HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2017-01-272 Advantage Self Storage ReplatCITY OF ANNA, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. Jol'l-6\ ... Q:J°'- A RESOLUTI N OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS APPROVING A RE-PLAT OF LOT 3R, BLOCK A, AD ANT AGE SELF STORAGE ADDITION. WHEREAS , In order to provide for the orderly development of land within the Anna city limits and extraterrit rial jurisdiction, the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas (the "City Council ") has adopted Pr t Ill-A of the Anna City Code of Ordinances ("Subd ivision Regulations"); and WHEREAS, Anna Weston Holdings , L.L.C., have submitted an application for approval of the re-plat of Lot 3R, Block A, Advantage Self Storage Addition ; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. Recitals Incorporated. The recitals above are incorporated herein as if set forth in full for all purposes. Section 2. Approval of Re-Plat The City Council hereby approves the re -plat of Lot 3R, Block A , Advantage Self Storage attached hereto as Exhibit 1. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Anna , Texas, on this 24th , day of January, 2017 . A T TEST: Res.do/7-o/-d.7 fL Pag e 1 of 3 RePlat Advantage Self S tora ge I ! i I ~ ,, H " g b ~ I r ~ i ~ ~u -~ ~P. Exhibit l F.M. JTIGHWA Y NO. 455 (V.WMl.E tll01M lt.O.W.) .......,.,, POJNT OF '" l'C. :ul) -E ............. ---~ ~-~DEC!NNINC <........,...,~ ,.::Ou __ _ __ -----wuru1Y.•s•• -'-aur i ~.;;A;~-----s po48'1a"'£ -------20'~-----~--1 i\ --- 1'"' ~ ~:-~~-=---::_ ~;:"'":~!!:L!"'!'...-[~-;~':; ~ -~~_:_,., _______ --c= luo I~ \ rE_j_J ~ \-'jiT -J -------·=:::k::(1:!_ _ _...,.......__~-..-------=t--g-. 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WEN 1Y 1HCSC l"RESDllS: a:AMrtoro::u1¥ MHfRC.U. .......,,. w .. t., ~ Lt.C. • tlH -., • r.1261 -· in.ct of 14ittd .,twlM M "'' lh-R•ll .. Sutwy. Afftrvd No. 111. ~ C.U./;1 T•lfot;; Mid lroc:t ~ oll ot l.ol J, Bloclr A. Ad-ta,. Sfif S,,,. Addl'lkin. U t • '* "' J. 8lod< A. Oil oddltJon ,. M• City of AMO, TllfOI IK~ lo IM. plol t#Cctd«I *' ~ 2014 l'wQ• X. of tM f'fot "-tll o t eo.r.tt CN!fj& Toirv.; #/Old rwt otH ...,, pt ol tMl -1otl troct fl lfllld 6Nae.d ti ~Mttt'Torl(r o.M llfth ~'t U... to MM -..ton~LLC."'""'*'1 ttC-.1,r OWt'•Th No. 101'40NJOOO~ .t -o..--.... or c..t c..tQ1 rue .-t.na7 _, ~' ...,,, ,.._ ~ durrlO~fN,....: lhrt !,, ao-L Gt~ 4o )1.,.911, C41"tll')' thoC I ,..._,cirad thlt 111•1 fr-.. d oetV'llll _, af tw ....,.. Olld tnot II>• c..,... "'OMlftW1l1 ""°""' •.-_, ...... properly,,_.., w>def my parRl'lll ~ ~ «eordanc• w1\h th• P$ott-g lt~I•• arid 11:1.,..,otlof\1 of tho O"ty at Anno. Col~ COi.in t,. r,,.a,, PRELIMINARY =::=, ~~r: ::C""::'°A,llY~ DCGINH.HC, at o fft-lttch ,,ott rod .It/I °PO{IU• Cflf .to (W.I" c,. HI ji "" IO(JtJi 'lgltt-of-wzy Iha tf F.11. H/glloHty !Yo. 41' (o llOrlobl• '111<1111 1/fltl-of-"""J'): .-14 ptWrl b~ lh• norlhn1/ cotnw of IOld Lot .}. EJlodl A. t111 d t h• ,_-/,._/ ~waladdht IR..ltotlt.k rno.u, $wU1> at d9fl•a 4.9 mhlf14 1• IJet:tllldl £Off. tlf«'9 /IN tOld .-tit 11'11' of F.11. Hlt;/n1oy IM. .f!Sl "" Ula """'Ma ofll""'1Lol J, ~A. o d<'ltOM» at 401.tf fffl too .5/1-..ai;.,,, ""' ..tfll "P.,. Etlfl lll o.v· cq'> hM.lft4 ol Ill• 11ortllaod umar •f H!d Lo t J. B!oca A · 10/d point 010 Nnf O'I ong/• pWll Ill th• Nkl aCllifllt .ete o f F.U. Hlg/>ffOT N,. 4'"' 11>9 -.111w1t 'omar ol Ootrwr>M NH N(l. J 01 ""°91 °" UI• plot of Oolr Hollo• """• f>haN ,,, ai fdd,'fioll lo ~. CRy of Nonq. TMGO ~ to Ill• plot rKor*'I ih ~mt P, f'ota 2S2 o( tll• Miid /'ht R•CM# .-I lh• .....,,.,, .. , _,.., of l..t 1.Z. ~ T gt HMd <W' Hdlow CslllH. ,,,._ • .t 1l£NC£. S,,.,.W .,....._ 04 "*""'•OJ'~ ClllfC,. ~-·##-Ill h ofF.Jt ~No...,,., -4 -'*'"""",... t(Lat J. llod:A '1fld*9 "" _,.,. afaddLof ~~A Oltdltl• Wfttlitlll ~atlldBod. T, Ol:M" Hdlow £110 / ... ,.,._ J. • clrlO'IC• ., "tl~ '"' 1-o fl $ft-halt ""' rod 11"1111 ·p~, £11~ It ().,/ ..._, lmmJ o / Iha _.,_. ___. of MM lol J, Blad! k Sold pMt olto batrg Iha 11rthN1I comr ol Loi 2. EMo<k A MKllll~• $alf ~ ........... ,... ..,°"" l o ti!• O(y of~ r."' OCCOl'#tg lo VI• plat ~tlfd# ji VMI-IOOf, ~ 4.H of ,.,..«l#l'taflt-*: R-L Croys!lan, fhi;:.twld P1ofeHI011o! Lond Sur ... )OI' ...... ST>,TtOlltXAS COJNTY OF COWN ==L~ --.::..ad:'~:!::~:::!..!.°":" .:.::..•1: ':."':"~" hltrurM"l l ..,~to,..WMlthl...-~tM -,_.UM....,_.9'Ml_....,....lorl ltwH ll'I ..pfCHd Md .. Iha capoe_ay lhar...,, 1tol9C1, 'MMESS ll'l'H.ul> at ---Ttit09, lrlb --..... , ----- srut ot TCXAS COJtm' Of COt..Ull NON. lHOtCFOll:E, KNOW Ml. MDI BT MSC PfttSCNTS: VIC/N!TY MAP MOT TO SCM..E ~ Qlf""9t tclU .. rii1 tcM.[_ !" • .w ~· =..i~:.1onv:~~~T~li:c.lo.'1 ~~~~~~·~~ M rt :=.11on ~ h QI)' M Nit-. C.allft c..ily. Toot, IM lllo hlr•y MdlcM.1 to Iha P\1111111 .. ._. thlfr 1lr•ll, -.,.-~-----.ownti.r-.lhl ~•--.,__._end ~-itf h Cl)' of Mila ...,. ti~ ut._. ~ t• -~ u .. -. M ft ar.y =.."'':c::' ~~11:!. "-::0:: ~!':..,'?~to.,;~~ ~~~~..:~.Oii~ 111/lh ti!• oonotruetlor\. ll"ICllnlenar.co ot 1Mclel'llC)' of tt'• r~U-.. 1,..t...,, CIPI Mid E..a1Mnt1,, "'4 th• Cit~ o f AMct end ti,,..... 11WU.. -.trvotMt, ,._•11\Ktht. ~~ ~ ..-1~ and =~~~;if:~.:::c1·1~ ==~ -r M Yllm£$$ MT HANO cl ---Counly. Tawo1, th'9 __ Ocly ot ----- Amo YMIMOl'I HOl°dtl9' L L.C. !y. Jellf'1 Ll.idOW STAT( Of TtX>,S """""" " <:<lWN :f.C:~~o~t!''i':Z~ rl't-.'°' c.iti;:~~· ,: :.~.:..~• ~ !::19:~::::-4 'MTNtss lN HANO at ---c-1,, lOK09. till• --doy of zote. ~MUI-~ arid far 11'1• Sto ia 61Ttto• REPLAT ADVANTAGE SELF STORAGE ADDITION LOTS 3R & 4 , BLOCK A 1.7217 ACRE TRACT THfHC£, Dv• lf'u(. Hpoff~ Iba aold _, lklo of Loi ~ a.ctr A. tlM ldd 1tnl b of llod r. Co.-XOll<>fl' £.tot11, ""-J ,..oJ .,, • ..._ IM ....,M Mw cf •old Lo t ~ aloafr A onl tlu flOftll lf"I• t>I llOld Lot .Z. Dloclt ~ • <flli;IOf'JC:• of 40Z.Jd ANI lo a 6,Ar-ho'I *""' /Off •llh ")llroow £1tf Ill ()oy' cop foutd 01 lfN 1out h•HI ccmar of Otid l.ot J, Blodt A,· .altl,-il ~ Hhf Mo .WU..../ CO"tr of## Lot f,tt Bod: A,: BEING A REPLAT or LOT 3, BLOCK A. AD VANTAGE SELF STORAGE AD DITION AN AUDITION TO TH E CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS THCNC£.Dw~ ~lhtM#-.rltl .-,..,'-" ..l 81Kl'A.olt<4-f111#~ ,a,. "1Lll I. BlockA -4 Oloap b.1 _..1t h ol«*L.ot ~ altc*A .wJ bbaofl Mt.o/llO#Lol IR.. O:odt A, •dtslance ot M1.119 fHI t o U.. PtJINr OF BCCIHHiHG: C(ltUAIH.W;, ~JOJ squ0/'1 fief or f .7167 acru of WI(/, -• °' f 1u. Nclal')ll".tbOc ll'l ondlor lh1Stol1ofT .. D1. ~-=~~~~uJl::~.~~:.~~~~:Jt~u.n ITOIU•>DllllKW,Ullll AM0 1,.ILOClt .i.,O.U:HOU.OW Cl'll'll:l,.l.NJllll1Dl llOTICCIVOt'NOU.,'!D'M IKCO!O€DIM \ICUMXIOO,,AGIE.4Mt:lt'Ml'\Al ll£OClllOIO#"OCUJHCCUln',1Dtlt.S. :r..tc.11.)-a:MllO.UC~. .1. __ ,,......_._ICD •l'll~OIO •fl£Y"C/l#'•t. I TME PURPOSE OF THIS REPLAT IS TO DEDICATE •• nit ·•/MO! RON"" WIN 'Jl(IUJr ('MO • ..,. CM !'OM. EASE~ENTS NECESSARY FOR DEVELOP MENT Of LOT 3R. (VOLUME 2010. PAGE 309, P.R.C.C.T.) AND BEING OUT OF TH E THO~IAS RATTAN SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 762 .-........... AA'NA CSIOH ~ l.LC. ~ ,ADOCIOC 1"AI. rMNE'tll,lCXA.S7 ~ CITY OF ANNA. COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS 09-0l •20H ._...,. oa-OS·2010 ICAl.A I , ... - WW 1l&?-1.-~011 .., .,, .,, ., • I Res.dO /l}-0/ -/)7£ RePla t Advantag e Se l f Storage f tlS 2 ).. 1 U) U) w It a. ~ -' f z &II " KAO<a£~YLM SITE WHITE STREET (F,M. 455) • I I I I ... -..... ~ i ~ I I ""'"""';,~~ t.~~ (,~ WU'ffARt..I i I I ~ u ~ ~ ~ i ~ ! MELt.IOKtN D.RIVEFM.ll twW<OA FAU.I ORl\l'f ATliADA SC-.FAL~ORlvt! 1 J.flUI CASCAO£ ORM ..,..,s ~p; PENTON UNNS OR. ,,~ ~-r' ... i ~ t ~ 5 ~ ~ HWVMERS ClEN Oil i ~ ! ~ i P\Nf.KMOll'NAY ~ CEDAATRAl. I ~ ~ ~ C~USWAY ~ ..,o~ ~o" """"'O""' j455 PIWOM:TRAIL g ! 9LACl(CMCOOOll:T ~ wt'ITE OM ROAO ~ < lttoCW<TA.All ~~ o".;p 11-'i' < CRESlWOOO °""' oP' Page 3r-Gf·'3•v