HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2015-01-08 Pecan grove Water Line Project e v- CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 2015-01-08 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACT ON THE CITY'S BEHALF IN EXECUTING AN ENGINEERING SERVICE TASK ORDER WITH BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS AND CARTER, LLP FOR THE PECAN GROVE WATER LINE. WHEREAS; The City has negotiated an engineering service task order with Birkhoff, Hendricks, and Carter, LLP for the design, bidding, and contract administration of the Pecan Grove Water Line Improvements; and, WHEREAS; the water line will provide a critical water line loop needed in the water system to mitigate the possibility of extended periods without water service and will allow for the activation of the existing Collin Pump Station; and, WHEREAS; the amount of the engineering consulting fee covering Basics Services (Parts 1- 111) for the project is for the lump sum amount of$67,760.00 and the additional services (Part IV) for the project is for the amount of $43,330, for a total not to exceed amount of $111,090.00. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. Recitals Incorporated. The recitals above are incorporated herein as if set forth in full for all purposes. Section 2. Approval and Authorization of Engineering Service Task Order. The City Council hereby approves the Engineering Service Task Order with Birkhoff, Hendricks and Carter, LLP for the Pecan Grove Water Line Improvements, attached hereto as Exhibit 1, and authorizes, ratifies and approves the City Manager's execution of same. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute all documents and to take all other actions necessary to finalize, act under, and enforce the service task order agreement. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas, on this 13th day of January 2015. ATTEST: APPROVED: INat Wilkison, City SecretaryO ,/ ,, Mayor, Mike Crist • RES.2015-01-08 Task Order Pecan Grove Water Line% :• VO 01-13-15 BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CARTER, L.L.P. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS 11910 Greenville Ave.,Suite 600 Dallas,Texas 75243 Phone(214)361-7900 www.bhcllp.com JOHN W.BIRKHOFF,P.E. GARY C.HENDRJCKS,P.E. JOE I—CARTER,P.E. MATT HICKEY,P.E. ANDREW MATA,JR,P.E. JOSEPH T.GRAJEWSKI,III,P.E. January 2,2015 DEREK B.CHANEY,RE CRAIG M.KERKHOFF,F.E. Mr. Philip Sanders City Manager City of Anna 111 North Powell Parkway Anna,Texas 75409 Re: General Engineering Services—Task Order Pecan Grove Water Line Dear Mr. Sanders: In accordance with your request and our existing general engineering services agreement, we are pleased to submit this General Services Task Order letter for services related to the preparation of plans, specifications,bidding documents and contract administration for the: Pecan Grove Water Line(W.Foster Crossing Rd.) From: The existing 18-inch water line adjacent to the DART right-of-way To: The Pecan Grove Subdivision. GENERAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project consists of a 12-inch water line to be constructed generally along the north side of W. Foster Crossing Road. The water line will connect the existing 12-inch water line stubbed to the east side of the Pecan Grove subdivision to the existing 18-inch water line located east of the DART right- of-way. A Project Location Map marked"Exhibit A" is attached hereto and made a part of this Task Order. TBPE Firm 526 ACEC Wellness Firm � Better Decisions-Better Designs TBPLS Firm 100318-00 L\7015 contdev\anna\2014 pecan grove whpecan grove waterline-task authorization format agreement.dom Mr.Philip Sanders General Services Task Order:Pecan Grove Water Line January 2,2015 Page 2 of 9 Based on our understanding of the project requirements,our opinion of probable project budget is summarized below: Pecan Grove Water Line Opinion of Probable Construction Cost $677,622 Quality Control,Material Testing &Inspection Services(by others) $33,882 Basic Engineering and Additional Services $111,090 Land Rights Acquisitions $63,500 Total Pro'ect Budget $886,094 A copy of our itemized opinion of cost is attached as Appendix A for reference only. SCOPE of SERVICES Part I: Design Phase Preparation of construction plans, specifications, bidding phase services and construction administration phase services for the following: A. Construction Plan-Profile Sheets prepared at a scale of not less than 1"=20'. B. Standard Details. C. Special Details. D. Cover Sheet,Location Map and Sheet Index. E. Submittals to State Regulatory Agencies, as required. F. Preparation of required Texas Department of Transportation permits,as required. G. Coordination with other Franchise Utility companies. H. 2-Design review meetings. Texas American Public Works Association 2410 Awardee Environmental Project of the Year$10-$100 Million 1:\7015-mdev\anna\2014 pecan grove wl\pe grove waterline-task authorization format agreemea-&= Texas Firm F526 Mr.Philip Sanders General Services Task Order:Pecan Grove Water Line January 2,2015 Page 3 of 9 I. Opinion of Probable Construction Estimate. J. Preparation of Specifications and Contract Documents. K. Assist in procuring geotechnical engineering information or reports as the project requirements dictate. L. Printing of preliminary plans and specifications for review by the City. Part II: Bidding Phase A. Assist the City staff in advertising for bids. This will include e-mailing "Notice to Contractors"to contractors experienced in this type of construction. City will have Notice published in local newspaper. B. Sell bidding documents to potential bidders and their suppliers and other parties. C. Provide bidding documents to City of Anna, Dodge Reports, and two other parties requested by the City. D. Assist during opening of bids and provide bidding tally sheets. E. Provide bid tabulation to City and contractors who submitted bids. F. Obtain the following information from the lowest bidder: I. Past work history. 2. Physical resources to produce the project. G. Formulate opinion from information received and provide the City a summary of the opinion for their use in selection and award of the construction contract. H. After award of contract, furnish ten sets of prints of the final plans, specifications and contract documents to the City for construction use by the City and Contractor. Part III: Construction Phase A. Attend a pre-construction conference, including preparing an agenda. B. Attend coordination meetings with contractor, quality control personnel, and City representatives to discuss strategy, problem areas, progress, and any required coordination. C. Review shop drawings and other submittal information, which the Contractor submits. This review is for the benefit of the Owner and covers only general Texas American Public Works Association 2010 Awardee Environmental Project of the Year$10-$100 Million 1:\7015 contdevlannai2014 pecan grove wllpecan grove waterline-task authorization formai agreementdoc Texas Firm F526 Mr.Philip Sanders General Services Task Order:Pecan Grove Water Line January 2,2015 Page 4 of 9 conformance with information given by the Contract Documents. The contractor is to review and stamp their approval on submittals prior to submitting to the Engineer. Review by the Engineer does not relieve the Contractor of any responsibilities, safety measures or the necessity to construct a complete and workable facility in accordance with the Contract Documents. D. Provide written responses to requests for information or clarification to City or Contractor. E. Prepare and process routine change orders for this project as they pertain to the original scope of work. F. Make periodic site visits during construction as the project requirements dictate. Minimum of one project site visit per month. G. Review monthly pay request from information obtained in the field. H. Accompany the City during their final inspection of the project. I. Recommend final acceptance of work based on information from the on-site representative. J. Prepare Record Drawings. Utilizing on-site representative and Contractor construction record information, consultant will prepare one set of 22"x 34" reproducible record drawings on mylar and one set of electronic image files in Adobe Acrobat file format and ACAD.dwg file format. Part IV: Additional Services A. Design,Property and Construction Surveys. B. Preparation of Plat and Field Note Descriptions for expected water line easements required. Eleven (11) easement descriptions are included for the purpose of establishing a budget for this phase of work. C. Printing of final plans and specifications for distribution to prospective bidders and the successful contractor. Texas American Public Works Association 2010 Awardee Environmental Project of the Year$10-$100 Million 1:17015 comdevlannaV014 pecan grove w4ecan grove waterline-task authorization format agreemem docx Texas Firm F526 Mr.Philip Sanders General Services Task Order:Pecan Grove Water Line January 2,2015 Page 5 of 9 Part V: Exclusions The intent of this scope of services is to include only the services specifically listed herein and none others. Services specifically excluded from this scope of services include,but are not necessarily limited to the following: A. Environmental impact statements and assessments. B. Fees for permits or advertising. C. Certification that work is in accordance with plans and specifications. D. Environmental cleanup. E. Landscape architecture. F. Flood plain reclamation plans. G. Trench safety designs. H. Quality control and testing services during construction. I. Services in connection with condemnation hearings. J. Phasing of Contractor's work. K. On-site safety precautions,programs and responsibility. L. Consulting services by others not included in proposal. M. Revisions and/or change orders as a result of revisions after completion of original design(unless to correct error on plans). N. Traffic engineering report or study. O. Title searches. COMPLETION SCHEDULE Notice to Proceed From City..........................................I...... January 14,2014 Submit Preliminary Plans to City ........................................ March 13,2014 Submit Plats and Field Notes for Water Line Easements:.... April 10,2014 Complete Final Plans&Bidding Documents ...................... May 15,2014 Land Rights Acquisitions:..................................................... By the City of Anna Advertise Project for Bids(after land rights secured): ........ At City's Direction Construction Phase:............................................................... 6 months after notice to proceed Texas American Public Works Association 2010 Awardee Environmental Project of the Year$10-$100 Million IA701s eontdev\wma\2014 pecan grove wnp—grove waterline_task authorization r resat ag<eemeat-d« Texas Firm F526 Mr.Philip Sanders General Services Task Order:Pecan Grove Water Line January 2,2015 Page 6 of 9 FEE NOT TO EXCEED AMOUNT Basic Services(Parts I-III) Payment for the Basic Services described under Parts I, II, III and IV, shall be on a Lump Sum Basis in the following Amounts: Part I: Design Phase $50,820 Part II:Bidding Phase $3,390 Part III: Construction Phase $13,550 Total Basic Services $67,760 Lump Sum Fee Additional Services(Part M For the Additional Services described in Part 1V,we propose to be compensated on a salary cost basis times a multiplier of 2.35,with expenses at actual invoice cost times 1.10. The two man survey crew will be billed at a crew rate of$160 per hour. Automobile mileage for special services will be invoiced at$0.50 per mile. We suggest you budget approximately$43,330 in the following amounts for our services for this project: A. Design and Boundary Surveys $14,330 B. Preparation of Plat and Field Note $27,500 Descriptions(11 each C. PrinfinE of Plans&Specifications $1,500 Total Additional Service $43,330 Not to Exceed Amounts TEXAS BOARD OF PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYING CONTACT INFORMATION Recipients of professional land surveying services under this agreement may direct complaints regarding such services to the Texas Board of Professional Land Surveying, 12100 Park 35 Circle, Building A, Suite 156,MC 230,Austin, TX 78753,Phone(512)239-5263, Fax(512)239-5253. Texas American Public Works Association 2010 Awardee Environmental Project of the Year$10-$100 Million 1:17015 coMdev\anna\2014 pecan grove w1\pecan grove waterline-task authorization Format agreement.d— Texas Firm F526 Mr.Philip Sanders General Services Task Order:Pecan Grove Water Line January 2,2015 Page 7 of 9 If this General Engineering Services Agreement Task Order meets with your approval, please sign and return one set to our office along with your directive to proceed. We look forward to working with you on this important project for the City of Anna and are available to discuss this task further at your convenience. Sincerely yours, Gary C• Digitally signed by Gary C.Hendricks DN:cn=Gary C.Hendricks, o=Birkhoff,Hendricks and Carter, LLP,ou,email=ghendricks@bhclip. Hendricks Date:2 15.01.02 09:36:29-06'00' Gary C.Hendricks,P.E.,R.P.L.S. APPROVED FOR THE CITY OF ANNA,TEXAS Mr. Philip Sanders,City Manager Date cc: Mr. Joseph Johnson,Director of Public Works Mr. Clark McCoy,Wolfe,Tidwell&McCoy, L.L.P. Texas American Public Works Association 2010 Awardee Environmental Project of the Year$10-$100 Million 1.\7015 contde\anna\2014 pecan grove wl\pecan grove waterline-task authorization fr rr-t agreeroentdoox Texas Firm F526 Mr.Philip Sanders General Services Task Order.Pecan Grove Water Line January 2,2015 Page 8 of 9 Exhibit A-Project Location Map �- , , @PROPOSED 12" WATER LINE � 6111 t�aRraCKMORTIGH azo, �. ANNA E.T.a_ 9 PUMP STATION 0, .; SCALE IN Ill Texas American Public Works Association 2010 Awardee Environmental Project of the Year$10-$100 Million 1:\7015 contdevtamiaM14 pecan grove wApecan grove waterline-task authorization format agreement.d— Texas Firm F526 Mr.Philip Sanders General Services Task Order:Pecan Grove Water Line January 2,2015 Page 9 of 9 Appendix A—Opinion of Probable Project Cost BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CARTER, L.L.P. Project No. Cont.Dev. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS Client: CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS Date: 2-Jan-15 Project: Pecan Grove Water Line By: CMK Brief Project Description: Approximately 6,750 LT.12"Water Line along W.Foster Crossing Road,from the DART ROW to the Pecan Grove Subdivision ENGINEER'S OPINION OF CONSTRUCTION COST Iteffi 10To. Description Quantity Unit Price Amount Furnish&Install 12-Inch PVC Waterline W/Embedment By 1 22en Cut 6,350 L.F. $ 45.00 $ 285,750.00 Furnish&Install 12-Inch PVC Waterline W/24"Steel 2 Fncasement Pipe By Other Than Open Cut 300 L.F. $ 450.00 $ 135,000 Furnish&Install 12-Inch PVC Waterline W/Class"G' 3 Embedment B 22en Cut 100 L.F. $ 70.00 $ 7,000 4 Furnish&Install 12-Inch Resilient Seated Crate Valve 9 Ea. $ 2,500.00 $ 22,500 Transfer Existing Water Service(includes new 1"water 5 service o 12 Ea. $ 2,500.00 $ 30,000 Furnish&Install Standard Fire Hydrant Assembly 6 A 400'Spacing 17 Ea. $ 4,000.00 $ 68,000 7 lFurnish&Install 2-Inch Air Release Valve Assemb 2 Ea. $ 2,500.00 $ 5,000 8 Furnish&Install 6-Inch Blowoff Valve Assembly 1 Ea. $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500 9 Remove&Replace Asphalt Pavement 222 S.Y. $ 85.00 $ 18,889 10 Remove&Replace 6Inch Reinf.Conc.Driveway 53 S.Y. $ 70.00 $ 3,733 11 Remove&Replace Gavel Driveway 53 S.Y. $ 25.00 $ 1,333 12 Fumish&Install 18-inch x 12-inch.Tapping Sleeve&Valve 1 Ea. $ 7,500.00 $ 7,500 13 Connect to Existing 12-Inch Waterline 1 Ea. $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000 14 Fumish&Install Trench Safety Plan 1 LS $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500 15 Fumish&Install Trench Safety System 6,450 L.F. $ 2.00 $ 12,900 16 Traffic Control and Barricades 1 L.S $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500 17 Furnish&Install Erosion Control Plan 1 L.S. $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500 18 Seeding/H dromulch 2.92 Acres $ 2,200.00 $ 6,414 Subtotal- $ 616,020 Contin enc 101/6 $ 61,602 Construction Subtotal: $ 677,622 Materials Testing and Quality Control: 2.5% $ 16,940.54 Construction Inspection Services: 2.5% $ 16,940.54 LandRi hts for Water Line 20-footFasement 127,000.0 SF $0.50 $ 63,500 Professional Fees(Engineering,Geotech,Surveying, Easement Pre $ 111,090 Project Total: $ 886,093 USE: S 890,000 Texas American Public Works Association 2010 Awardee Environmental Project of the Year$10-$100 Million L\7015 contdev\anna\2014 pecan grove whpeoan grove waterline-task authorization format agreeromt.do" Texas Firth F526 BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CARTER, L.L.P. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS 11910 Greenville Ave.,Suite 600 Dallas,Texas 75243 Fax(214)461-8390 Phone(214)361-7900 JOIIN W,HIRKHOFF,P.E. GARY C.HENDRICKS,P E, JOE R.CARTER,P.E. MATT HICKEY,P.E. ANDREW MATA,JR.,P E. JOSEPH T.GRAJEWSKI,III,RE, DEREK S.CHANEY,P_E. CRAIG M.KERKHOFF.P.E. January 9,2015 Mr.Joseph Johnson Director of Public Works City of Anna 3223 North Powell Parkway Anna,Texas 75049 Re: South Take Point Pump Station Evaluation (revised) Dear Mr.Johnson: As you requested,we have evaluated the operational condition and flow capacity of the existing South Take Point Pump Station located approximately at the northeast corner of the State Highway 5 and Collin County Outer Loop intersection. The pump station was constructed in 2008 to deliver treated surface water to the City of Anna from the Collin-Grayson Municipal Alliance(CGMA)water line operated by the Greater Texoma Utility Authority(GTUA). It is our understanding that the South Take Point Pump Station has never been placed into service. The intent of this evaluation is to use the best information available to determine what, if any,improvements are required to begin operating the South Take Point Pump Station within the City of Anna water system. Existing Pump Station The existing pump station includes two(2)vertical turbine pumps each rated a 4 million gallons-per-day. Construction of the pump station was completed,and a start-up exercise was performed in 2008. However, City staff reports that the station was never operated nor supplied the City of Anna with treated surface water. A 1.5 million gallon ground storage reservoir was constructed with the pump station, and still holds the same water the tank was filled with in 2008. A stand-by generator was installed with the pump station,and based on conversations with City staff, is exercised on a regular schedule. A water supply line was constructed from the South Take Point to the north up to FM 455. The supply line is connected to the City system as the single point at FM 455 and is not a looped water line. Pump Station Rehabilitation In order to formulate our recommendations,we performed several site visits to: 1) Verify equipment installed 2) Evaluate the reliable operating condition of critical components 3) Evaluate the capacity and determine appropriate sized of the major equipment components,electrical switch gear and pumps. Mr.Joseph Johnson City of Anna January 9,2015 Page 2 of 3 Based on these site visits and our evaluation; in order to begin operating the South Take Point Pump Station as a part of the City's water system,the following items are recommended to be replaced or repaired. • Two(2)0.75 MGD pumps and associated motors installed in placed of the existing pumps. Replacement of existing control valves with 8-inch check valves,piping,etc.will be required for the replacement pumps. • Electrical cabinet requires maintenance with identified equipment(soft starters,grounding and lightning protection,testing automatic transfer switchboard,etc.)being replaced for the operation of the pumps inserted. • Ground storage tank will be required to be drained,inspected,cleaned and disinfected. • The SCADA system with the original pump station is no longer in operation. Repair,replacement and upgrades are required. Our opinion of probable construction cost for the rehabilitation of the existing pump station is in the range of $442,000. An itemized opinion of probable construction cost in enclosed for your reference. Foster Crossing Water Line The distribution line from the South Take Point to FM 455 is a single feed 18-inch water line connected to an older portion of the City's water system. To better utilize the pump station and water supply,we recommend looping the water line within the City's water system. Constructing a 12-inch water line, in accordance with the City's water master plan,along West Foster Crossing Road west of the existing supply line and connecting it the existing 12-inch water line adjacent to the Pecan Grove subdivision creates a loop from the South Take Point supply line. The City of Anna currently provides the majority of its drinking water from groundwater wells at four(4) pump sites. Three(3)of those sites now have the capability of receiving treated surface water from the CGMA supply line into the local ground storage reservoirs;thereby creating a blended system of ground and surface water. The South Take Point currently has access to only treated surface water making it the only pump station in the City's system delivering solely surface water. Injecting surface water from this site into the distribution system could potentially cause water quality issues within the system. However,the development south of FM 455 in the general area of US 75 having been of more recent construction,this area may not experience as significant water quality issues as the older portion of the City due to the age and material of the pipe. This loop provides better redundancy for the system,eliminates a dead end water main at the Pecan Grove subdivision,and helps alleviate the water surge being sent to an older portion of the City's water system at FM 455 where water quality issues may be more significant. It is our opinion this critical loop in the City's water system is necessary to reliably operate and supply treated surface water from the South Take Point Pump Station. Our opinion of probable project cost for the 12-inch water line along Foster Crossing Road from the existing supply line to the Pecan Grove subdivision is in the range of$890,000. An itemized opinion of probable construction cost in enclosed for your reference. TBPE Firm 526 ACEC Wellness Firm _--* Better Decisions-Better Designs TBPLS Firm 100318-00 j9clericaRanna\l-general services14007-city projectsU 70-south take paint start-up evaluationVettersMevaluation revised docx Mr.Joseph Johnson City of Anna January 9,2015 Page 3 of 3 Evaluation Exclusions The following items were not included with this evaluation. • Stand-by generator requires repair as it appears to be leaking fuel. Based on conversations with the City staff,a repair company has been contacted for the generator. • The existing vault for the site from the CGMA to the City's ground storage reservoir is owned and operated by the GTUA. This vault includes inaccessible vault doors,a rubber-seated ball valve and a fixed energy dissipater. This is the only operating/throttling valve between the CGMA line and the City's system at this site. • HVAC improvements for the existing building were not included. While additional vents,fans, heaters,etc. are ideal for the long term operation of this site. However,the design and implementation of the HVAC improvements would exceed our understanding of the project budget and could be completed at a later time. Please note that prolonged operation of the building without the HVAC improvements could reduce the operational life span of some equipment. • Water supplied from the CGMA line has been disinfected using chloramines. The City's pump station will require upgrades to the supplemental disinfection system as only chlorine disinfection is in place currently. • The existing pump station building does not have a sump for water leaked or drained from the pipes to drain toward. Retro-fitting the slab of the existing building for a sump pit and pump is not included with this evaluation. • Costs for land rights acquisition for a groundwater well site were not included. We are available to discuss this evaluation and project further at your convenience. Sincerely, Enclosures cc: Mr.Philip Sanders TBPE Firm 526 ACEC Wellness Firm Better Decisions-Better Designs TBPLS Firm 100318-00 jAclericaltianna\I-gcneral services54007-city projects\]70-south take point start-up evaluationMetterst k"luation revised ducx BIRKHOFF, HENDRIICKS &c CARTER, L.L.P. Project No. 4.007-170 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS Client: Ci of Anna Date: 8-Jan-15 Project: South Take Point Rehab Replace Pumps,Rehab Electrical,Clean Tank By: CMK ENGINEER'S OPINION OF CONSTRUCTION COST Item No. Description Qua nti Unit Price Amount 1 Furnish&Install Pumps,motors,basket strainers,stuffing boxes 1 LS $ 55,000.00 $ 55,000.00 2 Furnish&Install 8-inch Surge Buster Check Valves 2 Ea $ 8.840.00 $ 17,680.00 Misc.piping to connect -inc rscharge om pump to exst. 2-mc 3 discharge line 1 LS $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 4 Electrical Rehabilitation&Upgyades 1 LS $ 225,000.00 $ 225,000.00 5 Clean&Disinfect Exst.Ground Storage Tank 1 LS $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 Subtotal: $ 327,680.00 Contingencies and Miscellaneous Items 10% $ 32 768.00 Subtotal: $ 360,448.00 Engineering,Bid ing,Construction Admin,and Professional Service Fees 20.0% $ 721089.60 Ins tections 2.5% $ 91011.20 Total: $ 441,548.80 USE: Is 442,000.00 BIRKHOFF,HENDRICKS & CARTER,L.L.P. Project No. 4007-170 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS Client: CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS Date: 8-Jan-15 Project: Foster Crossing Water Line By: CMK Brief Project Description: Approximately 6,750 L.F.12"Water Line along W.Foster Crossing Road,from the DART ROW to the Pecan Grove Subdivision ENGINEER'S OPINION OF CONSTRUCTION COST 7r2 Descri tion (juantity Unit Price AmountFurnish&Install 12-Inch PVC Waterline W/Embedment By Oen Cut 6.350 L.F. $ 45.00 $ 285,750.00 Furnish&Install 12-Inch PVC Waterline W/24"Steel Encasement Pi e B Other Than O en Cut 300 L.F. $ 45.0.00 $ 135,000 Furnish&Install 12-Inch PVC Waterline W/Class"G" 3 Embedment By Oen Cut 100 L.F. $ 70.00 $ 7,000 4 Furnish&Install 12-Inch Resilient Seated Gate Valve 9 Ea. $ 2,500.00 $ 22,500 Transfer Existing Water Service(includes new I"water 5 servicepoly) t2 Ea. $ 2,500.00 $ 30.000 Fumish&Install Standard Fire Hydrant Assembly 6 (a)400'Spacing 17 Ea. $ 4,000.00 $ 68,000 7 Furnish&Install 2-Inch Air Release Valve Assembll, 2 Ea. $ 2,500-00 $ 5.000 8 Furnish&Install 6-Inch Blowoff Valve Assembly t Ea. $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500 9 Remove&Replace Asphalt Pavement 222 S.Y. $ 85.00 $ 18.889 10 Remove&Re lace 6 Inch Rein£Cone.Drivewa 53 S.Y. $ 70.00 $ 3,733 11 Remove&Replace Gravel Driveway 53 S.Y. $ 25.00 $ 1,333 12 Furnish&Install 18-inch x 12-inch Tau)inz Sleeve&VaIve l Ea. S 7,500.00 $ 7.500 13 Connect to Existing 12-Inch Waterline 1 Ea. $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000 14 Furnish&Install Trench Safe Plan I LS $ 2.500.00 $ 2,500 b1716 Furnish&Install Trench Safety System 6,450 LF, S 2.00 $ 12,900ffi Trac Control and Barricades 1 L.S $ 2,500.00 $ 2.500 Furnish&Install Erosion Control Plan I L.S. $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500 Seeding/Hvdromulch 2.92 Acres $ 2,200,00 $ 6,414 Subtotal: $ 616,020 Contingency 10% $ 61,602 Construction Subtotal: $ 677,622 Materials Testing and Quality Control: 2.5% $ 16,940.54 Construction Inspection Services: 2.5% S 16,940.54 Land Rights for Water Line(20-foot Easement) 127.000.0 SF $0.50 $ 63.500 Professional Fees(Engineering,Geotech,Surveying, Easement Prep.): I S 111,090 Project Total: IS $86.093 810,000