A SPECIAL MEETING of the CityCouncil of the City ~of Anna,Texas, is HEREBY CALLED for Tuesday, March 28, 1995 at 7:30 P. M. in the City Hall located at 120 West 4th Street, in said "city. AGENDA 1 ~ Call to Order 2. Rbll Call 3. Consider and possibly act on hiring SOUTHWEST CONSULTANTS under the 1995 Texas Community Development Program (TCDP) for administrative services. 4 .. Consider ~·and possibly act on hiring Morris Engineers under the 1995 Texas Community Development Program ~TCDP~ for Engineering Services. 5. Consider and possibly act on matters needing Council attention, if any, in regard to the upcoming May 6, 1995 City Election. 6. The City Council will recess into EXECUTIVE SESSION under the TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE, Sections 551.071-551.074 of the TEXAS OPEN MEETINGS ACT for the following purposes: A. Legal: Pending/Contemplated Litigation B. PERSONNEL 7. Council will re-convene into Open Session to act upon any items discussed in Executive Session. 8. Adjourn. Certified to this the 24th day of March A. D. 1995. ~va~ Mayor P. 0. BOX 776 • ANNA, TEXAS 75003 • (214) 924-3325 CITY OF Af~NA, TEXAS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA WILl MEET IN REGULAR SESSION ON TUESl'PY, APRIL 11, 1995 AT 7:30 P.M.· IN CITY HALL LOCATED AT " 120 WEST 4TH STREET AGENDA 1. CAlL TO ORDER 2. ROIL CAll 3. CITIZEN'S PARTICIPATION 4. CONSIDER REQUEST OF ANNA LAKE ESTATES HOME OWNERS AND POSSIBLY ~ ACT THEREON. 5. REPORT FROM RICKY DAY 6. REPORT FROM CITY SECRETARY ) 7. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DATED MARCH 14, MARCH 21, AND MARCH 28, 1995, TAKE ACTION AS NEEDED • 8. APPROVAL OF BILLS, TAKE ACTION AS NEEDED 9. THE CITY COUNCIL Will RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE SECTIONS 551.071, AND 551.074 OF THE TEXAS OPEN MEETINGS ACT FOR THE FOLLOWING PURPOSES: A. LEGAL: PENDING/CONTEMPLATED LITIGATION B. PERSONNEL 10. THE CITY COUNCIL Wll L HE-CONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION TO ACT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION 11. ADJOURN CERTIFIED TO, THIS THE 7TH DAY OF APRIL 1995. POSTED: 4/7/95 4:15 P .M . P. 0 . BOX 776 • ANNA, TEXAS 75003 • (214) 924-3325 • • CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS ----------------. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA wrrr MEET IN SPECIAL SESSION ON TUESDAY APRIL 25, 1995 AT 7:30 P.M. IN CITY HAIL iOCATED AT 120 WEST 4TH STREET AGENDA 1. CAll TO ORDER 2. ROIL CAll 3.' THE CITY COUNCIL Will RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE SECTIONS 551.071, AND 551.074 OF THE TEXAS OPEN MEETINGS ACT FOR THE FOllOWING PURPOSES: A. LEGAT: PENDING/CONTEMPLATED LITIGATION B. PERSONNEL 4. THE CITY COUNCIL WILL RE-CONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION TO ACT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION 5. ADJOURN CERTIFIED TO, THIS THE 21ST DAY OF APRIL 1995 POSTED: 4/21/95 5:00 P.M. Pl_ ________ _ ------· -··--·-····----------·----··-----------· P. 0 . BOX 778 • ANNJ\, TEXAS 75003 • (214) 924-3325 r J THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA WI~~ MEET IN REGULAR SESSION ON TUESDAY MAY 9, 1995 AT 7:30 P.M. IN CITY HA~~ LOCATED AT 120 WEST 4TH STREET AGENDA l. CAL~ TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. CITIZEN'S PARTICIPATION 4. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON CANVASSING THE MAY 5 , 1995 ELECTION 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON THE TWO CITY PARKS DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ~N THE CITY COUNCIL'S APPROVAL OF BUILDING PERMITS REPORT FROM RICKY '0AY,. ~AKE ACTION AE· NEEDED REPORT FROM CITY SECRETARY, TAKE ACTION AS NEEDED APPROVAL OF MINUTES DATED APRIL 11 AND APRI L 25, 1995, TAKE ACTIO~ AS NEEDED APPROVAL OF BIL~S. TAKE ACTION AS NEEDED THE CITY COUNCIL WILL RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER TEXAS GOVERNMEN7 CODE SECTIONS 551.07: ANC 551.074 OF THE TEXAS OPEN MEETINGS ACT FOR THE ?OLLOWING PURPOSES: A. LEGAL: ?ENDINGjCON'rE}IPLATED L.,I'i'lCATF1N E. PERSONNE:.. 12. THE CITY COUNCIL w:LL RE-CO~VENE INTO REGU~AR s~~S!ON TO ACT OK ITEMS DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION 13. ADJOllRN CERTI?IED TO, ~Hid THE STE DAY OF MAY POSTED: 5/ 5/ 95 S:JO P.M. ) .. '. r11 HE ~ITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA WILL MEET IN '.REGULAR S E SSION ON TUESDAY JUNE 13, 1995 AT 7:30 P.M .. IN CITY HALL LOCATED AT 120 WEST., 4TH STREET AGENDA 1 . CALL TO ORDER ... 2 . ROLL CALL 3. CITIZE N 'S PARTICIPATION 4 . MEET WI'i1 H ANNA FIHE MA R SHAL, STEVE POPE, TO DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON THE FIRE CODE. 5 MEET WITH LISA COPELAN D, RODNE Y CRAWFORD, ANNA KING, CONNIE MONTGOMERY, DANNELL MATUS TO DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON CITY P ARK NAME CHANG E . 6 .. MEET WITH BOBBY OTTS AND ROGER WANGLER TO DISCUSS AND TAKE ON FENCE AT SPENCER PLUMBING . 7. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION 95-00i, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ANNA ALL OWING FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL OF ALL BUILDING PERMITS. 8 . DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON STANDARD PROCEDURES F6R EXPIRATION OF BUILDING PERMITS . 9. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON PROPOSED EMPLOYEE POLICY. 10. REPORT FROM RICKY DAY, TAKE ACTIO!;'J AS NEEDED. 11. REPORT FROM CITY SECRETARYj TAKE ACTION AS NEEDED. 12. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DATED MAY 9, 1995, TAKE ACTION AS NEEDED . 13. APPROVAL OF BILLS, TAKE ACTION AS NEEDED. 14. THE CITY COUNCIL WILL RECESS I NTO EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE SECTI ONS 55 1.071 AND 5 51.074 OF THE . TEXAS OPEN MEETINGS ACT FOR THE FOLLOWING PURPOSES~ A. LEGAL ~ PENDING/CO NT EMPLATE D LITIGATION B , PERSONNEL (EMPLOYEE EVALUATION) 15 . TH E CITY COUNCIL WILL RE-CONVE NE INTO REGULAR SESSION TO AQ~ ON I'I'EMS ·DISCUSSE D IN EXECUTIVE SESSION. 16 . ADJOURN CERTIFIED TO, THIS THE 9TH DAY OF JU NE 19 9 - POSTED 6/9/95 5:00 P .M . THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA WILL MEET IN REGULAR SESSION ON TUESDAY JULY 11, 1995 AT 7:30 P.M. IN CITY HALL LOCATED AT 120 WEST 4TH STREET. AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. CITIZEN'S PARTICIPATION 4. MEET WITH MR. LEE LAWRENCE OF SOUTHWEST CONSULTANTS AND MR. JON HENDRICKS TO DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON PARK GRANT 5. MEET WITH MS. LISA COPELAND TO DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON CITY PARK NAME CHANGE 6. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON RESOLUTION NO. 95.0001, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS, ADOPTING A CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLAN 7. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON ORDINANCE NO. 95-04, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS, ADOPTING A CONTRACTOR LOCALITY SECTION 3 PLAN 8. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON ORDINANCE NO. 95-05, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS, ADOPTING A DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE POLICY 9. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON RESOLUTION NO. 95.0002, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS, DESIGNATING A FAIR HOUSING MONTH WITH THE NOTICE PLACED IN THE NON-LEGAL SECTION OF THE CITY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER 10. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON RESOLUTION NO. 95.0003, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS, ADOPTING AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION/EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYMENT STATEMENT 11. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON THE APPOINTMENT OF FAIR HOUSING/EQUAL OPPORTUNITY STANDARDS OFFICER 12. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON ORDINANCE NO. 95-06, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS, ADOPTING THE SOUTHERN BUILDING CODE, AND THUS VOIDING ORDINANCE NO. 103-85, THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE 13. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON ORDINANCE NO. 95-07, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS, REQUIRING CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF BUILDING PERMITS 14, DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON RESOLUTION NO. 95.0004, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS, ACCEPTING RESPONSIBILITY FOR EDUCATIONAL EXPENSES INCURRED BY THE ANNA VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT'S FIRE MARSHAL 15. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON KEY RATES 16. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON THE FIRE CODE 17. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON THE PROPOSED EMPLOYEE POLICY 18. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON THE AUTHORIZATION OF PAYMENT TO DAVID AND ELAINE SLAYTER FOR THEIR EASEMENT NEEDED FOR THE SANITARY SEWER PROJECT 19. REPORT FROM RICKY DAY, TAKE ACTION AS NEEDED 20. REPORT FROM CITY SECRETARY, TAKE ACTION AS NEEDED 21. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DATED JUNE 13, 1995, TAKE ACTION AS NEEDED 22. APPROVAL OF BILLS, TAKE ACTION AS NEEDED 23. THE CITY COUNCIL WILL RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE SECTIONS 551.071 AND 551.074 OF THE TEXAS OPEN MEETINGS ACT FOR THE FOLLOWING PURPOSES: A. LEGAL: PENDING/CONTEMPLATED LITIGATION B. PERSONNEL 24. THE CITY COUNCIL WILL RE-CONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION TO ACT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION 25. ADJOURN CERTIFIED TO, THIS THE 7TH DAY OF JULY 1995. POSTED 7/7/95 5:00 P.M. ------ THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA WILL MEET IN REGULAR SESSION ON TUESDAY AUGUST 8, 1995 AT 7:30 P.M. IN CITY HALL LOCATED AT 120 WEST 4TH STREET. AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. CITIZEN'S PARTICIPATION 4. CLOSE OUT PUBLIC HEARING ON 1993 TCDP GRANT #703021 5. CONSIDERATION AND ACTION ON ITEMS RELATING TO 1993 TCDP GRANT 6. CONSIDERATION AND ACTION ON ITEMS RELATING TO THE 1995 TCDP CONSTRUCTION GRANT AWARDED TO THE CITY 7. CONSIDERATION AND ACTION ON ENGINEERING CONTRACT WITH MORRIS ENGINEERS UNDER THE 1995 TCDP GRANT AWARDED TO THE CITY 8. MEET WITH MS. LISA COPELAND TO DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON PARK NAME CHANGE 9. MEET WITH MS. DEBBIE TULLOS TO DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON A LOAD OF SAND FOR HER DRIVEWAY 10. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON PROPOSED EMPLOYEE POLICY 11. REPORT FROM WATER SUPERINTENDENT, TAKE ACTION AS NEEDED 12. REPORT FROM CITY SECRETARY, TAKE ACTION AS NEEDED 13. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DATED JULY 11, 1995, TAKE ACTION AS NEEDED 14. APPROVAL OF BILLS, TAKE ACTION AS NEEDED 15. THE CITY COUNCIL WILL RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE SECTIONS 551.071 AND 551.074 OF THE TEXAS OPEN MEETINGS ACT FOR THE FOLLOWING PURPOSES: A. LEGAL: PENDING/CONTEMPLATED LITIGATION B. PERSONNEL 16. THE CITY COUNCIL WILL RE-CONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION TO ACT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION 17. ADJOURN CERTIFIED TO, THIS THE 4TH POSTED 8(4/95 5:00 P.M. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA WILL MEET IN REGULAR SESSION ON TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 12, 1995 AT 7:30 P.M. IN CITY HALL LOCATED AT 120 WEST 4TH STREET AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. CITIZEN'S PARTICIPATION 4. MEET WITH TOMMY AND BURL CUNNINGHAM TO DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON DEVELOPING THEIR PROPERTY ON SOUTH INTERURBAN STREET. 5. MEET WITH IVA ABRAHAM TO DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON POSSIBLE CODE CHANGES. 6. MEET WITH MATT L. PENDEN OF SOUTHWEST SECURITIES TO DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON THE REFUNDING AND/OR RECONSTRUCTION OF THE CITY'S CURRENT BOND DEBT 7. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON ORDINANCE NO. 95-15, AN ORDINANCE LEVYING TAXES FOR THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1995-96. 8. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON PROPOSED EMPLOYEE POLICY. 9. REPORT FROM WATER SUPERINTENDENT, TAKE ACTION AS NEEDED. 10. REPORT FROM CITY SECRETARY, TAKE ACTION AS NEEDED. 11. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DATED AUGUST 8, 1995, TAKE ACTION AS NEEDED. 12. APPROVAL OF BILLS, TAKE ACTION AS NEEDED. 13. THE CITY COUNCIL WILL RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE SECTIONS 551.071 AND 551.074 OF THE TEXAS OPEN MEETINGS ACT FOR THE FOLLOWING PURPOSES: A. LEGAL: PENDING/CONTEMPLATED LITIGATION B. PERSONNEL 14. THE CITY COUNCIL WILL RE-CONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION TO ACT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION. 15. ADJOURN CERTIFIED TO, THIS THE 8TH DAY OF POSTED 8/8/95 1:00 P.M. I - THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA WILL MEET IN REGULAR SESSION ON TUESDAY OCTOBER 10, 1995 AT 7:30 P.M. IN CITY HALL LOCATED AT 120 WEST 4TH STREET AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. CITIZEN'S PARTICIPATION 4. MEET WITH MR. DAVID MOORE TO DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON THE APPOINTMENT OF A NEW MUNICIPAL JUDGE :·. MEET WITH MR. RICHARD DAVIS OF TRI-COUNTY TRUCKING TO DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON SOLID WASTE COLLECTION 6. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 95-09, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS, ESTABLISHING A STREET NUMBERING SYSTEM; PRESCRIBING THE PLACEMENT OF STREET ADDRESS NUMBERS ON PRIMARY STRUCTURES WITHIN THE CITY;PROHIBITING THE DESTRUCTION OR DEFACEMENT OF STREET NUMBER SIGNS; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; ALSO VOIDING ORDINANCE 91-001. 7. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 95-10, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CI~Y OF ANNA, TEXAS, ESTABLISHING WATER RATES; SETTING WATER TAP FEES; REGULATING THE INSTALLATION, USE, AND MOVING OF METERS; REGULATING THE DRILLING OF WATER WELLS; PROHIBITING TAMPERING WITH FIRE HYDRANTS; TAMPERING WITH CITY WATER WORKS PROHIBITED: ESTABLISHING MANDATORY WATER CONSERVATION REGULATIONS; ESTABLISHING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS OF THE PROVISIONS OF THE ORDINANCE; SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; ALSO VOIDING ORDINANCE 102-85. 8. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 95-11, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS, REQUIRING PROPOSED AND EXISTING MOBILE HOME PARKS TO OBTAIN CITY LICENSE; PROVIDING FOR THE RENEWAL OR TRANSFER OF MOBILE HOME PARK LICENSES; PROVIDING FOR THE REVOCATION OF MOBILE HOME PARK LICENSES; ESTABLISHING MOBILE HOME PARK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDAKDS; .t!.o'.1'ABLISHING MOBILE HOME PARK OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE STANDARDS; PROVIDING REGULATIONS FOR MOBILE HOME PARKS WITHIN THE CITY'S EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION; RELEASING THE CITY FROM LIABILITY; REPEALING CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; ESTABLISHING A PENALTY FEE FOR VIOLATIONS NOT TO EXCEED THE MAXIMUM AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE; VOIDING ORDINANCE NO. 106- 85. ,_ 9 .. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO~ 95-12, AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERITTNG -·PLAT, PLANS AND SUBDIVISIONS OF LAND WITHIN THE INCORPORATED AREA AND EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION OF CITY OF ANNA; DEFINITIONS; PROVIDING FOR FINAL APPROVAL OF SUBDIVISIONS BY SECTION; PRESCRIBING REGULATIONS FOR STREETS, SIDEWALKS, ALLEYS, SANITARY UTILITIES, WATER MAINS, STORM SEWERS, AND OTHER DRAINAGE STRUCTURES AND COMMUNITY FACILITIES; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED THE MAXIMUM AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW FOR EACH VIOLATION THEREOF: REPEALING ALL CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SEVERANCE CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; ALSO VOIDING ORDINANCE NO. 105- 85. 10. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 95-13, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS, REQUIRING MOBILE HOMES OUTSIDE DULY LICENSED MOBILE HOME PARKS TO u~1AIN A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT; PROVIDING APPLICATION PROCEDURES AND APPLICATION FEE; REQUIRING EXISTING MOBILE HOMES TO OBTAIN A CITY PERMIT: ESTABLISHING PERMIT CONDITIONS; ALLOWING EXCEPTIONS; RELEASING CITY FROM LIABILITY; REPEALING CONFLICTING ORDINANCES: ESTABLISHING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS NOT TO EXCEED THE MAXIMUM AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE; ALSO VOIDING ORDINANCE NO. 107-85. 11. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 95-14, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS PRESCRIBING CERTAIN RESTRICTIONS ON PARKING OF VEHICLES WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY; ESTABLISHING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND VOIDING ORDINANCE NO. 109-86. 12. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON ADOPTING ORDINANCE N0.95-15, AN ORDINANCE TO ADOPT VARIOUS STANDARD ~ODES RELATING TO INSPECTION ACTIVITIES OF THE CITY OF ANNA AND ENFORCEMENT OF BUILDING PROVISIONS AS PROVIDED IN SAID CODES; AND THUS VOIDING ORDINANCE NO. 103-85. 105-87, 107-87, 108-87, 109- 87. 13. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 95-16, AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE MOVEMENT OF OLD OR USED HOUSES, BUILDINGS OR STRUCTURES; DEFINING TERMS; REQUIRING A PERMIT TO MOVE OR RELOCATE ANY USED OR OLD HOUSE, BUILDING, S~~U~TURE OR PORTION THEREOF; PROVIDING CONDITIONS AND TERMS. FOR ISSUANCE OF A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY; RESTRICTING LIABILITY OF THE CITY; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS: AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND VOIDING ORDINANCE NO. 108-85. 14. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 95-17, AN ) ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA. TEXAS, DECLARING THAT JUNKED VEHICLES ARE DEEMED PUBLIC NUISANCES AND PROVIDING THEIR ABATEMENT; REPEALING CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND ESTABLISHING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS NOT TO EXCEED THE MAXIMUM AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW; AND VOIDING ORDINANCE NO. 110-86. 15. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON ADOPTING 0RDINANCE NO. 95-18, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANNA. TEXAS, PROHIBITING TALL WEEDS AND GRASS, BRUSH AND UNSANITARY MATTER: PROVIDING FOR NOTI~E TO VIOLATORS; PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN AGAINST VIOLATORS; PROVIDING A PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED THE MAXIMUM AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW FOR EACH VIOLATION; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND EFFECTIVE DATE; AND VOIDING ORDINANCE NO. 111-86. 16. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 95-19, AN 0RDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONTROL OF ANIMALS: PROVIDING FOR DEFINITIONS; PROVIDING FOR ENFORCEMENT: PROVIDING FOR RABIES CONTROL; PROVIDING A VIOLATION FOR RUNNING AT LARGE; PROVIDING FOR REGISTRATION; PROVIDING FOR IMPOUNDMENT; PROVIDING FOR FEES; PROVIDING FOR QUARANTINE; PROVIDING FOR NUISANCES; PROVIDING FOR PROHIBITION OF CERTAIN ANIMALS; PROVIDING FOR CONTROL OF VICIOUS ANIMALS; PROVIDING FOR SANITARY CONDITIONS; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY; PROVIDING FOR A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OR ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THE CAPTION OF THIS ORDINANCE AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF; AND THUS VOIDING ORDINANCE NO. 106-86. 17. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 95-20, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS, PROHIBITING ACCUMULATIONS OF LUMBER, JUNK, TRASH, AND DEBRIS AND ABANDONED, DISCARDED OR UNUSED OBJECTS OR EQUIPMENT; PROVIDING PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED THE MAXIMUM AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW FOR EACH VIOLATION; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND EFFECTIVE DATE; AND VOIDING ORDINANCE NO. 112-86. 18. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON PROPOSED EMPLOYEE POLICY. 19. REPORT FROM CITY SECRETARY, TAKE ACTION AS NEEDED. 20. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DATED SEPTEMBER 12, 1995, TAKE ACTION AS NEEDED. 21. APPROVAL OF BILLS, TAKE ACTION AS NEEDED. 22. THE CITY COUN~i~ WILL RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE SECTIONS 551.071 AND 551.074 OF THE TEXAS OPEN MEETINGS ACT FOR THE FOLLOWING PURPOSES: A. LEGAL: PENDING/CONTEMPLATED LITIGATION B. PERSONNEL: PERFORMANCE AND SALARY REVIEW OF CITY SECRETARY 23. THE CITY COUNCIL WILL RE-~ONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION TO ACT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION. 24. ADJOURN CERTIFIED TO, THIS THE 6TH DAY OF OCTOBER 1995 POSTED: 10/6/95 5:00 P.M. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA WILL MEET IN EMERGENCY SESSION ON TUESDAY OCTOBER 24, 1995 AT 7:30 P.M. IN CITY HALL LOCATED AT 120 WEST 4TH STREET. AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. MEET WITH MR. J.W. TALLENT TO DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON A STORAGE LOT 4. THE CITY COUNCIL WILL RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE SECTIONS 551.071 AND 551.074 OF THE TEXAS OPEN MEETINGS ACT FOR THE FOLLOWING PURPOSES: A. PERSONNEL: -DISCUSS EMPLOYMENT OF RICKY DAWES AS WATER/WASTEWATER SUPERINTENDENT -DISCUSS APPOINTMENT OF MUNICIPAL JUDGE DAVID MOORE -DISCUSS APPOINTMENT OF JACK VANDAGRIFF AS CODE ENFORCEMENT OFF l <.;&,.:;_ 5. THE COUNCIL WILL RE-CONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION TO ACT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION 6. ADJOURN CERTIFIED TO, THIS THE 23RD DAY OF OCTOBER 1995 POSTED 10/23/95 5:00 P.M. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA WILL MEET IN REGULAR SESSION ON TUESDAY NOVEMBER •4 •995 AT 7 30 PM IN CITY EALL LOCATED AT 120 WEST 4TE STREET AGENDA 1. CALL TO 02DER 2. ROLL CALL ~. CITIZEN'S PARTICIPATION 4. THE CO~NCIL WILL MEET WITH MR. CLARENCE RICHARDSON TO DIS~GSS AND TAKE ACTION ON DEVELOPING ?E0?ERTY AT 917 ~ HWY 5 C0UNCIL ~ILL MEET ~!TH MR. RICHARD DAVIS TO ---............. ..... !}..!.b;4··~1 ~b TAKE ACTION ON CONT~ACT WITH TEE CI7Y FOR SOLID WASTE •:OT.:LECT I ON DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION TRU•:t:: 5TCiP OH ------·-.~ ~··.-~.:··· . .!..' 7. THE CITY COUNCIL WILL HOLD A PUELIC HEARING TO DISCUSS FOR OR AGAINST THE 1996 CITY BUDGET 8. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTIO~ ON ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. S3-21. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANNA . TEXAS ADOPTING THE 1996 CITY BUDGET 9. REPORT FROM WATER SUPERINTENDENT 10. REPORT FROM CITY SECRETARY 11. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DATED OCTOBER 10. AND OCTOBER 24. 1995; TAKE ACTION AS NEEDED 12. AP?RCiVA~ O? B!LLS. TAKE ACTION AS NEEDED ~~. TEE CITY COUNCIL WILL RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER TEXAS G0VERNMENT CODE SECTIONS 551.071 AHD 531.074 0F THE TEXAS OPEN MEETINGS ACT FOR THE FOLLONIEG PURPOSES: ~. L~GAL: PENDING/CONTEMPLATED LITIGATIO~ l4. TEE CI~Y C0D~CIL ~ILL RE-CONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSI02 TO ACT OE ITE~S ~I5 C C5SED ~~ EXECUTIVE SESSIOE ----··-...... ..,u .. J) ,_.' '-' l...' r~J'I CERTIF !ED ?0. THIS THE ~T~ DAY OF NOV~MBER 1995. POSTED 1119/95 5:00 P.M. ~ ,. . -·~ -....... ·-----·-- --· ~L0 ~~~~ ~~rt ~~~~~~ AGENDA ..L. • ..., ,_ . 3. CITIZEN'S ?ARTICIPATION 4. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON BIDS RECEIJ~~ F~~ S OLID WA3 T E C~OL L :c:I IO I'{ 5. DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON PROP8~AL FOR A RED LI GHT AT TH~ I ~TERSECTION O? K ~Y ~ A ]~ ~~5 ¢, DIS CCS S AND ?A KE ACT ION ON INTERLOCAL AGR EEMENT WITH THE I • ·; .'-. ..i...V • l l. S ER ~~ AS A WARRAN? O F F :CE~ AND BAILIFF FOR THE C ITY OF A ~N A i'i0NICIPAL C00F:T :ra cu ss A~~ TAKE A C:I0~ ON CAPITAL GRANT REPORT FROM WATER SUP~RINTENDENT, TAKE ACTI 0 ~ AS ~EEDED AF :f?~•::JiiA~ .NEEDED '"" HII-.JDTES L•ATED I'iO\iElvi.EER l.4, l 9 9S, ... ...: ....... -J. ..... · ... TH~ C ITY ~00NCI~ ~IL~ RECESS INT0 EXECUTIV: SESSIO~ ~NDER rE~AS G 0~E~N ME N T CO DE SE~TI0NS 5 5~.071 AND S S l .~7 ~ ~F :2~ TEXAS OPEN MEETINGS h ~~ FOR TH~ ~0LL0H:~J FC R POSES: IL LEGAL: PENDING/CONTEMPLATED LITIGATION ~ ,_,. l3. T~E Cili ~~ilNC~L w::~ RE -CONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSI0~ ~0 AC T -:-,c .::, ... ··=~~'\:;':· . ..,, ......... ...,,, ............... .&....._ ........ . ~: -i . r.,:. ~ ~ : =· -.._ ~ / ~: : v - J ~ ... : ·..... :-· • :...":.. ~ ATE OF MINUTES )OIJOru 10, 199S o' 199S MINUTES REGISTER TYPE · .. :j· ,.rr ::,, ·.y. · .. ~.~ . . :·~.~-~~ ·:~: ... :.. ;_'.· tbruar!I 14 0 1_ (f' , ,___,._.~------+~LL!l.l...L.1:li...:L..lti1£.-L~.J..1£l...L_D,:;,u.±L£l_q ____ _i.._u.LS.~- a..Ju:11 a c'-J J'i , 1 9q5 5 a. cc h <Pf, 19 9,L' .p.! . I 11 q Jed JS> J9CfS Q1J 9 I IC/95' \H.Q, 13) I q 9::r ff) . . ··i·· ·' I . l ·! ·-----r...!..-1.L.1"L..U..:i:r...l'-2:::w..!.~~'f'-'c..l..J.'.LL..J:.~U;;..;.'t:aL.1:1..f;*-~~-~'4.e.....l!-~··.....,· ,,:; . : '..::/ _,___,,_,'-'--'-'-"''------1...L'.L.LA~_i::QC.___(_.,Uf~~~1-.---~-1...Lµ..~..:..... :,·:.:·'.:·:I . .. . ~ ~ ' I ' ,··:~ ·~, l ·.·;. :-.: . ,·,· ., ·.fi):;~ix~:,~t!l1l · ..... '.. ·.·.·. ; :.~.I ,· ~:=: . " ., CI TY OF A~~NA Minutes of th e City Council meeting of the City of Anna, Anna., Texas held on J .::nrua.ry 10, 1995 at the City Hall of the said city. The City Council of the City of Anna met in regular session on the 10th day of January 1995 with the following members present and participating: Mayor A.L. Geer, Larry Davis, Bob Estep, Leonard Harlow.Benny Milam, and Duane Hayes. Others present were Larry and Charlotte Harlow , Linda Crum, Jonathan Raden, Gary and Phyllis Clark, Sylvia Fletcher, Johnny McBride, Jerry LaFavors, Joe Murphy, James Denman, and Andy Woolard. Under item #3 the City Council recessed into executive session at 6:45 P.M. The City Council re-c onv e ned into regular session at 8:15 P.M., No action was taken. Under citizen's participation Phyllis Clark made her complaint concerning the condition of Interurban Street. Mayor Geer asked Bob Estep and Ray Risner to investigate and p1opose and possible solution. Joe Mu1·phy rnade the City Council aware of his concern of the possible over- chlo1ination of city water. Ray reported that the chlorinator would be checked. Linda Crum expressed her concerns to the Mayor and City Council, with emphasis on the city sewer. The Council responded by forming a committee with members Ray Risner, Duane Hayes, and Larry Davis to investigate Ms. Crum's problem. Under item #10, Fire Department insurance, no action was taken. After revi e wing the City Council minutes dated November 8, and December 13, 1994, motion was made by Larry Davis and seconded by Benn>' Milarn to approve the minutes as submitted. (Carried f.:i/O). · After reviewing an Accounts Payable list for the Water/Sewer and General Funds motion was made by Bob Estep and seconded by Leonard Harlow to approve the bills as submitted. ( Ca~·r ied .5/0). Items 7, 8, and 9 were tabled pending further information. The City Council recessed into executive s ession at 9:35 P.M . The Council re-convened into regular session at 9:58 P.M. Motion was 1nade by Duane Hayes and seconded by Larry Davis to accept the resignation of Ray Risner. (Carried 5/0) There being no further bu s iness the meeting was adjourned at 9:59 P.M. C :i.ty o F n nn <,1. l :i.nt\t.:(~S c1-f thE) City Counc:i] mPt~t :i.11!;1 r)f tt ··~' C ·ity (.lf nnn.:,1, nnn.::1, T<;!>-:nr, helr.:I •n Fl ~br1 .1.i.1ry :!.I.ii 1.1)':J:::i,1 ;,71i_: 1.'lir;.· C:i.l;y 1-1;.iJ l of' !:h~': s :,1id City .. fhn City Co1 .'.nc:i .l. •Jf ·r:h e C:i.l:y of nn ri-"• 111~_,t t r • r E)[.t ul .:,u ... •;;n~;!;,ion on t:h r> :lli·th c!D. y u f F 1_;: ht· 1 .. \.'.1 t .. ':' t ':) ':;. ~5 1·1i ti 1 ti·: c ·:'· 1.1 11 1:0 vi.i.11 ~i 111P111b1? r s pr•:.·~> 1-: n t .:.;, n cl pi::'\ t ·-t:i.c i.p a l::i n q : M ·.l y 1.)1"' n .. L . ~-~ •:! (') , .... , I... :To'ry' J:.:·,::1 'I :i. '.'·? n !:•t::· r:-: '.'· +; £:' p, n •.! n Tl 'y' f·.'!j_·r €:\ 1111 <.ln d [ht.D. n p I Ir.':\ y (..' r; .• L . <~ oric~. rd H ;,1 t"J . Dl··i ~-1.:,1 s D.Ll S· c~ '' t: .:.1. 1i;J n n t ..,, ':l l:i 11 q .. CJt h~!r~.> pr~~!;<.:!nt: WE~ri:~ ,Johnny Mc B1 -·:i.cle, .J >::c e Murphy~ H.J. l·\oonce" L i ndr.:1 Cr"um, T •.:n'~' L n F.-<:1VOl't,? J<:.\OJP S C 1:::n111;;:1n.1 ;J.nd Hc.?.y \·l<:1llr.:1c1~. U irJ(~r i .1:.f!li1 1t 11 ... 1 motii:>n \"l i:.1 ':; 1ru:A r..lci• by L.;!xr y f);_~vi ~; .~11H::J !'i !·)f.'.:tmd<~d by Bob E:stf~P t. c.• i:.l dopt on:lin ,:;i n ce :l·J t:)~~i-·-1/.~.I.., ;.,rn orcl :i.1 F:HH::·t.~ of the C:i.ty C ou. nbil of th E:' CJt y of Ann<::1 , Tt'!>:~~.'.:;, c .;,~11.i.nq .:·~ r<-:q u.J.a r ·· 111unid.p a .l t'l(·~c tion f o r th!~ purpo~;e c .. f <e·lect1.ng thr r-~P m f!mb r~r s oft.hr:! C :i.tv C n u.nc:i.1 , pl .::1 c:P~; l, ~'.~, .::111c:I thE! IYJ;::1yor''s po :;;i ·h1n1 for M i::<~' 6, t9 (~':'i .1 dc:.>'.:;i~11 ;:,1l;inu i'l polli11n pJ.;1_c !~~ ;,•.ppointinu ,:1.11 r:d r~ c t'i. cm :iudr,:1 ~~; prod.di n ~I f o r th~! f il:in ~I o f .:,1.pplic.:xl_;:i.on !:'· to bf.·! pl<:\ Cf:' d 011 b ,;:-iUo ·I.;, pt ··o\1 i.d:inq for !·?i]rly voU.111Ji pr oi.·:i.c..1.i .n q for noU c e o f !:laid ~'·le c ti o n .:Rncl f :i.nd:inq r.:1 11c:I dPt <!r 111in :i.r1D th<:,1_: th€~ 111121;!ti11~1 .::tt wh:i.ch th:i r; o ·r"-.th q <<11 c t~ 1.•i .;" ~i ;:!.d 1.J pt ~?cl 1-.i .:·1. }: op P n t n th e r:• •..t.IJJ.:i.r: r.;. '-'· rt:~ qui r <~ d by la.~·.1 ., u :,:) \ .. ··r:i.1:,, r.:I i:1. /1ZI) ··.i~!~· i.t em ·:::·'i ? .:.1 co 111nr:i.tt:e e ~:·on ;:;'i.~;t .i.n~:l o f memh ~!rs; l:lf.HlllY M:iJ;.,\111 cH\d D1.1 <:1.n E-! : '=:·. y (2 ,,, \•U::t !:; f o ~· ir. e cl t; o r u r t:h (·2 r ·.:•L • I:: ;,1i 11 :i 11 f m-"11 "' U . nn nn p r op o !:; c~ cl fid E' lit y hone!, Tl l e ncl opt:i. 11 q D f r-rc::: in .:.i. n CP :I!':) '.:i··· (7,1;:::? (..) :1 1 f.~ n d.i.11 n IJ ·,·· din .:> n c f·!, ,,,, :;,\ ~:. t,::ibl Ii~ c:I u n cl E·! r :i. t <-!' ITI il-6 d1..11~ l';o l D.ck of :[n f or m.:::1 Unn Dll !:;t.;.1i:;F m :.:1~-drn • .. \11 1 .:1111oun t~; .. Drdi n .:,1 n ce ~:19 '.:)····0 3, Un :if orm Tr..:::1 f ·fie C oci r:·, ~''''~ ~; t e.l:.tl f:~ d 1.1 n til n <'! ><t m £~ e ting to .: . .1 1101.v for the city 1:1ttornF:yi ~:; r ev:i r!vJ .. Jl: 1,•Jo.s decidE!d th i':lt em p loy PP :in ~;u.r .::1n c r~, i t em :nn. L<.; to bF.1 mr.,1dr·! ,,,, pr.:1rt of tti r~ city's 1<J9 6 tJ 1..1d ~F~ l; cm ·, '.;d.rJ 10 r ·;::tl;i on s" Unde r :i.tem =H.1.1;1.1, 111oti.o-i1 ~\1.:.1s 111 .::1clr,! b y Bob E ~;t r:!p ;;1nd s econcjE~d by Bc::!nn'y' Mil21111 to c.'lpprove th!2 mini .. 1t es cJ;:.1 t.(-J cl J ,::.1·11..1.ary lif.\ l9 g ~5 iE.; s 1..1bmith~cl .. <Card .i-~d 11./1 ~1) nfter r eviewing an acc ou n t s p ~y0 bl0 li st Fo r both the Water/3 ewer a nd Ge neral run di; 7 m o'U. on 1·1 1:~ ·:~ rn a •.::I (~ by D ob E>; tr·c p n. n d sf.' c: Dn de cl by L. .. ::i. r~·'>·' D ;,1 v :i. s t Cl 1:1 ppro v t~ t h~' b:i.11 s t:\ ~' s. ub uri.tt f.:' cl.. <C r.:1 rri P cl .•'.1./(?J) The City CD u n cil r<~ C<-? !:.; !; f? cl into <? >rn c 1xl.;i v t' s f?!; !5 .i. on i::\ t; · Br.~'5 0 P.M . The Cit y Council rci--co1w~·!.,H1d into re ~1ul 0::1r s.£~!:;~;ion <:It 9:'-f~'.i P.M. Uncjer litig1,1tion nn i~~c:tion ·w1e1 !:; h :1 lrnn .. Und!?r pr.;r ·s on1H1l, mtrl;i.on vi <~!; made by B ~~nny Mil.::1 m e\ n cl s E! co1HJ ~1 cl b ~· El ob E>. i: P p to C:\CC£~ p-1; th i:~ rt1 s :l gn .:1 ti on of Mr.\ rt y E\ e 11. <C <ilrrif'!cl '1 -/1?1) \TT Y DF f.11'·.!l \J() 'i·i.1·1!.lt c)f.:, of 't.h n C:i.t:y Co•.trit ·~;:;. mr1 ;:1 l;i nq nf !;h r~ C i ty ()f nn n a, nnna, TeX i':\S 11-.ld o n Feb1 "..l<H 'y' ;~:1:\1 l':~'::)'.~i .1 :,?.t th e Ci.t:y 1-l a U of the '.5 <ncl city. r ·.,~ Ci t y C'c)l _•.!H.::·il nf' ·l:.h 1') C ity ~)f nnn e:\ 1'11 0?'\; :i.n ~:;rn1 c :i.c:d. St·?':i ~:d Dn tm the :·:.'.·: ... ~ .. ··/ :.:·r·: 1··,_.,~.'~·1 .'.:?····/ .:1 :>·:'.\~:_-,1 , v,1i -l,-l ·i ~:h !: -r·r·}}~-,~·'!.i 1 ··q J !1c·1 r1 t:'E ~"~~ '"J )·'':··:~.:i nt: {.":_·11 c l ·'.:i.-.?-.D .. ~. :. ;f l i:\~_;_; -~ .. ! .... (~::r ·c-: .. f'·~ !"'1·1 .1 -:~:~--~:·:-!p .. ,P.:· .. nr ·::/ 1 1 !~.l ,~'-''1 ,, .~,1 ·!~J D• .. t C :\Pf.:~ ,,, ·.= .• ~ .. .1. : : · · , · J ; : :.,;. ·, · ' '.) .,, ; : • .. ... : 1 .... : 1 · • ·,; n <. •. · ... i. "' , : , :. 0 2 :,· 1 h ':'. ~, n t: '"" 1F :! 11 c" t; v o t :i. n q .. Dthf.~r~~ pre s r.:-nt wer~? Johnny .McDr:i.dt!, Jn e M1.1rphy, C.L. Adams, Ricl<y Day .:~.nd 1 s ma el Gu ro1rra. Und<;-r it t·? m :l~L1 .~ m 1Jt i cin 1•11:Tt Ei 1YI 1::\d 8 by B(~ n n y Mil<::\111 1::<nd s ~~cond 1.,r.1 by Bob Estep to leavf~ f~Xi L>ti.nr,~ l::lty o r di1H HlCP!'; a r:; f il f!d 1 in turn, not to~.-:Hfopt orcl :i.n.:H1ce :!J,() 5 ···IZI ~=:~ nm!? n din q Ur ch ll o'\ n en. <C i:A 'f"r"i (·? d (:: /1) .. ··i.01 1 ·,.,1 .,1.r, l~h(:'!l mc:•.dP by D1.?nny M:ilam a n c:I ~i f/r..:-ondr~cl by Duanf~ H.:\y!:~~; to adopt >:.·1 .;:_'.n·::~r1 ·1 1 ;::·'.:>1;.:13~ 1:.\nc.1 i:n ·di1 ·;-::i.n ·:~E of UH? C .i.ty C o unc:i.l of tht~ Ci t y of Ann.:':\? ! c~:'.'\S '.'.>.c!op t:i.r1r;: U1 r:: Ut :,\t e Unifo r m n e t: r 1?~1'-tl <,1.ting traff:i.c on highw i:\ys. i C,~.-·r i1:·d 3/(11) The C IJ u 11 cil re ·-·con v NI i:· cl i. n to r1? IJ ul<:H" i; e !; s i. on <~.t 9 ~;::::~::; P .M.. Un c.1 !-? r li h g.::\ ti tm, n D tH ~t:i on wa ~; t .:.1k en . Un cl E) ·r' p €~rs on 11~~1 , m ot::i. on 1, .. 1r.,\ F.; m .::1c:I ~? by Dua TH:! H <:\ yes and :1 ::~:o q 1 -Jt.:d by B1:-nny Mi:l.H m to i~pprove t he 1~mploym<o>n 'l: of rud~y Day ii15 Dir<-?ctnr 1.•f Public Worlrn vJhi.ch offici ,;,11:1.y bP [l i:rn FPb ~'u.;1ry (~1, :l995. <C.:,1rried 3/121) -- MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING --City of Anna,Texas 3-14-95 The City Council of the City of Anna, Texas, met in regular meeting at the City Hall, City of Anna on the 14th day of March A. D. 1995 with the following members present and voting: Bob Estep, Leonard Harlow, Benny Milam, Duane Hayes and Larry Davis. Also attending were A. L. Geer, Mayor and Ricky Day, Superintendent of Public Works. Tina Hendricks, City Secretary, was absent for good cause -New baby Boy. Also attending were following: Michael Chandler, Lone Star 6as Company, Tamara Ralston and Ron Ferguson, The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P M. Upon recognition, Ms. Tamara Ralston gave a report regarding the unsavory activities around the Coyote Den and asked the council for help in trying to curtail or stop such activity. The matter was discussed at length, with Mr. Ferguson participating, and it was agreed that Duane Hayes, Council Member, would investigate further and try to rnaJce a plausible and enforceable suggestion. Mr. Ferguson and Ms Ralston agreed to try to find out what help might be available to try to eradicate ''the trying and untoward activity". Mr. Ricky Day made his report regarding activity of the Public Works department since he came on duty on February 21, 1995. Mr. Day also reported that he had employed Mr. Darryl Garrett to begin work for the Department, and that Mr. c. L. Adams continues to be helpful as a worker and guide in the Department. Mr. Day's report was well received and he was congratulated for the work and efforts toward improvement in the Department. ·The minutes of the Council Meetings of February 14, 1995 and February 28, 1995 were presented to the Council. Upon motion by Leonard Harlow, second by Benny J. Milam and by unanimous vote, the said minutes were approved as presented. The pending and unpaid bills(Invoices) for services and materials rendered to the City in both the General Ftind area and the Water and Sewer department were reviewed in proper detail. Upon Motion by Duane Hayes, and second by Benny J. Milam and by unanimous vote, the payment of said bills (Invoices) was approved. At this point, the Council adjourned into Executive S§ssion as advertised by proper notice to consider Legal and ~Personnel matters. lt -- \ Page 2, City Council Minutes -March 14, 1995 -City of Anna, Texas The Council returned into open session and re-convened for purpose of acting upon matters considered in Executive Session. Upon motion by Bob Estep and second by Benny J. Milam, and by unanimous vote,it was resolved to notify the City of Melissa Texas, that the City of Anna,Texas, wishes to Withdraw from and cancel the INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT entered into between the said two cities on November 3, 1994 in accordance with the termination provision(s) therein contained. There being no further business, the : tmeeting adjourned at 9.~ - Mayor MINUTES OF SPECIAL CALLED MEETING March 21, 1995 A special call~d meeting of the City Council of the City of Anna,Texas was held at the City office on Fourth (4th) Street in said City on this the 21st day of March A. D. 1995 with the following members present and voting: Leonard Harlow, Benny J. Milam and Larry Davis. Absent were: Bob Estep and Duane Hayes. Also attending was A. L. Geer, Mayor. Others in attendance: Johnny B. McBride, Joe Murphy and Dan Walters. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P. M. Mr. Dan Walters, representing the Anna Youth Sports Association, came before the Council to report on sports activities at the original City Park and the Johnson Park. Specifically, Mr. Walters reported that the Sports Association has a minimum of $2,000.00 on hand to apply toward construction of a rest room facility at each of the parks. Also, that extensive time and equipment and materials have been promised for the projects. He asked for City assistance in the provision of water and sewer services to the two rest rooms. The matter seemed to be feasible and the ~ Council asked to take the matter under consideration and to report further to Mr. Walters. Th~~council then adjourned into Executive Session to consider Legal and Personnel matters as provided by law. After Executive Session, the Council re-convened into open session and the follo~ing matters were acted upon: 1. The subject ofthe suit by the STATE OF TEXAS Vs. THE City of Anna,Texas, Cause No. 94-05251, in the 250th JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF TEXAS, TRAVIS COUNTY was presented and also an AGREED FINAL JUDGMENT in such case was presented. After consideration, motion was made by Benny .J. Milam, seconded by Leonard Harlow, and by unanimous vote, it WAS RESOLVED THAT the AGREED ~FINAL JUDGMENT in such matter is hereby approved, and THAT Hon. William J. Roberts, SBN 1702700 GAY & MC CALL, 777 East 15th Street, Plano, Texas, 75074, Being City Attorney for the City of Anna, is hereby ~authorized and empowered to execute said AGREED FINAL JUDGMENT on behalf of the City of Anna. I Page 2, Minutes of Special Called Meeting City Council City of Anna,Texas -March 21, 1995 2. The matter of adding coverage toour TML Policy to cover the City's Liability in connection with law enforcement, and specifically the matter of City Marshal as agreed in an INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT with the City of Melissa, Texas, was discussed. Upon motion by Leonard Harlow,seconded by Larry Davis and by unanimous vote, it WAS RESOLVED to purchase the additional coverage in this connection and to pay the extra premium therefor. An update in connection with the Sheila Scogin Vs. City of Anna was presented to the Council by Attorney handling the case. Since it was an update only, no action was required in this matter. The Council further considered the request of the Sports Association regarding rest rooms. Upon motion byBenny J. Milam, second by Larry Davis and by unanimous vote, it WAS RESOLVED to work with the Association with regard to the rest room for Johnson Park on the condition that all necessary documentation is developed for a proper conformation with building code(s), Electrical and Plumbing ~codes and building permit rules. The Council agreed to study the old City Park location rest room for more specifics, but expressed a -willingness to try to find a way to help. There being no further RESOLUTION At a speciallcalled meeting of the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas, held at the City Office at 120 West Fourth (4th) Street on March 21, 1995, at which meeting a majority of the Council members were present and voting, IT WAS RESOLVED: THAT the AGREED FINAL JUDGMENT, in Cause No. 94-05251, STATE OF TEXAS Vs. CITY OF ANNA, in the DISTRICT COURT OF TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXAS, 250th JUDICIAL DISTRICT is hereby approved, and THAT Hon. William J. Roberts, SBN 1702700 GAY & MC CALL, 777 East 15th Street, Plano, Texas, 75074, Being City Attorney for the City of Anna, Texas, is hereby authorized and empowered to execute said AGREED FINAL JUDGMENT on behalf of the City of Anna. Adopted and entered in the minutes of said meeting this the 21st day of March, A. Mayor , . March 28, 1995 SPECIAL MEETING of the City Council, City of Anna, Texas A special oa1led meeting of the city Council of the City of Anna was held at the City Hall, 120 West 4th Street, Anna, Texas, on this,:J the 28th day of MarchA. D. 1995 with the following members of the council present artd voting: Bob Estep, Leonard Harlow, Benny J. Milam, Duane Hayes and Larry D. l Davis. Also attending was Mayor A ~ L. Geerl, Pat Dillon of Southwest Consultants and Timothy Morris of Morris Engineers. The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P. M. Roll Call: All members present. The Council considered the hiring of Southwest Consultants for Administrative Services under the 1995 Community Development Program (TCDP). Upon motion by Leonard Harlow, second by Duane Hayes and by unanimous vote, it was resolved toemploy Southwest Consultants for such services under the TCDP program and to enter into a written agreement therefor. A copy of the agreement to be retained in the City Files. The Council considered hiring Morris Engineers under the 1995 Texas Community Development Program (TCDP) for proceeding with application for Effluent discharge permit to the Texas Natural Resources ConservationCommission (TNRCC) as well as for Treatment Plant modification plans and specifications, at agreed hourly charges, yet at a fixed price not to exceed $10,000.00. On the basis of the discussion and general agreement with Mr. Morris, Bob Estep mov~a ~ to accept the contract proposal of Morris Engineers, Leonard Harlow seconded and the motion carried by unanimous vote. A copy of the contract is attached hereto 'and made available for inspection as usual. Upon proper motion, second and by unanimous vote, it was resolved to name Donna Littrell as Assistant City Secretary and to authorize Ms. Littrell to sign checks drawn on the Water Workd arid/or the General Fund accounts in ~lieu of the City Secretary when needed. Page 1 minutes of Special Council Meeting -March 28,1995 j -2- The subject of possible DOUBLE BILLING for solid waste pickup in connection with the Roberta and/or Chuck Burns account was discussed in detail. With the help of Donna Littrell M~yor Geer had determined that Mr. Burns presented to the City sufficient evidence to convince Mr. Geer that during the last month of 1 1990, and all of 1991 and 1992 Ms. Seits/Mr. Burns had paid for solid waste pickup to R. J. Davis & Sons, Trucking and that during the same period the City of Anna was paid $7.90 per month, includi~g tax, for 25 months for a total of $197.50. The evidence presented was fourteen (140 paid receipts and three (3) matching checks). The evidence convinces the City Council that DOUBLE BILLING AND DOUBLE PAYING occured during the subject period. There is no evidence that theCity of Anna participated in the separate agreement between R. J. Davis & Sons and Ms. Seits/ Mr. Burns. Upon proper motion, second and by unanimous vote it was RESOLVED to offer to settle the matter with Ms. Seits/Mr. Burns in the following manner: By paying (refunding) to them the amount the City collected during the subject period of DOUBLE BILLING in the amount of $197.50, less the amounts being questioned and unpaid in 1995. The meaning of this resolution is that solid waste billing and collecting for 1993, 1995 and to date in 1995 is due and payable under City Ordinance No. 104-85 and is not subject to further negotiation. Note: all of 1993 and 1994 has been paid. Page 2 Minutes of Special ~Council Meeting -March 28, 1995 -3- Page 3 Special Council Meeting -City of Anna, March 28, 1995 Anthony Geer requested that the Council accept his withdrawal from the May 6, 1995 election with regard to the office of Mayor. A copy of Mr. Geer's request in writing is attached hereto and made a part hereof. After discussion of the matter, Bob Estep moved to honor such request, with regret, and Larry D. Davis seconded, and then by unanimous vote such motion passed. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. P . 0 , BOX 276 PHONE 924-3611 OX~~:OO clfnna, '.Jgxai ]:.~lJ"IJ 75409 The Honorable City Council The City of Anna Anna,Texas, 75409 Sirs: March 28, 1995 Please accept this as my official request that you permit me to withdraw from the May 6, 1995 election as a candidate for Mayor . of the City of Anna and that my name be stricken from consideration and from the ballot to be printed for such election. Anthony·· L. Geer ) ""\ -..,/ .. .... CITY OF ANNA Minutes of the City Council meeting of the City of Anna, Anna, Texas held on April 11, 1995 at the City Hall of the said cit>'. The City Councll of the City of Anna met in regular session on the 11th day of April 1995, with the following members present and participating : Mayor A.L . Geer~ Bob Estep, Benny Milam, Leonard Harlow. and Duane Hayes. Larry Davis was absent and not voting. Others present were Ricky Day, Joe Jaynes, Christine Rollins, Johnny McBride, Virgil Evans, L.C. Settle, Ron Ferguson, and Joe MLrrphy .. The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Mayor Geer. Item #4, con:;.dder 1·eqU(:}St of Anna Lake Estates Horne OwnE"~rs, was postponed to b (:i di. ::scussed in executive session becaus(~ of possible legal ramifications. Under item #5, Ricky Day gave his report as the city•s Water Superintendent. He supplied the Council with estimated costs for a lift station pump and a contractor services/supplies report. Bids on the pump will be examined at th e next regular City Council meeting. No official action was taken with the City Secretary's repm·t, i te'rn #6 .. City Council minutes dated March 14, March 21, and March 28, 1995 were examined under item #7 and upon motion by Duane Hayes and second by Leonard Harlow the minutes were approved as submitted. (Carried 4/0) After revi e wing an accounts payable list for both the Water /Sewer a 11d Gener al funds, motion wa ~-s ma.de by Leonard Harlow and seconded by Bob Estep to approve the bills as submitted . ( C<:ffr led 4/0) The City Council recessed into executive session at e:10 P .. M. The Council r e-c onvened into regular session at a:so P.M. Motion was made by Duane Hayes and seconded by Be~ny Milam to approve furnishing a water customer mailing list to Anna residents for a fee of $25 .00 under the condition that it not be used for any type of commercial advertising or commercial promotional e ndeavor. (Carried 4/0) Motion was made by Leonard Harlow and seconded by Bob Estep, and by unanimous vote, it was resolved: "That upo~ the reque$t of the City of Anna, the following named owner s of land adjoining the city's Wa 8 tewater Treatrnent Facility he.iv(::> a.greed to execute cert.al n "8uf f~:ir Zon(~" a~n·eement$ ::-~o U1at the City of Anna may rna ke a completed application Lo continue to operate a Wastewater Treatment Facil.U.y a.nd thus conti.nue to be "Pe1·mitted" under existing laws." Bruce and Carol Kruckeberg Don Davis (2 tracts) E, Virginia. Rhea Joa V. and Gwen Smith and by the same resolution, it was resolved by the City council to participate in a one-time upgrading of roads within the area known as Anna Lake Estates, being the same roads used by the City of Anna for daily servicing of the said wastewater facility. The amount of participation agreed to by the City Council is the sum of $3,750.00 (being 50 % of the total of $7,500.00). In this connection there is attached hereto the request of the Anna Lake Estates Property Owners Association dated March 23, 1995 and it is agreed that in the future upkeep needs, after 1997, the City will participate w.i th the::~ other owners to the extent of 2/12th of the total needed road upkeep and repair as determined by the Anna Lake Estates Association in consultation with the City of Anna. Mr. Geer explained for the record the City's outstanding obligation to fill two abandoned manholes on Mr . and Mrs. Tom Wan·en's property. Tht:~ Me.yor explained that this obligation would be made a part of the 1994 audit and needed to become a priority subject to full agreement with Mr. and Mrs. Warren. The City Council asked Ricky Day to investigate Ms. Christine Rollins water meter due to her excessive water bill and try to settle with Ms. Rollins. There being no further buslnass the meeting was adjourned at 9:1$ P.M . ~ Mayor ) " : \ March 23 1 1995 Mayor Anthony Geer City of Anna Anna, TX 75409 Dear Mayor Geer: Anna Lake Estates Home owners Joe v. smith 1404 Rabbit Run Road Anna, TX 75409-9755 Telephone (214) 924-3879 A few weeks ago, I stopped by your office and visited with you for awhile concerning the Anna Lake Estates and the fact that our roads have deteriorated over the years until they are now in a critical state of repair. On February 16th of this year the home owners, met and approved a Road Maintenance Agreement whereas we can now legally approve a contract for continued road maintenance. Unfortunately the gentleman· that was suppose to talk to us about , our roads and what we needed to do to put them into top shape, suffered a heart attack just before this meeting. It has since been determined he is okay and that the attack was minor. We did however, experience this delay. We have looked at our road situation from all standpoints and have decided that we want to try our best to get the roads put in top shape. This means we need to actually rebuild our roads. The area that is black topped was not built with an appropriate base and thus needs to be completely rebuilt. This of course is going to be the largest .expense of the total project. We can get a new road that will be virtually maintenance free for an additional two years for $7,500. As we discussed, the City of Anna uses our roads, usually two to three times a day. In addition, on occasions, heavy equipment must be moved into the pond area cross our roads. The City of Anna has once contributed a few hundred dollars to the cost of the roads but has had access and use since they were first built in the 1970's. For these reasons, we would like to ask the City of Anna to contribute one-half of the cost of rebuilding the roads into shape. If you would agree to this, we will not ask you for any more funds through the year 1997. Even after 1997 the cost will be minimal because maintenance will be done regularly. r ) The Management Committee of our Association (Susie Pointer, Don Davis, and myself) will be glad to meet with you and the city council or do anything in our power to explain what the situation out here is. We want to thank you for your consideration and your time. Respectfully Submitted, J<J:-S::th~ CITY OF f~NNA Minutes of the City Council meeting of the City of Anna. Anna, Texa s held on April 25, 1995 at the City Hall of the said city. The City Council of the City of Anna met in special session on the 25th day of April 1995 with the following members pre s ent and participating: Mayor A.L . Ge or , Larry Davis, Bob Estep, Benny Milam, Leonard Harlow, and Duane Hayes . The meeting wa s called to order at 7 :35 P.M. by Mayor Geer. The City Council recessed into executive session at 7:35 P.M. under item #3. Mr. Geer reviewed the election steps and procedures for early voting and election day. The Mayor also updated the Council on the status of the Anna Lake Estates agreement and the easements needed in the north edition. The Council then addr essed the proposal of re-billing those who have not had their building permits converted to a certificate of occupancy, in other words, those who have not completed their building projects within the allotted time given. The City Council agreed tha t the time limit for completion on these re-billed building permits should be no more than 180 days. The Council considered a c ity employee comp. time/pay option which would ba a de cis ion made by each individual employee on the first pay period of the following month. At that time if any comp. time had accumulated within the past month the employee may either ret ain those hours or receive regular pay for each hour taken, provided that proper and accurate documentation of such time be submitted to and approved by the City Secretary , Upon proper motion and second and with a unanimous vote it was resolved to approve the· above employee comp. time/pay option as p a rt of the city's employee policy. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:~~ Mayo CITY OF ANNA Minutes of the City Council meeting of the City of Anna, Anna, Texas held on May 9, 1995 at the City Hall of the said city. The City Council of the City of Anna met in regular session on the 9th day of May 1995 with the following members present and participating: Mayor A.L. Geer, Bob Estep, Benny Milam, and Duane Hayes. Larry Davis was absent and not voting, while Leonard Harlow joined the Council at 8:20 P.M. The meeting was called to order at 8:02 P.M. by Mayor Geer. Others present were Ricky Day, Johnny McBride, Ron Ferguson, Bobby & Phyllis Otts, Joe Murphy, and Roger Wangler. Under citizen's participation, Mr. Bobby Otts and Mr. Roger Wangler reminded the Council that approximately two years ago Spencer Plumbing had promised to build a fence around their building for the surrounding property owners. Mr. Otts and Mr. Wangler inquired about enforcing such a promise. The Council directed the City Secretary to further investigate. Under item #4, the Council reviewed the tally list for the May 6, 1995 general election with the results as follows: Ron Ferguson, Mayor position, with a total of 129 votes; Bob Estep, Place 1, with a total of 84 votes; Larry Davis, Place 5, with a total of 58 votes; and Joe Murphy, Place 5, with a total of 83 votes. Motion was made by Bob Estep and seconded by Benny Milam to accept the election returns as submitted. (Carried 3/0) Under item #5, motion was made by Bob Estep and seconded by Duane Hayes to officially rename Johnson Park as Geer Park and to name the other city park on Sherley Ave. Sherley Park. (Carried 4/0). Item #6, City Council's approval of building permits, was tabled until the next regular Council meeting pending further research. Ricky Day submitted to the Council one bid for a lift station pump from All-Pump & Equipment Co. under his report in item #7. No action taken. No report given by the City Secretary. Under item #9, motion was made by Benny Milam and seconded by Bob Estep to approve the minutes dated April 11 and April 25, 1995 as submitted. (Carried 4/0) After reviewing an accounts payable list for both the Water/Sewer and General funds, motion was made by Leonard Harlow and seconded by Bob Estep, under item #10, to approve the bills as submitted. (Carried 4/0) .. .:·. ~ Under item #11, the city Council recessed into executive session at 9:15 P.M. The Council re-convened into regular session at 9:50 P.M. Motion was made by Duane Hayes and seconded by Benny Milam to increase Daryl Garrett's salary by $.30 an hour after the 90 day evaluation period. No action was taken under litigation. the meeting was adjourned at 9:55 CITY OF ANNA Minutes of the City Council meeting of the City of Anna, Anna, Texas held on June 13, 1995 at the City Hall of the said city. The City Council of the City of Anna met in regular session on the 13th day of June 1995 with the following members present and participating: Mayor Ron Ferguson, Bob Estep, Benny Milam, Duane Hayes, and Joe Murphy. -Leonard Harlow was absent and not voting. The meeting was called to order at 7:32 P.M. by Mayor Ferguson. Others present were Ricky Day, Lisa Copeland, Rodney Crawford, Dannell Matus, Anna Fire Marshal Steve Pope, Don Peterson, Anna King, Vicki Ferguson, Bill and Donna Littrell, Alfred Mason, Crate and Luella Ingram, George and Iva Abraham, Dan Walters, Johnny McBride, C.L. Adams, Larry Bridges, A.L. Geer, Bobby Otts, and Lyn Mosier. Under item #3, citizen's participation, Mr. and Mrs. Crate Ingram presented a delinquent tax statement for 1987 city taxes. They assured the Council that these taxes had been paid, but could not furnish evidence of their cash payment. They claimed that the city's tax collector failed to mail the receipt of such payment. Mr. and Mrs. Ingram reminded the Council of their previous visit to a Council meeting requesting that these taxes be considered paid. After further discussion motion was made by Bob Estep and seconded by Benny Milam to dismiss the claim that 1987 city taxes are delinquent. (Carried 4/0} ·The City Council met with Anna Fire Marshal, Steve Pope, under item #4 to discuss the fire code. Mr. Pope stressed the need for the City of Anna to operate on the current fire code. Discussion was tabled until Council could review a current code manual. Under item #5, the City Council met with several concerned citizens of Anna and relatives of Mr. Ben Johnson to voice their opinion concerning the name change of what was referred to as Johnson Park to Geer Park. They urged the Council to reconsider their decision that was made at the May 9, 1995 City Council meeting. Motion was made by Joe Murphy and seconded by Bob Estep to table this item until the next regularly scheduled Council meeting. (Carried 4/0) The City Council met with Mr. Bobby Otts, under item #6, to discuss the construction of a fence at Spencer Plumbing. The Mayor asked each Councilman to review a demand letter prepared by the city's attorney, Bill Roberts of Gay & McCall Inc. Motion was made by Duane Hayes and seconded by Joe Murphy to approve the demand letter ,as submitted, and to instruct the city secretary to proceed with the necessary steps to have said letter mailed to Spencer Plumbing. (Carried 4/0) Under item #7, Council approval of building permits, motion was made by Duane Hayes and seconded by Joe Murphy to table this item in order to make amendments to resolution 95-001. (Carried 4/0) The expiration of building permits was discussed under item #8. After a brief review of section 106.44 of the 1995 Uniform Building Code, motion was made by Duane Hayes and seconded by Benny Milam to table this item for further discussion and review at a workshop scheduled for June 27, 1995. (Carried 4/0) Under item #9, the proposed employee policy was distributed among the Council. This item was also tabled for continued discussion at the next regularly scheduled City Council meeting. Item #10, report from Ricky Day, Director of Public Works, no action was taken. Item #ll, report from City Secretary, no action was taken. Under item #12, motion was made by Duane Hayes and seconded by Bob Estep to approve the minutes dated May 9, 1995, as submitted. (Carried 4/0) After reviewing an accounts payable list for both the Water/Sewer and General funds, motion was made by Bob Estep and seconded by Duane Hayes to approve the bills as submitted. (Carried 4/0) The City Council recessed into executive session under item #14 at 9:25 P.M. The Council re-convened into reqular session at 10:30 P.M. No action was taken. on the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 ) •. CITY OF ANNA Minutes of the City Council meeting of the City of Anna, Texas held on July 11, 1995 at the City Hall of the said city. The City Council of the City of Anna met in regular session on the llth day of July 1995 with the following members present and participating: Mayor Ron Ferguson, Bob Estep, Benny Milam, Duane Hayes, and Joe Murphy. Leonard Harlow was absent and not voting. The meeting was called to order at 7:32 P.M. by Mayor Ferguson. Others present were Ricky Day, Lisa Copeland, Danell Matus, Linda Crum, James Dockray, Steve Pope, Rodney Crawford, Anna Ring, Don Peterson, Lee Lawrence and Maurice Schwanke, of Southwest Consultants; Dan Walters, Alfred Mason, John Evans, Johnny McBride, Vicki Fe~guson, James Moon, and Jon Hendricks. Under item #4, the City Council met with Mr. Lee Lawrence and Maurice Schwanke of Southwest Consultants to discuss a possible city park grant. Following an overview of the procedures in filing an application for such a grant the Council agreed that extensive research needed to be conducted before any action was taken concerning this matter. The City Council met with Ms. Lisa Copeland, under item #5, to discuss the city park name change. Ms. Copeland provided the Council with a second petition to re-instate the name of Johnson Park. Motion was made by Duane Hayes and seconded by Benny Milam to table this item for 30 days. (Carried 4/0) Under item #6, motion was made by Benny Milam and seconded by Joe Murphy to adopt Resolution No. 95.0001, a resolution of the City of Anna1 Texas adopting a citizen participation plan. (Carried 4/0) Under item #7, motion was made by Bob Estep and seconded by Duane Hayes to adopt Ordinance No. 95-04, an ordinance of the City of Anna, Texas, adopting a Contractor Locality Section 3 Plan. (Carried 4/0) Under item #8 1 motion was made by Benny Milam and seconded by Duane Hayes to adopt Ordinance No. 95-05, an ordinance of the City of Anna, Texas, adopting a drug-free workplace policy. (Carried 4/0) Under item #9, motion was made by Joe Murphy and seconded by Duane Hayes to adopt Resolution No. 95.0002, a resolution of the City of Anna, Texas, designating a Fair Housing Month / with the notice placed in the non-legal section of the city's official newspaper. (Carried 4/0) under item #10, motion was made by Joe Murphy and seconded by Benny Milam to adopt Resolution No. 95.0003, a resolution of the City of Anna, Texas, adopting an affirmative action/equal opportunity employment statement. (Carried 4/0) Under item #11, motion was made by Duane Hayes and seconded by Joe Murphy to appoint the City Secretary as the Fair Housing/Equal Opportunity Standards Officer. (Carried 4/0) Under item #12, motion was made by Benny Milam and seconded by Joe Murphy to adopt Ordinance No. 95-06, an ordinance of the City of Anna, Texas, adopting the Southern Building Code, and thus voiding Ordinance No. 103-85, the Uniform Building Code. (Carried 4/0) Motion was made by Bob Estep and seconded by Joe Murphy to table item #13, to further investigate the possibility of establishing a planning and zoning conunission. (Carried 3/1) Under item #14, motion was made by Bob Estep and seconded by Joe Murphy to adopt Resolution No. 95.0004, a resolution of the City of Anna, Texas, accepting responsibility for educational expenses incurred by the Anna Volunteer Fire Department's Fire Marshal. (Carried 3/l) Motion was made by Benny Milam and seconded by Joe Murphy to table item #15, Key Rates, in order to gather further information. {Carried 4/0) Under item #16, motion was made by Duane Hayes and seconded by Joe Murphy to adopt Ordinance No. 95-08, an ordinance of the City of Anna, Texas, adopting the standard Fire Prevention Code, and thus voiding Ordinance No. 105-87, the Uniform Fire Code. (Carried 4/0) Motion was made by Duane Hayes and seconded by Benny Milam to table item #17, employee policy, until after executive session. (Carried 4/0) Under item #18, motion was made by Duane Hayes and seconded by Joe Murphy to authorize payment to David and Elaine Slayter for their easement needed for the sewer rehabilitation project. {Carried 4/0) Under item #19, Water Superintendent report, no official action was taken. Under item #20, City Secretary report, no official action was taken. ... Under item #21, motion was made by Duane Hayes and seconded by Benny Milam to approve the minutes dated June 13, 1995, as submitted. (Carried 4/0) After reviewing an accounts payable list for both the Water/Sewer and General funds under item #22, motion was made by Benny Milam and seconded by Bob Estep to approve the bills as submitted. (Carried 4/0) Under item #23, the City Council recessed into executive session at 10:10 P.M. The Council re-convened into regular session at 11:08 P.M. It was decided to hold a workshop for the proposed employee policy on Tuesday, July 18, 1995 at 7:30 P.M. no further business, the meeting was adjourned at . . II CITY OF ANNA Minutes of the City Council meeting of the City of Anna, Texas held on August 8, 1995, at the City Hall of the said city. The City Council of the City of Anna met in regular session on the 8th day of August 1995 with the following members present and participating: Mayor Ron Ferguson, Bob Estep, Benny Milam, Duane Hayes, Leonard Harlow, and Joe Murphy. The meeting was called to order at 7:32 P.M. by Mayor Ferguson. Others present were Pat Dillon of Southwest Consultants, A.L. Geer, Lisa Copeland, Johnny McBride, Tim Morris of Morris Engineers, Dan Walters, Alfred Mason, and John Evans. Under item #4, the public hearing on the 1993 TCDP Grant was officially closed at 7:35 by Mayor Ferguson. Under item #5, consideration and action on items relating to the 1993 TCDP Grant, Mr. Pat Dillon distributed the City of Anna's 1993 TCDP Budget for the Sewer System Improvement Project. No official action taken. Under item #6, consideration and action on items relating to the 1995 TCDP Construction Grant awarded to the City, Mr. Tim Morris explained that the estimated time to begin work on the 1995 project would be in the Spring of 1996. No official action taken. · Under item #7, Consideration and action on Engineering contract with Morris Engineers, Mr. Morris distributed a map and budget justification to each Councilman. Motion was then made by Leonard Harlow and seconded by Bob Estep to award a contract to Morris Engineers for a base price of $18,000 under the 1995 TCDP Grant awarded to the City. (Carried 5/0) Under item #8, the Council met with Ms. Lisa Copeland the discuss the park name change. Motion was made by Duane Hayes and seconded by Joe Murphy to adopt Resolution No. 95.0005, a Resolution of the City of Anna, Texas rescinding a City Council vote made at a regularly scheduled City Council meeting on May 9, 1995, concerning the name change of the park. (Carried 3/2) Motion was then made by Bob Estep and .seconded by Benny Milam to officially name the park "Anna City Park". (Carried 3/2) Under item #9, meet with Ms. Debbie Tullos to discuss and take action on a load of sand, no action was taken due to the absence of Ms. Tullos. Under item #10, discuss and take action on proposed employee policy, the following changes were made to the original policy: one (1) week vacation after the first year of employment; thirty (30) days maximum on accrued sick days; and five (5) days maximum pay for jury duty. This item was tabled for further review. Under item #11, Report from Water Superintendent, Ricky's written monthly report was examined by each Councilman. No action was taken. Under item #12, the City Secretary's report, the Council was updated on the transferring of funds from the Waterworks to the I & s Fund, while the City Secretary explained that four transfers had not been made due to the recent shortage of funds in the Waterworks account. It was recommended that money be transferred from the General Fund to the I & S to accommodate the difference. Motion was made by Leonard Harlow and seconded by Duane Hayes to authorize the transfer of $23,445.00, three payments of $7,815.00, from the General Fund to the I & s Fund. (Carried 5/0) Under item #13, motion was made by Duane Hayes and seconded by Benny Milam to approve the minutes dated July 11, 1995, with one amendment. The City Secretary was instructed to add Vicki Ferguson and James Moon to the list of "Others Present'' on the minutes of July 11, 1995. (Carried 5/0) After reviewing an accounts payable list for both the Water/Sewer and General funds under item #14, motion was made by Bob Estep and seconded by Leonard Harlow to approve the bills as submitted. (Carried 5/0) Under item #15, the City Council recessed into executive session at 9:40 P.M. The Council re-convened into regular session at 10:30 P.M. It was decided to continue the audit of street lights and to contact TU Electric and explain that any street lights that are not on public streets are to be removed from the City's account. business the meeting was adjourned at CITY OF ANNA Minutes of the City Council meeting of the City of Anna, Texas held on September 12, 1995, at the City Hall of the said city. The City Council of the City of Anna met in regular session on the 12th day of September 1995 with the following members present and participating: Mayor Ron Ferguson, Benny Milam, Leonard Harlow, Joe Murphy, and Duane Hayes. Bob Estep was absent and not voting. The meeting was called to order at 7:31 P.M. by Mayor Ferguson. Others present were Johnny McBride, Lisa Copeland, A.L. Geer, Iva Abraham, L.C. Settle, Burl Cunningham, Tommy Cunningham, Matt Penden of Southwest Securities, and Vicki Ferguson. Item #4 was postponed due to the absence of Burl and Tommy Cunningham at 7:35 P.M. Under item #5, the Council met with Ms. Iva Abraham to discuss her objection to the further development of Tommy Cunningham's property on South Interurban Street. No official action was taken. Under item #6, the Council met with Mr. Matt Penden of Southwest Securities. Mr. Penden distributed the SulJIIllary of Refunding Alternatives, showing the following three (3) options: -Advance Refund Series 1989 Certificates for Savings -Advance Refund Series 1986 Certificates for Restructuring -Advance Refund Series 1986 Certificates for Restructuring including $335,000 New Proceeds The City Council stressed their interest, but no official action was taken. Under item #7, Motion was made by Duane Hayes and seconded by Leonard Harlow to adopt Ordinance No. 95-15, an ordinance levying taxes for the City of Anna, Texas for the fiscal year 1995-96. (Carried 4/0) The City Council returned to item #4 to discuss the development of Tommy and Burl Cunningham's property on South Interurban Street. Tommy presented the Council with an illustration of their intentions. The Mayor expressed his concern about the fact that the proposal does not allow for any outlet and thus further creates a hazard. Duane Hayes emphasized that the condition of the homes that Mr. Cunningham plans to move in on this land should be a concern of all the City Council. Mr. Cunningham pressed the City Council for an resolution to his proposal. The Council provided Tommy with a copy of the City of Anna's subdivision ordinance and informed him of the proper steps he needed to take before submitting a preliminary plat to the City Secretary. Item #8, employee policy, was tabled pending information from the City Attorney. Under item #9, report from Water Superintendent, no official action was taken. Under item #10, report from City Secretary, no official action was taken. Under item #11, motion was made by Duane Hayes and seconded by Benny Milam to approve the minutes dated August 8, 1995, as submitted. (Carried 4/0) After reviewing an accounts payable list for both the Water/Sewer and General Funds under item #12, motion was made by Benny Milam and seconded by Duane Hayes to approve the bills as submitted. (Carried 4/0) Under item #13, the City Council recessed into executive session at 9:37 P.M. The Council re-convened into regular session at 9:55 P.M. Motion was made by Leonard Harlow and seconded by Joe Murphy to authorize the City Secretary to allow the City's attorneys to consult A.L. Geer, former Mayor of the City, on two pending lawsuits. (Carried 4/0) no further business the meeting was adjourned at . ·' / CITY OF ANNA Minutes of the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas held on October 10, 1995, at the City Hall of the said city. The City Council of the City of Anna met in regular session on the 10th day of October 1995 with the following members present and participating: Mayor Ron Ferguson, Benny Milam, Leonard Harlow, Joe Murphy, Bob Estep and Duane Hayes. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Ferguson. Others present were Johnny McBride, R.J. Davis, Jack Vandagriff, L.C. Settle, and David Moore. Under item #4, the Council met with Mr. David Moore to discuss and consider action on appointing Mr. Moore as the City of Anna's municipal judge. The Council reviewed his resume and inquired on the proper steps in issuing warnings and citations for violations of the city ordinances. This item was tabled for further review. Under item #5, the Council met with Mr. R.J.{Richard) Davis of Tri-County Trucking. Mr. Davis submitted a new contract to the City Council that would repeal the current contract with the city that is renewed each month. This item was tabled until the next regularly scheduled City Council meeting. Under item #3, citizen's participation, the Mayor introduced the Council to Jack Vandagriff and proposed that he he the City of Anna's Code Enforcement Officer. Under item #6, motion was made by Duane Hayes and seconded by Joe Murphy to adopt Ordinance No. 95-09, an Ordinance of the City of Anna, Texas, establishing a street numbering system; prescribing the placement of street address numbers on primary structures within the city; prohibiting the destruction or defacement of street number signs; providing a penalty clause; and providing an effective date; also voiding Ordinance 91-001. (Carried 5/0) Under item #7, motion was made by Benny Milam and seconded by Leonard Harlow to adopt Ordinance No. 95-10, an Ordinance of the City of Anna, Texas, establishing water rates; setting water tap fees, regulating the installation, use and moving of meters; regulating the drilling of water wells; prohibiting tampering with fire hydrants; tampering with city water works prohibited; establishing mandatory water conservation regulations; establishing a penalty for violations of the provisions of the Ordinance; setting an effective date; also voiding Ordinance 102- 85. (Carried 5/0) Under item #8, motion was made by Duane Hayes and seconded by Benny Milam to adopt Ordinance No. 95-11, an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas, requiring proposed and existing mobile home parks to obtain city license; providing for the renewal or transfer of mobile home park licenses; providing for the revocation of mobile home park licenses; establishing mobile home park design and construction standards; establishing mobile home park operation and maintenance standards; providing regulations for mobile home parks within the city's extraterritorial jurisdiction; releasing the city from liability; repealing conflicting ordinances; establishing a penalty fee for violations not to exceed the maximum as prescribed by law; providing a severability clause; and providing for an effective date; voiding Ordinance No. 106-85. (Carried 5/0) Under item #9, motion was made by Bob Estep and seconded by Leonard Harlow to adopt Ordinance No.95-12, an Ordinance prescribing rules and regulations governing plat, plans and subdivisions of land within the incorporated area and extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Anna; definition; providing for final approval of subdivisions by section; prescribing regulations for streets, sidewalks, alleys, sanitary utilities, water mains, storm sewers, and other drainage structures and community facilities; providing for a penalty not to exceed the maximum as prescribed by law for each violation thereof; repealing all conflicting ordinances; providing a severance clause; and providing an effective date; also voiding Ordinance No. 105-85. (Carried 5/ 0) ----=--- Under item #10, motion was made by Duane Hayes and seconded by Leonard Harlow to adopt Ordinance No. 95-13, an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas, requiring mobile homes outside duly licensed mobile home parks to obtain a specific use permit; providing application procedures and application fee; requiring existing mobile homes to obtain a city permit; establishing permit conditions; allowing exceptions; allowing exceptions; releasing city from liability; repealing conflicting ordinances; establishing a penalty for violations not to exceed the maximum as prescribed by law; providing a severability clause; and providing for an effective date; also voiding Ordinance No. 107-85. (Carried 4/ l) Under item #11, motion was made by Bob Estep and seconded by Joe M~rphy for adopt Ordinance No. 95-14, an Ordinance of the City of Anna, Texas prescribing certain restrictions on parking of vehicles within the corporate limits of the city; establishing a penalty for violations; providing a severability clause; establishing an effective date; and voiding Ordinance No. 109-86. (Carried 5/0) Under item #12, motion was made by Duane Hayes and seconded by Benny Milam to adopt Ordinance No. 95-15, an Ordinance to adopt various standard codes relating to inspection activities of the City of Anna and enforcement of building provisions as provided in said codes; and thus voiding Ordinance No. 103-85, 105-87, 107-87, 108-87, 109-87. (Carried 5/0) \ Under item #13, motion was made by Duane Hayes and seconded by Leonard Harlow to adopt Ordinance No. 95-16, an Ordinance regulating the movement of old or used houses, buildings or structures; defining terms; requiring a permit to move or relocate any used or old house, building, structure or portion thereof; providing conditions and terms. For issuance of a certificate of occupancy; restricting liability of the City; providing for a severability clause; repealing all ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for penalties for violations; and providing for an effective date; and voiding Ordinance No. 108-85. (Carried 5/0) Under item #14, motion was made by Duane Hayes and seconded by Joe Murphy to adopt Ordinance No. 95-17, an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas, declaring that junked vehicles are deemed public nuisances and providing their abatement; repealing conflicting Ordinances; providing for severability; providing for an effective date; and establishing a penalty for violations not to exceed the maximum as prescribed by law; and voiding Ordinance No. 110-86. (Carried 5/0) Under item #15, motion was made by Duane Hayes and seconded by Joe Murphy to adopt Ordinance No. 95-18, an ordinance of the City of Anna, Texas, prohibiting tall weeds and grass, brush and unsanitary matter; providing for notice to violators; providing for assessment of lien against violators; providing a penalty not to exceed the maximum as prescribed by law for each violation; providing a severability clause and effective date; and voiding Ordinance No. 111-86. Under item #16, motion was made by Joe Murphy and seconded by Duane Hayes to adopt Ordinance No. 95-19, an Ordinance providing for the control of animals; providing for definitions; providing for enforcement; providing for rabies control; providing a violation for running at large; providing for registration; providing for impoundrnent; providing for fees; providing for quarantine; providing for nuisances; providing for prohibition of certain animals; providing for control of vicious animals; providing for sanitary conditions; providing for a penalty; providing for a savings clause; providing for repeal or ordinances in conflict therewith; and providing for the publication of the caption of this ordinance and an effective date thereof; and thus voiding Ordinance No. 106-86. (Carried 5/0). Under item #17, motion was made by Duane Hayes and seconded by Leonard Harlow to adopt Ordinance No. 95-20, an Ordinance of the City of Anna, Texas, prohibiting accumulations of lumber, junk, trash, and debris and abandoned, discarded or unused objects or equipment; providing penalty not to exceed the maximum as prescribed by law for each violation; providing a severability clause and effective date; and voiding Ordinance No. 112-86. (Carried 5/0) ) Under item #18, any action on the proposed employee policy was tabled pending information from the city attorney. Under item #19, report from City Secretary, no action was taken. Under item #20, motion was made by Benny Milam and seconded by Leonard Harlow to approve ihe minutes dated September 12, 1995, as submitted. (Carried 5/0) After reviewing an accounts payable list for both the Water/Sewer and General Funds under item #21, motion was made by Bob Estep and seconded by Duane Hayes to approve the bills as submitted. {Carried 5/0) Under item #22, the Council recessed into executive session at 10:15 P.M. The City Council re-convened into regular session at 10:50 P.M. No official action was taken. business the Council adjourned at 11:00 I . CITY OF ANNA Minutes of the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas held on October 24, 1995, at the City Hall of the said city. The City Council of the City of Anna met in emergency session on the 24th day of October 1995 with the following members present and participating: Mayor Ron Ferguson, Benny Milam, Leonard Harlow, Joe Murphy, and Bob Estep. Duane Hayes was absent and not voting. Under item #3, the Council met with Mr. J.W. Tallent to discuss and take action on a storage lot. Mr. Tallent informed the Council that the contents of his impound lot would not be visible from Highway 5. The Mayor informed Mr. Tallent that the only stipulation on the construction of his impound lot would be the application and receipt of a building permit for the fence that will surround the lot. No official action was taken. Under item #4, the City Council recessed into executive session at 8:50 P.M. The City Council re-convened into regular session at 9:15 P.M. Motion was made by Leonard Harlow and seconded by Bob Estep to appoint David Moore as the City of Anna's Murdcipal Judge. (Carried 4/0) Motion was made by Joe Murphy and seconded by Benny Milam to authorize the City Secretary to inform Mr. Gary Engel that his services as Municipal Judge were terminated effective October 16, 1995. (Carried 4/0) Motion was then made by Benny Milam and seconded by Leonard Harlow to appoint Mr. Jack Vandagriff as the City of Anna's Ordinance Enforcement Officer. (Carried 4/0). Motion was made by Bob Estep and seconded by Benny Milam to approve the employment of Ricky Dawes as the Water/Wastewater Superintendent beginning on November 6, 1995. (Carried 4/0). There being no further business the Council adjourned at 9:33 P.M. !'· CITY OF ANNA Minutes of the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas held on November 14, 1995, at the City Hall of the said city. The City Council of the City of Anna met in regular session on the 14th day of November 1995 with the following members present and participating: Mayor Ron Ferguson, Joe Murphy, Bob Estep, and Duane Hayes. Benny Milam and Leonard Harlow were absent and not voting. The meeting was called to order at 7:36 P.M. by Mayor Ferguson. Under item #3, Citizen's Participation, no action was taken. Under item #4, no action was taken due to the absence of Mr. Clarence Richardson. Motion was made by Duane Hayes and seconded by Joe Murphy to adopt a resolution officially nominating Mr. Anthony Geer to the Board of Directors of the Central Appraisal District of Collin County. (Carried 3/0) Under item #5, the City Council met with Mr. Richard Davis to discuss a contract for solid waste collection. The Cou~cil reviewed the contract and discussed the options of trash containers and a recycling program, but no official action was taken. Under item #6, the Mayor addressed the issue of a capital grant available to the City that could be implemented and thus would allow the truck stop to be incorporated into the city limits. The object would be to make sewer service available to the truck stop and residence along Hwy 455. The Mayor met with Mr. Pat Dillon of Southwest Consultants and a representative of the truck stop in a private meeting at Southwest Consultants. Mayoi Ferguson reported to the Council that the truck stop would be unable to support the. project financially, but would provided all the necessary records needed to complete the application for the grant. The Mayor then emphasized that Pat Dillon had projected an additional $20,000 income for the City annually on sales tax alone as a result of incorporating the truck stop area. The initial cost projections were reported as follows: $183,000 - sewer line; $30,000 -pump; $30,000-$40,000 -administration fee; and $30,000-$40,000 -engineering. The capital grant application fee, payable to Southwest Consultants, is $2,000-$3,000 and is non-refundable. After further discussion, the Council authorized the Mayor to contact Southwest Consultants to begin the grant application. Under item #7, the City Council opened the public hearing at 3:36 P.M. to discuss for er against the proposed 1996 budget. The public hearing was closed at 8:38 P.M. with no discussion. uncier item #8, motion was made by Duane Hayes and seconded by Bob Estep to adopt Ordinance No. 95-21, an ordinance on the City of Anna, Texas adopting the 1996 budget. (Carried 3/0) Under item #9, report from Water Superintendent, the Council reviewed the wastew~ter treatment plant reports, but no official action was taken. Under item #10, City Secretary report, motion was made by Bob Estep and seconded by Duane Hayes to authorize the secretary to formulate an interlocal agreement to propose to the City of Melissa for the services of the City of Melissa Marshal as a warrant officer. (Carried 3/0) Motion was also made by Duane Hayes and seconded by Bob Estep to increase Municipal Judge David Moore's monthly salary from $50.00 to $100.00. (Carried 3/0) Under item #11, motion was made by Bob Estep and seconded by Joe Murphy to approve the minutes dated October 10 and October 24, 1995 as submitted. (Carried 3/0) After reviewing an accounts payable list for both the Water/Sewer and General Funds under item #12, motion was made by Duane Hayes and seconded by Joe Murphy to approve the bills as submitted. (Carried 3/0) Under item #13, the City Council recessed into executive session at 9:42 P.M. The City Council re-convened into regular session at 10:00 P.M., no official action was taken. the Council adjourned at 10:00 CITY . OF ANNA Minutes of the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas held on December 12, 1995, at the City Hall of the said city. The City Council of the City of Anna met in regular session on t.he 12th day of December 1995 with the following members present and participating: Mayor Ron Ferguson, Joe Murphy, Bob Estep, Benny Milam and Leonard Harlow. Duane Hayes was absent and not voting. The meeting was called to order at 7:32 P.M. by Mayor Ferguson. Others present were Jack Vandagriff, Richard Davis of Tri-County Trucking, Michelle Davis, Joe and Jody Bradshaw of Bradshaw & Son, Alvin Smith, Charles Tyler, and John Love of BFI, Ricky Dawes, and Joe Jaynes. Under item #3, Citizen's Participation, Mr. Jack Vandagriff, Volunteer Code Enforcement Officer for the City of Anna, addressed the Council on the condition of several homes in Anna and the steps he plans to take to rectify the situation. Under item #4, the Mayor opened the sealed bids that City Hall had received for solid waste collection. Each representative from Tri-County Trucking, Bradshaw & Son, and BFI explained the proposal before the Council. (A representative from Texas Waste Management was not present). No action was taken; however, a workshop was scheduled for Tuesday, December 19th at 7:30 to thoroughly review each bid. Under item #5, motion was made by Bob Estep and seconded by Leonard Harlow to authorize the State to conduct a study to evaluate the need for a stop light at the intersection of Hwy 5 and 455. (Carried 4/0) Under item #6, motion was made by Benny Milam and seconded by Bob Estep to adopt the interlocaL agreement with the City of Melissa, allowing the City of Melissa Marshal to serve as a warrant officer and bailiff for the City of Anna Municipal Court. (Carried 4/0) Under item #7, discuss and take action on capital grant, the Mayor updated the Council on the application for the grant. No official action was taken. Under item #8, report from Water Superintendent, no official action was taken. Under item #9, city secretary report, motion was made by Leonard Harlow and seconded by Joe Murphy to approve the Interlocal Jail Services Agreement with the Collin County. (Carried 4/0) Under item #10, motion was made by Joe Murphy and seconded by Bob Estep to approve the minutes dated November 14, 1995 as submitted. (Carried 4/0) After reviewing an accounts payable list for both the Water/Sewer and General Funds under item #11, motion was made by Leonard Harlow and seconded by Benny Milam to approve the bills as submitted. (carried 4/0) Under item #12, the City Council recessed into executive session at 9:50 P.M. The City Council re-convened into regular session at 10:13 P.M .. No official action was taken. There being no further business the Council adjourned at 10:14 P.M.