HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 742-2017 Water and Sewer Impact Fees CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 14 WT AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS, AMENDING THE ANNA CITY CODE OF ORDINANCES PART 11, ARTICLE 49, SECTION 8 (IMPACT FEES ON NEW DEVELOPMENT); AMENDING PART IV, ARTICLE 7, SECTION 13 (WATER AND SEWER IMPACT FEES); PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR ANY VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE NOT TO EXCEED $2,000; PROVIDING FOR SAVINGS, SEVERABILITY, AND REPEALING CLAUSES; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THE CAPTION HEREOF. WHEREAS, the City of Anna, Texas ("the City") has previously adopted ordinances, rules and regulations governing water, sewer and other utility billing rates, payments, and related procedures, including provisions related to impact fees as authorized under Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, the City of Anna, Texas City Council ("the City Council") has held a public hearing and determined that it would be advantageous and beneficial to the City and its citizens to amend Part 11, Article 49 Public Works, Section 8 (Water and Sanitary Sewer Impact Fees) of The Anna City Code of Ordinances ("Anna Code") to adopt updated land use assumptions and water and wastewater capital improvements plan, and to impose amended impact fees; and WHEREAS, the City Council has further determined that it would be advantageous and beneficial to the City and its citizens to amend Part IV, Article 7, Section 13 (Water and Sewer Impact Fees) of the Anna Code to specify new water and wastewater impact fee rates; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANNA, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. Recitals Incorporated. The above-referenced recitals are incorporated herein as if set forth in full for all purposes. Section 2. Adoption of Land Use Assumptions and Capital Improvements Plan. As relates to water and wastewater facilities, the City Council hereby adopts updates to the land use assumptions and capital improvements plan as set forth in the Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Update 2017-2027, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A. The adoption of said land use assumptions and capital improvements plan is cumulative of any land use assumptions and capital improvements plan regarding roadway facilities and this ordinance does not amend or otherwise modify the City's existing roadway service area(s) or roadway impact fees. Section 3. Amendments to Part II of the Anna Code. In accordance with Part II, Article 1, Section 9 of the Anna Code, the following amendments are made to Part II, Article 49, Section 8 Impact Fees on New Development, as follows: Section 8. Impact Fees on New Development 8.01 Purpose This section is adopted pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 395 of the TEXAS LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE, V.A.T.S., as amended, as well as under the authority of Article 11, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution, and applies to all new development within the corporate boundaries of the city and within its extraterritorial jurisdiction. This section implements a policy of the City to impose fees on each New Development project to pay the costs of constructing Capital Improvements and Facility Expansions necessary to serve New Development. The provisions of this Section 8 shall not be construed to limit the power of the City to utilize other methods authorized under state law or pursuant to other city powers to accomplish the purposes set forth herein, either in substitution or in conjunction with this article. Guidelines may be developed by ordinance, resolution, or otherwise to implement and administer this Section 8. Impact Fees established by this section are additional and supplemental to, and not in substitution of, any other requirements imposed by the City on the development of land or the issuance of building permits or certificates of occupancy. Impact Fees are intended to be consistent with and to further the policies of the City's comprehensive plan, Capital Improvements Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and other City policies, ordinances and resolutions by which the City seeks to ensure the provision of adequate public facilities in conjunction with the development of land. (Ord. No. 690-2015, adopted 6-9-15) 8.02 Definitions For purposes of this section, the following definitions apply: Advisory Committee (also referred to as Impact Fee Advisory Committee) means those appointed by the City Council to provide advice to the City Council regarding Impact Fees as required by the enabling legislation for this section. Assessment means the determination of the amount of the Impact Fee that can be collected on New Development pursuant to this section. "Assessable,"whether or not it is capitalized, means subject to Assessment. Calculations are based on the measure of impact on demand for City facilities, such as roadways and utilities, created by the New Development. Capital Improvement(s) means the following facilities that have a life expectancy of three or more years and are owned and operated by or on behalf of the City: (1) Water supply and distribution facilities; Wastewater collection facilities; and storm water, drainage, flood control facilities as they relate to the construction of Roadway Facilities; whether or not they are located within the Service Area; and (2) Roadway Facilities. Capital Improvements Plan means a plan that identifies Capital Improvements or Facility Expansions for which Impact Fees may be assessed, as adopted by the City from time to time. City means the City of Anna, Collin County, Texas. Credit(s) means: (1) When used in the context of determining the assessable Impact Fee per service unit, an amount equal to: (a) That portion of ad valorem tax and utility service revenues generated by new service units during the program period that is used for the payment of improvements, including the payment of debt, that are included in the Capital Improvements Plan; or (b) In the alternative, a credit equal to 50 percent of the total projected cost of implementing the capital improvements plan; or (2) When used in the context of determining the offset for Capital Improvements or Facility Expansion, the amount of the reduction of an Impact Fee designed to fairly reflect the value of any construction of, contributions to, or dedications of Capital Improvements or Facility Expansions agreed to or required by the City as a condition of development approval, pursuant to rules herein established or pursuant to City Council- approved administrative guidelines by which value shall reduce Impact Fees otherwise due from the development and which credits are hereinafter referred to as an "offset" or"offsets" to reduce the possibility of confusion. Facility Expansion(s) means the expansion of capacity of an existing facility (including but not limited to lengthening, widening, or rerouting a roadway) that serves the same function as an otherwise necessary new Capital Improvement, in order that the existing facility may serve New Development. The term does not include the repair, maintenance, modernization, or expansion of an existing facility to better serve existing development. Final Plat Approval or Approval of a Final Plat means the point at which the applicant has complied with all the conditions of approval and the plat has been approved by the City and released by the City for recordation with the county clerk. Impact Fee(s) means a charge or Assessment imposed against New Development in order to generate revenue for funding or recovering the costs of Capital Improvements or Facility Expansions necessitated by and attributable to New Development. The term includes amortized charges, lump sum charges, capital recovery fees, contributions in aid of construction, and any other fee that functions as described by this definition. The term does not include: (1) Required dedications of land for public parks or payments made in lieu thereof; (2) Dedication of rights-of-way or easements, or the construction or dedication of On-Site or Off-Site water distribution, Wastewater collection or drainage facilities, or streets, sidewalks, or curbs if the dedication or construction is required by a valid ordinance and is necessitated by and attributable to the New Development; (3) Lot or acreage fees or pro-rata fees to be placed in trust funds for the purpose of reimbursing Developers for constructing or over-sizing water or sewer mains or lines; or (4) Other pro rata fees for reimbursement of water or sewer mains or lines extended by the City. Land Use Assumptions mean a description of the Service Area and projections of changes in land uses, densities, intensities, and population in the Service Area over at least a 10-year period which has been adopted by the City and upon which the Capital Improvements Plan is based. New Development means the subdivision of land,the construction, reconstruction, redevelopment, conversion, structural alteration, relocation, or enlargement of a structure; or any use or extension of the use of land; any of which increases the number of Service Units. Offsets) means the amount of the reduction of an Impact Fee designed to fairly reflect the value of any construction of, contributions to, or dedications of a system facility agreed to or required by the City as a condition of development approval, pursuant to rules herein established or pursuant to City Council-approved administrative guidelines, which value shall be credited against Impact fees otherwise due from the development for the same variety of Capital Improvement or System Expansion. Off-Site means located entirely on property which is not included within the bounds of the plat being considered for Impact Fee Assessment. On-Site means located at least partially on the plat which is being considered for Impact Fee Assessment. Roadway Facilities means arterial or collector streets or roads that have been designated on the City's officially adopted Thoroughfare Plan, together with all necessary appurtenances. The term includes the City's share of costs for roadways and associated improvements designated on the federal or Texas highway system, including local matching funds and costs related to utility line relocation and the establishment of Curbs, gutters, sidewalks, drainage appurtenances, and rights-of-way. The term includes but is not limited to interest in land, traffic lanes, curbs, gutters, intersection improvements, traffic control devices, turn lanes, drainage facilities associated with the roadway or street lighting. Service Area means: (1) for water supply treatment and distribution facilities, wastewater collection and treatment the entire area within the corporate limits of the City and its extraterritorial jurisdiction to be served by the Capital Improvements and facilities expansions specified in the Capital Improvements Plan; (2) for Roadway Facilities: each individual Service Area designated in the Capital Improvements Plan served by the Roadway Facilities designated in the Capital Improvements Plan. The Service Area is limited to an area within the corporate boundaries and shall not exceed six miles. (3) for drainage facilities: the Service Area is limited to an area within the corporate boundaries and its extraterritorial jurisdiction, but shall not exceed the actual served by the storm water, drainage and flood control facilities designated in the Capital Improvements Plan but shall not extend across watershed boundaries. The boundaries of any Service Area may be amended from time to time pursuant to section 8.03(e) below. Service Unit means for purposes of Impact Fee Assessment the applicable standard units of measure shown OR the in conversion tables in the Capital Improvements Plans and ImpaGt Fe8 GAIZipfnAnwhich can be converted to equivalent single family residential PM peak hour average vehicle trip ends per acre for Roadway Facilities and % inch water meter equivalents for Water and Wastewater Facilities as the context indicates, which serves as the standardized unit of measure of consumption or discharge for water and wastewater facilities and based on historical data and trends during the previous 10 years. Sanitary Sewer Facility means an improvement for providing wastewater collection, including but not limited to, land or easements, lift stations, or interceptor mains. Sanitary Sewer Facility excludes lines or mains which are reimbursed from pro rata charges paid by Developers or owners of property in other subdivisions as a condition of connection to or use of such facility. The term "Sanitary Sewer" may also be referenced as "Wastewater" in this Section 8 and/or in Part IV, Schedule of Fees, Article 7, Section 13, as amended or recodified. Water Facility means an improvement for providing water supply, treatment and distribution services, including but not limited to, land or easements water treatment facilities, water supply facilities, or water distribution lines.Water Facility excludes water lines or mains which are constructed by Developers the costs of which are reimbursed from prorate charges paid by Developers or owners of property in other subdivisions as a condition of connection to or use of such facility. Water/Wastewater Land Use Equivalency Table means the table converting the demands for water and wastewater capital improvements generated by various land uses and meter types and sizes to numbers of service units, said table being set forth in Part IV Article 7 Section 13 of this Code. (Ord. No. 476-2009, adopted 11-10-09)(Ord. No. 671-2014, adopted 9-23-14) (Ord. No. =2017, adopted==17) 8.03 Advisory Committee (a) The Capital Improvements Advisory Committee (Advisory Committee) shall consist of seven Persons selected by the City Council, including at least one representative of the real estate, development or building industry who is not an employee or official of a political subdivision or governmental entity. If any Impact Fee is to be applied in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City, a representative from the area shall be appointed by the City Council. (b) The Advisory Committee serves in an advisory capacity and is established to: (1) advise and assist the adoption of Land Use Assumptions; (2) review the Capital Improvements Plan and file written comments; (3) monitor and evaluate implementation of the Capital Improvements Plan; (4) file semi- annual reports with respect to the progress of the Capital Improvements Plan and report to the City Council any perceived inequities in implementing the plan or imposing the Impact Fees; and (5) advise the City staff and Council of the need to update or revise the Land Use Assumptions, Capital Improvements Plan and Impact Fee. (c) All professional reports concerning the development and implementation of the Capital Improvements Plan shall be made available to the Advisory Committee. (d) The Advisory Committee shall elect a chairperson to preside at its meetings and a vice chairperson to serve in their absence. (e) Periodic Updates Required. The Land Use Assumptions and Capital Improvements Plan shall be updated at least every five years, and updates may include but are not limited to modification of the boundaries of Service Areas. The currently effective Land Use Assumptions and Capital Improvements Plan are incorporated herein by reference and shall be automatically superseded by updated versions as each becomes effective, without further amendment of this Section 8. The City may review its Land Use Assumptions, Capital Improvements Plan, and other factors such as market conditions more frequently than as provided by this subsection to determine whether any update is appropriate and if any recalculation of Impact Fees is necessary, or whether any Impact Fee should be increased, decreased, or otherwise recalculated. (Ord. No. 476-2009, adopted 11-10-09) (Ord. No. 690-2015, adopted 6-9-15) 8.04 Impact Fee Required; Exceptions (a) Water and sewer Impact Fees shall be assessed for New Development at the time of Approval of a Final Plat(s) and are due and payable at the time a building permit is issued, or for land platted outside the corporate limits, at the time an application is filed for an individual meter connection to the water or wastewater system. Water and sewer Impact Fees for other than single family residential shall be assessed at any time and shall be due and payable prior to connection to the City's water or sanitary sewer. Irrigation meters in single family residential are additional Service Units and will be assessed and fees collected at time of connection to the City's water or sanitary sewer. Except as set forth in City of Anna Ordinance No. 671-2014, as amended, Roadway Impact Fees shall be assessed for New Development at the time Final Plats are released for recordation and due and payable at the time a building permit is issued. No building permit shall be issued unless the applicant has paid all Impact Fees assessed and due; provided, however, that said prohibition on issuance of building permits shall not apply when deemed appropriate by the City and only to the extent provided for under a written development agreement. (b) Once an assessment has been made for New Development of a tract, additional Impact Fees or increases in fees shall not be assessed unless the approved final plat expires or lapses under applicable ordinances or law or the owner proposes to change the approved development by the submission of a new development application or application to increase the number of Service Units, in which case the Impact Fee will be reassessed for increased meter size or additional meters or Service Units at the Impact Fee amount as assessed at the time of said application. (c) Following the lapse or expiration of a final plat covering any area of undeveloped property that has been approved or a final plat deemed approved due to the City's failure to act, a new assessment shall be performed at the time of a new final plat approval in accordance with this ordinance, as amended. (d) Except for Roadway Facilities, Impact Fees may be assessed but not collected for property where service is not available unless: (1) The City commits to commence construction of necessary facilities identified in the Capital Improvements Plan within two years and have service available in five years; or (2) The City agrees in writing to permit the owner of the property to construct or finance the Capital Improvement or Facility Expansion and agrees that the costs incurred or funds advanced will either: (i) be credited against the Impact Fees otherwise due from New Development; or (ii) reimburse the owner for such costs from Impact Fees paid from other New Developments that will use such Capital Improvements of Facility Expansions, in which case fees shall be reimbursed to the owner at the time collected as other New Development plats are recorded; or (iii) the owner voluntarily requests that the City reserve capacity to serve future development and enters into a valid written agreement. (e) The owner of property for which there is a recorded plat may enter into an agreement with the City providing for the time and method of payment of Impact Fees, which agreement shall prevail over the provisions of this section. (Ord. No. 671-2014, adopted 9-23-14)(Ord. No. 690-2015, adopted 6-9-15) 8.05 Calculation and Assessment of Impact Fees (a) The maximum Impact Fees for the water and wastewater facilities are calculated separately by dividing the cost of the Capital Improvements or Facility Expansions necessitated and attributable to New Development in the Service Area within the ten-year planning period by the number of Service Units anticipated to be added to the City within said ten-year period as set forth in more detail in the Capital Improvements Plan, which is incorporated into this Section 8 as if set forth in full for all purposes. The amounts of water and wastewater Impact Fees to be assessed and collected as to each size and type of water meter and land uses are as set forth in Schedule A — Water/Wastewater Land Use Equivalency Table and Schedule B-Impact Fee Rates, as set forth in Anna Code, Part IV, Schedule of Fees, Article 7, Section 13, as amended or recodified. (b) Roadway Impact Fees shall be determined and assessed as set forth in City of Anna Ordinance No. 671-2014, as amended. (c) Assessment of Water and Sanitary Sewer Impact Fees. (d) In the event that a change in the plans for a New Development reduces the total number of Service Units and the City staff determines that there is a corresponding reduction in that same New Development's impact on demand for services, the City will provide a proportionate credit or offset against Impact Fees assessed in that same New Development. (1) Vacating a plat or submission of a replat shall require a new Assessment to be made using the Impact Fee amounts in effect at the time of Final Plat Approval. (2) Approval of an amended plat pursuant to Texas Local Government Code § 212.016 or the City's subdivision ordinance will not require a new Assessment so long as the use of the property remains identical and there is no increase in the desired meter size or meter type, or other measure of Service Unit, for any use within that development. (e) Except as may be provided otherwise in this section, the assessment and collection of an Impact Fee shall be additional and supplemental to, and not in substitution of, any other tax, fee, charge or assessment. (f) With the express approval of the City Council, the City may elect to pay all or any part of the Impact Fees due for a New Development taking into consideration the available Credits and Offsets. Criteria and guidelines relating to this subsection may be developed by City staff. (Ord. No. 476-2009, adopted 11-10-09)(Ord. 671-2014, adopted 9-23-14)(Ord. No. 690-2015, adopted 6-9-15)(Ord. No. _-2017, adopted_---I 7) 8.06 Credits and Offsets (a) Any construction of, contributions to, or dedications of any facility appearing on the Capital Improvements Plan which is required by the City to be constructed by the owner as a condition of development shall be credited against the Impact Fees otherwise due from the development or may be claimed as an Offset to reduce Impact Fees which arise from future Assessment(s). Credit for Impact Fees due an owner in one category of Impact Fees may not be used to offset Impact Fees in another category. The City shall assign a reasonable value for any Capital Improvement or System Facility, in either dollars or Service Units, which may be claimed as a Credit or Offset. (b) Subject to Agreement. As an alternative to the provisions of this section, the City and owner may enter into an agreement providing that, in addition to the Credit and Offsets, owner will be reimbursed for all or a portion of the costs of such facilities from Impact Fees received from other New Developments that will use such Capital Improvements of Facility Expansions. (c) Maximums. No Credit for construction of any Capital Improvement or Facility Expansion shall exceed the total amount of Impact Fees due from the associated New Development for the same category of Improvements. No Credits or Offsets shall exceed the documented and City-approved costs to the developer of the Capital Improvement or Facility Expansion which was dedicated to and accepted by the City, or exceed the amount of a direct monetary contribution actually delivered to and accepted by the City. The costs used to calculate credits or offsets shall not exceed those assumed for the Capital Improvements included in the Capital Improvements Plan for Impact Fees for the category of facilities within the Service Area for which the Impact Fee is imposed, unless otherwise provided for by agreement and a suitable amendment to the Capital Improvements Plan is first adopted. (d) Timing. The amount of Credit or Offsets available to an owner shall be calculated at the time that the facility or contribution has been accepted by the City. No Credit or Offset may be awarded unless the corresponding Capital Improvement or Facility Expansion is reflected in the Capital Improvements Plan effective at the time of the application. Deadlines established by this section may be extended, in the sole discretion of the City, to allow additional time for an appropriate amendment to the Capital Improvements Plan. (e) Expiration. Credits and Offsets created pursuant to this section as amended shall expire within ten years from the date the Credit or Offset was calculated pursuant to this section. (f) Application Required. The applicant seeking to claim any Credit or Offset applicable to the Impact Fees for New Development must submit a petition to the City either at the time of application for Final Plat Approval or at the time of connection(s) to the City utility system, whichever occurs first. The petition for Credit(s) or Offset(s) shall be in the form required by City administration and shall specifically identify the Capital Improvement(s) and Facility Expansion(s) claimed as the basis for the claimed Credit(s) or Offset(s), and identify the development(s) for which the applicant seeks to apply whatever Credit(s) or Offset(s) that may be awarded. The City shall provide the applicant, in writing, with a decision on the request for Credits or Offsets, including the reasons for decision within ninety (90) days. If a petition is incomplete, or if the amount of Credits or Offsets claimed in the petition cannot be determined with certainty until additional time has passed, that petition will be denied and the applicant must resubmit a new petition before any Credit or Offset will be awarded. (g) Redemption of Credits or Offsets. (1) A Credit or Offset may be redeemed at the time of issuance of the building permit or at the time of connection to the City's utility system, whichever occurs first. The City GOURGHManager or his or her designee may determine with respect to each approved final plat it appFeves, on a case- by-case basis, whether such redemption, as relates to service units within that final plat, shall: (i) apply to the full amount of a category of Impact Fees that would otherwise be collected until the offset or credit for such category has been exhausted with Impact Fees becoming due thereafter being collected at the full amount assessed; or (ii) be accomplished by evenly reducing the amount of all Impact Fees within a category such that exhaustion of the credit or offset occurs as the result of a percentage reduction of all Impact Fees within such category. (2) Any Credit(s), Offset(s), or any rights to reimbursement or refund relating to Impact Fees, including those established by an agreement employing or modifying any provisions of this section, shall terminate or be payable, as the case may require, on September 30 of the final year of any right to such Credit, Offset, reimbursement, or refund. Any payment(s) to a developer required hereunder accruing in any year shall be due on or before sixty (60) days after the end of the fiscal year, September 30. (3) Notwithstanding subsections (1) and (2), above, the City, at its sole discretion, may authorize alternative credit or offset agreements upon petitienEf uest by the owner in accordance with guidelines promulgated by the City Council. Ord. No. 690-2015, adopted 6-9-15)(Ord. No. -2017, adopted__17) 8.07 Accounting for Fees and Interest (a) All Impact Fees collected shall be deposited by the City's Finance Department in interest-bearing accounts clearly identifying the category of Capital Improvements or Facility Expansions within the corresponding Service Area for which the Impact Fee is adopted. (b) Interest earned will be credited to the same account and is subject to the same restrictions on expenditures as the funds generating such interest. (c) Impact Fees and the interest earned thereon may be expended only for the purposes for which such fees were imposed as shown in the Capital Improvements Plan. The City Finance Department shall establish adequate financial and accounting controls to ensure that Impact Fees disbursed from each account are utilized solely for the purposes authorized by this section. Disbursement of funds shall be authorized by the City at such times as are reasonably necessary to carry out the purposes and intent of this section; provided, however, that any fee paid shall be expended within a reasonable period of time, but not to exceed ten years from the date the fee is deposited into the account. (d) The records of the accounts into which Impact Fees are deposited shall be open for public inspection and copying during ordinary business hours. The City may impose a fee for copying services in accordance with the Texas Public Information Act or other law or ordinance, as applicable. (Ord. No. 476-2009, adopted 11-10-09) (Ord. No. 690-2015, adopted 6-9-15) 8.08 Refunds (a) On the request of an owner of property on which an Impact Fee has been paid, Impact Fees shall be refunded if existing facilities are available and service is denied, or, if service was not available when the Impact Fee was collected and the City failed to commence construction of facilities required for service within two years of payment of the fee, or if service was not available when the Impact Fee was collected and construction is not complete within a reasonable time considering the type of Capital Improvements or Facility Expansion to be constructed, said reasonable time not to exceed five years from date of payment of the fee. (b) Any Impact Fee funds not expended within 10 years after payment shall be refunded. An Impact Fee collected pursuant to this section shall be considered expended if the total expenditures for Capital Improvements or Facilities Expansion authorized by this section exceeds the total fees collected for such improvement expansions during such period. (c) If a refund is due pursuant to this section, the City shall prorate the same by dividing the difference between the amount of expenditures and the amount of the fees collected by the total number of Service Units assumed within the Service Area for the period to determine the refund due per Service Unit. Refunds shall bear interest calculated from the date of collection to the date of refund at the statutory rate set forth in Section 302.002 TEX. FIN. CODE or its successor statutes. (d) All refunds will be made to the owner of record at the time the refund is paid. If, however, the Impact Fees were paid by another political subdivision or governmental entity, payment shall be made to the political subdivision or governmental entity. (e) If the building permit for a New Development for which an Impact Fee has been paid has expired, and a modified or new application has not been filed within six months of said expiration, the City shall, upon written application, refund the amount of the Impact Fee to the applicant. The City may establish guidelines for refunding of Impact Fees collected for which construction plans have been abandoned. (f) Any entitlement to reimbursement of Impact Fees paid in accordance with this section shall expire no later than six months following completion of all development subject to the plat with which the Credit(s) or Offset(s) are associated. If a developer or owner does not submit a request for refund of Impact Fees during that six-month period, any right or entitlement to refund is waived and the funds are deemed dedicated to the City. (Ord. No. 502-2010, adopted 7/27/2010) (Ord. No. 690-2015, adopted 6-9-15) 8.09 Use of Proceeds of Impact Fee accounts (a) Impact Fees shall be accounted for on a "first in, first out" basis, such that expenditures made using account funds shall consume the oldest deposits before more recent deposits. This method of accounting shall not affect eligibility for a refund provided for by Section 8.08(a) above. (b) The Impact Fees for each Service Area pursuant to this section may be used to finance or recover the costs of any Capital Improvements or Facility Expansions identified in the applicable Capital Improvements Plan for Impact Fees for the Service Area, including the contract construction price, survey and engineering fees, land acquisition costs (including land purchases, court awards and costs, attorney's fees, and expert witness fees), and the fees actually paid or contracted to be paid to an independent qualified engineer or financial consultant preparing or updating the Capital Improvements Plan for Impact Fees who is not an employee of the City. Impact Fees may also be used to pay the principal sum and interest and other finance costs on bonds, notes, or other obligations issued by or on behalf of the City to finance such Capital Improvements or Facility Expansions. (c) Impact Fees associated with roadways may be used to reimburse the reasonable costs associated with construction of drainage improvements for streets in the same Service Area and included on the Capital Improvements Plan. (d) Impact Fees collected pursuant to this section shall not be used to pay for any of the following expenses: (1) Construction, acquisition, or expansion of capital improvements or assets other than those identified in the applicable Capital Improvements Plan for the Impact Fees at issue; (2) Repair, operation, or maintenance of existing or new Capital Improvements or Facility Expansions; (3) Upgrading, expanding, or replacing existing Capital Improvements to serve existing development in order to meet stricter safety, efficiency, environmental, or regulatory standards; (4) Upgrading, expanding, or replacing existing Capital Improvements to provide better service for existing development; provided, however, that Impact Fees may be used to pay the cost of upgrading, expanding, or replacing Capital Improvements in order to meet the need for increased capacity generated by the corresponding New Development; (5) Administrative and operating costs of the City. (e) The City may finance Capital Improvements or Facilities Expansions designated in the Capital Improvements Plan as relating to Impact Fees through the issuance of bonds, through the formation of public improvement districts or other assessment districts, or through any other authorized mechanism, in such manner and subject to such limitations as may be provided by law, in addition to use of Impact Fees. (Ord. No. 671-2014, adopted 9-23-14)(Ord. No. 690-2015, adopted 6-9-15) 8.10 Local Restrictions Under a duly adopted development agreement the City Council may, for the purpose of promoting economic development within the City, forgo its entitlement to collect some or all of the Impact Fees that would otherwise become subject to collection under this Section 8. (Ord. No. 138-2004, adopted 4/27/2004) (Ord. No. 476-2009, adopted 11-10-09) (Ord. No. 502-2010, adopted 7/27/2010) 8.11 Appeals (a) The property owner or applicant for development may appeal the following administrative decisions to the City Council: (1) The applicability of an Impact Fee to the development; (2) The amount of the Impact Fee assessed or due; (3) The availability of, the amount of, or the expiration of a Credit or Offset; (4) The application of a Credit or Offset against an Impact Fee due; (5) The amount of the Impact Fee in proportion to the benefit received by New Development; or (6) The amount of a refund believed to be due. (b) The burden of proof shall be on the appellant to demonstrate that the amount of the fee or the amount of the offset or credit was not calculated according to the applicable schedule of Impact Fees or the adopted guidelines for determining Credits and Offsets. (c) The appellant must file a notice of appeal with the City Secretary within 30 days following the decision serving as the basis for the appeal. If the notice of appeal is accompanied by a bond or other sufficient surety satisfactory to the city attorney in an amount equal to the original determination of the Impact Fee due, other matters relating to the development application may proceed while the appeal is pending. 8.12 Agreements for Capital Improvements or Facility Expansions (a) An owner of a New Development may construct or finance a Capital Improvement or Facility Expansion designated in the Capital Improvements plan for Impact Fees, if required or authorized by the City, by entering into a facilities agreement with the City prior to the issuance of any building permit for the development. The agreement shall be on a form approved by the City, and shall identify the estimated cost of the improvement or expansion, the schedule for initiation and completion of the improvement or expansion, a requirement that the improvement be designed and completed to City standards and such other terms and conditions as deemed necessary by the City. The facility agreement shall provide for the method to be used to determine the amount of the offset to be given against Impact Fees due for the development. (b) In the event that the cost of any improvements constructed exceeds the Impact Fee to be collected for the New Development, the terms of any potential reimbursement shall be incorporated in the agreement required by subsection (a). Such reimbursement agreements shall take into account the proximity of the New Development to existing infrastructure and may require a repayment schedule which is based upon actual connections to the improvements constructed. Reimbursement agreements shall further be based on and made subject to the availability of city funds from all sources including current and projected Impact Fee fund accounts. (c) All such agreements shall include clauses which are substantially equivalent to the following: (1) The determination of the amount of Credit, Offset, or other compensation due to a developer or owner in accordance with an agreement under this section, and all related calculations shall use the Service Unit values in effect at the time that the agreement was executed. (2) Any termination or reduction in the City's authority provided by state law to impose Impact Fees shall terminate or correspondingly reduce any obligation of the City to make payments under the agreement. (3) Any entitlement to reimbursement of Impact Fees paid in accordance with the agreement shall expire no later than six months following completion of all development subject to the final plat with which the Credit(s) or Offset(s) are associated. If a developer or owner does not provide written notification of a request for compensation relating to the agreement during that six-month period, any right or entitlement to refund is waived and the corresponding funds are dedicated to the City. (4) Execution of any reimbursement agreement pursuant to this section shall automatically terminate any party's entitlement to a Credit, Offset, refund, or other compensation corresponding to the subject development other than those expressly provided for therein. (5) Termination of any agreement entered into under this section, if it occurs prior to the full development of the subject property, shall automatically terminate any entitlement to Credit(s), Offset(s), or other compensation pursuant to that agreement. Thereafter, any and all New Development with the corresponding plat shall be subject to Impact Fees in accordance with the fee schedule in effect as of the date of termination. 8.13 Relief Procedures. (a) Any person who has paid an Impact Fee or an owner of land upon which an Impact Fee has been paid may petition the City Council to determine whether any duty required by this division has not been performed within the time prescribed for its performance. The petition shall be in writing and shall describe with specificity the nature of the unperformed duty, all pertinent facts relating to the duty, and request that the act be performed within 60 days. If the City Council determines that the duty is required pursuant to this ordinance and is late in being performed, it shall cause the duty to commence within 60 days of the date of the request and continue until completion. (b) Upon written request by a developer or owner of property subject to this section the City Council may grant a variance or waiver from any requirement of this section, following a public hearing, and only upon finding that a strict application of such requirement would, when regarded in consideration of all applicable circumstances, result in confiscation of property. (c) If the City Council grants a variance or waiver to the amount of the Impact Fee due for a New Development under this section, it may cause to be appropriated from other City funds the amount of the reduction in the Impact Fee to account for loss of funds to the Service Area in which the correlating property is located. (d) The City Engineer, or his designee, may make interpretations of this section concerning the required equivalencies or Service Units corresponding to a tract and may, through a signed writing describing the relevant calculations, reduce the amount of an Impact Fee to be assessed against a property. Section 4. Amendments to Part IV of the Anna Code. In accordance with Part II, Article 1, Section 9 of the Anna Code, Part IV, Article 7, Section 13 is deleted and replaced with the following: Schedule A WATER/WASTEWATER LAND USE EQUIVALENCY TABLE Maximum Impact Fee Land Use Meter Typo Meter Size LUE Water Wastewater Total SF Residential Simple 3/4° 1 $3,985 $3,999 $7,984 SF Residential Simple 1° 1.7 $6,774 $6,798 $13,573 SF Residential Simple 1-1/2" 3.3 $13,150 $13,197 $26,347 SF Residential Simple 2° 5.3 $21,120 $21,195 $42,315 Commercial/Retail Compound 2° 5.3 $21,120 $21,195 $42,315 Commercial/Retail Turbine 2° 6.7 $26,699 $26,794 $53,492 Commercial/Retail Compound 3° 10.7 $26,699 $42,790 $85,428 Commercial/Retail Turbine 3° 16 $42,790 $63,985 $127,743 Commercial/Retail Compound 4° 16.7 $63,758 $66,784 $133,332 Commercial/Retail Turbine 4° 28 $66,548 $111973 $223,550 Industrial Compound 6° 33.3 $111,577 $133168 $265,865 Industrial Turbine 6° 1 61.3 $132,697 $245,142 $489,416 Industrial Compound 8° 53.3 $244,274 $213,149 $425,544 Industrial Turbine 8° 106.7 $212,395 $426,699 $851,886 Industrial Compound 10° 153.3 $610,884 $613,054 $1,223,938 Industrial Turbine 10° 166.7 $664,281 $666,641 $1,330,923 Industrial Turbine 12° 220 $876,676 $879,791 $1,756,467 Schedule B IMPACT FEE RATES Facility Category Service Area Maximum Impact Fee Adopted Impact Fee Per Service Unit Per Service Unit Equivalent Equivalent Water All $3,985 $3,200 Facilities Wastewater All $3,999 $3,200 Facilities Section 5. Penalty. Any violation of any of the terms of this ordinance, whether denominated in this ordinance as unlawful or not, shall be deemed a misdemeanor. Any person convicted of any such violation shall be fined in an amount not to exceed $2,000 for each incidence of violation. Each violation is considered a separate offense and will be punished separately. Section 6. Savings, Severability and Repealing Clauses. All ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are repealed to the extent of that conflict. If any provision of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional, the remainder of such ordinance shall continue in full force and effect the same as if such invalid or unconstitutional provision had never been a part hereof. The City declares that it would have passed this ordinance, and each section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more section, subsection, sentence, clause, and phrase be declared unconstitutional or invalid. Section 7. Publication of the Caption Hereof and Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effective from and after its passage and upon the posting and/or publication, if required by law, of its caption and the City Secretary is hereby directed to implement such posting and/or publication. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Anna, Texas, this,, day of 't� ) 1 , 2017. ,`y1111fillllll////� ATTESTED: ,.4a?�4 0 ",,,APPROVED: Carrie L Smith, .} Wks Crist, Mayor S"f ft City Secretary CITY OF AN NA, TEXAS WATER AND WASTEWATER IMPACT FEE UPDATE 2017 - 2027 BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS &CARTER, L.L.P. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS 11910 Greenville Ave., Suite 600, Dallas, Texas 75243 (214) 361-7900 FEBRUARY 2017 BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CARTER, L.L.P. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS 11910 Greenville Ave., Suite 600 10HN W. BIRKHOFF, P.E. GARY C. HENDRICKS, P.E. JOE R. CARTER, P.E. MATT HICKEY, P.E. ANDREW MATA, JR., P.E. JOSEPH T. GRAJEWSKI, III, P.E. DEREK B. CHANEY, P.E. CRAIG M. KERKHOFF, P.E. Mr. Joseph Johnson Director of Public Works City of Anna, Texas I I I North Powell Parkway Anna, Texas 75094 Dallas, Texas 75243 Phone (214) 361-7900 Re: Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Update 2017 - 2027 Dear Mr. Johnson: February 14, 2017 WWW.bhcl 1p.com This report study presents the results of the City of Anna Water and Wastewater Impact Fee Update for the planning years 2017 through 2027. This report includes discussions on land use assumptions (prepared by the City), the impact fee Capital Improvements Plan, and Calculated Maximum Impact Fees by meter size. The updated maximum fees per service unit (for a 3/4-inch water meter) are as follows: Maximum Wastewater Impact Fee per Service Unit We have enjoyed working with the City on this important update and are available to discuss the findings and conclusions further at your convenience. We look forward to our continued working relationship with you and the City of Anna. � S�Pd% E op TF41s',' Sincerely tit:' '•.tit�1 tit. '•.tt GARY C. HENDRICKS Gary C. I 40 Mae one 65226 •'2 L t F ta_ ONAL _ �.• TBPE Ftrn: 526 ACEC 61�e1/Hess Firm � Better Decisions -Better• Designs j:\clericallanna\2016-142 wRww impact fee update 20161reports\02-transmittal lettecdoar 78PLS Firm 100318-00 II II. CITY OF ANNA WATER AND WASTEWATER 2017-2027 IMPACT FEE UPDATE TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................... 1 GLOSSARY................................................................................................................................ 3 III. LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS (Provided by City of Anna) ....................................................... 7 IV. DEFINITION OF A SERVICE UNIT —WATER AND WASTEWATER ............................... 7 • Table No. 2 — LUE for Various Types &Sizes of Water Meter V. CALCULATION OF WATER &WASTEWATER —LIVING UNIT EQUIVALENTS ............ 9 • Table No. 3 — 2017-2027 Water Living Unit Equivalents by Meter Size • Table No. 4 — 2017-2027 Wastewater Living Unit Equivalents by Meter Size VI. WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM......................................................................................... 9 A. Existing Facilities................................................................................................................. 9 B. Water Distribution System Capital Improvement Projects ................................................ 10 • Figure No. 1 —Water Distribution System: Existing Facility Recovery • Figure No. 2 — Water Distribution System: Capital Improvement Plan • Table No. 5 — 10-Year Capital Improvement Plan C. Utilized Capacity................................................................................................................ 14 Table No. 6 — Summary of Eligible Capital Cost &Utilized Capacity Cost • Table No. 7 —Existing Facility Recovery — Water Lines & Water Facilities Table No. 8 — Proposed Capital Improvement Plan - Water Lines • Table No. 9 — Proposed Capital Improvement Plan - Water Distribution Facilities j:\clerical\.uma\2016-142 w&ww impact fee update 2016Ueports\03-index.docx - 1 - Page No. VII. WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM A. General............................................................................................................................... 20 B. Existing Wastewater System.............................................................................................. 20 C. Proposed Wastewater Capital Improvement Plan.............................................................. 21 • Figure No. 3 — Wastewater Collection System: Existing Facility Recovery • Figure No. 4 — Wastewater Collection System: Capital Improvement Plan • Table No. 10 — 10-Year Capital Improvement Plan D. Utilized Capacity................................................................................................................ 24 • Table No. 11 —Summary of Eligible Capital Cost &Utilized Capacity Cost • Table No. 12 — Existing Facility Recovery — Wastewater Lines & Facilities • Table No. 13 — Proposed Capital Improvement Plan - Wastewater Lines • Table No. 14 — Proposed Capital Improvement Plan - Wastewater Facilities VIII. CALCULATION OF MAXIMUM IMPACT FEES — WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEM............................................................................. 34 • Table No. 15 — Allowable Maximum Fee Per LUE and Per Meter Size & Type j:\clerica�mmn�20t6-M2 w&ww iny�act fze update 20t6�reports\03•index.docx - 11 - Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. CITY OF ANNA WATER AND WASTEWATER IMPACT FEE UPDATE I. INTRODUCTION The City of Anna retained the services of Birkhoff, Hendricks and Carter, L.L.P for the purpose of updating the impact fees for the water distribution system and the wastewater collection system. These impact fees are required for funding the construction of specific capital improvement projects to serve new development. The table below shows previous maximum impact fees calculated and the impact fees imposed by the City: 2008 2014 2017 Calculated Maximum Fee Fees Imposed Calculated Maximum Fee Fees Imposed Calculated Maximum Fee Fees Imposed Water $25712950 $200 $4,674.00 $2,000 $3,984.89 TBD Wastewater $2,643.50 $2,000 $4,610.00 $2,000 $3,999.05 TBD Since the 2008 and 2014 updates of the Impact Fee, the City of Anna has expanded its water and sewer service. The Water Distribution System Master Plan and Wastewater Collection Master Plan were refined in 2013 by Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P., and are consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. In accordance with the requirements of Chapter 395.052 of the Local Government Code, this report reflects the City of Anna's Land Use Assumptions, Water Capital Improvement Plan and Wastewater Capital Improvement Plan. Chapter 395, of the Local Government Code is an act that provides guidelines for financing capital improvements required for new development in municipalities, counties, and certain other local governments. Based on the most current Master Plan documents for the Water Distribution and Wastewater Collection Systems; 10-year Capital Improvement Plans were developed to reflect projected infrastructure needs. The City's Future Land Use Plan was unchanged from the previous evaluation, and population growth assumption, provided by the City Planning Department, was the basis for the maximum impact fees calculated. j:\clzrical\aiwa\201G-142 w&mv impact fee updatz 2o16\rzports\Ot-report.docx - 1 - TY& ����I�JlI7�aC1 Fee Update 2l7% %-2�2% Birkhoff, Hendricks & Cnrler, L.L.P. The Act allows the maximum impact fee to be charged if revenues from future ad valorem taxes, and water and sewer bills are included as a credit in the analysis. If not, the Act allows the maximum fee to be set at 50% of the calculated maximum fee. Calculations herein provide for the 50% reduction. The following items were included in the impact fee calculation: A. The cost of the new infrastructure that is to be paid by the City, including engineering, property acquisition and construction cost. B. Existing excess capacity in lines and facilities that will serve firture growth and which were paid for in whole or part by the City. C. Engineering and quality control fees for construction projects. D. Interest and other finance charges on bonds issued by the City to cover its portion of the cost. E. Planning Cost. The engineering analysis portion of the Water and Wastewater Impact Fee evaluation determines utilized capacity cost of the major water distribution and wastewater collection facilities between the year 2017 and the year 2027. Facilities in this analysis include, water pump stations, water storage tanks, water disinfection systems, water transmission lines, water distribution lines, wastewater lift stations, wastewater collection lines, the Slayter Creels wastewater treatment plant and the regional water and wastewater systems. The study period is a ten-year period with 2017 as the base year. Impact fee calculations for the water and wastewater systems account for a portion, or entirety, of costs of new projects required to serve new developments as well as a portion of the cost of existing infrastructure that is to be utilized to serve new developments. Growth and usage rates are standardized in calculations by applying living unit equivalency factors, which in this analysis conform to the latest American Water Works Association Standards (C700 - C703). j:\clerical�ma\201G-142 wRcwm impact fee update 20t 6\reports\Od-report.doos - 2 - l��& i'��iT� �rJ7tJCICi Fee Update 201 %-2�2 % Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. II. GLOSSARY 1. Advisory Committee means the capital improvements advisory committee established by the City for purposes of reviewing and making recommendations to the City Council on adoption and amendment of the City's impact fee program. 2. Area -related facility means a capital improvement or facility expansion which is designated in the impact fee capital improvements plan and which is not asite-related facility. Area -related facility may include a capital improvement which is located off -site, or within or on the perimeter of the development site. 3. Assessment means the determination of the amount of the maximum impact fee per service unit which can be imposed on new development. 4. Capital improvement means either a water• facility or a wastewater facility, with a life expectancy of three or more years, to be owned and operated by or on behalf of the City. 5. City means the City of Anna, Texas. 6. Credit means the amount of the reduction of an impact fee due, determined under this ordinance or pursuant to administrative guidelines, that is equal to the value of area - related facilities provided by a property owner pursuant to the City's subdivision or zoning regulations or requirements, for the same type of facility. 7. Facility expansion means either a water facility expansion or a sewer facility expansion. 8. Final plat approval means the point at which the applicant has complied with all conditions of approval in accordance with the City's subdivision regulations, and the plat has been approved for filing with Collin County. 9. Impact fee means either a fee for water facilities or a fee for wastewater facilities, imposed on new development by the City pursuant to Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code in order to generate revenue to fiord or recoup the costs of capital improvements or facility expansion necessitated by and attributable to such new development. Impact fees do not include the dedication of rights -of --way or easements for such facilities, or the construction of such improvements, imposed pursuant to the City's zoning or subdivision regulations. j:\clericalGvma�201 G-Id2 w&wwimpact fee update 2o16\reports\04-retwrt.docx � 3 - JJ7&lVJVIn1pQCt F'EE Z%jldQtE 201 7-2027 Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. 10. Impact fee capital improvements plan means either a water capital improvements plan or a wastewater capital improvements plan, adopted or revised pursuant to the impact fee regulations. 11. an use assumptions means the projections of population and growth, and associated changes in land uses, densities and intensities over at least aten-year period, as adopted by the City and as may be amended from time to time, upon which the capital improvements plans are based. 12. Land use ec�uivalenc�table means a table converting the demands for capital improvements generated by various land uses to numbers of service units, as may be amended from time to time. 13. New development means the subdivision of land; the construction, reconstruction, redevelopment, conversion, structut•al alteration, relocation, or enlargement of any structure; or any use or extension of the use of land; any of which increases the number of service units. 14. Plat has the meaning given the term in the City's subdivision regulations. Plat includes replat. 15. Plattin>r has the meaning given the term in the City's subdivision regulations. Plattin includes replatting. 16. Property owner has the meaning given the term in the City's subdivision regulations. Property owner caner includes the developer for a new development. 17. Recoupment means the imposition of an impact fee to reimburse the City for capital improvements which the City had previously oversized to serve new development. 18. Service area means either a water service area or wastewater benefit area within the City, within which impact fees for capital improvements or facility expansion will be collected foI new development occurring within such area, and within which fees so collected will be expended for those types of improvements or expansions identified in the type of capital improvements plan applicable to the service area. j:\clerical4vvia\201G-142 wRrn�v impact fee update 20t6Ueports\07-report.docx - �r - r��&tr�rr�1771fJaC� FeE Z%Jataie 2f7% %-2t72% Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. 19. Service unit means the applicable standard units of measure shown on the land use equivalency table in the Impact Fees Capital Improvements Plan which can be converted to water meter equivalents, for water or for wastewater facilities, which serves as the standardized measure of consumption, use or generation attributable to the new unit of development. 20. Site -related facility means an improvement or facility which is for the primary use or benefit of a new development, and/or which is for the primary purpose of safe and adequate provision of water or wastewater facilities to serve the new development, and which is not included in the impact fees capital improvements plan and for which the property owner is solely responsible under subdivision or other applicable development regulations. 21. Utility connection means installation of a water meter for connecting a new development to the City's water system, or connection to the City's wastewater system. 22. Wastewater facility means a wastewater interceptor or main, lift station or other facility included within and comprising an integral component of the City's collection system for wastewater. Wastewater facility includes land, easements or structure associated with such facilities. Wastewater facility excludes site -related facilities. 23. Wastewater facility expansion means the expansion of the capacity of any existing wastewater improvement for the purpose of serving new development, but does not include the repair, maintenance, modernization, or expansion of an existing sewer facility to serve existing development. 24. Wastewater capital improvements plan means the adopted plan, as may be amended from time to time, which identifies the wastewater facilities or wastewater expansions and their associated costs which are necessitated by and which are attributable to new development, for a period not to exceed 10 years. 25. Water facility means a water interceptor or main, pump station, storage tank or other facility included within and comprising an integral component of the City's water storage or distribution system. Water facility includes land, easements or structures associated with such facilities. Water facility excludes site -related facilities. j:\ckrical\atuta\20 t6-142 sv����v impact fee update 2016\reporls\OA-reporl.docx � 5 - ►Y& l��ii� IIII fJQCt F•e2 Z%jJdQle 2�% %-2�2 % Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. 26. Water facility expansion means the expansion of the capacity of any existing water facility for the purpose of serving new development, but does not include the repair, maintenance, modernization, or expansion of an existing water improvement to serve existing development. 27. Water capital improvements plan means the adopted plan, as may be amended from time to time, which identifies the water facilities or water expansions and their associated costs which are necessitated by and which are attributable to new development, for a period not to exceed 10 years. 28. Water meter means a device for measuring the flow of water to a development, whether for domestic or for irrigation purposes. j:\clerica(laiwa\20i G-142 w�mv impact Eee update 2016Veports\04-report.docv - 6 - lT�& Tl�l�� I171fJaCl J' E2 UjJda/2 2Q% %-2�2 % Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. III. LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS (BY THE CITYOFANNA) The City of Anna Planning Department prepared the Land Use Assumptions used for the 2014 impact fee update, and they were not modified since the past evaluation. A revised 10-year population growth projection was provided by the City for the purpose of this update. IV. DEFINITION OF A SERVICE UNIT —WATER AND WASTEWATER Chapter 395 of the Local Government Code requires that impact fees be based on a defined service unit. A "service unit" means a standardized measure of consumption, use generation, or discharge attributable to an individual unit of development calculated in accordance with generally accepted engineering or planning standards. This update defines a water and wastewater service unit to be a 3/44nch water meter and has referred to this service unit as a Single Family Living Unit Equivalent (SFLUE). The SFLUE is based on the continuous duty capacity of a 3/4-inch water meter. This is the typical meter used for a single family detached dwelling, and therefore is considered to be equivalent to one "living unit". Other meter sizes can be compared to the 3/4-inch meter through a ratio of water flows as published by the American Water Works Association as shown in Table No. 2 below. This same ratio is then used to determine the proportional water and wastewater impact fee amount for each water meter size. TABLE NO. 2 LIVING UNIT EQUIVALENCIES FOR VARIOUS TYPES AND SIZES OF WATER METERS Sour Meter Tye Meter Size Continuous Duty Maximum Rate (g m) (a, Ratio to 3/a" Meter Simple '/a" 15 1.0 Simple 1" 25 1.7 Simple 1'/i" 50 3.3 Simple Compound Turbine 2" 2" 2" 80 80 100 5.3 5.3 6.7 Compound Turbine 3" 3" 160 240 10.7 16.0 Compound Turbine 4" 4" 250 420 16.7 28.0 Compound Turbine 6" 6" 500 920 33.3 61.3 Compound Turbine 8" 8" 800 15600 53.3 106.7 Compound Turbine 10" 10" 23300 23500 153.3 166.7 Turbine 1 12"1 35300 1 220.0 ce: AWiVA Standard C700 (1995) - C703 (1996) j:\clerical\mma\201G-1 a2 �v&ww impact fee update 2016\rzporls\04-report.docx -7- JJ�&jj��l�IJl1fJQC1 F'82 Z%Jdal22�%%-202% Birkhoff, Hendricks & Car, ler, L.L.P. V. CALCULATION OF WATER & WASTEWATER - LIVING UNIT EQUIVALENTS The City of Anna provided the existing water meter count by size category as of November 2016. In total, there were 4,767 water meters serving the existing population of 13,240 residents and businesses. Table No. 3 shows the number of existing water meters and SFLUE conversions. The table also shows the projected meter counts and SFLUEs for 2027 which were based on the population growth assumption. Similarly, the City provided meter counts by size of the 49168 water service accounts that also utilize the wastewater collection system. Table No. 4 illustrates the existing wastewater account and SFLUE's. TABLE NO. 3 2017 — 2027 WATER LIVING UNIT EQUIVALENTS BY METER SIZE 2017 2027 New Meter Size Number of Water 1 Meters Living Unit Equivalent Ratio for 3/411 Used(a) Total Number of Living Units Number of Water Meters Living Unit Equivalent Ratio for 3/411 Used() Total Number of Living Units Living Units During Impact Fee Period 3/4" 4,629 1.0 4,629 99106 1.0 %106 4,477 1" 64 1.7 107 126 1.7 210 103 1'/2" 7 3.3 23 14 3.3 46 23 2" 45 6.7 300 89 6.7 590 290 3" 18 16.0 288 25 16.0 400 112 4" 3 28.0 84 4 28.0 112 28 6" 1 61.3 61 1 61.3 1 61 0 Totals 4,767 5,492 9,364 10,525 5,033 TABLE NO. 4 2017 — 2027 WASTEWATER LIVING UNIT EQUIVALENTS BY WATER METER SIZE 2017 2027 New Meter Size Number of Water Meters Living Unit Equivalent Ratio for 3/4" Used") Total Number of Living Units Number of Water Meters Living Unit Equivalent Ratio for 3/411 Used) Total Number of Living Units Living Units During Impact Fee Period 3/4" 41110 1.0 45110 8,085 1.0 85085 33975 1" 28 1.7 47 55 1.7 92 45 1'/2" 5 3.3 17 10 3.3 33 16 2" 21 6.7 140 41 6.7 275 135 3" 1 1 16.0 16 2 16.0 31 15 4" 2 28.0 56 4 28.0 110 54 6" 1 61.3 61 1 61.3 6l 0 Totals 4,168 49447 8,6 8,688 4,241 j:\clerical\atma\2016-142 w&ww impact fee update 2016Ueports\04-report.docx - 8 - jM TRY Impact FEE T%jlClpl'8 201%-Zi72% Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. Using the growth rate provided by the City, water meters and wastewater accounts were extrapolated to the year 2027. The City's Planning Department projects the population of the City of Anna to nearly double over the next ten years; having 13,240 residents in 2017 and anticipating 26,045 in 2027. It is also assumed that residential and non-residential water and wastewater usage will grow at the same rate. Living unit equivalents were then applied to the water meters and wastewater accounts for 2017 and 2027 resulting in a total number of living units for the beginning and end of this fee period. The difference in the total number of 2017 and 2027 living units results in the new living unit equivalents during the impact fee period. VI. WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM This update includes additional capital improvement plan (CIP) projects that will tentatively serve new developments, and modifies previous CIP projects that have since been constructed. The proposed CIP projects are shown schematically in Figure No. 2, and are summarized in Table No. 6. Existing facilities, applicable for reimbursement under Chapter 395 of the Local Government Code are shown in Figure No. 1. Eligible facilities include major distribution lines, pump stations, treatment facilities, ground and elevated storage reservoirs as well as regional systems participation. Utilized capacities were based on ten-year growth system demands. A. Existing Facilities As of 2017, the City of Anna has participated financially in the construction of the facilities shown on Figure No. 1, the Existing Facility Recovery Map. These distribution lines and facilities have capacity to serve new developments, and the portion of capacity expected to be absorbed by the new developments has been included, as a percentage of the total 20-year project cost, in the value of the maximum impact fee calculation. Actual capital costs, including construction, engineering and easements of the various elements of the existing water distribution system, were utilized where the information was known. The existing costs of facilities were determined from records provided by the City of Anna. Where actual costs were not known, an average cost in 2017 dollars was calculated. j:\clerical\aiuia\2016-112�v�n�vimpactfez update2016Ueporls\04-reporl.docx - � - lrr&T'r7rr/r%n7j�pC1 F''eC t%174p12 2M1 %-2M2% Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. B. Water Distribution System Capital Improvement Projects In order to meet the demands of the anticipated growth over the next 10-years to 2027, certain water distribution system improvements are required. Figure No. 2 shows the recommended system improvements and Table No. 6 itemizes each project and the project cost. These recommended improvements, along with certain existing facilities, form the basis for the Water System Impact Fee Calculation. Costs for CIP projects were estimated using average unit costs from projects which have been bid recently, plus an estimated cost for engineering and easements, and were amortized to include the additional cost of issuing 20-year bonds at 5% annual interest rate. Projects determined to involve developer financing were estimated with a lesser unit value. In these cases, the developer will be responsible for the cost of the first 8 inches and the City will be responsible for the additional cost associated to construct the larger -diameter line to the size shown on the CIP exhibit. j:\clerical\aivia\2016-1F2 �r&�s�v impact fee update 2016\reports\Oa-report.docs - 1 � - ii'& J;�iT� Il)]paCt Fee Updale 2�1 %-Zi�2 % Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. FIGURE I WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM : EXISTING FACILITY RECOVERY j:\clerical\atma\2016-142 wKwwimpnct fzz updatz 201GUzports\OJ-report.doc� � 1� - �l�&1��j1�17)7�QCt �'e2 l%f7dp1E 2�1%-202% Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. FIGURE 2 WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM : CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN j:k�erica�Gvu,a�2o�G-»z w&�� �n,p1�c rzz �paacz zoi6trepon5�o4-repoR.aooz - 12 - I1'& iV1Y Impact Fee Update 2017-2027 Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carler, L.L.P. TABLE IN 5 10-YEAR WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Wate r Lines Project Size Developer Participation Total Capital Costt�l Debt Serwice(2) Total Project Cost Water Line #1 12" $2,344,650 $1,418,166 $3,762,816 W ater line #2 12" X $1,4035400 $8480849 $21252,249 W ater line #3 12" X $421,700 $255,066 $676,766 Water line #4 12" X $6323750 $382,720 $11015,470 Water line #5 1211 $156183950 $979,225 $2,598,175 Water Line #6 $1,880,800 $131373605 $3,018,405 Water line 47 $4223950 $255,822 $678,772 Water Line #8 $823100 $49,658 $1319758 Water Line #9 $694,900 $4205311 $1,115,211 Water line#10 $172,950 $1045609 $2775559 Water Line # 12 112t E $60,100 $365352 $96,452 Water Line #13 $8075650 $4883509 $1,296,159 Water Line #14 $2,149,100 $1,29%887 $3,448,987 Water line #15 $231055080 $1,273,261 $333785341 aterline#17 $165,700 $100,224 $2655924 aterline#19 12" $255,000 $1545237 $40%237 Water line #20 12" $23623,200 $1,5863647 $4220%847 Water line #21 12" X $1,0175500 $6153437 $1,632,937 Water line #22 12" $9963000 $602,432 $1,5985432 Water Line #23 12" X $1,403,150 $8483698 $23251,848 Water line #24 24" $152823800 $775,904 $2,058,704 Water Line #25 12" X $633,800 $383,355 $12017,155 Water Line #26 16" X $117,950 $71,342 $1895292 Water line #27 18" X $157765330 $19074,416 $21850,746 Water line #28 18" $1,424,685 1 $861,723 $25286,408 W ater line #29 18" $1,7183465 $1,0393417 $2,757,882 Water Line #30 12" X $162,450 $98,258 $26V08 Subtotal: NA'aterLinesi $28,374,110 S17,162,130 S45,536,240 Water System Facilities Project Capacity Developer Participation Total Capital Cos tt1t Dcbt SerNice(2) Total Project Cost I MG EST 1.0 MG $31000,000 $1,814,555 $4,814,555 South Plant P.S. Expanion 5 MGD $1,500,000 $907,278 $21407,278 CGMA Shenuan Connection N/A $15000,000 $604,852 $136045852 CGMA Bloomdale P.S. N/A $2,0005000 $1,20%703 $3,209,703 South G•ayson Take Point P.S. L5 MGD $155005000 $907,278 $2,4075278 South Grayson Take Point GSR 0.5 MG $70%0001 S423,3961 $11123,396 Subtotal: Facilities 1 $9,700,0001 $5,867,062 r $159567,062 Water System Master Plan 1 $505000 $0 $50,000 Current & Past Im act Fee Evaluation (3) $44,000 $0 $44,000 Subtotal: Planning I $941000 $94,000 C.I.P. GRAND TOTAL: 1 $38,168,1101 $23,029,192 $6191979302 j:\clericaBa�wa\2016-142w&wwimpact fee update 2otbUeports\o4-report.docx - 13 - IVc4c1VIVIfl7ppCtFee UpllClt¢ iOI%-iOZ% Birkhoff Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. C. Utilized Canacity The portion of City4unded project costs that may be reimbursed by impact fee revenue is relative to the portion of facility capacity that is anticipated to be absorbed by new developments during the fee period. This portion, or utilized capacity, was determined for existing facilities and for proposed CIP projects. For existing facilities, available capacities were found under current, 2017, demands, and were compared to the available capacity remaining under the predicted 2027 demand scenario. The difference in available capacities, by percentage, was applied to the 20-year total project cost to determine the allowable recovery dollar amount. The same procedure was utilized to determine utilized capacity during fee period for proposed CIP projects, however, in this case, the 2017 demand is null. Table No. 7 below summarizes project costs and utilized costs over the impact fee period, 2017 — 2027, for each element of the Water Distribution System. The utilized capacity for each water distribution facility, both existing and proposed, is presented in detail in Impact Fee Capacity Calculation Table No. 8 through Table No. 10. TABLE NO. 6 SUMMARY OF ELIGIBLE CAPITAL COST &UTILIZED CAPACITY COST Water System Total 20-Year Project Cost ($) Utilized Capacity During Fee Period ($) Existing Water Facilities $35,040,778 $173417,274 Planning Bpenses $945000 $9400 Existing Water System Subtotal: $3591349778 $1755115274 Proposed Water Lines $455536,240 $18,025,120 Proposed Water Facilities $12,036,388 $4,5733827 Propos ed Water System Subtotal: $579572,628 $22,598,947 TOTAL: $9297079406 $4091105222 j:�c�ericana,u,a�2al e-uz ��x��� „„u,�c rzz �Pa�iz zoieUzPo��s�oa-report.aac. - 14 - TY& II'll' Lnpact Fee Update 2017-2027 Birkhoff, Hendricks & Cader, L.L.P. TABLE NO. 7 EXISTING FACILITY RECOVERY - WATER LINES &WATER FACILITIES ' � ,b�..,ee re,u raw ae 6area n, 2au ✓„u.,.,„,�r: a, aa,�.,� a.;��✓;�"r. ✓ "��d;,,d�,✓„ �o;,, r . Pipe Nundwr Total Capacity (AlCdNIGD) Date of Coast. Total Capital Cost(S) 20 Year Debt Sersice (a 5% Simpleinterest Total 201ear Project Cast(S) DIGD or 11Ka IAtlized alac tv I% Utilized Caetcitr S LYilizcd Cau¢it' 2017 2027 During Fee Period 2017 2027 During Fee Period 21117 2027 During FeePeriod Existing Waterline Facility lA & 1B 09O 12 2.75 IS°/a 1009/0 850%FS172g830 $1,123,396 S1,123,396 $950,56(, S950,566 CGSIA Treate d S urfAce Water S rstent - Blooutdalc PS and GSR Subotal: 3.25 3025 2005 2005 1 $700,000 1 S700A00 $423,396 5423,396 $1,123,396 S1,123r396 Existing Watedine Facility 1C 0.50 3.2i 2.7i 15% 1000/ 85% $17219,687 S1,2191687 $13032,043 S11032,043 CGNIA TreatedSurface Water System-Treated3VaterSupply Lne Sublolal: 3.25 3,25 2005 2005 $760,000 $459,687 S760A00 545%687 $13219268 S1,219,687 Existing Watedine Facility 2A 001 2.20 2.A1 Olb 55a/a 550,4. SO SO $115001536 S11500r536 S1,500253( S1,500,536 South Take Paint -PS Subtotal: 4.00 4.00 2005 2005 $1,700,t100 51,700,000 $1,028,248 51,028,1A8 $2,728,248 S2,728sVtl Existing Waterline Facility 2B 0.00 0.80 0.80 0% 53% 530,4. $0 SO $1,2831881 S1,283,881 $132832881 S19283,881 South Take Point -GSR Subtotal:1,50 1.50 2(NJ5 2005 $1,5000000 S907,278 SI.500,000 S907,278 $23407,278 S2,407,278 Existing N\'atedine Facility 3 0.00 2.25 2.2i 00/ 50'/o ifP; $0 SO S4971504 S497,M-1 S497,504 S497,.iO4 IS" 11'LFrom South Take Point to FAI455 4.50 Subtotal: 4.50 2005 20115 $620,000 $3731008 1 S620,000 S375,008 S995,008 S995,008 Ecistin W'atedine Facility 4 030 0.3U 0. IOOa/o I000/o 09; S962911 5962,911 S962,911 S962011 SO SO West Well & GS R Subtotal: 0.30 0130 2005 2005 1 $600,000 1 $362,911 S60%000 S362011 S962391) S962011 0.35 0.50 0.15 hP/o IW/o 31r 5561,698 S561,698 $802,426 S802r426 S240,728 S240,728 Existing Watedine Facility 5 West Well EST Subtotal: 0.50 0050 2005 2005 $500,000 S500A00 $302,426 S302r126 S802,42 S802d26 0. 100% IW0/o 01i SI,604,852 51,604,852 $1,604,852 S1,604a52 so. SO Existing Watedine Facility 6A 0.91 0.91 South Grayson System- Water Wells Subtotal: 0.91 0,91 2005 200S $1000%000 $604,852 S1,000,000 5604,A52 $13604585 51,604A3 Existing Watedine Facility 6B 0.25 0.35 0.11 J7V/o 100% 30% S589,783 S589,783 $842,547 S842,547 SZ 2,76J 5252,7W South Grayson System-.35 MG EST Subtotal: 0.35 0,35 2005 2005 1 $525,000 S317,547 5525,000 53I7,547 $842,54 S842,547 Existing Watedine Facility 6C - - - 5% 40'/ 350% S8,024 S8,024 $64,194 S64,1941 S*170 S56,170 South Grayson System- CCN Area Subtotal: 1.00 1400 2005 2005 $100,000 W1485 1 S1003000 S605485 $1601485 SI60,4 - Existing Waterline Facility 7 0.00 050 0.5( 0'/ I(xr/ I(H)% SO Sol S320970 S321QN $320,97( S3201970 South Well Surface Water Subtotal: 0.50 0.50 2013 2013 $2004000 $120,970 520010DO S120,970 $320,970 S320070 Existing Waterline Facility 8 0.00 1.25 L2i 0% IO00/ 1(h10,S. SO S0 $1.364,124 SIa64,124 S1.364,124 S113641124 North & West 1111 Surface Water Subtotal: 1.25 1.25 2014 2014 $850,000 $514,124 1 Se-511,000 S514,124 $13364,124 S17364,114 Existing Waterline Facility 9 02t 0,42 0.2( 5% 10% $253778 S25,778 $50)710 5509710 $24,931 S241931 C IL 11061Vatedine Subutbd: 4.M 4.00 2016 2016 $303e300 S303,300 $193,452 S486,75 St83,452 S4865752 Existing Waterline Facility 10 0.70 1.00 0.3 70% IOU"/ 30'/ $2,691,657 I S2,6919657 $31845,225 S3,845t2251 $17153,56 SI9I53,567 H2ckbem' EST-1.0 MG - Subtotal: 1.00 1.00 2016 2016 $2,396,000 S2rM9 000 $1,4493225 SI,449,225 $339452225 S3A45,22I j�\cletical\mma\2016-142 w&5vw impact fee update 2016\repoAs\04-report.docx - 1$ - J�7& j�T 171A1j7aCt 1'ee UJJda%B 2�1 %-2�2 % Birk Toff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. TABLE NO. 7 (CONTINUED) Existing Waterline Facility 11 - - - (% 10% 1096 S0 SO SSU43 S801243 S80,243 S80,243 Disinfection Subtotal: NIA NIA 2016 2016 $500,000 S302,426 5500,000 S302,42G $802.42f S802,426 Facility 12 0.(81 1 (10 LW OY 100% Iq]%. SO S0 S1.201639 SIr203,639 $1.203,635 S112031639 Existing Waterline Initial South Pump S lalion Subtotal: 1.00 1.00 2016 2016 $750,000 S750,000 $43,639 S4V,639 SI,2(13,63� S1,203,639 Existing Waterline Facility 13 0.00 1.25 1.2i 00/ 500/ 50% $0 SO S933,3i2 S93313.52 $933,352 S933,352 South Distribulion tine From Nest Well EST (sdDE%) Subtulal: 2.50 2.511 2016 1 2U 16 $1,163,163 S1,161,163 $703,541 S703,.541 $1866,704 S1,866,70i Existing Waterline Facility 14 0.00 1.13 1.13 :(Y/o 45% 45% SO Sol S4551M3 S855r513 S9i5,513 S855,513 EastAVest Water ❑ne along future Hackberry Ln. West Subtotal: 2.50 2.50 2016 2016 $1,184,620 S1,184,620 S716,519 S716,519 $I;NII, 13' %901,139 Existing Waterline Facility 15 0.(m 1.1(1 I.1( 0y 55 55°,4� SO SO $2901221 52911,221 $290:221 S29t ,221 U.S. 75 Pond Iel Water Ilne North of EhL 455 (sr/DM) Subtotal: 200 2016 2.00 2016 $328,800 $1983875 5328X00 5198,875 Si27,675 5527,fi7S Existin Waterline Facility16 0.00 1,10 LIO (B6 55010 i5°i, $0 SOI S1,6773070 S19677,070 $1,677,070 S1,677,070 U.S. 75 Paral let Water fine S outh of EhL 455 Subtotal: 2.00 2.00 2016 2016 1 $1,900,000 SI,900rDOOI $13149,218 S1,149,218 $3,049,218 S310499218 Existing Watedine Facility 17 0.00 1.10 1.1 00/ 5 .." SO $0 S13297,253 S11297aD $122972253 S1,297,253 Fast -West K'ater Line along West Faster (n/DE%) Subtotal: 100 200 2016 2016 S1,4699694 SIr169,694 $989,947 SSSS047 S2,358,641 S2r358,641 Existing Waterline Facility 18 0.00 1.10 1.1 O0.'o 55°-<, _ $O SOI $1,116,7)G S1,116,796 $I,I16, $1,116,796 \rater fine for C.IL422 (uiDM Subtotal: 200 200 20I6 2016 $1,265,250 SI,265,250 S7651289 S76i,289 $2,030,53 S25030r5.79 Existin Waterline Facility 19 0.00 1.10 LI U% 5Vo 150 t SO SO $790.123 S796,123 S796,123 S7969123 \rater line CR371 to Rosamond Miry. (w/DM Subtotal: 100 2016 2,00 2016 1 $901,950 59010 $5453546 S1,447,4 S54.5,516 S11447,496 Existing Waterline Facility 20 0.00 1.10 1.1 0% 4555 Olt SO 50 $246,987 5246,987 $246098 S276y87 Subtotal: 200 200 2016 2016 $342,000 5342,000 $2063859 5206,859 $548385 55483859 Existing Watedine Facility 21 0.00 1.10 LI tP/ 55^,� i5% $0 SO $2427292 S2421292 S242,29 S2121292 Subtotal: 100 2.00 2016 2016 1 $2741500 S274r500 1 $166,032 S166,032 S440953 S440r532 Water Facilities - Project CIP Total $21 834 277 $13 206 501 $35 040 778 $6 805 178 $24 222 453 S17 417 274 j:lclericaRalwa\2016-142 w&ww impact fee update 20I6\reports\04-repon.docx - I6 - ll�t%j'V11�I)17pQC1 %'2B t%pdptl? i�] %-Z�i% I3hkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. TABLE NO. 8 PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN - WATER LINES •.1,rmm• L'niJ msn me FnsrAin 20l J do/tars unksr nrheruiu indknkd and includes20!6Jar enRineennR onArnxmenls IInc Identification Length (Ft. Diameter (Inches Deseloper Partici u0ian Mg. Unit Cost SI1t Total Capital Cost S 201ear Debt Senicer 5% Simple Interest Total 20 Year Project Cost (S) (%) Utili-eed Calmeih' (S) Utilized Capacity 2017 1 2027 During Fee Period 2017 1 2027 During Fee Period 'Water Line 91 0'/ 1596 159' 30 SO S564A22 S5649422 S564,422 S564,422 t 2-inch mate r hue along Collin Outer loop Subtotal: 15,631 M631 12 $150,00 S2,34-1,650 S2,34J,650 $Ir4l8,166 S114181166 S3,762816 S3,762,816 'Water Line 42 12" smpping back to SIT Subtotal: 9,153 609 91762 12 12 X $150.00 $5(1.00 S11372,950 330,450 51,403,400 S830,431 SI8,418 5849,849 S2,203,381 548,868 5:252,249 0% 0% 11% 11% 114 IN $0 SO SO S242,372 S5,375 S?47,747 S2427372 $59375 S2479747 'Water Line 03 12" R%lerUne north of the Outer lnop Subtotal: 2,678 400 3,078 12 I2 1150.00 X 550.00 S401 7011 520/KNI 5421700 S21? 969 S121A)7 S25i1166 5644,66 S32,trI 5676,766 0% 046 15404 15% 1314 154 So SO SO $96,700 S4,815 S1015515 S962700 S4,815 SIOI$I5 Water Line #4 6% 0% 23% 23% 2394 239: S0 S0 S11 $159,Wl $73.657 S233,-S-581 S159,901 S73,657 S233,558 12" Water line north of the Outer loop Subtot3l: 2,88S 3,991 6,879 12 12 S150.00 X $50.00 Sa33,200 5199,5>0 5632,7511 S262,022 S120,69$ S382,720 $695,222 $320,248 S1,015,470 'WalerLine #5 046 13% 13al S0 SO S337,763 5737,763 $337,763 5337,763 Subtotal: 10,793 10,793 12 $150.00 $1,618,950 51,618,950 $979,223 5979,223 S27598,175 S2$98,I7- Water Line #6 0% 10054 100",£ SO So S3,0181405 S3,0180405 $3,0182405 S31018140 Sultulal: 9,404 91404 24 $200.00 $108803800 S11880,800 $1,1373605 S1,137,605 S3,018,405 S3,018,40. Line #7 0% 63% 639E So So5427,626 S427,626 $4277626 S427,62 Wate r Subtotal: 8,459 81459 12 X $$U.W S4221950 5422,950 $2552822 5255,823 S678,772 5678,772 Wate r Line 48 046 964% we SO 50 S126,620 $1260620 S1262620 S126,620 Subtotal: 1,612 15642 12 X Sm.00 1 S821100 S82,100 $49,658 S491658 $131,758 S131,758 Water Line 49 W^ li^,;, 9346 934% 93% 939 SO SO SO $9077037 $125,649 S110329686 $907,037 5125,649 51,032,686 Subtotal: 4,069 1.671 51760 12 12 X $150.00 $50.00 $610,330 w530 S694,900 $369,171 S979.i21 S135,691j S1,I I5,211 $517140 5420,311 Water Line #10 0'1% 13^,b 239E SO SO S631839 S63,839 $632839 S63,839 Subtotal: 32459 3,459 12 X $50.00 $1722930 S172,950 $104,609 SI041609 S277,55 S277wS591 Water Line #12 04% 219% 214' SO SO S20,255 S201255 S20,255 S209255 Subtotal: 1,202 I,202 12 X $50.00 560,100 S60,100 13G,352 S36,352 596,452 S96,432 Water Line #13 0%52% 09% 52% 524 524 3o $0 SO $65m80 $21,823 S6740003 S652,180 $21,823 S674p003 Subtotal: 3.2I0 523 5,733 l2 12 X $130.00 S7811500 $50.00 526,150 5607,650 $4723692 $i,254219 $15,817 541,967 S488,509 S1,296,159 $0 SO $0 SO $147,759 $127,537 $79%818 S1,064,134 S1472759 $127,557 $7983818 $1,0641134 Water Line #14 0°As OOA 046 6256 26% 29% 62 269 2 Subtotal: 11485 21038 93970 13,493 8 12 16 MOM S150.00 $170.00 I $148,500 5305,7W S1,6943900 S27149olOO S89,820 $238,32 S1902603 $2,720,063 S3,448,987 $184,903 $1,023,163 S112991887 Water Line #15 054 0% 44"% , 44^.o 449E 441); SO SO So $1,000,416 4486,054 51,486,470 W SI,o,416 S486,034 S1,486,470 Subtotal: %445 42049 13,494 11_ 16 $150.00 $t70.00 $17416,730 $688,330 52,105,080 $856,924 $2,273,674 S1,104,668 S3,37Q341 $4160338 S1,273,261 j:\clerical\mwa\2016-142 w&Svsv impact fee update 2016\reporlsl04-repolt.docx - 1 % - IY& TVli' In)pQCt T'CB t%j)C1'aiE io% %-Zr72 % Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. TABLE NO. 8 (CONTINUED) Wnter"ne #17 09G 839E 839. SO 50 S220.717 S220,717 S220.717 S220,717 Su140101: 3,314 3,314 12 X $50.00 1 $165.700 S165,700 S1001224 5100,224 S265,924 S2659924 Water Line 419 fF/. 2596 29: $O S0 S102,309 S1021309 SIO'3lrv) S102,309 Sudotal: 5,100 5,100 12 `( $50.09 5255,(1fN) S25i,Wo SI54.237 SI54,237 S09,237 S4099137 Water Line #20 % 636 69 SO $22652,104 S27652 S_6IN0 Subtotal: 17.488 17,488 12 S150.00 S2262,,200 523200 $l1,„586,7 S8,647 $4,209,947 SJ,209,847 Water line 421 (M 09G 4j9u 429G 429E 420,E SO S) SO S466,704 S219,130 S685,834 $4667u1 S'_19.13f) S6851834 • Sud01a1: 4.616 6,502 11,118 12 12 \ 1150At1 SSO.W S692,400 $3251100 S11017,500 S418,799 $1,111,19 $321,737 S1,632,937 $196,637 S615,437 Water line 422 09G 459E SO S719s295 9 $7199,29955S602,43 12Subtotal: 6,640 61640 12 996,000 59961000 $602,432 111,,598,,43 43 S92 Water line 423 0"k 14"5 1491 SO SO S345,239 S315,259 $315.259 S315,259 Sudoal: 21063 28,0fi3 12 X 550.00 S1,403,150 S194031150 $848,698 S8J8,699 $2,251,94 S2,251,878 Water line 424 09G 89G 99: SO SO S164,696 S1649696 S1641696 S1641696 Subtotal: 61414 69414 24 S200.00 I S19282,800 S1,282,800 S775,904 S7759904 S2,0589704 S2,058,704 Water line #25 0% 3 550.'. SO SO S5591435 S559,435 $559435 S55%435 Subtotal: 14676 12,676 12 X SSOAO S6337800 S637,800 $383,355 SJ83,355 Slt0171155 SIIO17913 Water Une 426 09G 835 89; SO SO S15,143 515,143 515.143 SI5, 143 Subtotal: 17685 11683 16 X 1 $70.00 SI17,950 S117,950 $71,342 S71,342 $189,292 S1899292 Water Line #27 0% 2544; 259E SO SO S712,687 5712,687 S712,687fi9 S712,7 Subtotal: 203898 20,898 18 X $85.00 $127763330 51,776,330 $1,0749416 51,074,416 $2,850974 S29850,746 W% 4551 459E SO SO S1,028,884 S1,028,894 SI,O'_4884 S11028,884 Water Line #28 Sudotal: 7.701 71701 18 S185.00 31,4241685 S19424,685 $861,723 S861,7,3 12,216640E S2,286,408 Water line 429 046 459G 459E SO I SO $1,241 047 S19241,047 $I _41.047 S112411047 SulNolal: 9,289 91289 18 $185.00 $1,718,465 S1,718,465 $1,039,417 Slt039,417 $2t757*882 S2,757,882 Water Line 430 09G 809E 809E <0 SO S5208238,567 1567 $1081567' 5208,567 Sudotal: 31249 3,2J9 12 \ 550.00 S162450 S162,450 S9$258 598,2>8 $260,708 5260,70E Water Lines - CIP Total TOTAL 1242,424 1 1$28,374,IIOIS17,162,1301$45,536,240 $181025,120 $181025,120 j:\clzrical1,91ma\2016-142 w&3v3v impact fee update 2o161reports\04•report.docx - 18 - 1T�& y1�I1�IYllpQct Fee UpdplB 2�17-2�27 Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. TABLE NO. 9 PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN - WATER DISTRIBUTION FACILITIES ".I raraee Uuil costs nrz bused in 20N do//ors unlrss olhenriae inr(ieoled rind includzs 20% jnr en.¢ineerinQ m+d znsrmeuls. Total Capacity (NIG/NIGD) Total Capital Cost (S) 20Year Debt Service Ca 5% simple Interest Total 20Year Project Cost (S) (NIGDorAIG) Utilized capacity % Utilized Ca taci $ Utilized Ca ci Pi 1> Number 2017 2027 During Tee Period 2017 2i027 During Pee Period 2017 2027 During Fee Period 1 NIG I:SI' 0.00 0.75 0.75 00 80'/0 80% $0 so $338513644 S3,8511644 $3,851,614 S3,851,644 Subtotal: 1.00 1.00 $3,0003000 $39000,000 1 $158142555 $1,814,555 S458141555 S45814,555 South Plant Pump Station Expansion 0.00 0.50 0.50 0% 10'/ 10% $0 so $2401728 S240,728 $2403728 S2401728 Subtotal: 5.00 5,00 $1250%000 SISS005000 1 $907,278 $907,278 $2,407,278 S23407,278 CGNIA Sherman Connection 0.00 L00 I.00 0/ IO% 10% $0 So S160,485 S160,485 $160,485 $160,485 Subtotal: N/A N/A $1,000,000 SI,000,000 S6045952 S604,852 $1,604,852 $11604,852 CGNIA Bloomtlale Pump Station 0.00 1.00 I.W 00/0 10'/0 10'/0 $0 SO $3205970 5320,970 $320397 5320,970 Subtotal: N/A N/A I $2,0007000 52,000,000 1 $13209,703 SI,209,703 $3,2091703 53,209,703 South Gmyson Take Point-1.5 MGD Pump 0.00 1.50 I.50 00/0 100% 100"/0 $0 So S254072278 S25407,278 $2,4071278 S21407,278 Subtotal: 1.50 1150 $12500,000 SI,5001000 1 $9071278 S907,27s $2,407,278 S2,a07,278 South Grayson Take Point - 0.5 GSR 0.00 0.50 0.50 0% 100% 1100/ $0 SO $1212313% 51,123,396 $12123,3 S111231396 Subtotal: 0.50 0.50 5700,000 57)JO 00 1423,396 S423,396 $1,123,3 S1,123,396 Water Facilities - Project CIP Total $71500,000 $4,5363388 $12,036,388L 11 $0 $4,5735827 $4,573,827 j:\clericaBatma\2016-1a2 w&ww impact fee update 20t6UepoAs\O4-report.docx - I9 - II�c& I'I�II� h17ppCt I''EE t%j7C�Rt8 ill %-2�2% Bnkltoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. VII. WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM A. General At this time, based on projections provided by the City, the City of Anna will approximately double in population over the ten-year period. The most significant growth, that affects the wastewater collection needs of the City, will occur in the Slayter Creek Basin, along the US 75 corridor, and east of SH 5. The wastewater collection system is partially in place to serve the new development. The existing Slayter Creels Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), as well as the Point Of Entry (POE) to the NTWMD system, provide treatment for the sewage. Conveyance from the new developments to these existing facilities will be required. The City of Anna's flow is metered at the WWTP and at two Points of Entry into the regional NTMWD lines. New developments in certain areas of the City will require wastewater lift stations and force mains to convey sewage towards the existing collection system S. Existing Wastewater System Figure No. 3, the Existing Wastewater Facility Recovery Map, shows projects that have been constructed in part by the City, and are eligible for some financial recovery. Summaries of major project undertakings for the City are listed below. • Throcicmorton Creels 21-inch Collection: In approximately 2003, the City staff entered into a contract to construct approximately 4,500 linear feet of 214nch PVC collection line. This facilitated the construction of single family homes adjacent to FM 455. It also picked up flow from the commercial development located at the intersection of US 75 and FM 455. • Slayter Creek 24-inch Collection Line: In approximately 2005, the City staff entered into a contract to construct approximately 7,000 linear feet of 24-inch PVC collection line. This facilitated the construction of single family homes in the Slayter Creek basin north of FM 455. • Clemmons Creek Point of Entry: In approximately 2005, the City staff entered into a joint contract with the City of Melissa to construct a 15-inch regional sanitary sewer collector line. The existing line terminated approximately one-half mile south of the jAclericahanna\2016-I42 Nv&mv impact fee update 2016\reports\04-rcp0rt.docx - 20 - JV&TVTV Impact Fee Update 201 7-202 7 Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. City of Anna City Limit lines. Around 2016, this line was extended into the City of Anna to facilitate growth east of SH 5. • Throcl.morton Creel. Point of Entry: In approximately 2009, the City staff entered into a joint contract with the City of Melissa to construct a 214nch regional sanitary sewer collector line. A large percentage of the projected growth will be conveyed to the Throcl.morton Creel. POE. C. Proposed Wastewater Capital Improvement Pian Figure No. 4 illustrates the proposed wastewater system improvements based on meeting the 10-year, future demands of new developments for the City of Anna. The expectation is that each line will be engineered based on the demands associated with the current land use plan and any special circumstances particular to a business or operation that might potentially overload the system due to specific demand issues. Summaries of some of the anticipated required improvements of the wastewater collection system are listed below. • US 75 Corridor: To facilitate opening up the west development area of the City of Anna to meet the intentions of the Land Use Plan, the City will need to invest in collector line infrastructure. Approximately 7,200 linear feet of 12-inch will be required to collect wastewater from the future residential. The proposed lines will connect to the proposed improvements within the Slayter Creel. Basin. • Slayter Creel. Basin: In order for growth to occur in the Slayter Creel. Basin, the Throckniorton and Oak Hollow Lift Stations will be required to be taken off-line. A 21-inch gravity line from the Throckmorton Creek Lift Station site conveying sewage to the regional NTMWD system will provide capacity for growth within the basin. Additionally, abandoning the existing Oak Hollow Lift Station and replacing with a 124nch gravity sanitary sewer will provide additional capacity for growth in the Ferguson Road/County Road 367 area. j:\ckrical�wa\201 G-1a2 wRemvimpact fee update 2016\rzports\0#•report.docr � 21 - IP&J��l��i7)7JJL7C1 Fee Update 2�1 %-2�2% Birkhoff, Hendivicks & Carter, L.L.P. FIGURE 4 WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM* CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN j:\clericallawia\20I6d42 w&wwiropact fee update 2016Ueports\04•report.docx - 23 - l���cyVll�lfllf7Clet Fee Z%jX�Qle ill %-2�2% Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. D. Utilized Capacity Utilized capacity for the wastewater collection system was calculated based on land absorption from population growth projections provided by the City. The population and employment growth in each wastewater drainage basin was determined utilizing the City's growth projections. These growth rates were utilized to calculate 2017 and 2027 design flows. TABLE NO. 10 10-YEAR WASTEWATER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Wastewater Lines Project Size Developer. Participation Total Capital Cos ttrl Debt Serv*icet�1 Total Project Cos t($) $32788,325 $21291,375 $6307%700 Throcknrorton Creek Parallel Line # 1 VARIES (27)"" Sanitary Sewer Line#2 2411" X $3,5881800 $22170692 $5,75%492 Sanitary Sewer Line#3 1811,241111" X $2,502,780 $1,513,811 $4,016591 Sanitary Sewer Line 44 1211" X $2,4552650 $1,485,304 $339402954 Sanitary Sewer Line45 1211" X $684,900 $414,263 $13099,163 Sanitary Sewer Line #6 1211" X $490,950 $296,952 $787,902 Sanitary Sewer Line #7 1511" X $1,445,000 $8742011 $2,3192011 Sanitary Sewer Line#8 811" X $3265700 $1972605 $5245305 Sanitary Sewer Line#9 1861" $241,425 $146,026 $387,451 Sanitary Sewer Line #10 1211" $63%450 $386,772 $0261222 Sanitary Sewer Line 411(Camden Park OtTsite Gravity) 8",12"" X $304,780 $184,347 $48%127 Sanitary Sewer Lin e#12(SweettvaterF.M.) 1011" X $5042000 $304,845 $8083845 Sanitary Sewer Lin e # 14 (F.M.) 1251" X $1,479,850 $895,090 $253743940 Sanitary Sewer Lin e # 15 (F.M.) 1611" X $12577,600 $954,214 $22531,814' Sanitary Sewer Line 416 (F.M.) " 2011 X $2,544,000 $1,538,743 $4,082,743 Subtotal: Was teKaterCollection Liles S22,574,210 $13,654,050 S36,228,260 Wastewater System Facilities Project Size (n1G/\4GD) Developer Participation Total Capital Costt1l Debt ScrNice0l Total Project Cost($) Sweetwater Lift Station (418) 1.30 X $498,200 $301,337 $799537 Jacobs Lift Station (# 19) 1.60 $750,000 $453,639 $1,2033639 WS1 Lift Station (#20) 6.05 X $1,75%000 $12058,491 $2,8081491 WS2 Lift Station (#21) 9.01 X $2,2503000 $060,916 $3,610,916 NTMWD Meter Station (#22) N/A $3501000 $211,698 $561,698 Trinity Meter Station (423) N/A $500,000 $302,426 $802,426 . Subtotal: NA'asteNNwateitCollecdoiiFacili ficsi S6,098,200 $3,688,507 $9,786,707 Wastewater System Master Plan $507000 $0 $5000 Subtotal: Planningi $50,000 Sol S505000 CAP GRAND TOTAL: S6,148,2001 S3,688,507 S9,836,707 j:\clzrical�anna�2016-142 w&wwimpnct ree update2m6Uepods\o4-report.docx -24- IP&TI�11�L71ppCt Fee UpdCIt22O17-2027 Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. The following summarizes each design flow component utilized to calculate the wastewater design flows. 1) Population Based Flow: For the purpose of this wastewater impact fee study an average per capita flow of 100 gallons per day (gpcd) is a reasonable basis for the design of the wastewater collection and treatment facilities. 2) Non -Population Based Flow: Non-residential average flows are estimated based on an average flow per acre for each non-residential land use category. Commerical base unit flows were estimated to be 1,500 gallons per acre per day (gpad) to simulate dry weather conditions. The City also has a public component to consider. The unit for public components was estimated to be 1,000 gpad. 3) Infiltration and Inflow: Groundwater can infiltrate into the sanitary sewer system through faulty sewer pipe joints, breaks in sewer pipes and manholes and faulty service lines. This infiltration creates an average day flow related burden on the wastewater collection system and the wastewater treatment plant. Infiltration is a constant that is not necessarily based on temporary storm based environmental conditions. Normal plant capacity must be designed to handle these infiltration related conditions. The City can embark on programs to rehabilitate lines that contribute significant infiltration volumes when economically and environmentally feasible, and/or desirable. Inflow is generally related to storm based events that increase groundwater and surface water flow into the sanitary system. The additional flow is generally recognized to enter through manholes, service lines, roof drains and storm drains. Inflow related surges could cause surcharged sewers, overflows at manholes and peals flows that surpass the capacity of the treatment plant. It is estimated, for wastewater collection system planning purposes, that the combined infiltration and inflow is 800 gallons per acre per day (gpad) for the existing wastewater collection system and 600 gpad for the new lines proposed in the build -out wastewater collection system. 4) The calculation of peak flows requires the development of a unit hydrograph (Diurnal Curve). At the time of this report, a sufficient amount of wastewater flow data was not j:\clerical\mma\201G-142n•&w�vimpact fee update 2016Ueports\04-report.docx - 25 - IT'&iVJV%Il1naC1 Fee Update 2017-2027 Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter L.L.P. available to allow for a feasible approach for the development of a diurnal curve specific to the City of Anna. However, unit hydrographs from other cities monitored in the past were evaluated and compiled into a diurnal curve that reasonably represents the peak flow in the City of Anna. Diurnal curves are applied to the hydraulic model to simulate a 24-hour temporal cycle in a wastewater system. The diurnal curve was applied system wide to the base flows. The base flow calculated for inflow and infiltration is an independent variable that is not affected by the Diurnal Pattern. The percent utilized capacity was calculated for the design flow of each study year based on the build -out capacity. The utilized capacity for each facility during the Impact Fee period is the difference between the year 2027 available capacity and the year 2017 available capacity. Table No. 12 below summarizes the project cost and utilized cost over the impact fee period of 2017 - 2027 for each element of the wastewater system (impact fee eligible). The utilized capacity for each existing and proposed wastewater collection line is presented in detail in Impact Fee Capacity Calculation Tables No.13, No. 14, and No. 15. TABLE NO. 11 SUMMARY OF ELIGIBLE CAPITAL COST &UTILIZED CAPACITY COST Utilized Wastewater System Total 20-fear Project Cost M Capacity During Fee Period M Existing Wastewater Facilities $21,354,457 $5,924,856 Wastewater System Master Plan $50,000 $50,000 Listing Wastewater System Subtotal: $21,404,457 $55974,856 Proposed Wastewater Collection Sewer Lines $36,2281260 $19,415,390 Proposed Wastewater Facilities $9,786,707 %531,713 Proposed Water System Subtotal: $465014,967 $27,947,103 TOTAL: $67,4193425 $33,921,959 j:kkricallanna\2016-142 w&ww impact fee update 2016treports\04-report.docx - 26 - WcQ[WW ItIt�7QCt F'CC Uj1dAlC 2�1 %202% Birk/Toff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. TABLE NO. 12 EXISTING FACILITY RECOVERY - WASTEWATER LINES & FACILITIES ' .fiemgr Unit com ore band /n 2014 dalion urrirrr orhrn�irr indimred m,d in<hrdrr 3094 j rrrr8;nrean8 and rarrnrenr: Pipe Numlrr Total Opacity ,IGD Dale of Coast. Total Capital Cost 140 20 Year Deli Serlicelal5% SinilileInterest Total 20 Year Project Cos[ S (hIGD) l4ilized Ca acity I LYilized Ca city I (S) UilizedCaFmcity 2017 2027 During Fee Period 2017 2027 During Fee Perin 2017 2027 During Fee Period Existing Sanitary Sewer Facili#I 0.13 1.40 1.2 I/ 15% 13% 4EOiI 46,1151 479,7R4 4795784 433.733 4335733 Thruclumor ton Creck Regional Trunk Sewer(Lnner) Suhlntal: 9.60 9.60 2005 $24 P0504000 2005 S23050,000 $1,239.946 SI,23I,946 $1,289,946 S3,289,946 Existing Sanitary Se3lerFacility #2 0.23 1411 LI 4% 25% 21% 71.9i7 71,957 4371322 4379322 365,36 365,36 Thrackniorton Creels Regional Trunk Sewer (Upper) SuMotal: 5.60 5.60 2008 2008 $100908000 SI,090,000 $659,288 S6599288 $1,749,288 S1,749; 88 Existing Sanitaty Seiwr Facility #3 0.00 1.52 Lip ON* 2io/a 0 0 583,@I 583,021 583,021 583,021 Thruckmorton LS. Relief Trunli Server Subtotal: 6,07 6.07 2016 2016 $1,453,145 S1,453,145 $878,937 S878037 $1332,OR2 S253329082 Existing Sanitar • Sewer Facility #4 0.00 11.80 4.81 00/o 100% 100*/ 0 II L444,367 114441367 1.411.36i 11444,367 Slayter Creck Trunk S elver 4.80 Suhantal: 4,80 1 2015 2015 $900,000 S900,000 S544,367 Si44,367 $1,444,367 S1,444,367 Existing Sanitary Sewer Facility #5 0.94 0.91 0.0 84% 9l% T/o 11486,980 Ir186,980 1/6153484 1,6159484 128,5(9 1281504 Upper S laylcr Creek Trunk S ever Subtotal: 1.00 1.00 2005 2005 $1,105,000 SI,105,000 S668,361 S668,361 $1,7733361 S1,773,361 Existing Sanitary Seiver Facifity #6 0.00 0.70 0.7- 0'/ 23% 23% 0 0 642,203 642:208 642208 642,208 Cle anions Creck Regional Trunk Semer'(Ia,a'er) Sulaot.l: 3.00 3,00 2008 $1,715,000 2008 S1,7159000 $1,037,321 S1,017,321 $27752,321 52,752,321 Existing Sanity SeuterFacility #7 0.00 0.90 0.84 2% 3W/ 280/,, 44, 172 44,172 664584 662,584 618,412 618,412 Clemmons Creek Regional Trunk Sever (Upper) Suhlntal: 3.00 J.OU 2016 2U16 $1,376,210 51,376,2I0 $832,403 5832,403 S420S,613 52121181613 LxistingSanitaiySeivTerracilityfl8 0.01 0.60 0.5( 2% 3(P/ 28% 21:826 21A26 32723% 3271390 30i,564 305,%.I Anna Crossing LS. Fame Main Subtotal: 2.00 2,00 2013 1 2015 $680,000 S680,000 $411,299 S411,299 S13091,29t 51,091,a99 Existing Sanitaiy Se"ver Facility 09 0.04 0,60 OSl 2% 3(P/ 2R%o 10271 10,2711 1543066 154,0661 143,79 143,795 Anna Crossing Lift Station Subtotal: 2.00 2015 2,00 2015 $320,000 S3209000 $1932553 S19, S513,553 S513553 Exisling Sanita SeNver Facility #10 0.35 0.50 0.1i Wo 1()P/ 341a 1207.474 21207,474 37153,534 39MtS34 946, 9469060 S layter creels MiTP Sulaotal: 0.50 2005 0.50 2005 $1,965,000 51,965,000 $1,188:534 S1,188„i34 $3,1532534 S39153534 Existing Sanitary SmerFacifity 911 0.35 Q50 0.1 70/ 100:6 732,266 732,2661 130465094 1,046,094 313182 313,828 S layterCreek R\YfP flearhmrics Lift Station Subtotal: 0.50 0.50 2014 2014 $651,832 1 S6513832 S394,262 $1,0463094 S394,162 S1,046,094 Wastewater Facilities - Project Recovery Total $13,306,187 S8,048,2 I I S4,620,996 $10,545,852 $5,924,856 j:\clericallawa\2016-142 w&wry impact fee update 20l6UepoRs\04-report.docx - i% - IVfi TVIV In1f)QCI F2Q UpCIQl2 ZOl %-ZOi% Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. TABLE NOa 13 PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN - WASTEWATER LINES '.4rernge L'nif costs nrebnsed in 1014 dollarsunlea othenrire indicated nud includes 1096 jarengineering nud easements Line Identification Length (FL) Diameter (Itches) Aug. Lint Cost (S/Ft.) Total Capital Cost (S) 20 Year Debt Sellice@5% Simple Interest Total 20 Year Project Cost (S) (%) Utilized Calmeity (S) Utilized Calneity 2017 2027 During Fee Period 2017 2027 During Fee Period Thrncknunton Creek Parallel Line 41 01% 220/ 220/c S0 SO $15337,534 511337,534 51.337,534 511337,534 1 Subtotal: 16837 165837 YARIES(27) $225.00 $3,788,323 53,788,325 $2,2911375 52,2911375 56,079,700 56,079,700 Sanitaty Seiler Line 92 0% 38% 380 $0 SO $2,188,607 52,1881607 $2,138,607 52,188,607 2 3009 r Subtotal: 17,944 17,944 24 5200.00 $3,588,800 53,588,800 $2,1701692 52,170,692 559759,492 55,759,492 Sanitaty Seiler Line #3 0 /o 0% 24% 26% 240� 26% $0 SO SO $432,378 $5751904 511008,282 $432,378 $575,904 $1,003,282 3 3012 * 3010 S ublotal: 6XI G,901 12,969 18 24 $185.00 $200.00 $12122,580 5678,994 S1,3301200 $834,816 52,502,780 51,513,811 $11801,574 $23215016 54,0161591 Sanitary SemerLine #4 U';:, 62% 62% So SO $2,4431392 52,4431392 52,4431392 $2,443,392 4 3014• Subtotal: 16,371 16,371 12 S150.0o $21455,650 5294551650 $1,485,304 $1,435,304 $3940.954 $31940,954 Sanitaiy SemrLine#5 0% 50% 50% SO So $5493581 S5493581 $549,581 S5499581 5 3024 • Subtotal: 41566 41566 12 $150.00 $684,900 5684,900 $414,263 S414,263 5110993163 511099,163 Sanitaty SeaerLine #6 0% 1000/ 100% SO $o $787,902 5787,902 S7873902 S787,902 6 1730' Subtotal: 3,273 31273 12 $150.00 $4903950 S490,950 $296,952 S296052 $787,902 S787$9021 Sanitary Seiler Line #7 00/ 610/. 610 S0 So 51.4144597 51,4145597 $1,414,597 S1,411,597 7 1594' Subtotal: 81500 85500 15 $170.00 51,445,000 1 51,445,000 $874,011 5874,011 52,319,011 $2,319,011 Sanitaty Sewer Line #8 0% 100% 100",L $0 SO $524,305 55241305 $524305 55241305 8 ' Subtotal: 31267 31267 8 $100.00 1 $326:700 S326700 $197,605 S197,6051 $524,305 S52423051 Sanitary SemerLine 49 0% I00°,6 100% $0 SO $387,451 S3872451 $387,451 53871451 9 Subtotal: 1,305 11305 18 $185.00 $2412425 5241,425 $146,026 5146,026 $3877451 53371451 Sanitaty .Seiler Lille 410 0'2, 100% 100% SO SO SI,026,222 $1,026,222 $110265222 511026,222 10 Subtotal:4,263 41263 12 1 $150.00 1 $639,450 S639,450 $386,772 $3861, 72 $120267221 51,0261222 Sanitary Sewer Line #11 (Camden Pads Offsite Gravity) u';f, 5_ 5ig;, SO SO $269,020 52691020 $26%020 S2699020 I Subtotal: 3,733 33738 8 & 12 N/A $304,780 S3049780 $184,347 5184,347 5489,127 5489,127 Sanitary Seiler Line #12 (Sweehiater F.j1I.) 0% 55% 551 SO SO 5444,865 S4442865 $444,865 S4449865 12 Subtotal: 2,279 21279 IO N/A S5045000 S504,000 $304,845 53040845 $808,845 5808,845 Sanitaty Seiler Line 414 (ENI.) 0% 100% 100% $U SO $2,374,940 S253747940 $233741940 S253745940 14 30028,705 Subtotal: 8,705 12 $170.00 $1,479,850 51,479,850 SS95,090 5895,090 $21374,940 525374,940 Sanitm Seiler Line #15 (FAL) 0'1 55% 55% $o SO $1,392,498 SI,392,498 $1,392.493 S1,392,498 15 Subtotal: 7.839 7,888 16 $200.00 51,5771600 SI,577,600 $954,214 5954,214 52.531,814 52,531,814 Sanitaty Seiler Line #16 (FAL) 0114', 80'9 80,5E S0 SO $3.266,194 53,266,t94 $37266,194 53,266,194 16 Subtotal: 10,600 10,600 20 5240.00 $2.544,000 S2,544,000 $13538,743 51,538,743 $4,081,743 51,082,743 Wastewater Lines - CIP Total TOTAL 1 122,5051 1 1 $22,574,210 1 $13,654,050 $36,228,260 1 $1%415,390 $1%415,390 j:\clericaDanma�2016-142 w&wwimpact fee update 2016Ueports\04-repoct.docx - 2g - IV&Wll�l»lpaef Fee UpCICIIe 2O1 %-202% 13irkiloff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. TABLE NO. 14 PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN -WASTEWATER FACILITIES +.4, z>s,�z u,»r costs are ao:zd ;r, zou darlo,r „r,lzs ordzn�asz ind;cnmd oan n,zr„dzs zoss fn engi„eering anJ easeruenls Pile Nundwr Total Calaciry Total Calital Cost ($) 201ear Debt Sertice QS% Simple Interest Total 20 Sear Project Cost (S) (11IGD) Utilized Calncity (%) Utilized Calucity ($) Utilized Capacity 2017 0.00 2027 1.30 During Fee Period 13 2017 0'/o 2027 100% During Fee Period 100",S 2017 SO SO 2027 5799, S37 S7991S37 During FeePeriod $799,537 5799,537 SIleetmater Lift Station (#18) Subtatal: 1.30 1,30 $498,2005301,337 5493,200 S301,337 SM1537 57991537 Jacobs lift Station (419) 0.00 1.60 16 (No100"/ IOOon $0 So $1)2039639 51,203,639 $1,203,639 $15203,639 Subtotal: 1,60 1.60 $7502000 5750,000 $453,639 5453,639 $1,203,63 515203,639 NSl lift Station #20 0.00 6.05 6.05 00/0 10000/0 1000.E $0 SO 52,8031491 52,8031491 $2,808,491 52,808,491 Subtotal: 6.05 $1,750,000 6,05 51,750,000 $17058,491 S1,058,491 $2,808,491 52,8080491 R'S2 lift Station #21 0.00 9.O1 9.01 W10 100% 100% SO SO 5 MO916 $3,610,916 53,610,91E 53,610,91E 9.01 Subtotal: 9.01 52,2503000 52,250,000 $1,3%916 SI,360,916 $33610,91 53,610,916 NTMWD Meter Station (#22) N/A N/A N/A 0'/0 8% 840 SO So 544,936 5-14,936 $44,936 544,936 Subtotal: N/A I N/A $350,000 5350,000 521098 52111698 $561,693 55611698 Tiinity Meter Station(#23) N/A N/A 0% 8% 800 $0 SO $64, 194 S642194 $64, 194 564,194 Suhtatal: N/A N/A $50000 S5000000 $302,426 5302,426 1$80)2�42N/A Wastewater Facilities - $6,098,2001 Protect CIP Total S3,688,5071 59,786,707 I I I 1 1 $0 $8,531,713 $8,531,713 j:\cleticalwma�2016-142w&wtv impact fee update 20p61reports\O4-repoR.docx - 2.9 - II7e�IVFP I7)1fJQCl FE2 UpC�4lB iOI %-ZOZ% Birkhoff, Hendricks & Cat•tet•, L.L.P. VIII, CALCULATION OF MAXIMUM IMPACT FEES - WATER &WASTEWATER SYSTEM The maximum impact fees for the water and wastewater systems are calculated separately by dividing the cost of the capital improvements or facility expansions necessitated and attributable to new development in the service area within the ten year period by the number of living units anticipated to be added to City within the ten year period as shown on the following tables. To simplify collection, we recommend the fee remain fixed throughout the 5-year period, unless changed by Council. Eligible Eristing Utilized Cost + Eligible Proposed Utilized Cost nlasimum water Impact Fee = Number ofNew Living Unit Equivalent over the Nest IOYears $17,511,274 + $22,598,947 5,033 IVtasimum Calculated LnpactFee = $'7,969.78 $4Q I 1 Q222 5,033 IAllo��aMe 1blasimum water Lulxtct Fee: @fas Impact Fees .50% )4 = $3,985 * - hlaeimrmr nUoulable impact fee is .i0"/o of the macimum calculnterl impact fee per Chapter 395 LGC Dlasimum R'aste«ater Impact Fee = Masiumm Calculated Imlract Fee Eligible Edsting Utilized Cost + EligiMe Proposed Utilized Cost Number ofNew Living Unit Equivalent over the Nest 10 Years _ $5,974,856 _ $7,998.10 + $27,947,103 4,241 111o�tiable blasinmm waste«ater LumctOVlas Lupact Fee s 50%) _ ° - Marinurm allowable impact fee is ,iU% ofthe nuainumr calculated impact fee per Chapter• 395 LGC $33,921,959 4,241 $3,999 Based on the Allowable Maximum Impact Fee Calculation for Water and Wastewater, Table No. 16 calculates the maximum water and wastewater (sewer) impact fee for the various sizes of water meters. j:\clerical\atma\201 G-142 �v�wnv impact fee update 201 G\reports\Oa-report.docr -3�- ll�&ll��l�ll)7jJpCi F2e Z%jJdal22�%%-2�2% Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P. TABLE NO. 15 ALLOWABLE MAXIMUM FEE PER LIVING UNIT EQUIVALENT AND PER METER SIZE AND TYPE 50%Max .Water Impact fee /LUE................................................ $39985 50% Max . Wastewater Impact fee /I,UE....................................... $39999 Meter Meter Maximum Impact Fee Land Use 'type Size LUE Water Wastewater Total issess Single Family Resic Simple 3/4" 1 $3,985 $35999 $75984 Single Family Resic Simple 1" 1.7 $6,774 $63798 $13,573 Single Family Resi Simple 14/2" 3.3 $135150 $13,197 $265347 Single Family Res i Simple 2" 5.3 $215120 $21,195 $425315 Conunercial/Retail Compound 2" 5.3 $213120 $21,195 $42,315 Commercial/Retail Turbine 2" 6.7 $265699 $265794 $53,492 Commercial/Retail Compound 3" 10.7 $425638 $42,790 $855428 Commercial/Retail/ Turbine 3" 16 $633758 $63,985 $1273743 Cominercial/Reta' Compound 4" 16.7 $665548 $66,784 $133,332 CommerciaURetai Turbine MWOME 4" 28 $1115577 $111,973 $2235550 Industrial Compound 6" 33.3 $132,697 $1333168 $2655865 Industrial Turbine 6" 61.3 $2445274 $2455142 $48%416 Industrial Compound 8" 53.3 $2125395 $213,149 $425,544 Industrial Turbine 8" 106.7 $4255188 $426,699 $8515886 Industrial Compound 10 153.3 $6105884 $613,054 $152233938 Industrial Turbine 10 166.7 $6645281 $6665641 $153305923 Industrial Turbine 12 220 $876,676 $879,791 $1,756,467 Note: Selection of the meter size and type shall be dependent on application, and with the input of both the applicant and City staff. j:\clzrical\atma\2016-IA2 �vRea�v impact fzz update 2016\rzports\O-I-report.doc� -31 - �l�&J��jl�Inl�aCt'FEE UJ7dalB i0%%-Zili%